Ideas for the script for the day of the teacher. "The teachers are on fire!" competition program for Teacher's Day

I want to congratulate all teachers on professional holiday. I infinitely appreciate your service to the country, your indifference and responsibility. With all my heart I wish you health, a lot of strength and a lot of creative energy. And I really hope that every year the state will treat its true heroes more reverently.

Every school has its own traditions, so my ideas can be added to your annual awards gatherings, skits with reworked songs, children's concerts and final teas.

1. Costumed congratulations from students on Teacher's Day

The idea is this. From each class (more precisely, from each parallel), you need to choose 2-3 students who will congratulate the teachers at the very beginning of the holiday. One congratulation from first graders, one from second graders, etc. Let all classes with the letter “A” try this year. Next year - "B". The class teacher and parents participate in the preparation of the short number.

Each performance should last no more than two minutes, then 11 congratulations will take half an hour, taking into account the hitches.

We select images for speakers taking into account the program in literature. I don’t remember very well in which class what they read, I’ll sketch out a rough list. For children, you need to choose costumes. This important point, as the costumes will save the day, even if the text is not entirely successful.

1 class- Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Grade 2- Three girls (who are under the window) from Pushkin's fairy tale
3rd grade- heroes of Krylov's Fables (you can Dragonfly and Ant or Crow and Fox)
4th grade- Three heroes
5th grade- handsome hussar (Borodino)
6th grade- Tom Sawyer, Gogol's heroes from "Evenings on the Farm ...", Young lady-peasant
7th grade— Inspector
8th grade— Vasily Terkin
Grade 9— Onegin and Tatyana
Grade 10— Oblomov
Grade 11— Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova

Children should say beautiful congratulatory words in the images of their heroes. It’s good if it turns out artistically, with a twist, using phrases from works, rhymes, where appropriate.

It is convenient that one teacher needs to prepare only one congratulation, and he will not even know about the rest. I remind you that you need to keep within 2 minutes, otherwise 11 performances will result in a “Chinese concert”. A costumed congratulation looks very impressive, do not forget to take pictures.

In this case, the congratulation itself serves as a gift, but just in case.

2. Video "In a nutshell"

This technique is often used on TV. You need to edit the video so that the maximum number of students read one beautiful congratulations. Maybe prose, maybe poetry. Gather the brightest representatives of each class and ask them to read 2-3 words from the board (it is better not to tear phrases).

For example:

1st student: Dear teachers!
2nd student: Today is your holiday!
3rd student: I would like to wish you
4th student: peace, kindness, happiness!
5th student: May every day bring joy!
6th student: We want to surprise you with our successes,
7th student: we dream that you can be proud of us in many years…etc.

It turns out a beautiful congratulatory video from students from grades 1 to 11.

3. Mannequin Challenge

It works great even when shooting on mobile phone. Children and teachers should freeze while acting out funny school skits. Naturally, you need to think through the scenario and clearly define the path of the operator. Editing is not needed here - the whole point is in continuous shooting of motionless schoolchildren and teachers. Don't forget the canteen, the guards, the director's office!

At the end, the cameraman abruptly turns to the joyful crowd of children, which “comes to life” and shouts “Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

4. Congratulations from the students in the recording ("Look from below")

These are small funny videos pre-recorded dialogues with children different ages(Urgant does it masterfully). Come up with one question that the children need to answer quickly. It is the rash answers that are always the funniest. You can shoot on a smartphone in good lighting, then mount everything into one congratulatory clip.

For example, ask which teacher in the school is the most important. How many years do you need to study to become a teacher? Why are there many women and few men at school? What will teachers be like in 100 years?

You need to watch the video in the hall on the big screen.

I found something similar here:

5. Photo contest - the best selfie at recess

This is also one big greeting card that teachers are watching on the screen. We ask each teacher to take a funny selfie with the children. Here you need to show imagination so that the photos turn out to be different in character. Students can be dressed up or asked to portray the same emotions. Give someone letters-cards that will form the word "Congratulations", give balloons, flowers, come up with a funny background.

We combine all the frames into one presentation. Let a beautiful energetic melody sound in the background.

Internet examples:

6. Small entertaining Q&A tournament

Option 1. Team tournament (10-15 minutes).
I already have an entertaining collection of questions for a small intellectual games. Let there be 2 teams of 6 people and spectators. A bell on each table, the sound of which symbolizes the readiness of the team to respond. .

Option 2. Individual championship
Read the questions aloud and print the answers on paper. How long have teachers not taken tests themselves? And here they are with a festive comic test! We summarize the results as follows: we collect leaflets, read out the correct answers, and name the most successful and reward at the end of the holiday, when you sum up the results.

You can also open identical tests on tablets and invite teams to figure out where is fiction and where is truth (such a series of tests is called “True or False”). It is convenient that the results are summed up instantly, and the test itself is filled out online:

Or offer to guess the object from the pictures (a fragment of macro photography - a strong increase in familiar objects). Here are the finished ones too:

7. Reading aloud a work of art in different ways

The number is humorous, but the passage must be taken seriously. Let there be Pushkin's prose, for example. For this number, it is better to take an artistic teacher who is ready to vividly show emotions and amuse colleagues. Another fun way to read plays, try it!

The text can be displayed on a large screen or given a regular book. In the first case, an inscription with a new condition will appear on the screen, in the second case, we show the sign to the volunteer. Every 2-3 sentences are read with a different intonation: “this is how a first grader reads”, “switch to rap”, “you chew a big hamburger while reading”, “run away from a maniac while reading”, “you are a robot”, “fall asleep”, “you try to captivate the class with your expressive reading”, “after each word you need to clear your throat”, “every line of the work makes you laugh”, “with this passage you enter the theater studio , add emotions”, etc.

It’s funnier if the audience also sees these signs and waits for a colleague to get out. It’s not worth repeating more than once, then it’s not so fun anymore.

8. The game "Crocodile" (school words)

Everything is standard here, but fun - one presenter tries to convey to his colleagues the meaning of the hidden school word with gestures. We prepare tablets in advance with the words: USE, electronic journal, interactive whiteboard, lesson plan, test work, public lesson, Parent meeting, teachers' council, a call to the lesson, last call, graduation, vacation, etc.

9. Master classes

We hold master classes for office employees and always admire how the fuss gradually recedes, and everything that happens turns into meditation. A beautiful creative recreation, which teachers also really need.

There are always many former teachers among the hosts of such master classes, so I have no doubt that in any team there will be craftswomen who will teach colleagues how to effectively tie a scarf, how to make,. Surely there are experts modern make-up or those who will teach how to make jewelry from natural ornamental stones.

Turn on beautiful music, share funny stories, congratulate each other. Master classes are a beautiful break from the difficult everyday life of a teacher.

Any ideas?

“Again Holiday” is a collection holiday ideas, in which I collect all the most simple and fun for different events. Always happy to add comments. Share positive with colleagues!

Eat interesting traditions for Teacher's Day at your school?

"The teachers are on fire!" competitive program for Teacher's Day

Reader 1.

Hello Hello,

Hello fellow teachers!

Let the dawns be radiant, clear

Ringing rise above you.

Reader 2.

On an autumn day, bright, glorious

We are in a hurry for your holiday.

We love you, respect you

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

Reader 1.

Dear our teachers!

On this holiday, Teachers' Day,

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully

Reader 2.

My friends! Friends of my friends!

There is no holiday more worthy and beautiful!

We honor our teachers

Who knows, loves our school!

Lead 1. We cannot contain our excitement and joy.

Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth!

Our greeting...

Leading the choir. Hello!

Hello dear teachers!

Lead 2. Dear teachers and educators! Today our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day! This holiday is yours, and therefore your students.

Lead 1. Teacher's Day is a national holiday, because all people were students, and each of them had a teacher, to whom he was indebted.

Lead 2. Only over the years does a person understand how much patience, energy and effort the teachers spent to raise their students as worthy people!

- A word for congratulations to the director of the school: Smirnova Svetlana Alekseevna.

- For you, dear teachers, the studio "Rainbow" is dancing.

Reader 1.

Teachers, congratulations! Earth bow to you!

All good songs are sung to you.

And together with you, as if in unison,

The children's hearts are beating so selflessly.

Reader 2.

We will study, we will work,

We will repay your kindness more than once.

For your love, for your worries

Please accept a big thank you from us.

Reader 1.

And to their educators

We say thank you

For their hard work

For their kind eyes

For their warm hearts!

Reader 2.

We say "thank you".

The earth echoes us.

There is such power in the word "TEACHER"!

The song sounds performed by children from Kindergarten.

Lead 1. Today we decided to move away from traditional holiday concerts and prepared for you, dear teachers, a fun competition program “Teachers light it up!”, In which we invite you and future graduates, students of grades 10-11, to participate.

Lead 2. These guys today is not the first time tried themselves as teachers. To what extent they coped with the assigned task, we will decide tomorrow, and now our newly-minted teachers will have to compete with experienced teachers.

Lead 1.

So, we are starting the competition program "Teachers rock!". And we present the first team "Worthy change":

Our first girl

This is young Lena.

I bowed slowly

How good is that!

Here comes Alinochka

Like a silk pattern sews!

And here's another girl

Christina, their friend!

Scarlet cheeks are burning

Eyes sparkle merrily.

Pava floats, slowly

How good is Lera!

Oh yes, beauty

Everyone will like it!

Here is our fellow

Pasha is handsome

Cheeks like blush

Look at me!

Oh, yes Masha is good,

Coloring - soul!

Just a glance

Ends the show!

Lead 2.

And now we present the participants of the second team "Teacher - it sounds proud":

We are pleased to introduce you Tatyana Nikolaevna

Always full of imagination and creative ideas,

Uses all the innovations in his methodology.

- “The main thing is work at school,

and everything else is nonsense, ”says Natalya Alexandrovna.

We invite Svetlana Anatolyevna to the stage.

She has one rule in her work:

What she intended, she will do anyway.

Meet Nadezhda Viktorovna.

All day like a grasshopper:

That class hour, then the evening,

That plans, that task,

Well, it's just a punishment.

The next participant is Anna Vladimirovna.

She's worth a look

She loves to sing songs.

"I'm crazy about work" -

She speaks herself.

And the last participant Irina Valerievna.

Everything is crazy about her

Adults and children.

Give it, my friends

All applause.

Lead 1.

We will start the competition soon

But first, let's wait

Before it starts

The jury is ready to appear before us.

Lead 2. To judge our teams today will be a jury consisting of:

Smirnova Svetlana Alekseevna - Director of the school.

Bakhtina Tatyana Olegovna - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

Potapov Viktor Andreevich – teacher of physical culture.

Lead 1.

Applause ready

We support everyone today.

We hurry before the start of this song

lift your spirits

Lead 2. In the meantime, ditties sound, the teams choose a captain.

The guys of the 1st class "Chatushki" congratulate you.

Lead 1.

Thanks to our singers!

They did a great job...

We were all satisfied!

Lead 2. Please name your team captains.

Lead 1. Dear participants! Please elect one representative from each team to cut the ribbon and inaugurate our competition.

Lead 2. Please cut the ribbon on my command. Only you will do it not across, but along. Each participant from her end - to the center. Whoever reaches the center first (it is marked on the tape here) is the winner. He earns the first victory for the team. The jury will also look at how exactly you do it.

-Musical congratulations from the students of the 7th grade. (Cars, the song remains with the person.)

Lead 1. The profession of a teacher is very difficult and responsible. In order to educate and educate a child, you yourself must have an inquisitive mind, rich imagination, all-round development

Lead 2. The “Teacher - it sounds proud” team will convince us of this, and whether the “Worthy Change” team is ready for this will show the first competition. We present to your attention the competition "Warm-up".

Lead 1. This contest is based on correct answers and time. So, questions to the team "Worthy change":

Why is a student kicked out of class?

(out the door)

What can a person not live without?

(no name)

How many nails does a well-shod horse need?

(not at all)

What will happen to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes?

(get wet)

What surname cannot be remembered by the heroes of Chekhov's story "Horse Name"?


What was the name of the girl with blue hair?


What is the name of the tree with earrings?


What was painted on canvas in Papa Carlo's closet? (hearth)

What must a graduate pass in order to receive a certificate? (exams)

An eye doctor?


Did he claim that humans evolved from apes?


What do people open every day in their home?


Lead 2. Questions to the team "Teacher - it sounds proud":

Why does a hunter carry a gun?


When is a fool smart?

(when silent)

Where can you find dry stone?

(in a river)

What is the name of an electronic computer?


What is a honey agaric?


Small horse?


What happens when a volcano wakes up?


A fashion designer?


What occupations take the Hippocratic Oath?


What is the name of an outstanding representative of Russian mathematical science?

(Sofya Kovalevskaya)

What can be hammered in with a hammer and pulled out with tongs?


Flower fortune teller?


Lead 1. The jury sums up the results taking into account the correct answers and the amount of time spent.

-Congratulations from students of grade 6. ("Weather in the house").

Lead 2. Let's take a short break. I ask each participant to write one name of the animal

Lead 1. Every meeting starts with an introduction. Of course, we all know each other for a long time, but is it good enough? It is possible that now we will learn something new about our rivals. Let's start with the team "Teacher - it sounds proud." I read epithets, naming the addressee, and you call one by one who they wrote.

"Worthy change":

1. Affectionate, like ...

2. Sociable, like ...

3. Beautiful as...

4. Smiling like...

5. Neat as...

6. Bold as...

Lead 2. Students will now discover the secrets of their favorite teachers:

"Teacher - it sounds proud":

1. In class like...

2. With work colleagues like…

3. With the director as ...

4. In the doctor's office as ...

5. At home like…

6. In the store…

Of course, it was just a joke. Serious trials lie ahead of us.

Lead 2. And I just have to say

What will be on stage nowPupils of the 2nd grade. (City Flowers).

Lead 3. And now from each team you need to choose one participant. To complete this task, we need the help of the audience, so we invite them to the stage. I will give the girls a magic ball (gives each a roll of toilet paper). Do you know how to use it? Now I will teach. Imagine that you have heroes in front of you, and you have a ball of magic paper in your hands. So, this paper will help you wrap our heroes. And you, heroes, in turn, stand and do not move, you can’t argue with the girls. So, whoever wraps up the good fellows faster, he won.

A competition is being held.

Lead 3. Well, are you warm, well done? Be patient a little more. We will continue this competition. I ask two more participants to come out: one from each team.

Your task is to return the human form to the heroes. Whoever removes the magic paper from the heroes first, rolling it into a roll, wins.

Lead 2.

Known for a long time for any nation,

That the children of the Earth are the continuation of the family,

Let there be an infinite number of them,

May the tree of life grow forever.

Lead 1. We invite students of the 8th grade to the stage. (Chunga-Changa.)

Lead 1.

Remarkable Talents

Appeared by 8th grade students.

We will reward them with applause, friends,

Otherwise we just can't!

Lead 3. 2 participants are invited to participate in the next competition: one from the team. As you know, any teacher should always and everywhere be well oriented: in knowledge, on the ground, etc. Moreover, this can happen both during the day and at night. Let's check how much you know how to navigate at night. The action will take place behind the wheel of a car on the track: anything can happen in life. Whoever, with his eyes closed, will go around all the obstacles, will not knock down a single pin, he will win.

- Congratulations from the 9th grade students (We are not stokers, we are not carpenters.)

Lead 2. Let's be with you in Italy for a few minutes. Why there? You'll soon find out. Italians are very well-mannered people, hospitable. Strangers are called "Senior" and "Señora". Often when addressing use professional terms. For example, "doctor" they call any person with higher education. And all teachers are called "professors". Therefore, I would like to greet the esteemed professors. I invite one participant from each team to the stage..

Lead 2. Of course, Italians also have their culinary weaknesses. No one eats spaghetti so gracefully and appetizingly as they do. Here is a fork that you need to take in your left hand, show your skill in eating spaghetti in Italian: you need to wrap spaghetti on this fork. Where is the spaghetti? You won't believe they are in my pocket

From the pockets he takes out the ends of the ribbons that are attached to the forks.

Lead 2. Whoever wraps spaghetti on a fork faster wins. Are the conditions clear? Then Bon Appetit?

There is a contest called "We wind spaghetti". The jury evaluates the competition

Lead 3. Game with spectators.

Dear teachers, I have a question for you: do you have a good memory? Wonderful!

Then, tell me, how many in this hall are those whose name is Natalia?


How many are born under the constellation Virgo? (answers)

How many teachers are in the hall?


How many of those who dream of a vacation?


What was the first question I asked you all?


Still, the first question was: “Do you have a good memory?”

Lead 1. Dear viewers and participants!

To cheer you up

Singing for you...

Performance of the song children of grade 3. (Small country).

Lead 3. The next competition is called "Song Changelings". I will name the lines from the song, "turning" the words to the opposite in meaning. And you have to guess what song it is about. For example, "They dropped the clips, and everything lay down in a row." In the original, the song sounds like this: "The beads were hung up and stood in a round dance."

So, attention!

“Above the floor of his hut…”

(“Under the roof of my house…”)

"The writer who erases the snow..."

(“An artist who paints rain…”)

“A beetle clung to a tree ...” -

("In the grass Grasshopper sat…")

"Black Crow Tango..."

(“Samba of the white moth…”)

“Last night of defeats does not smell of bullets ...”

(“This Victory Day smelled of gunpowder ...”)

“In the clearing, an old stump has withered ...”

("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…")

Lead 1. The next contest is called "Knowledge is power".

I will ask questions to each team in turn, whose team will give more correct answers, that team will win. Time is taken into account.

If I...

I live in the city so I...


I live in the village..


I live in Russia..


I live on an island..


I live in Kamchatka..


I live in Texas...


If I…

Received a letter in the mail, so I -....


Installed a telephone in the apartment ...


I write books...


Insured your life -..


I eat only plant foods


gourmet food lover


Brought goods from abroad


Taking goods abroad


Sending thoughts from a distance


I predict fate in the palm of my hand


I grow watermelons

(melon grower)

I collect stamps


Collecting coins...


I paint pictures on a military theme.


I draw the animal world -..

(animal painter)

If a guy has:

Dark blond hair, then he -..

(brown hair)

White hair -..


Lead 1. And now for all of us4th grade students perform. They will perform the song “What they teach at school.

Lead 2. We ask the jury to announce the results.

Lead 2. Congratulations to all participants with applause.

This song is performed for youstudents grade 5. (There will still be Tolya)

Lead 1.

Dear Teachers!

You do not regret the fire of the soul for us,

Lead us through life day by day

And, if suddenly you turn gray before the deadline,

Sorry we don't take care of you.

Lead 2.

Forgive me for being frivolous

For the fact that we upset you sometimes.

Sorry, we say to you in an adult way.

Please forgive us for everything!

Dance Studio "Rainbow" gives you a dance.

Lead 1. Thank you for your generous generosity

Thanks for the warmth.

Lead 2.

Thank you for giving us faith

In yourself, but also kindness

Lead 1.

Happiness! Joy! Good luck!

The only way! And not otherwise!

Lead 2.

Good health to you!

Luck indispensable!

Lead 1.

School success!

And in the family a lot of laughter!


about the VI All-Russian remote competition of teamwork

"I have an idea!" for students in grades 2-8

1. General Provisions

1.1. VI All-Russian remote competition of teamwork "I have an idea!" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is aimed at developing and testing the ability of schoolchildren to solve problems of a design or research nature, a meaningful analysis of the situation, the ability to create a common creative product, and the development of forms of joint activity by students and teachers.

1.2. The competition is a team competition during which participants solve a number of design and research problems that require a creative approach and joint efforts.

1.3. The competition is held by the Tatarstan Republican branch of the Interregional public movement of creative teachers "RESEARCHER".

1.4. The competition is held in age groups of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 classes.

1.5. The organizer from the school (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) is responsible for organizing and conducting the Competition on the ground. The functions of the Organizer can be performed by any teaching staff of the school.

1.6. The curator of the team (class teacher, teacher-psychologist, subject teacher or high school student) provides direct assistance to the team in the preparation and organization of work, draws it to the norms of group work and the values ​​of cooperation.

2. Participants of the Competition. Registration of participation

2.1. Students of grades 2-8 take part in the Competition on a voluntary basis.

2.2. To participate in the Competition, the local organizers until 25 February 2019 inclusive, submit an application in the prescribed form on the website and register.

2.3. The competition is team-based. The number of participants in each team is from 3 to 6 people (optimally 5-6). The number of teams from one school, class is not limited.

2.4. For participation in the Competition, an organizational fee is paid in the amount of 100 rub.for the participant which is spent on organizational, logistical and methodological support of the Competition. Details for paying the registration fee are provided to the Organizers of the Competition after registration on the site, in the office. Local organizers can increase the registration fee, taking into account the costs of printing materials (assignments, certificates, diplomas) and bank transfer fees. If the initiative to participate in the Competition comes from a group of parents (parents' committee), the Organizer provides them with informational and organizational assistance, providing the payment of the registration fee to the parents themselves.

3. The order of the Competition

3.2. Organizer in personal account 25 February 2019 inclusive registers the participants of the Competition, then forms teams of 3-6 students one age group(one class). If it is impossible to comply with this condition for objective reasons, no more than two students of neighboring age groups (classes) can be included in the team.

3.3. Prior to the start of the Competition, the Organizer has the opportunity to organize a training session for teams to work out ways of group interaction. To do this, he can use the instructions for organizing group work and examples of tasks from previous years posted on the Competition website.

3.4. On the day of the competition 25 February 2019, subject to payment of the registration fee, the Organizers in their personal accounts get access to instructions, tasks, requirements for the presentation of results.

3.5. Each participating team chooses to complete two tasks from among those proposed for their age group. Participants complete tasks during 7 working days. The results of the assignments are attached in the personal account of the Organizer in the form of a presentation no later than March, 6 2019.

3.6. The organizer from the school and the curators of the teams create conditions for group interaction of team members, provide effective procedure group work and presentation of results.

4. Organizational and methodological support of the Competition

4.1. For the preparation and holding of the Competition, an Organizing Committee is being created under the chairmanship of Ulyasheva G.I., Chairman of the Tatarstan Republican Branch of the Interregional Public Movement of Creative Educators "RESEARCHER"

4.2. Organising Committee:

  • agree on the forms and procedure for holding the Competition at all its stages;
  • attracts specialists of appropriate qualification for the development of tasks;
  • forms packages of tasks for the Competition for age groups of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 classes; determines the criteria for evaluating the results of group work;
  • organizes the evaluation of the work of participants; reveals the winners (laureates) of the Contest in different age groups;
  • timely notifies the Organizers of changes in the rules of the Contest.

5. Judging of the Competition. Encouragement of participants.

5.1. Centralized verification of the results of group work is carried out by the teaching staff of universities in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

5.2. The panel of judges evaluates the results (presentations) of teams attached in personal accounts with 12 to 25 March 2019.

5.3. The winning teams and prize-winners of the Competition are determined by age groups. In each age group determined by at least three teams that took the 1st place, at least five teams that took the 2nd place, at least ten teams that took the 3rd place.

5.4. In addition to the winners and prize-winners, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to assign the title of laureate to the teams participating in the Competition in certain nominations upon the recommendation of the panel of judges.

5.5. WITH 26 March 2019, after summing up the results of the Contest, the following electronic documents become available for download in the personal account of the Organizer in PDF-format:

  • personal certificates of the participants of the Competition (for each student);
  • diplomas of winners (for teams that took first place in the age group);
  • diplomas of prize-winners (for teams that took II place or III place in the age group);
  • diplomas of laureates (for teams awarded the title of laureates of the Competition);
  • letters of thanks to the Organizers (for holding the Competition);
  • Letters of thanks to the curators of the teams (for the preparation of winning teams, prize-winners or laureates of the Competition);
  • a letter of thanks to the school (represented by the director) for participating in the Competition.

6. Contact information

Executive Secretary:

Gilaeva Gulnara Damirovna, email: [email protected], tel. 89625753411

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

Ulyasheva Gulnar Ilfatovna, Chairman of the Tatarstan Republican Branch of the Interregional Social Movement of Creative Educators "RESEARCHER", e-mail: [email protected], tel. 89272464222

Teacher's day at school. Scenario "QUEEN OF AUTUMN"

teacher additional education MBOU secondary school No. 58 Murashova Natalia Yurievna
TARGET: Holding celebratory event in honor of Teacher's Day.
1. Create an atmosphere for collective creativity in every classroom.
2. Provide an opportunity for the implementation of students' creative ideas.
3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards teachers, a sense of pride in your class teacher.
4. Make a pleasant and memorable holiday for your colleagues in all respects.
5. To unite the entire school community in the process of preparing and conducting a competitive program.

Description: This is my favorite Teacher's Day script that I would love to repeat. Coincidentally, in September I had a session at the institute and there was absolutely no time to prepare the event. The thought came to mind: it would be nice for the "generation of consumers" to at least once be in the place of the organizer. Therefore, I quickly composed the Regulations on the competition and rushed off to the session.
Regulations on the competition for the Day of the Teacher, which will be held on October 5 at 16.00.
1. Poster competition for grades 1-4. Theme: Queen of Autumn. Wall newspaper dedicated to the beloved teacher. It can be a collage of children's drawings or just a large portrait. Posters are accepted for the contest until October 4th.
2. "Bouquet to your favorite teacher." Bouquet competition for grades 1-11. The selection committee works on October 5 from 8.00 to 10.00, the jury evaluates the work at 11.00. From each class, a bouquet made by children's hands.
Evaluation criteria: combination of title, colors and taste in composition. Creative solutions from fresh and dried flowers, autumn leaves, berries, fruits, vegetables and so on are welcome.
3. Competition "Queen of Autumn" for students in grades 5-11. Come up with and create an image for your class teacher: use the colors of autumn in a suit, accessories, hairstyle.
- originality of the idea;
- quality of execution;
- defense of the project (description of the costume in prose or in verse).
4. If desired, you can prepare a musical number from the class. Rooms will be reviewed on October 4 from 12.00 to 14.00.
When I returned to work three days before the holiday, I discovered a serious preparation initiated by the children. And it was wonderful!
The idea of ​​the holiday will be useful for teachers and class teachers.

Holiday script

The music sounds "Autumn is me"
Presenter 1: Autumn has come - the best time.
Children from the yard ran to school.
The bell rings - a bore,
He rushes everyone to class.
And autumn sweetly beckons
Pamper us.

Presenter 2: We welcome you, dear friends, to our competition. Today in honor of Teacher's Day will be
the title "Queen of AUTUMN" was played among class teachers!
Presenter 1: But first, let's introduce our strict and incorruptible jury.
Presenter 2: Graduate of our school, silver medalist and teacher in English– Antonina
Presenter 1: Teacher of biology and chemistry, chief expert on plants, flowers and bouquets - Irina
Presenter 2: English teacher Victoria Anatolyevna.
Presenter 1: Teacher of drawing and technology, chief expert in all kinds of
creative needlework Tatyana Vladimirovna.
Presenter 2: And the Chairman of the jury, the director of the school - Olga Lazarevna.
Presenter 1: As part of the preparation of the event, a competition was held autumn bouquets among grades 1-11 "To the teacher
with love". The exhibition is in front of you. The best bouquets will be solemnly presented to the Queen
Autumn, as well as members of our jury for their hard work. And the rest will become
adornment of our school on this solemn day!
Presenter 2: Here you go. All official words have been said. Our class teachers are very worried about
backstage ... For you, dear teachers, a song performed by grade 6 B.
The song "School ship" sounds (Lyrics: Konstantin Ibryaev, Music: Georgy Struve)
And on a September day, fine
And when February sweeps
School, school, you look like
On a ship that runs into the distance.
Chorus: Now our watch is at the blackboard,
So, we are all sailors to a certain extent.
We know the thirst for discovery,
Our roads are far...

Leading out
Presenter 1: What a wonderful vision - autumn!
What colors and what grace!
The wind timidly knocks on the frame,
He probably wants to intimidate.
Presenter 2: Let the round dance of birches have fun,
Let the fall of leaves swirl more strongly.
Let the crane wedge fly curly,
Afraid…. autumn will follow him.
Presenter 1: Hold on, blizzards and blizzards!
Let the wonderful autumn live.
Stop, moment, you are wonderful!
My soul sings with joy.
Presenter 2: Today, for you, the class teachers GENEROUSLY agreed to present the boundless imagination and creativity of their students. Let's give them a round of applause. And so, meet!
In the background, the music “Autumn is me” sounds softly
Presenter 1:- The class teacher of the 5th grade Trubacheva Marina Vladimirovna presents her
an outfit that consists of a scarf and a skirt hand-painted by children's hands and a hat decorated by Anya Urusova
- 6th grade. Pavelyeva Olesya Alexandrovna is in a hurry to demonstrate an unexpectedly long blond braid and her outfit, which symbolizes autumn rain and small ice floes on the water.
- The class teacher of the 7th grade Kulikova Tatyana Gennadievna presents the most creative costume solution! After all, with our Far Eastern weather rubber boots And protective suit mosquito repellent is a great choice!
- Grade 8 is represented by Naumenko Galina Leonidovna. Today she demonstrates accessories made by Ophelia Dadashova: a bracelet, an umbrella and a headband decorated with autumn flowers.
- Grade 9. Kuzmina Yulia Gennadievna All the colors of autumn are combined in her costume!
- Before you Levitskaya Tatyana Fedorovna - the class teacher of the 10th grade. The costume for her teacher was made by Boginskaya Anna. A skirt with a train, an elegant little hat and an original bracelet.

And our autumn parade is completed by the class teacher of the 11th grade - Fisunenko Svetlana Borisovna! The chic hat is decorated autumn leaves, skirt and bouquet perfectly complement each other.
Teachers become a semicircle
Presenter 2: What a proud calling -
Giving education to others
Give away a piece of your heart
Forget empty quarrels
Presenter 1: After all, it is difficult to explain to us,
Sometimes very boring
Repeat the same
Check notebooks at night.
Presenter 2: Thank you for being
They've always been so right.
We would like to wish
So that you do not know troubles
Together: Health, happiness for a hundred years!
Presenter 1: Please hand over the cards with the presentation to the jury for discussion. Photographers, don't be lazy. And once again we will ask our beloved class teachers to demonstrate their outfits to the thunderous applause of the whole school!
Class teachers come to the middle, pose for photos and stand on the left side of the stage
(between rooms 3 and 4)
Presenter 2: Grade 7 is in a hurry to congratulate you with the song "We love you"!
1. We love you, your dear faces,
You gave us wings, a ticket to life,
So that we can fly like birds,
To the wisdom of snow-capped peaks.

You have lakes of kindness in your eyes.
2. Thank you for simple truths,
Thanks for your patience and hard work.
Thank you for defining us
A delightful route to the world of knowledge.
Teachers are for us, you are the light in the window,
Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you get a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
And even if you get a little angry,
In your eyes there are lakes of kindness .....

Presenter 1: The jury goes to a secret ballot ... (the jury leaves)
And we announce a fan contest.
- Are there 5th grade fans here? (fans answer)
- And the fans of Olesya Alexandrovna? (fans answer)
- 7th grade? (fans answer)
- Is there an 8th grade? (fans answer)
- Does the 9th grade support its teacher? (fans answer)
- Grade 10? (fans answer)
- Grade 11 - for Svetlana Borisovna! (fans answer)
Presenter 2 A: So, I see all the fans in place. I have just one tricky question ... Now we
let's check if you have studied your cool mom well. For discussion of the issue is given only
one minute, then one person from the class comes on stage here and answers into the microphone.
Music "Boston Waltz" plays in the background
Quiz for students "Do you know your cool mom well?"
* Here are simple questions: birthday, eye color, favorite food, color, movie, and so on.
After a minute, invite one person from the class, line them up in one line and give each one a microphone in turn.

Presenter 1: Thanks to the fans! Please take your seats ... Our jury is ready to announce its decision
The music sounds "Yellow leaves are spinning over the city .."
Presenter 2: Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
Presenter 1: The word for congratulations is given to the Chairman of the jury - AKSYUK OLGA LAZAREVNA.

All-Russian pedagogical competition for the development of extra-curricular activities "New Ideas"

The purpose of the competition: to provide for teachers, teachers, educators the introduction of personality-developing, competence-oriented educational technologies; presentation and popularization of the pedagogical experience of educators.

Competition objectives:

Development of innovations in teaching and organization of the educational process;

Promoting the effective formation of key competencies of students through the creation of a developing educational environment;

Updating intellectual and creativity teachers.

Competition subject.

Developments submitted to the competition extracurricular activities in directions: Classroom hour, mass event on the subject, parent meeting, holiday scenario. Activity developments can be new materials or already tested.

Criteria for evaluating the materials of the Competition for teachers, teachers, educators "New Ideas".

1. Relevance and originality of the development.

2. Competent setting of goals and objectives.

3. Clear description pedagogical methods and tricks.

4. Creation of conditions for the vigorous activity of students.
