Redhead girls with freckles. Red, red, freckled: Where do freckles come from and what to do with them

People who have freckles fall into two categories. Some try to get them out by all means, while others, on the contrary, are proud of their hemp, believing that thanks to the scattering of red spots they acquire a special charm. Among freckled stars there are representatives of both categories.

Meanwhile, among freckles there are real beauties. See for yourself!

The story of 18-year-old Salem Mitchell is like the tale of the ugly duckling. Because of huge amount freckles, people mocked her, calling her a banana and a cheetah. However, Salem was interested not only in lovers of laughing at other people's grief, but also in photographers of the prestigious modeling agency Ford Models LA. The girl signed a contract with him and is already preparing for filming. We look forward to her first works!

Freckled Emma Stone is incredibly popular with the opposite sex. Jim Carrey even posted a video message on YouTube in which he confessed his love to the young actress and talked about the desire to have "a lot of chubby freckled babies" from her. As for Emma, ​​she used to hate her freckles and put a lot of effort into making them up, but now she has finally learned to love them.

But Olivia Munn cannot imagine herself without freckles and is very upset when make-up artists put a lot on her face. foundation. If it is impossible to do without a thick layer of makeup, she asks to paint freckles on her.

Meghan often gets freckles after sun exposure. They make her adorable!

The former Victoria's Secret model will not get rid of her freckles for any gingerbread! She believes that such valuable wealth should only be increased!

Emma Watson believes that freckles are her highlight. At one time, the young actress was fascinated by Prince Harry. It is a pity that she did not respond to his courtship, they could become a lovely sunny couple, because the prince is also freckled.

The supermodel believes that freckles make her look younger. She never disguises her hemp, and sometimes even paints on new ones.

Lucy Liu believes that thanks to freckles she looks cheerful and open. She is sure that freckled people automatically win over people.

The supermodel hates hemp, which is strewn with her face. At the same time, she loves to soak up the beach, under the scorching sun, so Kate's makeup artists have to put a lot of effort into disguising her freckles.

As a child, Evangeline was upset by the scattering of freckles on her face, and as an adult, she realized that they give her personality. Her most famous role - Kate from the series "Lost" - is best known by the nickname "Freckle".

Kylie Jenner

Kylie's face is full of freckles. Usually she disguises them, but sometimes she posts her photos without makeup on Instagram, conquering her fans. natural beauty and sweet freckled face.

Thanks to her cute baby face covered with freckles, model Lily Cole looks like the heroine of some fairy tale, so photographers love to shoot her in unusual, fantastic photo shoots.

Poppy Delevingne is a famous English model, elder sister Cara Delevingne. Poppy's face is covered in freckles. The girl simply adores them and does not even apply a make-up base on her face, fearing that her favorite cannabis will become less noticeable.

The sun did not bypass its attention and dark-skinned Penelope Cruz. The actress tries to hide the traces of his kisses, but this is not always possible.

The Russian top model is critical of her appearance. It seems to her that she has a clear bust with freckles. But make-up artists and photographers do not agree with her: in all photo shoots, they strive to highlight and emphasize the red spots on Anna's face.

Bar Refaeli cannot imagine his life without the sea and the sun. So what, then freckles appear! They also make the face more charming!

As a child, peers mocked Julianne Moore and because of her freckles, they called her "strawberry". The girl was very worried about this and tried not to catch the eye of cruel peers, she spent a lot of time alone, reading books. Now she does not worry about her freckles and does not try to hide them.

But Nicole Kidman is mercilessly struggling with freckles. She believes they are turning her into a monster. In order to combat age spots, the star never tans and wipes her face every morning. lemon juice.

In her youth, Lindsay Lohan had a pretty face, strewn with perky freckles. But the star was unhappy with her appearance. As soon as she did not remove the hated spots: she tanned her daughter, hoping that freckles would not be noticeable on a tanned body, and masked them with toners, and abused chemical bleaching. And what is the result? Her skin has aged prematurely, and her freckles have not gone away.

Thanks to freckles, Lara Flynn Boyle managed to conquer Jack Nicholson himself! He said that it was the "kisses of the sun" that make Lara the most desirable woman in the world.

Many girls have freckles, and more more they appear with the first rays of the spring sun. Someone tries to fight them, someone hates, someone resigns. In vain, because freckles, these sun spots, you need to love!

Freckles are not only beautiful, they are cute, stylish and erotic. Who, if not us, girls with freckles, should know this?

Girls with freckles are kissed by the sun

When you were told as a child that those who were kissed by the sun have freckles, you were not deceived: the more you are in the sun, the more freckles you will have. They darken with tanning, and stand out even more on darkened skin than on pale skin. Girls with freckles need to use sunscreen with a heavy SPF if they don't want to aggravate the process.

Freckles aren't just for redheads.

Red, red, freckled ... Familiar? Of course yes. But it is completely unfair, because not all redheads have freckles; and, accordingly, those who have freckles are not always red. Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women - freckles can also make their noses happy. In addition, freckles will appear even in those who have never had them if they burn out in the sun: for all their "mercy", freckles can be the result of skin trauma. So SPF, SPF and more SPF.

Girls with freckles don't need extra embellishments.

Girls with freckles are like flowers, they are beautiful without frills. A minimum of makeup and very thoughtful jewelry will turn a freckled coquette into a sunny queen.

According to reviews, makeup for girls with freckles almost completely excludes eye shadow and blush - they are rarely suitable for such skin specifics, and powder, bronzers and highlighters can create unaesthetic "dirt" against the background of freckles. It is necessary to carefully select lipstick, and all color scheme make-up withstand in the shade exactly freckles.

Separate topic - tonal foundations and masking cosmetics; in fact, there are two options: either completely transparent foundations that will not affect complex skin tones and “sun spots” located on it, or dense textures (bb-, cc-, dd-creams) that completely cover the “native” complexion .

Models love their freckles

The beauty ideal of the majority modern girls- models - very often they can boast at least a dozen or two freckles on a charming nose, or even a starry scattering of sun spots all over their body. The fact that models do not seek to putty their freckles with three layers of the highest finishing materials speaks in their favor. Girls with freckles are fashionable and sexy, which we all already know, of course.

Girls with freckles are confident

Many redheads, and besides, freckled ones, are teased in childhood by crazed boys and envious classmates. It is later, years later, when the sunny queens blossom, and the young men finally lose the war with hormones, their interest in girls with freckles flares up from the other, somewhat preoccupied, side; as a child, exotic redheads often find it difficult.

In addition, it is worth a tangible effort to see and feel your own beauty, which nevertheless deviates significantly from the generally recognized replicated emasculated canons. It's tempering. As a result, many redheads and freckles have a punchy character, are self-confident and quickly mobilize internal forces.

Freckles can be lightened

And, of course, you can get rid of freckles - if suddenly you are tired of them. Guaranteed - this is a laser, and those who are afraid or save money can try to reduce freckles at home with lemon juice and cucumbers. It is said to significantly lighten the lovely sun spots.

margarita virova

MANY people notice that with the onset of heat(if you are in Moscow today, we share your pain) freckles appear brighter on the skin - in fact, these are small dark spots. Today, freckles are treated with special sympathy, not least due to fashion and gloss,. We tell everyone who is not indifferent to this feature, where it comes from and how to properly care for skin strewn with freckles.

Where do freckles come from

Freckles, or, as doctors beautifully call them, ephelids, are by no means a disease or anomaly. These are, simply put, small age spots; they are light yellow, red, dark brown, they can be many or few, and they appear on open areas of the body (usually the face, neck, shoulders) under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. So, freckles turn pale with the advent of autumn, when the sun becomes less active; and whether they appear at all, primarily depends on heredity. They are more common in people with fair skin, and they are almost never found in those who tan evenly. Freckles appear when the pigment melanin, which protects our body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, is not concentrated evenly, but in “clusters”. Neither type of pigmentation is "correct" - but each of them implies a special skin care.

The most noticeable placers of freckles are red-haired people. Both appearance features are associated with the same MC1R gene - they write that there are other “sources” of specific pigmentation, but this issue has not yet been studied enough. The form of melanin that will be produced depends on this gene. The body of a conditionally "tanned" person contains eumelanin, which really helps protect the skin from side effects radiation (but this does not mean that the sun can be abused, and sunscreen can be thrown away). But pheomelanin, from which freckles are obtained, will not be able to help in the fight against the sun; so, no matter how many spots are scattered over the body, they, by and large, appear “for beauty”. Although light skin is primarily associated with freckles, they can appear in people of different ethnic groups and on any skin color.

With age, the properties of the skin change, and for most people, freckles disappear by the age of thirty, they look brighter on thin skin. Sometimes freckles are confused with spots that form with lentigo, a disorder that involves an increased concentration of melanocyte cells and requires medical attention, since it can go into a malignant stage. Lentigo rarely occurs at a young age, and these spots differ significantly from freckles - as a rule, they are noticeably larger, and their number can be any.

Is it possible to get rid of them

All talk about removing freckles goes back to the ideas of beauty that prevailed in the 19th and early 20th centuries, when the aristocratic standard meant even, fair skin that the sun never touched. Freckles and swarthy skin remained external attributes of people of low birth, busy with hard work - those who did not have the opportunity to sit in the shade. But hierarchies were rapidly collapsing, and in the second half of the century, freckles could be seen on style icons, and on conventional beauties and famous actresses - just remember Twiggy, Mia Farrow or Charlotte Rampling. Runways and shoots recent years show what we have come to: stylists and makeup artists are happy to add makeup, and also like to apply a translucent tone to freckled skin.

Trying to remove freckles is almost useless. Pigmentation, firstly, begins deep in the epidermis, and secondly, is a reaction to solar radiation. This means that freckles will certainly appear again and again, unless, of course, you are ready to spend all the time under an umbrella, like those same aristocrats. Chemical peel and laser resurfacing, which are prescribed for those who want to remove freckles, do make the spots a little paler. But the easiest and safest option for those who like everything even and smooth is the right foundation.

How to take care of your skin

All of the above means one thing: best friend freckles and fair skin. Alas, a tonal or care product with an “on-duty” addition of SPF is unlikely to be sufficient on its own. At the same time, even products with the highest degree of protection are unlikely to stop the seasonal "bloom" of freckles - but the issue of maintaining health will certainly be resolved.

If you want to hide freckles, then your choice is highly pigmented products: look towards comfortable moisturizing coatings that many brands have today, for example
