What is the real work and strength of a woman? The power of women's love.

The first source is the Psychic Power of a Woman.

One simple truth has been known since ancient times: woman stronger than men on the energy plane, that is, a woman’s mental strength is several orders of magnitude higher than that of a man.

It is not for nothing that the Vedas say that a woman’s thought is equivalent to an action performed by a man.

A woman herself creates her Life, her Reality, her Destiny - in a feminine way: with her thoughts, feelings, sensations, intentions.

What fills a woman’s inner space is what is manifested in her life, those events occur in her reality.

And if a man’s task is to manifest himself in the material, physical world (in this he is many times stronger than a woman), then a woman’s task is to shape her life on subtle planes, with her thoughts, feelings, desires.

A woman is connected to God through her Heart. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to live with her Heart, Soul, understand what she really wants and make decisions based on the desires of her Soul. This is the responsibility of a Woman. Many of us are familiar with the saying: “What a woman wants, God wants.”

A woman is a Witch, a Knowing Mother, because the power of her thoughts is equal to the action of a man. She is capable of changing the world only with your thoughts. The power of a woman’s thought is colossal and cannot be compared with the power of a man’s thought. Because the tasks of men and women are different.

The second source is Caring for loved ones in joy, Love and Kindness.

Caring and serving loved ones is the basis of happiness for a woman. This has been confirmed at the physiological level.

When a woman shows care, her body produces the hormone oxytocin, which promotes the production of endorphins - the hormones of happiness and Have a good mood, which reduce the amount of stress hormone cortisol.

A woman’s kind heart is a source of Love, Joy and Happy life for the Woman and her loved ones. This is the natural state of a woman - the Divine state.

The main strength of a Woman is Love and Gentleness. The most powerful force in the Universe is the energy of Love and mercy.

Love can change everything, can work miracles. From time immemorial it was believed that a woman wins without a fight, wins with Love.

Loving and being Loved is the natural state of a true Woman.

When a woman achieves what she wants through insults, reproaches, cunning, and manipulation, she loses her feminine strength and energy.

Third source: Sacred ancient knowledge, possessing which a Woman found harmony, peace and tranquility. This knowledge says: “A woman is a Soul connected through her Heart with God.”

A woman is a Divine being, this is her true nature, which allows her to find Happiness, Love and Peace.

What is it like - the Female Soul?

Firstly, the Female Soul is filled with Love. Love is born in the heart of a Woman and pours out into the space around her, forming the Space of Love.

A Woman fills a Man with her Love and helps him see his Purpose, his Tasks.

The more Love is poured around, the happier the close Women become. Love is an inexhaustible source of Happiness.

Secondly, the Female Soul is eternal, therefore all life’s difficulties are temporary. They are given for good, to increase the level of awareness, to understand what is going wrong in a woman’s life.

All unpleasant situations are beacons, signs. Having realized the reason for what is happening, the Woman learns Acceptance and Gratitude.

When a Woman learns to find a cause-and-effect relationship with everything that happens to her, she begins to live in Acceptance.

Thirdly, the Female Soul is Happy, Beautiful and Kind.

Happiness is the natural state of a Woman. Being beautiful and maintaining your Body in Beauty is also a natural need of any Woman.

Loving your Body, feeling it is one of the facets of the creation of Fate in a feminine way, based on the sensations of your body.

Kindness, warmth, softness, purity are the qualities of a free, manifested Female Soul, which from time immemorial have been the guarantor of a woman’s serene happiness and attracted a True Strong Noble man into her life. This sacred, long-forgotten knowledge is the Law of Harmony in a Woman’s life.

Edited by Marina Belaya.

Literally every day communicating with women, I understand more and more that the banal phrase: “A woman’s strength is in her weakness” is absolutely not perceived by the “weaker sex.”

And so I decided to explain this hackneyed phrase.

Most likely, the word “Strength” brings confusion. Force is meant as a certain effort, tension that must be applied in order to obtain a certain result.

Women really want to be happy and get their happiness by using their strength, as if they were men in a sawmill.

During the years of Soviet power, the image strong woman like Pasha Angelina or the heroines of Nonna Mordyukova has become so natural for the vast majority of women that being a weak woman is almost a curse.

What is striking is that behind the screen heroines, our women do not see the results of their “strong” behavior at all.

It’s no secret that such a strong woman’s husband is either absent or drinks, her children don’t respect their elders, and there’s so much money in the family – it’s as if a “rainy day” drags on for decades, like a lethargic dream.

And the woman, seeing that her neighbors have the same picture, believes that this is the norm. And she lives according to the principle “I do it myself” - she earns money herself, feeds and raises her children herself, survives herself.

And the husband instead of furniture.

Why is that? I have already written many times that the reason is the many years of destruction of men by society. Politicians and wars turned men into cannon fodder, and women were raised as maternity “milking” machines. Milking - in the sense that you can, by imposing false values ​​on women, exploit them for next to nothing.

Just one example. The first Komsomol Charter clearly stated that a Komsomol member is obliged to surrender to a Komsomol member at his first request. Well, isn't she a thing?

I think that's enough history. In this article, it is interesting for me to remind a woman of the solution, if not all of her problems, then almost all of them.

And the solution is in our banal phrase in the title. You just need to understand it.

The fact is that it is quite difficult to become weak when the situation is almost hopeless. All the experience of previous generations says: “Don’t give up! Fight! Don't rely on anyone! Do everything yourself!”

Dear women, wake up! Every slogan is good in its time! This is not a war!

Or are you still fighting? With whom? With men?

You dream that He will take care of you! To give gifts, give flowers, support the family!

So why show your strength on it? What are you, a man in a skirt, or what?

Your job, beloved women, even if the last fly agaric stands in front of you, is to demonstrate to him your weakness.

Show your man that you are a little defenseless girl who NEEDS HIS HELP.

Please, not like this: “Hey, man, why did Zenki hatch? Well, quickly took the sleeper and carried it there!”

What is your feminine work? Excite Him to the Feat! Or at least take action.

None of the women will like it if he doesn't move. But we must not forget that without women a man (or a man’s) should not move.

We must remember! A man does things for a woman!
A woman does this out of protest to a man!

So, let's summarize.

The moment you women want to do something yourself, TENSION and PRETEND TO BE WEAK AND HELPLESS.

If you practice visualization, see yourself as a girl aged 5-6 years and ask the GENERIOUS, POWERFUL, TENS OF TIMES STRONGER man next to you about what you want now.

You can pout your lips, tap your foot and act up.

Orders are not allowed. You are not a sergeant major, and he is not a private. You are a girl, and he is a General.

Remember! A soldier will not harm a child.

But if you show strength, then your warrior will put shoulder straps on you and say: “Come on, dear, sama-sama!” And it will turn into a fly agaric.

God created us different. Made the man responsible and strong. And he created a Woman from his rib. So that she inspires him with her weakness to take action.

The strong can do everything himself. The weak must be taken care of. Which role do you women prefer?

There is a story about a meeting between the wife and mistress of one man. They began to discuss it, and the wife said:

- He is a fool, a miser and a scoundrel. I don’t even understand why you’re hanging out with him!

“You’re wrong,” answered the mistress, “he is a generous man, a sage, and a brave man!” Judge for yourself:

Every holiday brings me gorgeous gifts - rings, a fur coat, and a car.

- That's not true! - my wife was indignant - He doesn’t even give me flowers on holidays, he doesn’t give me my salary! He's still a miser!

- No! - objected the mistress. – He is a sage, it is always so interesting to communicate with him. He read a lot, knows a lot, has his own opinion about everything. I love listening to him - I learn so many new things!

- You will say the same! – the wife grinned – He’s always talking nonsense and nonsense! It's disgusting to even listen to! What a scoundrel! He will never stand up for me, he won’t tell me how to do repairs at night - so he disappears, and I’m all on my own!!!

“It’s like we’re talking about different men,” the mistress smiled. “Three days ago he even fought for me with the guy who called me names.” Never lets you carry anything heavier than a bouquet of flowers. And even at my house he hammered all the nails, laid parquet, tiles... I tell you, he is a generous man, a wise man and a brave man!

And each of them is right. Because with one of them the man behaves in such a way that he looks like a scoundrel, and with the other he is a brave man. Although the man is the same.

This story shows how much a woman influences a man. The same man can differ radically, depending on who is next to him.

I know examples of alcoholics in their first marriage and successful businessmen in their second. And vice versa - I saw successful men who left their first wife for a young girl. After a couple of years, they lost everything and became drinking bums.

Why is this happening? Because the power of a woman is enormous. And her influence on a man is limitless. In fact, a woman “makes” a man. She reveals some qualities in him, and neutralizes others. Most often she acts unconsciously. Using generic scenarios and the experience of your family. If dad was successful, then she will unconsciously help him achieve success (she has such a picture before her eyes). And if dad was a loser or drank a lot, then her unconscious picture will lead the family to collapse.

The problem is that women do not understand their power and do not pay enough attention to their thoughts and actions. They do not realize their strength and the possibilities of their influence on their husband. If we knew that we were born with a magic wand, we would hardly wave it in vain and order all sorts of nonsense, would we?

Let's look at what a wife can do to a man, how she can influence his character and actions.

Let's start with the negative influence of the wife

As a wife thinks about her husband, that is how he becomes. He sees only shortcomings and shortcomings in him - they multiply every day. And then even that man who has great potential to be a good husband becomes an ordinary horned animal from the goat family.

If a wife does not respect her husband, no one will respect him. Not family, not friends, not colleagues. We can say that a wife writes a certain word on her husband’s forehead that characterizes him. And according to this inscription, other people begin to build relationships with him. This is how a wife will write something nasty without thinking permanent marker and then wonders...

If a wife does not trust her husband and does not open her heart to him, no one trusts him. Even if he is completely worthy of such trust, everyone around him will still constantly doubt him. And what kind of promotion or new prospects does that mean?

If the wife is always dissatisfied with everything, then everyone in the family becomes just as dissatisfied. They will have the wrong apartment, the wrong dinner, the wrong clothes, and the wrong rest. And even the parents will seem completely different.

If the wife thinks that it would be possible better than my husband find, this is the first step to male infidelity. It is said that the woman is always the first to cheat. True, she does this only mentally, and it is difficult to convict her of this. And a man cheats physically after his wife has given him such “permission” with her thoughts that he is far from the best.

If a wife is stingy at heart and does not want to serve her husband, warm him with love and pacify him, he seeks solace in alcohol and drugs.

If the wife does not allow her husband to do men's things - communicating with friends, fishing, garages and other nonsense in a woman's opinion, the husband seeks rest in a different way - in alcohol, computer games, smoking and other not the most joyful things.

If a woman does not open her heart to her husband, he becomes greedy. And then you can’t beg him for snow even in winter, let alone flowers on March 8th. The moment a woman blocks her husband's access to her heart, he blocks her access to his wallet.

If the wife is too independent - she does everything herself and doesn’t need anyone, then the husband becomes irresponsible. Even if before this he was quite well responsible not only for himself, he seems to lose this skill, relaxes and merges with the sofa.

If the wife is touchy, the husband will be angry. Anger manifests itself in our bodies in different ways.

If a wife is mentally unfaithful to her husband, then he will be stingy. Why should he waste money on a woman who, if not today, will find someone else tomorrow and leave?

If the wife of her husband does not obey, constantly argues and fights, then the husband will cease to be a man. He becomes irresponsible and unscrupulous, weak and “nothing.”

If a wife regularly commits violence against her husband - for example, “blows his brains out” or yells at him, insults him, and so on, then the man will have two options. Or he becomes a resigned henpecked man, with a completely broken will and male Ego. Or he also begins to commit violence against his wife - most often physically.

If a woman is too active in external activities, the husband becomes a passive appendage to the TV. Although earlier he could have been a quite successful businessman.

But there is a downside!

If a wife sees in her husband good qualities and puts emphasis on them - they begin to grow and multiply. Even if there is no reason for this. Even if he was not supposed to be responsible, he becomes so. You shouldn’t be a boss, but suddenly you become one. And so on.

If a wife respects her husband, for some reason his friends and colleagues begin to respect him. They support him and help him in difficult situations.

If a wife trusts her husband, other people trust him.

If a wife does not hide anything from her husband, does not deceive, opens her heart, then the husband will not be able to deceive his wife and cheat on her.

If a wife opens her heart to her husband, he becomes generous. He begins to look for reasons to please her and make her even happier.

If a wife sincerely serves her husband, he will take her under his protection with great pleasure. He will take care of her and protect her from everything.

If a wife treats her husband’s temperament with understanding and tries to satisfy him, then the husband will move mountains for her. To do this, you need to learn to see the qualities of your husband, and not measure him with your stereotypes.

This is the most important thing I want to convey to you. If your husband doesn’t like you with something, find the reason for it in yourself. And this work is worth investing time and energy into. What would I be like if I were a man? - Are you sure you want to know this? -Then look at your husband. This is how they would be. He lacks masculine qualities just as you lack feminine ones.

For example, the husband drinks beer. Then your main job is acceptance. Accepting that he has the right to ruin his health if he wants. And this most likely speaks of your emotional dryness in your relationship with him. Perhaps he lacks support and encouragement.

Or the husband doesn't want to work. Then you probably work too much and don't listen to him at all. And what's the point of kicking him and signing him up for interviews? Even if he goes there, with this attitude it won’t last long. Therefore, you need to change yourself.

Why is the man lying on the sofa? Because a stressed woman is pushing it there. She rushes nearby like a meteor, sweeping away everything in her path, and in order to stay alive, he disguises himself as a throw on the sofa.

If your husband does not help you with the children, think about whether you consider him good father worthy of being loved by children just as you are? And didn’t you turn him away from helping, pointing out that he didn’t wash the baby’s bottom well and didn’t boil the bottle again?

God gives us exactly what we deserve. Our parents, our children, our brothers and sisters - we cannot choose them. Therefore, you have to learn to accept. But it's different with husbands. There is an illusion of choice. There is a feeling that there could be another, better one.

But this is only the appearance of choice. God also gives us spouses. Otherwise, how would we have met and fallen in love? How would we find each other in a crowd and gravitate towards each other?

And since God gave you such a husband, it means that this is exactly what you deserve. But why and why - this is already worth thinking about. And what to do with it next is your choice and your scope for creativity.

Take care of each other!

You can always blame each other and look for the speck in your spouse’s eye. Or you can pluck up courage and look into your own eyes with their beams.

And when you notice and look at your logs, you will finally be able to see that there is a Man next to you. Moreover, this person is a Man. And there is a lot of good in it. And how much he tolerates from you. After all, a woman is much stronger in matters of relationships. The energy of relationships flows out of her like a fountain! And it is very easy to drown a man in stormy waves. And he, while sailing, must also make a ship from floating chips, right in the waves! It is in your best interest to keep the waves calm.

Take care of each other! So much energy is spent on meaningless battles within families, but this energy could have been invested in creativity or raising children. The energy losses from each quarrel are colossal. Don't waste your energy. Learn to love.

Marriage lines in the palm of your hand and what awaits you in the future

Instead of arguing, you could spend your energy on:

- maintaining your and your husband’s health - for example, you could start running in the morning, doing exercises or going to the gym. One quarrel would be enough for a month of such useful activities

- thinking about and searching for a gift for loved ones. And also better friend for friend. And not to buy something that we think he would like. And what he really wants and what he will be happy about (usually these are different things)

- a walk together or with children. Strengthening relationships through walking is the most effective method.

- viewing a family album, memories of what you were like so many years ago and how your relationship developed.

- to go to the payment terminal in the metro and deposit at least 100 rubles into the account of a sick child in order to help his parents undergo surgery. He will grow up grateful, believing in good people and God, will choose a good profession and help hundreds of other people. With one small action you could change the whole world for the better - but you wasted your energy on swearing.

It's difficult at first. But a flower also sits underground for some time, in darkness and dampness. Then he needs to spend a lot of effort to break through the soil, to go beyond the darkness. Then you need to strive for the sun for a long, long time. And only then can he open up and show everyone his beauty.

Also people. It takes a lot of strength to learn to Love. You need to give yourself time. And at some point, have the courage to step outside your comfort zone. And also allow ourselves to absorb the Love that God unselfishly gives us along with the sunshine. And when you are filled with this love, you just need to open your heart.

Its beauty is like the most amazing Flower - the Heart. Heart, full of love.

Love men. They really need your Love. Even if they never admit it.

Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him. And she truly loved.

There is such a funny story about Barack Obama and his wife.

One evening, President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to go out for an unplanned dinner at a restaurant that wasn't too fancy. As they sat down, the restaurant owner asked Obama's security guard if he could speak to the first lady privately.

Michelle and the man then had a conversation. Then the husband asked Michelle, “Why was he so interested in communicating with you?” She replied that during her teenage years, he was madly in love with her.

The President chuckled, “So if you had married him, you could now be the owner of this wonderful restaurant?” and Michelle smiled, “No. If I had married him, he would have become president.”

I wish you that this day when you can open your heart full of Love comes very soon.

In this article, I want to get into a time machine with you and move to those times when wisdom reigned supreme, and people built their lives not on knowledge, but on feeling the laws of life, intuition and wisdom.

Today I want to talk to you about feminine power, about what makes a woman strong and omnipotent, about where to get this power, how to accumulate and preserve it.

Perhaps you will agree with me, or perhaps the article will cause a storm of indignant emotions in you - I will see this in the comments. But to talk about female power, let's take the present with its realities and the ancient past with its history.

Modern society dictates new rules of the game to us. But living by these rules, women do not become happier. On the contrary, they forget about their nature, their origins, stop hearing the voice of wisdom, do not follow the experience accumulated by entire generations, and experiment with themselves and their lives. They destroy marriages, deplete relationships, and raise a new generation of unhappy people.

Why am I writing all this, blaming only the woman, you ask? Because women rule the world. Neither more nor less! Not just a woman, but that true woman who knows and understands her nature, her role and why she came into this world. And if she doesn’t understand, then she destroys this world.

As the famous saying goes: “A woman can turn any fool into a wise man, and a wise man into a fool.”

A woman gives birth and revives life. A woman gives birth to new people, raises them, prepares them for life in this world. Other women connect their lives with these people, build relationships and new people appear again. Woman is the source of life.

Project for women

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Who is the “weaker” sex today? The “weak” are fighting for their rights, while the “strong” want to give the remaining responsibility to those “who care” . In all this, everyone suffers and everyone is unhappy. After all, we are lied to about what it means to be a woman or a man. Let's try to figure out why this happens and how the incorrectness of a modern woman manifests itself.

Every woman has a direct channel of communication with the “divine”. In our modern reality, this channel is mainly polluted by the emotional and mental developments of a person, who are under the great influence of the world around him. It is a rare woman who now has this channel clear.

But such a channel is blocked due to the following incorrect actions of a woman:

  • Cloth. It is acceptable for a woman to dress cleanly and nicely. But often many of the women dress, playing up their own lust, flaunting certain parts of their bodies. Thus, they give permission to “themselves.” Lustful glances are thrown at them. Unlike loving glance, a lustful glance can strike and can pierce a person’s energy field, as a result - a physical or mental illness. True female beauty will never cause feelings of lust; it evokes feelings of charm and admiration at any age.
  • Family relationships. When a woman “washes dirty laundry in public”, reveals the secret of what is happening in the family, about her husband or her children to strangers, then she thereby unlocks her power, the protective circle of her family. And then the voluntary or involuntary intervention of another person can affect and destroy the peace in the family. You can only tell those who can truly help: you can consult with a mentor, trust a woman who has Divine grace, trust your man if he does not show feminine qualities- that is, he himself does not tell others what he was told.
  • It is important to be “FOR YOUR HUSBAND” , and not in front of him, as usually happens. When a woman is ahead, a man loses his sense of being a pioneer. It is important for a woman to reveal his masculine qualities in a man, to help him create harmony of will and love.
  • Know how to keep your secrets . A woman should share her secrets, because the secret should be shared with her man. If a man understands a woman's secret, she loses interest to him. You shouldn’t wear makeup in front of a man, you shouldn’t walk around looking unkempt in front of him. You should wear your best at home for your man. It is important and necessary to maintain your intimacy in front of a man. First everything must mature and the opening must be gradual. The quality of the relationship should further develop from sexual to community.
  • List, after all, this is essentially a struggle, she is fighting with a man. This is what a woman does men's movement and destroys its essence. By demonstrating male will, a woman destroys her space, her relationship with a close man falls apart. Any illegal use feminine power immediately affects the man. A man relieves this through irritation and aggressiveness. If a woman sincerely supports a man, even if she believes that he made the wrong decision, further circumstances will lead to the fact that there will be either no losses or they will be minimal.
  • A strong and clear manifestation of feminine power. What is characteristic of feminine strength? Femininity and softness. Excessive femininity - when a woman is often capricious, often cries - by doing this she destroys her environment, her energy field.
  • Assignment. This is when a woman tries to decide a lot for her man and children. A man must decide and take responsibility for this decision.
  • Gossip. The consequence of gossiping about others will be your own troubles. When a woman condemns other people, she herself falls under the influence of the forces of evil and attracts negative energy into your life.
  • Unclean desires and thoughts. It manifests itself in demands for love, affection, decorations, attention, a better fate, coming from our ego. We must realize that what we have now is the payment that is given for the Path that was chosen earlier. If a woman can reveal herself at a higher level, then more will be given to her. We must learn to accept our Gift and our path. If you are happy with the little things, then more things open up. You can only receive what you yourself know how to give and give, because the attitude of another person is a mirror of your attitude.
  • Men's actions. When a woman is engaged in male affairs, her feminine power is unlocked and feminine energy is disrupted. A woman is much stronger when she comes from the essence of her feminine strength, that is, through love, and then a man is confident in such a woman, he perceives her as a strong rear.
  • Power. The daughter learns from the example of her mother and family relationships. If the mother is domineering, then the daughter also shows domineering. A boy needs to be nurtured with will and love, he needs to be taught to make decisions and take responsibility for them. And if you can explain to a boy, teach him and he will understand everything, then with a girl everything is different. No explanations or educational measures will help - only a living example is important to her. Girls, in particular, often show externally those qualities that their parents actually have, but stubbornly hide. Therefore, you should not think that if you hide negative thoughts and feelings, no one will see them - children will show everything in their actions and words.

with love,

Victoria Rai
