Standard height for a 1 year old. The height and weight of the child in the first year: what is considered the norm

The physical formation and development of the child after a year no longer dominates the intellectual, and significantly slows down. Therefore, the height and weight of a child from one to three years will not change significantly. This age is a period of active development of the brain, muscles and redistribution of the adipose tissue of a child, which from a plump, strong man gradually begins to turn into a reduced copy of an adult.

information Height and weight is about 75 cm, and weight - an average of 10.5 kg. the child should gain only 2 kg and about 10 cm.

But, despite this, the appearance of your child undergoes significant changes:

  • cheeks begin to shrink;
  • the proportion between the trunk and limbs changes;
  • the tummy gradually disappears;
  • relatively short arms and legs, which are adapted more for crawling, lengthen and increase muscle mass.

By the age of two, the child reaches half of its "adult" height, and the size of its head is almost 90% of the maximum.

Table of growth and weight of boys by months

Table of growth and weight of girls by months

Deviations from the norm

Like babies, they are very different. One child is tall and thin, the other is short and chubby. How to recognize if a child is developing normally or if there is a pathology?

information To know for sure, your doctor will continue to regularly examine the baby, but not once a month, but once a quarter, compare the results with the norms and study. If there is a stable growth of the curve, then everything is in order.

  • If the baby is obviously too fat for his age(body weight is much more than the allowable difference), first you need to think about whether you are overfeeding him, because at this age the need for calorie nutrition is significantly reduced. This situation can lead to obesity in children, and requires medical intervention and a strict diet.
  • If you have noted that the child practically does not eat Be sure to check with your pediatrician.

Parents also often worry about the growth of the baby. Since we live in an age of acceleration, often children are far ahead of age norms. And parents of smaller babies are worried if their child suffers from some kind of disease.

Very high growth (6-7 cm above the difference) can have two reasons:

  1. - when the baby's parents are also tall, and the baby's growth progressed very quickly.
  2. Pathological causes:
    • Endocrine - excessive work of the thyroid, pancreas, early puberty, high production of growth hormone (in some tumors).
    • Non-endocrine - associated with various genetic syndromes (Marfan, Weidman, etc.).

A clear diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, based on a general examination and high-tech research.

Very short height (6-7 cm below the difference) also has several possible causes:

  1. Constitutional Features- when members of the whole family are below average, then this is not a disease, but a variation of the norm.
  2. Secondary stunting. It happens against the background of chronic diseases, metabolic problems. In this case, in order to speak with confidence about the pathology, an X-ray of the child’s hand is performed (the so-called “bone age” is examined), and the doctor looks to see if it meets the age standards. With secondary growth retardation, the picture is close to normal, which means that with adequate adjustment, the baby can catch up with his peers.
  3. Endocrine Causes. Thyroid or growth hormone deficiency is often the culprit behind growth retardation.

To ensure your baby's healthy development, don't miss regular check-ups with your doctor, and make sure your baby grows in a favorable environment.

From a tiny lump, he turned into an independent person. But he still has a lot to learn. Often parents wonder what a child can do at 1 year old and how their baby is developing. By the age of one, most children should have mastered the set of skills that you will learn about in our article.

Physical development of a child at 1 year old

pace physical development baby after 12 months start to slow down. The height and weight of the baby will now increase not as fast as it did in the first months of life. It is necessary to register these indicators every 1-3 months to make sure that the development of the child does not deviate from the norm.

Table of weight and height of a child from 1 year to 2 years by months

Month Girl Boy
Height Weight Height Weight
12 (1 year)73,8 9,5 75,5 10,3
13 (1 year 1 month)75,0 9,8 76,8 10,6
14 (1 year 2 months)76,1 10,1 78,0 10,9
15 (1 year 3 months)77,2 10,3 79,0 11,1
16 (1 year 4 months)78,3 10,6 80,0 11,3
17 (1 year 5 months)79,3 10,8 81,0 11,5
18 (1 year 6 months)80,3 11,0 82,0 11,7
19 (1 year 7 months)81,3 11,2 83,0 11,9
20 (1 year 8 months)82,2 11,4 83,9 12,1
21 (1 year 9 months)83,1 11,6 84,7 12,2
22 (1 year 10 months)84,0 11,7 85,6 12,4
23 (1 year 11 months)84,9 11,9 86,4 12,6
24 (2 years)85,8 12,1 87,3 12,7

The parameters of height and weight may not fit into the norm, it can be either a lag in growth or an advance of the parameters averaged by pediatricians. Each child grows and matures at their own pace. It is possible to speak about a violation of the pace of development only when the child has an abnormally low or high height / weight compared to his peers.

The main points for increasing the height and weight of the baby by one year, how many times he eats one year old baby and what skills he begins to master at this age are also discussed in this video:

Proportionality body

The appearance of the baby in a year changes more than the size of the body. The largest parts of the body of a one-year-old baby are the head and tummy, which is protruding forward. The face has rounded, soft contours. The arms and legs of the child relative to the body are short, soft, without a hint of muscularity.

Increasing the volume of the head

The head circumference at this age reaches 46.6 cm and by the age of one and a half years it increases to 47.9-48 cm. During the second year of life, the volume of the head can increase by 2.5 cm. standard adult head size.

Number of teeth

This indicator is more dependent on heredity. Of considerable importance is the abundance of calcium in the body. On average, the figure can vary from 4-6 to 10 erupted teeth. It is important that dairy products are present in the baby's diet ( breast milk, children's cottage cheese, kefir), as well as vitamin D.

On a note! A pediatrician can assess the physical development of a child in one year based on proportionality, which is taken into account along with body weight and length. In a well-built baby, the circumference of the chest is larger than the circumference of the head by a number of centimeters equal to the age of the child.

Differences in the development of boys and girls per year

According to standard WHO data, height and weight parameters differ in children of different sexes. You can compare the indicators from a year to two years by months according to the above table. Height and weight per year according to average WHO data one year old babies such:

  • Boys. Weight - from 10.0 kg to 10.9 kg. Height - from 75.3 to 78 cm.
  • Girls. Weight - from 9.0 kg to 10.6 kg. Height - from 74.0 to 77.4 cm.

As far as skills are concerned, boys and girls develop them about the same, although, according to experts, girls may start talking earlier. Also, some studies suggest that boys are more active and mobile in games, but this difference is not very significant.

First achievements - what skills the child masters by the year

Knowing what skills the baby should master by 12 months, parents will be able to better understand their child and come to his aid in case of difficulties. It is worth remembering: the more difficult the skill, the more time it will take to master it. For example, the baby can take the first steps both at 11 and at 15 months. If you notice the prerequisites for the child to master new skills, then real success is not far off.

Table of development of basic skills in a child at 1 year old
Hearing Recognizes the sounds of objects ( washing machine, clock, telephone) and simple melodies; tries to imitate the sounds (the car is driving - “zhzhzh”) and the voices of animals (the cow is mooing - “muuu”).
Speech Pronounces about 10 words (including babble); imitates sounds from the environment.
Motor skills Takes independent steps without support; crouching and bending over.
A game He examines his reflection in the mirror with interest; draws short strokes on paper and puts dots; at the request of an adult, he can show parts of his body.
Emotions Treats others differently; responds to the word “no”; starts to empathize.
social development The child understands and fulfills simple requests (give / take); points a finger at an object of interest; holds a cup of water and drinks from it; puts his feet in shoes.

Speech of a 1 year old

A baby from a year begins to understand literally everything that an adult tells him. Responsiveness of the child has to communicate with him. With a one-year-old baby, you can gradually learn to name objects, colors, body parts, without replacing their correct name with “childish” language. By setting an example of correct speech from an early age, you will help your child learn to pronounce words with a minimum of difficulty.

The main points of speech development at this age:

  • Shows with his finger objects or pictures in the book that his parents call him (“where is the ball?”, “Show me the dog!”).
  • Says a few simple words(by 15-18 months);
  • Performs simple instructions and requests (“let's go have breakfast”, “bring a doll”);
  • Tries to repeat the words he hears;
  • Expresses denial by shaking head (“no”).

It may take time before you learn to understand your child, including his gestures. Remember, you should never laugh at a baby's speech errors, even if they seem funny to you. Pronunciation will gradually improve, you just need to be patient and attentive to your child.

Not without difficulties: the crisis of 1 year of life

At twelve months, the child begins to manifest a “crisis of negativism”, which manifests itself in full measure by the age of two. Its existence can be guessed by some signs:

  • the baby demonstrates disobedience, stubbornness, becomes uncontrollable;
  • the child's behavior is contradictory, it is impossible to predict;
  • the desire for independence and self-reliance is clearly expressed.

The fact is that the child during the second year of life is in a constant desire to take independent steps, but at the same time to keep his mother next to him. He can move away from the parent and test his abilities and skills “in action”. But the thought that he is a separate independent person scares the baby. He needs a lot of care and warmth, especially when the child is tired, offended, or not feeling well.

How to cope with the emotional instability of the baby?

Make sure your child has physical contact as often as possible. Your goal is to strengthen his sense of security and well-being. Sit close, hug, be attentive to the mood of the baby. React when he is happy and when he is upset. Support and the necessary discipline will help the child get through a difficult period.

Important! Explaining the rules of behavior or punishing a baby for a year is completely useless. The child simply will not understand you, and such regular actions will lead to anger and aggression on his part. The best way help a one-year-old baby regain self-confidence - provide him with the necessary support and attention.

We also recommend watching a video with the experience of a young mother who talks about the achievements of her one-year-old baby:

5 healthy activities for a one year old baby

The main goal of playing with a child at the age of one is communication and pleasure. The kid needs to express his emotions, develop dexterity and motor skills of the hands. It is better to put aside developmental aids for the time being, do not overload the intellect with them. A child will be able to master knowledge with the help of a strong base in the form of skills, which must first be created.

water games

Babies love to splash in the water, that's a fact. To combine business with pleasure, arrange water games a couple of times a week. Pouring water from glass to glass, floating ducklings, a water constructor with suction cups and squeaky toys / sprinklers - all this will give mom and baby a lot of fun and help develop baby's skills.

Simple Applications

Applications help develop imagination, fine motor skills and perseverance. Cut out simple geometric shapes from colored paper - circles, squares, triangles. Show your child how to make a car out of a rectangle and two circles. Lightly smeared with glue stick, invite the crumbs to stick the nose or ears to the bear. Such simple activities together with the parent will bring the baby a lot of positive emotions.

Sensors with bulk materials

A one-year-old child is just beginning to get acquainted with various materials, developing your perception of sensations. Good way develop the sensory of external perception - games with cereals. Start small: pour into jars from under baby food cereals or small pasta, let the child shake them. It will be more interesting if you add food coloring to each jar. You can also play with semolina - distribute the cereal on a tray and draw with your baby with your fingers on it.

Learning to sculpt

A great way to develop fine motor skills of the crumbs is to let him play with a piece of regular dough. Show your child how to knead the dough into a lump. Making small movements with the hands and fingers, the child develops dexterity, stimulates the development of brain activity.

Interesting! Suitable for practice and salty dough. It is very simple to make it: you need to mix 200 g of flour, 200 g of salt, 125 ml of water and 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. The first "crafts" of the baby or the handprint on the test can be dried in the air and kept as a keepsake.

Very good videofinger gymnastics for babies. Helpful for your baby's development:

Reading fairy tales

At a year old, the baby will not be able to keep his attention on the book and listening to it, but he will certainly pay attention to the bright illustrations. Get acquainted with simple fairy tales - "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen". The child will gradually memorize the characters, and after a year and a half, he may try to reproduce a fragment from his favorite story. Good fairy tales are taught from childhood correct behavior and communication skills.

Behind half of the second year of your child's life, and this is a serious milestone. At a year and a half, parents notice how their baby has changed: now he walks well and even runs, strives for independence in his actions, but most importantly, it is at the age of one and a half years that a jump in speech development often occurs.

Physical development of a child of one and a half years

The height and weight of a child at 1 year 6 months according to the standards of domestic pediatricians:



Bottom line

Upper bound

Bottom line

Upper bound

Head circumference, cm

Height and weight of a child 1 year 6 months according to WHO:



Bottom line

Upper bound

Bottom line

Upper bound

Head circumference, cm

Many mothers no longer worry about teething at the age of one and a half, since most of them have already appeared in the baby. And for those who are worried about how many teeth a child should have at 1.5 years old, we will answer: the approximate number of teeth at this age, according to the standards of dentists, is 14. However, depending on individual characteristics and the time of appearance of the first tooth, the presence of from 4 to 18 teeth in babies are also normal options.

The regimen of the day, sleep and nutrition of a child at 1.5 years old

At the age of 1.5, almost all children switch to one daytime sleep, lasting 2-3 hours. But if your baby continues to go to bed twice a day, do not force things - you will definitely notice if the baby is ready for change. The transition to a new mode should be smooth and comfortable for the child. The duration of night sleep is still 10-11 hours. The period during which the child is awake at this age is extended to 5.5 hours.

At a year and a half, the baby takes food 4 times a day, at intervals of 3.5 to 4.5 hours. Moreover, during the period of wakefulness, the interval is no more than 3.5 hours. Breakfast should take place no later than 1.5 hours after waking up, and dinner no later than an hour before going to bed for the night.

Psychology and mental development of a child 1 year 6 months

One and a half year old baby is calm and businesslike . He already understands a lot and is not afraid, for example, of an unexpected sound, as it was in infancy. Now he knows: it was the washing machine that made noise, there is no danger. At the same time, strangers and unusual situations can still cause him anxiety, and he will try to stay closer to his mother.

At 1.5 years old, the baby knows his family members and favorably perceives relatives who rarely come to visit. However the presence of his mother next to him is still extremely necessary , especially in the first minutes of the meeting. At this age, you can gradually begin to expand the child's social circle, for example, by attending any developmental classes, but either hospitalization separately from the mother at a year and a half will be extremely traumatic. For a one and a half year old baby, mom is still the center of the universe.

Close adults are the main role model for the child - tone of speech, emotional reaction to the situation, actions with objects and toys. He still requires constant attention from an adult, but he can already get involved in independent play for some time. What used to be predominantly repetition after an adult (feeding the doll) is now turning into games of “own composition”. The implementation of ideas invented by him immensely pleases the baby, and if something does not work out, he looks sincerely upset and refuses the idea.

Other children arouse interest in the baby , but not yet as comrades with whom you can play together. Looking closely at peers, the baby is still convinced that he is the most important here, and does not tolerate violations of boundaries. For example, he will never give his toy to another child to play, but at the same time he will try to take someone else's (he feels himself the center of the universe, remember?). Fighting "greed" at this age is useless, and pointless.

One and a half years - the age when the child begins to clearly show negative emotions . The baby's vocabulary is not yet large, so he can express anger by lying on the floor, screaming and waving his arms and legs. It is important for parents to understand: these are not whims, harsh educational measures at this age are inappropriate. The child just wants to convey to you: I am unhappy, hear me and help. Slapping, swearing, ignoring, and similar methods will cause the tantrum to escalate. Only caress, attention and love shown by parents can help the baby get out of an unpleasant state for everyone. In addition, at 1.5 years old, children quickly calm down and switch.

Skills and skills of a child at 1 year 6 months

A child of a year and a half can do a lot, and this applies, firstly, to his physical skills . At 1 year 6 months your baby:

  • Walks well in a straight line, in a circle, bending around objects. He stumbles less because he looks under his feet, noticing obstacles. Starts to run;
  • He climbs onto the children's stairs with a side step and tries to go down from it (although this is already difficult for him);
  • Throws the ball forward, up and down;
  • Squatting down;
  • Knows how to open the door to the room.

intellectual development the child is characterized by a sharp jump attributable to one and a half years. This age opens up a time when the baby literally absorbs new knowledge and impressions. But even at 1.5 years old, the child has already achieved a lot:

  • He finds an object similar to the one shown, including the one depicted in the book. Distinguishes a ball from a cube, a cube from a brick;
  • Can choose right geometric figure for sorter openings;
  • Oriented in terms of shape and size, finds the same at the request of an adult or highlights the specified one;
  • Collects a pyramid of several rings after the show;
  • Draws with a pencil / felt-tip pen on paper strokes, straight lines, zigzags and ovals.

The game in 1.5 years has become more complicated, and now child's play activities are characterized by the following features:

  • Imitating an adult, the baby “reads” a book, reproduces frequently observed actions in the game;
  • Repeats some seen actions of peers;
  • He knows how to pull a wheelchair toy, roll a small stroller in front of him;
  • Uses substitute items in the game (replaces real ones with them);
  • Shows intelligence, such as using one item to get another.

household skills a baby at 1.5 years old also cannot but please parents:

  • He drinks from a cup, hardly spilling;
  • He prefers to eat with a spoon himself, although he does it accurately only with liquid and semi-liquid food;
  • Expresses dissatisfaction with the violation of his own neatness;
  • Starts asking for a potty.

Speech of a child at 1 year 6 months

1.5 years is a kind of speech milestone, since most parents at this age notice significant progress not only in understanding addressed speech, but also in the emergence of new words and even phrases.

A one and a half year old child knows and shows parts of the body upon request, understands the meaning of many sentences and follows simple instructions (“open the box”, “take the apple out of the bag” and even more complex speech constructions). In addition, the baby can distinguish similar objects from a group, not taking into account their size and color.

In the active vocabulary of the child - up to 40 words. Moreover, individually lightweight words (cat - "meow", car - "beep") begin to gradually be replaced by their correct forms. It is important for parents themselves during this period to reorganize and in every possible way promote the use of “normal”, and not babbling words. A one and a half year old baby is characterized by imitation of phrases and individual words of adults.

Despite the fact that phrasal speech at this age does not appear in all children (more often in girls), many kids tend to link words into simple structures. It should be borne in mind that gestures, facial expressions and glances can also express something specific, thereby complementing the child's word to a phrase. And this can already be called the first phrase.

At the age of 1.5 years, the baby begins to generalize objects not only in speech addressed to him, but also in his own. Mistakes are still very frequent, but this is not scary - the child is still learning. After one and a half years, the active vocabulary in children begins to increase much faster than before. Talk to the baby, read, constantly explain to him the incomprehensible, and progress in the development of speech will not be long in coming!

Each child lives according to their individual program of growth and weight. However, there are statistics that give an idea of ​​what the average weight of children is like. Also, there are recommendations from doctors who offer optimal values ​​for height, weight, and their ratio.

We compared the data obtained by statistical means and the recommendations of doctors, it turned out that they practically coincide with a difference not exceeding 3%.

So, the data given in the table are the optimal values ​​\u200b\u200bof the height and weight of the child. Please note that the values ​​for boys and girls are slightly different.

Table of weight and height of infants by age
Year + MonthBoyGirlMonth
Birth3,60 50,0 3,40 49,5 0
1 month4,45 54,5 4,15 53,5 1
2 months5,25 58,0 4,90 56,8 2
3 months6,05 61,0 5,50 59,3 3
4 months6,70 63,0 6,15 61,5 4
7,30 65,0 6,65 63,4 5
6 months7,90 67,0 7,20 65,3 6
7 months8,40 68,7 7,70 66,9 7
8 months8,85 70,3 8,10 68,4 8
9 months9,25 71,7 8,50 70,0 9
10 months9,65 73,0 8,85 71,3 10
11 months10,0 74,3 9,20 72,6 11
year + monthweightheightweightheightmonths
1 year exactly10,3 75,5 9,5 73,8 12
1 year, 1 month10,6 76,8 9,8 75,0 13
1 year, 2 months10,9 78,0 10,1 76,1 14
1 year, 3 months11,1 79,0 10,3 77,2 15
1 year, 4 months11,3 80,0 10,6 78,3 16
1 year, 5 months11,5 81,0 10,8 79,3 17
1 year, 6 months11,7 82,0 11,0 80,3 18
1 year, 7 months11,9 83,0 11,2 81,3 19
1 year, 8 months12,1 83,9 11,4 82,2 20
1 year, 9 months12,2 84,7 11,6 83,1 21
1 year, 10 months12,4 85,6 11,7 84,0 22
1 year, 11 months12,3 86,4 11,9 84,9 23
year + monthweightheightweightheightmonths
2 years exactly12,7 87,3 12,1 85,8 24
2 years, 1 month12,8 88,1 12,2 86,7 25
2 years, 2 months13,0 88,9 12,4 87,5 26
2 years, 3 months13,1 89,7 12,5 88,4 27
2 years, 4 months13,2 90,3 12,7 89,2 28
2 years, 5 months13,4 91,1 12,9 90,0 29
2 years, 6 months13,5 91,8 13,0 90,7 30
2 years, 7 months13,6 92,6 13,1 91,4 31
2 years, 8 months13,8 93,2 13,3 92,1 32
2 years, 9 months13,9 93,8 13,4 92,9 33
year + monthweightheightweightheightmonths
2 years, 10 months14,0 94,4 13,6 93,6 34
2 years, 11 months14,2 95,0 13,7 94,2 35
3 years exactly14,3 95,7 13,9 94,8 36

How to use the table

How much should a child weigh? In the left column, look for a line with the text 1 year. On the right will be weight in kilograms (boy 10,300 / girl 9,500) and height (75.5 / 73.8) in centimeters.

Weight Estimation

The deviation of the child's weight within 6-7% of those indicated in the table is the absolute norm.

A greater weight deviation of up to 12-14% indicates a tendency to overweight or underweight.

Weight deviation over 12-14% indicates a slight overweight and underweight.

A weight deviation of more than 20-25% indicates overweight and underweight, perhaps in this case a small nutritional correction will be useful, carried out solely on the recommendation of a doctor.

For a more accurate weight estimate, use our or professional centile tables, or.

Growth estimate

The deviation of the child's growth within 3% of those indicated in the table is the absolute norm.

With a growth deviation of more than 10%, it makes sense to consult a doctor.

For a more accurate estimate of growth, use ours.

Adequate assessment of the height and weight of the child

In general, the indicators of the norm for each child are different. Approximately 10% of children will have weight and height indicators outside the proposed assessment range and for them this will be the norm.

The weight of the child should be monitored first of all in order to detect any nutritional problems in time. For example, if a child abruptly stopped gaining weight or reduced it for no apparent reason, this is an indicator that some problems have arisen. Thus, for a complete analysis, it is necessary to know the history of the weight and height of a particular child.

Controlling weight and gain also helps to evaluate the optimal nutrition for the child: adjust to a certain diet, switch to a new mixture, normalize the consumption of porridge.

When assessing the weight of newborns, it must be remembered that during the first week of a child's life, a natural weight loss of 5-8% is normal.

You may be interested in:

  • Ideal weight calculator for adults.
  • How much should you weigh on average for a person aged 2 to 20 years.
  • Calculator of norms of physical development for children.

Here are the indicators of the ratio of height and weight of the child in different periods of age from 1 to 3 years. Particular attention must be paid to the RATIO of height and weight, which should be (in the table) in the same centile (in one column of the table).

Anthropometric (centile) tables

Tables for height, weight and head circumference show ranges by group. The average "blue" column shows the average for a given age. The "green" columns on the right and left are within the normal range, which are slightly below or above the average. In the "yellow" and "red" columns are indicators below or above normal, requiring special attention from parents and doctors.

  • The average height of the child should be within the green and blue values ​​​​(25-75 centiles). This growth corresponds to the average height of children of this age.
  • Growth, the value of which is between the yellow and green values ​​(10-25 centiles) is also normal, but indicates a tendency for the child to lag behind in growth.
  • Growth, the value of which is between the blue and yellow values ​​​​(75-90 centiles) is also normal, but indicates a tendency for the child to outstrip in growth.
  • Growth, the value of which is between the red and yellow values ​​- low (3-10 centile), or high (90-97 centile), which may be due to both the characteristics of the child and a disease with a hormonal imbalance (often endocrinological or hereditary). ). In such cases, it is necessary to bring this to the attention of your pediatrician or family doctor, who, if necessary, will refer you to the appropriate specialist. Be sure to monitor the further growth, weight, general condition of such a child.
  • Growth, the value of which is beyond the red border (less than 3 or more than 97 centile) indicates a pathology of the child's growth. Such children must be consulted by appropriate specialists, primarily an endocrinologist, who will recommend further examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Remember that diseases accompanied by impaired growth lead to various disorders of physical and mental health in the future.

Height of boys from 1 year to 3 years (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 71,2-72,3 72,3-74,0 74,0-77,3 77,3-79,7 79,7-81,7 >81,7
15 months 74,8-75,9 75,9-77,1 77,1-81,0 81,0-83,0 83,0-85,3 >85,3
18 months 76,9-78,4 78,4-79,8 79,8-83,9 83,9-85,9 85,9-89,4 >89,4
21 months 79,3-80,3 80,3-82,3 82,3-86,5 86,5-88,3 88,3-91,2 >91,2
24 months
81,3-83,0 83,0-84,5 84,5-89,0 89,0-90,8 90,8-94,0 >94,0
27 months 83,0-84,9 84,9-86,1 86,1-91,3 91,3-93,9 93,9-96,8 >96,8
30 months 84,5-87,0 87,0-89,0 89,0-93,7 93,7-95,5 95,5-99,0 >99,0
33 months 86,3-88,8 88,8-91,3 91,3-96,0 96,0-98,1 98,1-101,2 >101,2
3 years 88,0-90,0 90,0-92,3 92,3-99,8 99,8-102,0 102,0-104,5 >104,5

Weight of boys from 1 to 3 years (kg)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 8,5-8,9 8,9-9,4 9,4-10,9 10,9-11,6 11,6-12,1 >12,1
15 months 9,2-9,6 9,6-10,1 10,1-11,7 11,7-12,4 12,4-13,0 >13,0
18 months 9,7-10,2 10,2-10,7 10,7-12,4 12,4-13,0 13,0-13,7 >13,7
21 months 10,2-10,6 10,6-11,2 11,2-12,9 12,9-13,6 13,6-14,3 >14,3
24 months 10,6-11,0 11,0-11,7 11,7-13,5 13,5-14,2 14,2-15,0 >15,0
27 months 11,0-11,5 11,5-12,2 12,2-14,1 14,1-14,8 14,8-15,6 >15,6
30 months 11,4-11,9 11,9-12,6 12,6-14,6 14,6-15,4 15,4-16,1 >16,1
33 months 11,6-12,3 12,3-13,1 13,1-15,2 15,2-16,0 16,0-16,8 >16,8
3 years 12,1-12,8 12,8-13,8 13,8-16,0 16,0-16,9 16,9-17,7 >17,7

Head circumference of boys, (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 44,6-45,3 45,3-46,2 46,2-49,1 49,1-49,8 49,8-50,7 >50,7
15 months 45,3-46,0 46,0-46,7 46,7-49,5 49,5-50,3 50,3-51,3 >51,3
18 months 46,0-46,6 46,6-47,3 47,3-49,9 49,9-50,7 50,7-51,6 >51,6
21 months 46,5-47,2 47,2-47,7 47,7-50,3 50,3-51,0 51,0-52,0 >52,0
24 months 47,0-47,6 47,6-48,1 48,1-50,5 50,5-51,3 51,3-52,3 >52,3
27 months 47,3-47,9 47,9-48,5 48,5-50,8 50,8-51,7 51,7-52,7 >52,7
30 months 47,5-48,2 48,2-48,8 48,8-51,1 51,1-52,0 52,0-53,0 >53,0
33 months 47,8-48,4 48,4-49,2 49,2-51,3 51,3-52,3 52,3-53,3 >53,3
3 years 48,0-48,6 48,6-49,5 49,5-51,5 51,5-52,6 52,6-53,5 >53,5

Growth of girls from 1 year to 3 years (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 70,1-71,4 71,4-72,8 72,8-75,8 75,8-78,0 78,0-79,6 >79,6
15 months 72,9-74,5 74,5-76,0 76,0-79,1 79,1-81,5 81,5-83,4 >83,4
18 months 75,8-77,1 77,1-78,9 78,9-82,1 82,1-84,5 84,5-86,8 >86,8
21 months 78,0-79,5 79,5-81,2 81,2-84,5 84,5-87,5 87,5-89,5 >89,5
24 months 80,1-81,7 81,7-83,3 83,3-87,5 87,5-90,1 90,1-92,5 >92,5
27 months 82,0-83,5 83,5-85,4 85,4-90,1 90,1-92,4 92,4-95,0 >95,0
30 months 83,8-85,7 85,7-87,7 87,7-92,3 92,3-95,0 95,0-97,3 >97,3
33 months 85,8-87,6 87,6-89,8 89,8-94,8 94,8-97,0 97,0-99,7 >99,7
3 years 89,0-90,8 90,8-93,0 93,0-98,1 98,1-100,7 100,7-103,1 >103,1

Weight of girls from 1 to 3 years (kg)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 8,0-8,5 8,5-9,0 9,0-10,2 10,2-10,8 10,8-11,3 >11,3
15 months 8,6-9,2 9,2-9,7 9,7-10,9 10,9-11,5 11,5-12,1 >12,1
18 months 9,0-9,8 9,8-10,3 10,3-11,5 11,5-12,2 12,2-12,8 >12,8
21 months 9,7-10,3 10,3-10,6 10,6-12,2 12,2-12,8 12,8-13,4 >13,4
2 years 10,2-10,8 10,8-11,3 11,3-12,8 12,8-13,5 13,5-14,1 >14,1
27 months 10,6-11,2 11,2-11,7 11,7-13,3 13,3-14,2 14,2-14,8 >14,8
30 months 11,0-11,6 11,6-12,3 12,3-13,9 13,9-14,8 14,8-15,5 >15,5
33 months 11,5-12,1 12,1-12,7 12,7-14,5 14,5-15,4 15,4-16,3 >16,3
3 years 11,7-12,5 12,5-13,3 13,3-15,5 15,5-16,5 16,5-17,6 >17,6

Head circumference of girls, (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 43,5-44,2 44,2-45,0 45,0-48,2 48,2-49,2 49,2-50,1 >50,1
15 months 44,2-45,1 45,1-45,9 45,9-48,7 48,7-49,6 49,6-50,5 >50,5
18 months 44,9-45,7 45,7-46,4 46,4-49,0 49,0-49,9 49,9-50,9 >50,9
21 months 45,4-46,1 46,1-46,9 46,9-49,4 49,4-50,2 50,2-51,2 >51,2
24 months 46,0-46,6 46,6-47,3 47,3-49,7 49,7-50,5 50,5-51,5 >51,5
27 months 46,5-47,0 47,0-47,8 47,8-50,0 50,0-50,7 50,7-51,8 >51,8
30 months 47,0-47,5 47,5-48,0 48,0-50,4 50,4-51,0 51,0-52,0 >52,0
33 months 47,3-47,9 47,9-48,4 48,4-50,6 50,6-51,4 51,4-52,4 >52,4
3 years 47,6-48,1 48,1-48,6 48,6-51,0 51,0-51,7 51,7-52,7 >52,7
