Packaging of goods that you don’t want to throw away (23 photos). How to make packaging interesting for buyers ‹ Virtual school of graphic design Creative product packaging

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Continuing the topic, today I will give a few simple tips, guided by which you can quickly and easily create such package design, which will not only compare favorably with competitors, but also testify to the professionalism of the designer.

Think back to your last purchase. Why did you buy this particular brand? Was it an impulse purchase or were you originally going to buy it?

Perhaps you bought it because you found it interesting. Let's say you need shampoo. But do you need a shampoo of this particular brand? This very shampoo in a shiny bottle that looks so expensive? No, you bought it because you want to feel successful and important, even if the quality of this shampoo is no different from those in the discounted shopping cart!

This is the task of packaging. It is the right and creative packaging that helps you sell products. It attracts attention, sends signals and directs the thoughts of customers in the right direction.

I know how difficult it is to distinguish your product from the crowds of competitors, so I decided to prepare for you 50 useful tips about how to make packaging interesting for buyers, and supplemented them with vivid examples.

01. Use graphic templates (patterns)

Use patterns if you need an inexpensive and high-quality packaging option. This packaging option is extremely simple, but at the same time it arouses interest due to the bright stripes in the background. The color palette gives the packaging a good quality, it really forms the image of the "American dream", and the instruments speak for themselves.

02. Use all available space

Use every available centimeter when making your packaging. For example, the inside of this box has a beautiful floral print. Instead of leaving them just white, the designer used a pattern that gave the box an exclusive look. It is not difficult to guess that the product that is in such a box also looks exclusive.

03. Don't be afraid of simplicity

Sometimes simplicity is the key to the soul of the buyer, and this packaging is a clear confirmation of this. Made from recycled materials and painted in brown tones, the package looks simple, and this impression is greatly facilitated by the images of feathers printed on it. Bright accents of color on the labels decorate the design and make it more modern.

04. Think about impressions

Think about what the customer does when they unpack your product. In this example, luxury slippers are shown as the product. Since they are intended for rich people, the shoes are packed in a beautiful bag, which, in turn, lies in a box. The buyer opens the package, sees another package inside, and only then gets to the shoes. The simple act of layering the packages gives meaning to the purchase, and it is easier for the customer to explain to himself why he chose such expensive shoes.

05. Addition to the product

Make sure that the packaging design complements the product that is inside. This packaging looks simple and natural, just like the product that lies inside. You see everything you buy even before you give money at the checkout, and this creates the impression of openness and even pride of the manufacturer for his product.

06. Fool around

If you have the opportunity to make playful packaging, do not miss it. This packaging looks simple and at the same time extremely funny. The picture on the packaging seems to interact with the product, but at the same time does not overshadow it. The colors of the packaging are beautifully combined with the berries inside, and the behavior of a funny cartoon character, greedily eating them, hints at the quality of the product.

07. Be brave

Using colorful paints and unusual shapes is a guaranteed way to stand out. When creating the design of this tequila bottle, the designer used these techniques and turned out to be on top. The bottle looks unusual and funny and promises a lot of fun if you buy it.

08. Break patterns

If you have a lot of competitors, try to find a way to present your product differently than everyone else, find your own unique approach. The shape of this packaging for honey is completely different from the classic glass or plastic jar. In addition, it is made of wax. When the honey runs out, turn it over and find the wick at the bottom. Yes, you guessed it right, the packaging can be used as a candle. Thus, the manufacturer made his product absolutely safe for the environment.

09. Think about the process

If you think your product could be beautiful gift, use it to your advantage. For example, this lemon liqueur was intended as a gift, and therefore packaged accordingly. White paper protects the glass bottle inside the tall cylinder. When you open the cylinder and start tearing off the paper, you immediately get the feeling that you are unwrapping a gift.

10. Use styling

It is not necessary to make illustrations and graphics too realistic. If you can style the image and apply it to the packaging as a texture, then do so. This package has a simple image of a head and hair. The hair "entangles" the entire box, creating a unique pattern. At first glance, it is not clear what these patterns are, but if you look at the entire package, you will understand that these are flying hair.

11. Don't limit yourself

If your product looks best in a certain type of packaging, don't limit yourself to standard ideas. For example, this soap looks best in a box, but instead of a regular box that opens on one side, the manufacturer packaged it in a box that opens like a jewelry box. An unusual box with a lid makes the soap unusual and interesting, and then it can be used to store small items.

12. Be modern

Modern, simple and graceful designs always attract attention. Use clean lines simple flowers and grotesque fonts to achieve the desired effect. Such packaging looks very fashionable and modern and immediately makes you want to know who owns this product.

13. Use textures

In addition to visual textures, use those textures that you can feel ... literally. Buyers take the packaging in their hands, which means that it is necessary to make sure that they use not only their sight, but also touch. The bottom of this insect repellent package has raised dots that fold into patterns. It is not only comfortable to hold, but also pleasant, and the dotted textures at the bottom blend well with the pictures printed on the top of the bottle.

14. Be bright

If your product bright color, use it to draw attention. Add bright accents to the packaging design, as the candy manufacturer did in this photo. The design of each bag uses the colors of the candy it contains. Please note that the product line looks solid, not fragmented, but at the same time you can immediately understand which package contains which sweets (without looking into the package).

15. Tell a story

If you can tell a story related to packaging, you are doing yourself a huge favor. People like stories, they like to learn something new, unknown. There is an extraordinary story behind the packaging of these socks. When you take out your socks, a bunch of cotton sticks to the lid, simulating a chimney. There were plenty of such pipes in socks factories in previous years.

16. Strive for the origins

Think about what your product is and display it in the package. For example, in the production of this line of cosmetics, simple, natural and pure ingredients are used. This is shown on the packaging. It looks simple and natural, the design uses natural brown colors, which only emphasize its naturalness.

17. Be creative

You can make the packaging attractive, but if you can make the product itself attractive, you win twice. Take, for example, this milk soap. This is an ordinary soap made with the addition of milk, in its place could be any other rectangular soap. Apparently, the manufacturer also thought about this if he decided to turn his soap into a popsicle, thereby directly hinting at its milk composition.

18. Consider interior decoration

The outside of the package should be interesting, but what about the inside, which is where the product comes in contact with? If your item is made up of several parts, please arrange them separately. This yo-yo packaging has a compartment for each of the toy parts, and they are all beautifully stowed away. The colors of the parts match the color of the packaging, together they look organic and stylish.

19. Multifunctionality

If you produce environmentally friendly products, people will definitely love your brand. One way to achieve this is to take care of the multifunctionality of the packaging. At first glance, there is nothing special about these cleaning bottles, but if you touch them, you will realize that they are not made of plastic. They are… porcelain and might well become vases when empty.

20. Play with feelings

Try to touch as many of the customer's senses as possible with your packaging. With the example of this bedsheet package, we again see how touch can be influenced. Before being sealed, letters were placed in the package, which created an unusual three-dimensional effect. Such packaging is desirable not only to consider, but also to touch.

21. Give the product a voice

If you have a quality product, let it speak for itself. Do not wrap it in a shiny, useless wrapper. These high quality tights look great. Instead of hiding them in a box, leave them in plain sight so everyone can see how beautiful they are.

22. Limit Resources

Packaging costs money, this is a simple and understandable truth. If you can keep it as small as possible, do so. For example, these musical instrument cords are packaged simply and yet very effectively. The paper packaging is adorned with beautiful designs in gold, white and black tones that beautifully echo the colors of the cords themselves.

23. Let's take a look

When it comes to food products, the buyer is simply vital to see what he is buying. Who knows what is hidden in boxes and packages if there is no way to look inside? The box for these dog biscuits has a window, so you can see exactly what you are buying for your pet. You won't be in for a nasty surprise when you get home and open the box, and you can already tell that these cookies look delicious.

24. Strive for luxury

If there's anything people are willing to spend a lot of money on, it's liquor. Are you intimidated by the gigantic selection of liquors available in stores, don't know how to stand out from the crowd of competitors? Look, no one will pass by this liquor. It is packaged in an unusual box, comes with stacks and comes in neon yellow and pink. It seems to be screaming “Time to relax” and will be a great reminder of a well-spent weekend.

25. Limit Your Color Palette

narrow down color palette to achieve a complete look. The packaging designer for these rice cakes chose a maritime theme because their taste is closely intertwined with sea salt, spices and balsamic vinegar. Different shades of blue look great together, and blotches of orange add eye-catching accents.

26. Use the product

If the product can be part of the package, use it. For example, these shoes are packaged in wonderful bird-shaped boxes. Instead of just putting them inside the box, the designer decided to thread their laces through specially made holes, and now it looks like the bird is holding a worm in its beak.

27. Be trendy

Follow the latest trends to make your packaging more fashionable. The design of this beer uses an extremely popular font, and the manufacturer not only built his brand on it, but also borrowed the name. Now this beer looks simple, modern and even stylish.

28. Think outside the box

Forget talking about the packages in which your product "should" be released. Water is usually released in plastic bottles. However, this water is poured into carton boxes. Yes, it's still just water, but it looks different than its competitors, which means it's sure to grab your attention.

29. Use an unusual design

Use your imagination, do something that is not expected of you. The name of this vodka is slightly different from the usual ones (Spine - spine), which spurred the designer on. Since the image of the spine is applied to the glass, it seems voluminous, three-dimensional, and this guarantees a simply stunning effect.

30. Be literal

If your product is made in a special way, try to reflect this in the packaging design. For example, this cookie is baked in the oven. So why not pack them in an oven-shaped box? This funny and unusual package is nothing like the usual ones, and the cookies in it seem like a real homemade treat.

31. Get close to customers

Is there any general idea that affects your products? Try using it in your packaging design to connect with your customers. This bottle is not only embellished with an extremely detailed label, but also wrapped in brown paper covered with funny stories and slogans. Everyone knows this unusual packaging, and everyone starts to laugh when they see this liquor.

32. Add a tactile aspect

If you have interactive packaging, people will love it. Let's say the package of Smirnoff vodka is made in such a way that it can be removed from the bottle like a peel from a fruit. Given the fruity aroma of this drink, this similarity looks even more natural and attractive.

33. Don't be afraid to be weird

Make people feel ambivalent if that's your forte. These juice boxes look, at least, strange. The resemblance to fruits is striking, there is an irresistible desire to examine them for a long time and carefully. One gets the feeling that you drink juice directly from the fruit, and this, of course, plays to the benefit of the manufacturer.

34. Use humor

If you add a touch of mischief to the packaging design, you will only benefit from it. If you make a customer smile when looking at your product, then why not? These brushes with painted faces look very funny. Agree, such brushes are simply impossible not to notice.

35. Don't be afraid to exaggerate

Exaggerate and embellish shapes, colors, and pictures if the opportunity presents itself. For example, the brand of these pillows has a bear as the main character (since the pillows are produced with the aroma of honey). Instead of just drawing a cute bear, the designer decided to depict him with a wide open mouth, filled to the top with delicious pillows.

36. Turn your product into something else

If everyone is accustomed to seeing a given product in a certain light, this does not mean at all that it cannot be like something else. Be creative, experiment with the appearance of your product. Instead of packing tea in regular square bags, this manufacturer opted for "tea shirts" and even added hangers to them. Such a bag can be hung directly on the edge of the cup, which only adds to its functionality and aesthetics.

37. Show what the product is made of

Show what your product is made of with packaging. For example, Zen eau de toilette is made from bamboo. Instead of putting a print or image of their main ingredient on the bottle, the manufacturer decided to make a bottle in the shape of a bamboo. He got a real work of art that I want to show to others.

38. Inner beauty

People love beautiful things. They like to buy and use them. Here's another one interesting example tea bag, only this time the tea bag is shaped like a bird. It sways beautifully in the cup, as if floating, and creates an aura of serenity and peace.

39. Be ridiculous

Be extreme, even to the point of absurdity. Here these Nike Air shoes are not packed in a box, they are packed - right - in an air bag. The manufacturer decided to be literal, and this is its advantage. Your hands will reach for these sneakers on their own, which means that the packaging has done its job.

40. Do something with the product

Use the product to fire your imagination, just make sure it matches what you're selling. These headphones are used to listen to music, i.e. musical notes. The manufacturer decided not to put notes on paper, but to twist them from the headphones themselves. Agree, this design option refreshes a boring piece of cardboard well.

41. Take risks

If you add a touch of spice to the packaging, you can expand the audience of buyers. The photo shows the most ordinary bread, but the packaging turns it into something completely different. In fact, this package promotes the prevention of breast cancer, and it does it well.

42. Shock!

Shock your customers. This cigarette packaging is shocking. But this is the cruel truth that all smokers remember when they light a cigarette. It may not be the best marketing ploy, but you will definitely get attention.

43. Push the boundaries

Choose an unconventional approach. If customers immediately understand what is in your package, then your idea failed. This vodka-gel is packaged in a tube resembling a sealant packaging. Buyers will definitely have fun moments when they squeeze it out.

44. Be aware of the situation

Try to understand why the customer needs your product. For example, why does he need these earplugs? The lid of the package is like the volume knob on a stereo player, when you twist it to remove it, it's like turning the volume down. In fact, it is not the lid that muffles the sounds, but the earplugs, but what kind interesting idea for package!

45. Explain the reason

Use the power of visual images. This package is for herbal aid for digestion. A target is applied on the reverse side, and when squeezing out the tablets, it seems that you are shooting at products that cause heaviness in the stomach. The slogan "Aiming for heavy food" is printed on the packaging, which only reinforces the impression of the effectiveness of these pills.

46. ​​Turn packaging into something it isn't.

Let your product look like something else, just don't overdo it. Usually beer in cans looks cheap. This beer is also bottled in cans, but these cans look like special glasses for beer. The contrast between the lid and the rest of the jar creates interesting effect and gives the beer an unusual and attractive appearance.

47. Use the product to your advantage

Use the texture, color and shape of the product to your advantage. For example, this meat packaging uses real meat as the design element. The image of the animal printed on the packaging clearly demonstrates to the buyer whose meat he is buying.

48. Be compact

If you can reduce the package size, do so. The more compact your product is packaged, the easier it is to store and transport. These flash drives are connected to each other with carton packaging, the size of which does not exceed the size of a credit card. It is convenient to store such packing in a purse. If you want to transfer a file to someone, just tear off the flash drive along the line of notches on the cardboard, upload the information and give it away. The manufacturer took the ad design with tear-off contacts as a basis and clearly benefited from this.

49. Highlight the essentials

Experiment with design, because you never know what interesting idea may come to mind. Trident manufactures chewing gum, and therefore I decided to fold gum from the pads ... teeth. And to make it really good, she added a funny mustache and beards to her lips. No wonder its sales are growing before our eyes.

50. Get abstract!

Take your product and wrap it in abstract packaging. Instead of filling the juice in ordinary small boxes, this manufacturer made the package in the shape of quarters of an orange and even applied a pattern to it that imitates the skin and pulp of this juicy fruit. If desired, a whole orange can be collected from such boxes.

Now that we've covered the endless possibilities for creating the most incredible, most creative packaging, you should be left in no doubt about where to go next. Your packaging can be comfortable, feature-packed, funny, or downright weird… The only thing that matters is that the more creative and attractive the packaging, the more likely it is that your product will sell.

". Every manufacturer of goods knows that appearance packaging plays a big role in product selection. How to draw attention to a product if there are dozens of similar ones nearby? Make attractive packaging. How to motivate a visitor to a market or online store to purchase exactly your product? Create attractive and functional packaging.

Modern packaging is characterized by such features as practicality, aesthetic appeal and efficient use of materials, in particular, environmentally friendly ones. Let's take a look at the winners of the A' Design Award & Competition for Packaging Design.

Collectible tea packaging from Lin Shaobin.

As conceived by designer Lin Shaobin, the packaging design should have a distinctive visual effect and be reminiscent of traditional Chinese tea drinking. The packaging emphasizes the peculiarity of the tea ritual - it is made in the form of a scroll with elements of ancient calligraphy and Chinese painting.

Piano Gift Box for Marais Cakes by Kazuaki Kawahara.

In Japan, the piano is considered a special symbol of elegance and grandeur. This is where the designer drew inspiration - the piano is an instrument that creates beautiful melodies from combinations of the sounds of each note. "We know you will be giving this gift to someone important to you and you want to give them something that has been made with care and attention." Using this design, you can create any keyboard size, from one octave to full grand pianos with 88 keys and even more. For example, for one octave of 13 keys, 8 cakes are used. A grand piano with 88 keys will consist of 52 cakes.

Pasta Nikita by Nikita Konkin.

Moscow-based Russian designer Nikita Konkin has created stunning packaging for different types paste. “When I made this package, I was in love and maybe it influenced me, although it could just be a coincidence.” Using the peculiarities of the shape of the pasta, the designer created a packaging that cannot but attract attention, so organically and aesthetically it presents the benefits of each type of pasta.

Eggs Hive egg packaging from Chaiyasit Tangprakit.

Which of us, when buying chicken eggs in a store, did not think about the fact that the packaging could be made more functional? A designer from Thailand offered his own version of a practical and original packaging - the main goal was to create a simple and reliable packaging that would reduce the risk of damage to the product during transportation. And the designer came to mind ... beehives! In his opinion, the shape of the hexagon best suits the idea. The packaging is made from eco-friendly and durable kraft paper, which is recyclable and does not use glue - the dividers are placed using the insertion technology.

Funny Honey packaging design by Lu Zhao.

An example of an interactive packaging of honey that is bright in design - why not play checkers, combining business with pleasure. The package contains 60 bottles of honey, with 6 colors of caps (10 bottles for each color). When the packaging is opened, it resembles a chessboard, only not for 2 opponents, but for 6, on which you can play checkers. Moreover, you can play both full and empty bottles thanks to different colors caps. Such packaging, as conceived by the designer, improves interaction between people and makes the process of treating honey a pleasant and fun experience.

French fries bag from Dong Jiang.

Functional packaging " small pocket» for french fries allows you not only to enjoy the taste of your favorite dish with ketchup even on the road, but also to take care of your health. Typically, ketchup is served in color-printed trays that contain organic pollutants and heavy metal oxides. To reduce the risk of cancer, the designer created packaging that is safe for health and meets sanitary standards. So it's now not only tasty and environmentally friendly, but also more convenient for those who don't want to linger in a restaurant for a long time.

Gift wrapped rice bowl from Tengxian Zou.

When creating packaging for an agricultural brand, Chinese designer Tengxian Zou set himself the goal of not only creating attractive, inexpensive packaging, but also designing the product in a way that evokes interest in traditional Chinese culture. The packaging has two absolutely identical shapes, which, when combined, form a polyhedron, which completely eliminates the risk of incorrect assembly. In one part there is a bowl, in the other - a bag of rice. In addition, there is no printing on the packaging, so, according to the designer, both look more perfect.

Packaging design for chocolates by Lu Zhao, Jian Zhang, Chaoyi Wang.

Practical and cheerful packaging of chocolates is made in the form of a chessboard. Each chocolate bar has an individual package, which easily turns into a chess piece.

Instant Noodle Box by Ding Jian, Cao Weizhi, Chen Yuru, Li Changhan and Yue Cuifeng.

In the usual preparation of instant noodles, many are faced with the problem of a missing bowl or inconvenient packaging. In this design, which is called "Enjoy the moment", everything is thought out. The small size of the box expands when cooking noodles for more comfort during meals. In addition, the lid and fork always remain clean, no need to think about where to put them so as not to get dirty.

It is enough to open the lid, pour water into the bag, fix the lid with a fork to create the effect of hot steam. After 1-2 minutes, pull out the plug and lower the holder ring down. Bon appetit!

| 25.09.2014

Today, almost any person, entering the store and faced with a huge range of goods, thinks about what exactly to buy. Many look at the price, the manufacturer, the quality. A considerable number of buyers also pay attention to the appearance of the packaging, which in the end can play a decisive role.

"Clothes" in this case is of great importance. People love beautiful and original things, and are often willing to overpay for them. And if the packaging is not only pretty, but also functional, memorable and bright, you can be sure that this product will not stay on the shelf for a long time.

Today we would like to show you an interesting selection consisting of 23 photos of unusual and creative packaging for goods that will impress any viewer. Collecting a collection of these images, we got a lot of pleasure from viewing and now we are sharing this beauty with you. Get inspired and enjoy!

This oil is not just oil, but also a creative packaging, where the lid also plays the role of a knife. If you don’t have any cutlery at hand, it doesn’t matter, you can always make a sandwich!

Lollipops to reduce appetite, created especially for ballerinas. If you pull the wrapper by the ponytails to open it, the ballerina in the picture will pirouette.

Cole & Weber United

Incredible beautiful packaging from natural wood for a bottle of wine. The main thing is not to confuse with firewood!

Agree, such a tea bag looks much more attractive than a regular one. And besides, the tail will not fall into the cup!

Fun packaging for children's Converse shoes - kids will definitely love to unpack this box! The five boxes stack up to form a star, Converse's trademark.

Concept: The faceted packaging for Doritos chips was designed but not delivered on time by Macedonian designer Petar Pavlov. But the idea does not become less creative from this.

Festina Watches

This packaging perfectly shows the main advantage of the product and its quality. Festina waterproof watches are sold in bags filled with water. Everything is clear and understandable without further ado.

Even an ordinary set of 200 nails can be presented in a new way. Such packaging is convenient and practical, and also helps to avoid unpleasant incidents during work. The box can be fastened to a belt. This is what real caring for people looks like.

Continuing the theme of tea bags. Originality and practicality in one bottle (bag?) - the main packaging is made in the form of a cabinet in which T-shirts-tea bags hang on hangers.

Towels, like pencil erasers, are designed to keep things clean.


Nike has released a limited edition sports shoe box that has a stadium-like interior. Cool!

If on the shelf in the supermarket, among all the variety of meat products, there was meat in such a package, it would definitely be in great demand!

Design agency KOREFE came up with an unexpected packaging option for Mustang jeans, demonstrating the durability and reliability of the product. These are not jeans in a box, but a box wrapped in jeans.


Headphones, originally packaged in the form of music.


Powder in such a package is definitely not to be confused with anything.

The Deli Garage: Parmesan Pencils

The KOREFE agency never ceases to amaze. Three types of Parmesan cheese are packed in the form of pencils and are equipped with a special sharpener. There is a scale on the wrapper, according to which you can navigate how much cheese you need to sharpen, for example, for one serving of salad, and you can also see the number of calories.

The Deli Garage: Brickstones

Have you ever tried brick cake? KOREFE presented the packaging design for cake mix in the form of a cement bag. Also included are molds for baking edible bars. Now you can build your own unique and inimitable cake!


Protection of nature and external environment is an important topic. Dispensers for detergents Made from fully biodegradable material. The design is minimalistic, paint was used in very small quantities. The inscription on the dispenser calls to protect the environment: "Turn off the water while using me!".

pizza idea

Eating pizza with your hands is cool, but sometimes unhygienic. With such potholders, you can not be afraid to get your hands dirty.

Rellana Woolly Heads

The original label was designed by Ogilvy & Mather for Rellana Wool, a wool yarn for warm hats and scarves.

The unusual shape of this soap resembles multi-colored stones.

Honey from Klein Constantia

Designer Terence Kitching created this package for Klein Constantia honey. Outside, the box resembles a beehive made of wooden boards, and inside it is decorated in the form of a honeycomb. In addition to a stylish jar of honey, each box also contains paper figurines of bees.


LH2O packaging was designed by designers for the brand mineral waterÁgua de Luso (Portugal). The polyhedron-shaped bottles not only impress with their design, but are also compactly grouped together to save space during storage and transport. On store shelves, these water bottles stand out among others.

See also the second part of the selection of original packaging for the product.
Which of these things would you like to buy?

We deal with the packaging of various products every day. It is no wonder that designers pay great attention to its beauty, originality, creativity and attractiveness. We offer an overview of the best examples demonstrating the main trends in the development of packaging design in various areas of production.

Very original packaging for wine. Who would have thought that good quality wine could be served in a bucket of paint. The project was developed by the Lithuanian advertising company McCann Vilnius. Stunning red wine from the French region of Beaujolais in such original packaging is very convenient to store and use, because the packaging is equipped with a convenient pouring device. In addition, there is a color scale showing the amount of wine drunk. A person will always know how many glasses he has tasted, because the color of the “teeth” on the scale depends on the amount of wine drunk.

2. Happy Eggs

Eco-friendly egg packaging made from hay. It was created by the Warsaw designer Maja Szczypek from the Academy of Fine Arts. In 2013, she became the winner of the Make Me!

From childhood, mothers teach children that everything needs to be shared. This idea was taken as the basis for the creation of the original can of the popular drink. While water is considered the healthiest, healthiest, and most effective drink to quench your thirst, cold carbonated cola certainly still holds its own. The double can of Coca-Cola is currently only available in Singapore and looks like a standard 360 ml can. But just one twist separates it into two small jars of 180 ml.

Designers from Backbone Studio came up with a very original packaging for a jar of honey in the form of a wooden bee hive! Beautiful eco-packaging looks very natural! A real hive, only without bees!

German designer Johannes Schulz has developed a very interesting vodka container.
Each bottle features a 3D drawing of the spine and chest person. The idea is that this brand of vodka has a real “backbone”, so customers can safely trust the brand. But whether such a form of serving the favorite drink of all buyers will be of interest, or vice versa, it will scare away - this is a mystery!

The fitness center works with a local bakery to produce some very fun "Fit Buns" buns. The packaging is very reminiscent of the torso of a muscular man. This idea turned out to be very successful. The number of visitors to the fitness center increased by almost 25%.

Unusual bag handles are convenient cardboard hangers. The idea belongs to Aliki Roviti.

Prompt Design has created a series of original t-shirts featuring products from the supermarket. Moreover, the packaging of the T-shirts makes them as close as possible to real products.

Very unusual packaging for cookies! different faces on the packaging indicate different tastes and aromas. The packaging opens exactly where the mouth is in the picture. As soon as the package is opened, you can see the cookies inside. The project was developed by students of the British Higher School of Design in Moscow.

Slim pack for jeans! And if you take two and put them side by side, they look almost like real legs!

If children, especially boys, have no desire to eat an orange, an apple or a pear, why not play an interesting game with rockets and astronauts with them. Surely, everyone will like space food.

Sometimes if you cut your finger, putting on a Band-Aid can be tricky. BANDiful solves this problem with special packaging that makes sealing cuts and wounds a breeze.
