Monthly baby weight calculator. What is the normal weight for a newborn

The analysis is made according to the tables of height, weight and BMI developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a result of a study of the development of healthy children of different nationalities and geographical areas. All ranges, methods and recommendations are given in accordance with WHO materials.

The calculator takes into account individual physical indicators of the child in a complex (weight, height, age and BMI) and gives a more complete assessment of weight compared to simplified norms for age. The program allows you to assess whether it is developing normally this child, to identify growth problems or trends that indicate the risk of a problem. In case of significant deviations, a recommendation will be written to contact specialists.

Please pay close attention to the values ​​you enter as the calculator shows the result based on this data. Measurements must be accurate, large error is not allowed.


Growth must be monitored monthly, and the measurement technique varies depending on the age of the child.

  • For children under 2 years of age, body length is measured in the supine position.

  • In children over 2 years of age, height is measured in a standing position.

It is important not to confuse the indications of body length and height. Our calculator converts one indicator to another using the WHO formula: you can get body length from height by adding 0.7 cm, from body length, subtract 0.7 cm.

The gradation of results is from extremely short to very tall.

growth retardation may be a consequence of prematurity, and disease, developmental delay and may be accompanied by excess weight.

High growth occurs infrequently and, as a rule, is due to heredity. If the child's parents are of average height, seek the advice of a specialist, as excess may be the result of an endocrine disease.


When measuring, remove outerwear from a child. Wet diapers, clothes and jeans can weigh more than 0.5 kg. Babies are weighed naked (before weighing the baby should be wrapped in a blanket so that he does not freeze). Older children take off everything except their underwear.

For each age, there are weight norms, but the assessment for them is not always correct due to the fact that the height of the child, which may be higher or lower than the norm, is not taken into account. For an adequate assessment, use the analysis of body mass index (BMI).

The gradation of results is from extremely underweight to very high weight.

Body mass index (BMI)

BMI gives a more adequate comprehensive assessment, shows how harmonious the height and weight of the child is, shows their ratio.

This indicator allows you to objectively assess the situation and see if the child has problems with weight.

BMI is calculated as follows: Body weight in kg ÷ square of height/length in meters (measured in kg/m²).

BMI norms depend on the age of the child and differ significantly from those for adults, which is taken into account in our calculator. Results range from extreme malnutrition to obesity.

With a lack of body weight you need to consult a specialist and adjust the diet.

Elevated body mass index often due to heredity: if one of the parents is diagnosed with obesity, the child is 40% likely to gain excess weight. If obesity is diagnosed in both parents, then this probability increases to 70%.

According to WHO, the main cause of obesity and overweight is energy imbalance, that is, the caloric content of the diet that exceeds the needs of the body. The problem is exacerbated by an increase in the consumption of high-calorie and fatty foods, as well as a decrease in physical activity (including due to a long stay in a sitting position).

An elevated BMI increases the risk of a host of non-communicable diseases, from cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders to certain cancers. Obese children experience shortness of breath and are at increased risk of fractures. Often they also have problems of a psychological nature, complexes appear.

Overweight and obesity can often be prevented by switching to healthy eating and increased physical activity. The same measures serve to prevent such violations.

Every overweight person can improve their health as a result of:

  • restriction of caloric content of the diet by reducing the consumption of sugars and fats;
  • increased consumption of whole grains and legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables;
  • regular physical activity - 1 hour per day (7 hours per week) for children and at least 2.5 hours per week for adults).

We hope that our calculator will help you monitor your weight and respond in time to deviations from the norm. We recommend that you contact only experienced professionals who will provide qualified assistance, identify the cause of the violation and help eliminate it.

All parents should have an idea of ​​how well their baby is developing. Does the child keep up with the norms of weight, height or overtake them? To determine this, we suggest you use our height and weight calculator. It gives a full assessment of these indicators, taking into account age, (with an accuracy of one day), and also calculates the BMI indicator (body mass index).

Height (body length)

Body length is usually measured in babies under two years of age. After two years, growth is already measured in a standing position, respectively. There may be a difference of 1 cm between height and weight, which may affect the evaluation result. In this case, if height is indicated for a child under two years old, for the accuracy of the calculation, it is converted into length by a calculator and vice versa.

Scores of "short" and "very short" may indicate a developmental delay or that the child was born prematurely.

A “very high” score, in turn, may also indicate the presence of an endocrine disorder. However, if at least one of the parents is tall - most likely such growth is the norm in this specific case but it's still worth checking with your doctor to be sure.

Possible growth estimates:

Very short: W significant growth retardation, may be accompanied by excess weight. An examination by a specialist is necessary to determine the cause and eliminate the stunting. Undersized : Oh stunted growth also sometimes leads to excess weight. It is recommended to consult a doctor. Below average : N Small child, but growth within the normal range.. Medium : U the child is of average height, like most healthy children. Above average : Tall child, growth is within the normal range. High : T This growth is rare, mostly hereditary and cannot indicate the presence of any abnormalities. Very high : T what growth can be as the norm, in the presence of tall parents as well as a sign of endocrine disease. We recommend consulting with experts. Growth does not match age : Height does not correspond to age - perhaps an error when entering indicators. Please check the data and use the calculator again. If the data is correct, this is a clear deviation from the norm. A detailed examination by a specialist is necessary.

Baby weight

By itself, weight without taking into account height and other data does not provide a deep assessment of the development of the child. However, the "Low Weight" and "Extremely High Weight" scores are sufficient for a doctor's consultation (see centile weight tables for more details).

Possible weight estimates:

Strong underweight, extremely low weight : It is highly likely that the child suffers from exhaustion of the body. An immediate examination by a doctor is necessary. Underweight, low weight: Probably, the child's body is exhausted, a specialist examination is necessary. Less than average: The weight is in the lower limits of the normal weight for the indicated age. Average : The child has an average weight, the same as most healthy children. Larger than average : Extra large : When obtaining this estimate, weight should be estimated based on BMI (body mass index) data. Weight does not match age : There may have been a data entry error. If all the data is correct, the child most likely has problems developing height or weight (see height and BMI estimates). Be sure to consult with an experienced doctor.

Body mass index

To assess the harmonious development of a child, it is customary to look at the ratio of height and weight - Body Mass Index (BMI). This indicator allows you to most accurately determine the deviations in the weight of the child, or, conversely, shows that the weight of the child in relation to height for his age is normal.

It should be understood that this BMI indicator for each age of the child is different and even more different from the indicators of an adult, therefore this calculator must take into account both the height and the age of the child for a correct calculation (see)

Body mass index estimates:

Severe underweight : Great exhaustion of the body. Diet needs to be adjusted as directed by a physician. Underweight : Exhaustion. Diet needs to be adjusted as directed by a physician. Reduced weight : The lower limit of the norm. The child has less weight than most of his peers. Norm: Optimal ratio of height and weight. Increased weight: The upper limit of the norm. The child is somewhat heavier than most of his peers. In the future, there is a risk of gaining excess weight. Overweight : The child is overweight. It is recommended to correct the diet as prescribed by the doctor. Obesity : It is necessary to adjust the diet as prescribed by the doctor and increase the physical activity of the child. Can't be assessed : BMI readings are much higher than normal, you may have made a mistake when indicating height and weight. If the data is correct, then the child is probably severely obese and the help of an experienced doctor is needed.

Each child is individual in terms of the ratio of height and weight, this is due to genetic predispositions to a particular body constitution. But according to statistics, children of the first year of life have approximately the same anthropometric indicators, which indicates the health of the baby, proper development and nutrition.

In order to check this, it is enough to enter all the baby's data - his age, gender, and birth weight in the appropriate columns and the child's height and weight calculator will show you the result. This is quite simple and convenient, especially for those parents who tend to worry about the strong thinness of the crumbs or, which is much less common among parents, its fullness.

In addition, such a height and weight calculator can show data not only for a child up to a year old, and this is its huge advantage, since growth data for infants can be found in the table that every pediatrician has, but older children often worry relatives with their rapid growth or thin.

Online child height and weight calculator

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Child height and weight calculator - is it possible to reassure constantly doubting parents?

How to find out the weight of a child during pregnancy

On early dates pregnancy, the fetus has an increase in weight and height, the indicators of which are the same for everyone, but the closer the due date approaches, the more noticeable the difference in parameters becomes. So one baby can be born with a weight of 2.8 kg, and the second for 4 kg, while both will feel great, since such indicators depend on genetic characteristics, as well as on what kind of pregnancy. Obstetricians noted that in primiparous women under the age of 25, children have a small birth weight, while in most mothers of large families, children are born larger with each pregnancy.

Nevertheless, expectant mothers can't wait to calculate the baby's weight at birth, these calculations are easy to make using a calculator - a special program that takes into account all the indicators entered into it and gives a result, the error of which can be 50 - 100g in one direction or another, which is not significant . Before you calculate the weight of a child during pregnancy using a calculator, you need to find out your current weight and the indicators that were before pregnancy. Also, when calculating, you need to take into account how the pregnancy proceeds, if a woman has swelling, it is quite possible that the weight of the newborn will be much lower than the result of the online calculator for the weight and height of the child will show.

Norms of weight and height at birth

At the birth of a baby, it is necessary to weigh and measure its height in order to observe the increase in grams and centimeters at discharge, as well as during a monthly examination by a pediatrician. The norm at birth can be considered indicators of 2300 - 4500 g and height 45 - 60 cm, while the growth of the child depends on genetic data, as well as on the course of pregnancy. In the event that the baby in the womb did not have enough air due to the pathological course of pregnancy, or if the pregnant woman did not healthy lifestyle life, the growth of the baby can be significantly lower than it should be according to genetics.

As for weight, the nutrition of the mother during gestation is of great importance. When using high-calorie foods and not following the diet of a pregnant woman, there is a high probability of having a baby with an overabundance of kilograms, which can affect the baby's life systems, as well as complicate the birth process itself. Using the baby weight calculator during pregnancy, you can control the weight gain of the baby, for this you just need to enter data before pregnancy, indicators for today, your height and gestational age in weeks, the baby weight calculator will do the rest, indicating the approximate parameters of the baby.

Also, do not forget that the baby in the first day after birth loses about 5-10% of its initial weight in weight, since it loses a lot of excess fluid, and the baby’s stay in the outside world requires much more energy that is spent on heating it. But after discharge, the baby is gaining the prescribed grams, provided proper nutrition and care of the infant, which can be verified using the child's weight gain calculator up to a year.

Growth in height and weight in the first year of a child's life

During the first year, the baby grows by about 24 cm and gains in weight by about 8 kg from its initial indicators. The biggest increase occurs in the first four months at 600-800g, then the baby begins to actively move, try to roll over, crawl and walk, which is very energy-intensive, and the increase decreases to 400-300g per month. Calculating the weight of a child by months on a calculator, you can make sure that the baby is developing correctly or you can notice a lag in indicators in time, which may indicate a lack of milk when breastfeeding, the need to introduce complementary foods, or other, more serious pathologies or latent diseases in the baby.

The weight calculator for a child up to a year is based on growth rates within the limits defined by WHO for infants. Excessive thinness, or vice versa, a loose constitution of the body, indicates the wrong diet of the baby or a predisposition to the pathology of the constitution, in other words, if the baby has diathesis, it is possible that his indicators will be far from the norms shown by the child's weight gain calculator up to a year. Parents should not forget that an excess of kilograms in early childhood leads to complications in the work of the heart and blood vessels, and also slows down the pace of physical development of the baby, so do not overfeed children.

Deviations in growth increase indicate rare pathologies associated with abnormal functioning of the pituitary gland, but do not panic ahead of time, such a conclusion can only be made based on laboratory test data, but normally children can be short stature or higher than their peers, if the family had the same indicators.

The parameters of the height and weight of a small child allow the doctor to assess his development and correct work. internal organs and systems. A deviation from the norm indicates some kind of malfunction in the body or the need to change the baby's diet. IN infancy height and weight are extremely important parameters and are evaluated in fact and in dynamics every month.

Online weight and height calculator

In infancy, even minor changes in the development of the child matter. The online calculator will help you estimate the height and weight of the baby, taking into account his age to the nearest day. Such a system eliminates the need to constantly look for the norms of parameters and their correspondence to reality. Just one click of a button will give you a ready assessment and preliminary conclusions. The online calculator fully replaces the table used by all pediatricians, while taking into account the errors allowed for babies of different sexes.

Child height and weight calculator widget

Years 0 1 2 3 4

months 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Height and weight of the child

The pediatrician evaluates height and weight, both separately and relative to each other. For example, a normal increase in these indicators in a child up to a year is:

Age, monthsWeight gain per monthGrowth increase per month
1 600 3
2 800 3
3 800 2,5
4 750 2,5
5 700 2
6 650 2
7 600 2
8 550 2
9 500 1,5
10 450 1,5
11 400 1,5
12 350 1,5

These figures are average and may vary slightly in any direction. For a more accurate assessment of height and weight, pediatricians use centile tables, which indicate normal increases in the parameters described above, as well as intervals of deviation from the norm. In centile tables, height and weight are calculated more accurately, and they are developed separately for each gender of the child. For example, conditionally normative values ​​for the growth of a girl according to these tables look like this:

After you have found your child's indicators in the table, you look at what percentage interval they fall into. Based on the results, one of the following conclusions is made:

  1. The value falls in the range of 25-75: the absolute norm, the child develops well.
  2. 10-25: interval below average. You may need to adjust your diet. The indicator is not a serious deviation from the norm.
  3. 75-90: above average. Most likely, the deviation is caused by individual hereditary characteristics and is not a pathology.
  4. 3-10: Possible developmental problems, further examination required.
  5. 90-97: need more attention to physical development pathological process is not excluded.

Also, the parameters of height and weight are estimated relative to each other. Below is a table that checks the ratio of body weight to the height of a girl:

Reasons for fast and slow weight gain

According to the norms, by the end of the first year of life, the child adds about 7 kilograms of weight. Permissible deviations are also taken into account, but at this age they are insignificant. What if your child develops differently? What reasons can provoke too fast or slow weight gain?

Causes of slow weight gain in infants:

  1. Natural weight loss after birth. Typically, a baby loses weight in the first few days of life due to the stress of birth and adjustment to new environments. Sometimes this period can take a little longer.
  2. Incorrect chest grip. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast, he may not get enough fatty hindmilk and gain weight poorly.
  3. Use of bottles and pacifiers. Fast and infrequent feedings, which are typical for artificial feeding, lead to insufficient weight gain.
  4. Soldering. If a baby is supplemented with water, he will eat less milk and receive insufficient nutrients.
  5. Lack of mother's milk. If the mother is healthy and feeds the child on demand, she will have enough milk - this is how nature intended. Insufficient production may appear due to illness, another pregnancy, excessive physical activity supplementation with artificial mixtures.

Overweight is more common in children artificial feeding. Using mixtures, it is necessary to strictly observe the interval between feedings and dosage, taking into account the age of the child. Sometimes rapid weight gain may indicate the presence of diseases or a genetic predisposition.

The main thing that doctors pay attention to is the condition of the child. If his weight is slightly different from the norm, but the baby is active and good mood most likely nothing to worry about.

What determines the increase in growth

Normal is the growth of a newborn in the range of 46-56 cm. During the first year of life, the child makes a colossal leap in growth, increasing it by approximately 27 cm, that is, by more than 50%. As a rule, growth parameters are laid down genetically. In short and small parents, the child will be just as miniature.

If growth retardation is provoked by pathological processes, for example, a lack of growth hormone, then the developmental deviation will be noticeable immediately from birth, and can even be detected in the prenatal period. Many pathologies can be easily corrected, and with timely treatment, the child will not differ from his peers. To do this, the endocrinologist will prescribe drugs based on growth hormone, which should be periodically injected to the child.

Height, unlike weight, is difficult to influence with lifestyle or dietary changes. If the child begins to eat more, but the excess nutrients are not used up for energy production, then it will be deposited in the form of body fat. However extra centimeters it will not add to the height.

After the first year of life, a strong jump in the growth of the child will occur during puberty. Many children who were low in kindergarten or school catch up with and even overtake their peers during puberty.

Pediatricians also evaluate growth not only in absolute terms, but also in dynamics. The growth of a child older than 2 years should increase by at least 4 cm per year. In the first two years of life, this happens 2-3 times more actively.

The percentage of overweight children worldwide is increasing at an alarming rate - on average, one in three adolescents or children are now overweight or obese.

Now many children spend little time on training and outdoor games, they spend more time in front of the TV, playing video games or the computer. And in many working, busy families, parents have less free time to prepare healthy, home-cooked meals. From fast food to the computer, fast and in a hurry is the reality for many families.

Keeping children from being overweight means establishing the right diet and sports in the family, as well as useful rest together. We must include our children in a healthy lifestyle by our own example.

Is your child underweight or overweight?

World Organization Health (WHO), the US Department of Health, as well as most countries in the world for evaluation excess weight in adults and children, BMI - body mass index - is successfully used, which is based on the ratio of height and weight, and the subsequent calculation of the proportion of fat in the human body. The BMI calculation method is the development of Adolf Quetelet and for children it provides a special scheme. First you need to calculate the BMI of the child according to the general formula:

Body mass index (BMI) calculator using the Quetelet formula

Since children and adolescents are characterized by active growth and development, their BMI can change significantly over a short period of time. Therefore, the usual assessment of BMI, common in adults, is not suitable for them. In order to accurately and correctly estimate the body mass index of a child, scientists examined the ratio of mass and height of many thousands of children. And when it comes to determining whether your child's BMI is normal or out of range, comparison tables - "percentage curves", or distribution scales - with averages for children of this age and height will give you the opportunity to understand whether weight needs to be adjusted. In this way, your child's body mass index is compared to the average of thousands of other children. This approach takes into account the developmental stages that children go through in certain age groups. For example, if a child has a body mass index higher than 97% of children of the same age, then it can be concluded that the child is overweight.
This table contains information on the BMI of adolescents and children of both sexes from 2 to 20 years.

As a result, your child's BMI will fall into one of four categories:

  • Lack of weight: BMI below the 5th average (percentage curve);
  • healthy weight: BMI between 5th and 85th average;
  • Overweight: BMI between 85 and 95;
  • Obesity: BMI is in the region of 95 or higher.
For children under 2 years of age, doctors use weight-for-height charts and a thorough physical examination.

Table for estimating the weight and height of a child by BMI

At the same time, BMI is not an ideal indicator of the amount of body fat and can be misleading in some cases. For example, a heavily muscled teenager can have a high BMI without being overweight (muscle is added to body weight, not overweight). In addition, BMI can be difficult to estimate correctly during puberty, during which young people go through stages of rapid growth. In any case, it's important to remember that BMI is generally a good indicator, but it's not a direct measurement of body fat.

To establish the exact percentage of adipose tissue allows bioimpedance analysis. With the help of a certain device, a weak, safe electric current is passed through the body, changing its frequency. Various fabrics bodies have different resistance to electric current, thus, it becomes possible to calculate what proportion of the body is muscle, and what proportion is bone and fat.

If you are concerned that your child may be overweight or underweight, arrange an appointment with your primary care physician who will evaluate your diet and physical activity levels and suggest positive changes. Your doctor may also recommend prevention for certain conditions associated with being underweight or obese.

Norms of weight and height of the child by age

Table of height and weight of a child up to a year

Age Height in cm Weight in kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

1 month

49.5 cm. 51.2 cm. 54.5cm. 56.5cm. 57.3 cm. 3.3 kg. 3.6kg. 4.3kg. 5.1kg. 5.4kg.

2 month

52.6cm. 53.8cm. 57.3 cm. 59.4 cm. 60.9cm. 3.9 kg. 4.2kg. 5.1kg. 6.0kg. 6.4kg.

3 months

55.3 cm. 56.5cm. 60.0 cm. 62.0 cm. 63.8cm. 4.5kg. 4.9kg. 5.8kg. 7.0kg. 7.3kg.

4 months

57.5cm. 58.7cm. 62.0 cm. 64.5cm. 66.3 cm. 5.1kg. 5.5kg. 6.5kg. 7.6kg. 8.1kg.

5 months

59.9cm. 61.1 cm. 64.3 cm. 67cm 68.9cm. 5.6kg. 6.1kg. 7.1kg. 8.3kg. 8.8kg.

6 months

61.7cm. 63cm 66.1 cm. 69cm 71.2cm. 6.1kg. 6.6kg. 7.6kg. 9.0kg. 9.4kg.

7 months

63.8cm. 65.1 cm. 68cm 71.1 cm. 73.5cm. 6.6kg. 7.1kg. 8.2kg. 9.5kg. 9.9kg.

8 months

65.5cm. 66.8cm. 70cm 73.1 cm. 75.3 cm. 7.1kg. 7.5kg. 8.6kg. 10kg. 10.5kg.

9 months

67.3 cm. 68.2 cm. 71.3cm. 75.1 cm. 78.8cm. 7.5kg. 7.9kg. 9.1kg. 10.5kg. 11kg.

10 months

68.8cm. 69.1 cm. 73cm 76.9cm. 78.8cm. 7.9kg.
8.3kg. 9.5kg. 10.9kg. 11.4kg.

11 months

70.1 cm. 71.3cm. 74.3cm. 78cm 80.3 cm.
8.6kg. 9.8kg. 11.2kg. 11.8kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

Table of height and weight of the child by year

Height in cm Weight in kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

1 year

71.2cm. 72.3 cm. 75.5cm. 79.7cm. 81.7cm. 8.5kg. 8.9kg. 10.0kg. 11.6kg. 12.1kg.

2 years

81.3 cm. 83cm 86.8cm. 90.8 cm. 94cm 10.6kg. 11kg. 12.6kg. 14.2kg. 15.0kg.

3 years

88cm 90cm 96cm 102.0 cm. 104.5 cm. 12.1kg. 12.8kg. 14.8kg. 16.9kg. 17.7kg.

4 years

93.2 cm. 95.5 cm. 102cm. 108cm. 110.6 cm. 13.4kg. 14.2kg. 16.4kg. 19.4kg. 20.3kg.

5 years

98.9cm. 101,5 108.3 cm. 114.5 cm. 117cm. 14.8kg. 15.7kg. 18.3kg. 21.7kg. 23.4kg.

6 years

105cm. 107.7 cm. 115m 121.1 cm. 123.8cm. 16.3kg. 17.5kg. 20.4kg. 24.7kg. 26.7kg.

7 years

111cm. 113.6cm. 121.2 cm. 128cm. 130.6cm. 18kg. 19.5kg. 22.9kg. 28kg. 30.8kg.

8 years

116.3 cm. 119cm. 126.9cm. 134.5 cm. 137cm. 20kg. 21.5kg. 25.5kg. 31.4kg. 35.5kg.

9 years

121.5 cm. 124.7 cm. 133.4 cm. 140.3 cm. 143cm. 21.9kg. 23.5kg. 28.1kg. 35.1kg. 39.1kg.

10 years

126.3 cm. 129.4 cm. 137.8 cm. 146.7 cm. 149.2 cm. 23.9kg. 25.6kg. 31.4kg. 39.7kg. 44.7kg.

11 years

131.3 cm. 134.5 cm. 143.2 cm. 152.9cm. 156.2 cm. 26kg. 28kg. 34.9kg. 44.9kg. 51.5kg.

12 years

136.2 cm. 140cm. 149.2 cm. 159.5 cm. 163.5 cm. 28.2kg. 30.7kg. 38.8kg. 50.6kg. 58.7kg.

13 years

141.8 cm. 145.7 cm. 154.8 cm. 166cm. 170.7 cm. 30.9kg. 33.8kg. 43.4kg. 56.8kg. 66.0kg.

14 years

148.3 cm. 152.3 cm. 161.2 cm. 172cm 176.7 cm. 34.3kg. 38kg. 48.8kg. 63.4kg. 73.2kg.

15 years

154.6 cm. 158.6 cm. 166.8cm. 177.6 cm. 181.6 cm. 38.7kg. 43kg. 54.8kg. 70kg. 80.1kg.
Very low Short Average
very high Very low Short Average High very high

Prevention of overweight and obesity

The key to keeping kids of all ages at a healthy weight is lifestyle for the whole family. This is what is "preached" in the family. Make physical activity and healthy eating a family hobby. To make it fun for the kids too, let them help plan healthy menus and prepare meals, and take them to the grocery store so they learn how to choose healthy and healthy foods.
Don't fall into these common nutrition traps:
  • Do not reward children for good behavior and don't try to keep them from misbehaving with sweets or treats. Encouragement or punishment should not include food, there are many other effective and correct ways of education.
  • Don't Support the "Clean Plate Policy". Watch for signs that your child is hungry. Even babies who turn away from a bottle or breast report that they are full. If the children are full, do not force them to continue eating. Remind ourselves that we should only eat when we are hungry.
  • Don't talk about "unhealthy foods" and don't completely eliminate all sweets and favorite treats from the children's menu. Children are more likely to rebel and eat in large quantities these harmful foods outside the home or when parents are not seeing.


It is not easy to motivate a child for a result, he cannot be “put” on a diet. In its turn, adolescence complicated by the fact that there is a danger of self-rejection, isolation, depression, anorexia. Once you've figured out if your child needs weight management, we'd like to make some additional recommendations for kids of all ages:
  • From birth to 1 year: In addition to the well-known health benefits, breastfeeding can help prevent excessive weight gain as well. And although the exact mechanism has not yet been established, breastfed babies feel their hunger and satiety more clearly, thus protecting themselves from overeating.
  • From 1 year to 5 years: It is better to develop good habits from an early age. Help your child establish healthy eating habits by offering a variety of healthy foods. Encourage the child's natural inclination to activity and help him develop.
  • 6 to 12 years old: Keep your child physically active every day. Let it be a sports section or outdoor games in the yard. Encourage activity at home - in everyday housework and in joint games and walks on weekends. Teach your child to choose healthy and healthy foods, help him pack his own sandwiches for school.
  • 13 to 18 years old: Teenagers often lean towards fast food, but try to encourage them to eat healthier. For example, sandwiches with baked chicken meat, salads and smaller portions. Teach them how to cook delicious healthy meals and treats at home. Help them maintain physical activity every day.
  • All ages: Reduce the amount of time your child spends in front of the TV, computer and playing video games. Fight your child's habit of eating by watching TV or a computer monitor. Try to prepare and offer your child a variety of healthy foods. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with your child together. Encourage children to eat vegetables and fruits at least five times a day, limit sugary drinks, and never skip breakfast.
By eating right, exercising frequently, and incorporating healthy habits into your family's normal daily routine, you are building a healthy lifestyle for your children that they can continue to maintain. Explain to them the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition, but be sure to make it a shared family habit so that it becomes second nature to each of you.

But above all, let your children know that you love them regardless of their weight, and your main desire is to help them be happy and healthy.
