Helps against oily skin. How to care for oily skin

Oily facial skin is a problem that often worries teenagers. But it can also happen to adults. The reasons may be different: hormonal failure, not proper nutrition, poor skin care. All this makes itself felt: oily sheen, untidy appearance, ugly skin. For a girl, this is a real problem, which is why there are a lot of folk remedies aimed at eliminating manifestations oily skin faces. There is enough material on the Internet, but not all methods are correct and effective. We tried to collect high-quality tips for caring for an oily type and ways to get rid of oily sheen.

Characteristics of oily and combination skin


Often, oily skin is most noticeable in certain areas of the face: the forehead, nose, and chin. And also on the body: back and rib cage. The combined or fatty type in most cases manifests itself and.


Oily skin does not look very aesthetically pleasing: rough, thickened, covered with liquid fat, shiny, uneven and untidy, has a gray or even dull color. This type can be compared with orange peel, because the pores stand out quite well and even with good care they shine. If there is no care, it becomes dirty, black dots appear more often and. Seborrhea and thaleangiectasia may occur.

But, despite all these disadvantages, oily skin has its small advantages: it does not age so quickly, wrinkles appear more slowly, the skin remains elastic longer.

Read also about how to get rid of blackheads on the face.

The oily layer protects against environmental influences.

Oily skin care at home

Any type of skin needs appropriate care. In order for oily skin to make itself felt less, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • it is necessary to wash with special tonics, foams and gels for oily skin. You need to carry out this procedure two or three times a week. These funds eliminate inflammation, cleanse the skin and prevent the appearance of seborrhea;

Read more about the best toners for oily skin.

  • during the cleansing process, it is forbidden to rub your face with hard washcloths or sponges, as well as use too hot water and alkaline soap. Yes, the first fifteen minutes, the effect will be wonderful - there will be no traces of oily skin. But do not forget that hot water and mechanical action - even more activate the sebaceous glands. Thus, oily skin will return with even greater luster within twenty minutes. In order for the effect of washing to be not deplorable, but even good, it is necessary to wash with warm or cool water, rinsing with a cotton pad or fingers. But you can't overdo it;
  • washing with herbs will give the best effect: chamomile tea, linden decoction, rosehip tincture, nettle, mint. In extreme cases, you can use bottled water;
  • after washing, do not dry your face with a towel. Better let it dry naturally and then clean with a suitable lotion, tonic;
  • at the end of all procedures, it is necessary to smear the face with cream. The cream must necessarily match the type of skin, as well as quickly absorbed and not leave greasy marks. What to do right choice, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with;
  • peeling, in other words, deep cleansing - should be done once a week. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to use as the main means for peeling. To prevent the activation of the sebaceous glands, you can use film masks that easily cleanse pores, remove fat and do not harm oily skin;
  • A couple of times a week it is recommended to make masks for oily skin types. Masks based on blue or green clay are perfect. Masks from an apple, kiwi or lemon juice perfectly cleanse the skin. Quite a useful mask of potatoes, helps to normalize the sebaceous glands;
  • During the day, it is forbidden to touch the face with dirty hands. Bacteria on the hands will penetrate into the pores and the situation will become even worse. You can touch the skin only after washing your hands;
  • to improve the condition of oily skin, you can make lotions from sea salt once a week. One teaspoon of salt is mixed with half a liter of melt water. All this is kept on the face for five to ten minutes. There must be melt water! It is cleaner and works well on pores.

When choosing cosmetics, it is necessary to carefully choose a foundation and a base for makeup. They should be quickly absorbed, have a light texture and rinse well. Ideally, it's best not to use foundation and powder in general.

Folk remedies

Most often, masks, scrubs and homemade lotions are used for care. The basis of many formulations are oils. Because oily skin in most cases is characterized by enlarged pores, then most folk remedies are aimed at their deep cleansing and narrowing.


The most common way to care for the skin. The main ingredients are clay and essential oils. Depending on the purpose for which the mask is used, other components are added that act symptomatically - they eliminate shine, relieve inflammation. The main effect of the mask is deep nutrition and saturation with useful elements of the skin, normalization of the sebaceous glands.

With caution, the following recipes should be used by adolescents. The skin of a young man or girl is not yet fully formed in terms of hormonal levels, so various antiseptic and cleansing masks can do harm by disrupting the natural process of the epidermis.


Oily skin needs more care than normal or combined type. After applying this mask, the face will look less oily, the pores will not be so noticeable. Vegetable oils, which are part of a moisturizing mask, have a good effect on the skin.


After applying this mask, the face will become noticeably cleaner, acne will disappear. Activated charcoal cleanses and heals the skin. Laminaria rejuvenates the skin, prevents wrinkles and regenerates cells.

For the mask you will need:

  1. 40 grams of kelp.
  2. One tablet of activated charcoal.
  3. Essential oil of clove.

Preparation: dry kelp finely chopped and pour warm water. Let it brew for three hours. After that, oil and powder from the activated charcoal tablet are added. Steam your face and apply the mask evenly. Wait 10 minutes and remove with cosmetic wipes.

From wrinkles

After applying this crease mask various kinds, wrinkles and blackheads will pass. The skin becomes clearer.


  1. 20 milliliters of serum.
  2. 30 grams of cornstarch.
  3. Essential oil with grapefruit extract.

Preparation: mix everything and apply on the face from the center to the lymph nodes. It is necessary to apply in a circular motion. After 25 minutes, wash off the mask with cold water.

For acne

After applying this mask, acne and comedones will pass. Pimples dry up.

  1. 15 milliliters of dry white wine.
  2. Essential oil with verbena extract.
  3. 16 grams of yeast.

Preparation: stir the yeast in warmed wine. Add oil and mix everything. Steam your face and apply evenly. After half an hour, wash off and wipe your face with a frozen herbal infusion.


From oatmeal

Flakes are useful not only for the body, but also for the skin. Oatmeal cleanses the epidermis, nourishes with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

To prepare the mask, you need to grind a tablespoon of oatmeal and pour kefir, unsweetened yogurt or just water. Add liquid until the mixture is thick enough to stick to the face. Apply the mask evenly in circular motions. Gently massage for five minutes. Wait until completely dry and rinse with warm water.

After washing off the mask with warm water, you need to wash with cold water. This will narrow the pores and prevent acne breakouts.

from black dots

Surprisingly, sugar and an egg can clean oily skin from blackheads and comedones well.

Preparation: mix one egg white and one tablespoon of sugar. It is necessary to divide the female into two. First, apply the scrub for five minutes, gently massaging. Then apply the second part just like a face mask. Wait until completely dry and rinse with warm water. Then wash with cold water to narrow the pores.

Read about homemade facial scrubs for combination skin.

healthy and clean skin- the basis of an attractive appearance.


From herbs

To make a good herbal lotion for oily skin, you need to take one tablespoon of chamomile, calendula and nasturtium. Pour 500 ml of warm boiled water and let it brew for six hours. Then add four tablespoons of cologne.

From tea

Mix one tablespoon of green tea with the same amount of vodka and lemon juice. Let it brew for a couple of minutes. Such a mask will clean well, remove oily sheen and even out the tone.

from grapefruit

Mix one tablespoon of vodka and lemon juice. Add half a glass of fresh grapefruit juice. Shake the resulting liquid.

Grapefruit is very useful.

It is better to store in the refrigerator, in a container with a closed lid, so that the effect of vodka is preserved for the next time.




  1. Three tablespoons of natural yogurt.
  2. One raw egg yolk.
  3. One tablespoon of low-fat cream.
  4. Half a tablespoon apple cider vinegar.
  5. Half a tablespoon of tomato juice.
  6. One tablespoon of bee honey.

Preparation: mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Spread evenly on the face and neck every evening.

Made from natural beeswax


  1. One teaspoon of beeswax.
  2. One teaspoon of ammonia.
  3. Two teaspoons of plain water.

Preparation: melt the wax, add water and alcohol there. Mix everything to get a homogeneous mass. Apply the cream in the morning and afternoon and wear on the face from one to four hours. Rinse with warm water and follow with a toner for oily skin.



  1. One yolk.
  2. Two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  3. Tablespoon of glycerin.
  4. One fourth of a glass of olive oil.

Preparation: beat the yolk, gradually pour in the juice and glycerin. Continuing to beat, add the oil. The consistency and color should resemble mayonnaise. For easy application on the face, you can dilute a little with lemon juice if the mixture is too thick. Used as a day face cream.

A face mask with yolk effectively moisturizes, nourishes the dermis, eliminates wrinkles and rashes.

Clay application

Clay is used for purification. The most commonly used are black, white and blue clays. A clay mask evens out skin tone, moisturizes and cleanses, removes oily sheen, normalizes the sebaceous glands, treats acne and comedones.

Clay can be applied no more than once or twice a week. Excessive care for oily skin type will only worsen the situation. However, if you use clay masks wisely, then problems with oily skin type will be at least two times less.

In order for all products to care for oily skin to bring only positive results, you need to follow these tips.

  1. Be sure to check the expiration date of each ingredient.
  2. Apply only with clean hands to clean skin.
  3. Do not use the product longer than the specified period.
  4. Check for allergies to all ingredients.
  5. Buy only quality products for making home remedies.
  6. Do not walk with a mask for longer than the specified time.
  7. Before procedures, clean the face as much as possible.
  8. Do not rinse with hot water.
  9. After the procedure, do not rub your face with a washcloth.
  10. Do not wipe your face on a towel, let it dry naturally.


This video tells the secrets of getting rid of oily skin quickly and efficiently.


  1. You need to be able to care for any type of skin, and especially for oily skin.
  2. Use masks no more than once or twice a week.
  3. Creams can be smeared every day.
  4. Lotions are used every two or three days.
  5. It is necessary to choose the right cosmetics.
  6. Do not touch the skin with dirty hands.
  7. The most effective lotions are lotions with the addition of vodka.
  8. Oily skin is not the end of the world. You can live with this, and even more so, the fat type also has advantages.
  9. If properly cared for, then there will be no problems. You shouldn't be ashamed of it.

A woman is ready to fight for perfect facial skin every day, without days off and holidays throughout her life. And all because we want to always look fresh, well-groomed and young. We are in an endless struggle with wrinkles, freckles, age spots. We try to change the type of skin and get rid of dryness or oiliness. And not in vain. Oily facial skin is a serious cosmetic problem, which is not so easy to get rid of. Oily skin creates an unpleasant feeling on the epidermis. shiny layer, decorative cosmetics flow on such skin, makeup “floats”.

In addition, oily skin type is often accompanied by enlarged pores. Illiterate care and the active use of alcohol formulations do not eliminate oiliness, but greatly dry the surface layer of the skin, leading to peeling and itching. So what to do? Is oily skin really that hard to treat? In fact, it is possible to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, but for this you need to carry out a set of procedures that will help you make your face more matte and attractive. Today we will talk about oily facial skin - the features of this type, the causes of the activity of the sebaceous glands and the numerous ways to eliminate this cosmetic defect.

Why does skin become oily

In general, women are divided into several groups depending on the type of their skin. Separate dry, oily, sensitive, normal and combination skin. Oily skin also has its benefits. Since it constantly has a thick layer of sebum on it, the epidermis is less susceptible to harmful ultraviolet rays and other harmful effects. Oily skin always remains hydrated, wrinkles in such women appear much later than in their peers with dry skin. Oily skin type becomes more even and beautiful tan. But do not forget about the shortcomings. The fatty type of the epidermis is characterized by increased secretion of sebum, the appearance of acne and blackheads, acne, comedones. Often the pores of the owner of oily skin are enlarged, during the application of makeup they are clogged with cosmetics. And this leads to additional problems. But why does the skin become oily?

  1. Hormones. The problem of oily skin is often associated with hormonal changes and the active production of testosterone. That is why men have oily skin much more often. Puberty of adolescents, childbearing, lactation, menopause - all this can be accompanied by an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, in adulthood, this problem disappears, as the activity of sex hormones decreases.
  2. Nutrition. Facial skin is a reflection of our nutrition. Many women and girls note that as soon as they eat junk food, their face becomes covered with acne and inflammation. This is how high food sensitivity of the skin manifests itself. TO active work sebaceous glands can lead to the use of fast food, carbonated and sweet drinks, chips, nuts, crackers, fatty and pickled foods. To put your skin in order, you need to eat only fresh and healthy foods, drink clean water, give up harmful things, etc. By the way, it is the slagging of the intestines that affects the cleanliness of the skin.
  3. Wrong care. The activity of the sebaceous glands contributes to several cosmetic errors. The first is incorrectly selected care products. Be sure to buy products that are designed specifically for oily skin types. The second mistake is insufficient removal of cosmetics, dust, dirt and sweat from the skin before going to bed. In this case, the epidermis tries to wash off the pollution on its own, while producing more sebaceous fat. Another mistake is the use of decorative cosmetics that clog pores. In this case, the problem of oily skin is only exacerbated.
  4. External factors. Leather can deteriorate if you do not protect it from external negative factors. Sebaceous fat begins to be actively produced after exposure to ultraviolet radiation - after all, the sun's rays greatly dry the skin. In addition, the skin can become oily after salty sea water or chlorinated pool water. Temperature fluctuations have a negative effect - going out into the cold after a heated room or vice versa.
  5. hereditary predisposition. If your mother and sister suffer from a similar problem, most likely, your skin is genetically predisposed to the active work of the sebaceous glands. In this case, you need to constantly carry out caring procedures in order to suppress the production of sebum in a timely manner.
  6. Frequent peeling. This is another cosmetic mistake that leads to oily skin. With this type of skin, you can not scrub the skin more than once a week. During aggressive peeling, you remove the top layer of the skin, the epidermis tries to recover and protect it again, by actively producing sebum.
  7. Bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol make blood vessels less elastic. This leads to a slowdown in skin regeneration processes.
  8. Medicines. Some medications(for example, hormonal - OK) can lead to the active work of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, increased oiliness of the skin may be associated with disorders of the pancreas. The skin deteriorates greatly with regular stress and anxiety. To get rid of this, you need to take care of the skin in a special way.

A pore on human skin is a small pouch, in the center of which is a hair follicle. On the sides are localized sebaceous glands, which produce sebum. If the pore is clogged for some reason, comedones are formed. Many people wonder why acne is black? It's simple - when sebum meets air on the surface, it oxidizes from oxygen and forms a black crust. If a microbe or bacterium is inside the pore, active inflammation begins, a pimple is born. We can say that the main reason for the appearance of acne and blackheads is the active production of sebum. Here are some skincare tips and tricks to help you keep that oil down.

  1. Forget about hot water. Do not wash your face with hot water, do not do hot steaming and similar warming procedures. At high temperature the activity of the sebaceous glands increases.
  2. We have already noted that the skin should not be scrubbed too often. However, it is also not worth starting this business. It is optimal to do a gentle exfoliation once a week to remove the upper stratum corneum, which can clog pores and cause acne.
  3. Be sure to disinfect the surface of the skin, but not with alcohol compounds. This will protect you from inflammation and acne, because fat is the best food for harmful microorganisms.
  4. Refuse any alcohol-containing care products - they dry the top layer of oily skin, but do not affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. By the way, oily skin also needs hydration. For this, use light creams with a non-greasy texture that are quickly absorbed. In no case should you use dense formulations that remain on the skin with a thick oily layer.
  5. It is necessary to adjust your diet, keep a strict diet, at least at first. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, lean meat and fish, dairy products. Take sorbents in courses so that they remove toxins, toxins and carcinogens from the intestines. Nutrition should be varied so that the body does not experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Washing the skin with soap is also not recommended. Use special foams and lotions without alcohol for cleansing. They should be designed specifically for oily skin types. Cleanse your face at least twice a day.
  7. Rub your skin with ice cubes frequently to shrink enlarged pores. Instead of plain water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs - this will enhance the effect of the procedure.
  8. In no case do not leave cosmetics on the skin for the night - be sure to carry out triple cleansing - removing dirt, toning and moisturizing.
  9. To avoid infection and the reappearance of acne, you need to give up terry towels and use only disposable paper napkins.

Cosmetic treatments for oily skin

If home measures do not help you get rid of excess fat, you can resort to professional help. Ultrasonic cleaning will help to deeply cleanse the pores, remove dead skin flakes, and stimulate regeneration processes. For cleansing, chemical and hardware peels are also used. In the first case, dead skin flakes are corroded by special acids. Hardware peeling involves the removal of dead skin with a special abrasive. You can suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands and tone the skin with the help of microcurrents and a biocybernetic procedure. Vacuum-pinch massage, which is performed using the apparatus, is also effective against oily skin. It enhances blood circulation in tissues, saturates the skin with oxygen and vitamins. The activity of the sebaceous glands is successfully suppressed by introducing special vitamin cocktails under the skin. Mesotherapy helps not only to get rid of excess fat, but also improves the condition of the face as a whole.

For oily and problematic skin with acne and comedones, cleaning is necessary. Remember, a good specialist will not offer you hot steaming for oily skin. You can prepare the skin for cleaning with cool water and a clean cloth. The napkin is wetted in liquid and applied to the face. The skin quickly softens, the pores open - you can do the cleaning. For the best effect, use not just water, but decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Masks and other folk remedies against oily skin

Here are some recipes that will help you eliminate excess fat at home.

  1. Cucumber and kefir. This is the simplest, but at the same time the most effective method moisturize oily skin. Mix cucumber pulp with kefir and apply on a cleansed face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off.
  2. Lemon juice, oatmeal and chicken protein. These are the best ingredients for oily skin. Beat two egg whites, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and crushed oatmeal in a mortar. Apply the paste on your face, leave it to dry completely. Egg white perfectly suppresses the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens enlarged pores. Lemon juice gently dries, gives the skin a matte finish. And oatmeal is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs all the sebum directly from the pores and perfectly cleanses the face. The effect of the mask is noticeable after the first application.
  3. Milk, clay, honey. Take a third of a glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of melted honey and stir. Add white or blue clay to make a porridge. Apply the prepared composition to the skin, wash off no earlier than an hour later. Milk perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, clay absorbs excess fat, and honey soothes and relieves inflammation.
  4. Apple vinegar. Dissolve a small amount of apple cider vinegar with two parts of water, pour into a convenient bottle and wipe the skin with the prepared composition every night before going to bed. To get rid of the unpleasant sour smell and give the liquid a citrus flavor, you can add a slice of lemon with zest inside.
  5. Aspirin, soda, yogurt. Three tablets of acetylsalicylic acid must be crushed, mixed in equal proportions with soda and add a little yogurt to get a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask only on oily and problem areas of the skin. The mask not only suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, but also perfectly fights acne and inflammation.
  6. Lime and apple. These fruits contain special acids that effectively tone the skin of the face and narrow pores. And with regular use, they suppress the production of sebum. Fruits should be pitted and peeled, chopped in a blender and applied to the skin of the face. The mask not only fights oily skin, but also perfectly tightens the epidermis, makes a beautiful oval of the face.
  7. Corn starch with cucumber juice. If you need to get rid of oily sheen and keep the result for 3-4 hours, be sure to make this mask before going out. Grind the cucumber and squeeze the juice out of it. Prepare a gruel based on cucumber juice and cornstarch, apply it on the skin and leave for half an hour. Wash off with cool water and moisturize light cream. The mask will give you a long lasting matte feeling.

Caring masks need to be alternated so that the skin does not get used to the ingredients. You will certainly find a recipe that will help you.

Many doctors do not recommend getting involved in decorative cosmetics for oily skin types. But girls can't afford it - they won't walk around with a shiny face and a greasy sheen on their skin. You can use cosmetics, but you need to do it correctly. First, choose light toning bases. It is better to choose a BB cream, because it is very light, absorbs well and perfectly evens out skin tone. Use mineral powder - it gives not only decorative effect but also takes care of the skin. To remove makeup, it is better to use micellar water. Always keep matting wipes with you when you need to fix your makeup urgently. Foundations and powders should be good quality so as not to create a thick layer of cosmetics on the skin that does not breathe. Use high-quality cosmetic products to highlight your strengths and hide your flaws.

Oily facial skin is not a sentence. With a proper integrated approach, the problem can be solved, but you will always have to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy diet, avoidance bad habits, competent home and professional care, moisturizing and nourishing masks, skillful use of cosmetics, timely cleansing - all this will help you change the condition of your skin. Take care of yourself and enjoy a healthy matte face texture!

Video: how to get rid of oily sheen on the face

Oily skin is a problem that many people suffer from. It provokes an annoying shine, the appearance of acne. To eliminate oily facial skin, drying agents are usually used. cosmetical tools, whose manufacturers promise a quickly achievable effect.

However, they will provide a stable result, provided that the cause of oily skin is eliminated. Therefore, the first step in solving a dermal problem is the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Signs and origin of oily skin

Oily skin is the result of an overproduction of fat by the sebaceous glands. These glands are located under the surface of the skin.

Sebum is a substance made up of fats. It's not too bad as it protects and moisturizes the skin and keeps the scalp shiny and healthy.

Too much sebum, however, can lead to oily skin, leading to clogged pores and blackheads.

It is not uncommon for the occurrence of comedones (black dots), cysts of fatty glands,. The skin is also similar to orange peel, as pores stand out on it.

An undeniable advantage for people with oily skin is that wrinkles begin to appear later.

The epidermis, shiny from greasiness, is an unpleasant phenomenon for its owners. Due to the excessive work of the fatty glands on the skin, a rough, porous texture with an unhealthy tone and a greasy sheen is formed, the surface of the skin can also be overdried, like parchment.

Genetics, hormonal changes, or even stress can increase sebum production.

The oily cover on the face is localized in the T-zone: forehead, chin and nose. On the body, the greasy epidermis is located on the back and chest. The properties of oily skin are also manifested on oily hair on the head.

This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Genetically embedded. Under these circumstances, the epidermis is oily throughout life.
  2. Adolescence. Teenagers are familiar with the manifestations of oily skin, which becomes combination by the age of 25-30.
  3. Intensive work of fatty glands. This is associated with an inherited disposition to oily skin, disturbed processes in the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, colitis, constipation), hormonal changes. The basis for the excessive productivity of fat on the skin surface is the diet (addiction to spicy, fatty, starchy foods, alcohol, soda), labor activity when the temperature is exceeded, being in a room smoky with cigarettes, under UV radiation.
  4. Hormonal. This happens during sexual development and the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. There is a hormonal failure during menopause, pregnancy, stress. It also occurs due to treatment with hormones or their abrupt use, prolonged use of oral contraceptives.
  5. Disorders in the work of the endocrine system. This occurs when, with hypothyroidism, both dryness of the skin and oiliness of the epidermis on the face are noted.

Reduced immunity also affects the appearance of the sebaceous surface of the epidermis.

7 diseases that cause oily skin

The doctor will be able to find out for what reason the patient has oily skin on his face. Because the sebaceous epidermis also appears in patients:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cachexia (exhaustion);
  • obesity;
  • with tumors, polycystic ovaries;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • with liver disease.

Illiterate hygienic care with the use of aggressive cleansing of the skin surface with cosmetics containing alcohol contributes to the appearance of excess fat on the skin.

It can also cause the use of scrubs, regular degreasing of the epidermis, the consumption of fatty creams, etc.

Do not rely only on your own knowledge. It is better to trust a dermatologist who will determine the cause of excessive greasiness on the surface of the skin. This will save you from serious health problems.

What to do if the skin of the face is oily? How can you help yourself?

10 rules for oily skin

It is necessary to adhere to the rules aimed at the prevention of diseases of the oily surface of the skin. Here is their list:

  1. Exclude (limit) the consumption of fatty and fried foods. It is better to say no to salty and smoked, pickled and sweet foods. Preferred on the menu are dishes from low-fat fish and white meat, vegetables and fruits, bran.
  2. Cosmetics are chosen with a reduced content of lipids and one in which antibacterial and antiseptic substances are represented by ethanol up to 10%.
  3. Do not touch your face with unwashed hands.

It is preferable to purchase hypoallergenic cosmetics that include plant extracts to soothe sensitive and irritated skin.

All care products should be selected with the mark “for combination or oily skin”.

It is also important to follow these rules:

  1. Choose the right wash (gel or foam, milk is best avoided). Under the ban - the use of soap, washcloths, hot water.
  2. Once every 7 days, use ordinary peeling, facial cleansing (for example,).
  3. Use UVA and UVB UV protection cream all year round (e.g. Bioderma AKN).
  4. Do not mix with foundation, reduce its use to two times a week.
  5. Decorative cosmetics should be chosen wisely, for example, powder with minerals.
  6. It is permissible to resort to home masks no more than 1-2 times in 7 days. For procedures, white, green, blue clay, apples, kiwi, lemon juice are used. A positive result is achieved with a mask of mushy fresh potatoes.
  7. Lotions with sea salt work effectively. They are performed once every 7 days, taking 500 ml of melt water and 1 tsp for a solution. salt. Withstand the remedy for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Moisturize your skin only with creams and serums for combination or oily skin.
  9. Consider products with retinol. The drug with vitamin A accelerates cell turnover, making it one of the better ways fight against aging. It also works wonders for acne. Differin has recently become available over the counter without a prescription.
  10. Sauna trips help.

Green Pharmacy (5 Healing Herbs)

How to get rid of the problem at home? It is advisable to treat the sebaceous skin with herbaceous plants.

The presence in them of flavonoids, tannins, saponins (nitrogen-free and alkali-free organic natural substances), silicic acid, plant hormones and trace elements have a positive effect on the sebaceous epidermis.

  1. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory action. Its extract is able to cleanse and soften the skin surface on the face, restore elasticity and smoothness.
  2. Salvia officinalis has a bactericidal, soothing, regenerating power. Calendula officinalis has the ability to heal, restore damaged epidermis.
  3. The bark of oak (birch) is famous for its antiseptic and tannic qualities. Violet tricolor extract is aimed at cleansing, stimulating metabolic processes and ridding the body of harmful substances.
  4. Green tea extract has the role of an antioxidant, which reduces the effect of free radicals on the skin.
  5. An extract from the dandelion root increases the protective forces of the body, helps in the vital activity of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. The plant extract is involved in the release of the body from metabolic products, which has a positive effect on the surface of the skin.

Effectively acting on the oily dermis grass, each patient selects individually. Replace water when washing infusions of herbs from chamomile, mint, nettle, lime blossom.

Oils for oily skin

Oil formulations are used instead of night cream. They are applied in a thin layer on a clean skin surface.

Oils act on pores clogged from dirt and hard fat, streamline the production of fat, and affect cell regeneration.

What oils to use? Here is their list:

  1. Hazelnut in pure form or in other oils. The surface of the skin under the influence of the product is cleansed, smoothed and restored, the pores are tightened.
  2. Grape seeds, after which the surface of the dermis looks moisturized and without noticeable pores.
  3. Berries, buds, black currant leaves - the product is endowed with an antibacterial property, the skin after it becomes elastic, the tone increases.
  4. Sesame seeds, affecting the normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrowing the pores.
  5. Nuclei of almonds, coping with cleaning pores, irritated red spots.
  6. Tea tree leaves - oily composition saves from acne and normalizes the condition of the dermis.
  7. Lavender restores dullness to the skin, acts on the dermis with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Apply hazelnut oil (50% of the mix) with the addition of 10% of other selected oils. If you take essential oils (from sandalwood, rosemary, juniper, bergamot, grapefruit, cedar), add 1-2 drops to the base oil composition.

Beauty treatments for oily skin

What to do if the skin is oily and acne appears? To eliminate the problem of greasiness of the skin, it is permissible to include the following measures:

  • the use of scrubs (from almonds, apricot, salt, clay, etc.), this will even out and cleanse the skin;
  • use (milk, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic, etc.), this will lower the pH, regulate the production of fat and reduce the fat content of the dermis;
  • consumption of masks (mud, clay, based on seaweed), and this will disinfect, soothe the skin surface and remove excess fatty formations.

Question answer

Of course, oily skin also needs regular moisturizing. With this type of skin, fat interferes with the normal respiration of cells, clogging of pores occurs, and even collagen production worsens. That is why it is important to clean the skin surface, and then do not forget to moisturize it.

To do this, you can use special special napkins. They gently wipe the face, which removes excess sebum without spoiling the make-up. It is also worth carrying powder with you, which after a while you can hide the flaw.

This is because after using a paper towel, a person immediately throws it away. But the towel often remains too wet, and this is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, they get on the skin surface, which, especially on oily skin, can lead to inflammation.

TOP-5 treatment methods

Skin with excessive oiliness, prone to peeling, requires additional treatment prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

The course of treatment is determined by a specialist after receiving the results of a blood test (for glucose, hormones), familiarization with hereditary predisposition, anamnesis, etc.

The skin surface is cured of greasiness and hardware measures:

  1. . The beam induces photochemical transformations in the dermis. During the sessions, the epidermis is smoothed, updated and regenerated. Its elasticity and tone change for the better.
  2. Microdermabrasion of the dermis. Based on the action of an abundance of microscopic particles. They will polish the skin without pain, eliminate wrinkled manifestations, narrow pores, and reduce stretch marks.
  3. Iontophoresis. It acts on the sebaceous dermis. As a result, blood flow to it, nutrition and microcirculation improve. The treatment restores the skin surface due to the deep diffusion of nutrients, eliminates oiliness.
  4. Cavitation (ultrasonic) peeling. The shock wave cleanses the skin without pain, eliminates excess sebum from the pores of the hair follicles, cleans the keratinized dermis.
  5. Based on mechanical vibrations. The procedure achieves massage, destruction of fibrous tissue, lymphatic drainage (removal of excess fluid). The technique does not allow clogging of hair follicles with fat, reduces skin rashes and irritable manifestations on the dermis.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

For washing, use gels, foams suitable for skin type, cold water. Use tonics, and before applying cosmetics, moisturize the skin with a cream. Also, don't forget to use sunscreen. Daily clean the skin in the evening from dirt, cosmetics. And again apply the cream, only at night. These are simple rules, but they will help maintain the beauty of your skin.

Proper care and healthy lifestyle life will eliminate excessive oiliness of the skin. It makes the surface of the dermis attractive, relieves acne, greasy shine. At the same time, it is not difficult to preserve the visual youth of the face.

To do this, you should follow simple rules, take care of your skin. If you can’t solve the problem of excessive fat content on your own, you should consult a doctor.

Oily facial skin requires careful care and attention. Problematic skin is not only for young girls. About 10% of older women also wonder: "What to do with oily skin?"

advice from cosmetologists, dermatologists, traditional healers useful to anyone who wants to know everything about the care of porous, problematic skin. Believe me: looking great at any age is easy!

Causes of oily skin

Enlarged pores, excessive shine, inflamed areas, blackheads, oiliness and pimples, redness - this is what problem skin looks like. In some women, increased fat content of the epidermis is an individual feature.

Why oily skin on the face? Causes of excessive greasiness of the skin:

  • hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, during menopause;
  • restructuring of the body in adolescence, youthful period;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • regular squeezing of acne;
  • use of potent facial products;
  • diseases of the nervous, digestive, endocrine systems;
  • low-quality, unsuitable for a certain type of skin cosmetics;
  • side effect while taking certain types of medications;
  • excessive consumption of fatty, sweet, spicy foods;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • neglect of hygiene rules.

Treatment Methods

How to get rid of oily skin on the face? Complex therapy will help improve the condition of the epidermis. With abundant rashes, oily sheen, be sure to visit a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

  • prescribe tests;
  • establish the cause of the poor condition of the skin;
  • recommend special procedures, medical cosmetics;
  • Talk about facial treatments.

Take note:

  • changing your diet is an important step towards beauty;
  • chocolate, sweets, muffins - a direct road to rashes;
  • salted, peppery, fatty, spicy dishes provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • eat more lactic acid products, fruits, vegetables, cook, bake dishes;
  • give up coffee, cocoa, alcohol;
  • your skin will be much healthier.

Medical cosmetics

How to deal with oily skin? The fat content of the epidermis requires daily careful care. Your dressing table should have:

  • cream for oily skin (day and night);
  • tonic;
  • scrub;
  • cleansing lotion;
  • gel;
  • foam;
  • masks.

Advantages of therapeutic cosmetic formulations purchased at a pharmacy:

  • all products are hypoallergenic, do not contain fragrances;
  • there is no alcohol - the main component that irritates the skin;
  • many formulations contain thermal water with healing properties;
  • creams, gels, tonics, masks and oils for oily skin are enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Undoubted advantages of medical cosmetics:

  • the presence of natural substances. Lavender oil, tea tree disinfectant. Aloe, chamomile, horsetail extract accelerates tissue regeneration, relieves irritation;
  • pharmacy formulations contain drying, anti-inflammatory components: salicylic, boric acid, sulfur, kaolin. Camphor, magnesium oxide, zinc, talc work well.

Many cosmetic companies offer a line of products to care for problem skin. In the pharmacy you will find products famous brands La Roche-Rosay, Vichy, Bioderma, Uriage, Merck, Avene.

Popular brands that have earned the trust of women are known different ages worldwide. All medical cosmetics from these brands are hypoallergenic, side effects not visible.

Ask in pharmacies for a line of medical cosmetics:

  • moisturizers - Vichy AQUALIA THERMAL, Bioderma Gidrabio, Uriage Aqua PRECIS;
  • with redness, for treatment, with increased fat content - cream Bioderm Sensibio AR, Uriage Roséliane, La Roche-Posay Rosalia;
  • acne treatment, shine reduction - Vichy Normaderm, Bioderma Sebium, La Roche-Posay Effaclar, Merck Exfolia, Avene Cleanance. (read the article about the treatment of acne and acne).

Advice! pay attention to natural cosmetics Dead Sea.

The best folk recipes

Home masks, compresses, lotions will complement the treatment of increased sebum secretion. Just 30 minutes a day - and the skin will become much cleaner and healthier.

home scrubs

Remember! Only mild cleansers are needed. Apply home remedies gently, do not rub your face.

Simple Recipes:

  • milk + brown sugar. In cold milk (3 tablespoons), add brown sugar - a couple of tablespoons. Gently massage your face for no more than two minutes, rinse. Helps with blackheads;
  • ground coffee + sea salt. Scrub is suitable for strong fat content, without obvious signs of inflammation. Combine the components in equal proportions, treat a wet face.

Masks for oily skin

Carry out a pleasant procedure three times a week, after the mask, moisturize your face with a light cream.

Choose products for oily skin:

  • recipe number 1. Combine 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, heavy cream. Reduces sebum secretion;
  • recipe number 2. Soak rye bread in whey, apply gruel on a cleansed face;
  • recipe number 3. Take 2 tsp. white clay, fill with water, chamomile decoction, yogurt. Wash off after 15 minutes. Perfectly tightens, cleanses, improves tone, improves complexion;
  • recipe number 4. Yogurt - 2 tbsp. l., 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal, 1 tsp. milk. Hold 10 minutes. Perfectly moisturizes;
  • recipe number 5. Combine a teaspoon of tea tree oil, quality honey, protein, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Lie down with the mask, rinse off after 10 minutes. Smoothes, reduces pores;
  • recipe number 6. Take white clay, lemon juice, honey in equal proportions, rub, slightly dilute with water. Hold for 10 minutes. Tightens, gives elasticity to the skin, evens out the tone;
  • recipe number 7. Dilute low-fat kefir with lemon juice (2:1). Dries well. Hold 20 minutes;
  • recipe number 8. Curd mask with yogurt. Narrows pores, tones, reduces the secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • recipe number 9. Yeast mask whitens, tightens pores. Pour fresh yeast with grape, currant, apple juice. If not, take purified water. Be sure to apply a gentle moisturizer after the procedure. Frequency - no more than once a week;
  • recipe number 10. Aloe + protein. Keep an aloe leaf wrapped in paper in the refrigerator. Remove the pulp, chop, rub with whipped protein. Keep the mask on for 20-25 minutes. Relieves inflammation, narrows enlarged pores.

Compresses at home

  • open the clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • improve the condition of the epidermis.

Warm Herbal Compress:

  • you will need coltsfoot, St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile, calamus root, eucalyptus, horsetail;
  • pour 2 tbsp. l. herbal raw materials 500 ml of boiling water. Wait half an hour, strain;
  • moisten a terry towel in the infusion, press lightly to the face. Wait until you feel warm;
  • Wipe your face with a herbal ice cube.

home lotions

Wash your face with foam, gel, then wipe your face with lotion or tonic for oily skin. Treat the epidermis twice a day.

Popular lotions for high oily skin:

  • mint. Pour a teaspoon of mint with boiling water (200 ml). The lotion is ready in 30 minutes;
  • herbal. Collection - eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile, sage, yarrow. All components - a tablespoon, water - a liter. Cool, pour in 50 g of pharmacy calendula or eucalyptus tincture;
  • with grapefruit. Grind the pulp without films. In the evening, pour a small amount of purified cold water. The lotion is ready in the morning.

Advice! Freeze healing liquid. Treat your face with ice cubes daily.

DIY cream

Is it possible to prepare this remedy on my own? Certainly!

Proven Recipes:

  • berry cream. Melt a tablespoon of lanolin, add the same amount of currant and strawberry (freshly squeezed) juice, a dessert spoon of oatmeal. Mix well, keep in the refrigerator for no more than two to three days;
  • miracle cure. Mix in a bowl a tablespoon of glycerin, the same amount of melted wax, add a couple of dessert spoons of good sunflower oil and lemon juice. Pour in 20 drops of boric acid. Keep the mixture in a water bath, stir until you see a homogeneous mass.

Modern methods of struggle

Solve the problem of oily skin effective procedures. Consult a specialist - some methods have contraindications. Remember - therapy requires an individual approach!

Cosmetology clinics offer clients a wide range of modern techniques:

  • massotherapy. Improves blood supply to the epidermis, increases the tone of the horse covers;
  • cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen. There is a sharp expansion, then vasoconstriction, metabolic processes are accelerated, tone increases, blood flow increases. The dead layer is removed, the epidermis is renewed;
  • ultrasonic, manual face cleaning. It is carried out by a specialist in compliance with hygienic rules. After the procedure, a tightening mask is applied;
  • darsonvalization - the use of pulsed current. The method activates biochemical processes, improves blood circulation, improves skin tone;
  • vaporization shown before cleansing the face. Treatment of the face with steam mixed with ozone opens the pores and prepares the face for the procedure.

Proper care for oily skin

How to take care of oily skin? Take care of hygiene every day cosmetic procedures. Health is worth the time.

Remember 5 easy steps:

  • cleansing. Use morning and evening gel, foam for washing, then wipe your face with tonic, apply a moisturizer;
  • nutrition. Make masks at a convenient time for you. Alternate moisturizing, cleansing, nourishing formulations;
  • peeling. Use exfoliating compounds twice a week. Before starting the procedure, thoroughly clean your face;
  • hydration. Light gels, creams are suitable for you. Avoid formulations with a heavy structure that clogs pores. Fatty cream forms a film on the epidermis, contributes to the appearance of acne;
  • salon procedures. Visit a beauty clinic as needed beauty salon. A professional will perform procedures that cannot be done at home. Find "your" beautician. A good specialist is half the battle.

Skin care mistakes

  • the use of formulations containing alcohol;
  • passion for deep cleansing of the face, scrubs with a large particle structure;
  • the use of potent means;
  • constant squeezing of blackheads;
  • use of "wrong" cosmetics. Cheap, low-quality products worsen the condition of the skin;
  • water procedures with hot water.

To get rid of the increased fat content of the skin is possible only with an integrated approach to treatment. Expensive cosmetics are not enough here.

Beautician advice:

  • reconsider the diet;
  • pick up medical cosmetics in a pharmacy;
  • daily care for the skin;
  • use ready-made creams, lotions, masks, do not forget about homemade recipes;
  • carefully select decorative cosmetics;
  • do not abuse unnecessary medications;
  • control the course of chronic diseases.

Now you know what to do with increased oily skin. Regularly care for your face - and the result will definitely appear!

regular care and simple tips cosmetologists will help get rid of oily skin on the face, narrow pores and prevent acne.

Why the skin on the face becomes oily: the main reasons

Oily skin differs from other types in its characteristic luster, the presence of rashes, blackheads and enlarged pores. This suggests that the body produces more sebum than necessary. Most often, the forehead and nasolabial area are affected by the rash. This happens for several reasons:

IN adolescence Almost all children suffer from oily skin. It goes away on its own. With age, this skin becomes drier.

But it is important to remember that if the period is prolonged, and purulent acne, scars constantly appear on the face and it looks rough, then it is not only a hormonal imbalance. Be sure to visit a doctor, take tests. The consequences could be far worse. Protracted hormonal imbalance can lead to infertility in the future, both in boys and girls.

If hormonal imbalance and oily skin increases during pregnancy or menopause, then proper and regular care will be required during this period. The skin will return to normal over time.

Folk remedies and masks, proper nutrition will help get rid of oily sheen and put your face in order. However, in case of any disease, these measures will not be enough. Additional examinations and a course of hormone therapy will be required. In order for the skin to shine with beauty again, you need to get rid of the root cause.

The undoubted advantage of oily skin is its resistance to external factors. People with this type of skin age later.

Essential skin care tips for oily skin

Oily skin is considered the most problematic type. It is difficult to care for her, it is necessary to select the appropriate means. How to permanently get rid of oily skin?

It is important to remember that for daily face care you need to choose cosmetics without alcohol and drying agents. They will irritate the surface of the epidermis, but do not heal.

Lotions and tonics based on zinc and salicylic acid are best suited. You can cook them yourself. These drugs not only eliminate oily sheen, but also clean impurities well, remove fat and relieve irritation of the epidermis.

In addition, it is important to remember that powder and foundation clog pores. Remains of cosmetics must be carefully removed before going to bed.

Diet for oily skin

Get rid of oily skin will help not only cosmetics and daily care, but also a proper balanced diet. The fight against the problem must begin from within.

First of all, with excessive oily skin, you should abandon the following products:

Reconsider the diet, minimize the use of alcohol, carbonated drinks, smoked sausage, avoid quick snacks.

Include healthy foods in your daily menu:

  • cheeses and boiled vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • juices;
  • various cereals;
  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • chocolate;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts.

Proper and balanced nutrition not only eliminates intestinal problems, but also regularly nourishes the skin with vitamins, smoothes scars, promotes wound healing, improves blood clotting, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates oily sheen.

Fasting is extremely unhealthy for oily skin on the face. It leads to stress in the body. You need to eat in small doses, but often, at least 5 times a day.

Facial care aged 20+

After 20 years, the sebaceous glands actively produce sebum. The main task is to cleanse the epidermis. Cleansing procedures are best done twice a day, using special means tea tree based.

At this age, you can use creams with a light texture and vitamin E content, they moisturize the skin well and maintain its water balance.

Facial care for ages 30+ and 40+

The production of sebum decreases, the blood supply to the epidermis worsens.

At this age, facial care has its own characteristics.

  1. The face is cleansed of fat with foam, only with warm water.
  2. It is better to wipe the face with decoctions of herbs or acidified water.
  3. Regularly exfoliate at home, use light creams at night.

After forty, fat production is halved, but enlarged pores lead to inflammation and rashes. The skin is cleansed with herbal infusions. At this age, masks are made based on potatoes, milk and honey.

Folk recipes for oily skin

In the fight against oily skin, masks, peeling, homemade creams and lotions will help. These funds are made from natural products stored only in the refrigerator.

Herbal mask. Rinse and chop fresh plantain leaves. Grind oatmeal with a blender to the state of fine crumbs. Mix the crushed leaves and oatmeal in a ratio of 1:1. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then gently rinse with water.

Honey narrowing mask. Egg white is mixed with liquid honey. A little olive oil and a pinch of oatmeal are added to the mask.

Curd mask on kefir: 25 gr. dilute low-fat cottage cheese with kefir to a state of sour cream. Spread the mask over the face, rinse with water after 15 minutes. The course is twice a week for a month. The mask tightens pores well, cleanses.

Clay mask with honey. A mask with white or green clay helps well. To prepare it, a pinch of clay is mixed with honey. Apply for 15 minutes. Strawberry mask. Crush strawberries and mix with white clay. The course of procedures is 1 time in 7 days, for a month.

Mummy mask for problematic skin. Two tablets of mummy are crushed and mixed with milk or a decoction of herbs. Beat the egg white and gradually add to the mixture. The finished mask is applied to cleansed skin.

Yeast mask. It is prepared from fresh yeast and curdled milk. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. After applying the mask, wipe the skin with an ice cube. Lotion-tonic on the basis of green tea. Brew green tea in a thermos, after the liquid has cooled, strain it. Add some lemon juice, stir. Tonic wipe the face twice a day.

Herbal tonic. Prepare a decoction of 2 tbsp. l mint, lavender, calendula and chamomile. Infuse the mixture for about 50 minutes, then strain and store in the refrigerator.

Cucumber applications. Before applying makeup, oily skin is recommended to be wiped with a slice of fresh cucumber. You can simply cut cucumber slices and put them on your face. After the face dries, you can apply cosmetics.

These basic methods will help get rid of oily skin, shrink pores and reduce inflammatory process on the face. In addition, do not forget that in modern cosmetology there are many ways that will help to radically improve the condition of the epidermis. You can resort to a course of ultrasound or cryotherapy, use vacuum facial cleaning and peeling.
