How to meet a girl if. Where to meet a girl for a serious relationship? Protection of personal information

It doesn't matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing the fishing spots and showing an elementary male initiative, you can set any goals. To help you - the experience of experienced men and my constructive advice. Take some time to find out the answer to the question that every second man asks - where to meet a girl. Enjoy reading!

dating statistics

Three life hacks for dating

All women do it

Where to meet for sex

Dating site selection

Habitat: good and not so good places to meet a girl

The question “where to meet” sounds almost more often than the topical “how”. In fact, there are no right places and trouble-free phrases for dating. But there is a theory of probability and the practice of common sense, according to which the club, cafe and street are not best places for dating.

Where not to meet girls

Most of the guys are sure that the club, cafe and street are fishing places. I will say this - banal, boring and inefficient.

  • To meet a girl on the street, you need eggs, and meanwhile, the street has low efficiency. People are in a hurry, in a hurry, thinking about their own things - it is difficult to take a person out of context and focus on himself.
  • In cafes, people eat or meet on business. Believe me, a rare girl will like it when a boyfriend from nowhere looks into her plate or mouth. And... Such an awkward moment, who to pay the bill to.
  • The night club is a good place. Its owners did their best for you - they caught up with the girls and put them into a drunken condition. However, competition will be fierce, investments will be above average, and the chances of a long-term relationship will be almost zero.

Now let's talk about the geography of a successful hunt - where it is easier to meet a girl.

TOP 5 places for effective dating

Psychologists call the most profitable places for dating: transport, a library, a fitness room, a supermarket and the sea.

  • Transport. It is convenient from the point of view of the closed space - at least until the next stop, the girl will be forced to listen to your tirades. The main thing is to quickly and accurately take the number. Her stop might be next. Yours, by the way, too, even if it's not.
  • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall, etc.). Psychologically mature girls come here who are ready for both serious relationships and flirting without obligations. The main thing is that these girls (praise to the intellect) quickly indicate where and where the wind is blowing. If only your IQ did not let us down.
  • Fitness room (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing, etc.). You already have something in common. This common, multiplied by the pheromones of a half-naked sweaty body, is an excellent springboard for unrestrained communication. In the end, it's just nice to know that your chosen one is watching her figure. By the way, if you like a girl, but there are questions about the figure, remember, she is on the way to perfection.
  • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, and you take advantage of this little female weakness. Specify the calorie content of the product, take an interest in the nuances of cooking. Don't forget to pick up the phone for some more nutritional advice.
  • Sea. The environment itself is conducive to behave a little immorally. Morality is where home and work are. Here - the sun, sand and flirting. And you get what you see, not a pig in a poke. The flaws are obvious. No makeup and oversized clothes.

I remind you where I met the girl - there and get acquainted. Do not wait until the beauty enters the transport, shop or buys a ticket to the sea.

For the future: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship

Places for dating should be calibrated with an eye to the goal. It is clear that you should not hunt for family-type young ladies in a club, and you do not need to look for a girl to break away in a museum. Although everything happens in life, and there are devils in the still waters. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and first-order probabilities. So where to meet a girl for Serious relationships?

dating statistics

Let us turn to the statistics on acquaintances with the final in the registry office (“Without statistics, there is no life at all, but some kind of hard labor”, film “Office Romance”).

  • 27% of married people met in in public places like parks, cafes and cinemas (a small percentage is owned by clubs);
  • 21% joined the bonds of marriage through work - being colleagues or having met on the basis of professional activities;
  • 17% of the spouses have known each other since school or student years, and some even, as they say, from the sandbox;
  • 16% learned about the existence of each other thanks to friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of close people.

The rest met in other circumstances. We draw the following conclusion - in principle, you can meet your "half" everywhere except the sofa (if you have a laptop in your hands, it's another matter).

Three life hacks for dating

By the way, do you know what qualities girls value most in a man? Get started with this.

  • Girls love to be taken care of. If you help to bring packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car, or simply open the door and let you go ahead, consider that the acquaintance has taken place.
  • Girls love confident. Confidence equals sexy. But being confident doesn't mean jumping right into your underpants. This means to enter into a state of drive before dating and get maximum pleasure in the process.
  • Girls love compliments. True, giving compliments is an art. And don't turn it into an art house like this: "You're so beautiful that I'm ready to crawl 15 kilometers on broken glass just to jerk off in your shadow."

For the night: where to meet a girl for sex

All women do it

Everyone appreciates good sex. Many people prefer to meet in the “no obligation” format, and girls are no exception. Each has its own reasons. Someone wants to try themselves in the role of a sophisticated vamp, changing men like gloves. Another simply yearned without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice principles. Third... Listen, what's the difference to you? Just write down in your subcortex: women want, and more than you think. And one-time sex is preferred by many of them. The question is where to find one?

Where to meet for sex

It is easy for a professional pick-up artist to take a girl to bed even from the library. The rest go to the club or dating sites for comfort. The efficiency is high both there and there. Check out the link for a list of the best dating sites. And don't be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to the usual dating portals, there are thematic ones: do not waste time on Mamba when there is “black”, if you like it harder, and so on. Let's talk about web dating in more detail, since this particular way of gender communication is becoming a leader today.

Online girls: where to meet online

It doesn't matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that pen pals existed during her youth. Well, today everyone hangs out in the Internet space - they work, communicate and, of course, get to know each other.

The benefits of online dating

  • You can get acquainted and communicate without interruption from current affairs. Very convenient in conditions of total lack of time.
  • The choice is not limited by anything - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
  • A godsend for introverts - people "in themselves", which you can’t pull out with a stick or a carrot into public places.
  • It's easy to take the first step. If on the street there are sometimes not enough eggs to approach a girl, make contact on the Internet - put two fingers on the keyboard.
  • Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think over your own words. IN real life we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

If for you the Internet until now was a place where you can download music or watch pornography, it's time to expand your horizons.

Social networks as a dating resource

Social networks are a godsend for a guy who wants to meet a girl. Account in social network- this is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhooks that easily turn into openers. Any photo, video or even a like can be used to your advantage. And don't forget to clean up your page. Remove posts about women being stupid and other compromising evidence. Your account must be exemplary.

Pitfalls of dating sites

The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On a dating site, girls want, oddly enough, to get acquainted. Grab some popcorn, choose a dating site, and see for yourself. But don't count on easy prey and 100% return, because...

  • Lots of competitors. The Internet underestimates the value of the guy and overestimates the importance of the girl. Even the "ugly ones" get a bunch of offers a day. In order not to get lost in the masses, present yourself to the public from the very better side. How to fill out a questionnaire for a guy in order to impress a girl, we said - click and read.
  • Lots of virtuals. A large number of women different ages will never meet you. They seduce, seduce and assert themselves without personal contact. Someone is married, someone is afraid, and someone has nothing to do. A lot of time can be wasted. Therefore, don't get carried away. Slowly but inevitably move the conversation into a real meeting.
  • Lots of illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication mainly with a virtual image. This is how the brain works: having a minimum of information, it thinks out the rest. Therefore, see paragraph above. Take communication to the next level as quickly as possible.

I'm not talking about scammers, fools, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who are sure to meet on your way. But the one who walks will master the road. Go!

About light bulbs: Thomas Edison's secret to success

I repeat, like a mantra: where a girl likes it, there is a place for dating. Street, concert hall, dating site - not the place determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And misfires happen to everyone, even the pickup guru. Accept it as a fact - they will send it off. And this is not a reason to return to the comfort zone. It's an incentive to bookmark our site and read expert advice on how to improve your personal communication skills.

What's with the light bulbs? Thomas Edison is said to have performed 10,000 failed experiments to create the electric light bulb. The great scientist perceived every failure as an experience that moves him closer to success. Take note. Any obstacle lends itself to stubborn and persistent assault. Good luck!

We offer you to watch the video on the topic of the article:

Many men remain single because of fear of the opposite sex and ignorance of how to get acquainted with a girl, what to say to her during the first meeting, how to interest and start a conversation. In fact, there is nothing complicated here - following simple recommendations allows you to find your soul mate and improve your personal life.

If you understand psychology, you can find an approach to any, even the most difficult person. But we do not advise you to be too persistent and waste time on a girl who clearly does not show any interest in you. You will only waste your energy and, most likely, will not achieve anything. In this case, just politely end communication with her, saying that you are not suitable for each other.

How to meet a girl on the street?

For many guys, meeting a girl for the first time is a real challenge. They do not know how to start a conversation, and most of all they are afraid of being rejected. After several unsuccessful attempts, a young man or an already mature man may forever stop trying to make such acquaintances. All this from lack of experience and necessary knowledge.

The main sign of the likely success of an acquaintance is a direct eye-to-eye look and at the same time a friendly facial expression. This indicates the interest of the girl and the possibility of starting communication. Many guys miss such signals, get lost, lower their eyes and pass by. As a result, they miss their chance, and subsequently reproach themselves for a long time for their insecurity.

Contrary to stereotypes, meeting people on the street is easy. Moreover, this way to find a soul mate is promising, thanks to a large selection of the fair sex. The main thing is to act assertively, confidently and from the first minutes to interest a new companion. But how to get acquainted with a girl in order to arouse her sympathy? Let's talk about this in more detail.

How should you look to meet a girl?

Neat appearance- a key component of future success when meeting. Give preference classic style- Ironed shirt and trousers, as well as clean shoes. If you went for a walk in tracksuit and met the girl of your dreams, do not miss the chance. It is important to radiate confidence and be natural in your communication with a girl. Look up, straighten your back and smile. A positive attitude gives a signal about the good intentions of the interlocutor.

How to interest her in a dialogue?

Remember that girls are ordinary people who live with men on planet Earth and are not aliens from other planets. Of course, their interests and goals may differ from men's, but this is not an obstacle to communication, but in the future to closer relationships. Girls like it when attention is paid to them, compliments are said. They appreciate a sense of humor, which should be used in the process of dating.

If you like a girl, smile and say hello. As noted above, a smile disposes to a person and disarms the fair sex. The main thing is that the smile should be friendly, slightly embarrassed and always sincere. It's a simple dating tool, but it works.

What to say in the first dialogue?

The most difficult thing for guys is to find the first words that would help to start a full-fledged communication and start a dialogue. The perception of a guy by a girl, as well as the success of dating in general, largely depends on the first phrase. In this case, the topic has no knowledge. At this stage, it is important to attract attention, start communication.

Consider a few rules:

  1. The first phrase should not be cumbersome - 1-5 words are enough. The simplest and most effective options are to say "Hello" or "Let's get acquainted";
  2. You can’t ask a question, because a girl can ignore it and move on;
  3. Remember that a compliment is the key to a girl's heart. But it is important that it be light and natural. Show that you have identified something special in the interlocutor, her “zest”. The main thing here is not to switch to clichés and platitudes;
  4. Focus on the situation. The spoken phrase should correspond to the surrounding situation. For example, if an acquaintance occurs when trying to cross the road, you can say “Caution, there is a car on the left”;
  5. The appeal should be positive and friendly, because at the initial stage it is necessary to win over a person to yourself, to inspire confidence.

What to talk to her about?

For many guys, the question of how to get to know a girl is a real dilemma. And if you still manage to say “Hello” or “Let's get acquainted”, then you can’t consolidate your acquaintance and start a full-fledged dialogue. And really, what to talk about with a girl if you do not know her interests, life principles and goals?

This is a simple yet effective principle. In the process of communication, focus on the interlocutor, be interested in him and ask questions. Many guys make the mistake of talking about their benefits. In the eyes of a girl, such suitors look like bouncers who are not worthy of attention.

Find out what interests the interlocutor in life, what kind of music she likes, where she studies. Listen carefully and remember the answers, ask related and leading questions to get to know the girl even better.

Here are some simple questions and suggestions to start the conversation:

  1. "How old are you"?
  2. "What is your name?". You can introduce yourself right after the question.
  3. "I'm taking time to get to know you better."
  4. "You have unusual eyes, I have never seen such."
  5. "You have a kind face."

In the process of the first communication, try to describe the girl, confirm her peculiarity. Mention her appearance, clothes, beauty of her face in a conversation. You can start with a joke like “Can you speak?”, “What a big bag you have. It's obvious that you like to carry heavy things.

What to do if she doesn't like you?

Often guys are lost when a girl goes to dialogue, but does not show great attention to their person. Do not despair - the interlocutor can still be interested. It is important to make her smile, to joke, to make her liberate. You can tell an interesting and funny story from life. As a last resort, interest the girl in social status. It doesn't have to be financial. If you participate in competitions or do charity work, gently mention it.

If the efforts do not give results, and the girl communicates “get rid of it”, end the conversation, citing lack of time or urgent business. At the same time, take a phone number to be able to improve the first impression of yourself. Perhaps today the girl Bad mood, but tomorrow or the day after tomorrow over a cup of coffee, acquaintance will be more successful.

There are thousands of recommendations in numerous books and the Internet on how to learn how to meet girls, what to do to attract attention, what clothes to wear, and what to talk about. Below we highlight the proven advice of psychologists that help find the other half.

Before meeting a girl, let yourself be considered. No need to jump out from behind and scare a person in this way. It is important to draw attention to yourself, give a small assessment and draw conclusions. All it takes is a quick glance and a smile.

If the girl responded to a smile and also smiled, began to straighten her hair or fuss, you can start an acquaintance, the result of which should be an appointment or a phone number.

Start communication with a light and original compliment. You can praise the hairstyle, evaluate right choice handbags and shoes. Do not stoop to banality like "You have great breasts." Believe me, self-confident girls know about it themselves.

In the process of communication, observe around and comment on the situation. It is important that the conversation is natural. If you notice a poster for a movie you've already seen, share your experience and ask if the other person has seen it. If not, this is a great reason to invite a girl to the movies.

Unusual and unconventional phrases are well suited to start communication, for example, “What do you think, who cheats more often - men or women?”, “This is the first time I buy myself a thing and I want to ask for advice.”

Consider a few more important points:

  1. Don't drag out the conversation. Even if everything goes well, tell the interlocutor that you need to run and take the phone number.
  2. Meet everywhere. It can be a shopping center, street, transport. It doesn't matter if a girl is walking or relaxing on a bench.
  3. Be bold and don't be afraid to start a conversation. It is better to do and “lose” than to regret all your life about an unused opportunity. Even if you fail, you gain experience.
  4. In the process of communication, show confidence and do not hesitate. It is important to be persistent, because a girl may not immediately give a phone number. If the interlocutor says “I don’t meet on the street”, answer her in the subject “By the way, I do too, but then let’s go to a restaurant and get to know each other there.”
  5. Imagine that you are playing in the theater, and your task is to interest a girl in yourself, to show the best sides. It's even interesting.
  6. Be yourself. In the process of communication, it is worth being natural, but at the same time improving your skills. It is important that the girl fell in love with you, and not a far-fetched character that does not exist.

Search for motivation

In the process of dating, the psychological attitude of the guy is important, his willingness to make contact with a representative of the opposite sex. If there is no desire to start communication, it will not work to overcome your fear. It is important that there is a sincere desire to get to know a person, make an acquaintance and start a dialogue.

Learn to motivate and "charge" yourself before communicating with a stranger. If you go hunting, listen to your favorite song, set yourself up for a positive result and believe in success. Imagine that the goal has already been achieved - you saw the girl of your dreams, met her and now you are sitting at the same table in a cafe. It is important that an intention is formed in the head, which invariably leads to success.

Active Listener Tactics

If you don’t know how to get to know a girl and what to talk about with her, use a proven and effective tactic - listen to your interlocutor. Ask her questions that she will be happy to answer. The main thing here is not to switch to a “banal” interview, for which it is worth accompanying some of the interlocutor’s answers with small comments. Step by step you get to know a person, and he feels trust in a new interlocutor, and then - "a matter of technology."

Discussion: 12 comments

    To be honest, I don’t understand at all how to meet a girl on the street. No matter how much I tried, I always came across rudeness. I came up with various ways with questionnaires, polls and other options for “tackling”. Apparently, you need to work on your appearance.

    People. If you don’t know how to get to know a girl correctly, start with the most important thing - the external image. Believe me, the first impression is the most important. We are met "on the wrapper", remember. It doesn't matter what I say to a girl at the first moment, if I am dressed stylishly and neatly. The conversation kind of starts on its own.

    I don’t know about you, but for me, starting a conversation is the main problem. I re-read a lot of literature on how to get to know a girl, but so far I have not achieved serious success. Although, I still found one girlfriend, but the matter never came to a serious relationship.

    I never complained about my ability to pick up a girlfriend. At the same time, I never read literature on how to get to know a girl correctly (except for this article). Talking and even getting involved in a conversation is not a problem. At the initial stage, make a compliment and try to contact through a look. It is very important.

    I was looking for information about dating girls and came across this article. What can I say - very informative. It remains to cope with your natural fear of approaching the opposite sex. At least see a psychologist. My knees are shaking, my palms are sweating, instead of words, some kind of nonsense. Please advise what to do.

    I think that the most difficult thing is to start a conversation, and then it’s a matter of technology. Personally, I start with a light compliment (even a banal one), after which I am interested in the girl herself. I always smile sincerely and make a slightly confused look - it works.

    To my shame, I can say that all attempts to make acquaintances and start a conversation failed miserably. I manage to stop the girl, but I can’t keep her talking and interested. But I do not give up, because in this case you need to train.

    From my own experience, I can say that when you first meet and communicate, it is important to leave on time. Here I support the author. If you see that the girl is in doubt, but at the same time shows interest, take a phone number and call somewhere in 2 days in a cafe or just take a walk.

    I slightly disagree with the author regarding the tactics of an active listener. It seems to me that it only works after meeting and starting a relationship. The girl is unlikely to chat about everything with an outsider. Light compliments, short phrases and the beginning of contact are important here. Later, you can use the considered scheme.

    I try to meet girls only through friends. So there is less hassle and a conversation is quickly tied up. I have never tried to start a conversation somewhere on the street - it's scary. But for the sake of interest, you need to try. Especially, necessary information already exists.

    efficiency criterion for the higher school of dating: this is the number of women (or men) who appeared in the life of students and the understanding of what needs to be done so that they would appear there further.

Buddy, go to the mirror and carefully look at who you meet there. Most likely, you will see at the same time a very pragmatic and cowardly person who told himself that he could not get to know beautiful girl on the street. Let's talk about how to get acquainted on the Internet. Most likely, you sold yourself a story that all this is for the sake of saving time, because the smartphone is always with you, which means that even sitting on the push, you can scroll through the girls in the application and wait for matches.

Let's say you decide to find easy sex on the Internet or get involved in a romantic adventure. What should you understand? The first is that 99.9% of the girls you meet on the Internet are not suitable for a relationship, at most for a little adventure. At the same time, half of them are fakes. Therefore, don’t be too upset if you suddenly left a phone number, and after 5 days you start receiving sms offering various services, which often happens. The WhatsApp mailing list is collected just from dating sites.

Secondly, if a girl does not want to figure out whether you are bad or good, if it is enough for her to look at your profile to draw conclusions, then it's time to decide where you will look for a lady of the heart on Friday evening. Either you choose the most popular, but not simple Tinder service, or everything else.

What is the difference? Tinder is a high-tech and cunning dating service that creates significant barriers to registering fakes. You will have to link your Facebook page to it and this is the only way to register. And there are two ways.

Or you tie up your permanent page, and then through mutual acquaintances, people similar to you will be pulled up to you. Tinder understands what you are interested in, what interests you have from Facebook, collects this data, and offers you targeted girls. Either you make a fake page, and then you need to make incredible efforts to bring your profile to the top.

There are even special forums where people discuss how the tinder algorithms are changing. Yes, tinder has certain algorithms, and they are no simpler than chess games.


Conventionally, each match (match - a match or a mutual like) that you get has a weight, like chess players. That is, any won or lost game is not equal to each other. A match is like a game won at chess. And your task is to manage to make such a profile so that girls like you, who, in turn, are liked by weighty dudes. And then your profile will always be in the top and you will only meet beautiful girls on the Internet.

I think those who have signed up on Tinder at least once have found that at first they are lucky, they appear in the feed great girls who like you, and then suddenly you start seeing dinosaurs that are not even shown in Russian porn. And, accordingly, you go from there to the “hand-to-hand technique”.


To prevent this from happening, you must make a great questionnaire. Forget that you need to connect photos from Instagram, because these photos will “punch” you, find you and very easily merge, because they will see, for example, a photo with another girl or something else inappropriate. You must have a “sterile” and impeccable account in terms of image, self-presentation and reputation.


There should be a photo of where you're standing at full height. Beautiful face portraits close-up. By the way, according to rumors, Tinder recently published a protest with an article that, they say, men, stop taking pictures with tigers. Because people have probed the topic that the photo, where a man hugs a live tiger, is liked by everyone. And the hunt began, people just went crazy - they find tigers, film with them, and then go to Tinder to “shoot” the girls.

You can find “your personal tiger” and take a good photo. It should be natural, you should show your different lifestyle - at work, traveling, in a suit, in a photo from crazy events, where you are skydiving, where you are satisfied and happy, because if in the photo you are with a gloomy and a very businesslike person, then it is unlikely that anyone will come to you, except for a couple of gnomes who can make you happy so that you stop being gloomy.

So, the photo should be:

close-up / general plan;

some event

And the photos must be of good quality.

By the way! Contrary to popular belief, you can get acquainted on the Internet without a photo from the gym, they are not required. If you are incredibly athletic, it will show through three suits that fit you well. And if you are a fat mattress, then even if you took a golf club and put your personal unicorn next to it, it is still clear that you are a fat mattress, and you will not deceive anyone with this.


The main thing is that the questionnaire must be filled out. You can get acquainted on the Internet directly. On the first page and in the first line, you write - what are you doing here, who are you looking for. It is desirable that it be short, concise, exhaustive and attractive. Because if you write - I work at work, I get paid in money, I was born in a maternity hospital, look what I am original guy, then the girl, of course, will not like it.

It makes sense to say that you came to this site for a short time, do not believe much in this site and have high standards. You can also casually note that let fat and ugly girls pass by. Then some girls who are hooked by this will pay attention themselves, strike up a conversation and troll you - they turn it on as a game, and they like you. That is, we make such an attractive profile that the girl herself wants to write to you.


If you are a pragmatic and cunning guy, then you probably already know that there are offlikers who like everyone in a row. Tinder developers also know about this, so there is an algorithm that calculates how quickly you like others, and if you like everyone in a row and do not put dislikes, then your profile is perceived as a robot, your rating decreases and they start showing you crocodiles. You start liking crocodiles, and lo and behold, welcome back to where you started.

Who to like?

You need to like only beautiful ones and wait for your matches. Unfortunately, this is the only way to success.

Paid Services

Now let's talk about paid chips. If you create a fake account for yourself, indicate that you are 29 years old. Because in Tinder, if you are over 30 years old, then for a paid service you can pay, for example, 8,000 rubles a year, and if you are younger, then you will pay, for example, 1,500 for the same. This is a significant savings, and you can buy yourself condoms for a couple of months.

I advise you not to save and use paid services. It pays for itself. For example, Tinder plus will allow you to increase the number of likes to infinity, which means that you can mathematically increase your chances of success by liking until you wipe your finger. Online dating will become easier.

You can also change your geolocation. And if you are sitting in Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya, then you can choose girls from Luxury-Podolsk. So you can even prepare yourself the ground for a trip to another city.

There is another great thing - Superlike, with the help of which you greatly increase the chances that the girls, cheered from all sides, will at least look at you and begin to communicate with you.

How to get acquainted on the Internet?

If you are hoping to surprise a girl with your incredibly complex first phrase with two separate adverbial phrases, then most likely you will not succeed, because there are a myriad of such hacks on Tinder. It is very easy to write. After the match, you write “Hello” and start asking questions - what is she doing here, who is she looking for and how long has she been having fun here. If she's been here for a long time, then she's probably a slut who goes on dates, breeds guys and stuff like that. If she says that recently, then this does not mean that she is not a slut, because sluts have learned to cheat. But if she’s really here recently and hasn’t gone on dates yet, you say: “Listen, let’s not delay, I invite you to a meeting, leave your phone number, we’ll write to WhatsApp.”

After that, the girl usually leaves her number, because she has already shown sympathy. For those who do not leave, just forget it, these are the future “cat ladies”. This is a dating site, and if a girl says: “I don’t meet men, and in general it’s just like that,” then she clearly has a cold in both hemispheres, since she herself does not understand why she is here.

Then you begin to correspond with her already in WhatsApp and slightly dilute her into a sexual context. Ask what she likes, where she would like to go, what is the most romantic evening she imagines, and then the girl herself will draw you a scenario that will clearly satisfy her at the meeting. And she will come to this meeting.

There is another way. You call her right away and close for a meeting in the next hour or two. You say -

where are you?

- in Karaganda.

- super, and I'm just next to Karaganda and let's see you.

In the next article, I will tell you.

And so, you decided to use all possible ways and find out how to meet a girl on the Internet and did not miss the article that will ensure your success? You did everything right, and taking into account all my advice, the acquaintance will be more than successful.

Basic rules of online dating

Let's start with something without which all your further actions will be meaningless - with the rules and basics of behavior on the Internet.

Be well-mannered

You just have no right to be vulgar and rude. Forget It won't give you points in the eyes of the lady. At best, she will simply think that she is dealing with a gopnik, at worst, with an unbalanced pervert.

Read also:

Try to be literate

Yes, some girls are also “not a fountain”, but you still try to write correctly. After all, if one out of 10 does not notice your gross mistakes due to their own illiteracy, then 9 will definitely pay attention to it. Let you not have all the commas correctly placed, but the words “girls” or “hachu” are an incorrigible stain on your reputation.

If your spelling is very bad, use special services to check texts. In the end, write your messages in Word, copy and paste into the dialog box.

A few hints

If for some reason you can’t see a girl’s photo or you can’t find out her age (this happens more often on forums, dating sites), you can try to use these tips:

  • If a young lady is very capricious and touchy - most likely she is beautiful (well, or she considers herself like that).
  • Cowardly, a little stupid and quite naive - most likely she is a youngster.
  • If he starts a topic about work, about weekends, lack of free time, earnings, etc. She's most likely in her 20s.
  • If she starts a conversation about studying, she is either a schoolgirl or a student.
  • If on the girl's page you see only pictures of her face, try to make it so that you can see her completely. You can just ask for a full length photo of her if you're close enough already. Otherwise, you run the risk of seeing on the first date not what you hoped for.

The tips are banal, but sometimes we forget to pay attention to such trifles and get something completely different from what we drew in our minds.

Meet on a dating site

How to meet a girl on the Internet? Of course, on a dating site - they are all open to communication and dating, they have no boyfriends and they are just waiting for their prince. But on the other hand, there are thousands of active users on popular sites and they are not sitting idly by.

Your task is to stand out from the twenty men who wrote to your beauty at the same time as you. What do I need to do:

  1. Never write to a girl what you could write to everyone else. That is: “you are beautiful, let's get acquainted” will not work. And most likely that 15 people out of those 20 will write to her exactly like that. Look at her profile and write something unique to her.
  2. If the site is designed so that messages are sent with a subject, always make it beautiful.
  3. If possible, write to girls who are “online” - so you will immediately see the result if she does not want to continue communication.

Young woman: « Marina, brunette, 17 years old, student of the Pedagogical College»


Subject: "To the most charming girl of the pedagogical school"

Then I would like to tell you about myself: my name is Oleg, I do programming, and in my free time I prefer outdoor activities. Soon I will be 22 years old and by my birthday I would like to meet a wonderful girl with whom I can go on an interesting journey..

  1. The second rule follows from the written letter: the message on the dating site should not be too short. You have to make the girl read it and think about you. A simple 25th "Hello" runs the risk of even going unnoticed. But a long interesting letter is sure to stand out against the background of banal one-word messages.
  2. You will not interfere with romance and mystery. For example, in communication, do not be shy to do strange things: write that you invite her to a slow dance. In the next message, you can write her the name of a beautiful slow song that she should listen to.

Experiment + example

For the sake of the experiment, 10 girls were selected, the introduction was the same, and the answers did not differ much. The goal is to get a phone number.

Me: Hey, are you looking for love?
Her: Maybe / Just talking / Of course / No
Me: It is unlikely that you can find anyone on this site, only all kinds of nonsense are offered ...
Her: Exactly / That's right / Blah-blah-blah
I hope you good girl, do you write anything bad?))
She: No / No, I'm good / I don't write ...
Me: To be honest, I didn’t go to such sites before, apparently I won’t go again after what they write here. Let's talk on the phone for 2 minutes. Write the number)


  • 2 wrote their number after the last message;
  • 4 texted a number after a few messages, mostly I complimented and said I was in a hurry;
  • 3 continued the conversation, later gave a number (banal conversation about interests + intrigue);
  • 1 refused to give the phone and the conversation did not continue

The dialogue is a little curtailed, but the essence of the correspondence is clear, I will reveal the psychology of such an acquaintance in the following articles, if you are interested, unsubscribe in the comments.

How to meet a girl on VKontakte

This site is known to you firsthand and you have probably already received a lot of rejections. I want to warn you that this will continue. According to statistics, even with the most correct approach, girls in VK do not respond to messages in 45-50% of cases. Such a harsh truth. But if you act incorrectly, you can lose those 50% of the girls who answer.

How to learn

To understand how to get acquainted on the Internet correctly, you need to develop an approach. So, in order:

  1. Weeding out the girls you'll train on. Choose absolutely any city and put the same one on your page. You need to gain experience before writing to a girl you really like, and those with whom you communicate will even help with advice!
  2. Then you choose 10 normal, not "fashionable", not "terrible", but simple pretty girls"online", perhaps with cockroaches - good for training.
  3. You write the same message to everyone with an individual character for each of the contenders. below↓
  4. Let's call it an exercise. You need to repeat it until 8 out of 10 girls continue the dialogue with you. Once a week is enough.

Thanks to such training, your page will be filled with interesting girls who you can ask for advice, and you will gain confidence in your abilities and can easily develop a dialogue.

Your task:

  1. work out a certain model of communication inherent in you on the Internet;
  2. learn to determine which message suits a certain type of girl;
  3. be able to develop a dialogue to its final completion or its goal;

It is important to have a goal of communication with a girl, that is, set a goal and achieve it in various ways, otherwise you will waste your time.

Everything must be perfect - 6 stages of preparation

If you have followed the rules, put a good photo on your avatar and filled out your page with suitable information, do not rush to relax:

Stage number 1. Hide extra albums

If you managed to post a photo from a stormy booze online, leave romantic photos with ex-girlfriend etc. - Hide them. You should have an ideal profile: a photo of your moments of success at work, a photo with your friends (adequate, sober…), a photo in nature, while traveling, at a concert, etc. Hide everything compromising to hell - leave what characterizes you from the best side.

The same goes for dirty videos, dirty stupid songs, subscriptions to porn groups, etc.

Stage number 2. Clean up the comments

Get in the habit of erasing the comments that reveal all your cards. Entries like “Zai, yesterday was very good” should be deleted immediately (unless you stop at one girl).

Stage number 3. Recognize fakes

In order not to waste time on fake pages, learn to recognize them right away. If you see that everything is too perfect in a girl, or if she has very few photos besides an avatar, this may be a fake. You need to take a photo of her, upload it to Google image search and see what other profiles and websites this image appears on. If you see her on various sex sites etc. - it's fake.

You should be alerted by the imbalance between the comments under the photo and the number of friends. Also, fakes often have over 1000 friends, and the page was created relatively recently.

Stage number 4. Find the "right" girls

Your task is to find the girl with whom you have something in common. According to statistics and my own experience, ordinary compliments turn out to be powerless here, but common interests they work very well. Go to the groups of your favorite musical groups, open the list of members and look for pretty girls there. So from the first messages you will have a topic for conversation - "she also loves the Nirvana group."

  • The same goes for groups dedicated to your favorite movies, series, books, writers, places, travels, etc.
  • If you are not fond of anything at all, find common interests in her. She has Beautiful legs and do you like them? Most likely, she also likes her long legs. What is not a topic for conversation?
  • You can search for girls with the same last name as you. First pretend that you think you are related. Then just translate it into the usual interesting communication.

In a word - develop effective tactics, and not just add just anyone.

Stage number 5. Be vigilant

You will have to add as a friend great amount girls, among whom you can meet friends. But after all, you are “not a noble womanizer, but a simple good guy who decided to get acquainted with a beautiful girl, "so you can't fire. As soon as you go to the girl’s page and see that you have the one with whom you had a nice conversation 5 minutes ago, run away from there.

But if you have mutual friends, which do not concern the process of your hunting for girls - this will only play a plus for you. When girls see mutual friends, it seems to them that you already know each other, that you can be trusted, etc.

Stage number 6. Do not disappear

Be prepared for the fact that for about two weeks you will have to correspond with the girl. If you suddenly disappear for a week, things can get out of hand. Therefore, do not be overly intrusive, writing to her all day long. But don't get lost for too long.

Pause between messages, but the girl should not think that you are a brake and squeeze out an answer.

The most important thing is the first message to a girl

All sites tell you that the first message in VK is the most important part of your acquaintance. But I will express a different opinion: if you have an awesome account, looking at which the girl thinks “he’s cool” - 85% of the work is done. In this case, it is enough that your first message is just normal.

  1. Do not write in your first message an offer to have sex, no matter how veiled it may be.
  2. Don't just write "Hello", even if you add "How are you" to it. Girls almost never respond to such messages. You must come up with a phrase that will lead to the development of the conversation.
  3. Don't be too cocky: "Hey, you're going on a date with me today."
  4. You don't have to be too nice, from the first messages, talking about how you dream of taking her on a date, so that she caresses you, etc.
  5. With compliments, too, be calmer: beautiful, amazing, magnificent - this is already too much for the first message.
  6. When you add as a friend, know why you are doing it and let the girl know about it.

Here are examples of how you can start a conversation:

  • You just write: "I know something about you." She will definitely want to know what you know. In response, you can write about her what you noticed while studying her page, and what you yourself liked about her.
  • "When I saw your picture, I was just amazed at how much Photoshop can do." This phrase will hook her pride and make her pay attention to your message. Most likely, she will answer that her photo is natural and she looks the same in real life.
  • "Hello. You look like an energetic girl. What sport do you do?"
  • “I noticed that you play tennis. How long have you been training?

The last two phrases can have hundreds of variations. You just need to understand what the girl is interested in and come up with a message about it. .

It is important that the first message provokes the girl to answer you, that is, you need to ask a question at the end of the monologue!

  • "Hello. You seem like an attractive girl to me. Yes, and I'm not bad. We're just destined to meet, don't you think?"

It sounds atypical and a bit defiant. You do not cover her with compliments, increasing her self-esteem to sky-high levels. But at the same time you say that she is interested in you. You yourself also behave with dignity, showing that she will receive a lot of good from you. The example shows that you made her laugh with non-standard behavior, but it's good! Then you can develop a dialogue, because the girl is already ready to communicate.

If you good feeling humor – show it to her, don’t write “you know, I have a great sense of humor.” You can joke and even tease her - this will only cheer up the girl. But always control what you say: in a pinch, your jokes and underwear can be really offensive. You can even start your dialogue with some kind of joke, for example: “Isn’t it you who ate all the tangerines in the supermarket yesterday? Continuation: It seems similar - that girl was also so pretty. ”.

In general, a joke may be suitable for the first message, but not vulgar or offensive. You don’t need to immediately shower her with compliments or show what a super man you are, they say, “as you said, so be it.” Just be yourself, communicate naturally and easily, letting her know about your interest, but at the same time without showing that you began to idolize her at first sight in the photo.

I want to tell you that even this hateful "Hello" can work if you fit into its framework completely. That is, if on your page she found a photo attractive to her young man, and then further reinforced this opinion by reading the information on the wall - she will even answer the usual greeting. That is why there are no 100% methods, phrases and methods. You can only remain yourself and not do stupid things in communication, thus getting what you want, and using our advice you will understand how easy it is to get acquainted on the Internet.

If you have suggestions or real examples of your online dating success, write them in the comments, it will be very interesting for everyone to supplement their knowledge.
