Scenario of a family holiday "May 15 - family day!" methodological development on the topic. Scenario of the holiday - competition "May 15 - Family Day" Sports holiday for the family day on May 15

"Our friendly family"

Against the background of the song parental home

IN family circle we are growing with you

In the family circle, all your roots,

And in life you leave the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Which beautiful word! Family. How heart warming is this word! It reminds us of the gentle voice of our mother, the caring strictness of our father, the tenderness in the sparkle of our grandmothers' eyes, the thoughtfulness and patience of courageous grandfathers. Today May 15th is World Family Day.

In the family, you are the desired child. Here you have been given a name. In the family, everyone is somewhat similar to each other: face, voice, look, disposition and character. There may be common hobbies and activities.

1. In our class - a glorious holiday

I don't think it's more important.

Our dads and moms are here today.

Is there anyone in the world

Closer and dearer.

2. Thunder louder than the pipe,

Ring the bells louder

At our meeting today

All my family!

3. Everyone I love I

And heart and soul

Today in this room

On holiday with me.

4. Family is what we share for everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.

5. Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds rush, weeks, years,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

And today, the most dear and beloved relatives of our children have gathered here - these are their relatives, wonderful, attentive, kind mothers and grandmothers, who with their warmth create coziness and comfort in every home, in any family. And of course our fathers and grandfathers. What is a house without men?

Where there is a friendly family

Head spinning with happiness!

Where there is a friendly family

Faces are always smiling

Where there is a friendly family

All things are going great.

Where there is a friendly family

Good luck with the path.

The magic symbol of life is the family,

There is a drop of the Fatherland in it, in it - I

It has mom, dad, grandmother, sister,

It is my beloved grandfather

It has the sun in it. And a birch, and a house,

Everything around him laughs warmly.

To honor parents means: in childhood - to listen to them. In youth, consult with them, in adulthood, take care of them. If this commandment is fulfilled, then we can say that the tender seed was not sown in vain. Delicate flowers bear good fruit. It happens that one person judges the whole family. You need to cherish the good rumor about your family.


Friendship, peace and tranquility in the family is the most precious thing.

As they say, a treasure is not needed, if the family is in harmony.


Beyond the high mountains

Beyond the green forests

Not in heaven, on earth

There lived an old man with his wife in the village.

The whole day in the affairs of the old woman,

And the old man does not scratch his ear.

He sits on the mound,

Balalaika strumming

Old man:

The porridge was nice

Get off the table!

Old woman:

Now it's your turn

I cooked porridge!

So my potty is bold…

Old man:

It's not a man's business.

I won't wash the pot

So it's your turn.

Old woman:

Listen, grandfather, let's play.

We will be silent with you

Who will speak ahead

That pot will wash.

Old man:

I agree so be it

We stop talking.

One two three four five,

We start to be silent...


Hello grandma...

…and grandfather!

What do you have here for lunch?


They don't have lunch!

The stove is not heated, look

And there is no water in the tub,

And in the barn mooing cow.

What happened here?


They seem to be sleeping well here.

Katya, look at that hat!


And what a balalaika!

Come on, Nastya, play - ka!


Look at the glasses, Katyusha!

The thing is good, do not rubbish!

You, Katyusha, are beautiful in them,

Even hanging to the chin.


What else is there, Nastya, to take?

Look at the bed...


It's grandfather's sheepskin coat

From last year's calf.


We'll do well with a double.


Will Grandpa get angry?


While they sleep - we are at the door ...

Old man:

No! This is not to be!

No, I won't shut up now!

What would you give your sheepskin coat?


Let's not take it, so be it.

Old woman:

Old man, get up to wash the potty!

Old man:

Lost, will have to wash ...

Old woman:

So, so be it!


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.


Everyone who listened to us - a lesson!

Old man:

Laziness is not your friend!

Old woman:

What, old man, washed the pot?


Yes, peace in the family is more precious than anything.

You are our mothers, nannies - take care,

Well, who will scold us, cry about us?

You are our guardian angels, goddesses,

You are our life, and glory and fortune!

Thank you for the clean shirts

Thanks for the jams and cookies!

Thank you for our adventures

What would the adventure be without you?

We love you! And we'll prove it:

On this spring day, in the evening hour,

We will collect the stars from the sky in bouquets

And we will shower you from head to toe!

Scene “HELP”

- Misha, run to Aunt Olya,

ask for some salt.

– Salts?

- Salt.

– I now!

- Oh, and Mishin's hour is long!

Well, it finally arrived!

Where are you wandering, tomboy?

- I met Sasha and Seryozha ...

– What then?

- They were looking for a cat.

- And then?

- Then they found it.

- And then?

- Let's go to the pond.

- And then?

- Caught a pike.

Barely pulled out the evil one!

- Pike?

- Pike.

- But, wait, where is the salt?

- What salt?!! and.


Check out our guests

How we have fun.

We will dance for you now

And we'll sing ditties.

(All.) Chorus: Oh you, oh you, what are you saying.

Parents have no time

No to play with the child.

I'm talking on the street -

I develop very quickly.


No puppies or kittens

Mom and dad don't want to!

They say, they say, "this is too much."

So buy me a brother.


We play mother-daughters -

We imitate mom and dad:

Chur on the couch - I lie,

Well, you go to wash!


If this cute schoolboy

Will play in the room

Come to Saturday

Clean up the premises.


- Would you sew up a dress, Julia,

How can you walk like that?

What are you mom, it's hard!

Better to buy new.


- Oh, - Katya said to her mother,

Should I get my hands dirty?

How will I wash the dishes

If she is dirty?

When singing

Sasha rubbed the floor to a shine,

Made a vinaigrette

Mom is looking for: what to do?

There is no work.


We finish singing ditties

And we always promise you:

Listen to you always in everything -

Morning, evening and afternoon

Contests for mothers and children

(each mother receives a token for participation)

1. Competition "Tasty questions"

1. Fruit boiled in water.(Compote)

2. Oriental food of rice and meat.(Pilaf)

3. Big cake.(Cake)

4. Bear's favorite berry.(Raspberries)

5. A bakery product that you can steer.(Baranka)

6. Soft-boiled potatoes.(Pure)

7. Paradise fruit. (Apple)

8. A bird that got into the soup for its thoughts.(Turkey)

9. Fooled kitchen worker.(Cook)

10. White-sided magpie's specialty.(Kashka)

1. The food that Zhuravel fed the Fox.(Okroshka)

2. Overseas food from the movie “Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession.(Eggplant caviar)

3. A dish made from milk and eggs.(Omelette)

4. Bread with various layers on top.(Sandwich)

5. Favorite dish of Ukrainians and Kubans from vegetables.(Borsch)

6. Boiled dough with meat.(Dumplings)

7. The art of cooking.(Cooking)

8. Sauce made from vegetable oil, egg yolk and various seasonings.(Mayonnaise)

9. Favorite holiday salad of eggs, sausage and vegetables.(Olivie)

10. Meat cooked on fire.(Shashlik)


  1. To grow up brave, reliable fighters,

We set the boys as an example of their fathers.

From dads, we, of course, are all crazy,

We want to say simple words to them.

Dear dads! You are our most, most ...

  1. When father is at work

In the evening he enters the house,

We are at this moment to the sky

We grow with joy.

  1. He is at work,

Of course he gets tired.

But cheerful look -

And that's how it's supposed to go.

  1. Mom stayed somewhere

Dad cooked dinner himself.

I'll tell you a secret

Did a lot of things:

Burnt soup and porridge

Salt is poured into compote.

When our mother returned

She had a lot of trouble.

  1. We played Papuans

Dad was sleeping on the couch.

Not even half an hour passed

Dad has become multi-colored:

Threads, feathers and brooches,

Beads on the wrists.

We played pretend

There was our dad Chungachguk.

We can't understand anything

Papa became so careful:

So that the enemy could not get through,

He made a lock in the bedroom.

Let's have a tournament for the boys!

Let's make a competition for dexterity

On the mind, ingenuity and knowledge,

For speed and skill.

Seriously, be patient.



(Roll up a ball of newspaper with one hand)

Walk through the swamp.

(Movement in bricks)

Dads are scouts.

(3 dads participate. “Disguised as an old man, a girl, an old woman, ask “What street is school number 13 on?”)

Soldier's porridge.

(Whose squad will eat yogurt faster - in turn).

Soldier socks - footcloths.

(2 dads and 2 children participate. Dads wind footcloths around the children's feet).

Troop parade.

(One of the dads gives combat commands, the squads sing a song)

Teacher: Girls, you were right: our boys are worthy of the title - men! Our future defenders of the Fatherland deserve the award.

9) Explainers.

Moms and dads explain words to children without words with the help of gestures and movements.

mom bike

Hammer lemon

saw hare

tree bear

phone scissors

fork handle

Tears umbrella

cow camera

horse mud

Lacquer chewing gum



Every person, be it a child or an adult, likes to spend his free time watching TV. Someone watches TV series, someone watches “Star Factory”, and some, probably, have imagined themselves in the player's chair more than once in the popular TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”.

Now we will give our family teams such an opportunity and invite them to answer questions that, like in the famous TV game, will be divided into “Easy questions”, “medium questions” and “hard questions”.

Each question has its own "price":

  1. 1,000 points
  2. 8,000 points
  3. 16,000 points
  4. 32,000 points
  5. 64,000 points
  6. 125,000 points
  7. 500,000 points

8. 1,000,000 points.

The player with one million points is considered the winner.

Participants have the opportunity to ask the audience for help once - the audience votes by raising their hands in turn for each of the answer options, and the player himself will evaluate which of the answers had more votes.

Questions for the team - 1.

  1. What is the name of one of Ch. Perrault's fairy tales?
  • "Hen in earrings"
  • "Cock in boots"
  • "Cat in a sundress"
  • "Puss in Boots".
  1. Who are Tom and Jerry?
  • wolf and hare
  • Lion and dog
  • cat and mouse
  • Dolphin and mermaid.
  1. Who appears in front of a soldier when he starts to make fire with a flint and flint?
  • Gin"
  • Three dogs
  • Two from the chest
  • Gold fish.
  1. When swallows fly low - what is it for?
  • To the rain
  • To frost
  • To leaf fall
  • To the fog
  1. What did the brownie Kuzka call olelyusheks?
  • Fritters
  • Okay game
  • cakes
  • Gatherings in the company of girls.
  1. Who is Gray Star?
  • Horse
  • Duck
  • Cat
  • Toad
  1. What did the swineherd trade for the kiss of the princess?
  • Rose and Nightingale
  • Bowler hat and ratchet
  • A pipe and a jug
  • Bathhouse and basin
  1. Who are the banderlogs that lived in the very jungle in which Mowgli grew up?
  • wild dogs
  • Hyenas
  • Monkey
  • Crocodiles.

Questions for the team - 2.

1. What did Little Red Riding Hood need to do to get to Grandma's house?

  • Click on the button
  • Dial the entrance code
  • Pull on the rope
  • Show ID.

2. What is Winnie the Pooh's head filled with?

  • brains
  • sawdust
  • Myakina
  • Sintepon.

3. What did the elves give Thumbelina?

  • Crown
  • wings
  • Wedding ring
  • Propeller.

4. What color is not a rainbow?

  • orange
  • blue
  • Pink
  • Green.

5. What occupation was the owner of Kashtanka?

  • carpenter
  • Carpenter
  • blacksmith
  • tailor.

6. Who did Vitya Maleev's friend Kostya Shishkin decide to become after visiting the circus?

  • clown
  • trainer
  • motorcyclist
  • Uniformist.

7. Who are hobbits?

  • Elephant breed
  • Robbers from oriental tales
  • Fairy little men
  • Mosquitoes with long proboscis.

8. Which part of the Cheshire Cat was the last to disappear?

  • Tricky glance
  • Broad smile
  • Right ear
  • Tail tip.

Questions for the team - 3.

1. With what complaint did Barbos come to Aibolit?

  • "I'm a poor, sick old dog"
  • "The chicken pecked me in the nose"
  • "I froze my tail in the cold"
  • "The cough tortured me to tears."

2. As a result of what did the Cat's house suffer?

  • floods
  • Hurricane
  • earthquakes
  • Fire.

3. What does the pillow have besides two bellies?

  • 4 lugs
  • 2 eyes
  • 1 mouth
  • 3 legs.

4. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale "Silver Hoof"?

  • Anyutka
  • Katyusha
  • Nastenka
  • Daryonka

5. With whom Dunno flew to the moon?

  • With Cog and Shpuntik
  • With engineer Klyopka
  • With Donut
  • With Znaika.

6. Exam in which subject did Volka Kostylkov fail “thanks” to the tips of old Hottabych?

  • Mathematics
  • By geography
  • Astronomy
  • By history.

7. Which of the characters flew to the moon on a cannonball?

  • Robin Hood
  • Count of Monte Cristo
  • Baron Munchausen
  • Dunno.

8. What was the sign of the highest distinction of the Spanish duck from the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"?

  • bright crest
  • Red patch
  • Ring on the foot
  • Bow on the neck.

Our call is terribly sonorous -
I fly out into the corridor.
I have one girl
A conversation ensued.


And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!


Though men are strong
Can't bake pancakes...
You men are fools
You educate, teach,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell!

By the way, who does the washing at home?
God didn't give you a talent...
TV "consuming",
You lay down on the sofa!


Is the man useless?
Is this talent not given to us?
Who nailed a shelf for books?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?


You don't feel like cooking borscht,
Don't fry cutlets...
You should run away to work,
Well, there is no more sense.


You, prickly splinter,
You don't know us guys very well.
Every now and then shed tears
And besides, for no reason...

You are prickly words
You're talking, shy.
Dad in the house - the head!


And mom is the neck in the house!

No, it is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important.
Just ... mom and dad are all needed!


And my eyes are like saucers:
If a tear shines in them,
Then the neighbors will smile:
"Those are my mother's eyes."


The nose is a little snub-nosed,
But the neighbors say
That there are no questions on the nose: "It's dad's fault."

musical gift

Presenter 1. Starting a family is not easy, and keeping it is even more difficult. Troubles, joys happen in every family, but we do not always succeed in adequately resolving many conflicts - there is a lack of worldly wisdom. This is what Russian proverbs and sayings teach us. Our grandparents will help them to compose correctly.


Mom has a job

Dad has a job

They have for me

It remains Saturday.

Grandma is always at home!

She never scolds me!

Seated, feed:

- Don't rush

Well, what happened to you there?


I say, but my grandmother does not interrupt,

Grains of buckwheat sits sorting ..

We are good -

That's it, the two of you.

Without a grandmother - what kind of house?


Respected at work.

He's the boss, I'm not afraid to say

But he comes home from work

and I become the boss.

I climb onto his shoulders,

I try on glasses

And more about him every night

I train my fists.

Grandpa walks with a light gait,

Dinner eats everyone faster

No mustache, no goatee...

Well, what is my grandfather grandfather?!

Helps me to do my homework

Yes, playing with children in the yard

And inadvertently so, inadvertently

He wins every game.

But when I make him sad

If he is ashamed of me,

I notice with fear in my soul,

How grandfather's back stoops,

How wrinkles intertwine in a network,

In the hair of gray hair - white chalk.

And I'm ready to give everything in the world,

So that my grandfather does not get sick!

her, luck, in, if, always, family, consent, waiting, living

Answer: If the family lives in harmony, it will always be lucky.

so, family, place, on, all, together, and, luck

Answer: The whole family is together - and luck is in place.

gold, and hard-working, into, earth, family, will turn

Answer: A working family will turn the land into gold.

Teacher: Watch the play "Three Moms".

And the doll asked:

Tanya : How are you, daughter?

Go - ka dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

And she asked her daughter:

Mom: How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden,

Managed to forget about food again?

With this daughter - just trouble,

Soon you'll be like a match, thin!

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

And she asked her mother:

Grandmother: How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again, I didn’t find a minute to eat,

And in the evening she put a dry sandwich in her mouth?

You can't sit all day without eating.

She's already become a doctor, but still a fidget!

With this daughter - just trouble,

Soon you'll be like a match, thin!

Go - ka dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with daughters stubborn?

Together: Oh, it's not easy being a mom!

Song: "Grandmothers"

Who from the school is waiting for grandchildren,

Every day usually?

Who will look in the diary

And grumbles habitually?

For our tricks who

Does he scold us sometimes?

And of course, he knows everything better than anyone in the world?

Chorus: Grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers,

Grandmothers, grandmothers, ears on top.

Grandmothers, grandmothers, we respect you,

And how to understand you, we know very well.


To fold correctly

We need to make good friends.

If a quarrel or a battle

Folding won't work.

Lead 2

Let's add a verse, add laughter,

There will be a song for everyone.

For you and me

The whole globe will sing.


May there be joy in every home

May there be happiness in every home.

Let there be friendship between us!

3 student:
What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

4 student:
Father and mother and children together
sit for festive table,
And together they are not bored at all,
And four is interesting.

5 student:
Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more valuable
In this fabulous land!

Let neither grief nor trouble over the family be powerful,

May kindness, health, happiness always go nearby!

You still have to gain patience in education,

So that your children grow up worthy people -

Will have to try!

About love .

Mom looks at dad


Dad looks at mom


And the day is the most weekday,

Not Sunday

And outside the window - not the sun,

And the blizzard

It's just what they have


They just

They love each other very much.

From this love

Both easy and light.

me with dad and mom

So lucky!


1st host: The working day is over, but family chores have not ended. The children sat down for lessons. Their parents help them.

Russian language lesson:you need to solve a simple crossword puzzle on the topic of family relationships.

1. Son of my mother.
2. My parent.
3. Brother of the father or mother.
4. A girl who has parents like mine.
5. The one that gave us life.
6. "Holy blood" - the mother of the husband.
7. Mom's or dad's sister.
8. The son of my child.
9. My heir.
10. The son of my sister or brother.
11. Husband's father.

Math lesson:questions for attention.

1. What happened on February 31st?(He's gone)
2. What will remain in the box if you take out the matches?
3. Can a rooster call itself food?
(No, the rooster can't talk)
4. How can you reach the sky?
(with a glance)
5. Why does the dog run?
(On the ground)
6. What is the tongue in the mouth for?
(Behind the teeth)
7. What year lasts only 1 day?
(New Year)
8. How to write “dry grass” in 4 letters?
9. What number has the same number of digits as letters?
(One hundred)
10. In what word consisting of 5 letters 5 "O"?


1. Without what bread can not be baked?(Without crust)
2. In what year do people eat more than usual?
(In a leap year).
3. What kind of water can be brought in a sieve?
4. What does half an orange look more like?
(To the other half)
5. What tree does a crow sit on after rain?
(on wet)
6. What fields do not grow grass?
(In the margins of a school notebook)
7. What kind of comb will not comb your head?
8. What does the watchman do if he has a sparrow on his hat?
9. Where does the water stand in a column?
(In glass)
10. What disease does no one get sick on land?
11. What do they walk on but never ride?
(On the chessboard)
12. The name of which bird consists of a letter and the name of the river?
13. What is between the city and the countryside?
(Conjunction "I")
14. What can you watch with your eyes closed?
15. Son of my father, but not my brother. Who is he?
(I myself)

Competition "Confusion"

-Give the correct name of fairy tales and literary heroes

1. Turkey princess

2. At the command of the dog

3. Sivka-horse

4. Ivan Tsarevich and the evil wolf

5. Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka

6.Boy with a cam

7. Fear has big ears

8. Vasilisa the stupid

9. Elena is ugly

10. Firefly

11. Baba byaka

12. Koschey fearless

13. Toad Princess

14. Tiny - peas

Song: Dad song

How many songs are we together

They sang to their own mother.

And about dad, before this song,

There were no songs.


Dad can, dad can


Swim breaststroke, argue bass,

Chopping firewood!

Dad can, dad can

To be anyone

Only mom, only mom

Can't be!2 times


Dad is at home - and the house is serviceable,

The gas burns and the light does not go out.

Dad at home, of course, the main one,

Unless, of course, the mother is.


And with the most difficult task

Dad will do it, give it time.

We then decide with mom

Everything that dad could not solve.

Exc.2 times

Try pronouncing the word "family" like this: seven-me. As a result, it seems to be telling us: “The family is seven people like me.”

Take a closer look at your family. Your smile resembles your mother's, your walk resembles your father's, the color of your eyes is the same as that of your grandmother, the oval of your face and the mole are like those of your grandfather. But the similarity is manifested not only in appearance. You have inherited many character traits from your parents and grandparents. You may have common hobbies and activities.

The closest people to a child are his parents. There is nothing brighter and more disinterested than the love of a mother. The mother of the baby will feed and drink, and caress, and take pity, and teach. And if the child is ill, then he will cure it, it turns out. “The child is crying, but the mother’s heart hurts”, “There is no friend closer than your own mother,” folk proverbs say.

The deepest of kindred feelings is maternal feeling.

What a pity that weeks

They fly so slowly!

That children are born.

Don't speak right away!

And that would only

I saw my mother

As soon as, as soon as

"Thank you!" told her.

Because I was born!

Because I'm alive!

For being with dad

Let's go home now!

For opening the door

And we know in advance

What is mom singing

And we are waiting for dinner!

M. Yasnov

No matter how many of you, children, parents, you are all loved. Because parental love so big that it will be enough for many, many sons and daughters. There is an award for moms and dads - the Order of Parental Glory. It is awarded for special merits in the upbringing of children.

Happiness is if mom

He sings all day in the morning.

Happiness if dad is early

Doesn't go to work.

Happiness if you are for breakfast

Eat your favorite pancakes.

happiness if you want

Suddenly jump up to the moon.

If you ride all morning,

Don't rush to take off your pajamas

And sitting on the sofa

You hug your mom and dad.

E. Ranneva

The oldest and most respected family members are grandparents. You must remember that they gave life to your parents, and therefore to you.

While mom and dad are often busy, grandpa and grandma are always "at hand"!

Mom has a job

Dad has a job.

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home.

We are fine like this, together.

And a house without a grandmother is not a house.

E. Grigorieva

Sometimes they become real friends for their grandchildren. Even the proverb was once like this: "Small and old - two pair of boots."

Each family has its own home, which is always cozy and warm. The house is the whole world kind to its inhabitants, to everything that surrounds them and belongs to them.

In the house

busy with good deeds


Kindness walks around the apartment.

We have

Good afternoon

And good hour

Good evening,

good night,

It was good yesterday.

A. Nikolaenko

You surely love your native home where they are surrounded by care and love of the family. There are many proverbs and sayings about family members, friendship, respect, relations between relatives:

1. A treasure is not needed when the family is in harmony.

2. "Brotherly love is better than stone walls."

3. "Looking at the father, and the son grows."

4. "The hut is not red with corners, but with pies."

5. "As parents lived, so they blessed us."

What is a family album? It always contains old, still black-and-white or completely brownish from time to time photographs of your parents, grandfathers, grandmothers. And even grandparents' parents in lace dresses, old-fashioned jackets and cheesy bowler hats. Behind every photo is the story of your family.

Families value and maintain their own traditions. Photos, letters, awards and other things belonging to relatives are carefully kept. Family traditions- these are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is assembled.

Sunday is lucky!

Sundays are needed

Because Sunday

Mom makes pancakes

Dad washes cups for tea.

Wipe them together

And then we the whole family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song flows through the window.

I'm ready to sing myself.

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes!

O. Bundur

In some families, the elders pass on their professions to the younger ones. There are families of hereditary teachers, doctors and miners. Several generations can work in one, which has become native to the family, mine, factory.

Each of us has a name. Do you know that in addition to your name, you have many more names in the world of people? Grandfather and grandmother call you grandson or granddaughter. For your mother's or father's sister you are a nephew (niece), and for their children - cousin(sister). Brothers and sisters are also called differently. About the one who is older, they say that he is the eldest, and whoever is younger is the younger one.

So it turns out that you can be both a son, and a grandson, and a nephew at the same time.

Have you heard how one mother was going to feed the sun, and dad was going to bathe his bunny? Or maybe they met a grandfather who boasted that he seemed to be rolling his berry on a cart, and she “was not afraid, but laughed”? One grandmother told another that she had bought slippers for a swallow! And some dad boasted that his pussy already knows the letters.

Haven't you guessed yet? And everything is simple. Relatives all talked about their beloved children and grandchildren.

Woke up baby

And hears in the morning:

- Hey kitty,

It's time for breakfast!

Have you eaten, baby?

Drink, sunshine, tea.

Wash up, dirty!

Go play.

- Either a fish or a hare.

Well, thoughts fly!

When will I know

Am I my name?

Y. Yakimenko, "What is my name"

As a person was born, with him the nickname is forever. What do the nicknames say? Rarely does anyone call a newborn by his first name. Yes, just by name. Much more often in the course are funny and affectionate words with which parents express their love for the baby.

In Rus', there was a tradition to give the newborn two names. Only relatives knew the real name - parents, crossnye. It combined wishes for the baby, it reflected love and a desire for his happiness. And another name is a nickname for everyone. They gave it like this: the child was wrapped in matting and taken out of the door, as if demonstrating evil spirits that they found an abandoned baby, which is not particularly needed. Yes, they called him such a name that would scare away evil spirits and lull her attention.

"They call Zovutka, but they call it a duck." In ancient times, they were afraid to give their own name to a stranger. Suddenly, the stranger turns out to be a sorcerer who uses such knowledge for evil. Nicknames didn't just happen. At all times it was believed, and quite rightly, that a nickname chosen with love would help in life. They were given according to the appearance of the child. For example, Svetlana, Belyan, Chernyava, Pyshechka, Pukhlyachok, Peanut, Tolstun-chik, Beauty, Kurnos - all these nicknames arose from the first impression of the baby.

There were also Baran, Sparrow, Wolf, Goat. This is because in ancient times each clan had its own totem - a sacred animal that was supposed to protect and protect people. They could give the boy the name Wolf - so that he was strong, brave, lived a long time.

First, Second, Tretyak - this was the name of the first, second or third child in the family. There were Chetvertak, Chetvertunya, Chetyrya, Piatanya (or Pyatysh), Shestyarya, Semanya (or Semushka), Osmak and so on. Now it is difficult for us to imagine a family where there would be, for example, fourteen children.

Even more often, a person’s fate was guessed by a name. Ratibor will grow up and defeat all enemy ratis, Vladimir can own the whole world. Scientists suggest that such ancient Slavic nicknames as Thunder or Frost were given as guards so that the child would not die from thunder or frost.

The Slavs chose to name their children any words that reflect the various properties and qualities of people, their character traits: Clever, Brave, Kind, Cunning. The screaming baby was called Sleepless or Restless.

The influence of a name or nickname on a person and his fate has been noticed for a long time. A nickname is also a name. Although not commonly used, it also connects the child with his essence, with himself. There will be several more such nicknames in a person’s life: at school, in a friendly company, in the company of a loved one, the name that his own children will give him. But the first - the family name, which was named by the mother or grandmother - will remain the most important and dearest for a person.

Burnet F. "The Little Lord's Story"

Jerome K. Jerome "Three men in a boat, not counting the dog"

Korolenko V. G. Chapters from “The History of My Contemporary” (“Early Childhood”, “The Beginning of Teaching”, “In the County Town”, “Student Years”)

Malo G. "Without a family"

Tolstoy A. N. "Nikita's Childhood"

Travers P. "Mary Poppins"

Uspensky E. N. "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"

Family holiday-competition "Our friendly family"

Classroom teacher(reads the tale of the first family)

Long ago, on a distant island, there lived a boy. He lived alone. No one brought him up, no one punished him, he did not share nuts and fruits with anyone. And the boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore. Suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him, very old and very wise.

"Where are you going?" asked the old man. “I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely,” the boy replied. “I know how to help you. Come with me,” the old man suggested.” He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived. "Look! - said the old man. - We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we grieve together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.” The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy. And it happened because he had a family.

Each of you guys has people closest and dearest to you. These people loved you when you were just born and will always love you. Who is this? Name them in one word.

Vedas. - And what is a family? (Answers) The boys will tell us this hour ...

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family.

Vedas. - Why are we here today? MWe didn't get together by chance!May 15 is Family Day.

The history of the holiday (slide)
Video clip "Song of the family"

What is the most important thing in a family? I think it's very importantconfidence ! So the next contest is called:

Contest. No secrets
Exercise. Teams are invited, adults stand with their backs to the audience, children in front of them face the audience, are given in their hands air balloons yellow and green. Yellow associated with the child, green - adults. When answering a question, you need to raise a sign, in extreme cases - two. If the answer matches, the team gets 1 point.

1) Which of you do the dishes more often?
2) Who sings better?
3) Who is more interested in dreams?
4) Which one of you is prettier?
5) Who snores in their sleep?
6) Who has the best cell phone?

7) Who bathes more often?

1) Which one of you does grandma love more?
2) Which one of you eats more sweets?
3) Which one of you loves more

4) Who likes to watch TV shows?
5) Who doesn't make the bed in the morning?
6) Who has a funnier walk?
7) Who is afraid of dental treatment?

1) Who likes to chew on seeds?
2) Who likes to read more?
3) Who watches TV until late?
4) Who is most often scolded by grandfather?
5) Who writes with errors?
6) Who scatters socks all over the house?

7) Who has a better memory?

Who follows everyone and turns off the lights in the rooms?
Who has a charming smile?

Vedas . So we got to know each other better, learned a lot of interesting things about you.

Children should remember that parents are your most faithful friends, they can be trusted with any secret, they will always help and support you. And parents should not forget that looking at you, children get an idea of ​​​​what kind of parents they will be.

The results of the questionnaire "What kind of parents do we have?"

Vedas. Let's imagine what our children will be like when they are adults, when they themselves become parents.

*When I'm an adult

I will be very formidable.

And my children will say:

"Can't you take a walk?"

“What time is it? Ninth?

It's probably too late

Well, I'll tell you guys

Now march to bed!”

* When I am an adult,

I will be very formidable.

And my children will say

"Can't you take a walk?"

I’ll say: “We played all day!

The box is broken!

Lost the coil!

Now march to bed!”

Vedas. What is your family's favorite day of the week? I think it's the day off! Do you want to know why?

These days are one lucky day!
Sundays are needed
Because Sunday
Mom makes pancakes.

Dad washes tea cups
Wipe them together
And then we the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song flows through the window,
I'm ready to sing...
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes!

Vedas. Guess what it's about? This little creature that gives a lot of trouble to parents, but they still love and care for him? That's right, child! You need to take care of your loved ones, please them as often as possible. What can make your child happy? Everyone knows that children are very fond of sweet and tasty.

Contest "Who will drink lemonade faster"

Vedas. For centuries formed in the familytraditions . The wisdom of the older generation is passed on to the descendants. And the wisdom of the people is contained in proverbs.

Proverbs about the family (slide )

Contest. Proverbs and sayings.

In the order of the draw, the teams name a proverb or saying with the word that is on the card. Those who named the proverb receive 1 point.
Bread. Bread is the head of everything.
Ruble. A penny saves a ruble.
Apple. The apple never falls far from the tree
Mirror. There is nothing to blame on the mirror, since the face is crooked.
Rope. No matter how much the rope twists, but there is an end.
A cap. On the thief and the hat is on fire.
Spoon. Road spoon to dinner.

Vedas. It is important in the family to be able to defuse the situation at the right time, use humor, jokes,having fun .( Chastushki )

We know a lot of ditties -

Both good and bad.

It's good to listen to

Who doesn't know any.

Hey girly chicks

Sing ditties,

Sing more cheerfully

To please guests.

Oh, today at 6 o'clock

Parents meeting!

Need to put a pillow

To the place of punishment.

Ah, today is a holiday in the house,

cabbage pies -

Peter has learned his lessons

All and even oral.

Dad, mom, dear,

What is your allergy?

How do you take notebooks

You're all shaking in a fever.

Oh, how timely my dad

All so evenly bald

And not looking at my diary,

He would be very gray!

For a son to read a book,

Dad gave him a ruble.

My son read a lot of books -

Dad went around the world.

Every day in your piggy bank

I throw a ruble.

To buy myself a brother

I've been saving for a whole year.

Mom and dad and brother -

Here she is my family!

Oh thank you dear

That you are all I have!

The ditty has a beginning

The ditty has an end.

Who listened to our ditties,

Let's just say - well done!

Vedas . important in the family andunderstanding . Now we will check if you understand each other well.

Contest. Understand me
Exercise. An adult sits on a chair, a child stands in front of him. Signs with words rise up behind the adult's back. The child must explain so that the mother (dad or grandmother) understands and names the word. It is not possible to name single-root words. Who can do it in less time?
Words: March 8, rain, morning, hare Heels, New Year, soup, bear Monkey, ears, cutlet, sun Giraffe, seeds, bird cherry, closet Dress, stool, trousers, book Candle, mop, hippopotamus, pencil Horse, Easter, chandelier, asphalt

Let's summarize our competitive program. (Winner's reward ceremony)

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,
And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything,

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family

What could be more precious
In this fabulous land

The family is a holiday round the table.
Family is happiness, family is home.

I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family!

Song "My Family"

Once again I congratulate everyone on the holiday of the Family, I wish everyone good health, happiness and love!


The task "Mysteries".
1. Son of my father. (Brother)
2. My dad's mom. (Grandmother)
3. Father's brother (Uncle)
4. My sister's daughter (Niece)
5. Husband's mother. (mother-in-law)
6. Mom's sister (Aunt)
7. The son of my child. (Grandson)
8. Son of my sister. (Nephew)
9. Husband's father. (Father-in-law)
10. My mother's daughter. (Sister)

11. My mother's mother (grandmother)

12 Wife's mother (mother-in-law)

13. My brother's daughter (niece)

14. My mother's brother (uncle)

15 My brother's son (nephew)

16 Dad's sister (aunt)

17 My husband's sister (sister-in-law)

The song "My family" (group "Fidgets")

There are a lot of toys in front of me,
But everyone has known for a long time
That it's pretty boring for me to play alone,
And not at all interesting.
But when my relatives are with me,
And the people I love the most
I immediately forget about despondency,
And it always has been, is and always will be.

There will be a happy and wonderful day,
If mom and dad are around.
I'll be happy, I'll be very happy
If there are sister and brother nearby.
And I will be infinitely glad
If grandfather is nearby, and grandmother is nearby.
Well, I'll be most happy
If the whole family is around.
All my family.

And I have to confess to mom and dad,
That sometimes I am of course
A little naughty and stubborn
But I love you, I love you endlessly.
Failure doesn't scare me

I am the happiest person in this world.

Failure doesn't scare me
I will not be afraid of the cold wind,
My family is with me, which means
I'm the happiest on this

International Day of Families, celebrated on May 15, was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of the countries to the numerous problems of the family. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened.

In the calendar of significant dates, this is a special day, it is a holiday of joys, victories and a sense of reliability. loved one. It is in the family that the baby first experiences deep joy from the warming parental love, which is the key to his confident entry into a big complicated life. Here he learns to see beauty and comprehend the secrets of communication between people. Here wisdom is transmitted from one generation to another, rooted in eternity. The main purpose of the family is to raise children, give them a decent education and help them find their way in the difficult world of human relations. And it is very important that the family is strong.

The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state grows stronger and develops, the well-being of the people grows.

A person's life begins with the family, here he is formed as a citizen. The family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country.

On this holiday, one cannot but recall such sad figures indicating that at present the promotion and inculcation of family values ​​is one of the most important tasks of society. Nowadays, divorces end on average: 40% of the first, 60% of the second and 74% of the third marriages.

According to experts, now every second marriage breaks up. Ten years ago, every third broke up. Growth is huge - one and a half times! After all, these are broken hopes for happiness, unfortunate children suffering innocently. On years family life divorces are distributed as follows: up to 1 year - 3.6%, from 1 to 2 years - 16%, from 3 to 4 years - 18%, from 5 to 9 years - 28%, from 10 to 19 years - 22%, from 20 and more years - 12.4%.

Thus, in the first 4 years, about 40% of divorces occur, and in 9 - about 2/3 of their total number. Statistics show that the most crucial period in the life of a family is when spouses are 20 to 30 years old. It has also been found that marriages before the age of 30 are, on average, twice as long as marriages that occurred when the spouses were over 30.

There are hundreds of thousands of social orphans in the CIS countries. Social orphans are orphans with still living parents. Of these, a third is kept in all kinds of children's homes. And according to non-governmental organizations, there are about 2 million homeless children in the CIS countries. Who just live on the street. The last time the USSR experienced such a wave of orphanhood was after the Great Patriotic War. When millions of parents were killed, when often there was no one left from all relatives, except for a miraculously surviving kid. After the war, there were 600,000 of them. real orphans. And now we have about 900 thousand orphans in our countries, of which 75-80% are children who have parents. Which, quite possibly, are somewhere nearby, live some kind of separate life in which the child did not fit in, did not become part of it, did not become a starting point, did not become anything in it at all. According to statistics recent years there is a constant increase in the number of abandoned children. And in the last few years, the number of abandoned children has increased annually by an average of 100,000.

However, these problems do not appear out of nowhere. Maybe it's all about education? In family? After all, parents who grew up in full-fledged, favorable families are unlikely to abandon their children, and if in childhood we observed worthy attitudes of our parents, then the probability of the collapse of our own marriage will be minimized, since, as you know, we subconsciously build relationships according to the example of our parents.

Try pronouncing the word "family" like this: seven-me. As a result, it seems to be telling us: “The family is seven people like me.”

Take a closer look at your family. Your smile resembles your mother's, your walk resembles your father's, the color of your eyes is the same as that of your grandmother, the oval of your face and the mole are like those of your grandfather. But the similarity is manifested not only in appearance. You have inherited many character traits from your parents and grandparents. You may have common hobbies and activities.

The closest people to a child are his parents. There is nothing brighter and more disinterested than the love of a mother. The mother of the baby will feed and drink, and caress, and take pity, and teach. And if the child is ill, then he will cure it, it turns out. “The child is crying, but the mother’s heart hurts”, “There is no friend closer than your own mother,” folk proverbs say.

The deepest of kindred feelings is maternal feeling.

What a pity that weeks

They fly so slowly!

That children are born.

Don't speak right away!

And that would only

I saw my mother

As soon as, as soon as

"Thank you!" told her.

Because I was born!

Because I'm alive!

For being with dad

Let's go home now!

For opening the door

And we know in advance

What is mom singing

And we are waiting for dinner!

M. Yasnov

No matter how many of you, children, parents, you are all loved. Because parental love is so great that it is enough for many, many sons and daughters. There is an award for moms and dads - the Order of Parental Glory. It is awarded for special merits in the upbringing of children.

Happiness is if mom

He sings all day in the morning.

Happiness if dad is early

Doesn't go to work.

Happiness if you are for breakfast

Eat your favorite pancakes.

happiness if you want

Suddenly jump up to the moon.

If you ride all morning,

Don't rush to take off your pajamas

And sitting on the sofa

You hug your mom and dad.

E. Ranneva

The oldest and most respected family members are grandparents. You must remember that they gave life to your parents, and therefore to you.

While mom and dad are often busy, grandpa and grandma are always "at hand"!

Mom has a job

Dad has a job.

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home.

We are fine like this, together.

And a house without a grandmother is not a house.

E. Grigorieva

Sometimes they become real friends for their grandchildren. Even the proverb was once like this: "Small and old - two pair of boots."

Each family has its own home, which is always cozy and warm. A house is a whole world, kind to its inhabitants, to everything that surrounds them and belongs to them.

In the house

busy with good deeds


Kindness walks around the apartment.

We have

Good afternoon

And good hour

Good evening,

good night,

It was good yesterday.

A. Nikolaenko

You probably love your home, where you are surrounded by the care and love of your family. There are many proverbs and sayings about family members, friendship, respect, relations between relatives:

1. A treasure is not needed when the family is in harmony.

2. "Brotherly love is better than stone walls."

3. "Looking at the father, and the son grows."

4. "The hut is not red with corners, but with pies."

5. "As parents lived, so they blessed us."

What is a family album? It always contains old, still black-and-white or completely brownish from time to time photographs of your parents, grandfathers, grandmothers. And even grandparents' parents in lace dresses, old-fashioned jackets and cheesy bowler hats. Behind every photo is the story of your family.

Families value and maintain their own traditions. Photos, letters, awards and other things belonging to relatives are carefully kept. Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is together.

Sunday is lucky!

Sundays are needed

Because Sunday

Mom makes pancakes

Dad washes cups for tea.

Wipe them together

And then we the whole family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song flows through the window.

I'm ready to sing myself.

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes!

O. Bundur

In some families, the elders pass on their professions to the younger ones. There are families of hereditary teachers, doctors and miners. Several generations can work in one, which has become native to the family, mine, factory.

Each of us has a name. Do you know that in addition to your name, you have many more names in the world of people? Grandfather and grandmother call you grandson or granddaughter. For your mother or father's sister, you are a nephew (niece), and for their children, you are a cousin (sister). Brothers and sisters are also called differently. About the one who is older, they say that he is the eldest, and whoever is younger is the younger one.

So it turns out that you can be both a son, and a grandson, and a nephew at the same time.

Have you heard how one mother was going to feed the sun, and dad was going to bathe his bunny? Or maybe they met a grandfather who boasted that he seemed to be rolling his berry on a cart, and she “was not afraid, but laughed”? One grandmother told another that she had bought slippers for a swallow! And some dad boasted that his pussy already knows the letters.

Haven't you guessed yet? And everything is simple. Relatives all talked about their beloved children and grandchildren.

Woke up baby

And hears in the morning:

- Hey kitty,

It's time for breakfast!

Have you eaten, baby?

Drink, sunshine, tea.

Wash up, dirty!

Go play.

- Either a fish or a hare.

Well, thoughts fly!

When will I know

Am I my name?

Y. Yakimenko, "What is my name"

As a person was born, with him the nickname is forever. What do the nicknames say? Rarely does anyone call a newborn by his first name. Yes, just by name. Much more often in the course are funny and affectionate words with which parents express their love for the baby.

In Rus', there was a tradition to give the newborn two names. Only relatives knew the real name - parents, crossnye. It combined wishes for the baby, it reflected love and a desire for his happiness. And another name is a nickname for everyone. They gave it like this: the child was wrapped in matting and taken out of the door, as if demonstrating to evil spirits that they had found an abandoned baby, which was not particularly needed. Yes, they called him such a name that would scare away evil spirits and lull her attention.

"They call Zovutka, but they call it a duck." In ancient times, they were afraid to give their own name to a stranger. Suddenly, the stranger turns out to be a sorcerer who uses such knowledge for evil. Nicknames didn't just happen. At all times it was believed, and quite rightly, that a nickname chosen with love would help in life. They were given according to the appearance of the child. For example, Svetlana, Belyan, Chernyava, Pyshechka, Pukhlyachok, Peanut, Tolstun-chik, Beauty, Kurnos - all these nicknames arose from the first impression of the baby.

There were also Baran, Sparrow, Wolf, Goat. This is because in ancient times each clan had its own totem - a sacred animal that was supposed to protect and protect people. They could give the boy the name Wolf - so that he was strong, brave, lived a long time.

First, Second, Tretyak - this was the name of the first, second or third child in the family. There were Chetvertak, Chetvertunya, Chetyrya, Piatanya (or Pyatysh), Shestyarya, Semanya (or Semushka), Osmak and so on. Now it is difficult for us to imagine a family where there would be, for example, fourteen children.

Even more often, a person’s fate was guessed by a name. Ratibor will grow up and defeat all enemy ratis, Vladimir can own the whole world. Scientists suggest that such ancient Slavic nicknames as Thunder or Frost were given as guards so that the child would not die from thunder or frost.

The Slavs chose to name their children any words that reflect the various properties and qualities of people, their character traits: Clever, Brave, Kind, Cunning. The screaming baby was called Sleepless or Restless.

The influence of a name or nickname on a person and his fate has been noticed for a long time. A nickname is also a name. Although not commonly used, it also connects the child with his essence, with himself. There will be several more such nicknames in a person’s life: at school, in a friendly company, in the company of a loved one, the name that his own children will give him. But the first - the family name, which was named by the mother or grandmother - will remain the most important and dearest for a person.

Burnet F. "The Little Lord's Story"

Jerome K. Jerome "Three men in a boat, not counting the dog"

Korolenko V. G. Chapters from “The History of My Contemporary” (“Early Childhood”, “The Beginning of Teaching”, “In the County Town”, “Student Years”)

Malo G. "Without a family"

Tolstoy A. N. "Nikita's Childhood"

Travers P. "Mary Poppins"

Uspensky E. N. "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"
