Bandage belt after childbirth. Whether or not a postpartum bandage is needed: how to choose and wear a postpartum bandage

The main cause for concern for all women who have given birth is an enlarged belly after childbirth. The situation is aggravated by the fact that young mothers are not recommended to immediately start physical exercises, and they want to return their former harmony as quickly as possible. Many doctors today recommend wearing a postpartum bandage. But the opinions of experts on this issue are ambiguous. There are doctors who are strongly against the use of this subject. How to be? Wear a bandage, if so, how much or is it harmful? Consider all the pros and cons.

What is a bandage

A bandage is a device that is designed to support the abdominal muscles and prevent skin from sagging. Today, there are several varieties of this item on sale. You can purchase a bandage belt, bandage shorts and trousers or bandage panties. All these elements of the women's wardrobe are equipped with a dense elastic insert that tightens the stomach and prevents weak abdominal muscles from sagging.

However, the bandage is not only postpartum. This medical belt is used to fix different parts of the body in the postoperative period and during pregnancy to maintain the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Wearing corsets should be prescribed by a doctor, as they have some contraindications.

Contraindications for postpartum corset

Postpartum bandage, despite its effectiveness, has a number of contraindications. So, for example, it cannot be worn by women with stitches in the perineum, mothers suffering from kidney disease or gastrointestinal diseases.

With stitches in the crotch, this item is prohibited due to the possibility inflammatory processes. Many doctors claim that the corset impairs blood circulation in the peritoneum, which makes the stitches heal much more slowly and can become inflamed.

Pulling worsens the outflow of fluid, which can lead to its stagnation and inflammatory processes.

In some women, the product may cause allergic reactions. If you notice irritation or a rash on the skin of the abdomen, you should immediately stop wearing this device.

Acne in women after childbirth and during breastfeeding

Diseases such as chronic constipation, intestinal inflammation, stomach ulcers or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract also put a ban on wearing a corset.

Indications for use

C-section. As you know, postpartum sutures from a caesarean section require maximum rest from a young mother. However, a woman cannot be idle and just lie down, waiting for the stitches to heal. Mom has a lot to do and be in time. The child requires constant attention and care. In order to minimize the load on the seams, you can use a corset, but only if there are no contraindications and after consulting a doctor. How long to wear the product will also be determined by the doctor.

Diseases of the spine. Often a brace is recommended to be worn to keep the back in the correct position. If a woman after childbirth feels pain in the lower back caused by sciatica, osteochondrosis or scoliosis, a corset can be worn to alleviate the condition. Strong stretching of the skin of the abdomen after childbirth. Some doctors strongly recommend wearing a bandage to prevent sagging of the abdomen after childbirth. However, there is also an opinion to the contrary. Before deciding to purchase a bandage, consult with your doctor and find out his opinion on the advisability of buying.

How and when to wear a corset

Usually, even in the maternity hospital, during the first examination after childbirth, the doctor may recommend the use of a corset, if there are direct indications for this. If there are no clear indications, and a woman wants to speed up the restoration of her figure with the help of this device, she must ask herself how much and how to wear a bandage after childbirth.

If the doctor has not forbidden you to wear a bandage, you should wear it immediately after childbirth. You don't have to wear a corset all the time.

Every 3-4 hours, the product must be removed and rested for 30 minutes.

Also, the corset must be removed during a night's sleep. Leaving the bandage overnight is highly discouraged, as this can provoke fluid stagnation in the pelvic area, and disrupt the blood circulation of the abdominal organs.

It is best to put on the bandage in the supine position. Make sure that there are no large folds of skin under the corset, this can cause discomfort.

Regarding the period of wearing a corset, this is an individual question. Firstly, the attending physician can determine how long to wear a corset if you had certain indications for using a bandage. If you decide to use the corset yourself, then the period of wearing should not exceed six weeks.

How to choose a postpartum corset

Today, there is a huge selection of corsets on sale. There are bandages both universal and special. Consider the most popular models:

  • Belt. This model is designed to be worn both during pregnancy and after childbirth. The corset looks like a ribbon wide in the middle and tapering towards the edges. During the bearing of a child, this product is worn with the narrow side forward, after childbirth, vice versa.
  • Panties. This type of bandage is the most popular. Ease of use and good effect make this model especially loved by young mothers.
  • Shorts. This model pulls not only the stomach, but also the buttocks, as well as the hips. This model is shown to women who scored big weight during pregnancy and want to quickly return to their former forms.

After abdominal surgery, doctors most often recommend purchasing slimming panties. They perfectly support the sutures and reduce the load on the operated peritoneum.

The main thing when choosing a corset is to strictly follow the size chart. The bandage after childbirth should not strongly tighten the stomach. A corset that is too weak will not do any good either. Prior to childbirth, the product is usually recommended for women who are likely to have a miscarriage or multiple pregnancies. In this case, the corset helps to keep the uterus in the correct position and reduces the risk of premature birth. The prenatal bandage should have several fasteners that regulate the size. This will allow you to use the product throughout your pregnancy.

Interestingly, before the advent of factory-made products, our mothers and grandmothers used an ordinary sheet or towel instead of a postpartum corset.

They bandaged the stomach tightly and thereby created the effect of a bandage.

When and where to start exercising after childbirth

Bandage is not a panacea

A bandage after childbirth is, of course, a convenient thing, but it should be remembered that in postpartum period It is important to make time for physical activity. If you have no contraindications, you need to start doing it in 2-3 weeks special exercises. Regular exercise will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, and recovery will go much faster.

Many women complain about the inconvenience of the postpartum corset.

The question of when you can start wearing a postpartum bandage is of interest to many young mothers. Such elastic belts do not have serious contraindications for use and help a woman recover faster. Therefore, in most cases, they can be worn immediately after childbirth. Only if this is a personal initiative, and not a doctor's recommendation, it is worth knowing a few important nuances.

Choosing the right postpartum bandage is easy. All models of these products can be divided into 2 types: some are designed for recovery after difficult childbirth, others affect a specific muscle group.

The size should be selected the same as the woman had before pregnancy. The exception is situations when, after childbirth, a young mother has greatly recovered, gaining more than 12 kg. In this case, the bandage will need to be several sizes larger.

The elastic waistband is suitable for those women who are recovering from a difficult childbirth. It can also help prevent the development of an intervertebral hernia, because during pregnancy, the spine in the lumbar region is subjected to excessive stress.

The postpartum bandage helps speed up the recovery process after childbirth and facilitate the overall well-being of the young mother. When wearing the product, the peritoneum, external walls and internal organs, especially the uterus, are well pulled in, and all this is fixed in the correct position. It is possible to achieve positive results:

  • The uterus after childbirth begins to shrink many times faster, gradually returning to its previous size;
  • Postpartum bleeding does not increase, but, on the contrary, stops much earlier than usual;
  • The abdomen is significantly reduced in a short time;
  • The abdominal muscles are restored to their previous state, they become as elastic as they were before the birth of the child;
  • There is no crease on the abdomen, the skin does not sag.

Supportive corset brings maximum benefit those women who cannot boast of naturally elastic muscles. It also provides lumbar support. This is especially important for problems with the spine or back, since during pregnancy they can become very aggravated due to a sharply increased load on the lower back.

According to the observations of experts, in women who wear a postpartum bandage, the sutures heal faster, while the risk of their divergence is significantly reduced. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend wearing the product to those who have had a caesarean section.

It is also important that with the constant wearing of a supporting corset, the pain decreases, and in general the woman feels much better.


The postpartum bandage can be an elastic belt, shorts or a corset made of a very dense pulling material. Such products provide support for the abdomen and abdominal organs. A postpartum bandage is intended to restore the skin on the surface of the abdomen and prevent. Yet, despite all the positive effects, some women are not recommended to use such a product.

Contraindications for wearing a postpartum bandage are as follows:

  • kidney disease, causing a variety of edema;
  • certain types of sutures after a caesarean section;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Doctors do not recommend making the decision to wear a postpartum bandage on their own, especially for those women who have had a caesarean section. You should first consult with a specialist, and he will already express his expert opinion on the advisability of using a supporting corset in a particular case.

What do the doctor's say?

It is recommended to wear a postpartum bandage with maximum relaxation of the abdominal muscles. This can be achieved by lying on your back. Putting on an elastic belt, the skin on the abdomen under it must be straightened with your hands, because after childbirth it remains quite flabby for some time.

There are no clear restrictions on the time of wearing a postpartum bandage. In most cases, skin elasticity is fully restored within 2-2.5 months after the birth of the child. Until this moment, it is better not to remove the bandage at all, making an exception only for washing. It is also recommended to sleep in an elastic belt or corset. It is advisable to purchase 2 postpartum bandages so that you can always put on a second one while the first one is being washed.

It is possible to put on a supporting corset from the moment when a young mother begins to walk, but it is recommended to coordinate this with a gynecologist. Periodically, it is worth removing the product for 2-3 hours. This will allow both the woman herself, who has recently given birth, and the skin on her stomach, to rest and relax a little.

Consultation from an obstetrician-gynecologist with 30 years of experience


Many women, even at the stage of pregnancy, think about whether they will be able to restore their former beautiful and slender forms after the birth of a baby. The way out of this situation may lie not only in physical activity and gymnastics.

There is a bandage after childbirth - special elastic clothing that helps maintain the muscles of the abdomen and uterus for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. It effectively removes additional load from the spine, reduces back pain, brings the tummy back to normal, restores muscle tone, supports them, and fixes the seams during caesarean section. However, there are different points of view on its wearing, both among doctors and among the inhabitants. Someone considers it very necessary, someone - useless, and someone - harmful. What is the truth?

The question of whether it is necessary to wear a bandage after childbirth is decided solely with the doctor, since this device is not so much cosmetic as medical. Therefore, in certain cases, wearing it is simply necessary, and in some it is contraindicated. Indications for its constant wearing after the birth of the baby are:

  • strong (usually after cesarean);
  • curvature of the spine, sciatica, scoliosis, which become aggravated after childbirth due to the increased load;
  • sagging belly;
  • reduced tone of the muscular corset;
  • stretch marks;
  • however, most young mothers know only one function of this device, why wear a bandage after childbirth: to regain their previous shape, slender outlines of the figure.

If a woman finds these problems in herself, she should consult a doctor if a bandage is needed after childbirth in her case. After examination and questioning, he will suggest the right decision and even advise one or another type of this device, which will be the most effective and useful for her. However, such diseases and complications can also be found that serve as contraindications for wearing it.

Keep in mind that...

Not always C-section can serve as an indication for wearing corrective slimming postpartum underwear. On the contrary, it serves as a contraindication in the case of longitudinal or other non-standard types of seams.


In some cases, the doctor will prohibit the woman from wearing tight underwear, but at the same time he must explain why it is impossible to wear a bandage after childbirth, specifically in her case. The fact is that it can aggravate the course of some diseases and not improve, but worsen the condition of a young mother. Contraindications for its use are:

  • , since the bandage disrupts blood circulation, and the seams can heal for too long and even become inflamed;
  • swelling due to kidney disease;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy to the fabric from which the bandage is made;
  • skin diseases.

In all these cases, wearing a bandage after childbirth is prohibited, as it can harm. Due to ignoring these contraindications and unwillingness to consult a doctor, negative reviews and opponents of this device appear. However, subject to medical recommendations, the bandage cannot have any negative effect.

Slimming with a bandage

Most women are interested in the question of whether the bandage helps to remove the stomach after childbirth, that is, the cosmetic benefits of this device. There are also different opinions and opinions on this matter. Someone claims that figure correction by this method is very effective and brings maximum results. For someone in this regard, it turned out to be a waste of time and money. Why is that? In fact, the tightening bandage after childbirth contributes to the accelerated restoration of former forms under the following conditions:

  • balanced, high-quality nutrition;
  • daily regime;
  • a full 8-hour sleep;
  • physical activity;
  • regular walking;
  • performing special exercises designed for the postpartum period.

Only in this case, corrective underwear will help a woman regain her former figure. If you wear it and at the same time overeat, lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not play sports, no result will be achieved. To achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to wear a bandage after childbirth and which one is better to choose, because there are many types of them on the modern market.

Significant difference. The postpartum bandage performs the function of tightening, the prenatal one - support, therefore, dense and elastic material is used for underwear of the first type.


Before purchasing this device, study the information about which bandage is best after childbirth, because in a specialized store or pharmacy you will be offered various models to choose from. It will be good if you know at the time of purchase what are the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  • Universal

It is called so because it is multifunctional: pre and postpartum bandage designed to support the abdominal muscles during the entire pregnancy (during this period, the narrow part of the elastic band is put forward) and after it (the wide part should be on the stomach). The cost ranges from 300 to 1,100 rubles.

  • Panties (grace)

Such a bandage is much more convenient than a universal bandage. It has a high top and multi-level fasteners, it is made of dense fabric. Pros: does not ride up, tightens the stomach well, is not noticeable under clothes. Cons: It needs to be washed daily.

  • Bermuda

Unlike panties, this bandage has a high top, covers the hips, reaching to the knees. It is recommended for use by those who, after childbirth, want to correct not only the stomach, but also the buttocks with hips. Pros: eliminates stretch marks, gives the figure a beautiful outline. Cons: daily wash. The cost is from 600 to 3,000 rubles.

  • Ribbon-belt

The bandage is an elastic belt about 27-30 cm wide. It has a dense, very comfortable insert in the abdomen. The diameter can be adjusted with a clasp. The cost is available to everyone: you can buy from 500 to 1,100 rubles. Pros: fixes stitches after caesarean, reduces the risk of hernia. Cons: rides up under clothes.

  • Skirt

This is a wide strip of elastic, well-stretched Velcro fabric. It can be worn over clothes, it covers the waist and upper thighs.

Many prefer to wear a universal, i.e. prenatal and postnatal bandage, so as not to spend money. However, you need to understand that individually these devices are much more effective. Therefore, if you want to correct your figure in the shortest possible time, it is better to purchase slimming underwear designed specifically for the postpartum period. However, not only this nuance must be taken into account when choosing a bandage.

Little advice. Bandage panties can be bought both from domestic manufacturers (Bliss has proven itself well) and foreign ones (for example, Chicco).

Rational Choice

To get the most out of the purchase and appreciate the result, you need to keep in mind how to choose a bandage after childbirth so that it pleases, not disappoints.

  1. Before going to the store, you need to measure the volume of the hips (while finding their widest point) and waist. There is a sizing chart on the packaging so you can easily choose your model.
  2. Ask for a sample before purchasing.
  3. Panties need to buy a size larger.
  4. The bandage material must be natural, i.e. it may contain cotton (natural fibers), elastane. They allow the body to "breathe" even when tightened.
  5. It is better to purchase slimming postpartum underwear with multi-level fasteners.
  6. Buy the product exclusively in pharmacies or in specialized stores. They will give you professional advice.
  7. You should not expect any effectiveness from an already worn bandage. Its material has stretched and lost its elasticity.

After you have made your choice and purchased slimming underwear to correct the figure and strengthen muscles after the birth of the baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use. Most of the negative reviews are due precisely to the irrational use of the device. Knowing how to properly wear a bandage after childbirth, you can get the most out of it.

Features of use

Usually, women who have bought slimming underwear have enough a large number of questions about how to use it correctly: when you can wear a bandage after childbirth, for how long, how to put it on correctly and other nuances. Since the device has pronounced not only cosmetic, but also medicinal properties, it has instructions for use, which must be followed.

  • When can I wear a bandage after childbirth?

Usually, the question of whether it is possible to wear a bandage immediately after childbirth is resolved positively: it is necessary if it is prescribed by a doctor for faster healing of sutures. If it is used only as a slimming, corrective underwear, you can wear it any day after the birth of the baby.

  • How long to wear a bandage after childbirth?

This setting is very personal. Terms of wearing can vary from 3 to 6 weeks. It depends on the indications and characteristics of the female body. For some, the uterus comes into tone (more about its restoration) very quickly, while for someone everything is restored more slowly. For example, a postpartum bandage after a cesarean that was prescribed by a doctor can be removed immediately after the stitches have healed. This usually happens (if everything went without complications) on the 4th week.

  • How to put on a universal bandage after childbirth?

Universal (and any other) bandage after childbirth should be worn in a supine position. The wide side of the elastic universal bandage band supports the stomach, and the narrow side should be on the lower back. At the same time, one should not be afraid to carefully fill the folds of the abdomen under the elastic strip. However, do not tighten it too tight, so as not to disrupt blood circulation. You should be comfortable in this device, no feeling of discomfort should arise.

  • How long to wear a bandage after childbirth in a day?

Different types of postpartum underwear require different daily use times. In order not to disturb the blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, it is not recommended to wear it for more than 12 hours a day, taking a break every three hours. This applies to all types: it doesn’t matter if you wear a bandage after body shaping or after a cesarean to heal postoperative sutures.

  • Is it possible to lie in a bandage after childbirth?

If you plan to just take a break from everyday affairs, lying on the couch for 10-15 minutes, then you can do this in a bandage. However, if it is an afternoon and even more so a night's sleep, then this device in this case will need to be removed. Otherwise, you can provoke the appearance of new folds on the stomach if you fall asleep in an uncomfortable position, or circulatory disorders.

Keep in mind that...

Do not wear a postpartum bandage for more than 6 weeks. By this time, the uterus itself comes into tone, so that this device after this period is completely useless.

Women definitely need to keep in mind why a bandage is needed after childbirth, which model is better to choose and whether it is contraindicated in her case. If there is the slightest doubt, it is advisable to seek help and advice from a doctor, since this device must be worn not only for cosmetic purposes (against stretch marks and for weight loss), but above all for medical purposes (for faster muscle recovery).

It is most convenient to lie on your back, slightly raising your hips: it is in this case that the internal organs occupy the most correct position, and the tight fit of the bandage to the body is also ensured. It is recommended to wear a bandage no more than 10 hours a day. During the day, every 3 hours it must be removed for 30 minutes. It is not recommended to use the bandage at night.

During pregnancy, the universal bandage is put on so that its narrow part passes under the abdomen. The wide part should be at the waist and support the back. It is most convenient to put on a bandage while lying on the bed. Put the product, lie on it with your back. Wait a couple of minutes for the baby to move up. Fasten the bandage with Velcro so that in the prone position a palm passes between the product and the skin. After childbirth, it is necessary to put on a bandage with a wide part forward, also lying on your back. Before fixing it, relax the abdominal muscles so that they take the correct position.

With a maternity bandage, you will feel much more comfortable, move more and lead an active lifestyle throughout your pregnancy.

The universal bandage can be worn before and after childbirth. It is designed to be worn from 20-24 weeks. Wearing time - no more than 10 hours a day. You can wear a bandage with a semicircular part both up and down, depending on your feelings and the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
After childbirth, the belt must be turned “back to front”, so that its wide part pulls and fixes the stomach, and the narrow part is fastened on the back. In the postpartum period, wear a bandage daily until the shape of the abdomen is fully restored.
It is necessary to select the size of the universal bandage according to the circumference of the hips under the abdomen, guided by the size determination table.


Before deciding to buy a prenatal bandage, you should consult with your doctor.

The bandage is purchased for the entire period of expectation of the baby, because with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the circumference under the abdomen remains almost the same, especially since the bandages are made of elastic fabrics. It is necessary to select the size according to the girth of the hips under the stomach, guided by the size determination table. For multiple pregnancy models with a reinforced degree of support are suitable, and a seamless bandage will be more convenient for sedentary work. Universal models can be worn before and after childbirth, they are suitable for most women.


Prenatal bandage pants - high elastic shorts with an elastic supporting insert. They have a dense elastic band sewn into them, which stretches as the size of the uterus increases, adheres to the lumbar region, and passes under the stomach in front, giving it the necessary support without squeezing. The wider the tape, the more effective the bandage. The front insert has a high waistline, completely covers the stomach and "grows" with it without putting pressure on it. Bandages are offered not only in the form of panties, but also in the form of shorts.

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On the market of medical devices there are bandages-panties made without seams, having a two-position bottom fastener, thanks to which the bandage can not be removed when visiting the toilet (just unfasten the buttons or hooks). Bandages of this design are very popular among pregnant women: they are easy to use, fit well, and do not stand out under clothing. Moreover, they also satisfy the aesthetic needs of women, thanks to the presence of various model and color variations. The size of the bandage is selected depending on the size of the growing belly. A bandage-panties is put on in the prone position in order to properly fix the pregnant uterus and redistribute the pressure correctly: less in the upper abdomen, more in the lower part. It is also more convenient to remove the prenatal bandage lying down.

JavaScript is disabled in your browser Please note that bandage-panties can be worn both on the naked body and panties. In the first case, the bandage will need to be washed daily, and therefore you will have to purchase at least two bandages per shift. If the woman is obese or the pregnancy is accompanied by
pathological weight gain and edema, then, in some cases, by the end of the period, bandage panties begin to “crash” into the hips and rub the skin.

2. Prenatal bandage-belt - a supportive elastic belt with three adjustable Velcro joints, which is worn directly on the underwear. The central and two lateral joints allow you to adjust the size of the brace. The model is put on both lying down and
and standing.

It should be borne in mind that a wide and dense support tape will give a better effect and deform less when worn (roll, gather into folds, crash into the body). Another positive aspect of this bandage is that it allows you to adjust the fit due to the side flaps. If during wearing it turns out that the bandage began to put more pressure on the stomach or, on the contrary, stretched, then the side valves allow you to adjust the diameter without unfastening the bandage. At the same time, it fixes the uterus, but does not press from above. Very practical, comfortable in the summer, as it does not completely cover the stomach, it will not be too hot for a pregnant woman.

The bandage-belt for clothes is an elastic band that is fixed with a Velcro fastener under the stomach, reducing pressure and tension in the abdomen and pelvis.

3. The universal (combined) bandage belt is used both before and after childbirth. It is a two-sided belt of an orthopedic design, in which one side is much wider than the other, reinforced with an overlay. Velcro side flaps allow for adjustment
the size and degree of tightening of the belt without removing it. Such a bandage can be worn both as prenatal (the reinforced part of the belt will be located on the lower back), and as postnatal (in this case, the wide part pulls the abdominal wall). Before childbirth, you can wear a bandage with a semicircular detail both up and down, depending on the sensations of the pregnant woman. After childbirth, the skin and muscle tissue of the anterior abdominal wall needs time to return to its original tone. Postpartum bandages are designed to help a woman in this situation.

Postpartum bandage - a product that tightens the abdominal wall and contributes to more quick recovery the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdomen in the postpartum period, leads to the normalization of pressure inside the abdominal cavity. The bandage relieves the load from the spine, relieves back pain, helps to maintain the correct posture and grace. Wearing a postpartum bandage relieves stretch marks, helps the abdominal organs to take the correct position, preventing prolapse internal organs or hernia formation.

Thanks to a special cut and elastic materials, the postpartum bandage has a high tightening ability, supports the abdomen and hips, creates the necessary compression, forms the correct proportions of the figure, and can significantly reduce the recovery period after childbirth. A high-quality bandage is made of hypoallergenic elastic cotton fabric, which makes it easy to absorb and evaporate moisture from the skin surface.


A postpartum bandage belt is a wide (from 15 to 30 cm) elastic belt covering the entire abdomen to the hips and fastened with Velcro (Velcro) in front or on the side. Such a bandage has a good tightening ability, in the case of abdominal delivery, it contributes to the formation of a strong postoperative scar and reduces the risk of postoperative hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. However, such a bandage creates certain inconvenience for a woman in the process of wearing (especially with active movements). In addition, made of a dense solid fabric, the bandage does not highlight the waistline and pulls both the stomach and buttocks with equal force.

Postpartum bandage panties (grace panties) are panties with a slimming front insert in the abdomen. The material from which they are sewn has a high degree of extensibility combined with elasticity. The bandage perfectly keeps on the figure, does not slip, it can be worn under any clothes instead of underwear - it will be invisible. Reduces the volume of the waist and hips, slightly tightens the buttocks. Models with a lower fastener can be left on when visiting the toilet. Bandage panties are more functional, in which it is possible to adjust the force of tightening the abdomen with the help of multi-position side fasteners on hooks or Velcro (Velcro).

The difference between corset bandage shorts is high waist, the presence of internal inserts and braces, bones of various lengths, due to which the correct redistribution of pressure on all problem areas (and not just on the stomach) occurs, the former tone returns to the muscles and skin and beautiful proportions of the figure are formed. The stomach is flattened, the waist is reduced and there is a graceful transition from it to the hips, and the buttocks look rounded and taut.

There is also a separate type of bandage for women who have undergone a caesarean section - "surgical postoperative". Special "surgical" bandages may be required after caesarean section to fix the postoperative suture and support the lower
parts of the abdominal wall.


Prenatal bandage is recommended to be worn starting from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (or from 20-24 weeks). However, it is better to focus on your feelings: if the stomach is large and the fetus is large, you can start wearing a bandage earlier, in agreement with your doctor. The main function of the prenatal bandage is to support and unload the back.
With an increase in the weight of the fetus and a change in the parameters of the woman's body, the load on the spine and internal organs increases, as a result of which the woman may be disturbed by pain in the back and lower back.
According to research by obstetricians and gynecologists, regular wearing of a prenatal bandage reduces the likelihood of:
- termination of pregnancy;
- premature birth;
- symphysitis and varicose veins;
- the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen and back.

The moment when a woman feels the need for a bandage may come at different times. Some pregnant women do not experience any heaviness for the entire nine months, while others find it difficult to carry their stomach after the fourth month. Just at this time, the active growth of the child begins, the internal organs of the woman are displaced, and the pelvic bones gradually begin to diverge. All this causes discomfort. The use of a bandage helps to relieve the load from the lower back, support the stomach and internal organs, and avoid stretch marks on the skin. The bandage is also an indispensable assistant during postpartum recovery. It is needed to prevent prolapse of internal organs, rapid contraction of the uterus, toning the muscles and skin of the abdomen. And in the case of a caesarean section, the sutures are protected and fixed with the help of a postpartum bandage.

Doctors noted that with an excessive increase in the size of the uterus caused by polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fruit, as well as with a scar on the uterus after previous operations (caesarean section, myomectomy), the bandage will prevent excessive stretching of the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to its design evenly distributing pressure over the entire surface of the abdomen. The role of the prenatal bandage is also invaluable in case of the threat of termination of pregnancy in the second and third trimester. The use of a bandage in this case can significantly reduce the pressure of the presenting part of the fetus and amniotic fluid to an incompetent cervix. With the presentation or low location of the placenta, the role of the bandage also comes down to the prevention of preterm birth. The use of a prenatal bandage will right decision and at repeated pregnancy, because in this case the abdominal wall is stretched faster and stronger. If a pregnant woman has weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, then a prenatal bandage will be a necessary help when carrying a child. Another group of indications in which the use of a prenatal bandage will be an important condition for maintaining health is curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, pain in the lower back and back. In these cases, the bandage relieves the load from the lumbosacral spine.

There are practically no contraindications for wearing a prenatal bandage. The only exception is the case when, after 30 weeks, the fetus has not taken the correct position (i.e., head down). In order not to prevent the baby from rolling over, it is not recommended to fix the stomach with a bandage. After the baby rolls over, you can wear a bandage.
Additional support in the form of a bandage is especially recommended for working women who spend more than three hours a day on their feet, i.e. in an upright position, during repeated pregnancy, in case of discomfort in the back, lower back and neck, with osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine and some other pathologies.


To determine the size of the prenatal bandage, it is necessary to measure the hips under the abdomen (not in their widest part), while the centimeter tape should be parallel to the floor, and correlate the result with the size table. You should not focus on the size that you wore in your last pregnancy or are wearing now, but from a different manufacturer. Before each purchase, it is recommended to re-measure and study dimensional grid selected brand.


Universal bandage belt. Such a product performs two functions at once: before childbirth, it supports a growing tummy, and after the birth of a baby, it helps to restore tone to the skin and muscles. Before childbirth, the bandage-belt must be worn with a wide part back. The semicircular part can be located both at the top and at the bottom - depending on the doctor's recommendations and sensations future mother. After childbirth, the bandage must be turned over with the wide part forward - to ensure a tightening effect and fixation of the muscles. The bandage can be made of perforated material, which provides good air exchange, allowing the skin to breathe.
Among prenatal bandages there are also seamless models: they have no seams, are easy to use and invisible under clothing. It is easier to choose a seamless product in size: having a large margin of elasticity, such products are able to adapt to the changing parameters of a woman.


Medical bandage (fr. bandage - bandage) is a special belt for holding the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position during pregnancy and after childbirth, with hernias
abdominal wall, etc. Medical underwear is made taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the woman's body during pregnancy, after childbirth and helps prevent many adverse events, to provide a woman with more comfortable conditions for bearing a fetus.

The question of the advisability of using a bandage during pregnancy and in the postpartum period is rarely discussed in the medical literature. However, in last years obstetricians and gynecologists are increasingly advising pregnant women and puerperas to wear bandages.

Hello dear readers!

In this article, we will talk about how to wear a brace after childbirth. Many mothers are puzzled by the choice of postpartum bandages and the correctness of its wearing. They are right to ask such questions. An improperly selected and worn bandage can have an extremely negative impact on a woman's health in the future.

Let's look at why the bandage was originally created, how it affects the process of postpartum recovery, the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. And also how to wear a bandage with health benefits.

1. Pros and cons of wearing a brace

So, postpartum bandage, in modern version appeared relatively recently - at the end of the last century. At the same time, tying the belly after childbirth has been practiced since ancient times in many cultures.

Regarding the wearing of a postpartum bandage, the opinions of experts differ. Some are in favor of wearing it, others are categorically against it, and still others do not have a clear opinion on this matter at all. Let's try to put together the pros and cons of wearing a brace.

Arguments for:

  • provides lumbar support
  • promotes uterine contraction
  • contributes to the normal arrangement of internal organs
  • helps to get back a flat stomach

Arguments against:

  • some models have a solid construction (restricts movement, the edges of the bandage cut into the body)
  • puts excessive pressure on the internal organs and pelvic floor

It would seem that the arguments "For" outweigh. However, let's take a closer look at them.

1. Lumbar support. After pregnancy, a woman's posture is still greatly changed. The stomach is gone, and, accordingly, the center of gravity has shifted. Unaccustomed to such a load, the muscles begin to ache, there is discomfort when walking. Usually, in maintaining posture, the muscles of the back and the press are involved on an equal footing. After childbirth, the abdominal muscles are stretched and cannot perform their function well, which again leads to an overload of the back muscles. The comfort of a woman is a good argument in favor of a bandage.

2. Promotes contraction of the uterus. The argument is weaker. The best stimulation of uterine contractions - breast-feeding. If breastfeeding is not possible, for whatever reason, you can apply abdominal massage and special exercises in the supine position. What exercises are right for you - ask your doctor. Plus, uterine contractions are quite painful, and if they are stimulated by a bandage for a long time, this will nullify all comfortable sensations.

3. Contributes to the normal arrangement of internal organs. A very doubtful conclusion. Why - read on (2nd paragraph of the article).

4. Helps bring back a flat stomach. Here we actually got to the most tempting effect of the bandage.

Modern culture treats new mothers so badly that it considers the shape of the abdomen after childbirth something shameful, causing contempt.

In fact, the mother's body is admirable! It has just been able to give life to a new person, isn't it wonderful!

An even greater miracle is that in response to love and caring care in the form of high-quality, balanced nutrition and rational physical activity our body will thank us a hundredfold!

No bandage, no corrective underwear is able to return our former figure to us. Only motor activity tone the muscles, and they, in turn, will make the stomach flat. Only proper nutrition remove the birth pillow from the abdomen.

Another myth says that a bandage will help get rid of stretch marks on the skin. "Maternity stripes" cannot be eliminated by simple pulling, therefore, this is just a marketing myth.

But doing gymnastics and eating right is much more difficult than just buying a bandage ...

Now let's move on to the cons. The fact that some models of bandages can be uncomfortable is understandable. This fact must be taken into account when choosing, for example, carefully studying the reviews of other mothers.

2. The effect of the bandage on the internal organs

This is how things are with the internal organs and muscles of the pelvic floor. The fact that the stomach is stretched and hanging is half the trouble. The main changes are undergoing the muscles of the pelvic floor.

They, like the abdominal muscles, experience tremendous pressure from the uterus. Plus, it is their child that stretches a lot when passing through the birth canal. The abdominal muscles are able to recover in 2-3 months. But the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that support the pelvic organs may need up to six months to recover.

The ligaments that support the pelvic organs are stretched and weakened. The slightest pressure exerted from above can provoke their descent, because they do not have reliable support in the form of a muscular-ligamentous apparatus, as we remember, the pelvic floor and ligaments are stretched.

Look at the drawing.

The abdominal cavity is like a barrel with holes at the top and bottom. The holes on top are securely protected by a dense, strong diaphragm. Below is the pelvic floor diaphragm. Throughout her pregnancy, she was subjected to serious stress. Childbirth is the culmination of her stretch.

What can put pressure on that pelvic floor muscle? Firstly gravity. All organs of the abdominal cavity rest on the pelvic floor. Own overweight- is a factor provoking the prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Second, diaphragm. In the period after childbirth should be excluded straining with the participation of the diaphragm during defecation. It is worth paying attention to the prevention of constipation. Meals should contain enough fiber and fluids.

Strong cough(especially chronic or protracted) also has a negative effect on the pelvic floor.

The next factor is weight lifting. For the first couple of months, a woman should not lift anything heavier than a newborn, and it should be held correctly. Now think about how much your stroller weighs and how many times a day you have to make an effort to move it (take it out into the street, drive onto the curb ...)? Often, especially at first, it is more beneficial to carry the baby in your arms or in a sling. The baby is much lighter than a stroller, while the load is uniform, without jerking and straining.

It is for the purpose of preventing the prolapse of the internal organs that any exercises on the press are prohibited in the first 2 months, while the discharge after childbirth is in progress.

Corrective underwear or bandage, pulling the torso, create increased intra-abdominal pressure. In such a situation, the most vulnerable place is the pelvic floor. It is in his direction that all forces rush: gravity and intra-abdominal pressure.

For a better idea, remember how you squeeze out toothpaste. Squeeze the pot-bellied sides of the tube with your fingers, and a sausage of fragrant paste crawls out of the hole. So the pelvic organs, under the influence of physical forces, simply cannot fall into place, and often shift even more. Restoration of ligaments in such a situation is also difficult.

3. How to wear a bandage after childbirth

Well, what about the positive properties of the bandage, somehow supporting the back or fixing the seams if the child was born through a caesarean section. Isn't there a bandage that could be worn?

Of course have. Check with your doctor first Do you have any contraindications to wearing a bandage:

  • tears or stitches in the crotch
  • some types of stitches for caesarean section
  • edema
  • a number of somatic diseases

And, if everything is in order, you can resort to the most ancient method of tying the stomach. Perhaps even your mother or grandmothers did this.

This will require a strip. natural fabric 50 cm wide and so long that you can wrap the stomach twice and tie a knot. Depending on the size of the waist, you may need from 2 to 3 meters of fabric. If you use a short sling or tippet, you can get a stylish accessory.

The wrapping procedure is carried out lying down!

The fabric is folded in half, or even 4 times (like me) in length.

They are picked up with a fold up so that the center of the canvas is opposite the navel.

The lower edge is located along the upper edge of the pubic bone or below.

They wrap the fabric around themselves, crossing the panels behind their backs and bring them forward. Now you can pull the tails a little.

It is convenient to tie the knot slightly to the side (on the crest of the hip bone) so that it does not put pressure on the uterus. If there is not enough fabric for the knot, you can stab it with strong pins.

The palm freely enters between the layers of fabric.

Now we will form a pocket for the tummy. Again, lying on your back, run your hands deep under the layers of fabric, find the bottom edge of the innermost layer ...

...and take it upstairs.

At the same time, evenly distribute the stomach over the resulting hood pocket. My birth was almost 3 years ago, so there was not a trace left of the stomach. No matter how I tried to inflate it, the photo shows almost nothing

As a result, a hood is formed on the stomach, and a dense support strip is formed under the stomach. If everything is tied correctly, the tummy lies freely in its pocket, nothing presses on it. The fabric gently supports the back.

Easy to stand up straight and easy to breathe.


The bandage can undoubtedly be beneficial in the postpartum period. It allows the young mother to comfortably breathe, stand and walk. However, it should not drag the stomach and create increased intra-abdominal pressure.

Tying up the abdomen with a diaper, if performed correctly, has all the advantages of a bandage and, at the same time, is devoid of its disadvantages. Such a wrap well supports the stomach and back, as if a loving person stood behind you and gently hugged the bottom of the tummy with his hands. It is important not to overtighten!

Having tied up in the morning, a woman can walk like this until the evening. It is necessary to wear a bandage for the first 2 weeks, sometimes longer. Usually, when the need for it disappears - the woman herself, as it were, forgets to tie herself up. She begins to feel good both in a diaper and without it.

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