Female sexuality through the eyes of a man. Beautiful neck What can be done with a female neck

m. Then the neck gives us away - after all, it is also a kind of indicator of age. As well as on the face, wrinkles and folds appear on it over the years, a second chin forms, the skin of the cheekbones sags. Moreover, the aging processes on the neck are more pronounced than on the face and immediately rush into. That is why it is so important that she does not betray you! We will talk about how to do this in the article “Beautiful female neck: neck skin care at home” on our website.
To prevent your beautiful neck from aging ahead of time, you need to start caring for it from the age of 25. If you understand that your female neck requires the same careful care, care and attention as your face, you are almost guaranteed success. About how to take care of this part of the body, to preserve youth and beauty, I will try to tell you.

Daily neck care

In the morning, after washing, start rinsing your neck, first with hot (not much), and then with cold water. Start with 1-2 douches, then work up to 10 contrast rinses.
It is more convenient to do this with a flexible shower. After the procedure, blot the skin with a towel, wipe with tonic or natural cucumber juice. Then apply a suitable cream for your skin. In the summer, try to use a cream with UV protection.

In the evening, when removing makeup from your face, do not forget about your neck. Clean it from dust and dirt accumulated during the day with a cotton pad dipped in cosmetic milk or cream. Then wipe with tonic and apply night nutritious cream.
It must be remembered that modern cleansing cosmetical tools Can be used on both face and neck at the same time. But the cream you use for facial skin care is not always suitable for the delicate skin of the neck.
Therefore, it is better to purchase a product specially designed for her and the décolleté zone, since such a cream really has a pronounced effect. Currently, such products are produced by French, Swiss and Spanish pharmacists and are intended for beauty salons.

If you cannot buy a separate cream, then in any beauty salon, a pharmacy or a specialty cosmetic store will recommend a comprehensive care product. Now on sale there are very good products for the face and neck, including Russian and Belarusian production.
When caring for your neck daily, do not forget O special masks and peeling. They are best done weekly (masks - 3-4 times a week). They are best used in the evening when the skin is cleansed and relaxed. After you have done the peeling, or removed the mask, do not forget to wipe your neck with tonic again and apply the cream. Try not to stretch the skin, do all the manipulations with light touches with your fingertips. Direct hand movements from the center of the neck to its lateral surface and do not forget about the neckline.
After the procedure, choose 10-15 minutes of your time and do simple but very effective exercises specifically designed to prevent aging of this part of the body.

Gymnastics for the neck

First exercise. Fold your lips into a tube and stretch them out. After that, stretching the sound, pronounce the letters "O-U-I." This exercise will help to strengthen the broad muscle of the neck.

Second exercise. Put a mirror in front of you. Place the fingers of the left hand just below the collarbone, and place the right palm on the chin, holding it. Then lower the corners of the lips down and at the same time tighten the muscles of the neck and chin. Watch yourself in the mirror.
You will see how the muscles tense up, and the skin on the neck rises up. Tighten the muscle and relax it. Give these two exercises 10-15 minutes a day, but do them daily. In a month you will notice the first results.
And, of course, we must not forget about masks to preserve the youthfulness of the neck. They can be prepared and used at home.
Nourishing Egg Mask

In a glass cup, mix 1 raw egg yolk and 1 tsp. liquid bee honey. Add 2-3 drops olive oil and 1/4 tsp. rye (buckwheat, rice) flour. Rub everything thoroughly and apply to thoroughly cleansed neck skin. Lie down, relaxing for half an hour, and then rinse everything with warm water.

Potato mask

Boil potatoes in their skins. Peel and mash well with a fork while still hot. Then add raw yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1/4 tsp. glycerin and olive oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth and apply to the skin. Cover with gauze folded in several layers from above. In 20 minutes. rinse with warm water and rub with an ice cube.

Cardinal methods of rejuvenation

Of course, in addition to popular home care products, you can carry out a more radical and faster neck rejuvenation. For this there is plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine. The method of rejuvenation and tightening of the skin of the neck will be recommended to you by a specialist individually.
The lift may consist of the most different methods. For example, liposuction, cervicoplasty, platysmaplasty are used.
Almost always, liposuction is performed, removing excess body fat. With the help of cercoplasty, excess skin is removed, and with the help of platysmaplasty, the muscles of the neck are tightened.

The surgeon, during examination and consultation, decides whether to apply one or all three methods of skin tightening. In most cases, the neck is rejuvenated using a set of face and body lift procedures.
Which method will help make your neck more beautiful and help restore its youth, it's up to you to choose.

Svetlana, ya-baby.net

Let's be frank. Despite what men may talk about two-factor authentication and independent locking differential, we are essentially one-celled beings. Moreover, this only functioning cell is occupied with thoughts about sex. The common myth that men think about sex every 7 seconds is probably some exaggeration. However, not strong. To be surprised at this, to try to understand and, moreover, to change, is like fighting windmills. We men are primitive and have learned to live with it. You just have to use this fact to your advantage.

So, today we will talk about what a woman evokes in men, if you will, the greatest response. In the realities of the beginning of the twenty-first century. Fishnet stockings and deep cleavage are tools of seduction, albeit not so distant, but of the past. The world has changed, it has become simpler in some places, more democratic in others, time passes faster, books are replaced by blogs, letters by tweets. Distances between men and women are also shrinking. Let's go over the stops along the way. Remaining within the boundaries of known territories. What is appropriate on the pages of glossy men's magazines is extremely rarely applicable in Everyday life. Otherwise, we would all walk around in underwear, only occasionally allowing ourselves to wear something more, such as a necklace.


The first thing we see in a person is his face. And consequently, the surrounding space. In particular, hair. Not really (or rather, not at all) clothes. But they provide you women with two unique opportunities.

The first is the opportunity for a man to run his hand into them. Men love not only with their eyes, but also with their hands. That is why forget about varnishes, mousses and gels. Men perceive cosmetics as a barrier. Believe it or not, we prefer to see you and have you in in kind. The likelihood of your lipstick being imprinted on our face is what stands between a pat on the shoulder and a kiss.

The second possibility is to lift the hair up, exposing the neck. I can’t explain why we men are so attractive to a naked female neck, but it’s a fact that it’s pointless to deny. An underestimated part of the female body that requires more attention than it receives. The only disadvantage of this gesture is its excessive obviousness. Nothing screams "sex" like a woman pulling her hair up.

Worthy of special mention glasses. If you are not lucky enough to have eagle vision, then you compare favorably with your more sharp-sighted colleagues by the full right to wear glasses. It is they who endow the image with innocence and intelligence at the same time, they are the strongest stimulant. Who would have thought.

Going lower

Yes, female breasts. You knew that sooner or later, it was bound to be about her. Only an attempt to maintain the appearance of a civilized conversation led me to place it as the second point.

And again, contrary to stereotypes, the size of the chest for a man does not matter much. The female breast is probably the only part of the body that cannot be ugly. Believe me, the very fact of its presence pleases us and inspires us to exploits. It is enough for you to indicate and emphasize this presence. How? Find strength in yourself get rid of the bra. This one step will bear more fruit than the rest of the text as a whole and turn you into a weapon of mass destruction. The main thing at the same time is to behave as if you do not understand how the commotion began in the behavior of the men around you.

Speaking of underwear. Oddly enough, it does not have to be complicated and pretentious. Men can turn on even such a thing as mismatched underwear. As a note of negligence and a reason to think that sex was not part of your plans, and only our irresistibility violated these plans. I find it strange that the myth of lace lingerie and intricate combinations as symbols of a seductive wardrobe has appeared. It was invented by women who are poorly versed in men. And comparable in terms of uselessness with the amounts that you, ladies, spend monthly on decorative cosmetics.

The negligence mentioned above, the accessible simplicity, it is worth noting, run like a red thread through all the stops of today's conversation. And if we are talking about breasts, then a T-shirt or T-shirt, a light and thin tight-fitting sweater will bring the statistics of our thoughts about sex closer to 7 seconds much faster than any “small black dress or what else women mistake for classic sexy outfits.

Do not misunderstand me. Dresses are a worthy and time-tested ally of women. I just want to offer a different point of view. The fact that the territory of temptation today is much wider than the exquisite outfits of Bond girls.

Lower "ninety"

As you probably already understood, female sexuality for men is an extremely straightforward thing. Therefore, it is quite logical that they are the next number of the program - the lower "ninety". Which, unlike the top ones, alas, require care and proper treatment from their owners in order to remain at the desired level of attractiveness. Harsh but common truth. Those who are not so lucky with the part of the body under discussion may prefer skirts. They hide the shortcomings of your fifth points of support, sit well on any figures and forgive the possible flaws of the latter.

If you are confident in yourself and your body, then you can safely wear trousers. At the top of our sexy hit parade - skinny jeans, skinny pants and leggings. As a mathematical maximum, the culmination of a seductive feminine wardrobe. Boiling point. The point when a woman wearing yoga pants knows exactly what she looks like from behind and intends to share this knowledge with others. Risky if you ask me, but works flawlessly.

By the way, you may be surprised, but what about shoes, shoes? No, they are not forgotten. We just don't care about your shoes. Shoes, sneakers, boots, boots - we don't care. The sexuality of hairpins is another myth that was invented by those who saw men only in pictures.

A similar story with the legs, too overrated for its contribution to female sexuality, part of the body. Gained its popularity back in the days when sex was a social taboo. And a woman, except for her arms and legs, was not allowed to demonstrate anything more. Apparently, Carrying out, which was then responsible for fashion, tossed a coin and decided: “Well, let there be legs.” So they became a sex symbol.

Instead of a postscript

As I write these lines, the Internet has taken over a video in which a young woman walks around Manhattan with a hidden camera all day long.

As a man, this video shocked me. So much so that I ask: is this an exclusively American phenomenon? Or in our open spaces for a woman who does not hide her sexuality, walking the streets is the same struggle for equanimity and a test for her self-esteem?

Photo: pinterest.com, tumblr.com.

Today, probably, there is not a single woman who would not take care of her facial skin - we all wipe our faces with tonic, moisturize the skin with creams, pamper her with masks once or twice a week, etc. However, many ladies often forget about the neck, so it is she who gives out their true age or, worse, throws on a few more years.

A beautiful female neck is long, thin, smooth, without a single wrinkle. Such a neck is called a swan. Yes, not each of us is lucky to be the owner of a long neck, but any woman can make this part of the body slim and smooth. Sweaters with a throat are, of course, good, but only in cold weather - in the summer we want to wear blouses and T-shirts that open the neck and décolleté. And you need to make sure that they look young in advance. So, let's be patient - and we will drive folds and wrinkles from the neck into three necks! What should be proper care behind the neck at home?

Neck Care: Daily Treatments

The skin of the neck, no less than the skin of the face, needs to be cleansed, moisturized and nourished. The neck should be washed with cool water with facial foam. After washing, the skin should be wiped with a tonic and a light moisturizer should be applied. In the evening, the skin of the neck must again be cleaned with a tonic and massaged into it with a nourishing cream.

Important! The skin on the neck is always dry, so use creams and tonics only for dry or normal skin.

Lotion for the skin of the neck can be prepared independently - for this you should grate a fresh cucumber, pour it with a small amount of vodka (for one medium cucumber - 3-4 tablespoons of vodka). Close the dishes, wrap and leave to brew for several days, then strain and store in the refrigerator. Such a lotion perfectly cleanses the skin and whitens it - in a word, it makes the neck look like a swan.

Neck and decollete care: massage

Systematic cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition may not be enough to make the neck smooth. In that case, you should resort to massage. It has excellent effect neck massage with massage brush- 1-3 times a week should be done for 5 minutes circular motions brush in the direction from the chest to the chin. Don't forget about the neckline. The skin will become scarlet and hot. It is better to massage in the evening, after the skin has already been cleansed. At the end of the massage, it will be wonderful to rub a rich nourishing cream into the skin of the neck and décolleté. For massage, you can use a soft household brush, a massage mitt, a terry mitten or a hard terry towel.

Useful and water massage for the neck. While showering, apply a strong stream of cool water to the neck and chin area and massage for a minute or two - this light massage, if done regularly, will also benefit.

Neck and décolleté care: contrast treatments

The neck and décolleté love contrasting treatments. If there are deep folds on the neck, a contrast compress will help. To do this, prepare an infusion of chamomile, mint or rosemary. Pour hot infusion into one bowl, and pour cold water into another and salt it (1 tsp salt per glass of water).

Gauze or a soft cloth must first be moistened in a hot infusion and applied to the neck for a while or wrapped around. Spread the second hot napkin on the décolleté area. Take off after about three minutes. hot compress from the skin. New napkin soak in cold water and apply to the neck and décolleté for half a minute. Alternate hot and cold compresses at least three times. Contrasting treatments make the skin visibly firmer and prevent sagging.

Neck and décolleté care: compresses

Sometimes you can make a cream compress - to do this, apply a rich nourishing cream to the cleansed skin of the neck and décolleté, wrap it with compression paper or film, then wrap it with a towel or handkerchief. After half an hour, remove the compress, wipe the skin with lotion.

Also effective salt compress. In cold salty water (1 tsp per glass of water), dampen gauze or soft tissue paper, slightly squeeze and put on the neck for a few minutes. After the compress is removed, apply a nourishing cream. Such a procedure, if performed 1-2 times a week, will relieve fine wrinkles and make the skin supple.

Fruits to nourish the skin of the neck and décolleté

The skin of the neck likes not only contrasting procedures, but also fruits. Pamper your neck with banana, kiwi, orange and other fruits - just wipe the skin with a slice of fruit, and after a few minutes rinse with water and apply a moisturizer. Such fruit drinks can be made every day.

Banana masks are good for the skin of the neck and décolleté - you need to mash the banana into a pulp, add a little honey or essential oil orange, rose and/or rosemary. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin. Wash off with cool water after half an hour.

Neck Care: Salon Treatments

If no neck care procedures performed at home help, feel free to go to the salon for mesotherapy or acid peeling. Mesotherapy is the introduction of biococktails and vitamins into the skin. This procedure stimulates metabolic processes and seems to turn back the clock, making a woman young and beautiful again. But before you decide on mesotherapy, you should try chemical peeling, which will have a deep exfoliating effect. The result of this procedure will be an increase in skin elasticity, its noticeable rejuvenation. Perhaps, after several peeling procedures, you will not need mesotherapy.

Neck care: prevention is better than cure

Wrinkles and folds on the neck, like any other trouble, are easier to prevent. Watch how you walk. Does the tip of the nose point to the floor, and does the chin almost rest on the chest? Then it is not surprising that you have folds and wrinkles. Right now, sit up straight, straighten your shoulders, lift your chest and head. Walk like this - then there will be no wrinkles on your neck for a very long time, and your gait will be distinguished by grace. Also keep track of how and on what you sleep? On a huge, fluffy pillow? Try to sleep without it. If it’s not at all comfortable, get a flat pillow, and soon your neck will become smooth and slender, like a swan’s.

Since the time of the beautiful Nefertiti, the swan's long neck has been an indisputable sign of the beauty and pride of a woman. But what if the neck is short: is it possible to lengthen the neck and get closer to the desired standard?

Bust of Nifertiti - the ideal of a long and beautiful neck

To begin with, however, it is worth understanding the terminology. How to determine the length of the neck, how many cm long is considered long, how long is short, and when can the expression average neck length be used?

How long should the neck be

Of course, there is no need to talk about any calculations in centimeters. The length of the neck - like all other parts of the body - depends on the height and overall proportions of the figure.

The German anthropologist Julius Kolman at the beginning of the last century concluded that if we take the entire height of a proportionally folded person as 100 units, then the height of the head should be 13 parts, the height of the head with the neck 20 parts. That is, the neck makes up 7% of our height.

But, of course, these indicators are “the average temperature in the hospital”: a lot depends on the type of human constitution. In people of thin-boned asthenic type, the neck is thinner and longer than in normosthenics, and in people of broad-boned type, on the contrary, it is shorter.

The length of the neck is the distance from the angle of the lower jaw to the middle of the collarbone.

In addition, a long neck in women is much more common than in men - and there are historical reasons for this, which Ivan Efremov perfectly described in the novel "The Razor's Edge":

“A slender long neck adds a lot to the beauty of a woman, but in a man it is perceived differently at all - rather, as something slightly painful. The neck of a man must be middle length and thick enough to firmly support the head in combat, to carry heavy loads. woman in her own way ancient nature- the guard, and her long neck gives great flexibility, speed of head movements - again, the aesthetic feeling coincides with expediency.

There is a special test with which you can measure the length of the neck and determine whether the neck is too short or too long in men. The proportion is considered ideal when the depression (where the chin goes into the neck) is four fingers away from the protruding bones of the collarbones. If the distance is greater - the neck is considered long, if less - short.

In a word, ideal length it is impossible to calculate the neck in centimeters, you should not even try. Much better to use harmonizing approach Andrey Iskornev, according to which the beauty of a person is not in the beauty of individual parts of his body, but in how harmoniously they correlate with each other.

Photos "before" and "after"

Neck lift, result before and 12 hours after! After the operation: the oval and contour of the lower jaw are emphasized, the jowls are corrected, the second chin disappears, the chin does not sag when the head is tilted! Performed by the surgeon: .

Performed facelift-smas, lipofilling, face, co2-lifting. Before and 9 days after. Performed by the surgeon:.

Hollywood plastic neck. The photos were taken "before" and 7 days later "after". Surgeon: .

Neck lift using dynamic platysmaplasty - the chin will not sag even when tilted. Result 10 hours after surgery. There is swelling and markings. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Platysmaplasty with Medpor chin implant. The photos were taken "before" and 12 days later "after". Surgeon: .

Neck lift, "before" and 12 hours "after" result. Author's technique. Performed by the surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Platysmaplasty. Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

The operation was performed by Iskornev A.A.

Platysmaplasty. Surgeon - Andrey Iskornev.

Causes of a short neck

We will surprise you: it often happens that men and women with a short neck are not at all. Indeed, visually, the length of the neck depends on many factors, among which its anatomical length is far from the first place.

So, why is the neck short or, to be more precise, looks short?

First reason- posture.

Surely you have repeatedly paid attention to the swan necks of beauties from portraits of the 18th and 19th centuries. Have you forgotten to look at their straight backs, proud head carriage and sloping shoulders? Lowered shoulders will immediately visually add a few centimeters to your neck. But the raised shoulders and stoop “eat up” the same few centimeters.

Correct posture makes the neck longer

A very revealing example of how the position of the shoulders and head - that is, posture - changes the perception of the length of the neck, is given by the famous women of the Padaung people, who have been wearing brass rings around their necks since childhood. An adult woman can have up to two dozen such rings, and her neck becomes incredibly long.

But the secret is that anatomically, the neck itself does not change its length!

The rings deform the upper thoracic region, lowering the shoulders and collarbones, and on the other hand, they teach their owner to constantly live with their chin held high. The result is the longest female neck on planet Earth.

The neck of a Padaung woman is no longer than ours with you.

Of course, no one is suggesting you use the padaung method. We suggest you just remember to keep your shoulders down and your chin up. The miniature device Lumo Lift will help with this. It attaches to your lapel and vibrates when you slouch.

The second reason, according to which the neck seems shorter than it is - this is overweight.

Third reason- age-related changes.

Fourth reason- congenital anatomical features.

Removal of Bish's lumps, chin arthroplasty with Porex implant (USA), laser liposuction of the chin, thread lifting of the lower third of the face. Surgeon - Iskornev A.A.

Expert comment:

Can something be done about this problem? You can, and we will tell you about all the means known to us. Only one thing is impossible: to really increase the neck in length! Neither will cope with this task folk methods, nor medicine. But to make the neck visually longer is quite possible.

Clothing: how to make your neck longer without doing anything with it

You can visually lengthen your neck with the right clothes. To do this, it is worth remembering one single rule: when deciding what to wear, we say “yes” to vertical lines, “no” to horizontal ones.

How does this manifest itself in practice?

Suitable blouses and dresses, in which the neckline is directed along vertical lines. The ideal option is a V-shaped neckline, visually stretching, lengthening the neck. Her lines are well emphasized by a turn-down large collar, the lapels of an unbuttoned jacket. Feel free to use scarves, kerchiefs, scarves that fall freely from the shoulders. But cutouts with a boat and a square, collars under the throat should not be worn. However, for cold days there is such a simple option: we combine a light turtleneck with a high neck with a dark unbuttoned jacket or jacket, the lapels of which will create the necessary vertical.

In addition to clothes, women have invaluable helpers, the importance of which cannot be underestimated: these are jewelry and hairstyle. The rule is the same: vertical yes, horizontal no. We choose chains and necklaces that freely lie on the chest, put off chains and beads under the throat, necklace-collars. Long earrings elongate the neck - they can be perfectly used. But gypsy hoop earrings are better for someone to give.

If we talk about the hairstyle, then the open neck looks longer, so we say a resolute "yes" short haircuts, high beams and ponytails. In our case, long flowing hair also looks good (the vertical works, which helps to hide a short neck). But low tails, baskets and classic braids from the base of the neck should not be done - with them the neck will look shorter.

How to lengthen your neck with exercises

If in the literal sense of the word it is impossible to stretch the neck, then the posture can be corrected.

Our goal is a straight back, lowered shoulders. In order to understand what to pay attention to, listen to the advice of professional choreographers: the crown should always go up, and the shoulders and shoulder blades should go down. This creates not only beautiful lines female figure, proud posture and confident gait. This position makes the neck open and long.

Of course, correcting your posture takes a lot of time, but it's worth it - and not just for the sake of making your neck thin and long.

In addition to working on posture, there are special exercises for a long neck, which can be performed quite calmly at home.

These exercises are the usual stretching: turning and tilting the head. With their daily performance, the neck will really become visually longer. Do your exercises very carefully. First stretch your neck, warm up your muscles. Do not bring to pain, only pleasant tension should be felt. Do not rush: all tilts and turns of the neck are best done.

Be careful. When tilting your head to the sides, make sure that the ear drops to the shoulder, and not the shoulder rises to the ear - the second option will lead to the same excessive “bullying” of the shoulders.

Doctor, I want a long neck

But what about medicine? Are there quick and reliable medical ways to lengthen a short neck?

Who does not know where our female neck grows from? It's obvious - from the neckline! And the answer from the point of view of anatomy will be useful to us a little later, when we talk about the structure of the décolleté and neck areas, the processes that occur with them and how to save them.

"Pillow around the neck"

Such a disadvantage as a "pillow" located at the base of the neck, today it occurs not only in older women, but also in young girls. There can be two reasons for its appearance in youth: hormonal disorders and the incorrect position of the seventh vertebra.

With the first problem, you should contact the endocrinologist, and the second is caused by weakness of the neck muscles. Due to the fact that the vertebrae became incorrect, the venous drainage was disturbed, which caused stagnation and accumulation of fluid. Then there were changes in the subcutaneous fat and the "pillow" began to grow.

By the way, a similar problem can be caused by directly opposite phenomena - hypertonicity of the neck and shoulder muscles. It usually occurs due to improper sitting or walking.

To solve the problem of the appearance of a "pillow", you should learn to redistribute the load and keep your back. For advice, it is better to go to specialists: masseurs, chiropractors, or at least a salon with mud and mineral baths to improve blood circulation in the problem area and relax muscles. There is no need to urgently start doing intense exercises with turns and tilts, because this is fraught with complications of the situation.

Neck muscles

Oddly enough, but the neck is the most vulnerable part of the female body. Despite a strong frame of seven vertebrae, strong muscles and semi-movable joints between the vertebrae, it is very vulnerable. And all because the muscles are located on the back of the neck, and there are very few of them in front, which completely deprives support especially delicate skin in front.

Due to the different location and multidirectional muscle contraction, transverse folds are formed on the skin, however, for the same reason, it has increased elasticity. In addition, a small amount of sebaceous glands in the neck reduces the protective functions of the skin. And how many additional problems do we deliver to our neck? And we read lying down, and we stoop, and we sleep on a high pillow, and we sit incorrectly. Well, genetic features also leave their mark on it.

Neck care

For all of the above reasons, the skin on the neck quickly becomes wrinkled. becomes dry and lethargic. And it is difficult to help her, because the nerve endings and the thyroid gland are located very close under the skin. Therefore, they try not to use hardware methods of influence or use it very limitedly.

Turning to plastic surgeons also does little to help - a neck lift is quickly lost, because the skin is very mobile. It turns out that the entire responsibility for preserving the beauty of our neck lies with us!
So let's get down to business. Only carefully - without extreme impacts and sudden movements. Here is a list of what our neck loves:

Unobtrusive, even gentle cleansing of the neck

It is especially necessary if you regularly apply tonal creams. We assume that our skin on the neck is either dry or normal. Most suitable means- Soft, soap-free. For sensitive skin, cosmetic milk is best.

It needs to be spread over the skin with light movements (do not stretch, and do not pull!) and blot with cotton pads or napkins.

Sometimes for the skin of the neck it is necessary to carry out peeling procedures. To do this, choose preparations with gommages or fruit acids.

Protection, nutrition and hydration of the neck

All care products must prevent the appearance of wrinkles, replenish lipid deficiencies in the skin, protect against ultraviolet radiation and smooth out existing wrinkles. To do this, the preparations should contain active ingredients: retinol, vegetable oils, urea, honey, extracts of ginseng, walnut, silicon derivatives, solar filters, vitamins F and E.

Such creams are applied by patting very soft movements or smoothing
(gentle, without pressure!) in the direction from the chin to the décolleté. Do neck masks no more than twice a week. Suitable and lifting, and nourishing, and moisturizing.

Of course it's better to buy special means for the neck, but cosmetics for the face or body can also be used. Just do not use drying and matting products designed for oily skin.

Soft and light self-massage of the neck

Pat the skin with the pads of your fingers morning and evening. During the shower, you can carry out a jet of water in a circular motion. A contrast shower is also allowed, but remember that the water should not be very cold or very hot. In stores you can find special massage rollers for the neck. They are made from semi-precious stones or tree. It is very good to have them not only at home, but also at work.

Text - Anna Serebryakova
