Funny riddles with a trick for children and adults. Funny riddles with a trick for children and adults Riddles 7 8 years short

Hello, friends! This time I have fun theme, today I will give you a huge list of riddles for children 7 years old with answers, they will be very different - about vegetables, animals, fruits, numbers, birds, funny, logical, with a trick, about the seasons and the world around.

It doesn’t matter how old you and your child are, sometimes it’s useful and fun to play riddles with him, especially if they are tricky or funny. Logic riddles develop thinking, and the child learns about nature Interesting Facts and comparisons.

It is best to start guessing riddles from the age of 4, choosing simple categories, short, preferably in 4 lines, so that it is easier for him to remember. At 5 and 6 years old, you need to start expanding your mental logic a little and introducing riddles of a more complex nature. Today in my selection there will be puzzles for every taste, I will start with the easiest ones that are suitable for children 5-6 years old, you will find short ones, even in 2 lines, about food, numbers, animals and birds. All riddles for children with answers.

Easy riddles for kids

I start my collection of riddles with the easiest ones. Perhaps your child can handle them too easily, then go downstairs, there you will find other categories.

She walks in the rain

Loves to nibble grass

Quack screams, it's all a joke,

Well, of course it is (duck).

It has a lot of windows.

We live in it. This is (the house).

I'm friends with hair

I put them in order.

Thank you hairstyle

And my name is (comb).

I look like needles

Call me of course (hedgehog).

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good Doctor (Aibolit).

He stood in the forest, and no one took him,

In a fashionable red hat, good for nothing. (Amanita)

On a green string

White bells. (Lily of the valley)

The bell just rang

The lesson started in the class.

The student and the parent know -

Conduct a lesson (teacher).

I'm in my school bag

I'll tell you how you study (diary).

Sings very thinly

Calls mother hen.

yellow child

Who is this? (chick).

Different colors in a box

With a brush, starting to dance

On the leaf is very timid

Leave strokes (paints).

The monster's emerald eye blazed.

So, you can cross the street now (traffic light).

Neither the sea nor the land.

And ships don't sail

And you can’t walk (swamp).

She does not sit still

On the tail carries news (forty).

Where is the water from year to year

Doesn't run or run

Doesn't sing or murmur

And always stands as a pillar (in the well).

She buzzes, buzzes,

Above the flower circles, circles,

She sat down, took the juice from the flower,

Honey prepares for us (bee).

In linen country

On the river sheet

The steamboat is sailing

Back, then forward

And behind him such a smooth surface,

Not a wrinkle to be seen

As soon as it came out from behind the clouds, everything was immediately lit up.

What is this? Who will answer? Rays are sending me in the face. (Sun)

Wonderful patterns float in the sky:

Dogs, horses, white and mischievous.

They are fun to look at in the sky during the day.

And at night you can hardly see them afterwards. (Clouds)

Like an artist, he draws in the windows,

He covers forests and fields with ice.

And the snow does not melt because of him,

So we can ride later. (Freezing)

This concludes my category of easy and simple tasks for schoolchildren 7 years old with answers. I propose to go further and get acquainted with funny and funny riddles with answers for children 6-7 years old.

Funny riddles for seven year olds

funny riddles it is not only fun, but also useful for the child's body. Friends, I have selected funny and funny ones for you, although there are very few of them.

I have a robot in my apartment.

He has a huge trunk.

Robot loves cleanliness

And buzzes like a liner "TU"

He willingly swallows the dust,

Does not get sick, does not sneeze (vacuum cleaner).

What is it with Galochka?

thread on a stick,

Wand in hand

A thread in the river (fishing rod).

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good Doctor (Aibolit).

Who in the pouring rain does not wet his hair (bald).

What clock is showing right time only twice a day (broken).

And in Voronezh, and in Tula,

Children sleep on (beds, not chairs) at night.

Small, grey, like an elephant. Who? (baby elephant).

On a stepladder

Lambs are hung.

Click yes click - five yes five -

They hit the raspberries.

They wanted to peck her.

But they saw a freak -

And hurry out of the garden!

And the freak stands on a stick,

With a beard from a washcloth (stuffed animal).

Grandma Glasha has a granddaughter Sasha,

Snowball the cat and Fluffy the dog.

How many grandchildren does grandmother Glasha have? (one Sasha)

A voice is heard through the field and woods.

He runs along the wires - You will say here, but you can hear it there (phone).

Short riddles with answers

Short riddles, suitable for younger kids, for example, for children 4 years old. They are very easy to remember, this allows the child not to get confused.

A toothy animal gnaws an oak tree (saw) with a screech.

It has a lot of windows.

We live in it. This is (the house).

Big fight in the river

Two (cancer) quarreled.

Oranges and bananas, very loving (monkeys).

I lost my sock, dragged it (puppy).

Who comes, who goes

Everyone leads her by the handle (door).

To whom do all people take off their hats?

(In front of the hairdresser).

Who will color our album?

Well, of course (pencil).

Liquid, not water

White, not snow (milk).

"How would I go CAR-rona"

Important croaks (crow).

Planted a seed

Grow the sun (sunflower).

Flying through the sky without wings

Cries and disappears (cloud).

Oranges and bananas are very fond of (monkeys).

Blinks eyes, squeaks brakes (car).

Riddles for schoolchildren about numbers

At the age of 7, the child goes to the first grade, which means that he can write and count. That is why I made a category of puzzles for children of 7 years old about numbers. Don't be afraid, riddles with answers, so you have no option to make a mistake.

Baby Lena on hand

She, surprisingly,

Every time it comes out (5).

The number looks like a hook

What's on the truck.

And looks like a double

If upside down (5).

That's such a miracle! Come on, come on

You take a better look -

It looks like a letter

But also the number (three).

And my friend Tonya

I had to sit on a pony,

And Tony with a pony

It became legs immediately (six).

This number is simply amazing.

She has family everywhere.

Even in the alphabet

She has a twin sister (3).

Spit curls in the wind

And in the middle of the back there is a strip (7).

Outside the window is a feeder.

Grains Tanyushka

Pours to the birds -

Sparrows, tits.

- Hey, fly from the yard,

It's time for breakfast.

70 grains put,

She closed the window behind her.

Ten birds have flown

Three crows, seven tits.

Arrived three times

Two grains were pecked.

How many grains are in the feeder?

Is it necessary to fill up Tanya?

(10 grains left).

Boa constrictor decided his day off

Spend at home with family.

From the joy of wife Klava

Gently hugged the boa constrictor.

Three sons clung to dad,

And with them and a boa constrictor daughter.

The family entwined into a big ball.

Like a leafless branch

I am straight, dry, thin.

You met me often

In the student's diary (unit).

That's the number, take a look

She has a focus

You turn it over

And you get the number six (nine).

Riddles for children 7 years old about fruits

Well, how can you forget about fruits, children love them very much, which means that they will also like mouth-watering riddles. Meet friends, a small selection of puzzles about fruits for children.

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

adults love me

And little kids (apple).

Blue uniform, white lining,

In the middle - sweet (plum).

On a lace-stalk

Sweet berries pile

On a large dish (grapes).

This fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb (pear).

Orange's younger brother

Because it is small (mandarin).

This fruit is sweet

Both round and smooth.

It's fragrant on the inside.

Fluffy outside (peach).

Hanging red beads

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads

Children, birds and bears (raspberries).

Riddles about vegetables

Head on a leg, peas in the head (peas).

At least grew in the garden,

Knows the notes of salt and fa (beans).

Purple caftan

Carries a vegetable (eggplant).

In the garden - a yellow ball,

Only he does not run galloping,

He's like a full moon

Tasty seeds (pumpkin) in it.

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not oil

Sweet, not sugar

With a tail, not a mouse (turnip).

He is from a field mouse,

He hid in the ground with his head,

From above only tight arrows,

Skillfully reach for the sun.

Heals seven ailments

All useful ripe) onions).

Casseroles, potato pancakes,

Fritters and puree,

Zrazy and dumplings,

livers in skins,

And an excellent okroshka

Can be made from (potatoes).

I am long and green

I'm delicious salty

Delicious and raw.

Who am I (cucumber).

So my riddles about vegetables for children of 7 years old with answers have ended, I hope you liked them.

Riddles for children 7 years old about animals

At the age of 7, children easily guess questions, especially about animals and birds, sometimes after the first line they are ready to give an answer. I tried to pick up complex puzzles so that the guys could think carefully.

All the time he prowls through the forest,

He is looking for someone in the bushes.

He clicked his teeth from the bushes,

Who say it (wolf).

Here's a handsome man

So handsome!


Not a hare.

After all, he was born

Just right,

He is thoroughbred

We have (rabbit).

Came from hot countries

There she lived among the vines

And, hanging on them by the tail,

I ate a banana (monkey).

Champion in fast running

I sometimes drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats (horse).

Lives calmly, not in a hurry,

He carries a shield just in case.

Under it, not knowing fear,

Walking (turtle).

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide (moose).

Jumping like a squirrel

Only on the ground.

She has a bag

For your children

Strong paws.

Who is it guys? (Kangaroo)

Sly, fluffy, loves to profit.

Believes such a cheat and gingerbread man, and a bird.

A red-haired beauty, a cheat flaunts in the forest. (Fox)

This is a bird of the sea, flying over the waves with expanse.

In the evenings I can always meet her on the shore. (Gull)

Riddles of snag for 7 - 8 years

The funniest riddles for children are with a catch, because this playful deception misleads the child. The children become cheerful, excitement and joy appear in their eyes. It's the best there is. This category is designed not only for 7 years old, but also for children 5-6 years old.

In the house I catch mice

entertain kids.

You say, children, out loud,

I am called (a cat, not a rooster).

the bunny came out for a walk,

and the paws of the hare are exactly (4, not 5).

Birthday on the nose - we baked (cake, not sausage).

And in Voronezh, and in Tula,

Children sleep on (a bed, not a chair) at night.

Frost is cracking in the yard - You put a hat on (head, not nose).

Always dressed in sliders

Sleeps in the garden with a pacifier (brother, not grandfather).

Doll dresses, panties

They always like to sew (girls, not boys).

Let's pick a bunch of flowers

And now we will weave (a wreath, not a hat).

He is a reliable guard

The door cannot be without (a lock, not a tap).

At Irinka and Oksanka

There are three-wheelers (bicycles, not sleds).

You look at the bird

The bird has exactly two legs, not three.

Digging holes underground

A small blind animal

Between the roots, where the eternal darkness,

Inhabits black (mole, not cancer).

Who will take off from the flower just about?

Multi-colored (butterfly, not hippopotamus).

Friends, I was able to pick up such funny riddles for children of 7 years old, if this set is not enough for you, I suggest that you follow the link that I indicated above, there you will find a huge selection for any age.

Riddles for 7 years about winter

From the age of 3, a child should know the seasons. Of course, not everyone is able to remember this, but the logic and thinking of children must be developed. I propose to do this with the help of riddles. These riddles about winter are for children of 7 years old, but they can be guessed at 6 and 5 years old.

Like a white star

From silver ice

Spinning, flying

Melts on the palm. (Snowflake)

I wasn't raised.

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose deftly

Put in carrots. (Snowman).

Chipplet Santa Claus

All the kids for (nose).

Blanket white,

Not made by hand

Not woven and not cut,

Snow fell from the sky to the ground.

As winter came, all the puddles

I gave it to the cold.

And everywhere, as one,

Puddles froze to the bottom.

In the field a grove of birches

Frost penetrated to the roots.

Who took pity on the birches -

Wearing silver fur? (frost).

Hedgehog looks like her

no leaves at all!

How beautiful is slim

And on New Year important (tree).

On New Year's Eve he came to the house

Such a ruddy fat man.

But every day he lost weight

And finally, completely disappeared (calendar).

I took two oak bars,

Two iron rails

I stuffed planks on the bars.

Give me snow! Ready (sled).

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They blinded a daughter from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name (Snow Maiden).

These are such interesting and unusual riddles about the new year, and now let's move on to the autumn theme.

Riddles about autumn

Riddles about autumn include not only the autumn months, but also natural phenomena, objects that are used at this time of the year.

I bring the harvest

I sow the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees

But I don't touch the pines

And Christmas trees. I (autumn).

They are waiting for me - they will not wait,

And when they see it, they will scatter (rain).

He reveals himself

He covers you (umbrella).

September and October

There are so many in the yard!

The rain has passed - left them,

Medium, small, large (puddles).

The clouds are catching up

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles (wind).

It wets the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know it's (rain)

Riddles about birds for first graders

Birds are different, so my riddles are about migratory, wild and domestic birds. They are also for children 7 8 years old and with answers.

A worker lives in the forest -

Forest nosy carpenter (woodpecker).

He wanders importantly across the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feather beds (goose).

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms

I do not fly to a warm land,

Here, I live under the roof.

Chick-chirp, don't be shy!

I am an experienced (sparrow).

This is our old friend:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp (stork).

All day the fisherman stood in the water,

The bag was stuffed with fish.

Finished fishing, took the catch,

He rose up and was like this (pelican).

Spreads its tail like a peacock,

Walks like an important gentleman

On the ground with their feet - a knock,

What is his name? (turkey).

Long neck and long legs.

He can, like a horse,

Run along the road (ostrich).
He builds a house on the rock.

Isn't it scary to live there?

Though beauty is all around

But such height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Roll down a steep cliff -

Two mighty wings

At the owner (eagle).

Dear moms, this musical clockwork gift is for you.

Friends, look at the list of puzzles I have selected for your children, perhaps many of them are suitable not only for children of 7 years old, but also for other age categories. Wish you have fun. Good luck and visit often!

Yours Nina Kuzmenko.

A large selection of riddles with answers for the most fun and intelligent entertainment with children. Plunging into a "mysterious" world where fantasies and reality intersect, adults forget about everything in the world and turn back into children, and children learn to find the right solutions hidden in the most ordinary words. It's no secret that children's puzzles help your child's development.

Riddles for children are different. You can hold home quizzes on holidays and weekends, in family circle. Such activities can include riddles about food, animals, birds and insects, as well as trick riddles.

One of the famous psychologists of our time said that riddles make you think. Still would! A riddle, or a small cheerful quatrain that explains a word, influences the formation of a child's worldview, develops intelligence, logic, imagination and attention, reaction speed.

How to choose children's puzzles?

Children's riddles should be exciting, funny, a little complicated so that the child does not immediately guess. Children are naturally curious. They will like riddles for children to be quick-witted. You should not accept the defeat of the child until the last, even if he asks for an answer. Better offer him a prize if he solves the riddle himself.

Beyond the seriousness, among the encrypted answers, mysteries and secrets, a game of imagination begins, during which the logical, associative and creative thinking of children develops.

Hello, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents of a little first grader! Your baby has matured and entered a new school life. Everything you taught him in seven years will be very useful to him now. If a child has a desire to learn, curiosity and the ability to grasp knowledge on the fly, then schoolwork will not be a burden for him. Nevertheless, despite the seeming adulthood, seven years is not so much. The kid still remains a fidget, and it’s hard for him to get used to a measured school life. Therefore, it is very important not to tear the baby too sharply from what surrounded him in the preschool past. First of all, this applies to all kinds of games and other developmental activities. Do not forget about such a wonderful form of leisure as riddles. Of course, taking into account the new knowledge gained at school, they should become more complex than those that the child heard before, and their subject matter should be more diverse. We have selected children's riddles with answers for 7 years old - we hope that both your child and you will like them.

By the way, riddles are The best way to take the baby, for example, in a car or train, in line with a doctor or in a store. It's great if you know a lot of riddles by heart. If not, then no problem either. There are many different collections of books, you can download riddles to your phone or tablet, or you can use our website.

Riddles in verse

Perhaps the most beloved among the kids are riddles in verse. At the age of 7, the kid already feels the rhythm and rhyme of the poem and easily finds the right word. Riddles for junior schoolchildren can be on various topics, for example, about natural phenomena.

playful blue-eyed
Embraced the whole village at once
And not in a hurry to part -
Know that it moves the leaves.

In the morning the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tucked in.
And let's go look for them during the day,
We are looking, we are looking - we will not find.

golden air balloon
Stopped over the river
Floated over the water
And then he disappeared behind the forest.

Rooted in the ground for a minute
Multi-colored miracle bridge.
Miracle master made
The bridge is high without railings.

He entered - no one saw,
He said no one heard.
He blew into the windows and disappeared, and a forest grew on the windows.

crumbled peas
On seventy-seven roads;
No one will pick him up.
Neither king nor queen
Not a red girl.

Here is what a glutton is:
Everything in the world can be eaten.
And when he drinks water -
Will definitely fall asleep.

A little first-grader will like riddle poems on a school theme.

Cozy and spacious house
There are a lot of good kids there.
Beautiful writing and reading
Children draw and count.

You will sharpen your nose sharply,
Draw whatever you want.
There will be sun, sea, beach -
What is this?


I'm fine inside
Stacks of books and notebooks.


She speaks silently
But it's understandable and boring.
You talk more often with her -
You will become four times smarter.

I am straight
I help you draw.
Anything you without me
Draw a bag.
Guess guys
Who am I?


We are hooks and umbrellas
They began to draw.
You try to guess
What is this notebook?


The first book that gives knowledge
Her first grader is carrying in a briefcase.
Always and everywhere, today and in the old days
The student needs...


Riddles about various animals and birds are liked not only by the smallest children, but also by schoolchildren. You just need to think not only about squirrel bunnies, but also about lesser-known animals and birds.

Well, this is the bird of the world,
Only hovered in the sky.
Quickly descended to our feet,
Feel free to walk on the road
And he's only afraid of cats
We give her seeds and crumbs.
With us a bird all year round,
Sings cooing.

He sits on a tree
Knocks on the bark all day,
removes insects,
The native forest protects.
He is wearing a red hat
He called the whole world a doctor.
Well, my young observer,
What is the name of the bird?

Waves carry to the shore
A parachute is not a parachute.
He does not swim, he does not dive,
Just touch it - it burns.

Not a beast, not a bird,
Afraid of sunlight.
Hiding in attics during the day
Only frolic at night.


A ship sails through the desert
He carries packs on himself.
He is not afraid of heat and thirst,
He walks boldly across the sands.


Children who often guess riddles, not only remember many of them by heart, but also try to compose themselves. And even if the riddle invented by the kid does not seem too “correct” to you, be sure to praise him, try to guess, laugh together at the wrong answer. After all, it's just wonderful that the baby is drawn to creativity, he shows quick wit and imagination, thinks logically.

Riddles for ingenuity

Riddles are truly a brilliant invention of the human mind. To find the answer, the child has to observe the world around him, think creatively, find logical connections between various objects or phenomena, catch and remember strokes that will allow him to guess what the riddle is about. Logic riddles for younger students develop associative thinking, gradually prepare the baby to solve more complex problems and puzzles in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Invite your child to find answers to our riddles, prompt and help if he doesn’t succeed at once, teach the baby to build logical chains and find the right solution.

  • Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters? (One)
  • Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many? (Three: grandmother, mother and daughter)
  • There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three children so that one apple remains in the basket? (Give away one with the basket)
  • The two boys played checkers for two hours. How many played each of them? (Two hours)
  • What grows upside down? (Icicle)
  • You can jump off it on the go, but you can't jump on it on the go. What is this? (Airplane)
  • When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 7 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs? (7 kg)

Your kid will definitely like riddles based on folk tales, such as:

  • Three grandmothers had one gray goat each. They went to the forest for a walk, and there they were eaten by wolves. There were horns and legs left from the goats. How many horns are left and how many legs? (12 legs and 6 horns)
  • Tiny Khavroshechka went into the forest with her sisters: One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed. How many eyes did this company have in total? (Eight)
  • Goblin collected 48 fly agaric, and Baba Yaga - 12 fly agaric less. How many edible mushrooms did Leshy and Baba Yaga collect in total? (No one)

It is very valuable that the search for answers to questions requires patience, assertiveness and determination from the child. The kid becomes more assiduous and tries to find correct solution and finish what you started.

Riddles with a trick

A special place among the riddles is occupied by trick riddles, or riddles with a trick. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the wrong answer suggests itself, the baby is in a hurry to answer in rhyme and the first one rolls with laughter from the resulting absurdity. Here are some tricks for you and your little one:

Grandma asks Arkasha
Make a radish...

(Not porridge, but salad)

Passed by the hive

(Not a crocodile, but a bear)

The bunny went out for a walk
The paws of the hare are exactly ...

(not five, but four)

To iron a T-shirt, shorts,
Mom plugs in...

(Not a watch, but an iron)

Birthday on the nose -
We baked…

(Not sausage, but cake)

Yulia's mother asked
Pour some tea for her...

(Not in a pot, but in a cup)

Riddles deceptions contribute to the development of a child's sense of humor, cheer up and expand vocabulary. They are great for children's day birthday or matinee, but it is no less interesting to guess them with the whole family.

Dear readers, we will not change traditions and briefly summarize the results of today's meeting. We hope that, despite the abundance of school tasks, your little one will always have time for games and entertainment, including riddles that:

  • are both a pleasant rest and a load on the mind;
  • develop ingenuity and ingenuity;
  • serve as an excellent means of communication between children and adults.

If our article seemed interesting and useful to you, then share information about our site with your friends and acquaintances. We are waiting for your feedback and comments.

We wish your little one a happy school life, and health and patience to you! See you soon! Goodbye!

A preschooler is at an age when there is an active mental development of the child. And the task of parents is to direct the inquisitive child's mind along the path of desire to form it further. Funny riddles for 6-7 years old are lifesaver for a child who themselves suggest interesting questions. Learning the answers, the baby grows in his own eyes, will strive to know even more. A a cheerful, funny presentation of riddles, which children really like, will make it easier for adults to develop their child.

Memory and attention will help in school

Many years of experience of teachers and educators shows that riddles can develop children's memory, teach them how to make a comparative analysis, establish common signs of objects and phenomena, which has a beneficial effect on logic and thinking. Tension of the mind, accurate perception of information, development of speech, complication of vocabulary - all this is effortlessly received by the child while playing puzzles.

Instructive and simple

Children's riddles for 6-8 years old evaluate the capabilities of the children. If it doesn’t work out very well, the child is interested in looking for the answer himself, gaining new knowledge, seeing the unknown in books. National folklore in the genre of riddles is good because it is saturated with folk wisdom, refined instructiveness and at the same time simplicity and wit.

Riddles for children 6-7-8 years old are varied in subject matter and presentation. According to the content, they can be about:

  • Seasons;
  • natural phenomena;
  • festive, fairy-tale characters;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • plants, flowers;
  • animal world;
  • professions;
  • household items, toys.

Without wings, but flying. When he cries, he disappears.


Ripe fruit on the tree

And it tastes good.

Yellow green,

Similar to a light bulb.


He loves milk very much.

It's not easy to babysit him.

He is dressed in a vest,

Sleeping quietly in the crib...

(wrong: grandfather. Correct: brother)

Blanket white,

Not sewn, not woven.

It fell from the sky

The whole earth was covered.


Everyone is waiting for him, calling, and when he comes, everyone runs away.


Sitting under the tree

Trembling with fear.

If necessary, then run.

Writes loops in the snow:

"I'll run away from the fox!"


Is he lying or playing

He wants to eat, and he wants to drink.

He doesn't like mice

Striped important…


Can jump and fly.

Inadvertently jump

And run through the gate

Maybe a quick round...


His granddaughter Dunyasha

Grandma Aglasha asks

From radish with sour cream

Eat a little...

(incorrect answer: porridge. Correct: salad)

I arrived at the store.

To choose a limousine.

But I could buy

Two mittens for...

(incorrect: for the legs. It should be said: for the hands)

No one will please her

Willful and stubborn.

"I don't want to kindergarten!» –

Stomping foot...

(mother is the wrong answer. It’s right to say: daughter)

Vasya loves her very much,

Kiss, snuggle.

She is about two hundred years old -


(not to the bride, but to the turtle)

For dolls dresses, panties,

Berets, mittens, shirt-fronts

Always sew and tie

(not boys, but girls)

To the rogue students

Courageously going to class

Not a timid ten

Brave …

(not a bun, but a teacher)

To iron a robe with a hood,

Mom goes to the outlet with ...

(with a phone? No, with an iron)

Kings of all times

In their portraits

It is important to look through the ages

In golden…

(in berets? False, in crowns)

In the meadow we'll pick

Dandelion bag

And from them we will weave


(not a pot, but a wreath)

little sisters,

Girly babes

Bought for the summer


(not boots, but sandals)

Summer will come soon,

Hot days.

And then we gladly

Let's stand on...

(not on skates, but on roller skates)

The bunny came out to frolic

Jumping in the grass.

One nose and one tail

Well, paws...

(not two, but 4)

The teacher explained to Kira:

5 plus 2 is...

(not 4, but 7)

If in class

Will you yawn

Then you will receive in the diary

You evaluate...

(not 5, but 2)

Six-year-old children have their own characteristics. At this age they have the first stage of growing up. No wonder it is at the age of 6 that children begin to actively prepare for school.

The outlook of the six-year-old is already wide enough. It includes many objects and phenomena, the child has the skills of logical thinking and is able to solve rather complex problems. Therefore, riddles for children of 6 years old relate to various areas of human life and the objective world.

This collection offers riddles in verses related to food, some professions. Inside the tests are hidden and related concepts that further expand the horizons of the child.

Grandma will get a jar
With buckwheat, rice or semolina.
Boil then granny
With milk, cereals in a saucepan.
Eat, eat in the morning, children
The best food in the world!

* * *
He's in Grandma's garden
Grew green in July.
In the New Year it would be necessary
We get out of the marinade.

* * *
It happens to be rye, Minsk,
Darnitsky and Borodinsky.
Look for it in the bakery.
It is so delicious to eat borscht with him!
(Black bread)

* * *
We'll spread it on bread
And add to different cereals.
We will not spoil their porridge -
The proverb echoes everything.
If we add it to the cake,
Then we get a rich cream.

* * *
This delicious food
I will always find in the forest.
We will fry them with my grandmother,
And salt and boil.

* * *
On a holiday I will come to everyone,
I am big and sweet.
I have nuts, cream,
Cream, chocolates.

* * *
I took strength from the fruits
Sweet berries, fruits.
For the guys, I'm ready
The best of products.
You drink me more
Pour it, don't be sorry!

* * *
The composition is ready, the beep sounds,
The train went east.
Flickering sleepers and poles,
Birches, firs and oaks.
And my dad leads the composition,
Not tired at all in a day.

* * *
He is in a white robe
Treats all patients in the ward.
If something bad happens,
Then he will rush to the ambulance.
Dad knows medicine
All medicines and vaccines.
(doctor, doctor)

* * *
We'll go up the ladder
And in the cabin we will meet dad.
He's ready to enter the cockpit,
Raise the colossus into the sky.
It's already the tenth year
Dad drives a plane.
(pilot, pilot)

* * *
Chips curl over the machine,
Dad is familiar with technology.
He's made of wood and steel
Deftly carve out the details,
Even make toys
For me and for Vanya.

* * *
Their grandma with sugar
She baked sweets.
The first came out - like a lump,
Others are smooth.

* * *
Sweet Berries Granny
Made something.
And it's enough for us for a year
For tea and compotes.

* * *
very fragrant,
Sweet and minty.
From above we are in glazing gloss,
As if in a joyful blush.

* * *
He lives in his foil
It melts quickly in your hand.
Very tasty, very sweet
Rubs the muzzles of the guys.

* * *
We rustle in the confectionery
Fanfiction bright.
And for the holiday we want
Come to you with gifts.
* * *
I'm in a glass, a horn,
Delicious and tender.
Made with milk
More often - snow-white.
I live in freezers
And I immediately melt in the sun.
(Ice cream)
* * *
We are in a package of one hundred zeros
We notice with poppy.
Grandma, pour some tea,
Let's eat them for tea.
(Drying, bagels)
