The blow of the gods is the power of thought to fulfill the desired. The energy of thought, the power of thought and "coincidences"


Bound by the Same Mind: Joe Dispenza on the Power of Human Thought

Do you think it is possible to see images that some person sends you with the power of thought? British psychologists Simon Sherwood and Chris Rowe from the University of Northampton say: yes, it is possible - the power of human thought is capable of it.

- writes Joe Dispenza in his new article and proves in it how strong the power of human thought is. After reading this article, you will understand that you are able to transfer thoughts to another person and I will tell you how to do this at the very end.

Attention! If you do not want to wait and are ready to start working on your desires right now -

Text by Joe Dispenza (translated by Elena Arbatskaya especially for the Power in Thought blog):

The power of human thought and science

In 2003, after analyzing 47 independent experiments that studied the power of human thought and made 1270 samples, the research duo came up with an average image accuracy of 59.1%.

According to probability theory, the chances of generating random events like tossing a coin (heads or tails) should be guessed 50% of the time. But, given that the choice of picture was unpredictable, the chances of a "accidental hit" were statistically estimated at astronomical numbers: 22 billion to one.

In 2004, in a similar study at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, senior research fellow Dean Radin and colleagues tested 13 pairs of friends who did not have close emotional ties, but only general interest to research. One person (recipient) in each pair was connected to an electroencephalograph with a CCTV camera.

Another (the sender), also connected to an electroencephalograph, was sitting in another room in front of a TV screen. At random intervals, the sender could - in short flashes - see the recipient's face on the screen.

At the moment the friend's face suddenly appeared on the screen, as expected, the EEG device recorded the peak of brain activity of the person who was looking at the screen at that moment. Surprisingly, the recipient's EEG also showed peak brain activity.

Did the recipient feel at that moment that someone was looking at him? Did he (or she) know, consciously or unconsciously, that the other this moment thinks about him? The results of the experiment definitely lead to the idea that couples can be connected at a distance and thus the power of human thought works.

So, everything that we thought about the power of human thought and consciousness was a lie?

In the scientific community, the lack of a scientific understanding of the nature and origin of consciousness is usually referred to as the so-called "Hard Problem of Consciousness". The standard view of science is that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the body. This means that it arises from the autonomy, complexity and branching of the brain. It is considered a product of neural activity, but now there are many studies and concepts that challenge this idea and begin to speak about the power of human thought.

The latest research in quantum physics demonstrates that everything material at its more fundamental, subatomic level, consists of information and energy, and that which connects, organizes and directs energy to give life and form to all material things is consciousness. Because all physical bodies are made of atoms (including you and me), we are connected in some way by an invisible information field outside of this space and time.

We know without special studies that the people with whom we are connected can intercept our thoughts and feelings, such is the power of human thought.

For example, at some point we may catch ourselves thinking about a friend who has not been mentioned for weeks, and then he calls us or we see him in the store. Or we walk into a room and instantly know someone is angry or upset without even seeing their faces. These kinds of experiences have happened to any of us, and they really demonstrate our connections to each other across time and distance.

In the physical world, one has only to look at the genius of nature to see the interconnectedness of all things. A great example is the trophic cascade, an ecological process that starts at the top of the food chain and descends in waves to the very bottom. There are even better examples than the recolonization of Yellowstone National Park by wolves in 1995. The result was a domino effect among plants and animals, restoring the balance of the ecosystem to a state of prosperity. Perhaps the most significant moment was that even the river changed its course.

The interconnection of all things begins at the subatomic level, penetrating to the level of atoms, molecules, substances, cells, tissues, organs, bodies, relationships, communities, planets and solar systems, and so on. If it is true of physical nature that all things are interconnected, why should there be any difference in the interconnections between minds? What if the minds of different people are connected by an invisible web along which waves of information travel.

After all, how does a spider know that he is prey in his web? He feels the vibration.

Can the universe, as Carl Jung suggested, feel all of our thoughts and feelings in the collective unconscious?

From Esotericism to Probability

Of course, these ideas are more esoteric and will require more research, but have you yourself thought in a similar way, trying to inspire someone good idea? Or, thinking lovingly of a brother and sister, then seeing it work? If you with your best friend connected by suffering, does your friend feel something when you think about the experience, because you are connected by the energy of this emotion? And finally, when you or a community of people mentally pray for the healing of the sick, doesn't it have an effect?

A good way to think of consciousness is to think of it as the internet. We all have computers that are separated from each other in physical space, just like each of us is an independent person. But when we connect our computers to the Internet, even if they are in different places, they - and all information flows - are connected in an information network.

A final thought: what if consciousness is actually the structure on which matter rests, as opposed to the view that science holds today? Just think of all the possibilities waiting for you.

What if we could join information field and learn our mind and energy to the result? Maybe we should start our own science experiment by changing the notion that we are separate from other people, things, and places. And if we do this, perhaps we will see that we are all spiders and webs at the same time.

Conclusions from Joe Dispenza's article:

Friends, I think you yourself have already drawn all the conclusions for yourself. Our minds are connected - this is a scientific fact. The power of a person's thought is capable of simply thinking about a person - to call him into reality.

I'll tell you two specific case how I use this phenomenon and how the power of thought helps me in life.

The power of human thought in practice

1. Make the person think about you

For example, you passed an interview and are waiting for a decision on your candidacy from a recruiter. Imagine him flipping through a stack of resumes for the candidates he interviewed today. He is trying to remember all the candidates and decide who to invite to the second meeting with the leadership. Now mentally state your name. And imagine with an inner eye that your name sounds in the head of this person. Again and again. You gave him your name. Now your name will suddenly come to his mind and he will decide to call you.

For more information on how to influence a person with the power of thought, see the video.

I did. They took me to work.

2. Attract a meeting with a person

I had a friend with whom we worked in the same building. I knew he worked upstairs, but we never crossed paths in the lobby, the elevator, or the dining room.

And I started thinking about him. Many, often, different. I imagined him, how we talk, how his face looks and so on.

On the same day we collided in the dining room. He approached me, deciding to dine at the same table.

It is not very difficult to control your own feelings. It is much more difficult to find the source of their origin and penetrate into the hidden corners of one's soul. If you properly explore your second bottom, you can make the most of it.

think = attract

To begin with, it is important to realize the power of the law of attraction. If you are interested in mind control, you will definitely receive what you dream about so much. The power of thought really works.

When you pay attention to something, you include it in your own vibrations. When keeping attention on the desired object for a long time, the power of thought and the law of attraction will definitely work.

Not everything is so bad

Are you seriously sure that you will never be loved or rich? Are you convinced of the unfavorable fortune? Most of us have these thoughts at least once in a while. However, it is important to understand that heavy thoughts carry negativity with them. Happy and successful people do everything to ensure that doubts accompany them as little as possible. And all because they know: the force of attraction of thought is simply enormous. This is often the secret of the miserable existence of some and the prosperity of others.

Thoughts + actions

An energetically thinking person will certainly show the same activity in real situations. At the same time, it is important to build your plans and dream using the phrases “I want” and “I can”. To achieve your goals, you need to change your daily way of thinking.

Basic Functions

Consider how thoughts can affect a person and his environment. It may surprise you to learn how far the authority of our maxims extends.

Health impact

The physical body is a reflection of our inner world. If your mind is saturated with gloomy thoughts, the body simply will not be able to function properly. Diseases that harm the body are secondary. While desires that destroy the mind are called primary. It can be concluded that mental health takes precedence over physical health.

In the presence of problems, the healing power of thought should not be relegated to the background. In the process of clearing the mind and getting rid of evil thoughts, you will eliminate both mental and physical problems. The power of words and thoughts is simply amazing. Fill your life with positive affirmations and formulations, and you will notice how the mind rises and the heart expands. The eyes will sparkle, the voice will become pleasant, and the speech will be calm.

How to change fate?

What thoughts a man sows, such actions he will reap. The statement that we are the creators of our own destiny is as true as possible. Only ignoramuses can talk about evil fate. The building of destiny begins within. And help in this thought and action.


You can often hear the idea that the development of an individual depends on what kind of people are next to him. However, the facts refute this erroneous assertion. An example is the biographies of many successful people who were born in the slums and know firsthand what poverty is.

Fundamental Algorithm

So, the power of thought is not questioned. Having realized the full effectiveness of the law of attraction, it is important to take concrete steps. If they are correct, luck will certainly look into your house. To do this, ensure that the following steps are followed in sequence:

At the heart of everything is a serious desire to succeed.

In second place is complete self-confidence.

Willingness to go to the goal by any means.

Often there is such a situation: a person wants something for a long time and dreams about it. Over time, he just gets tired of indulging in dreams, and he remembers what he wants less and less. And then suddenly the moment comes when everything starts to take shape as well as possible. There are not only resources and opportunities, but also people who actively help in achieving the goals. Then we remember that recently we only indulged in dreams, and today we are reaping real benefits.

Scroll of Wishes

How to use the power of thought? Use the method that was used many centuries ago. Our distant ancestors made wish scrolls to inform the Universe about their dreams. For this purpose, they used parchment. In today's world, things are a little different. It is enough to buy a beautiful notebook and a pen. Do not spare money and time to choose, these things you should really like. It is important that the notebook is new. So, you can saturate it only with your energy. When formulating desires, follow a few simple rules:

Write about your goals in the present tense, not in the future. Avoid the phrase "I would like to...".

Don't use negatives. The Universe does not perceive the “not” particle. An incorrectly voiced desire will be perceived in a completely different way. Instead of "I won't forget about my morning runs," write "I will run in the morning."

Make wishes exclusively for yourself. Interfering in the fate of other people is unacceptable.

How to unlock the power of thought? To do this, you need to stop being afraid. For example, you go to an unloved job every day, but it provides you with a stable income. Despite the fact that you are constantly looking for a suitable vacancy, the best option it doesn't show up at all. Think about it, does the subconscious interfere with the implementation of the task? Perhaps you are tormented by thoughts about self-doubt, about the negative reaction of colleagues and an unstable salary in a new place?

Start filling the scroll of desires on the growing moon. After one dream comes true, cross it off the list and add two new ones. Don't forget to thank the Universe for the favor.

The infinite power of thought

According to the law of attraction, each soul works to create its own reality based on personal beliefs and deep beliefs. And this is certainly realized by a person who is in search of the meaning of life.

Our thoughts act as a phenomenal creative force. They construct universal matter. Therefore, the external world with which we interact is one of the greatest "mirrors" of our attitude to life and internal vibrations.

Our existence on this planet can be compared to a game. At the same time, the energy moves in a circle, and we will be able to receive it only on the wave that we are tuned to, and on which, in fact, we are transmitting. This phenomenon works on the boomerang principle. At the same time, we ourselves are both a receiver and a transmitter at the same time.

The power of thought and the law of attraction in action

Source of freedom - connection with own feelings, thoughts and beliefs. It is equally important to understand that you are not a victim of circumstances. Happiness is something that is chosen and created by a person in the course of painstaking work. Thoughts repeated day after day become beliefs that form inner images. The latter, in turn, have a direct impact on the feelings and emotions responsible for the consolidation of habits and patterns of behavior.

Work on superpowers

Do you want things to move under the influence of your thoughts? This will require perseverance and endurance. And do not think that this skill is from the category of fantastic. It is only important to direct efforts in the right direction, and then the task will seem not so unattainable.

How to move objects with the power of thought? Transportation of the selected object requires maximum concentration. In addition, it is important to bring your mental health back to normal. You must not doubt. If there is uncertainty, nothing will work. Concentrate fully on the object you want to move. Get rid of extraneous thoughts. This state is achieved only through regular training. The most important thing is not to distract attention.

Some people have already proven their ability to move matchboxes, balls, and even clock pendulums. Those who reached the highest skill twisted keys and spoons in public. At the same time, not a single scientist has been able to decompose into formulas or logically explain the phenomenon of telekinesis. It has not yet been possible to explain why objects move without direct impact on them. According to the assumptions, with complete localization of attention on a certain object, activation occurs for a long time. psychic energy in the form of electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain. They push the object.

Let's describe how to move objects with the power of thought, using the example of a specific scheme:

1. Look at the thing you are interested in for at least ten minutes. Fix your mind completely on it. The level of concentration should be so high that you feel the object as part of you.

2. Upon reaching the above state, begin to imagine that the selected thing is moving. At the same time, try not to let the images move away from her.

The described actions will contribute to honing the skill of telekinesis. Train daily. Results may appear in weeks or years. It all depends on personal characteristics and the quality of classes.

Turning to Literature

Most of those interested in the secrets of the soul know a writer like Rowan Atkinson. "The Power of Thought, or the Magnetism of Personality" is his most popular book. It offers fifteen lessons on mastering the art of influencing others. Consider the basic principles that Atkinson adheres to.

What qualities should an attractive person have?

The book “The Power of Thought, or Magnetism of Personality” notes that not all people have innate charisma. Most have to work on its development on their own. According to Atkinson, one of the most powerful personality development exercises is to observe others. To get started, choose one person you like and follow how he communicates and behaves, what facial expressions he uses. In the process of observation, you will see what advantages he has over other people.

Magnetism, according to Atkinson, is based on a firm belief in oneself and one's abilities. Equally important is the belief in the ability to influence the actions and opinions of other people. Bright charismatic personalities are always smart and firmly defend their own opinions. Their well-formed point of view in most cases finds a positive response from others.

What to do?

To develop charisma, build your confidence and learn to speak clearly. In the second step, work on a sense of inner peace. You must have noticed that successful man very rarely fussy or nervous.

In the book The Power of Thought, or Magnetism of the Personality, it is noted that charisma is not a separate quality. It develops in conjunction with other personality traits. Atkinson shows complete confidence in the following: everything we think about materializes.

The strength of personality depends not only on verbal, but also on non-verbal factors. The first include speech and the algorithm for constructing phrases, the second - look, behavior, facial expressions.

act bolder

It doesn't matter what kind of life you have now. Start from scratch. In the most precise terms, formulate everything that you would like. Don't worry, you won't have to go over heads or betray people for this. To begin with, a daily five-minute concentration on what was planned will be quite enough.

Managing the power of thought is now more important than ever. For example, you need a new home. It is up to you how it will be. Think over everything to the smallest detail - floor, location, footage, view from the window, furnishings. You can even imagine what the neighbors will be like. The subconscious will already begin to work on how you will get it all. At no risk, do this exhilarating experiment to experience how it works for yourself.

Wisdom of a Hindu Spiritual Master

Consider what Swami Sivananda thought about our inner world. The power of thought, according to this philosopher, is able to change the course of life. Be on your guard when heavy thoughts begin to overcome you. Shift your focus to some divine object or prayer.

Beware of the wrong development of your consciousness, because it is like a playful child, which must be constantly controlled. Subdue the violent streams of thoughts and transform them into passive channels for the transmission of truth. Fill your mind with purity, constantly turning to God. Kill evil thoughts with the sword of wisdom.

Don't neglect yoga. Such practices are not an anomaly. The purpose of yoga is the complex development of all the abilities of the individual, including the power of his thought. Don't be afraid to take this path. It has long been tested by time. Through regular practice, you will make your life richer and filled with bliss.

Thought Perfection

The replacement method works great for cleansing the inner world. Thanks to him, you can get rid of evil thoughts. To do this, it is important to cultivate positive thoughts about love, compassion, humility and generosity in the garden of your own consciousness. Get ready for what negative energy it won't just leave you. To this end, you need to work hard. The result will be a mind cleansed of filth as much as possible. This will increase the power of your thoughts.

Swami Sivananda calls self-improvement a vital discipline. At the same time, the sage notes that not many master this art. And even the most educated people are often unaware of its existence.

The sage calls all of us victims of the disordered work of thought. In our mental factory, all sorts of ideas come and go in a chaotic fashion. They do not differ in either periodicity or logic. Consciousness is in a state of complete confusion. There is no clarity and clarity of ideas.

Are you able to think about one subject for more than two minutes? If the answer is no, then, unfortunately, you do not yet have the slightest idea about the laws of the mental plane and thinking. The inner world at this stage can be compared to a wandering menagerie. A variety of thoughts fight for the right to penetrate the consciousness of the voluptuous and take the leading positions in it. At the same time, the visual indriya (sense organ) craves spectacles, and the auditory indriya seeks to fill the soul only with lustful base images. Especially difficult work lies ahead if you cannot keep your attention on one lofty thought for at least five seconds. Do not allow your thinking to move along the beaten path of sensual desires, and you will feel how the spirit is strengthened.

Impact on others

Another way to make sure that thoughts have power is to influence their own kind. At the same time, keep in mind that it is unrealistic to achieve complete control over others. The only thing that can be done is to offer your own version of action at the bioenergetic level. How to mentally influence a person? Let's consider in more detail.

Method one

First, decide on the object of your experiment. Ideally for these purposes, a person waiting for someone or not busy with anything is suitable. Concentrate your thoughts in the area between his eyebrows and imagine how the information flow enters the brain through this point. Send a request something like this: "Please turn back." Do this manipulation with respect for the subject. Don't try to make fun of him this way. Don't take this process lightly, for as a result of your luck, you will move up one rung on your own evolutionary ladder.

Method two

The power of thought should work in the following way: you imagine how your subtle body is infused into the body of the selected person. Start seeing with his eyes. Then abruptly accomplish your plan and return to your own body. Just like in the previous method, the area between the eyebrows (Ajna chakra) is used. Pay close attention to the person's reaction.

Method three

As practitioners note, it is no less effective than the previous two. For its implementation, the so-called ethereal double is used. It is required to imagine how you approach a person and pat on his shoulder in a friendly way. At the same time, in reality, accept the position in which you would be if you really performed this action.

Whichever option you choose, remember that useless actions entail punishment.

We meditate correctly

First of all, tune in to the fact that you can really attract money, love, friends, and in general everything you want into your life. This will be facilitated by the most powerful force of thought.

Meditation should be done where you feel very good. It can be, for example, a cozy corner in a city park. Imagine that a group of strangers is moving towards you. They have a great mood, you can hear laughter. Everyone has beautiful bags and bright boxes in their hands. These people are about to come to you. And then one of them says, addressing you: "We have prepared many gifts for you." Stretch out your hands, take the presents, consider them. Strangers, embodying all the power of the Universe, can give you a key to an apartment, a ticket to a resort, a diamond necklace - in general, everything that you dream of. Meditation should not be abruptly interrupted. Rejoice in what lies before you, and gradually return to reality.

Through regular meditation, you activate the power of thought. The plan will gradually begin to materialize. However, remember that dreaming is, of course, good, but concrete actions must necessarily follow dreams.


If you are at the very beginning of the path of improving your mind, be prepared for the ongoing struggle between dark and light ideas and images. Treat thoughts as servants, tools. They are your bridge to the Divine. It is important to learn how to control the power of thought in order to find happiness. If you clear your mind, you will become much richer mentally. Always remember that low thoughts bring with them an imbalance in all areas. With their presence, it is impossible to build a harmonious life and influence your destiny in a positive way. Walk this difficult path with dignity!

Does the power of thought exist or not? There are many opinions on this matter. Most do not believe in this phenomenon, believing that only deceivers use it for personal gain. Of course, many magicians, telepaths, exorcists and other "superhumans" deceive clients for profit. But there are those who really showed inexplicable things using the power of their brain.

What is thought and what is its power?

If you understood how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think negatively.

Most of the scientists who have studied the thought process have come to a consensus: what we think about has its own energy. This means that thought is a kind of matter, because energy is palpable by supersensitive people.

The materialization of thought processes is like the work of a transmitter, for example, a receiver: when we think, vibrations occur. They are thrown into the Universe around us, and other people with certain skills and abilities can perceive and reproduce them.

So there was a saying: thoughts are material. They contribute, albeit small, but still a contribution to the environment.

Visualization - materialization of brain activity

Thought control is a far from simple process, and there is no exact guide to it. You can only use the experience of a narrow circle of people, and only 10% of the information is useful to the reader.

There are many methods and even courses for setting up happiness in your personal life, but it is not possible to check whether the author wrote the whole truth. If we figured out that what we think materializes, then how do the laws of physics work here?

Conventional research proves that the power of thought is primarily affected by the law of attraction, as it is with all material objects. When the work of the brain is tuned to the materialization of desire, you need to see this object in front of you.

These exercises were called "visualization of desires." Of course, it happens that there is no way to see your desire in front of you. In most cases, photography or constant thinking about the object helps.

Principles of the power of thought

Of the many opinions, it is worth highlighting three simple rules, with the help of which what a person thinks about can materialize:

  1. The more often a person thinks about the object of his desires, the faster they come true. The control of consciousness is carried out by the person himself, he tunes in to his desire, involuntarily does everything to make it come true. It all starts with small steps that lead to the finish line for the realization of a dream.
  2. You need to convince yourself that your desire will certainly come true. Positive mood, determination, and most importantly - you can not doubt your decisions. It’s also not worth regretting mistakes, what’s done is done, you only need to think about correcting what happened.
  3. A habit tells more about a person than he does. If a person constantly thinks about something, he develops a certain habit, which already forms further behavior.

Briefly described, a person must be determined, believe that he will succeed, and not rely on chance.

Does the power of thought really exist?

Thinking is material, and therefore, as a peculiar phenomenon, the power of thought certainly exists. The question is different: who can perceive it? Are there really people who can perceive other people's ideas, manage them and materialize their own?

Of course, many people have proven inexplicable facts more than once, but most of them only deceived the audience.

Of course, it is impossible to bend a spoon, as shown in films, with the help of the power of thought, but it is possible to convey what was conceived if you have certain skills. Albert Einstein argued that thoughts are like a prediction of the future that you need to believe in.

Based on this, we conclude: faith is a powerful phenomenon that feeds the power of thought. Thinking is material, it can be perceived and transmitted. So far, humanity has not learned to fully manage this gift, but there is not much time left before that.

If you want to learn more about the power of thought, we advise you to watch the following video:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Destroy one vice and ten will disappear

From this article you will learn about what it is the power of human thought and what possibilities human brain you can use right now. This material will help you get additional benefits in life, achieve what you want and become the person you want to be. In addition, the article will provide knowledge that can protect you from serious problems.

The power of human thought is enormous

People are like their thoughts. After all, human behavior is created only by his thoughts. Therefore, our yesterday's thoughts are today, and tomorrow's thoughts are determined by the thoughts born today. The power of thought is like a seed that lies imperceptibly in the ground, it is waiting for its time to germinate and develop into a huge tree or a beautiful fruit or weed. The more good thoughts, the more beautiful fruits in people's lives.

Today, science knows about the formation of the power of human thought not much more than our ancestors knew in the last millennium. However, progress gives rise to a number of not just interesting, but fantastic approaches to the physiology of the human brain. As a result, the possibilities of the human brain increase many times over. The power of thought is such that a person has already learned to control robots with the help of brain radiation. Sensors pick up brain radiation and all kinds of devices work as a person needs. There are prostheses that capture brain waves, computers, all kinds of mechanical manipulators, controlled not only by the thought of a person, but also by the thought of animals and even insects. The further development of this direction is an excellent theme of the day of working writers in the field of science fiction. Such possibilities of the brain can form the most fantastic skills of the brain. The power of human thought began to manifest itself in a new, as yet unknown quality. This is the latest and, of course, technogenic direction in the development of the human brain, but despite this, the brain is still great riddle. What attracts the interest of ordinary people and many scientists is that the brain is able to embody the desired events. The power of thought here begins to play an even more important role.

The real possibilities of the brain

The work of human consciousness is due to constant thinking. For every event and situation, for everything that the brain saw and heard, i.e. on all incoming information, the brain affixes its bioelectrochemical label. This process is reflex and is not brought to the level of consciousness as well as hundreds of other processes that take place in the human body. For example, regulation of blood composition, increased heart rate, sweating, hair growth, etc.

The emotional state of a person has a great influence on the brain. During the marking of incoming information, which passes constantly, a person experiences a different color emotional background. More often, the emotional background is quite even, but a person also feels positive or negative emotions that are superimposed on these events recorded by the brain. Now, next time, along with a repetition of the event, a person will also feel the emotional coloring of his past attitude. You probably do not realize that you have such brain capabilities, however, each event can be accompanied by positive, negative, indifferent and other feelings. For example, if your boss calls you, you are likely to feel anxious. When choosing a trip in a car or public transport, you will feel discomfort from the thought of a bus, from the sight of bouquets of flowers there will be a positive feeling associated with the holiday, good words etc. Misunderstandings between people often arise due to the fact that different people have different emotional backgrounds for one event. Now one person will argue, for example, that salt is harmful because it causes swelling due to water retention in the body, and the other will convince of its benefits because salt retains water and helps to retain water in the body, which is useful in arid climates. These stupid disputes go on in a semi-conscious state, the power of thought is almost unmanifested and weak.

These possibilities of the brain are widely used in NLP. Here, the coding method is well known when information about those actions that need to be inspired to a person or a group of people are woven into words that form positive images. So the code flies into the mind and gets an emotionally colored label. The next time, for example, the thought of buying a harmful bun with a cutlet will have the aroma of fried meat, a feeling of hunger and pleasant memories of the sounds of babbling water. These codes are usually distributed to a large number of people through advertising. There is also a treatment for imposed images - this is the power of thought and methods of its development.

Thoughts that can kill

Does the power of thought kill? Unfortunately yes! The brain can self-code and adjust the human body to its own opinion about the work of organs. Our brain capabilities hold the keys of self-destruction and self-creation. It has long been noticed that the mere opinion of a person about his own illness is enough to get sick. For example, there have been cases when people believed that they could get cancer due to a genetic predisposition, and this really led to these types of cancer, despite the fact that the markers (accompanying genetic material) of this gene in the human body were not found.

In the medical practice of the world, there have been vivid examples of self-coding. The placebo effect is widely known. In addition, there are other cases, one of them tells that a woman considered herself a carrier of a rare genetic disease. Her mother and the woman herself had this disease. Moreover, the disease in mother and daughter proceeded very similarly. After some time, it turned out that her parents are adoptive and have no genetic influence on the woman. After the attending physician explained the situation to this patient, the symptoms of the disease ceased. If this conversation had not taken place, the patient's disease would most likely have developed to a fatal stage.

These self-destructive capabilities of the brain tell us that we must be mindful of our thoughts. Facts like this show us what a huge power of the brain is hidden in each of us. This also suggests that thoughts about diseases, and especially the fear of getting sick, can cause illness.

Fear is emotional reinforcement of thought. The power of thought increases. When a thought becomes emotional, it acquires the ability for real implementation and even materialization of fictitious events. Does this mean that we can project a positive attitude onto our body? Experiments give positive results. Try to inspire yourself with good health, longevity, endurance, excellent physical strength and be surprised at the result. Reinforce positive thoughts with good and strong emotions: love, the joy of life, the energy of spring, the power of renewal, and everything will turn out the best. in the best way. Send positive grains of good thoughts and images to the Universe, they will germinate in reality as a harvest of happiness and your dreams will come true. Our thought is able to act not only within our body, but also outside it. The power of thought and the possibilities of the brain are grandiose, although not fully understood.

The possibilities of the human brain and materialization

Thought admitted to consciousness sooner or later come true. The power of human thought is such that people are able to create and destroy with their thoughts alone. Most often, thought is used instinctively, reflexively, unconsciously, while a conscious thought aimed at destruction is stronger than nuclear charges and is capable of destroying both people and the whole earth faster than any weapon. Therefore, each person has an arsenal in his head that can destroy or create. It is easiest to turn on the mechanisms of destruction, they can be launched accidentally, so our tasks may be the purposeful formation of a positive thought created for the benefit of the universe. Such thoughts have a positive effect on a person. Since thought is inseparable from the thinker, their connections are not destroyed. Thought is something that is always at our disposal. This means that we can constantly improve it and improve our destiny with the help of thoughts. If the skills of materialization are developed, and the thought can be well focused, then one can engage in the materialization of the future at any time and in various conditions. A directed thought acts in the direction in which it was directed and never stops even after it has been forgotten for a few days.

In order to develop a good focus of thought and to be able to give thought considerable power, one must work on the control of thought. Thought control has a deeper meaning than it might seem at first glance. It is very useful to surround yourself with thoughts of health, physical strength, resilience in the face of difficulties, faith in the obligatory fulfillment of the plan, etc. In the personal world of a person, thought operates outside the physical framework. Here it is worth experimenting and creating a number of different states of mind. These classes will make your materializations stronger and faster, the power of thought will increase.

Mind power training

Let your power of thought be gigantic. Lie down on a hard surface. The pillow should be low. Hands lie freely along the body. Close your eyes and relax the muscles of your face, jaw, shoulder, abdomen, legs. With an effort of will, create in your head a small area free from the action of thought. There should be no thought in this area. Slowly expand this area to your entire world and thus stop the flow of thought. If you stop thinking for a while, you will begin to slowly control your consciousness. At the second stage, try to establish yourself in the idea that all emerging thoughts are born of your will and should not arise without any desire on your part. The third stage is the constant control of thoughts that arise without permission. Eliminate them because they can carry destruction. Each thought will certainly influence, providing various reactions to the human body, its inner world and manifestations of actions. If a thought comes out uncontrollably, then a person becomes dependent on the thought and gives it his strength. The first unsuccessful attempts at developing the firmness of thought and the materialization of the future should not become a barrier to training and decisive success. Any positive shift here brings a lot of satisfaction. Victory over a number of difficulties will bring self-confidence and the solution of many personal problems.

Sometimes the universe cannot respond immediately and a person has to go through certain obstacles. However, even a number of unsuccessful days will dissipate and the thought concentrated by constant training will break into a series of failures, penetrate into every cell of failure, destroying it at the roots and changing events to the desired ones.

The power of thought is dangerous. Thought cannot be destroyed and it can be a big problem when someone else's negative thought starts to affect people. Despite the fact that thought is a constant value, it can and should be defended against. The fact is that an alien thought penetrates our biological system in the place where it finds its correspondence. This means that fear will not infect a brave person who shows fearlessness, since it will not find its correspondence in his biological system. Dark energies are able to penetrate into biosystems when they find gaps in the negative thoughts corresponding to them. Various experiences, discontent, irritability, fear, sadness, etc. attract the most terrible demonic forces into the body. From such a negative self-influence on the biological system, energy channels of darkness, different in strength and impact, arise. These channels provide a constant influx of dark thoughts coming from someone else's will. It is enough to allow such a feeling as doubt, hesitation, uncertainty, inconstancy, defenselessness, fear, hopelessness line up behind him, and then the mechanical permission of actions that were unacceptable in a protective state. The resistance of a person is weaker and if, for example, one quit smoking, then he can start again. Another tries to stop drinking - he will not succeed. The third lost the desire to play sports. The fourth did not complete an important task. People are increasingly immersed in the darkness in which demonic entities live. They never doze off. To do even a little damage. They rejoice when they succeed and know very well that maximum harm can be done by sticking to at least one dark thought that has left a mark on the human biosystem. Specialists in the field of magic, bioenergy, parapsychology, etc. it is often recommended to be wary of small harmful thoughts, much more than large and noticeable ones. Big ideas are easy to spot. It is easy to defend against such a thought. In contrast, a small thought slips unnoticed, and therefore requires much greater control of attention.

The possibilities of human thought

The power of thought affects the energy of people. Human bioenergy accumulates various information, the so-called "field information". Field information comes from the subtle forms of life, which include thoughts. The field structure is a form of life of energies, including those that make up a person. Biological, ethereal, mental, astral, etc. shells of the soul and body have their own structure, and also affect the construction and functions of the physical body.

The human mind and its constituent energies are also field uniform life. Field energies of consciousness pierce material bodies, move, build, heal, manage the forces of consciousness.

The consciousness of people is open to both bad and good thought forms, and the control over these processes is in the hands of the person himself. In this regard, the power of thought becomes a filter through which bad influence does not break through.

It should also be noted that if a bad thought clings to bioenergy, it sucks out the energy of life and does not just go away until the person drives it away. The more bad people have, the more obvious their spiritual weakness. A bright thought acts differently, it illuminates people with the spiritual light of kindness, love, gratitude, happiness, grants health and liberation from illnesses.

Create an actionable thought

Have you read these lines? This means that there is also a high desire to learn how to manage your thoughts. (Additional material for free download) You should start by eliminating bad thoughts in your head. You just need to forcefully eliminate all those thoughts that you consider bad. At the beginning, it’s good even just to firmly decide to eliminate

bad thoughts in your head. Now, when you catch yourself thinking badly, take and remove this thought in yourself forever. Pay attention to the flow of your thoughts and be a censor. Only you decide who to pardon and who to be mercilessly executed. Thus, gradually you will learn to control your thought, and your power of thought will increase many times over.

The next step, let's learn how to create a strong thought. The secret here is to fill the thought with a firm, unbending, fiery will. Thought must also be created and filled, made firm, stubborn, not knowing fluctuations. Unstable, wavering, weak thoughts are not effective. A powerful thought is formed in defiance of evidence.

A fiery, firm thought does not take into account any external counteractions. Thought is the foundation, it is the foundation of a grandiose building. The power of thought destroys the external environment and circumstances are secondary phenomena and always follow from the fundamental principle of which is thought. When secondary phenomena need to be changed, destroyed, reformed, destroyed, it is necessary to change the mental basis (foundation) on which the building is built. This, among other things, means that it is necessary to create a thought of destruction that is more effective and stronger than the one that created which must be destroyed.

A quiet thought created inside the skull is one thing, but you can create a mantra, add rhythm to it and repeat this design. It reinforces the thought. The power of thought becomes real armor. Also reinforce the thought of prayer, loud chanting, poems written in support of their ideas. At times, there may be feelings that nothing is happening. You shouldn't stop. Failure, only a seemingly persistent thought will always succeed. You can not destroy the power of your thoughts, hesitation, doubt, uncertainty, fear. Otherwise, it is better not to start working on the thought at all. Creating a powerful mental flow, you must also make physical efforts. Perhaps you need to talk with specialists, read special literature, undergo training to perform other actions. Do everything that needs to be done, and the Universe will direct your efforts in the right direction.

text-align: justify;"> Whether a person thinks about it or not does not matter. But when a thought is formed with a set goal, the picture changes as the power of thought multiplies in accordance with the energy allocated to it. Of course, almost all people's thoughts have no values. However, if you form thoughts with the aim of influencing, as if entrusting them with the performance of a special task, then the consequences of such thoughts will become reality. Firm, decisive, confident thoughts will give good results corresponding to the essence of these thoughts. But we must always remember that every uncertainty and fluctuations introduce an imbalance in the orderly series of specially created thoughts.Sooner or later, but every thought

will become apparent and everyone will be able to see the form of its essence. To obtain the ability to use the power of thought is intended and for the benefit of an excellent goal of any person who wants to benefit people. Learn best from yourself and your body. For example, you can entrust thoughts to treat a diseased organ, restore blood pressure, and cleanse the aura. More thoughts can give orders to meet the deadline. For example, it can be said that during your sleep the power of thought will work on the biofield and clean it or a certain organ, performing a completely precise task. Thoughts will work as you tell them to. But just do not think about illnesses, but imagine the process of healing. The matter from which the organs are woven does not have its own will. Will is the sign of humanity. That is why the power of thought allows us to put our will into matter and it will work in accordance with the will of man.

brain controlled

Another direction in the development of human civilization can become a favorite toy of people much more attractive than computers and phones. In this regard, the brain of people will be exploited in a completely different direction than the one in question. Perhaps after some time, the brain's ability to materialize will be forgotten, and underground information will be treated as a myth. This is due to the bionic progress of mankind. People are on the verge of mass production of bionic toys controlled by brain signals. Bionic limbs for prosthetics are already being created. New prostheses are equipped with electrodes that are in contact with the skin and receive nerve impulses that control muscle contraction and the wearer's brain.

These designs are truly unique. They show that the brain itself has been studied very well. However, no matter how well the brain is studied, even the simplest memory file has not yet been found there, and this is good, because as soon as a person learns to control people's thoughts directly, creates devices capable of working like a thought, there will be nothing left of our today's world. Technologies that control people's thoughts, memory, understanding the spread and creation of thought, its influence are responsible knowledge.

This knowledge leads to an impact on the subtle, field worlds. And more important than the materialization of events. This knowledge should be given only to a highly humane society, built on the sacredly guarded foundations of humanity, perfect and holy service to the Universe. To reveal the secret of thought can mean and prove the existence of the soul and God.

after life

The world-famous Dr. Moody collected and described the memories of people who had experienced clinical death. People told this doctor amazing stories about encounters with the Deities, about their passage through a dark tunnel in the distance of which one could see light, etc. Moody tried to prove the existence of an immortal soul. But skeptical consideration of the issue of experiences after death called into question the very fact of death. Objecting to him, scientists said that all those visions in question could be the result of brain dying.

Today the situation has changed a little. Scientists capture brain activity very clearly. They see that despite the fact that during clinical death, not only the heart stops, but the brain completely stops its work and no impulses are born in it anymore, reanimated people continue to talk about their experiences during the onset of death.

Some of these people not only communicated with their deceased relatives, but also saw their body from the outside, talked about what happened in other rooms, and then proved it with indisputable facts of the events taking place at that time. Those who returned from another life told the doctors about their actions, called the exact words and phrases that they had heard when they were dead. All this happened after the patients' brains had already ceased to show signs of life. This means that the power of thought is such that our thoughts are able to penetrate the boundaries of the material world. This speaks of the great power of our brain and its unique capabilities. If so, then there are no boundaries in front of a person, and literally everything invented by people is able to implement with the help of thought and action.

Have you heard that thoughts are material?

Once I read the following expression: "Poverty of thoughts gives rise to poverty of actions, poverty of actions gives rise to poverty of life." Think how accurate it is!

It is our thoughts that determine our actions. And actions determine the result! The broader and bolder your thinking, the more impressive results you can achieve.

How to use the power of thought to the maximum and how to learn to think “correctly”?

Let's figure it out...

How to shape the mindset of a winner?

Think about this. We all think in different categories. It is easy for someone to imagine that he or she can build their own, earn several tens / hundreds or even millions of dollars a month, travel around the world, buy expensive cars, save people / animals / the planet ... And someone even dream it can't be about quitting an unloved low-paying job, looking like those celebrities smiling from the covers of glossy magazines, or about going on vacation somewhere outside of their country.

Are you familiar with this? And now just compare your dreams and your results.

It turns out that people who have achieved outstanding success, and who have everything that many are afraid to even dream about, and thinking is different from these "many". How?

Successful people:

  • They do not fall into a stupor if they do not know or do not know how to do something. They immediately begin to think about how to learn / learn or who they can turn to for help. That is, they are looking for a solution, and do not feel sorry for themselves.
  • Don't panic if they don't have the right resources right now to achieve a result. They don't have thoughts like, “Oh, I don't have the money for this, I can't afford it. OK". For them, it's just another challenge. And instead of whining and giving up on their desire, they sit down and develop a plan on how to get the necessary resources and achieve the goal.
  • They do not think that someone is more fortunate . Someone snatched a better position for himself, was in the right place at the right time, over someone the stars converged in the right pattern. No. Seeing a person who has achieved more, they ask only one question: “What do I need to do to achieve the same high results?”.

That is, such people do not think that something is not available to them, that they are unlucky in some way, and all that remains is to come to terms with this state of affairs. They are always ready to act.

Yes, I agree, it is extremely difficult to change your thinking, which has been formed over the years. But probably! Do you want your thoughts to work for you, not against you?

Then watch this video right now:

How to make the power of thought work?

WITH general principles thinking is sorted out. Now let's be specific. How to launch this very power of thought and make it work for the fulfillment of your desires?

  • Clearly state your desire

A desire like “I want to lose weight and get pumped up” is a vague and non-specific desire. Imagine it more accurately. For example, “I want to lose 5 kg and pump up to the level of Arnold Schwarzenegger.” With such a clear desire, the likelihood of its fulfillment is much higher.

Why? Everything is simple. Such a desire becomes crystal clear to the brain. So, it turns for him into one of the many tasks that he is used to solving. And if you really want something and think about it all the time, the brain has no other choice but to find a solution.

And it doesn't matter what you thought of yourself there. Body like a fitness model, or a new car, or a trip to the mountains, or ... If this desire is clearly articulated, you will attract all the necessary resources to fulfill it.

By the way, I know that many have doubts about material desires. Will it come true? Is it possible to guess a car / apartment / yacht? Can. And even necessary. Especially if you are building your own business. You just need to desire the material. This does not mean that you have to focus only on the $5,000/$10,000/$100,000 income and forget about everything else. No. But material desires are very helpful in business development.

  • Focus on one dream

Yes, we all want a lot at once. And here it is easy to be deceived, believing in the magical power of thoughts. Even if you think every day (and 100 times a day) “I want to lose weight, have a chocolate bar, go to Italy, learn to sing and buy a house on the Pacific coast”, nothing will come of it. The power of thought won't work. Because in fact, among all these desires, there is no main thing for you. The one that will ignite you, make you rave about this idea. You don't care what you get: a chocolate bar, a trip or slim figure. Which means you don't really want any of this.

Do you understand the difference? The power of thought only works for strong desires . It attracts what you really want. That's the whole secret. So think carefully: What do you want?

  • Don't forget that a wish must be fulfilled

You may want with all your heart to ride a unicorn, play Quidditch, or meet an elf from Middle-earth. But, alas and ah, at the present time these desires can hardly be fulfilled. Therefore, even the strongest thought here will not bring results.

The same applies to more mundane, but still unfulfilled desires. For example, a desire for a day from absolute zero, of course, is bright, but hardly feasible. Especially if you rely only on the power of thought in its implementation.

  • Set specific time frames

This is also part of the specification of desire. When you say to yourself “I want to lose 5 kg”, this is not a clear desire. So you can lose weight for these ill-fated 5 kg for a year, and 2, and 5. But “I want to lose weight by 5 kg in 2 months” is already a correct, specific desire.

But it is important not to set unrealistic limits, otherwise your idea will not meet the previous criterion - feasibility. It is hardly possible to lose weight by 5 kg in half an hour. Even if "I-have-a-date-in-half-hour-really-really-needed."

So set limits for yourself, but be objective. Be realistic about your current situation and where you want to go. Since, focusing on too long a period, you risk giving up your desire altogether. And by setting yourself too tight limits, you can get stressed out that you are not moving as fast as you would like.

  • Don't tell anyone about your desire

In fact, this advice is very controversial. I met different points of view. Someone thinks that you should not tell anyone about your desire. Since, by voicing it out loud, you convince the brain that you already got what you wanted, and it stops working to achieve the goal.

However, there is another point of view. It is not for nothing that all sorts of declarations and public promises are so popular now. The meaning is simple. announcing a large number people that you plan to achieve something, you thereby stimulate yourself to really work towards achieving the goal. After all, you must admit, publicly admit that you failed to fulfill your desire, did not try hard enough and treated the promise lightly, somehow ashamed.

What is the best way to do it? I think it's worth talking about desire. But don't shout about it at every turn. And to tell those who will support you, give motivation, inspire, help to believe in your goal, even if you yourself begin to lose faith and strength.
