Did the ex-boyfriend come back to you and after how much. Why are ex-boyfriends coming back? How long does it take for men to return?

I take care of my Motherland, live and rest abroad….. Reply with quote Up ▲

  • 01/05/2010, 00:48 #4 Through any, and in a year it was. Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 00:51 #5 Ex-husband. In two years. When I found out I was having an affair. Well, think about it, well, he died, he wouldn’t die with such and such a life ... (c) Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 01:59 #6 after 11 years…… Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 03:01 #7 it usually depends on how quickly a man manages to find a new sexual partner, of course, it also depends on whose initiative they broke up..in my relationship, I usually initiate breakups and the statistics are as follows - they start to return after about a month . but I understand you have a different situation? not you him, but he you? then oh. may not come back at all.

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For example, a woman does not suit him in bed, she does not cook well or is too imposed, she ceases to take care of herself or take care of her missus. Hence the anecdotal “darling, you are the best, today I was convinced of this again.” Or maybe he has not yet fully matured, and therefore is not quite sure of himself and the correctness of his choice, and is simply afraid to connect his life with a single woman? Women's nature is different.

One ironic folk saying very aptly characterizes this difference: "a man wants the same thing from many women, a woman wants a lot from the same man." some sent and this already put an end to it. I was wondering how it was for you. girls. After divorce or after Serious relationships. well, or after (God forbid) went to another. Your man through time was announced. and if yes. then after what time and how exactly he did it.

How long did it take for you to return

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  • 01/05/2010, 14:45 #15 And they came back to me, and I came back. Always been painful sensation that they left too soon, that they did not like. And then I realized that if you once loved, then it is impossible to love to the end.
    At least that's how it is with me - not a single marriage, not a single story ends with indifference or anger, or some other filth. Hunger for each other remains, unfortunately, forever, and acute, and may catch up in years. In general, a dangerous and very sad topic is these returns.
    All terribly native. I love my (everyone) very much. Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 14:53 #16 Ptashkano you have a different situation, as I understand it? not you him, but he you? I generally somehow do not understand who wins and why.

After what time do ex-husbands begin to try to return the family?

You're on fire, you bastard!

  • 01/05/2010, 10:24 #13 Message from Sharon Stone come back exactly when they become "ex" Controversial moment.)) Why do people think they have the right to destroy other people's lives? Leaving, offending, not calling, throwing words into the wind ... What are you, Gods, to decide who suffers and who lives happily? If you already said “I love”, then be kind to love until the last breath. If you said “I promise”, then break into a cake, but keep your promise. If you said "I won't let you go", then do everything to stay.
    Otherwise, what is the point of living if your every word is equal to zero and has no meaning? © Ivan Okhlobystin Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 13:19 #14 Message from Ger Finita la comedy. Back - no, no.

To whom did ex-husbands return from their mistresses and after what time?

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  • 01/05/2010, 15:34 #18 Message from Ger Beregu ours a good relationship with a girlfriend, which are significantly different from those that I had, and I like it much more. Why should I return? relations with a girlfriend will deteriorate and again memories will flood in and you will want the completion of what did not end with your wife. You are in a very unstable state. http://www.b17.ru/prt=10206 Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 03:37 PM #19 Posted by Call Did you ever get in touch again? Some tried to get in touch, but there were no comebacks.

what I don't remember - that was not Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 03:43 PM #20 Posted by Call to renew relations I didn't get anything good as a result of resuscitation.
  • Men always come back


    If you face the truth, then sexual relations really play a huge role in the life of every person. After what time ex-husbands return - Sometimes you have to hear: “He went to another, then returned, she left, took a walk, returned ...”, the specialist argues. - Few people think that behind these events there is a serious human drama. It's not just that people come and go. And who knows what mental strength it can cost a former partner to forgive betrayal? A very common problem with which they turn to a psychologist, according to Olga Mshanskaya, is precisely the inability to re-build relationships with a former partner who has returned or wants to return.

    Do ex-husbands return to their wives after divorce

    Interested in the experience of others. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about the need to leave / just a silent disappearance did the men make an attempt to get in touch and renew the relationship? Reply with quote Up ▲

    • Interesting on cofe.ru Boots for all occasions How to understand that a husband wants a divorce Her Majesty Pasta
    • 01/04/2010, 22:20 #2 Call, It depends on the circumstances, if just a silent disappearance may not even appear And if it seriously depends on how they parted and the reasons God died (c) NietzscheNietzsche died (c) GodBugog (с) Death Reply with quote Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 00:41 #3 Message from Call Interested in the experience of others. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about the need to leave / just a silent disappearance did the men make an attempt to get in touch and renew the relationship? From 2 hours to 2 months or never.

    Did your ex come back to you?

    How often, looking back, we state that a personal tragedy followed one of those scenarios that, years later, even seem beaten to us. One of them is as old as the world: men return to the former. He is gone, and in an instant a wave of resentment makes him hateful.


    Then, for some reason, only good things were remembered, but vague flashes of desire for revenge flashed in my soul. Later, the hatred also passed, the pain and longing for the beloved remained. The bad has disappeared from your memory, and it seems to you that such wonderful moments as with him will never happen again.

    You begin to blame yourself and continue to wait for him, maybe because you just got used to waiting. Men who appear in your life do not pass the test for "like him." And you do not let happiness into your life, perhaps quite consciously.

    Maybe you are trying to get it back, but they have not been successful so far.

    Practical forum about true love

    You cannot enter the same river twice, and for some reason the river does not become cleaner or warmer over time. It is better to start a new relationship than to return the old ones. You will drag knapsacks of old grievances with you through life http://www.b17.ru/prt=10206 Reply with quote Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 04:13 PM #21 Posted by Arabesque It is better to start a new relationship than return the old one. absolutely exactly.!! died so died) life is like a pie - you never guess which side the jam will come out from :)) victory loves an exact calculation! Reply with quote Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 04:22 PM #22 Posted by Arabesque You can't step into the same river twice, and for some reason the river doesn't become cleaner or warmer over time. It's better to start a new relationship than to return an old one.

    Reply with quote Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 09:54 #11 Posted by Call How long after a quarrel/leaving/talking about the need to leave/just a silent disappearance did the man attempt to get in touch and renew the relationship? He-he-he ... For five years in a row he made attempts ... Until he arranged his personal life. And now - everything. No "attempts to resume". Finita la comedy.
      Back - no, no. Everything that is done - all for the better? Sure? Well, well… Reply with quote Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 10:15 #12 As experience shows, they return exactly when they become “former”. That is, when the nafik has not given up. That is, completely. and through life.

    To whom ex-husbands returned and after what time

    GendireHtor GendireHtor Hi. Girls, tell me, my husband left with a 10-month-old child. As it turned out to another, although until the last he hid and said that he was leaving me so bad. I forget, and the next day, again thinking only about him, I would probably forgive everything if I came. From whom did the husbands leave for a long period, and then return ??? Options: Less than 6 months 33 (51.56%) More than 3 years 14 (21.88%) 1 year - 3 years 10 (15.63%) 6-12 months 7 (10.94%) Total votes: 64 July 21, 2013 at 2:29 pm Reply to topics on the Advisor can only be registered users.

    It is not easy, and the decision does not come in one hour. Let even the surrounding relatives and acquaintances get divorced. It is much more painful for a woman when her husband decides to take this step. On subconscious level she cannot come to terms with the fact that after five to ten years of marriage it turns out to be unnecessary close person the father of his children. And she's hurt after so many years life together stay alone. With children, problems (including material ones). With her misfortune, she turns to her friends, relatives. And all together they consult, think and discuss a sore subject, whether husbands return after a divorce. And it is concluded that there is no single answer.

    Features of female psychology

    If the spouse herself put the missus out the door, then on a subconscious level she expects that he will certainly upholster the threshold with bouquets of flowers and a bunch of gifts. And at the same time, there is still uncertainty about the return of the spouse. But it depends on how happy he was with her. And will he be able to find the same happiness with another. It is possible that depression will cover a woman, and it is impossible to predict how long she will be in this state. But time heals and the wound heals.

    Psychologists have noticed that the ex-wife at first begins to take care of herself much more often than during the years of marriage: she spends more time with her friends, goes to visit relatives, and goes on vacation. Most "divorced" women re-create new family. But just do not do this immediately after the divorce, trying to fill the void. It is necessary to come to your senses, comprehend everything, and only then, after a year or two, think about the next marriage. And there is a fairly common pattern: the second husband may be the first.

    Until the woman came to her senses, finally calmed down, decided for herself what is better: to get along with her husband or live without him, she should not make a hasty decision, try to put all the dots on the “and”. The decision of the ex-spouse to leave the family should not be considered final, because pretty soon he begins to understand that he acted recklessly.

    But it's worth considering whether she needs it again: worries about arriving late, his drunken gatherings with friends, calls when he leaves the room to answer, and much more.

    But if some insignificant reason, a trifle, served as the reason for the divorce, then it is possible that the reunion of the spouses will not take long.

    Features of male psychology

    Men's psychology is a little different than women's. This ex-wife is experiencing, falling into depression, afraid of loneliness. And at this time her former spouse, intoxicated with freedom, "comes off to the fullest." It seems to him that the whole world has opened up before them: sleep with whomever you want, eat and drink what you like, go wherever you like, return home whenever you want and no reproaches, angry looks after drinking a glass and, by the way, no one by the hand. does not hold. In addition, you do not need to visit your spouse's relatives on weekends.

    Therefore, having made the decision to divorce, men do not suffer from doubts about the correctness of marriage. decision do not blame themselves and do not torment themselves with thoughts about the future. But after being “free” for a year or two, almost every second person dreams of returning to their usual family life again with its orderly diet, waiting after a hard day.

    There are several reasons why a man may return:

    1. Mistress kicked out of the house.
    2. Health problems have arisen and care is required.
    3. Problems at work, and need moral support.
    4. Paternal feelings for children began to play.

    If a year later a “divorced” woman begins to recover, then a man feels completely different. He sees no attraction in casual sex, and the variety of women no longer attracts him. He gets drunk more and more often and ceases to take care of himself, he feels lonely. And the reason lies in disappointment: with his mistress, the same gray everyday life began that was in the family, the solution of which requires great strength from him.

    A conflict situation is growing, which is common in the first years of marriage and is the cause of half of the divorces. IN former family such conflicts have long been resolved, and with a mistress you have to remember the stages passed, everything is just beginning. Many men prefer not to waste time and energy and leave. Who to a new mistress, who decides to return to his ex-wife, realizing that the new is not as beautiful as it seemed.

    What we have, we do not save

    It turns out that people value family happiness only when they lose it. When it is near, it becomes ordinary, and they do not notice it. They notice what they have lost when he is not around. It is human nature to err, both men and women alike.

    From the “family nest”, the life of a bachelor seemed better, simpler, more successful: sexual relationships are bright, women are beautiful, sensitive, complete freedom of choice and action. But now he wants the past stability, the certainty that they are waiting for him at home. And the divorce only helped him realize how happy he was in marriage.

    Life is a cruel thing, it presents its surprises and confronts the fact. Random women, sexual relationships take more strength, exhausting mentally and physically. And there is no one to take care, help, restrain harmful inclinations. No one cares what is in his soul, what he wants, what he aspires to and what hurts him.

    A man gets tired of a free life and begins to build relationships with his ex-wife. He calls to find out about her affairs and the health of the children. Begins to visit, remember the past family life and reproach yourself: "what an idiot he was." More than half of the "divorced" husbands consider their former half the best of women.

    Important functions of family relations are mutual respect, mutual trust and care. But a mistress, even the best, is not able to give it. Trying to try to build a new family life is a rather difficult step. Moreover, there is an ex-wife, whose habits, favorite flowers, advantages and disadvantages he knows. If he, like his ex-wife, worries and does not find joy in life without his ex-wife, then they have a chance to become a family again, and they converge.

    If the ex-husband returns, forgive or not?

    If, after several months of resuming a relationship, a woman realizes that she is better alone, then she should not let her ex on the threshold into her life. Otherwise, you will have to say goodbye to the new life. But if it gets better with him, then she needs to wait for the right moment (when the ex-husband "ripes"), and then she will be ready to meet him. But first you need to understand the reason for his “bold” act and draw the right conclusions: is there a reason to forgive, and is it worth getting back together after a divorce.

    We can talk about the restoration of the family only when both spouses understand that they need to make compromises and realize the mistakes they have made. The return of the husband good decision, but it also carries its own Negative consequences. Trust is undermined, especially if the initiator of the departure was the husband, and one of the possible reasons is another woman.

    Divorce affects the mental health of children no less dramatically than their parents, one might even say that it is much stronger. The child's psyche is already traumatized, even if it is barely noticeable or not manifested at all, but it is. Children should take an example from someone, therefore, such actions in the future in relation to their family are not excluded.

    It has been observed that every fourth divorced man again converged with his former wife, and every third thinks about it. And you need to keep in mind that only those husbands who are ready to accept return. And to accept or not is a personal decision of the woman. But we must remember that the trust and respect that was before the divorce will no longer be. But if they agreed, then forget the past and look to the future with optimism.

    Why is it returning? There are many reasons why men return after a breakup. Human psychology is arranged in a complex way, so it is worth understanding everything in order. Men are returning because:

    • It is uncomfortable for them to be without a chosen one, her role in their life is quite large.
    • In comparison, truth is born. It often happens that the former, according to the man, has best qualities than a new passion.
    • A representative of the strong half of humanity sometimes needs time to understand how deep his feelings for the former chosen one are. When they are serious enough, the relationship is rekindled.

    These are the most common reasons why men return after a breakup. Psychology is a complex thing, it is not so easy to understand it.

    How long did it take for you to return

    Left alone, a woman gets a little more free time, which is not worth spending bursting into tears, reveling in her own grief and complaining to everyone she meets about her tragic fate. This period can be perfectly filled with useful activities.


    First of all, calm down, listen to yourself, understand what you want, and not what you need. It's time to love your nature. This is where building healthy and happy relationships with other people begins.

    A woman who values ​​and loves herself will definitely attract a worthy partner. Thoughts of men I wonder what men think after parting? As a rule, they also try to understand themselves, their feelings.
    Some try to just take a break from living together, devote time to hobbies, meet friends.

    Did your ex come back to you?

    Those who immediately jumped into new ones from previous relationships, in the initial period enjoy the novelty of communication, burning passion, etc. Then there comes a time when a man makes a choice - to remain single, develop a new relationship or return to an ex-woman.

    Actions and feelings young man The behavior of men after parting is sometimes surprising. Especially if the initiative to break lies with him. Instead of completely disappearing from the life of the former, he begins to look for meetings, regularly reminds himself, tries to attract attention.
    It is not uncommon for a man to call after a breakup, catching his ex by surprise. Such actions take place when the culprit of the gap feels confused.
    After all, he is not used to being alone, making any decisions on his own, especially if the couple has been together for a long period of time. The feelings of a man after parting are ambiguous.

    Did your ex come back...

    In addition, this is also one of the reasons why girls return to their former lovers. If the couple was connected only by sex, which suited both of them completely, then the emotional relationship, in essence, was just a shell.
    A man or woman will sooner or later leave the couple, trying to find new interesting connections, to try their luck. It can also be caused by pregnancy or illness - conditions in which intimacy recedes into the background.

    After looking for new sensations, the guys get bored, and they are already planning a scenario for their return. The girls go even further and portray the pangs of separation. And the relationship continues from the moment it stopped, when one of the couple went towards new sensations.

    Duty and Responsibility A sense of responsibility is the reason why girls return to their exes, but it can also be the other way around.

    Did your ex come back to you?

    Men of the age like to devote their free time to their favorite activities, such as fishing, hunting, etc. During this period, it is better to support a partner, with his permission, you can join his hobby.

    Then perhaps there will be common interests and topics for discussion.

    When and why do men return after a breakup: psychology

    And although I know the strategy of returning an ex-boyfriend, as well as the successful results of its application, this requires considerable effort on the part of a woman and remarkable determination. And now the million dollar question: Why, after such a breakup, some men come back and try to start a relationship with a woman again? Why did HE come back and what to do about it? Let's understand the reasons and what to do if the former returned? Men learn from their mistakes, but for the most part, they do not learn as quickly as women.

    They return to try again, but after they have understood something. I must say that such comebacks rarely end well. But main question, nevertheless, remained - why are they returning? There are several explanations for this phenomenon: 1Unforgettable sex. No man is able to refuse good sex.

    Why do men return after a breakup?

    After all, if you take something out of the fridge and find it has gone bad, you throw it away. I hope you don't have the idea of ​​returning it to the refrigerator in the hope that it will be fresh tomorrow? And in this case, it’s about the same - it’s still better to “throw away”. 3

    He is alone again. Men left alone again, as a rule, try to reconnect with their former girlfriends. The reasons may be different, but they are all basically already mentioned above.

    It usually starts with an innocent phone call, text message or email. With the help of these simple tricks, a man “checks the water” and tries to determine, by the reaction of a woman, something “shines” for him or “does not shine”. While some repeat relationships can work out well, women need to be very careful when rekindling an old romance.
    On the one hand, he is seized by a feeling of freedom and lightness, on the other hand, he often becomes a hostage to such a situation. At first this is not a problem. However, the situation gets a little more complicated later on.
    When a man is left just alone with himself, it is much easier for him to figure it out. If a young man has another girlfriend ... If at this moment he is in the company of a new darling, he most often wants to just run away. It seems that the relationship captures him, but it’s one thing to stealthily see his mistress, enjoy intrigue and passionate meetings, and it’s quite another to live with her on the same territory. In everyday life, a person is known as best as possible. And once a sweet stranger can turn into a grumpy roommate in a moment. It happens that having caught your chosen one in communication with the former, the current passion for the first time shows its true face.

    Did the ex-boyfriend return to you and after how much

    Therefore, she begins to wait for her boyfriend to return to her again. Days, weeks, months pass, and he does not return. After that, the girl frantically searches for information on the Internet to find out "the exact or approximate dates for the return of her ex-boyfriend." But she does not understand the naivety of her question, because according to statistics, such returns are more exceptions than the rule, and they are very rare. Having not found an answer, the girl continues to wait, depriving herself of the opportunity to move on and build new relationships. It is sad. Let's finish the digression and return to the topic of the article. Let's look at the answer to the question "Why? ex-boyfriends returning?" in a business sense. Any romantic relationship is a kind of contract, drawn up on some specific basis: sexual, financial, emotional, or a combination of all of the above.
    The content of the article

    • 1 Psychology male behavior
      • 1.1 Lack of attention
      • 1.2 Feeling competitive
      • 1.3 Playing on feelings
      • 1.4 Holy simplicity
      • 1.5 Intimate harmony
      • 1.6 Duty and responsibility
      • 1.7 Love for a child
      • 1.8 Living in two families
    • 2 What to do in such a situation

    When the parting is over and even the bitter sediment has long turned into mere memories, women often face the fact that a man returns, and this event always takes you by surprise. Why do men return after a breakup, and is it worth thinking about resuming a relationship? Psychology of male behavior If men return after parting, psychology explains this act by several subconscious, and sometimes conscious levers in the behavior of a man.

    How often, looking back, we state that a personal tragedy followed one of those scenarios that, years later, even seem beaten to us. One of them is as old as the world: men return to the former.

    He is gone, and in an instant a wave of resentment makes him hateful. Then, for some reason, only good things were remembered, but vague flashes of desire for revenge flashed in my soul. Later, the hatred also passed, the pain and longing for the beloved remained. The bad has disappeared from your memory, and it seems to you that such wonderful moments as with him will never happen again. You begin to blame yourself and continue to wait for him, maybe because you just got used to waiting. Men who appear in your life do not pass the test for "like him." And you do not let happiness into your life, perhaps quite consciously. Maybe you are trying to get it back, but they have not been successful so far.

    And finally, you feel that life begins to bring joy. You begin to be inspired by the looks of strangers, you spread your wings. You meet a new man. You hear the familiar notes of love in the heart. And suddenly he appears...

    Why do men return to the former, and why their psychology is such that they choose the most inopportune moment for this. As in the song: "I will stop waiting for you, and you will come ... all of a sudden."

    Why do men always come back?

    Well, first, let's start with what is not always. But often. First you need to understand why men leave us, and only then - why they come back.

    Perhaps your relationship reaches the point where he stops feeling like a man. The way he was for you at the dawn of a relationship. You are no longer admired (and perhaps already annoyed) by his sense of humor, you perceive him as a proper appendage in your life. You don't try to look like you just stepped out of a beauty salon in front of him. And then there is the one who is thrilled by his jokes, the one who is always cheerful and well-groomed. A man is passionate, he feels needed, loved. And he goes to where he is welcome, where life is not overshadowed by scandals and everyday life.

    After what time men return in this case. As a rule, as soon as the bouquet and candy period ends with a new passion. When he finds that his jokes are no longer so funny, and scandals happen more and more often. Why is this happening? Because we tend to choose a certain type of people according to our worldview. And the former begins to remember you, and his memories are often painted in warm colors. Then, having rushed about, the man often returns to the family.

    In what other cases do our men return. Let's look at an example.

    Perhaps you have sacrificed yourself on the altar of the family. She took care of her husband like a small child. I forgot about myself. In such cases, a man is tempted to behave like Small child. Take what is not allowed. To brush aside annoying, in their opinion, hyperprotection. And then the husband left. Because he is independent. Needless to say, after how many men return in such a scenario. Of course, as soon as they feel that they do not have enough warmth and care. Few women will give so much care at the dawn of a relationship. First, the child went to evil, to prove that he is an adult, and was looking for a woman who would perceive him that way. Secondly, women, as a rule, first look for care from their soulmate.

    It happens, of course, that a man is overwhelmed by passion or love. You were an example of the best wife in the world, and now you are left with nothing. How often do men go back to ideal wives? Yes. But, unfortunately, their ideality is sometimes a deterrent. Many begin to humiliate their wife, trying to prove to the whole world and to themselves that she has more strength and power. Is it worth it to accept such a man if he returns to the family, it's up to you ...
