Glycerin for skin hydration. Choosing cosmetics with glycerin

Glycerin is a colorless, viscous liquid with a sweetish taste, which is obtained by chemical synthesis from vegetable oils or animal fats. From a chemical point of view, glycerin is a polyhydric alcohol, the form of its formula is HOCH2-CH(OH)-CH2OH.

Vegetable glycerin is usually made from coconut or palm oils. It is he who is used to add to creams, soaps and shower gels.

In the food industry, pure glycerin is used as an emulsifier and flavor stabilizer, its designation is E422, it is considered safe and hypoallergenic.

The chemical structure of glycerin ensures its increased penetration into human skin, which is the reason for the main cosmetic property of this ingredient - to deeply moisturize the skin and prevent further moisture removal.

So what, then, is the harmfulness of such a seemingly useful glycerin, which, moreover, is extracted from natural "sources"?

Why is glycerin bad for the skin?

The problem is that glycerin is really able to draw moisture from the surrounding air and deliver it to the deeper layers of the skin. However, cosmetics manufacturers are silent about the fact that this process is possible only at a relative air humidity of at least 65%, and this level of humidity is not maintained in all regions of Russia and not always. Particularly low air humidity is observed in most of the country in summer, as well as in houses and apartments during the heating season.

Glycerin, in addition to actually deep penetration into the skin, is able to absorb moisture from the surrounding air in order to further transport it deep into the skin. However, this is possible when the air humidity is not lower than 65%.

What happens to the properties of glycerin if the air humidity is below 65%? And these properties do not change much - the cosmetic ingredient continues to "pull" moisture from the environment to the place of its own dislocation. Only, since there is nothing to extract from the air now, then glycerin “raises” the liquid from the lower layers of the skin into the epidermis, thereby ultimately provoking serious dehydration of the skin of the face, hands and body, its premature aging.

Thus, only residents of the tropics, the subequator and the equator can consider 100% harmless glycerin, where the humidity level is required for the harmless “work” of glycerin in creams.

Today, glycerin is quite widely used in medicine and the food industry, as well as for technical purposes. Due to its rejuvenating effect on the skin, it has found wide application in cosmetology. This multifunctional agent has a unique property to improve the penetration of cosmetic components into the deep layers of dry epidermis. Glycerin is completely transparent, slightly sweet in taste, and absolutely odorless. It is often added to creams, lotions and tonics. It is rare to find a cosmetic product that does not contain this unique substance.

Glycerin is an organic substance that is a trihydric alcohol. Its chemical form looks like C3H8O3 or HOCH2-CH(OH)-CH2OH. It is absolutely non-toxic and therefore does not pose any danger in direct contact with the skin. In its natural environment, glycerin is found in animal fats and in most vegetable oils. The first substance was discovered in 1783 by the chemist Karl Scheele, when he was engaged in the saponification of fats with zinc oxide. While heating zinc oxide with olive oil, a soapy solution began to form. After Carl evaporated it, he found a viscous liquid similar to syrup in the residue.

This was the first glycerin, unique properties which had yet to be discovered and applied. Today, it is impossible to find almost a single cosmetic product that does not contain this wonderful component. It has become an indispensable companion in modern, skincare products. Neither an expensive face cream, nor an ordinary bar of soap can do without it.

Glycerin in the service of beauty

One of the most valuable and basic properties of glycerin is to retain moisture. Therefore, it is actively used in many cosmetic products for skin and hair care. Glycerin is found in moisturizers, serums, lotions, and toners. Soap makers use glycerin in their production as the main component of different types of soap. The substance freely penetrates deep into the epidermis and retains water in the skin cells. Promoting the retention of life-giving moisture and preventing it from evaporating, glycerin makes the skin moisturized, smooth and “nourished”.

By creating an invisible film on the skin, it protects the skin from ultraviolet rays and other aggressive environmental influences like a shield. The cleansing properties of glycerin and its ability to remove toxins and excess fat from the skin pores, as well as gently exfoliate the skin of the face, made it possible to include it in the composition of scrubbing creams and cleansing masks, cosmetic milk and cleansing foams. Products that include glycerin perfectly brighten the skin of the face and fight against age spots. They lighten chronic scars and polish surfaces, and also cope with mimic wrinkles, refresh and tighten the skin.

Creams with glycerin fight well with dry skin on the heels, elbows and knees, effectively eliminating and healing cracks. The use of cosmetic products containing glycerin does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable for any type of skin, including sensitive skin. Compatibility with other cosmetics makes glycerin a versatile ingredient. Moreover, it enhances their penetrating effect and, like a “locomotive”, pulls “trailers” with useful and necessary products into the deep layers of the skin.

Glycerin is not always useful

This substance also has the reverse side of the “medal”. Glycerin can be harmful if some of its abilities are not taken into account. For example, when the air in the room is too dry and is less than sixty-five percent humidity, then glycerin begins to “draw” moisture from the skin, thereby contributing to the drying of the skin. This is especially true in winter, when the heaters are on and the air is not humid enough. Therefore, cosmetologists do not recommend the use of products containing glycerin at this time. Another important point. If glycerin is in cosmetics Oh, in small amounts, it's always good, but too much leads to clogged skin pores and lack of breath. Pure glycerin should not be applied to the skin, as it can dry it out a lot.

The combination of glycerin with silicone greatly harms the skin of the face, creating an impenetrable film, which leads to its oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is important to avoid the combination of these components in cosmetic products and carefully study the composition of the product. Sun lovers and chocolate color skin should be used with caution products containing glycerin. It is able to wash out melanin and, thereby, lighten it.

Features of glycerin

Glycerin has a different nature of origin. And before you start using it, you need to read the information on the bottle label. So, natural glycerin (from vegetable fats) is used for cosmetic products. If there is no indication on the label that glycerin is natural, then the container contains synthetic glycerin, and it cannot be used for cosmetic purposes. The level of purification of this substance is also important. For use in home cosmetics, the purity level of glycerin must be 99.5%. If vegetable glycerin is used in cosmetics, it usually does not cause allergies. But individual intolerance is possible. Before applying the prepared cosmetic product to the skin of the face, you need to test the product on your wrist. And in case there is a reaction in the form of redness, do not use such a cosmetic product.

The use of glycerin at home

At home, to maintain beauty, it is quite simple to use glycerin if you know how to do it correctly. Glycerin is used only in diluted form. In order to soften the skin, it is enough to mix it with ordinary water in any ratio, and you can safely apply this simple but effective cosmetic product on your face. Pure glycerin is recommended to be added to ready-made store-bought cosmetic products. Best time days for the use of mixtures with glycerin - in the evening, before bedtime. The skin of the face at this time is most sensitive to cosmetic procedures. The use of cosmetic products with glycerin in the winter is possible, but taking into account the fact that the air is additionally humidified in a room with heating devices. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect from using a caring product, when instead of moisturizing, it will dry the skin, drawing out all the life-giving moisture from it.

Beauticians recommend not to apply cosmetics containing glycerin before going outside. The glycerin film that forms on the skin can attract dust and dirt like a magnet. Glycerin can be diluted with any base vegetable oils to your taste. It is very good to prepare glycerin mixes with such base oils like macadamia and jojoba, sea buckthorn and sesame, peach and argan, apricot and olive. Glycerin is perfectly combined with vitamin E. In this composition, they reinforce each other and in tandem are a powerful caring cosmetic product.

The recipe for making such a miracle remedy is extremely simple. In fifty grams of glycerin, you need to add the contents of ten ampoules of pharmacy vitamin E, then you need to shake the cosmetic product well. Store this product in a dark brown glass bottle with a tightly sealed lid. This composition is wiped daily on the face after evening cleansing and kept for about an hour. Then they wash mineral water or any herbal infusion. The composition can be used with great success as part of home masks, it will greatly enhance the effect of the components of this product on the skin of the face.

Beautiful people listen with their eyes

Glycerin for the skin around the eyes as an effective moisturizer

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Learn how to use glycerin for the skin around the eyes at home. This is an excellent moisturizer and anti-aging product that will take great care of this area of ​​your face. Learn how to prepare homemade cosmetic masks based on it - and you can say goodbye to wrinkles.

Glycerin is a pharmaceutical preparation, which is a colorless, viscous, sweetish-tasting liquid. It is used in various areas of human life, but resourceful women have found it used in home cosmetology. It turns out that this is an excellent moisturizer and rejuvenator.

Therefore, those who regularly use glycerin for the skin around the eyes do not know what bags and dark circles in the morning, and also have long forgotten about. At home, you can easily and quickly prepare cosmetic masks with this unusual, unique substance that will carefully and gently care for the sensitive skin around the eyes. Learn to do it right.

The magical properties of glycerin

Absolutely all masks around the eyes with glycerin have a pronounced moisturizing effect. This is due to the film formed on the skin, which reliably prevents the evaporation of moisture from the cells. This natural barrier is created by glycerin. In chemistry, it is considered alcohol, is a component of all kinds of fats and oils.

This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy: it is inexpensive, it is dispensed without a prescription. It is even actively used in the industrial cosmetic industry as part of various moisturizing masks and face creams. And all because glycerin is capable of:

  • effectively moisturize: this substance perfectly absorbs moisture from the environment and attracts it to the skin, which saves it from dryness and peeling;
  • in short time smooth skin: even the smallest wrinkles, due to abundant hydration, are filled with moisture, as a result of which they become not as pronounced as before;
  • qualitatively treat: it's real medical preparation, and, according to many studies, creams and masks with glycerin for the face eliminate dryness, treat skin eczema without any consequences and side effects characteristic of traditional treatment;
  • reliably protect: the topmost layer of the skin, treated with glycerin, becomes inaccessible to toxins, pollution, microbes.

Based on all these beneficial properties for skin of almost any type, you can use glycerin for wrinkles around the eyes, for ptosis (this is when the upper eyelid falls down under the weight of age), for dryness and flaking, bags and dark circles.

This delicate and so sensitive area of ​​​​the face always requires special care, and I must say, glycerin copes with this task perfectly - see for yourself. But before doing such experiments at home, study in detail the rules for handling glycerin for cosmetic purposes.

Using the ideal anti-aging agent, you will forget about "crow's feet" and circles under the eyes.

Rules for the use of glycerin masks for the skin around the eyes

With glycerin, special care and preparation are required, because this is not an ordinary, but a very unique substance. It is not similar in circulation to all other folk remedies that you are used to using in your home cosmetology. Therefore, be sure to follow the following tips and tricks so as not to be disappointed in the prepared mask.

    1. Since glycerin absorbs moisture from the surrounding atmosphere, it must be prepared for your cosmetic procedure. Agree: no one requires such a condition home mask. How can I do that? If the air in the room where you will make a glycerin mask for the skin around the eyes is dry, unmoisturized, you will get the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve. The glycerin will begin to draw this very moisture out of your own skin cells. So ventilate the room, and in winter it is good to put metal cups of water on the batteries.
    2. Glycerin rarely causes allergic reactions, but this does not mean that you should omit the moment of checking this substance for the presence of aggressive components. Remember that you will prepare masks for the most exposed part of your face - the area around the eyes. Without prior testing, you run the risk of waking up in the morning with swelling of the eyelids and reddened mucous membranes of the eyes. Therefore, before the anti-aging procedure, be sure to lubricate your wrist with glycerin liquid and observe the reaction. In the absence of redness, itching and rash, the substance can be safely applied to the skin around the eyes.
    3. When purchasing a drug in a pharmacy, be sure to pay attention to its expiration date. In no case do not use an expired product - otherwise complications cannot be avoided.
    4. Store the product in a dark place, not accessible to open sunlight and where there are no central heating batteries nearby.
    5. Before preparing a mask around the eyes of glycerin, shake the bottle properly.
    6. If you are preparing the famous mask for the skin around the eyes of glycerin and vitamins (A or E), the latter can be poured directly into a jar of medication. If the mask contains other ingredients, try to mix the composition in ceramic or glassware, but not in metal, where unwanted oxidation reactions will occur.
    7. Many are interested can glycerin be applied to the skin around the eyes in pure form , without additional components. Experts say that it is better not to risk it, since this liquid is a very powerful biologically active substance. It will be better to soften its intense action with other oils, foods, vitamins, herbs and others. folk remedies. Especially when it comes to the area around the eyes.
    8. Apply glycerin masks in a very thin layer., without the usual driving in with fingertips. They just smeared it gently - and left it like that for 10–15 minutes, no more.
  1. Very important competently be able to remove the remnants of the glycerin mask from the skin around the eyes. In no case do not wash your face with all kinds of cosmetic cleansing gels. So you will reduce the entire effectiveness of your procedure to zero. You will need an ordinary wet wipe: it is with it that you remove substances that have not had time to be absorbed into the skin. As a last resort, if there is none, soak a regular cotton pad with warm milk and wipe off the remnants of the cosmetic product.
  2. After that, it is advisable not to apply anything else to the eyelids - no store-bought gels and creams.
  3. It is recommended to do this kind of procedure before going to bed, about an hour before bedtime.
  4. Masks with glycerin for the skin around the eyes are recommended to be done a couple of times a week for a month. Then this area of ​​the face will need to be allowed to rest.

Here are some unusual recommendations for preparing a glycerin mask at home for the delicate and sensitive skin of the eyelids. In addition to the main active ingredient, include other ingredients in this miraculous mixture. Of course, vitamin E (tocopherol), which enhances the anti-aging and tightening properties of glycerin, is beyond competition. Retinol (vitamin A) can also be used, but it will be especially useful for various diseases of the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes (blepharitis, psoriasis, peeling), as it has a regenerating and healing effect. There are a lot of recipes for such masks, so get out - and enjoy the results.

Recipes for glycerin masks for the skin around the eyes

Depending on what problems you want to solve with glycerin masks for the skin of the eyelids, select recipes. Firstly, they should indicate what they are aimed at: anti-aging, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-wrinkle, anti-dryness, lifting. Secondly, carefully consider the composition of the selected product. It should be familiar to you. You must be sure that you will not become allergic to any of the components. Thirdly, listen to the reaction of your own body to each of the means used. If you are satisfied with the results after the first time, continue the procedures further. Disappointed - try other recipes.

  • Classic anti-aging mask: glycerin + vitamin E

Poke the contents of tocopherol (vitamin E) capsules in the amount of 10 pieces, squeeze their contents into a jar of glycerin (the calculation is based on a volume of 30 ml), mix thoroughly. This is an excellent combination - glycerin and vitamin E for the skin around the eyes: as they say, both moisturizing and rejuvenation in one bottle. Especially suitable for those who are tired in the morning to count their extra "crow's feet". This tandem will not leave them any chance.

  • Vitamin anti-inflammatory mask: glycerin + vitamin A

One more thing no less good combination two components - glycerin and vitamin A for the skin around the eyes. The mask is prepared in exactly the same proportions as indicated in the previous recipe. The only thing that will be different is the action of the remedy. Here, the already regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties of retinol will be enhanced. So if you have serious problems with the skin of the eyelids in the form of peeling, symptoms of psoriasis, blepharitis and other dangerous diseases, this mask is what you need!

  • Glycerin + tocopherol + oils + chamomile

Poke the contents of tocopherol (vitamin E) capsules in the amount of 10 pieces, squeeze their contents into a jar of glycerin (the calculation is based on a volume of 30 ml), mix thoroughly. 100 ml of fresh decoction of chamomile is added to this mixture, then oils are poured in 1 teaspoon each - camphor and castor. If you regularly make such a mask with glycerin from wrinkles, you will not have a single wrinkle around your eyes, and your eyes will shine with freshness and beauty.

  • Moisturizing mask: glycerin + egg yolk + vitamin E

Poke the contents of tocopherol (vitamin E) capsules in the amount of 10 pieces, squeeze their contents into a jar of glycerin (the calculation is based on a volume of 30 ml), mix thoroughly. Add 1 egg yolk to the prepared vitamin mixture - this will significantly enhance the moisturizing effect of the mask, but it will need to be applied immediately, because it will not be stored.

  • Lifting mask: glycerin + lemon + yolk

If you are not satisfied with the creases that regularly appear on your upper eyelid (with age, it has an unpleasant tendency to fall down), then do not rush to spend money on beauty salons. Try making a lemon-glycerin mask with egg yolk. It has a pronounced lifting effect. Mix 1 teaspoon of glycerin and lemon juice, dilute them slightly with water, then mix with egg yolk.

  • Refreshing mask: glycerin + oatmeal

In principle, this is a multifunctional mask. She is not easy and has bags under her eyes. It will smooth out wrinkles, and tighten the eyelids, and eliminate dryness. Cook oatmeal in milk, cool it, mix 1 tablespoon of porridge with an incomplete teaspoon of glycerin. To enhance the moisturizing effect, add 1 egg yolk.

Now you can see for yourself how effective and effective masks with glycerin are for wrinkles around the eyes - and the wrinkles will be removed, and the crow's feet will be smoothed out, and dryness will not leave a trace, and peeling with blepharitis will be cured. The complex, multifaceted action of these funds often makes it possible to do without expensive salon procedures in this area of ​​the face. The main thing is to apply them regularly and competently so that bitter disappointment does not befall. Be sure to discover glycerin as the perfect homemade eye care product. Believe me, this will solve many of your problems.

How to use glycerin for the face, does this substance bring benefit or harm to our skin? There are no clear answers to these questions. But the fact that glycerin is an unusually popular substance in cosmetology is a fact.

You will find it in almost any cosmetic product produced among other ingredients. It is no less popular in the preparation of home care products: masks, creams, lotions, tonics, handmade soaps.

In skin care, glycerin solves the very important task of moisturizing by maintaining the moisture balance in the epidermis. It is for its hygroscopicity that it is used in a wide variety of cosmetic formulations. Products with glycerin visibly soften and improve appearance skin covers.

It is interesting to know that natural glycerin is produced in certain quantities by our skin itself, which makes it possible to retain moisture in the layers of the epidermis. And when it is not enough, cosmetic masks and creams compensate for this.

Properties and uses of glycerin in skin care

If you decide to use this popular and affordable substance in homemade masks, then you first need to find out all its pros and cons.

This chemical substance belongs to the variety of alcohols, it is odorless and colorless, it has a slightly sweetish taste. Let us consider in more detail the properties of this substance and how they affect the skin.

Pros of glycerin: hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to saturate the skin with moisture, absorbing it from the surrounding atmosphere. It covers the skin with a thin protective film, preventing moisture from evaporating and also protecting it from dirt and microbes. Moisture, filling the cells, smoothes wrinkles, the skin becomes velvety, so glycerin is widely used in anti-aging masks. In addition, it accelerates the metabolic processes in the upper layers of the epidermis and helps cleanse the pores of dirt and toxins.

Cons of glycerin: due to the same hygroscopicity, it is able to draw water molecules from the deep layers of the epidermis, which leads to drying of the skin. This occurs when there is insufficient air humidity, including dry indoor air in winter.
We can get such a controversial cosmetic effect if we do not follow a number of rules when using cosmetics with glycerin.

Rules for the use of glycerin in masks

  • This substance should not be used in hot and dry weather in summer.
  • In winter, when staying in rooms with dry air for a long time due to heating radiators, it is also not recommended to use this remedy often.
  • After using masks or creams, you do not need to go out into the cold.
  • In no case should you take an undiluted substance for masks, it should not contain more than 5-7%. Glycerin mixes well with purified or rose water, the ratio is arbitrary.
  • With caution, you need to use products with this substance for very sensitive skin. If the dosage is violated, irritation and even inflammation may appear on it.
  • You also need to know that glycerin is able to flush out melanin from cells, so the skin can lighten.
  • If you are making a mask with glycerin, take care of humidifying the air in the room: turn on the humidifier, spray water with a spray bottle, or put a container of water on the battery. Humidity in the room should be at least 50-65%.
  • It is not recommended to apply glycerin on the face before going outside, because due to its slight stickiness, it can attract dust to the skin.

In fact, when used properly, glycerin for the face is quite useful, although it does not have nutritional properties on its own, but it helps all other components of the mask to penetrate deeper into the epidermis. You can use this substance diluted on its own or add it in its pure form to ready-made creams. Or cook on its basis with a wide variety of ingredients, including oil ones, since it mixes perfectly not only with water, but also with oils.

There are a great many moisturizing, nourishing, whitening and anti-aging home masks, which include glycerin. If the skin is prone to dryness, then this substance is just perfect for it, but if - here pay attention to the composition of the mask. For all other skin types, glycerin is also useful. The main thing: always do an allergic reaction test if you are doing the mask for the first time.

Simple recipes for the face with glycerin

The recipe for the simplest mask with glycerin is suitable for all skin types except oily. The mask is prepared as follows: dilute 1 teaspoon of the substance with 2-3 tablespoons of pure boiled water and pour in 1 teaspoon of honey. Cleanse your face well and apply the composition for about 20-25 minutes, then wash with cool water. The action of the mask is complex: moisturizing, nourishing and lightly cleansing the epidermis. Instead of honey, you can take an egg yolk and get an equally healthy composition. Masks can be alternated.

face and neck has a more complex composition. Dilute glycerin: 1 teaspoon - 2 tablespoons of water. Boil one small potato in their skins, peel and mash with a little warm milk. To 1 tablespoon of this puree, add a tablespoon olive oil, 1 chicken yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Pour diluted glycerin into the resulting nutrient mixture and mix well. Apply the mask on the face, neck and décolleté and let it soak in for 25 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. Dry and normal skin suitable composition of glycerin, eggs, lemon and cream. At mixed type skin can also be used, but do not apply the composition to the T-zone. Pre-dilute glycerin (1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of water) and add egg yolk, finely ground lemon zest (1/2 teaspoon) and a teaspoon of cream (kefir can be used). Apply the resulting mixture on your face, hold for 20-25 minutes, then wash with warm water.

A wonderful moisturizing mask for normal, dry and combination skin will be obtained by adding natural honey and oatmeal to glycerin. Take all the ingredients in equal amounts: 1 teaspoon. Combine glycerin, water and honey, and then add finely ground flakes and mix everything. Leave the composition on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

For oily skin Glycerin is also useful, since problem skin needs no less hydration and toning. We take the dosage of glycerin a little less than for dry skin: for ½ teaspoon of the substance - 2 tablespoons of boiled water. To this solution, add a little white or green cosmetic clay and mix until a viscous slurry is obtained. Apply the mask on your face and hold for 20 minutes, then wash your face with plain water or prepare an infusion of chamomile to enhance the drying effect.

A mask with glycerin, clay and birch bud extract has a very good effect on acne-prone skin. It perfectly cleanses, moisturizes, tones and heals problematic skin. Prepare a decoction of birch buds in advance, for this, pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with ½ cup of boiling water and hold for 5 minutes in a water bath. Cool the birch broth a little, strain it and add ½ tablespoon of clay (white or green). Pour diluted glycerin into the resulting gruel (1/2 teaspoon per 2 tablespoons of water) and 2-3 drops of camphor alcohol. Keep the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water or chamomile infusion. Instead of birch buds, you can take sage or chamomile herb. The composition of glycerin, vodka and natural products. The tool can be prepared for several procedures and stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 3-4 days. For 1/2 cup of heavy cream, take egg white, juice of half a lemon, 50 grams of vodka and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Mix everything and apply on the skin for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water. The composition of their honey, chicken protein and glycerin is designed for oily facial skin. Beat the protein until foam and add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin diluted with water to it. After applying, hold the mask for 15-20 minutes, and then wash your face with warm water. From black dots, a scrub mask with almonds and glycerin will help you. Almond kernels 4-5 pieces pre-soak for 6-8 hours, and then peel. Grind them with a blender and pour 1 tablespoon of glycerin into the nut flour. After mixing, a homogeneous composition will be obtained, which must be rubbed into problem areas (T-zone) with light massaging movements. After drying the composition on the skin, wash with warm water.

Another very popular glycerin and vitamin E mask:

Everyone is familiar with glycerin and that it is in the composition of many cosmetics. This is primarily due to the fact that it dissolves many harmful substances. Glycerin is a clear viscous liquid with a sweet taste. Cosmetology is not the only area of ​​application of this substance, it is often used in the production of sweets and cakes, they are made medications. But, in this case, we are interested in the use of glycerin in home cosmetics for beauty.
Glycerin - a substance that helps to better penetrate the skin of nutrients, helps to effectively moisturize overdried skin. Very often it is added to soap, cream and lotion for sensitive skin.

Useful properties of glycerin for the skin:

Smoothes mimic wrinkles;
saturates with the necessary moisture;
brightens skin tone;
improves metabolism in the upper layers of the skin, freeing the pores from impurities, toxins and fatty plugs;
makes mimic wrinkles less noticeable;
relieves cracked heels and rough skin on knees and elbows.
Despite the whole list of usefulness, it is still worth remembering that this is an aggressive chemical that, if the dosage is not observed, causes various diseases on the skin.

Harm of glycerin:

A pure preparation dries the skin strongly;
harmful in combination with silicone;
glycerin soap washes out melanin, which brightens the skin.

The use of glycerin at home

1. For home face care, the drug is used exclusively diluted, only this makes it possible to achieve a moisturizing effect. Ordinary water mixes well with this preparation, mix both liquids in an arbitrary ratio and apply on the face. After the first application, the skin may feel waterlogged, but in the process of evaporation of excess fluid, the face will become soft without a sticky effect.
2. Pure glycerin can be added to a purchased cream or facial, scrubs and lotions, the main task of which is to tone, moisturize, tighten wounds and reduce acne.
3. The best supplement to glycerin is vitamin E (tocopherol).
4. The best time of day to use glycerin mixtures is in the evening, before bed.
5. The best season is winter. It is at this time that the skin is very dry from wind and frost and needs deep nutrition and hydration.
6. It is not recommended to apply glycerin cosmetics on the face before going outside. This is fraught with severe clogging of pores with dirt.

How to choose a good glycerin

First of all, you need to look at the label, it should say - Natural (from vegetable fats) or synthetic glycerin. If the package is not labeled "Natural" - you should look for it elsewhere, such a drug is made from epichlorohydrin, a toxic substance. It is also worth looking at the level of cleanliness. For use in home cosmetics, 99.5% will be acceptable. Vegetable glycerin does not cause an allergic reaction, but it should not be used in the presence of individual intolerance. The price of the drug for 25 ml is 12-20 rubles.

Recipes for homemade cosmetics with glycerin

Peppermint lotion with glycerin

The product perfectly cleanses pores, tones, moisturizes and softens the skin.

2 tbsp. l. dried mint;
2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
500 ml of boiling water;
2 tsp glycerin;
4 tbsp. l. rose water.
Manufacturing and application:
Pour boiling water over the herbal preparation, mix, boil over low heat under the lid for 30 minutes. Remove the finished broth, cool, filter through gauze, pour into any storage container. Use instead of store-bought cleansing lotion.

Lemon lotion with glycerin

The product cleanses the skin of blackheads, blockages, brightens, helps to whiten age spots.

2 tsp water;
4 tbsp. l. glycerin;
4 tbsp. l. lemon or lime juice.
Manufacturing and application:
We squeeze the juice from citrus, filter it to get rid of the pulp that accidentally got in, mix with water and glycerin. It is recommended to wipe your face with it every morning and evening.

Chamomile lotion with glycerin

The tool tones and moisturizes, normalizes the work of the glands of external secretion, effectively dries and helps to get rid of them completely.

1 st. l. glycerin;
2 tbsp. l. chamomile;
200 ml of boiling water;
70 ml of vodka.
Preparation and application:
Chamomile is steamed in boiling water, closed tightly with a lid, insisted for 11 hours, preferably in a thermos. After a while, filter, combine with the rest of the ingredients. It is recommended to wipe clean skin daily morning and evening.

Glycerin lotion for acne

2 tbsp. l. triple cologne;
2 tbsp. l. water;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
We mix all the liquids and wipe clean problem skin daily, do not rinse.

Glycerin scrub for blackheads

2 tbsp. l. crushed almond kernels or coffee grounds;
1 st. l. glycerin.
Manufacturing and application:
Mix the ingredients and in a circular motion first massage the T-zone for a couple of minutes, then everything else. We leave for 5 min. soak, rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily skin, purifying

85 ml of water;
1 tsp glycerin;
White clay.
Manufacturing and application:
We dilute glycerin with water, gradually add clay, as a result a thick creamy mass should come out. We smear on the whole face, after 10 minutes we go to wash.

Moisturizing mask with glycerin

1 tsp glycerin;
15 ml of honey;
4 tbsp. l. cucumber juice;
1 tsp oatmeal flour.
Preparation and application:
Three cucumbers on a grater, squeeze the juice out of it, mix with honey and glycerin, mix in the flour. The resulting porridge is applied to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, wash.

Nourishing mask

1 tsp olive oil;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
Oil and glycerin are thoroughly rubbed with the yolk, we process the entire surface of the face. We wash ourselves in a quarter of an hour.

Glycerin mask for matte skin

250 ml of water;
oat flour;
2 tsp glycerin.
Manufacturing and application:
We mix the liquids, add flour until a creamy mass is formed, smear the face, leave for 20 minutes. We wash ourselves.

Softening face mask

medium potato;
15 ml of honey;
1 tsp glycerin;
1 tsp olive oil.
Manufacturing and application:
Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, mash, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Warm potato mixture is applied to the skin, removed after 25 minutes.

Mask for aging skin

1 tsp butter;
1 st. l. chamomile decoction;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
We mix all the components into a homogeneous mixture, generously treat the skin, hold for 20 minutes. We wash ourselves.

Anti-wrinkle mask with glycerin

1 st. l. aloe gel;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
If a fresh leaf of a plant is used for manufacturing, keep it in the refrigerator for 10 days before receiving the gel, this will increase the amount of useful and nutritious elements, if there is no plant, the aloe gel bought at the pharmacy will do. We mix the indicated components, cover the face with the resulting mixture, after a quarter of an hour we wash ourselves.

Glycerin is a popular moisturizing ingredient and is a clear liquid that is colorless and odorless. This component is widely used in various cosmetic products. Most women often use on their own. The harm and benefit of using it is exactly the effect that this ingredient can have on the skin, depending on whether it is applied correctly. Therefore, in order to avoid the harmful effects of this component, you need to know everything about the advantages and disadvantages of this tool, and also take into account all the rules when applying.

magical properties

It is known that since ancient times, people have used glycerin for facial skin. Benefit or harm from its use can be? This has only recently begun to be considered. But nevertheless, you can not find almost a single cream, wherever this component is present. This ingredient plays an important role in cosmetic products, as it has such useful properties:

    It perfectly moisturizes the skin, as it absorbs the necessary moisture from the air, and is also perfectly absorbed.

    If glycerin is used regularly on the face, the harm and benefit it has on the skin will depend on its type. For example, it perfectly nourishes the dry epidermis, making it smooth and elastic. But for those people who have oily skin, it can only harm.

    This tool can fill micro-wrinkles with moisture, due to which it has a smoothing property.

    Cosmetic products that contain this ingredient can perfectly cope not only with dry skin, but also treat eczema.

    In addition, glycerin is able to fight acne and cleanse the skin.

    Therefore, thanks to such wonderful properties, many people use glycerin for the face at home. Harm and benefit from it, of course, are present. You just need to know some of the nuances when applying it, so as not to harm yourself.


    Not everyone knows the fact that this component can moisturize the skin by drawing moisture from the air only in a certain climate in the room. Thus, in order for a positive result to appear from the use of this ingredient, it is necessary that during its application the humidity in the room be approximately 50-65%. Only under such conditions can glycerin for the face have a positive effect on the skin. The harm and benefits of its use directly depend on compliance with this factor.

    This cosmetic product can be used to care for the whole body. To do this, pour a small bottle of glycerin into a bowl, then add two teaspoons of lime juice to it, mix everything well and pour into a glass container. It is better to apply such a composition before going to bed, rubbing it into the skin gently with your fingers or cotton pads. After application, you will need to wait for the substance to be well absorbed.

    What should and should not be done when using the tool?

    In addition, you need to know general rules when using glycerin on your face. The benefits and harms of using this component also depend on them:

      Firstly, before using this product, it must always be diluted with filtered or rose water.

      Thirdly, do not apply this tool in front of the street. Because it can cause a sticky feeling on the skin and eventually lead to further dust pollution.

    Product advantage

    If all precautions when using glycerin are observed, then there can be no harm from it. Since it has a lot of advantages, thanks to which many leading cosmetologists appreciate it and use it in the compositions of their creams and lotions.

    For example, it can speed up the metabolism in the upper layers of the skin, thereby removing all harmful substances and fat. Also, this remedy is used in the treatment of angina and helps people get rid of facial wrinkles.

    If you combine glycerin with vinegar, then it is able to get rid of cracks in dry places on the body.


    But there is also an opinion that the use of this product can harm the skin, as it creates only an external effect of moisturizing it. But in fact, it dries the top layer of the epidermis too much and draws the last moisture out of it. If you look, then there is certainly a particle of truth in this statement.

    It turns out that if you use this remedy in its pure form, then it will be so - it can dry out the skin too much. In no case should glycerin be used together with silicone, as they form a very dangerous composition.

    Another disadvantage of this substance is that with prolonged use, the skin can become a couple of tones lighter. Since glycerin is able to wash out melanin, it is not recommended to wash your face with soap, which includes this ingredient. Also, this tool is not the most The best way for face care with inflamed or sensitive skin.


    From the foregoing, it can be understood that there are many opinions on such a topic as "Glycerin for the face: the benefits and harms of using it." The recipes using this ingredient, which will be offered below, have been tested by many women on themselves, therefore, of course, they will only benefit.

    The most popular is the vitamin composition. First you need to take a bottle of glycerin, with a volume of twenty-five grams, and squeeze ten capsules containing vitamin E into it. After that, wash well and apply the resulting composition to all problem areas of the body. After an hour, the mask will need to be wiped off simply with a damp cloth. With the constant use of such a composition, at least for a week, the skin will become smooth and velvety.

    There is another proven way when you can use glycerin for the face. The benefits and harms of the mask completely depend on the exact observance of all proportions. You need to take one teaspoon of honey and glycerin, and then add fifty milliliters of purified water there and stir all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, you will need to put another five grams of oatmeal in this composition and mix everything again. Then apply this consistency on the face and wash off after fifteen minutes. This composition is not recommended for oily skin types.

    The effect of the application

    If you apply this remedy correctly and use only proven recipes, you can achieve not only a moisturizing result, but also a rejuvenating effect.

    With the constant use of glycerin, mimic wrinkles go away, and the face becomes toned and bright. Therefore, this component can often be seen even in the composition of natural cosmetics.
