How many times and how are planned ultrasounds of pregnant women carried out.

This study allows you to answer numerous questions that arise from the doctor and the patient throughout the entire gestation period.

Scanning is designed to identify defects, as well as assess the development of the fetus. Every woman who is registered in a timely manner, ultrasound is done at least three times. But it is not necessary to adjust all cases to standard conditions. Each situation is considered individually. There are women in labor and accomplished mothers who have never visited the ultrasound diagnostic room for the entire period.

Many expectant mothers have an interest: Even the most experienced obstetrician-gynecologist will not be able to give you an answer to it. Everything is very individual. Doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to visit the scanning room every week in order to once again assess the condition of the fetus and find out how many millimeters its size has increased. At the same time, according to certain indications, pregnancy can be carried out a large number of research.

There is a misconception that such a diagnosis can harm the unborn child. Doctors say that this is how people who understand nothing about medicine think. In fact, doing an ultrasound is not so much harmful as useful, but again - according to indications.

If the doctor has doubts and reasons for conducting a diagnosis, then he prescribes an unscheduled study. Such monitoring can provide a lot of important information and prevent disastrous consequences. Ultrasound examination for expectant mothers and their children is not at all dangerous. During the procedure, there is no irradiation, and in fact it is he who is afraid of inexperienced future parents. The picture is delivered to the monitor of the device using ultrasonic reflection.

Number of ultrasounds

How often should the expectant mother visit the ultrasound diagnostics room? As you can already understand, it is impossible to give an exact and single answer. For the entire duration of pregnancy, at least three scans are performed. These are routine and are called first, second, or third trimester screenings. For their implementation, the doctor sets a certain range of weeks (usually from 2 to 4).

During this period, the expectant mother must meet: visit the specialist's office and receive a scan protocol. A woman has the right to refuse diagnostics. Then an official document is signed, which indicates the reason for this decision. All responsibility for possible congenital malformations and complications of pregnancy lies with the patient.

Often during the period you have to do not three, but several more studies. There are certain indications for emergency and unscheduled diagnostics. The number of monitorings cannot be limited by any parameter. If necessary and important, then ultrasound is performed almost every two weeks.

Scheduled examinations

How many times to do an ultrasound during pregnancy? There are three planned studies - three important screenings. With their help, the condition of the child, his development and parameters are assessed. Additionally, a woman takes a blood test, the results of which allow a more accurate interpretation of the readings received during the scan.

  • The first study is made from 10 weeks. Doctors recommend meeting the deadline of 12-14 weeks. During this period, you can get a lot of important information about the embryo, determine its size and gestational age. The estimated date of birth, set at this point, is considered as accurate as possible. Major birth defects are also found during this period. It is very important not to miss the first screening.
  • The second study is no less important. If for the first time everything was fine, then it is carried out up to 24 weeks. It is permissible to visit the ultrasound room as early as 20 weeks. This examination focuses on defects and malformations of vital organs.
  • The third diagnosis is made in the final pregnant trimester. The deadline for its implementation is set from 32 to 35 weeks. Then the state of the fetus, its readiness for an early birth is assessed. The doctor pays attention to the work of the placenta, studies the blood flow. All this is very important, since a banal lack of nutrition and oxygen can result in a serious injury for the baby.

How many times do ultrasound during pregnancy, according to the established plan? Three times.

When can the first ultrasound be done?

For the first trimester? Often it is during this period that a woman has to repeatedly visit the diagnostic room. There can be many reasons for conducting an unscheduled examination.

The first ultrasound is often prescribed expectant mother to establish the fact of pregnancy. This is necessary for an irregular cycle, suspicion of ectopic attachment gestational sac, in order to treat inflammation (you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy). The first scan can be done as early as a week after the delay. At the same time, a modern device will show not only the presence of an embryo, but also record its heartbeat.

Transabdominal ultrasound

Diagnosis may be necessary up to 10 weeks due to suspicion of a threatened abortion. Scanning is prescribed for the following symptoms: bleeding, abdominal pain, back pain. If the threat is confirmed, then its therapy is carried out. After treatment, it is necessary to do another ultrasound, which will show the result of the use of medications. If you make a calculation, then we can say that in the first trimester a woman can visit the ultrasound room three times or more.

Special cases

Ultrasound during pregnancy may be prescribed for emergency indications. In the first and second trimester, diagnosis is often carried out due to the threat of termination of pregnancy. In the third trimester, we are talking about premature birth. An additional study can be carried out after a viral illness, such as influenza. Diagnostics is necessary in order to make sure that the baby is developing normally and that the drugs used have no negative effect on him.

If a woman has ICI or other problems with the cervix, then the study can be carried out repeatedly. Scanning is often required in the second trimester. However, it can be carried out every 7-10 days. So often, ultrasound is needed to track the behavior of the cervix and prevent its disclosure in time.

How many ultrasounds during pregnancy are performed in the third trimester? At the end of the term, diagnosis is often needed for expectant mothers with surgery C-section in history. With the help of ultrasound, gynecologists monitor the condition of the scar. If he allows, then a woman can give birth herself: naturally. When the scar is recognized as insolvent, another caesarean section is scheduled. However, it may be premature at the risk of divergence of the seam.

After childbirth: ultrasound diagnosis of the baby

A newborn baby needs ultrasound diagnostics no less than when he was in the mother's womb. Now the actions of doctors are aimed at assessing the development of the crumbs. There are several important studies that all children are subjected to. Remember that refusal of such manipulations can lead to bad consequences.

  • Study of the hip joints. This ultrasound allows you to assess how the joints have developed, whether there are any defects. In this way, dysplasia can be detected in time.
  • Neurosonography. This study of the brain is performed through an unextended fontanel. With its help, a neurologist can establish pathologies such as intracranial pressure, cysts, insufficient blood circulation.
  • Examination of the abdominal cavity. This ultrasound is prescribed for all babies. It studies the work of the digestive system and reveals its pathologies.
  • Ultrasound of the heart is prescribed exclusively according to indications. If there is no reason to examine a newborn, then it is scheduled at 12 months.
  • Ultrasound of the cervical region is necessary to establish a birth injury or torticollis. Appointed when suspected of such.

Many parents are afraid to do ultrasound to an infant. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this manipulation. On the contrary, diagnostics helps to detect pathologies in time and eliminate them without serious consequences. During the first six months of a baby's life, he should have at least 4 ultrasounds.


If you are interested in the permissible number of ultrasounds during pregnancy (how many times it is performed), then you should ask this question to your gynecologist. Only a doctor will be able to assess your individual condition and suggest whether additional scans will be needed. No one is immune from the need for an emergency ultrasound. Even an experienced gynecologist will not be able to reliably say whether you need it or not. How many ultrasounds can be done for the entire pregnancy? As much as you like, but only according to the testimony!

The most common method for diagnosing diseases internal organs, joints, confirming the fact of pregnancy and determining the state of development of the fetus is ultrasound diagnostics. Many patients ask questions: how often can an ultrasound be done, is it dangerous for health, how to prepare for the procedure, and many others.

Description of the procedure

During such a diagnosis, microwaves penetrate into the human body, and since each tissue of the body has its own acoustic resistance, they are absorbed or reflected. As a result, the image on the display of the ultrasound machine shows different environments darker or lighter. To study a particular organ, its own wave parameters are used. For example, for examination of the thyroid gland, a frequency of 7.5 MHz is used, and the diagnosis of the abdominal organs requires 2.5-3.5 MHz. Everything is based on the properties of tissues located in a certain localization.

During the ultrasound procedure, there is a slight heating of the tissues, but this happens in such a short period of time that it does not affect the state of the body in any way and is absolutely not felt by the patient. Ultrasound is performed using a special scanner. The working part of the device consists of a source and a receiver of high frequency waves. The source emits them, then there is a reflection or absorption from tissues and organs. The receiver catches the waves and transmits them to a computer, where they are interpreted into a real-time image of a “cut” of tissue.

With the help of modern technologies in the relevant institutions, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional images can be obtained. The Cardio Plus Medical Center has the most modern equipment, which allows for error-free diagnostics. In addition, the clinic can get expert advice.

Before proceeding with the ultrasound, the patient is asked to partially undress, and then lie down on the couch. During an ultrasound examination, the patient lies, periodically changing the position of the body at the request of the doctor. Diagnostics is carried out with a portable sensor, which the specialist presses tightly but slightly against the skin. In gynecological ultrasound, a transvaginal probe is used, which is inserted into the vagina. Organ examinations performed through the rectum require the use of a transanal receiver.

To improve the movement of the sensor over the skin and the transmission of sound waves, the body and the receiver itself are lubricated with a special water-based hypoallergenic gel. Ultrasound is completely painless, only slight discomfort can be caused by the pressure of the device and the feeling of cold from the gel.

Is it safe to do an ultrasound?

Ultrasound diagnostics has long been recognized as a safe procedure. Indeed, there has not yet been any evidence that any of the patients suffered from ultrasound. Nevertheless, it would be reckless to unconditionally state that high-frequency waves are one hundred percent safe. Studies have shown the danger of very high intensity ultrasound for the tissues of the human body.

Experiments prove that the human body is exposed to two factors of ultrasound: mechanical (when a certain frequency limit of the emitted waves is exceeded) and thermal. Both factors are unsafe for the body if their values ​​​​exceed the permissible limits. Therefore, the safety of your ultrasound can only be ensured if certain conditions are met. Firstly, this is the use by a medical institution of certified equipment for ultrasound diagnostics. Secondly, if the doctor who does the ultrasound follows all the safety rules prescribed in the instructions for using the scanner.

How often can you do the procedure

Given that the price of ultrasound diagnostics is low, it can be performed as often as desired. But does it make any practical sense? After all, the number of procedures does not affect the accuracy of the diagnosis. That is why the frequency of ultrasound is determined solely by the attending physician, who always prescribes the optimal number of sessions.

As already mentioned, subject to all the rules, the procedure is safe for the body. Even if you spend several sessions in a short period of time, nothing terrible will happen. That is why ultrasound, unlike X-ray and CT, has no contraindications. It is well tolerated even by small children and pregnant women.

In confirmation of the fact that ultrasound is harmless, it is worth paying attention to what doctors are wearing. Radiologists wear lead aprons and other protective equipment, ultrasound doctors do not wear protective uniforms, although they are exposed to ultrasound throughout the working day. Healthy people are recommended to undergo ultrasound at least once a year. Pregnant women perform the procedure three times during their pregnancy.

Sometimes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs helps to understand whether a woman is pregnant. It is in the small pelvis that the uterus is located, where the chorion is fixed, as well as its appendages. Ultrasound is used to determine both normal and ectopic pregnancy.

Such an ultrasound is performed after 1-2 weeks of delay in menstruation. Pregnancy can be detected not only by the detection of the fetal egg, but also by an increase in the thickness of the endometrium up to 25 mm, as well as a large corpus luteum.

In the normal course of pregnancy, 3 planned ultrasounds are performed: at 10-12, 20-22 and 30-36 weeks. If a violation is suspected or to confirm the diagnosis, additional studies may be prescribed.

The most accurate results in this case are obtained by transvaginal ultrasound. During the procedure, a special thin probe is used, which is inserted into the vagina. First put on a condom. The sensor is very thin, pain and discomfort are excluded. It is located at a minimum distance from the uterus. It is completely safe, the threat of miscarriage does not cause and does not cause discomfort.

The advantages of ultrasound in diagnosing pregnancy are in the most accurate determination of the timing. You can set the gestation time to the nearest day. It also allows you to accurately calculate the date of birth. Studies at 10-12, 20-22, 30-36 weeks do not have such accuracy due to the fact that each child in the womb develops individually.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

At 10-12 weeks, it is necessary to evaluate:

  • The condition of the umbilical cord and make sure that there are two arteries in it;
  • Cervix - measure the length;
  • The place of fixation of the chorion in the uterus;
  • Fruit size.

At this stage, the gestational age is specified and possible pathologies are identified: Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, anomalies of the brain and other organs.

How is an ultrasound performed at 10-12 weeks

The method of research is chosen by the attending gynecologist. Most often, the study is performed transabdominally - through the abdominal wall. The algorithm of the procedure is simple:

  • The woman sits or lies down on the couch;
  • A doctor or nurse treats a woman's stomach with a sound-conducting gel;
  • The doctor applies the sensor to the stomach and slowly drives it over the surface;
  • The image is displayed on the monitor.

The procedure lasts a few minutes, after which the pregnant woman can immediately return to her usual activities. Ultrasound during pregnancy does not require special preparation, it can be done at any time of the day.

According to special indications, ultrasound is done transvaginally. This is necessary when:

  • Attachment of the chorion or placenta at a low level;
  • The position of the fetus, difficult to measure the collar zone or other parts of the body;
  • The need to assess the degree of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Diagnosis of inflammation of the appendages or neoplasms in a pregnant woman.

Ultrasound at 21-22 weeks

The second ultrasound shows the size of the body parts of the fetus, its anatomy, internal organs. Allows you to clarify the gestational age again, identify developmental delays, find pathologies of the placenta, uterus, cervix, umbilical cord. The maturity of the placenta is determined, premature aging is determined, the amount of water is established. At this time, the sex of the child is most often determined.

The second ultrasound is performed only transabdominally - a transvaginal examination is not prescribed until the very birth. The course of the procedure is similar to the first ultrasound.

When is the last time an ultrasound is done during pregnancy?

Ultrasound at the third screening is done at 30-31 weeks. As in the second study, the third ultrasound evaluates the condition of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, waters and the fetus itself. In addition, it is necessary to determine the presentation of the embryo - the position inside the uterus. Normally, it is head, that is, the fetus lies upside down, crown to the exit. It is important to establish the position of the placenta, the length of the cervical canal, and check the quality of the placenta.

The course of the third study does not differ from the course of the previous ones. Do ultrasound only on the abdominal wall.

prenatal ultrasound

For some women, an ultrasound is done upon admission to the hospital. This is necessary to assess the condition of the woman and the fetus, planning childbirth. The position of the embryo, height and weight, the state of the cervix (maturity and degree of dilatation), the child's heart rate, blood flow in the vessels of the mother and fetus are taken into account. The study is also carried out only transabdominally.

Which ultrasound is better during pregnancy - 3D or simple

The difference between 3D ultrasound during pregnancy and the usual one is only in the resulting image. In a normal study, it is clear only to the doctor, while the patient, as a rule, has difficulty examining the picture. Three-dimensional ultrasound allows you to see a clear three-dimensional image in color. High contrast and clarity allow you to view the embryo in detail even at the most early dates. If desired, a woman can get the first photo of a child printed on a printer from a doctor.

According to the level of impact on the child or other parameters, these types of ultrasound do not differ - both are harmless to the fetus and painless to the mother. For getting more positive emotions, it is better to choose a 3D ultrasound, but if it is not possible to do it, you should not be upset.

Every pregnant woman, as a rule, looks forward to the moment when she sees her baby for the first time. Thanks to ultrasound, this moment comes earlier than nine months later. And what a joy it is to see how your little one yawns, or sucks his thumb. Everything you need to know about ultrasound during pregnancy. What is an ultrasound

Ultrasound is ultrasonography. Simply put, diagnostics using ultrasound. And, despite the fact that ultrasound was discovered earlier than the x-ray, it is used for diagnostics not so long ago. So in such a short period of time, ultrasound has become a mandatory procedure in the examination of pregnant women. There is an ultrasound machine in almost every city, and any expectant mother can see her baby even before his birth. How does this device work? It generates sound waves that are inaudible to the human ear, which are reflected from the tissues of the body, send a response signal, and it, in turn, gives us an image on the monitor. Previously, the examination was carried out with a probe (special sensor) directly from the outside of the body. But with such an ultrasound, the picture was not clear, and the power of the sound wave was too high, and the patient had to prepare in advance - to drink a liter and a half of liquid. Now, in the latest equipment, the probe has been replaced with a vaginal sensor (it is inserted during, but only in the early stages), the power of the ultrasound itself has been reduced, and the accuracy of the examinations has increased. Moreover, if earlier only two-dimensional ultrasound was publicly available (when the obscure outlines of the fetus were visible on the monitor in black and white), now there are three- (3D) and even four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound, which allows you to see a color picture in dynamics, examine in detail each organ of the baby, even in the early stages. But that's not all. With the help of dopplerometry (a type of ultrasound) of the vessels, the doctor can even evaluate both the blood flow of the placenta and the blood circulation (and hence the oxygen supply) of the baby himself. Previously, such studies were impossible.
And here are the rates. Regular ultrasound of the small pelvis - 800 rubles, ultrasound (3D, 4D) with an assessment of its organs, photo and conclusion - 1200 rubles. Dopplerometry of blood vessels - 800 rubles. And if you want to make a video recording of the baby - 300 rubles. Prices vary from clinic to clinic, but in principle they are very affordable.

When to get an ultrasound

Many mothers run for ultrasound just the same from the first days of the delay. But it's not worth it. The Ministry of Health does not recommend the passage of ultrasound before 10 without special indications. Yes, in the early stages they will confirm the fact of pregnancy and even tell you if the pregnancy is multiple. But without compelling reasons, such as spotting, pain in the abdomen and lower back, ultrasound is best ignored. Although, it's up to you.

How many times do ultrasound pregnant Total:

The first "mandatory" Get an ultrasound at 10-12 weeks. During this ultrasound, the doctor will determine the exact date, tell you in general terms about the course of pregnancy. And, of course, will let you listen to the baby's heart. Second ultrasound, so to speak, more interesting. At 20-24 weeks, your little one will be shown to you. If this is a 3D ultrasound, then each arm and leg will be enlarged for you so that you can see the number of fingers. And the baby will definitely yawn or smile. And you will finally find out what color to buy a dowry - the doctor will determine if you wish. The specialist will have the opportunity to see the development of internal organs and make sure that there are no malformations. Third ultrasound is done already before childbirth at 32-34 weeks. The doctor will again examine the baby's organs, his presentation, and other features important for childbirth. True, you will not see the whole baby - it is too big. But he will definitely wave his hand!

The benefits of ultrasound

What is ultrasound for? And not once, but three or four, or even more. In the process of ultrasound, the doctor can diagnose deviations in the development of the child, the problems of the course of the pregnancy itself, and much, much more. MirSovetov will list what ultrasound can tell us about our child. Expectant mothers, read carefully, and think about each point. So, with the help of an ultrasound machine, you can:

  1. confirm pregnancy in the early stages;
  2. determine the number of children to be born (after the sixth week) - so that twins do not come as a surprise to you, and you can prepare for its appearance morally and financially, and doctors can monitor the development of pregnancy and make the right decisions);
  3. determine the exact age of the fetus (in the first trimester of pregnancy);
  4. diagnose (in the early stages) - to avoid surgical intervention and correct the situation without surgery;
  5. determine the pathology of the course of pregnancy (placental abruption, the threat of interruption, uterine hypertonicity, etc.) - in order to maintain pregnancy;
  6. identify defects - in order to make an objective decision on the necessary termination of pregnancy (if the defects are not compatible with life) or to carry out the necessary treatment (if appropriate);
  7. prepare for some features of childbirth - find out the weight of the fetus, determine its presentation, diagnose the presence or absence of cord entanglement, clarify the date of birth;
  8. find out the gender of the baby.
  9. in some cases, ultrasound can turn an unwanted pregnancy into a desired one, because many mothers, having heard the heartbeat of their child, decide to save his life.

You have carefully read all these nine points. And now think that in case of refusal of ultrasound, you make life very difficult for the doctor - he is forced to act blindly. Yes, experienced obstetricians can learn a lot from a routine examination. Much, but not all! But just one wrong step can do more harm to the baby than a twenty-minute ultrasound.

I'll tell you one case. At the seventh month of pregnancy, my sister was put into storage. Ultrasound showed that her fetal bladder was damaged and water began to leak. It was impossible to give birth at that moment, since the baby could not survive. Doctors prescribed intensive care, complete rest and fought for every day. At the same time, the amount of water was monitored almost daily on ultrasound, so as not to miss the moment when the child would be in danger. This went on for two weeks, after which Polinka was born. Now she is two years old, the girl is active and healthy. So judge the benefits and harms of this study, because in addition to the three planned ultrasounds, the baby had nine more unscheduled ones.

Indications for ultrasound

There is a whole list of indications for mandatory ultrasound.

  • For example, chronic diseases - diabetes, various blood diseases. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination. Moreover, a geneticist, whose visit is now mandatory, if your relatives have these diseases, will give you a referral for a free ultrasound. So, of course, not everyone is lucky, but this is practiced in many clinics.
  • The doctor will also insist on an ultrasound if yours, and even more so yours personally, have had cases of miscarriage, fetal fading, miscarriages, deformities or hereditary diseases. In this case, you will be sent for a special blood test, which is carried out twice during the entire pregnancy and allows you to find out the likelihood of various diseases in your baby.
  • If you worked in a chemical laboratory or an x-ray room before pregnancy, ultrasound is also mandatory.
  • A good reason for undergoing an ultrasound scan is suspicion of violations during pregnancy - whether it is placental abruption, the threat of interruption or fetal fading.

Are you absolutely healthy? Have you ever been seriously ill? And there are no chronic diseases in your family? You are just lucky! Your baby is very lucky. But, let's make allowances for the frantic pace of our lives, disgusting ecology, constant stress. Only these, and this is not all, factors can cause many problems. Why not make sure? Only twenty minutes and you will be absolutely sure that nothing threatens your little one.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, according to the results of ultrasound, a diagnosis of "heart disease and some abnormalities in the development of the brain" loomed. My husband and I were shocked. There were no such hereditary disorders in our families, the pregnancy was desired and planned, and here it is! The doctor tactfully kept silent about the fact that if the diagnosis is confirmed, then we will have to make a decision to terminate the pregnancy. But 3D ultrasound in a specialized regional center completely refuted the diagnosis. The doctor was shocked, kept asking who examined us so "qualifiedly". After all was perfectly healthy and even waved his pen to us just from the screen. From this situation, I made a conclusion for myself: it is better to undergo an ultrasound scan on a modern device in a specialized clinic once than to listen to the doctor of an ordinary clinic, which has only antediluvian equipment.

And if, according to the results of an ultrasound scan, your pregnancy is not going as cloudlessly as we would like - do not be discouraged! Yes, the proportion of serious deviations in children is large, but you should not immediately panic - the doctor will definitely save the situation. Hypertonicity is treated in a week bed rest and vitamins, the threat of termination of pregnancy will disappear after proper therapy, and entanglement with the umbilical cord is not such a terrible thing (I gave birth to a son with a single entanglement of the umbilical cord without problems and consequences). Medicine is developing rapidly, and many diseases are treated in the womb or corrected, as a last resort.

To do or not to do?

Everything in this world is relative. Especially in medicine. When you drink painkillers, you don’t really think about how your liver will feel. Same with ultrasound. On this moment the harm of ultrasound to the mother and fetus has not been officially proven. To do this, large-scale studies should be carried out, and the last time they were carried out in the seventies of the last century. Much has changed since then, now ultrasound is performed on modern equipment, which has a lower signal power and a different radiation range. The permissible time period is also officially established - up to 30 minutes, during which ultrasound is safe for the baby and mother. Yes, and the radiation lasts less than a minute, the rest of the time the device works for reception.

Recently, it has become fashionable to take photographs of a baby in the womb, or even burn a real video of the antics of a toddler in mom's tummy to disk. Undoubtedly, this is cute, and years later the baby will be happy to watch a “movie about himself”. It's just not that harmless. Indeed, often, in order to get a “beautiful” picture, the doctor amplifies the signal strength, and this signal lasts not for a moment, but for several minutes, and it remains to be seen how it will affect your baby’s health. Therefore, MirSovetov does not recommend abusing such innovations, reasonably assess the risk!

Recently, an article was circulating on the net, which described the shocking consequences of ultrasound for a child. It said that ultrasound leads to a violation of the structure of DNA and a failure in the normal formation of fetal tissues. One thing is strange - not a word was said about the results of which studies became the basis for such a gloomy conclusion. So far, only the fact that ultrasound slightly increases the temperature of tissues has been officially proven. Therefore, if there is evidence, do not be afraid of this study. After all, as we already know, the benefits of ultrasound are much greater than the harm.

I once read that for a child, an ultrasound is heard like a train whistle for us. Indeed, from my own experience, I note that during an ultrasound scan, the little one in the tummy constantly spins, knocks with his hands, and sometimes turns his back so that the doctor cannot see the sex or other necessary characteristics. Yes, and after the procedure, he behaves quite violently.

Maybe the effect of the sound wave is really unpleasant or even painful for the baby. And each mother has the right to decide how many times she will undergo an ultrasound scan, and not be strictly according to the schedule approved by the Ministry of Health. You decide, dear mothers. But as in any case, extremes are unnecessary: ​​you should not completely ignore this procedure, but you also don’t need to run for an ultrasound in a week. Think about your child and listen to your intuition - after all, the mother's heart does not lie.

Diagnosis of pregnancy: how many times can you do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Ultrasound is the procedure without which no pregnancy can do. The study is based on the principle of echolocation. Ultrasound, passing through tissues and organs, is reflected from them and an image of a certain section appears on the screen - a fetus during pregnancy. In this way, most internal organs can be diagnosed. That is why ultrasound is now widely used for examination, diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy.

With the help of this study, the doctor monitors the condition and development of the baby and the placenta, which allows you to detect deviations in a timely manner and prescribe special treatment in time. Ultrasound is also used to evaluate the internal organs of the mother - kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart, blood vessels.

There are two types of ultrasound diagnostics: through the wall of the abdomen and the transvaginal method - using a vaginal sensor. With this study, a special sensor is inserted into the vagina with a condom put on it. This ultrasound improves the accuracy of diagnosis.

At present, the negative effect of ultrasound on the fetus has not yet been sufficiently studied, so the very frequent use of this method of examination is not recommended. If the pregnancy proceeds without deviations and pathologies, then 3 planned studies are carried out for its entire period, one per trimester (10-14 weeks, 20-24 weeks and 32-36 weeks).
The main task of the first ultrasound is to identify possible fetal malformations: to check for the presence of a head, arms, legs, to determine multiple pregnancies. If necessary, at this time it is possible to conduct a study to identify the hidden genetic pathology of the fetus.

During the second planned study, a thorough examination of the fetus is performed, possible deviations in the anatomy, development and formation of the main organs and systems of the baby are revealed. At this time, sometimes it is possible to determine the sex of the child.

At the third ultrasound, the maturity of the placenta is determined, the number amniotic fluid, weight of the baby, presentation, but if the pregnancy proceeds with a complication, then doplerometry is added to the ultrasound - an assessment of blood flow. Sometimes ultrasound is postponed until 35-36 weeks of gestation for certain indicators, for example, if a woman has a scar on the uterus, the condition of which needs to be monitored with increasing gestational age.

The second ultrasound is the main one, since it is during it that the doctor receives all the information about pregnancy and fetal development. If the pregnancy develops with complications or there is a suspicion of a deviation in the development of the fetus, additional ultrasounds are performed as prescribed by the doctor.

Do I need to do multiple ultrasounds?

Currently, there is no research method in obstetrics that could be compared with ultrasound echography (ultrasound) in terms of information content. From an additional method, ultrasound is becoming one of the main ones in obstetric practice. The main advantages of ultrasound (sonography), doctors consider high information content, painlessness and safety.

But is ultrasound so safe that it is sometimes obligated to do it up to 7-10 times during pregnancy? This question is not random. He is taken from life. Very often in our classes, mothers ask questions related to the topic of ultrasound diagnostics, share their feelings, observations and assumptions.

Here are some of the questions we get asked. How safe is ultrasound during pregnancy? How many times during pregnancy can it be done? What effect does this study have on the formation of fetal tissues if it is prescribed in early pregnancy? How reliable are the results of ultrasound examination and is it possible to do without ultrasound at all? Is it possible to reduce the number of these studies to a minimum, and to what? Let's try to figure it out together.

I really liked the answers of the authors of the book “We are expecting a baby. All you need to know expectant mothers and fathers, qualified and experienced obstetricians, spouses with eight children, William and Martha Serz. William Serze writes: “My answer to this question will depend on how I feel about myself at the moment. If I'm dominated by a doctor, I'll say, "Yes, maybe," because ultrasound is a very useful diagnostic tool. But the scientist in me will add, "No one knows for sure." The problem is what happens when the sound waves interact with the growing tissues of the fetus. Can these waves affect growing cells in such a way that they cause damage? Or are they reflected from tissues without causing any harm? Scientists are not unanimous in their answers to these questions.
Yes, having read many books on this topic, I want to confirm that scientists are indeed not unanimous in their answers to these questions. The fact is that not one scientist undertakes to state 100% that ultrasound is useful and safe during pregnancy in a “frequent” dosage. Although many obstetricians love him and often refer to this study. Most mothers, for the entire pregnancy, do an ultrasound examination not 2-3 times, but much more. Sometimes without even suspecting that ultrasound still has a certain effect on the fetus!

In prenatal classes, young mothers often ask me in great confusion: “Do I need to go for an ultrasound for the 7th or 9th time?” Although they feel well and the tests are normal. Often, I answer like this: “Perhaps in some cases this is necessary, but not for everyone and not always. You have become a mother, you carry your baby under your heart, take care of him, try to eat well, do special exercises, lead an appropriate lifestyle, rejoice at the baby (baby), do everything possible to make him feel good and reliable with you. But from the moment you feel like a mother, you will have (and more than once) to take responsibility for making this or that decision. And the sooner you understand (realize) and accept it, the happier your life will be. parent path not easier, but more joyful and spiritually richer. Maybe that's what conscious parenting is all about." I get to talk to mothers after the baby is born. All the same. Parents have to take responsibility for making decisions about care, treatment and upbringing.

But doctors are different. Doctor, he is first of all a person with a certain medical experience, with his own views on pregnancy in general, on childbirth in general, on life in general, with his own interests. No one, not even your attending obstetrician, has the right to force you to do something with which you do not agree. Find an obstetrician with whom your views on pregnancy and childbirth will be consonant! Don’t bring yourself up with the fact that the doctor said ... prescribed ..., but I have doubts whether I am doing this, whether it will harm the child ... and tantrums. But the constant tension, excitement, Bad mood and anxiety can really hurt. Experienced doctors and thoughtful mothers when deciding on the use of one or another medical research or procedures are based on the principle of least risk. The risks of doing research may be greater than the benefits! And even if a woman belongs to the “high-risk group”, this does not mean at all that she needs to be checked every week at the antenatal clinic and stop enjoying life. A woman may be in the "risk group" and not have any complications. If a woman is classified as a “risk group” for health reasons, this means that she needs to be more careful and responsible about pregnancy. But this does not mean at all that she needs to increase the number of visits to the antenatal clinic, the number of medical procedures and studies, the number of medications she takes and constantly remember that her pregnancy is “not like everyone else”! Otherwise, she runs the risk of listening to "scarecrows and horror stories" and making herself much more real problems and troubles than she already has. Ultrasound certainly gives a lot useful information for a doctor, but “does it help the mother bear and give birth to a healthy baby?”

In my opinion, the expression “take a responsible attitude to pregnancy” means, first of all, to reconsider the approach to the lifestyle that a pregnant woman leads, to analyze the mode and type of nutrition, to pay attention to the psycho-emotional state, both one’s own and within the family. It is very important to turn towards a “healthy and happy lifestyle”, and not towards anxiety, fears and worries at the slightest ailment. Attend childbirth preparation classes, do gymnastics, water procedures, make a balanced diet suitable for you, walk more, rest as soon as possible and be sure to “relax your head”. Oh how important this is!

The “risk group” includes women with high blood pressure, with poor urine, blood, and so on. Consult with an experienced doctor, find out if it is possible to control blood pressure, improve urine and blood tests with the help of diet, breathing exercises, gymnastics, psycho-emotional training. Pay attention to your mood and attitude towards pregnancy. And do not abuse medical procedures and the latest achievements. Pregnancy is not a disease. Pregnancy, in my opinion, is a continuation of love, and hardly anyone will argue that it is a continuation of life. Therefore, where possible, let the mystery remain a mystery. And let nature keep the secret of life as long as necessary, in the name of man.

Try to use ultrasound wisely during pregnancy. Let me remind you again, ultrasound is a relatively new study. And, perhaps, there is simply no data and / or instruments that allow us to accurately judge the impact of ultrasound on our generation. Examination of thousands of patients did not reveal any harmful effects, but still ... For example, X-rays were considered harmless to the mother and fetus, and many women were quite calmly referred to this study. And later it turned out that X-ray examination of pregnant women can cause many problems in a child. Although this issue is still being discussed among scientists.

Dr. Frederick Frigoletto, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Harvard Medical School, chairman of the National Health Conference, said this about ultrasound: “We could not find evidence that all pregnant women should be advised to have an ultrasound. Let the risk be purely theoretical. But if there is no benefit from the study, even the theoretical risk cannot be justified.”

Indications for ultrasound

You probably already understood that ultrasound allows doctors to find answers to very important questions that also concern the family in which replenishment is expected. And as soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she becomes registered in the antenatal clinic, she is offered to undergo the first ultrasound from 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Indications for ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy:

exclusion of such a problem as an ectopic pregnancy;
the threat of miscarriage or the identification of various pathologies in the initial development of the fetal egg and the appointment of appropriate treatment, making the necessary decision;
establishment, confirmation of the gestational age;
establishing multiple pregnancy;
in the absence of menstruation and the question of suspicion of pregnancy, based on ultrasound, the identification of various disorders associated with gynecology.

diagnosis of existing gross deformities in the embryo; diagnosis of hereditary diseases (Down's syndrome).

Agree, timely identified violations of the development of the fetus and their own solution to the issue of termination of pregnancy in the early stages, allows parents to avoid more later dates pregnancy, a serious psychological trauma, and even more bitter torment after the birth of a disabled baby.

Indications for ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy:
Between 20 and 24 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother is prescribed a second ultrasound, which helps:

to see what condition the child is in and corresponds to its development with the terms of pregnancy;
examine the condition of the placenta, the place of its attachment, size and age;
diagnostics antiphospholipid syndrome;
determination of the sex of the child.

Timely detected deviations from the norm at this period of pregnancy enable doctors to take serious measures and prescribe appropriate treatment. For example, by conducting dopplerometry (ultrasound examination of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta), the development of preeclampsia (late toxicosis in pregnant women) can be prevented. Also, it is in the second trimester that prenatal diagnosis is performed with the help of ultrasound. This means that the doctor will thoroughly examine the development of the baby's organs from the tips of the fingers to the very top of the head, which will allow to detect the development of possible congenital malformations.

Indications for ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy:
Conducted by doctors in order to see:

presentation of the fetus;
for the study of the fetoplacental complex (intrauterine growth retardation), as a result, the child is born weakened or immature;
for the diagnosis before childbirth of congenital malformations of the fetus, such as the expansion of the renal pelvis (hydronephrosis), an increase in the ureter (megaureter).

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy will help doctors take appropriate measures to treat the detected abnormalities in the child even before his birth.

Are there any contraindications
Please note that all of the above terms for the appointment of an ultrasound examination during pregnancy are approved and recorded in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health. Also, I would like to note that the number of ultrasounds, any qualified obstetrician prescribes, depending on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy individually. Therefore, if a woman has any abnormalities, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound more than three usual times.

How many times during pregnancy should an ultrasound be done?

Question: Please tell me how many times during pregnancy it is necessary to do ultrasound?
Is an ultrasound at 20 weeks planned?
Can I refuse this ultrasound if no complications are found in me?

Answer: The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends a 3-fold ultrasound during pregnancy: at 12-14 weeks, 21-24 weeks and 32-34 weeks of pregnancy (calculated from 1 day of the last menstruation). Read more about why ultrasound should be done at different times on our website RU-MED.RU in the "Consultations" section in the article "Ultrasound examination".

Currently, ultrasound, or ultrasound for short, is a standard procedure included in the list of routine examinations of every pregnant woman registered in the antenatal clinic. We are accustomed to obey doctors and believe in the expediency of their appointments. In addition, ultrasound has long been considered a simple and safe procedure that allows you to assess the condition of the fetus, identify deviations that require correction, and find out the sex of the child. However, is everything so simple? Why do the minds of many expectant mothers continue to worry about the question: “Is ultrasound safe? And how often can you do it? Will it harm my child?" We will try to separate the facts and conjectures on this topic.

The essence of the use of ultrasound during pregnancy

The basis of the ultrasound technique is the use of a transducer, or a sensor that emits high-frequency sound waves (3.5 MHz), which are not perceived by the human ear. Having reached the boundary between media of different resistance levels (amniotic fluid and fetus, tissues and skeleton of the fetus), the ultrasonic wave is partially reflected, returning to the sensor receiving device (receiver). The computer, which is part of the ultrasound machine, interprets the received signals and displays the corresponding picture on the monitor. Thanks to the explanations of the specialist conducting the study, a woman can understand the image on the screen, thus seeing her child before he is born.

How many times do ultrasound during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a doctor in a polyclinic sends a woman to an ultrasound scan at least 3 times, at the following dates approved in the order of the Ministry of Health “On improving prenatal diagnosis in the prevention of hereditary and congenital diseases in children”:

  • 12-14 weeks. The exact gestational age is established, the number of fetuses is determined, the conformity of the size of the baby and the thickness of the collar space with the norms for this period is checked.
  • 21-24 weeks. The presence / absence of pathologies of intrauterine development of the child's organs is diagnosed, its gender is determined, the location and condition of the placenta is assessed.
  • 32-34 weeks. The fetal presentation and placement of the placenta are determined, previously identified anomalies in the development of the child are confirmed / refuted, the amount of amniotic fluid is estimated, and the size of the fetus is compared with the norms for a given period.

In some cases, gynecologists prescribe additional ultrasound sometimes even in early pregnancy. This is usually done for good reasons, in particular:

  • in case of suspected ectopic and missed pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, intrauterine growth retardation, abruption or placenta previa;
  • to assess the dynamics of previously identified deviations;
  • if the mother has serious chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, phenylketonuria, etc.);
  • in cases of exposure to a pregnant woman of dangerous and harmful factors (radiation, chemicals, infections);
  • in the presence of hereditary diseases in the family.

Many women are concerned how long does an ultrasound during pregnancy . This is understandable, because the level of influence of ultrasound on the fetus directly depends on the time of exposure. A standard ultrasound procedure takes an average of 10 minutes. "Fashionable" nowadays 3D and 4D ultrasounds last about 30-50 minutes, thereby significantly lengthening the duration of ultrasound exposure.

Should I do an ultrasound in early pregnancy?

Official medicine, including WHO and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, does not recommend an ultrasound scan until at least 10 weeks of pregnancy, without good reason.

Indications for the ultrasound procedure in early pregnancy:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy.

Confirmation of pregnancy by ultrasound is an unjustified risk for the development of the embryo, do not forget about it. In the 1st trimester, the main systems and organs of your baby are laid and formed, and any impact is fraught with negative consequences. No doctor will give you a guarantee that ultrasound will not harm the baby, despite the fact that there is practically no evidence of the danger or safety of ultrasound.

Is frequent ultrasound during pregnancy harmful?

Even the best specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology cannot yet answer this question. Neither the harmlessness nor the unequivocal danger of this method has been proven. Most often they talk about the "relative" safety, "theoretical risk" of ultrasound and the undesirability of its use in the early stages of gestation.

There is a simple logic: for centuries, women have given birth without ultrasound, and the human race has not died out, but quite the opposite. Ultrasonic waves affect liquid media organism, causing vibrations in them with the formation of cavities and their subsidence. Such a liquid environment is, in particular, the brain, and theoretically it is under threat. In addition, exposure to ultrasound slightly increases the temperature of the tissues through which it passes. The reaction of the fetus to ultrasound also raises doubts - it begins to swing its arms and legs, as if trying to close itself from the signal.

Also keep in mind that ultrasound, like any other study, does not guarantee receipt of 100% reliable information . The doctor's statement that there are some deviations in the development of your child can cause the most difficult experiences for the rest of the pregnancy. Think about what you will do with the information received. There are not isolated cases when doctors recommended a woman to have an abortion due to the presence of serious fetal anomalies, and as a result, a healthy child was born ...

It is not necessary to get involved in ultrasound, and it should be carried out in the early stages of pregnancy only if there is evidence. The same applies 3D and 4D research - you should not "appoint" yourself this type of ultrasound. The desire to find out the gender of the child, to take photos and videos as a keepsake is rather a whim that has no concern for the health of the baby. Keep in mind that the radiation power and exposure time in such cases increase.

Expectant mothers should understand that it is they who are responsible for the child they are carrying, and by no means a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics or an obstetrician-gynecologist who observes their pregnancy. Both while you are expecting and after your baby is born, you will have to make many important decisions regarding the health and safety of your baby. No doctor can force you to do something that you consider harmful and inappropriate.

On the other hand, ultrasound is an important achievement of modern medicine, and in some cases its use is quite justified. It is optimal to carry out three ultrasound examinations during pregnancy . More is permissible, but only according to indications, and not out of curiosity. Ultrasound diagnostics should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist, using modern equipment. This will minimize the possible risks of ultrasound.

I wish you health and easy pregnancy!

Photo from Lori's photo bank
