How amniotic fluid drains. Cervix with leakage of amniotic fluid

The future baby spends all 9 months of pregnancy in very comfortable conditions. It is surrounded by warm liquid, the temperature of which is constant - 37 degrees. The baby hears the beating of his mother’s heart, and all other noises are greatly muffled.

Amniotic fluid: analysis by composition

Amniotic fluid is the effusion of blood plasma from the maternal vessels. At the beginning and on later During pregnancy, the baby itself maintains their level with the help of the work of its own kidneys and lungs. Amniotic fluid is normally sterile. It consists of water (97%) and nutrients (minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, hormones, enzymes), the presence of which depends on the duration of pregnancy. It also contains skin cells and fetal vellus hair. And even oxygen and carbon dioxide. Its volume reaches 1-1.5 liters. The liquid is renewed every three hours.

Of course, the volume amniotic fluid strongly depends on the timing of pregnancy. Doctors have calculated that from the beginning of pregnancy until 32 weeks, the amount of fluid steadily increases by 40-45 ml every day. Then it gradually decreases to 500-1500 ml.

When, during childbirth, the baby's lungs begin to compress as they pass through the birth canal, all the amniotic fluid comes out of them, and the baby takes his first breath.

What does amniotic fluid look like?

You can find out what color the amniotic fluid is only after it has passed on its own or the doctor has punctured the amniotic sac. Information about what amniotic fluid looks like is very important information for, because this is one of the indicators of the condition of the baby who is about to be born.

If the amniotic fluid does not have unpleasant odor and colorless - there are no obvious pathologies. The hue of the amniotic fluid is slightly whitish - this also does not cause concern to doctors, since small amounts may contain white flakes.

Green amniotic fluid signals clear signs of oxygen deficiency in the unborn baby. In this case, the color of the amniotic fluid changes due to the fact that the unborn baby, suffering from oxygen deficiency, spontaneously excretes original feces - meconium. It colors the water.

Why amniotic fluid is needed

  • The most important purpose of amniotic fluid is to nourish the fetus. In the early stages, nutrients are absorbed through the skin. As the fetus grows, it can swallow some liquid on its own.
  • The liquid is always at the same temperature and pressure. And this determines comfortable conditions for the baby. It protects the baby from mechanical influences, excessive noise and even from infections, since it contains immunoglobulin.
  • Amniotic fluid is a kind of training. The child begins to develop vital functions: the kidneys begin to work (it is necessary to somehow process the water that he swallows). The future baby learns to inhale air, preparing the lungs for increased work in the future.
  • Amniotic fluid affects the birth process. The filled amniotic sac puts pressure on the cervix, helping it open. And when the amniotic sac ruptures, the waters wash over the baby. It becomes easier for him to pass through the birth canal.

Test for leakage of amniotic fluid

In approximately 10% of pregnancies, premature rupture of the membrane occurs. And this is the risk of premature birth, the development of intrauterine infection and other possible complications.

Leakage of amniotic fluid, symptoms of this factor in the course of pregnancy, cannot always be determined during a traditional clinical examination. Particularly if it happens slowly or intermittently. Therefore, many expectant mothers use a test for leakage of amniotic fluid.

How to determine leakage of amniotic fluid? You can do this the old fashioned way - using gauze instead of a panty liner. But more informative is the use of a test pad with an information strip. Its color will change if the test determines the pH of the secreted liquid. For reference, vaginal pH is 3.8-4.5, and amniotic fluid pH is 6.5-7.

Oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios during pregnancy

It will help determine whether the volume of amniotic fluid of the expectant mother is normal. For example, oligohydramnios cannot be recognized by clinical signs. If the gynecologist has made such a diagnosis (oligohydramnios), you will be prescribed special therapy to improve uteroplacental blood flow and the condition of the fetus. If treatment does not help, the doctor may decide to perform an emergency delivery.

Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid is the first habitat of the unborn child. They are formed as a result of sweating of the liquid part of the blood of the blood vessels. Normally, the volume of amniotic fluid should be from 600 to 1500 ml, and changes up or down are considered a pathology that requires special examinations and treatment. We will look at what amniotic fluid looks like normally and pathologically, and also characterize its main functions.

Functions, color and smell of amniotic fluid are normal

The main function of amniotic fluid is protective. This is how amniotic fluid protects the baby from negative impacts environment (poorly conducts noise and absorbs shock). The content of immunoglobulins in the amniotic fluid protects the baby’s body from infection. It is very important that this liquid prevents compression of the umbilical cord and prevents disruption of blood flow in it. A sufficient volume of amniotic fluid provides the baby with complete freedom of movement. Until the 14th week of pregnancy, while the umbilical cord and placenta are not yet formed, the amniotic fluid plays a nutritional role, giving the baby the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

What color is amniotic fluid?

Normally transparent, it contains amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements (calcium, chlorine, sodium). You can also find lanugo (baby skin hair) and skin cells in it. Amniotic fluid has no odor, but some doctors believe that the smell of amniotic fluid is similar to mother's milk, which helps the baby find the mother's breast after birth.

What color is amniotic fluid colored in pathology?

By changes in the amount, color and smell of amniotic fluid, one can judge the presence of a particular pathology. Thus, pink amniotic fluid may indicate placental abruption and staining of the water with blood. This is a serious complication of pregnancy that requires immediate qualified assistance. Yellow or green amniotic fluid may indicate intrauterine fetal hypoxia or the presence of infection (, intrauterine pneumonia). Brown or black amniotic fluid indicates a critical condition of the baby. In such cases, emergency surgical delivery is necessary.

We looked at what amniotic fluid looks like under normal conditions and in pathological conditions. To prevent the development pathological conditions You must follow your doctor’s orders and undergo all recommended tests.

Pregnancy is a joyful and exciting period for expectant parents, which is associated with many experiences and anxieties. The health of the baby directly depends on the conditions of its existence in the mother’s womb. There it is surrounded by amniotic fluid, called amniotic fluid. They play an important role in the development of the unborn baby; their complete discharge occurs during full-term pregnancy during childbirth. Leakage of amniotic fluid ahead of term is considered a pathology and requires medical attention.


Each stage of pregnancy has its own causes of pathology.

Up to 24 weeks, provoking factors are:

  • fetal infection;
  • development of the inflammatory process.

Even a slight leak of amniotic fluid before the 25th week is considered the beginning of a miscarriage.

From 25 to 35 weeks, pathology is also dangerous. The most common cause of leakage during this period is urogenital infections (inflammation of the urinary tract).

At 39–40 weeks the situation is not dangerous and doctors often choose a wait-and-see approach and find safe way delivery.

The main reasons for water leakage include:

  • Injuries, falls.
  • Careless (rough) sexual intercourse.
  • Mother's bad habits.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Due to the excessive load on the body of a woman carrying 2 or more babies, the risk of premature birth increases. With such a pregnancy, “steal syndrome” may occur.
  • Rhesus conflict. If the blood type of the mother and child is incompatible, then the pregnant woman’s body is “cleansed”, resulting in an outpouring.
  • Inflammatory processes and infections in the cervix, vagina, amniotic sac.
  • Pathologies of the cervix, anomalies of its structure, manipulations, diagnostic procedures (punctures and sampling of cells for analysis), fibroids. These reasons provoke rupture of the membranes.


A woman’s physiology is designed in such a way that the amniotic fluid is constantly renewed and in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy the discharge is more abundant, which is the norm. It is quite difficult to independently determine whether they are flowing and can only be done by a specialized specialist managing the pregnancy. However, it is important for expectant mothers to be able to recognize the onset of premature fluid discharge.

What you should be wary of:

  • The gasket gets wet quickly and you have to change it often (a lot of water leaks out).
  • After lying on your back for a long time (30-60 minutes), a wet spot forms on the fabric.
  • When changing body position, an outpouring of fluid (leaking) is felt.
  • Water may break during urination or incontinence.
  • Sticky discharge smells foul and unpleasant.
  • If there is a significant rupture of the amniotic sac, fluid flows down the legs. Even by strongly squeezing the intimate muscles, heavy discharge cannot be stopped.
  • When ruptures last more than a day, the woman experiences an increase in temperature to 38 degrees, chills, and pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies with palpation. An admixture of pus and ichor may appear in the discharge.

What they look like: external signs of discharge

To distinguish leakage of amniotic fluid from urine, it is advisable to pay attention to their appearance.

Amniotic fluid is characterized by shades:

  • Yellow color. There is no need to worry, this is acceptable.
  • Yellow color with red streaks. In 98%, this is a consequence of the fact that the uterus has begun to open, and the body is preparing for the birth process.
  • Green. In this case, you need to sound the alarm. This color of amniotic fluid is characteristic of intrauterine bowel movement or a small amount of amniotic fluid. At the same time, the baby suffers from intrauterine starvation.

    A woman who notices such signs in herself should immediately consult a doctor in order to preserve the life and health of the child.

  • Brown. Here we are talking about the intrauterine death of a baby and saving a woman’s life. Such cases are rare.
  • Red. Scarlet or pink color indicates a serious danger to the life of the baby and mother. If you find yourself in such a situation, you must take a lying position and not move until the ambulance arrives.

It is important to evaluate the smell of amniotic fluid. If it is foul-smelling, sour, or unpleasant, this indicates the presence of infection of the membranes.

The watery consistency of the discharge indicates various diseases or pathologies. Therefore, pregnant women who have such discharge should immediately consult a gynecologist for diagnosis.

How to determine

Only a doctor can reliably determine the likelihood of amniotic fluid leakage. To do this, a set of diagnostic measures is carried out:

  • Examination on a gynecological chair. A pregnant woman must cough, thereby increasing the pressure on the intra-abdominal area, which determines pathology. If there is a rupture, a new portion of amniotic fluid will be released.
  • Research in mirrors. In most cases, when examining the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, the gynecologist is able to understand whether it is an outpouring or just discharge.
  • Ultrasoundfetus The method can indicate symptoms of oligohydramnios, but it is not always provoked by prolonged leakage of water. Many women, after undergoing an ultrasound, wonder if the pharynx is closed, whether water can leak. The answer is yes, they can, because we are talking about the integrity of the bladder, while the neck is in any condition.


Laboratory tests include:

  • Vaginal smear. Microscopy shows a characteristic symptom of leakage: amniotic fluid placed on a glass slide dries out in the form of fern sheets. However, if there is sperm in the smear, the pattern will be the same.
  • Cytological method- taking a smear from the posterior vaginal fornix, protruding simple method diagnostics As a result, cells from the skin, urinary and genital organs of the child are detected, which reliably indicates water leakage.


Pregnant women use methods at home on what to do before visiting a doctor and how to understand whether water is leaking or not. Tests that are sold freely will help you recognize and determine pathology.

The products come with instructions on how to use and what the results will show:

At home

A home test can quickly determine the presence of pathology.

Pregnant woman to empty completely bladder, then perform thorough hygiene procedures for the genitals, wipe the perineal area until you feel dry. Lie down on the bed with a piece of cloth underneath you, preferably white, and check for wet spots after 25-30 minutes. If they are present, then there is a high probability that amniotic fluid is leaking.

Management of pregnant women with leakage

After the gynecologist detects prenatal leakage of amniotic fluid in a pregnant woman, the appropriate management tactics are established. It largely depends on the gestation period.

In 1st trimester

The period is considered early: from the first day of the final menstruation to the 13th week. If heavy bleeding occurs at this time, doctors prescribe medical or surgical termination of pregnancy.

When there is an opportunity to fight for healthy life baby, to carry the fetus to term, the expectant mother is admitted to the hospital “for preservation”, which increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.

In civilized countries this is done extremely rarely, since pregnancy before 12 weeks is considered to be untenable.

In the 2nd trimester

From the 14th to the 27th week, everything is much more complicated: if the water breaks, doctors equate this with the beginning of a miscarriage. In the second trimester, the gynecologist makes a decision, based on the patient’s individual case, to maintain and carry out treatment against the background of regular monitoring of the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman, or to stimulate a miscarriage with subsequent curettage. Women with multiple pregnancy a pessary, an obstetric ring, is installed, which allows you to save the baby and avoid premature birth.

In the 3rd trimester

From the 28th week immediately before the birth of the child, doctors use expectant and active tactics. In the third trimester, doctors resort to techniques to prevent the leakage of amniotic fluid, which helps to grow the baby in utero. The patient is in a special sterile unit, taking a number of medications, it is important to prevent infection. In case of detachment or inflammation, delivery can be immediate. Antibacterial therapy is used after diagnosing chorioamnionitis.

In all cases, the gynecologist makes a decision using individual approach to every pregnant woman to preserve her life and health.

What threatens: consequences

Amniotic fluid fills the fetal bladder, creating a comfortable and safe environment for the development of the baby throughout pregnancy. Thanks to this, the fetus can move freely and actively, without sudden shocks. An additional function of the amniotic sac is assistance provided to the cervix during childbirth, when internal pressure increases due to contractions. As a result, the amniotic fluid in the lower part of the bladder puts pressure on the uterine cervix, accelerating its opening.

What are the dangers of water leakage:

  • Prolapseamniotic sac. The diagnosis is serious and requires medical attention. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the bladder prolapses, creates a high risk of miscarriage.
  • Premature rupture- increases child mortality by 4%.
  • Infection and respiratory distress syndrome. The child's lungs become stuck together from the inside, preventing air from circulating. Such children require expensive treatment and artificial ventilation.
  • Infectious complications in mother and child. However, it is not always possible to save a child’s life.

How long can a baby remain without amniotic fluid?

It is believed that 10-12 hours is the maximum permissible period of water-free period before childbirth.

In such cases, the possibility of prescribing antibiotics is considered to avoid the development of intrauterine infection, and the woman should drink more fluids. If there are problems with the mother's blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat, emergency delivery is indicated.

Amniotic fluid allows the baby to provide reliable protection from damage and injury throughout pregnancy. However, how do you understand that your water has broken and how much of it is considered normal?

How do you know when your water is breaking?

The girls are worried that it could be that she didn’t notice how her water broke. In fact, such experiences are not justified, because it is simply impossible not to notice such a process. Water can break both before contractions and after they begin, everything is individual and is within normal limits. Also, if you're wondering how to tell when your water has broken, there are two possible scenarios you should be aware of.

In the first case, water is given to a woman arriving at interesting position, may move away little by little, gradually, as if leaking. This occurs if the membrane of the amniotic sac ruptures from the side or from above. In the second case, the water may break in a large volume and all at once, about a glass of liquid, so in this case you no longer have to wonder how to understand that the water is leaving; it cannot be ignored or missed.

Normally, amniotic fluid should be light in color., even rather colorless, are often slightly cloudy, but do not have an unpleasant or pronounced odor. If you're worried you might confuse it with urine or secretions, we've got a few tips for you. Urine has a pungent odor and a specific color; you can delay urination, but not the passage of water. The same applies to vaginal discharge: it is not so abundant, has an acidic environment and its own smell. Waters have an alkaline environment, which can always be checked using litmus paper.

After a pregnant woman's water breaks, contractions may begin immediately, or they may take several hours. It is quite possible that you will wait for them only at the end of the day. Don't worry - this is the norm. Try natural ways to induce labor: go for a walk, be active, do intense tummy rubs and nipple massage.

Methods of influence

Could the water not break? Yes, this happens too. There are times when contractions have already begun a long time ago, but the water still does not break. In this case, you also shouldn’t panic, but you need to go to the maternity hospital. After the woman in labor has been examined by a doctor, he may give more time for the waters to break. naturally or rupture the amniotic sac. The second option will be able to bring closer the beginning of pushing and, as a result, labor. As you can see, there is nothing wrong with the fact that contractions began, but the water did not break. The most important thing in this situation is not to panic and consult a doctor in time.

Amniotic fluid color

What color should the amniotic fluid be (what color does the water leave)? Normally they should be transparent and odorless, but sometimes their color changes, what does it mean? Yellow water does not portend danger - the only thing that needs to be done is to go to the maternity hospital in the next 2-3 hours. If the water is speckled red and the woman is feeling well, this indicates dilatation of the cervix, and the same is not dangerous.

The green color of the waters indicates that you cannot relax. Gray-green and greenish shades can be due to two reasons: fetal defecation or insufficient amniotic fluid. In this case, you need to go to the maternity hospital without hesitation and as soon as possible, since the baby may experience serious oxygen starvation. In addition, meconium (a product of defecation) swallowed by a baby and ending up in the lungs can cause the development of pulmonitis or pneumonia in a newborn.

Dark brown is the color of misfortune. And this indicates intrauterine death of the fetus; in this case, it is necessary to remove the fetus as soon as possible, because its presence for a long time can cause the death of the matter.

The red color of the water is also dangerous; it can indicate the presence of internal bleeding in the fetus or woman. At the slightest suspicion, you must urgently call an ambulance, take a horizontal position and not move.

Amount of amniotic fluid

So, how much water does it leave? Let's try to figure this out. The volume of amniotic fluid directly depends on the duration of pregnancy. At the same time, they can increase completely disproportionately. At the tenth week of pregnancy, the total volume of amniotic fluid averages 30 milliliters, closer to the 13-14th week of pregnancy it increases approximately three times, now its volume is 90-100 milliliters, and by the 18-19th week of pregnancy this figure increases fourfold times and is 400 milliliters.

The volume of amniotic fluid reaches its maximum at approximately 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, at this stage the figure can be 1-1.5 liters, however, immediately before the onset of labor, the volume of water can decrease and range from 800 milliliters to one liter. If a woman continues to carry her pregnancy to term, the amount of amniotic fluid will gradually decrease, thereby threatening the health of the baby.

Further actions

If the water broke while the woman was at home, then it is necessary to call an ambulance so that she can take her to the maternity hospital, no matter how far along the pregnancy she is. In the event that the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs on early pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor as quickly as possible, since the sooner you can turn to specialists for help, the greater the likelihood of maintaining the pregnancy and carrying it to term. healthy child without pathologies.

If you notice that your waters broke on time, and the approximate date of birth set by your attending physician is one of these days, then this indicates that labor will begin in the next six to twelve hours. At least, doctors will make every effort to ensure that this happens, since it is this period of time after the water breaks that is considered optimal for both the newborn and the woman in labor.


During childbirth, the amniotic sac ruptures and water flows out, this is called “breaking the waters.” This moment can happen both before the onset of contractions and after the dilation of the cervix. After the rupture of the amniotic sac, the child no longer has protection from possible infections, therefore, childbirth should occur no later than one day after its rupture. During childbirth, the total discharge of water is an extremely important indicator. If the water breaks several weeks or days before giving birth, the woman must be hospitalized and must adhere to strict bed rest to reduce their discharge.

The volume of fluid directly depends on the position of the fetus during birth. If it is turned towards the pelvis with its head, then the discharge of water will be small. But this can be a serious problem, since the large volume of remaining amniotic fluid can cause uterine rupture. Therefore, if the cervix is ​​dilated, then the fetal bladder is opened, since it can not only harm the woman in labor, but also prevent the baby from coming out. It should be especially emphasized that all procedures performed should be carried out only with control over the baby’s condition, since it is important not only to deliver the baby, but also to ensure that the baby is healthy.

Good day, my dear expectant mothers! Do you know what pregnancy complication any of you should be warned about? It provokes every fifth premature birth. It is the cause of every fifth fetal death of a child. Even a doctor may not recognize it in time. And at the same time, it is easy to identify at home - you just need to know what to do. Leakage of amniotic fluid: how to determine this terrible condition, what is it even, and what are its signs? Calm down, now we will arm ourselves with the necessary knowledge!

I think any future mom has a rough idea of ​​what amniotic fluid is. But I will repeat myself a little to systematize the information. A child lives in the uterine cavity for 9 months before birth. There it is surrounded by its own protective membrane - the amniotic sac. It's something like an egg shell, only soft. The amniotic sac is completely sealed and reliably protects the baby from premature contact with the outside world.

Especially from an encounter with pathogenic bacteria, for which the child is still completely unprepared. Normally, this barrier is not broken until childbirth.

The amniotic sac will rupture with the start of pushing. And some children manage to be born in it - that’s where the expression “born in a shirt” comes from.

The cavity of the amniotic sac is filled with liquid in which the baby floats like an astronaut in zero gravity. It is secreted by the amnion, the inner layer of the membranes. Therefore, another name for amniotic fluid is amniotic fluid.

It has several important functions:

  • She straightens the uterus so that the baby can move freely.
  • Absorbs shocks and shocks.
  • Stabilizes the temperature around the child.
  • Participates in the nutrition of the fetus.
  • Prevents the umbilical cord from becoming pinched during childbirth.

And in the first stage of labor, the fetal bladder filled with amniotic fluid, like a wedge, opens the cervix from the inside...

What does amniotic fluid look like?

The type and amount of amniotic fluid changes as pregnancy progresses. At first they are yellowish, then lighten, and in the third trimester, at 38, 39, 40 weeks, they become whitish and opalescent.

It is clear that only obstetricians and gynecologists can appreciate these beauties. They sometimes judge, for example, the approximate duration of pregnancy by the nature of the amniotic fluid during childbirth. A woman is unlikely to be able to collect and examine amniotic fluid.

Just remember that amniotic fluid:

  • Light
  • Liquid
  • Warm
  • Without smell
  • They can be poured out in any quantity.

Amount of amniotic fluid

The amount of amniotic fluid during pregnancy increases with the growth of the fetus. The maximum they can accumulate is 1.5-2 liters. Anything more is already considered a pathology.

But it is not necessary that all this amount will pour out at once. Imagine balloon filled with water. If you poke a tiny hole in it, water will ooze out drop by drop. A similar situation is possible during pregnancy. A woman may misinterpret this condition. And this is fraught with disaster.

How long does it take for water to leak? Anything. Why this happens is not known exactly. Provoke early rupture of amniotic fluid:

  • infections,
  • a woman has a narrow pelvis,
  • polyhydramnios,
  • multiple pregnancy,
  • malpresentation of the fetus,
  • bad habits and serious illnesses in the mother,
  • injuries.

As a result, large or small tears occur in the membranes, which should reliably protect the child. This situation requires immediate medical intervention. But the problem is that diagnosing such conditions can sometimes be difficult.

How to detect leakage of amniotic fluid

We have come to the main question: how to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. This problem worries not only pregnant women, but also obstetricians and gynecologists. After all, if there is a “depressurization” of the membranes, then an infection can penetrate to the child. And the gap may increase, and then premature rupture of amniotic fluid will occur - and premature birth...

Signs of leakage

It may seem that the symptoms of such a “leak” are obvious. When some foreign liquid leaks out, it is difficult not to notice it. But a woman, when she feels her water leaking, can confuse this with two conditions:

  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Inflammatory discharge.

Wet underwear, stains on pads, heavy liquid discharge - how can you tell that it is amniotic fluid?

It is best if you trust your doctor. But if it’s far away or a long wait, there’s an easy way to test yourself. To do this, take three simple steps:

  1. Go to the toilet and get rid of excess fluid.
  2. Wash yourself and dry yourself.
  3. Lie down naked on a light, dry sheet and lie there for 15-20 minutes.

Are there wet spots on the sheets? In this case, a “leak” can be suspected. Urgently see a gynecologist!

If you were able to detect a problem using this method, that’s good (in the sense that you won’t waste precious time and seek help in time)! But how often does it happen that the liquid oozes out in drops. How to distinguish drip leakage from discharge?

Previously, only gynecologists could answer this question. Now you can find out everything at home. How can a doctor determine that it is amniotic fluid that is leaking, and not urine or vaginal secretions? It has several ways:

  • Examination: The doctor may simply see clear moisture when examining the speculum.
  • Smear: When the amniotic fluid dries, it forms a pattern on the glass slide that resembles frosty patterns—a “fern leaf.”
  • Ultrasound : Ultrasound can be used to judge the level of amniotic fluid, the condition of the fetus and membranes.
  • The nitrazine test is a determination of the pH of secretions. When water leaks, the pH changes from acidic to neutral.
  • Amniocentesis: A safe dye is injected into the uterine cavity through a puncture in the abdomen. If after this the tampon appears stained in the vagina, it means there is a water leak. This method is used only in particularly difficult cases.
  • Immunological tests.

Tests to determine effusion

Immunological tests react to specific substances that are found only in amniotic fluid. There are two types of tests:

  1. To determine PSIFR-1
  2. To determine PAMG-1.

Both of these tests detect specific proteins. I won’t decipher their names - you’ll immediately forget them anyway. What is important for you and me is this: the accuracy of PAMG tests is 1 – 98.8%. On PSIFR-1 – four times lower.

The PAMG-1 Amnishur test is recognized as the gold standard. Its accuracy is almost 99%, it allows you to detect even traces of amniotic fluid.

In addition, there are tests for use at home that are based on pH determination. For example, the well-known Frautest amnio pads. They are much cheaper than immunoenzyme ones. But they give 17% false negative results and 13% false positive results. Whether they are worth using is up to you to decide. In any case, when purchasing diagnostic test strips or pads, ask about their mechanism of action and the accuracy of the results.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

Strictly speaking, everything that we discussed, including drip leakage of water, is considered its premature outpouring. However, in everyday life this is more often referred to as a massive outpouring of water before the start of pushing.

In this case, the symptoms are obvious. You suddenly find yourself wet, a warm, clear liquid running down your legs that you can’t hold back. Its pressure increases with coughing, straining, and contractions.

I understand that the situation is exciting. But for doctors, remember two things:

  • discharge color,
  • their number (what size spot or puddle did you see?)

And without delay - to the maternity hospital! It is highly desirable that your baby is born within the next 6 hours.

For those who still do not believe that you need to go to the maternity hospital right away, or are delaying it out of fear of childbirth, I will list the complications that threaten you and your child:

  • Infections, sepsis.
  • Lack of oxygen in the child.
  • Placental abruption and severe bleeding.
  • Anomalies of labor.
  • Intracranial hemorrhage in a child
  • Deformation of the arms and legs of the fetus.

I hope everything is clear. In each case, if water leakage is detected, obstetricians-gynecologists have to decide a difficult question: “to give birth or not to give birth?” Or rather, give birth now or let the baby grow further, despite the depressurization of the amniotic sac.

If the baby is full-term, then the issue, as a rule, is resolved in the direction of childbirth. The main thing is to apply for it in time medical care, and don’t overwhelm yourself with doubts at home!

Let this problem not affect you, my dears! But still. If you are going on a long trip in the third trimester, take the Amnishur test with you. To be fully prepared if something happens. After all, now you know how to detect leakage of amniotic fluid! And if you have pregnant friends around you, share this article with them, maybe it will be useful for them too.

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets
