Essay on the theme of being a bright gift. Composition on the theme of the new year

Time is the most precious resource we have. In the age of high speeds, we
We constantly feel the lack of it. Often, for some reason, we don’t have enough time for the most important thing - to take a walk with the child, spend the weekend with the family, call our parents, take care of our health, and finally, just admire the cherry blossoms or finish reading your favorite book. We run, we run, we run…. and we can't do anything.

Recently, a friend of mine, in a burst of frankness, said: “There is always no time. Or just the time of my life goes into the void. In vanity, vanity. I'm a cog, I'm a robot, I spend all my day at work and fulfill someone else's will ... for money. I help other people (bosses) to achieve their own goals, while moving away from mine every day. Exactly one priceless day of my precious life. It's a rat race, I'm a squirrel in a wheel. I fall asleep and wake up with this thought. I'm aware of everything, but I can't get out. But this is my life.” And this is the life of millions of people.

We are used to living like our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers - to spend eight to ten hours of the most productive time mainly on work. And for the children, the house and the family, and just for yourself - how much will remain. But after all, the same amount of force remains - that is, a minimum.

Since it is difficult to change the norms of working hours established by the Labor Code, as well as by the employer, and it is even more difficult to set up your own business and decide how long to work, let's think about how we ourselves fill our time when leaving the notorious office?

Even the great Goethe said: “Most people work most of the time in order to live, and the little free time they have left disturbs them so much that they try in every way to get rid of it.” See how easy it is to do in our time! The Internet, numerous TV shows, computer games, movies, bowling, casinos, disco... And how much time do you personally spend on pleasure? Jim Rohn claims that the punishment for over-recreation is… mediocrity.

Why is this happening and how can it be changed? How to manage your time? How to make it so that you are not only productive and do a lot of things, but also live a life filled with meaning? After all, time is life.

It's no secret that in order to effectively manage your time, you need to master the course of time management.

Until recently, there were three concepts of time management. The first, the earliest, was reduced to the elementary compilation of lists of tasks that need to be completed during the day. The next concept involved the preparation and planning of events with clear goals and deadlines for their implementation. The third approach offered not only planning, but also prioritization in accordance with their values ​​and goals, as well as clear control over the achievement of short, medium and long-term goals.

However, later it became clear that in practice none of these concepts, despite the fact that each of them allows you to achieve more in less time, does not provide confidence that the time of life is not wasted.
So, the fourth appeared, and on this moment the most progressive generation of time management, developed by renowned leadership experts - Stephen Covey, as well as Roger and Rebecca Merrill.

The new concept is based on an understanding of what paradigm a person adheres to when planning his time - the paradigm of urgency or the paradigm of importance. After all, in the end, the main thing is not to do something right, but to do the right thing. That is, it is more important to correlate your life with a certain compass than with a clock. To do this, you need to highlight the most important thing for yourself, which for you, in general, is the most important thing in life.

In the first generation of time management, the main thing was what is on the list and needs to be resolved as soon as possible, in the second - the main thing is what is planned, in the third, the main thing is determined not only by urgency, but also by value, while other people often either interfere and distract from cases, or are considered as a means of accelerating the achievement of goals. All these concepts have a common significant drawback - they give rise to a kind of drug dependence on urgency. Being in a constant time trouble, every time we experience a surge of adrenaline, balancing on the verge of "I will have time - I will not have time." In addition, strong employment increases the sense of our own importance and value to society. On the other hand, we are often more efficient with less time to spare. However, the most important thing in life eludes us.

Jack Canfield, in his book Dare to Succeed, wrote: "If you know what your destiny is on this earth, you have no time for nothing."

So take a few minutes and think: who do you want to be? What accomplishments would you be proud of by the end of your life? What is your final mission?

Having formulated the essence of your mission (while not forgetting that it should inspire and warm your soul, and not just sound beautiful to others), you can quite easily determine your roles in each area of ​​life and balance them. The secret is not just to devote enough time to each role, but to ensure that each of them brings you closer to fulfilling your mission on earth. For example, if your mission is to inspire and support people, would you brush off a friend who unexpectedly came to you for advice, disrupting your entire schedule? What decision would you make in such a situation, keeping your mission in mind?

So, when planning, for example, for a week, it is better to start with a general vision for the week and the main tasks within your mission and roles. And around the main thing to build all the secondary tasks, which mainly belong to Quadrant III "Cases are urgent, but not important." As a rule, it is they who absorb the lion's share of our time, create the "squirrels in the wheel" syndrome and a sense of the meaninglessness of existence. Not to mention Quadrant IV "Cases are not urgent and not important", where time is actually "killed".

That is, your diary should ideally be filled with items from Quadrant I, "Important and Urgent," and Quadrant II, "Important, but Not Urgent." Moreover, in the second Quadrant, there is no binding to a specific task execution time at all.

The main thing is that this task be completed within the current week, because it is important. In this way, you significantly reduce the state of constant haste and time pressure. For example, if you promised your son to take him to the zoo (important, but not urgent), you can do it at any time that is comfortable for both of you, avoiding the restrictive and oppressive formulation of “Sunday at 11 am”.

Soon you will be surprised to find that by applying this approach to time management, you not only freed up time for the most important thing in life, but also got the opportunity to be flexible, adapt more easily to unexpected situations, see and use the new opportunities offered by day. When deciding what to do next weekend, it will be much easier for you to make a choice - rustle the leaves in the forest or go to the next blockbuster, go to the theater or play the whole evening in “shooters”, pay attention to your household or “hang in contact”. It's easy to say "no" if there's something to say "yes" to.
Remember that time is our only irreplaceable resource. “Time is a precious gift given to us in order to become smarter, better, more mature and more perfect” (Thomas Mann).

The statement of the famous German writer Thomas Mann about time given to a person to improve our individuality and develop our abilities gives each of us a reason to become more aware of our destiny on this Earth. After all, developing both physiologically and morally, a person better knows not only the world, but also his own "I", striving for the formation of his personality. The process of self-improvement is a long and hard work on oneself.

Only he can achieve significant

Good luck on your life path, who does not give up, is not lazy, but stubbornly strives for his spiritual growth.

In support of what has been said, it is appropriate to recall the story on the 1st TV channel about the figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya.

From the age of 4, Julia began to engage in figure skating. The girl's perseverance and constant intense training allowed the young figure skater to succeed and win gold at the Olympic Games in Sochi.

By constantly working on oneself, a person is able to become smarter, stronger and more talented. Undoubtedly, this is bearing fruit. Not always right away, often you have to wait and hope. But in any case, do not give up when you fail.

It is necessary to regard them as an impetus to further action and self-confidence. Self-development and self-education enable a person to reveal his own potential, which he himself sometimes did not suspect. On the way to perfection, one should not allow laziness to prevent one from moving towards the intended goal.

It is impossible to call a person who succumbed to idleness and satiety without striving for self-development. In any even the most difficult situation, an educated person will look for a reasonable way out of the situation, and he will use the acquired experience and knowledge in his later life.

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Time is life. We breathe, we sleep, we talk... Any movement, any moment represents a part of the time. It is given to us as a gift, for life, that is why we are so careless in dealing with it.
It gives us life, heals spiritual wounds, makes us older, more experienced and wiser. Gives you to enjoy all the moments of existence, and then kills. It is fleeting, so you can’t spend it on all sorts of nonsense if you want to spend your life in such a way that by the end of it you can not be afraid to disappear, while thinking that there is still a lot to be done. Time is to be valued.
Some people in childhood dreamed of growing up quickly, and now that this has happened, they want to return to the past again. You can’t rush time, showing impatience: I would rather finish school, then university, rather retire, rather go to ... a cemetery? We must try to live in the present, not looking ahead. If you regret the lost youth, resent the approaching old age - time will go many times faster, thereby bringing you closer to death. Of course, you don’t want to lose your life, especially if you didn’t really start it.

Kim Arina

What is time for me?

IN Everyday life people often rush and rush without thinking: what is the time for them?

For me, time is an inevitable sequence of events that happens daily. Time can hurt, time can heal, or it can kill. Often people waste their time without even realizing it. For some people, life is interesting and active, while for others it is sluggish and boring. Some people manage to do a lot in a certain period of time, while others do nothing in the same time. Time is impossibletouch, but you can feel. Time n ev back, you need to do everything on time, but it is very difficult.

For now invented many films in which there is a "time machine". Unfortunately, at present, such a machine has not yet been created, but I think that in the near future there will be a machine with through which it is possible jump in time.

Yudina Anastasia.

What is time?

For everyone, this time is different: for someone it is a whole life, but for someone it is only a moment, a moment of happiness, grief, joy. Not a single scientist on Earth even knows what time is. Yes, there are assumptions, myths, quotes from the Bible, but all the same, time is in our hearts, in our memory, in our minds. Only you can ask a friend "What did I do today" and he will give many guesses, many guesses, but only you will know what you did today, this time remains in your memory.

People die, are born and die again. Time is not stable either. Time can die and be reborn. Someday, time will become the most precious thing on Earth, because it will be missed. Why waste time when you can enjoy every moment of your life. And yet, time is a life in which we do a lot of stupid things, choose the right path, choose our work, profession and style in life. "Between yes and no, there is only your choice."

« New Year» New Year! Most wonderful holiday! Night.. 12 hours. Chiming clock. President. Firework. The sound of glasses. Joy. Laughter. This holiday is celebrated in different ways. But they want the same thing: happiness, good luck, health. New Year! wonderful holiday! We are waiting for you! Come soon!

"New year's night" New Year's Eve is the most wonderful and magical night of the year. After all, millions of people of different nationalities, in different parts of our planet, do not sleep that night, as usual, but celebrate with their families and loved ones. new year's eve- replacement of the old year by the new one.

"New Year" This joyful and beloved holiday, frosty and colorful New Year in our family it is customary to meet in a quiet and warm home environment, in the circle of dear and close people who sincerely enjoy each other's company. We are never bored together, and I always prefer a family feast to the company of cheerful peers.

"Favorite holiday - New Year" New Year - the best holiday in the world! Since childhood, he remains in our hearts, and lives forever .. Every year we expect magic, trying to finally touch the miracle, the magical holiday!

And how much joy do New Year's chores bring? How many worries do they portend? And only during the chiming clock we can breathe easy and enjoy this unforgettable moment. Smells.. How many magical New Year's fragrances do we know? The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerines, we look forward to the smell of your favorite sweets and cakes, and of course the smell of a miracle visiting the house! My heart is overflowing with joy at this moment! It's good that there is New Year holiday!

About the "New Year" New Year is a holiday that everyone loves very much. Although many nations do not celebrate the New Year (for example, the British celebrate only Christmas), in Russia they are very much looking forward to new year's eve. In the New Year there are a lot of treats on the table, of course - Olivier and tangerines. Everyone is cheerful and happy, waiting for midnight. Probably everyone loves this wonderful holiday.

"New Years is soon!" The New Year is coming soon! - a favorite holiday for children! Children enjoy playing snowballs and sledding. And the most wonderful thing is that Grandfather Frost will come and give long-awaited gifts. At matinees and the celebration of the New Year, the guys will have fun with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! All children love and look forward to the New Year!

Why I Love New Years Of all the holidays of the year, I like the most New Year. Why? You ask.

First, you look looking forward to next year. You know that next year you will be one year older.

Secondly, you gather at the table with the whole family, counting how many seconds remain until the first of January. You open a gift and rejoice with your loved ones. It is especially joyful to give a gift with your own hands, presenting the face of the person you receive, you rejoice more than he does. Looking out the windows, you see the joyful faces of people holding sparklers.

Here why i like this holiday!

There are people who are always in a hurry somewhere, confusing,
forgetting something, but there are sedate, thoughtful,
serious. What is the reason for this difference in behavior?
and lifestyle of these people? But this is the ability
manage and allocate your time.
Respect for your time seems
at first glance, something insignificant, unimportant,
but it is precisely this quality that forms characters capable of leading peoples, conquering worlds, flying
into space and make great discoveries. As proof
we can cite the words of T. Mann: “Time -
a precious gift given to us to become
smarter, better, more mature and more perfect.”
Indeed, only those who know how to use
every minute with benefit, is able to achieve perfection,
and heights, and the maximum realization of their
abilities. Yes, and folk wisdom confirms
this truth, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “Time is gold”,
"Cause time - fun hour."
And if a person learns to take care of each
minute, learn to plan and distribute
his time, he will be able to do much
more interesting and useful things. He won't need
hurry, he will have time to enjoy
from contact with nature, reading books, traveling
and just hanging out with friends. Having learned
to live slowly, a person will be able to improve more and more
your soul, do more sports, i.e.
he will be able to receive more joys from life, and, consequently,
he will be more likely to feel
yourself happy.
A very accurate description of the invisible, imperceptible,
but such an inexorable time was given by S. Marshak:

And the tread and voice of time is quieter
All the rustles, all the voices.
They rustle and work secretly like mice,
The wheels of our watches.
In the daily bustle, we do not notice any transience
time, neither its objectivity, nor its severity.
A thoughtless attitude to time can be traced
in the fate of the heroes of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom": the writer gives many examples illustrating
the speed of time. Many heroes once possessed
huge potential, but time did not spare
above them. For example, an actor, possessing incredible talent,
ruined himself, took to drink, ended up "at the bottom", but he could
to live, not to vegetate, to see the world in all its colors,
could achieve a lot in life.
The modern poetess L. Rubalskaya emphasizes that
that only time can show us the truth in deeds
and human relationships:
Time is a very strict judge,
Do not look at the clock with longing.
Neither you nor I could
Know all the rules of the strange game.
Summing up our discussion, it should be noted that
that not everyone understands the meaning of every minute.
Nevertheless, it is precisely from such minutes that the
precious hours, and then precious deeds.
