Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to chemists" methodical development in chemistry (grade 8) on the topic. Comic nominations for chemists for a corporate party The script for Chemist's Day is funny

May is the month of sunshine and hope. The last Sunday of this month is the most joyful and wonderful holiday for all teachers and students of the Faculty of Chemistry. Every university has a department of chemistry with an obligatory Chemist's Day. In addition, for many graduates, Chemist's Day is the only way to get together and remember the old days. The holiday has been celebrated since 1981, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 “On festive and memorable days" V last sunday May. But it's official, not official, even informal,
Chemist's Day has been celebrated since 1966. Since then, the celebration has been held under the sign of the chemical elements of the periodic table. So, for example, the first day of the chemist became the Day of hydrogen - the first element of the Periodic system.

In our country traditional holiday Followers of Lomonosov and Mendeleev - Chemist's Day - is celebrated noisily and cheerfully. This holiday is a tribute to people who linked their fate with one of the most modern, complex and economically significant sectors of the economy. It traces its history back to Soviet times, when it was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, and has been preserved as a professional holiday today. In Russia, the No. 1 chemist is, of course, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. It is said that Mendeleev dreamed of the Periodic Table of Elements in a dream. He was then 35 years old. There is such a theory that the world is not only unknowable, but also depends on who knows - the researcher inevitably influences the result of the experiment. And therefore there are many simultaneously existing Universes with different properties. So, our Universe, which now consists of approximately 114 elements, was arranged by Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Chemistry is the science that studies substances and their transformations as a result of chemical reactions. A long time ago, people put their knowledge of chemistry into practice, trying to get gold from any metal, melting glass, dyeing fabrics with various dyes. As a result of such practical actions, some reagents and equipment appeared, for example, an apparatus for distilling liquids. Chemistry as a science began in the 17th century with the name of Robert Boyle, who was the first to try to define the chemical element that makes up a substance. In the 19th century, Mendeleev created a table of elements, later named after him, with which it was much easier to determine chemical composition substances.

In modern life, it is difficult to find at least one area where chemicals and materials are not used. All of our lives are related to chemistry in one way or another. Chemist's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May. This is a professional holiday for workers in the chemical industry, representatives of science, students - chemists and their teachers.

A toast to the professional holiday "Let's get drunk!"

On Chemist's Day, let's get chemist
A little happiness, joy, good luck.
Let's take everything in sensible proportions,
And difficult problems will be solved.

Let the reagents always please
Health will be strong and stable.
All allergies say together: "No!",
Let's say "Yes!" we have an active holiday.

Raise a toast to Mendeleev
And “Thank you for the table!” - let's say.
And even children with their joy
We will easily show chemistry in everyday life.
С2Н5ОН - you are our beloved friend!
With you we will be together
Meet Chemist's Day.
The sun shines brighter
And a happier landscape
When in your stomach
And for the most magical profession on earth!

Comic quiz for Chemist's Day

1. Which element is always happy?

2. Which gas claims to be neon?
3. What non-metal is wood?
4. What chemical element consists of two animals?
5. What element revolves around the Sun?
6. Which chemical elements claim to be able to "make other substances give birth"?
7. Which chemical elements are easy to turn into a fun show?
8. What metal, according to ancient mythology, is doomed to "eternal torment"?
9. Which metal name contains wood?
10. What precious metal is found in marsh algae?
11. Adults and children like to play part of what chemical element at their leisure?
12. What chemical elements are composed of various rivers?
13. The drink of sea pirates is a part of two chemical elements. What are these elements?
14. What chemical element is directly related to the herd of horses?
15. What chemical element is suitable for continuous heating or boiling of water?
16. The name of which chemical element begins with a port facility to protect ships from sea waves?
17. From what metal must one third be cut off to obtain the known bone of an animal or human skeleton?
18. The name of what metal carries a magician?
19. What chemical elements are made up of triplets?

1. Radon.
2. Neon.
3. Bor.
4. Arsenic.
5. Uranus.
6. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon.
7. Zirconium - circus, zinc - circus.
8. Tantalum ("tantalum flour").
9. Nickel.
10. Platinum.
11. Gold.
12. Indium, polonium, radon, Nilsborium.
13. Bromine, chromium.
14. Zirconium.
15. Titanium.
16. Molybdenum.
17. Silver.
18. Magnesium.
19. Sodium, yttrium.

Wish to chemists

DIMendeleev discovered 40-degree vodka. Later, he opened a 27-degree "Port". And only in the morning the great scientist discovered that they should not be mixed. I wish you great discoveries not only at this table, but also in your professional life.

Toast in honor of Chemistry and Chemists

Let's make a toast in honor of such a great day. Chemistry is the science of magic, capable of performing extraordinary miracles. I want to appeal to women to say thank you to all chemists. After all, if it were not for chemists, we would not have such a huge variety of creams, shampoos, varnishes and other cosmetics. Men can express their gratitude to chemists for the shaving creams created for them, for car oils. Let's all together try to remember all the merits of our extraordinary wizards. Let's name all the things and objects for which we can thank them.
(Participants unanimously list).

Leader's words: Thanks everyone. It is at this moment that we can safely say that life does not exist without chemistry! Without congratulations and toasts, our tonight cannot exist.

Congratulations on Chemist's Day can be both in prose and in verse. Here is an example of one of the congratulations on the day of the chemist in verse:

С2Н5ОН - you are our beloved friend!
With you we will be together
Meet Chemist's Day.
And on this day everything will go smoothly
And the experiments will be easy
And the substance will reveal a riddle,
And in life we ​​are all lucky!

And on this day we will be glad
On Chemist's Day, congratulate everyone.
Without fabric, paints and lipstick
Success would not have expected women of all.
And let not every holiday remember
He is dear to us, like a day of victories
And we don't need big words
Happy Chemist's Day! Success awaits you.

Holiday scenarios Chemist's Day great amount. It may include entertaining contests and riddles for a festive evening. Here are some riddles that will go with a bang:

Ready to please all of us
He who is coal and diamond,
And sits in pencils
So, as he is still graphite.
Smart people will understand
Let's say together...

It burns log, gas,
Carbon or diamond?
What are we breathing?
Maybe kvass?
No! Of course not kvass!
Why would nature die without it?
All right! Without:…

Air is the main gas
He will surround us everywhere.
Everything around is fading away.
Without him - he is the best friend
He lives in our cells
An important element...

Competitions for Chemist's Day can be very diverse: from brainstorming, when they ask thematic questions, and who will answer large quantity, he won, before the competition "who will catch up more." Chemist's Day script can also include themed game"collecting molecules" (collect as many tennis balls as possible with your eyes closed).

You can also organize a fascinating chemical show using different chemical elements, for example, the interaction of sodium nitrite with hydrochloric acid and water. It will be unusual and bewitching. And at the end of the holiday, you can give everyone present small memorable gifts that will remind you of this holiday for a long time.

Happy holiday, dear chemists! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!


Name the sixth

The leader is chosen by lot. He lists any five names: animals, plants, kitchen items, cities, etc. Each of the players must continue the list and name the sixth word from the same area. If he didn't name, he is out of the game. It is impossible to prompt, but you need to respond quickly.
The last player left wins.
You can play while walking, it diversifies it. The game develops attention, memory, broadens horizons.

fun chemistry

Chemists joke: riddles

The structure of the atom and the Periodic Law

He runs on wires

He happens here and there.

The light is lit, the iron is heated

Our best friend.

If he hit the atom -

That, consider, almost disappeared:

He is from morning to morning

Worn around the core.

Very positive

With an impressive mass.

And people like him, a detachment

Creates a charge in the nucleus.

Best friend his is a neutron.

Guessed? He - ...!

I can not boast of a charge,

That is why I sit in the core and not gu-gu.

And then they will think: a spy.

And I'm neutral and my name is...!

Antique naive,

frankly rustic

Completely "indivisible"

The Greeks called the atom.

But now science says:

The atom is not an easy thing

And it is cleverly arranged.

In the center is a dense core,

And around, like a swarm of midges,

Dancing electron crumbs ...

In electronic clouds

Like a boat on the waves

Every atom wants to swim

By your coordinates

In the periodic table.

Reading the whole page...

Coordinate names

Will give a clue to two charades.

Three letters of the triangular fruit,

Two letters from the table, from the school,

"P" between these fragments ...

All together - a column with elements!

Bird fur, but not fluff, and without the letters of the last two,

Plus a solution for lubricating abrasions that children plant in a day;

Together - we get a horizontal row instantly.


I do not grieve, but I burn

And I will give you water.

Let it rain, and snow, and hail -

I am glad to drink nature.

I am an insidious arsonist.

You want fire - here you go!

I am the omnipotent oxidizer

(If you only give firewood).

Walking in a thunderstorm - what's the point?

Let's get some air, buddy.

Nature seems to be cleaner

Everywhere in the air...

Well, take off your hat!

I am the daughter of space dad.

And omnipresent and light, -

I am ice, I am sweat, I am clouds.

I am frost, tea, broth, fog,

River, stream and ocean.

When I get angry, I boil;

And from the cold - I freeze.

You have already met me -

I am a space wanderer

Elements progenitor

And a brave leader.

I'm an oxygen lover

Together with him I give water.

Riddles about indicators

The alkaline environment confuses me;

I blush ... But if there is acid around,

And if I am alone in the water,

You can't see me. I - ...

Oh, what can I do with myself -

After all, in alkali I am blue-blue.

And I dare not be blue in acid:

I am ... and in acids I blush.

Like on a walk from the frost,

From sour I will become roses.

But my appearance in alkali is ridiculous:

I immediately yellow as a lemon.

Riddles about salt

In fire I evaporate water,

In the water I freeze like a stone;

I am a brother to a doctor and a sculptor.

But whose, tell me, am I sulfate?

Announcement: I'm in a hurry!

I live while I write.

Scribbled all over the board with white...

Disappearing. I was...

Of course, I'm very needed.

You can't cook dinner without me

Don't pickle the cucumber

Don't make cold.

But not only in food -

I live in sea water.

If a tear falls from your eye,

You will remember my taste right away.

Who is smart says:

Riddles about metals

Not everyone is given to be a symbol,

But my name is not without reason

They called hands, rain, calves, fleece,

Cross section and views of the middle.

And even a century was named after me,

When a person was very happy.

What is in my name now? And old

Everyone thought that I was the king of metals.

I don't rust from the rain

I do not break, I do not darken.

As strong as a diamond in battle,

Like a vine, flexible.

If I harden hard -

I will never back down.

I will cut down the tree

Cutting fabric, drilling metal,

Learn everything freely!

I can do everything, I am suitable for everything -

On the pedal and on the squeaker,

On the tablet and on the medal.

He goes to the pans

Yes, patterned lattices,

He's really, really awkward.

Ignorant and uneducated...

It breaks like ice

And heavy as a hippopotamus.

But not a liar and not a talker

Our hard worker...

I'm going for a small coin

I like to ring bells

They put me a monument for this

And they know: my name is ...

From clay I am ordinary,

But I'm unusually modern.

I'm not afraid of electricity

I fly fearlessly in the air;

I serve in the kitchen without a deadline -

All tasks are on my shoulder.

I'm proud of my name

I'm called...

Riddles about the elements of the VA-group

I warn you in advance:

I'm unbreathable!

But they don't seem to hear

And constantly breathe me.

I am the luminous element.

I'll light a match for you in a moment.

They will burn me - and under water

My oxide will become acid.

I have a bad reputation

I am a known poison.

Even the name says

That I'm terribly toxic.

Riddles about sulfur compounds

When pyrite burns in the furnace,

It's tickling in my throat.

And my hydrate to the whole planet

Threaten by acid rain.

I am everywhere - but little by little.

Chernu silver spoon;

When an egg is spoiled

I'm immediately there too

I curb my appetite

And very venomous.

I will dissolve any metal.

The alchemist got me

In a simple clay retort.

I'm reputed to be the main acid ...

When I dissolve myself

In water, I get very hot.

Riddles about carbon and silicon

I burn with a blue flame

I threaten you with rage.

When I'm on fire,

I'm flying out of the oven.

Usually white as flour

I turn blue from iodine.

But how I'm afraid of boiling water!

I will immediately become ... glue in it.

So that I can appear

Calcined white chalk.

The fire in the furnace gives me

And the flame of a small candle.

And all you have to do is take a breath

So that I can come into the world.

I'm in sparkling water

I am in bread, in soda; I am everywhere.

Although I am salt, but under water

I will surprise you with my environment.

Wash dishes, wash clothes

I can (and this is not a lie)!

I have a sister. She

Heartburn must be cured.

Who knows the properties of my nature,

Will answer immediately who I am: ...

If you ask - where is this Greek vase from,

And brick, and tile, and a jug of milk,

I will tell you: from the ravine; I will tell you right away

It's all red clay that they think is just dirt

Everything from a museum vase to a flower pot.

By adding water generously, this clay is kneaded for a long time;

They sculpt various gizmos (clay is softer than plasticine),

Burned to make it "stone"

And from clay it turns out ...

This is my nature:

Limestone, sand and soda

They require a lot of fire

To melt me ​​down

I am transparent and light

And they call me...

In the mountains of distant Shao Lin

They dug clay - kaolin.

From this clay from a long time ago

Made in China...

I am gray powder

While my house is a bag.

I'll drink water, and at the same moment

I will confirm right away. I - ...

Riddles about nitrogen oxides

In the oven once calcined

Ammonium nitrate.

Now I'm a gas. Farewell, nitrate!

To be honest, I'm not happy...

But I don't blame the people or the oven for this;

On the contrary, I will cheer up and even ... intoxicate!

Find me. I am gas. I am simple.

I am red, like a fox's tail.

I am formed from nitrate

And in the air - from the gas-brother.

And if I meet with water,

I will become a strong acid.

I am nobody. You won't find me:

I'm invisible, buddy.

Electric discharge -

My parent, friend and brother.

When I stand out in the air

I gradually oxidize.

Chemists are joking

Riddles Answers

Similar information.

In addition to joint calendar holidays, in each team corporate events are held on the occasion of the birthday of the company, professional holiday, especially a successful contract, etc. Typically, such events are organized in the form of a buffet with congratulations from the management and performances by invited creative teams.

But if you want to have an evening with game program and honoring employees, then this scenario of a corporate party "Let's compliment each other" would be very appropriate. The scenario contains entertainment, team games that unite the whole team and create high spirits for everyone.

Scenario of a corporate party.

The evening begins with B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other"

Leading: Good evening, gentlemen! Isn't it wonderful words! And they, as well as possible, fit our evening, and you, of course, know that they belong to the pen of Bulat Okudzhava. This wonderful poet did not even imagine that the relevance of his words would only increase every year. After all, in our age of high speeds and crazy technologies, completely simple human concepts go into the background: communication with colleagues, intimate conversations with friends, meetings around the fire with friends - they are being replaced by virtual and mobile communications. We live with a constant lack of warmth, attention and ordinary human participation. However, everything is in our hands! And we have gathered here not to be sad, but to give each other this deficit and recharge with its positive energy for the future!

Game for acquaintance and rallying of guests "Truth in the ball"

(you can watch the game or choose another option more suitable for the company at)

A toast for rapprochement and acquaintance.

Presentation of comic nominations to employees.

Leading: Based on the results of this survey and the questionnaire that was conducted in advance, I am pleased to announce that this year each of you has received the following nominations (lookOption 2 )…..

(diplomas or medals are awarded)

Leading: Well, as they say, "the awards have found their heroes." And tell me, what, in addition to thunderous applause and solemn fanfare, is usually accompanied by any celebration?

The players are in charge.

Leading: Of course, the presentation of beautiful and unusual bouquets was not prepared, then we will collect it right here.

Team game "Bouquet-song collage"

This game is suitable for mass coverage of guests, since here we will "collect" bouquets. To begin with, we call five or six of the most active guests and invite them to collect a bunch of “flowers”, that is, to recruit colleagues dressed in a certain color of clothes: yellow, red, blue, orange, etc. into a team. teams can turn out to be unequal in number - it's not scary. What matters is how they show their talents. But first, let the facilitator briefly tell you what each of the colors means. For example, green is the color of health, optimism and hope. You can ask the Green team how they are doing with hope and health, etc. then the teams receive one paper chamomile each, on the petals of which lines from poems and songs are written on the reverse side, where flowers or colors are mentioned, as well as the names of excerpts for the team "color" dance. The teams decide for themselves who reads the verse, who sings, but the dance to the song, where their color is mentioned, they perform all together (the music is put on by a DJ). Thus, each team gives its own little concert. The winners are determined by applause.

Game with the audience "Let's say compliments"

Host: As we can see, flowers are indeed a unique gift. Only compliments can compare with them. Shall we exchange?

Men say adjectives that characterize women with the letter "F", and women praise men with the letter "M". The last one to answer wins.

Leading: You noticed that men were still a little more inventive, apparently they have more experience, and maybe fantasies, After all, when a man seeks favor with a lady he likes, he is sometimes magically inventive. I would like to ask: men, what properties do you endow perfect woman in your fantasies?

Answers follow, among which the host literally grabs the word “weak”.

Leading: Well, since a woman is weak, then a real man, in my opinion, is the one with whom she can afford this quality. Let's fantasize! You, strong men, what wish of a weak beloved woman would you fulfill if God gave you the power to create magic?!

Of course, men are accepted to fantasize. In this case, the host should work not just as a commentator, but to make sure that the ladies present also express their opinion about male fantasies.

Song compliments between the male and female half of the team.

Leading: How beautiful men are as wizards, aren't they, ladies! Let's reward their good intentions with at least applause! Of course, if the ladies wish, you can kiss on the cheek! However, I dare to remind you that the main goal of our evening is “to compliment each other”! So I'm announcing a "Compliment Auction"! I will ask you to remember all the poems and songs where a man or woman declares their love.

For example, song compliments. The female half of the hall suggests: "Oh, what a man was, a real colonel." And the male replies: "Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart ..."

If the hall is ready to exchange poetic compliments, then hold this option:

Men:"I loved you silently, hopelessly ...". The ladies do not remain in debt and quotes Tsvetaeva: “Thank you with my heart and hand for the fact that you are me - without knowing yourself! - so love! ... ". The one who gives the last compliment wins.

Here you should not rush people, on the contrary, stock up on tips and encourage guests to use as many quotes as possible. Those who remembered the most beautiful or witty quotes can be presented with small gifts.

Leading: Isn't it true that poetry sets our souls in a special way! However, music has a similar effect on us. No wonder these two manifestations of human sensitivity coexist so well with each other and give birth to a song.

Concert number - a song about love sounds.

Corporate drinking chant "Let's be happy?! Hurrah!"

Leading: Mutual compliments have already brought us many pleasant moments, haven't they? Perhaps someone already wanted to scream with happiness ?! I propose to do this according to the rules of corporate ethics: together and with enthusiasm. I read out a quatrain, and after my words "We will be happy" you all shout loudly: "Hurrah!"

Leading: Let them accompany you everywhere

We have fair winds!

May love keep us warm

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let us this evening

There will be kind words!

We don't mind, glad to meet you

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let time run, rejoicing,

After all, now is the time!

Games, dances, kisses.

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: We all want to have fun

Until the very morning!

May the holiday last forever

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Funny photo shoot "Share your smile."

Leading: How much you smiled now and this is the best result that I could count on as a presenter. And let's hold a "Smiling Contest"! conditions are simple: you need to smile! First, let's compete in the breadth of a smile! Even wider! Now show me a smile from the bottom of your heart! Even more soulful! Class! Some even had tears in their eyes, but these are tears of happiness!

It was only a rehearsal, the real competition will start only now. And it will be an express photo contest for the most charming smile itself.

(For the competition you will need: a camera, pre-copied children's photos with funny facial expressions - different one for each participant, a projector or monitor. The participant is given a photo of the child, his task is to repeat facial expressions in front of the camera. Then a slide is quickly made from all the photos and shown to everyone The audience chooses the best.)

Scene for a corporate party in IT - the company "Dialogue at the Monitor"

SCENARIO "Initiations to chemists".

Fanfares sound, presenters come out(Artem, Nastya, Anton, Zhenya).


Dear friends! We have gathered in this hall to perform the sacrament of initiation into chemists of a large cohort of our comrades, who are united by a love for the amazing science - chemistry.

Nastya: Today in the hall there areteams of students of the 8th grade of educational institutions of the Voroshilovsky district of the city of Volgograd. So let's get acquainted!

Representation of teams (name, motto).

Nastya: Dear players, today we will compete in various competitions. In order to answer the question, the captain raises the card after the signal of the presenters. If there are 2 incorrect answers from different teams, we voice the correct one.

Anton: The great Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov said: "Chemistry with the hands, mathematics with the eyes of the physical can rightly be called."


Oh, physics is a science of sciences!

Everything ahead!

How little behind!

Let chemistry be for us instead of hands,

Let mathematics become eyes.

Don't separate these three sisters

Knowledge of everything in the sublunar world,

Then only the mind and eyes will be sharp

And human knowledge is wider.(Artem, Nastya leave).Presentation "Homonyms".

Zhenya: Great and mighty is the Russian language! It is he who unites people and all areas of human knowledge. See for yourself! To do this, we propose to complete a task in which you need to demonstrate the knowledge of a chemist and a connoisseur of the Russian language.

Anton: Give examples of homonyms - words that are identical in sound, but different in meaning) of the following chemical terms: mole, cylinder, pestle, black, ruff, boron, termite.

Zhenya: For example: Flux - on the one hand, this is the material introduced into rocks for the formation of slag, and on the other hand, inflammation of the periosteum or gums, accompanied by swelling of the surrounding tissues.

Possible responses from the audience:

Ruff - washing brush chemical glassware and perch family fish.

Bor - chemical element; Pine forest; rod with steel or diamond head.

mole - unit of quantity of substance; kind of small butterflies.

Pestle - a short rod made of porcelain, agate, metal with a rounded end for crushing something in a mortar and the main part of the flower.

Termite - a combustible powder mixture that burns when high temperature; insects.

Cylinder - chemical measuring vessel; geometric body; headdress.

Black - a black or dark gray image applied to metal (gold, silver) by engraving and filling strokes with the so-called blackened alloy (from silver, copper, etc.); about people belonging to the unprivileged, exploited classes.

(Anton, Zhenya leave).

Denis and Dima

Denis: On the way to the chemical Olympus, we will visit the Bluff Club. In it, respected teachers will be asked questions on chemical terminology. You are required to be smart, know the history of chemistry, react quickly and answer yes or no.

Dima: "mineral crystal" was called sodium nitrate? (No.)

Denis: "Vitriol", "vitriol", "sulfuric oil", "vitriol" in the 17th century in Russia was called sulfuric acid?(Yes.)

Dima: "spirit of salts", "sour alcohol", "spiritus salis", "salty alcohol", "marine acid", "muriic acid" called nitric acid?(No.)

Denis: Salt is a symbol of constancy among all peoples?(Yes.)

Dima: "Cypriot vitriol", "Turkish vitriol", "blue vitriol", "copper vitriol" - are these the names of one substance? (Yes.)

Denis: "Royal vodka", "secondary water", "royal vodka" called nitric acid? (No.)

Dima: "hell stone", "lapis" - these are the names of silver nitrate?(Yes.)


Oxymuric acid Berthollet called chlorine?(Yes.)

(Maxim, Lisa K.). music.

Maksim: The wheel of history does not stand still and today it makes a turn to the origins of chemical science.

Guess the great Russian chemists by the significant facts of their biography.

Lisa K.

  • What is the name of the first Russian scientist-encyclopedist, the founder of chemical science. Before him, chemistry was not considered a science, but belonged to the category of arts.
  • He is the founder of Russian scientific terminology. He coined such words as "thermometer", "formula", "piston", "atmosphere", "barometer", etc.
  • According to Pushkin: “He created the first chemical laboratory. He created

first university. It would be better to say that it was itself "our first university."

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.

Maksim: He loved to bind books, glue frames for portraits, make suitcases.

  • Studying was not easy for him at first. In the first year of the Pedagogical Institute, he managed to get unsatisfactory grades in all subjects except mathematics, but he graduated from the institute with honors.
  • His future son-in-law Alexander Blok wrote about him: “He has long known everything that happens in the world. Got into everything. Nothing is hidden from him. His knowledge is the most complete. It comes from genius ordinary people that doesn't happen..."

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

Lisa K.

  • He is known as a chemist, general and composer. His scientific heritage includes more than 90 printed works on organic chemistry, he is the author of the opera "Prince Igor", "Bogatyr Symphony" and other musical works. We hear an excerpt from his musical work even now ...

Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin

Artem: Chemistry is a mysterious science. It develops all the hidden talents of a person, even telepathic ones. Don't believe? And it will have to. We invite three spectators to test the abilities of the presenters.

All presenters leave the stage.

Telepathy game by Ira L. and Lisa L.(+ melody).

Ira: You silently point to the symbol of the chemical element, and I, by an effort of will, will pass on your task to my sister. (The player is given a pointer, he points to the element. The element number is a code: 0 - "take your time", 1 - "carefully", 2 - "think", 3 - "hurry up", 4 - ... etc.).

Lisa Guesses the name of the element by number.

The presenters come out: Nastya and Zhenya.

Nastya: Chemistry is an experimental science. Only those who perfectly know the safety rules can begin to perform the experiment.(melody sounds exhibits include:Maxim, Ira Sh., Ilya, Igor stand with their backs to the audience).

Zhenya: We invite you to the Museum of "Half-Living Figures", get acquainted: "Blast Victim".

Maxim (turns to face the audience):

I got hydrogen

Added oxygen to it

And they exploded immediately

And I was left without an eye.

Nastya. He wanted magic

In a test tube, he set fire to two substances...

And this is a victim of alkali.

Ira Sh.: (turns to the audience, speaks, smearing tears).

Do not think, friends,

That's how I came to school.

The evil alkali ate the form,

That's the thing, brothers.

Zhenya: Victim of acid. (Ilya turns to the audience).

He decided to taste the acid.

Look, the tongue is no longer in the mouth!

Melted your tongue like ice

Ilya: And it still burns in my mouth!


Before interacting with substances,

You need to know how to deal with them.

Zhenya: And finallyThe last exhibit is "The Victim of Curiosity".

Igor: ( turns to the hall, crying).

I put my finger in a test tube,

Instead of a finger - just a hole.


Here's the trouble! The game is dangerous

Tears shed now in vain.

Leaders and "victims" (together).

So as not to endanger your life,

You sacredly observe all safety rules!

go off stage.

Lena: Our competition continues. We suggest you translate the following phrases from the chemical language into the language of proverbs and sayings:

  • Not everything is aurum that glitters.
  • A lot of hydrogen oxide has leaked out since then.
  • White like calcium carbonate.
  • Sodium underchloride on the table, perchloride on the head.
  • Goes away like ash-two-o in silicon oxide.
  • Ferrum character.
  • The word is argentum, and silence is aurum.
  • Allotropic modification of pure carbon ash-two-o.
  • He strangled himself for a penny.
  • Transparent, like an alloy of lead and silicon oxides with sodium carbonate.

Ira V. and Ira Sh.

Ira V. The next competition is called "Dark Horse". We tell you some information about the element and the properties of its connections. The answer after the first hint is 5 points, after the second - 4, etc. The team that gives the wrong answer is eliminated until the next stage of the competition.

Ira Sh.:

  1. In the human body it contains 3 g, of which approximately 2 g is in the blood.
  2. In terms of prevalence in the earth's crust, it is second only to oxygen, silicon and aluminum.
  3. Initially, its only source was meteorites that fell to Earth, containing it in its pure form.
  4. Primitive man began to use tools from it for several millennia BC.
  5. A century is named after him.

Ira V.

  1. It was called lifeless gas.
  2. The bond in its molecule is triple.
  3. It is lighter than air.
  4. In liquid form, it is used in cryotherapy.
  5. It is part of the air.

Ira Sh.:

  1. For 350 years BC. Aristotle mentions this element in his writings.
  2. The alchemists called him Mercury.
  3. This metal dissolves other metals well, forming amalgams.
  4. Metal vapors are poisonous.
  5. Located inside the thermometer.

Ira V.

  1. Its content in the waters of the World Ocean is approximately 8 billion tons.
  2. This element has been known to man since ancient times.
  3. The largest nugget of this metal weighs 112 kg.
  4. Jewelry and coins are made from it.
  5. This metal is a symbol of the Sun.

Ira V. and Ira Sh. leave.

The boys bring in a screen and props for experiments.

Ilya: And finally, we invite you to solve puzzles in which the names of elements and chemical concepts are encrypted.

So, attention to the screen: (presentation).

Artyom: They say that the theater begins with a hanger, and chemistry begins in the laboratory.The time has come to invite everyone present to the “chemical kitchen”, where charming ladies work as chefs. Now let's find out who they are.

Chastushki B-Ezhek (Alina, Diana, Yana, Ira A., Ira and Lisa).

I was tipsy

And flew on a broom

Believed - did not believe

In the periodic table!

Elements here in a row

Friend after friend are standing

And protons and neutrons

The masses are led in them!

I brew my own potion

I will speak to you.

And Koshchei mercilessly

That solution will kill me!

We want to cheat

Foam rises, smoke rises.

Come in, take a look

We will make you all rich!

Throw glitter into the room.

Music from "Visiting a Fairy Tale". On the screen is a slide from the forest.

The screen opens (Julia, Diana runs to her). Denis and Dima approach them.

Diana: My guests are dear

How long have you been waiting!

And I am at your arrival

I saved my surprise.

Julia: Come on, have a rest.

I invite you to the table.

And, as usual, at first

I'll treat you to tea.

I brewed stronger tea

I baked a delicious bun.

Refresh yourself from the road

I'll rest for now.

(Denis bites a bun.):

Your bun is like a stone

Eat - you will not collect teeth.

I'll soak it in tea.

Grandma, you can't fool us.

(Places the roll in a glass with "tea" - this is a solution of iodine. The roll becomes blue.)


All clear!

You didn't bake buns

I brought it from the buffet.

Instead of tea - iodine solution

She poured it into our glasses.

Denis (puts the cup on the table).

In that bun, the starch "sat",

He turned blue from iodine.


Not want tea then

I will offer you milk.

steam milk,

It's delicious.

(Pours off the barium chloride and sodium sulfate solution.)

Denis (He takes a glass of "milk" and pretends to put it to his mouth.

Dima (to Denis).

Wait a minute to drink

Not in a glass of milk:

In sodium-two-es-o-four

Barium chloride poured

And in the draft they received Bariy-es-o-four.

(The speech is accompanied by a display of tablets with the formulas of substances. All the characters move deep into the stage.

Music sounds , the Serpent Gorynych flies onto the stage (Mher, who drags Vasya along.)

Mher (referring to Vasya).

Come on, please.

In front of you is the clinical department,

More precisely, chemical-surgical.

(Turns to the audience.)

And you, dear viewers,

We invite you to attend no, not at the autopsy,

And at the grand opening!

Diana: (addressing the student).

Are you ready, oh young friend,

To sacrifice a limb?

Know the sacrifice of your colleagues

In all ages it has been honored!

Vasya: Ready!

Julia (slowly speaks and acts).

We will put "iodine" on the hand,

And wipe the knife with "alcohol".

We will make an incision along the brush ...

Vasya: What is the scientific interest?


"Blood" flows like a river on the hand,

But we will collect "blood" with cotton wool.

There is no trace of the wound!

(Show the hand to the audience.)

You mean you're a chemist!

Disappeared, as it was not, a cut.

That is the whole point of scientific interest.

Vasya: And your focus is not new at all,

How to get, I know, "blood":

Salt (three) iron dissolve

And pour thiocyanate into it.


Here is a new difficulty on your way:

Fire test must be passed.

You see, ahead of the "volcano",

You wake him up!

(Vasya conducts the experiment "Volcano" - the decomposition of ammonium dichromate when heated, chromium oxide (III.)+ music

Mher (referring to the audience).

A glorious spectacle: a column of sparks.

Bravo! Who can match you?

Now I will take a handkerchief in my hands,

First, I’ll wet the key with “water”

And with the flame of a match I will set it on fire.

(Conducts the "Fireproof Scarf" experiment)+ music

What do you say now, my dearest friend?

Ile, maybe you don’t have time to answer?

Vasya: Your question has a simple answer:

You wet your handkerchief with water

And soaked in alcohol too.

He set fire to it.

All alcohol burned

He did not have time to light the handkerchief.

Water, evaporating, took away heat

And with this handkerchief she protected.


It's a miracle, it's a miracle!

Miracle done beautifully:

To get "smoke"

We don't need a spark.

(Performs the experiment "Smoke without fire")


How long have you been silent

Confused, my friend?

Before us, as if he didn’t try,

Is your stock of knowledge depleted?

Vasya: I'm not alone here, there are many of us

And the guys will help me.

Together we will find the answer

We will win the battle with honor.

(Students explain the "mystery" of the "Smoke without Fire" experience)


Worthy passed through all the tests!


You have chosen a wonderful science.


And initiating you into young chemists,

We light fires in your honor.

(Diana and Julia set fire to alcohol poured into evaporating cups, the rest are sparklers.).

Music "We are the champions".All the presenters come out: Igor, Zhenya, Maxim, Nastya.

Igor. There comes a solemn moment. I ask candidates for the title of "Young Chemist" to stand up. Now, on behalf of their classmates, they will swear allegiance to chemistry.

Zhenya. We decided to dedicate our lives

The science of royal, great chemistry.

I'm sure she'll teach you how to live

In accordance with happy hopes.


With you, chemistry, we will achieve a lot.

And we will never give up on you.

In front of friends, teachers

We solemnly swear:


Always attend classes

Don't forget about mugs

Apply knowledge to life!

We swear!


Learn all the laws

Repeat the past

Problems are difficult to solve

Control on "five" to write!

All hosts along with the audience. We swear!


to carry out the experiment,

To protect the honor of our school,

Don't give up your positions

To raise the prestige of science,

Go forward, don't get tired!

All hosts along with the audience. We swear!


Don't let the teachers down

Always, in everything to be an example,

Benefit the people

love the science of chemistry

And always serve her faithfully.

All hosts along with the audience.We swear, we swear, we swear!

Artem and Anton. So, it's time to take stock of today's competition and identify the best of the best ...

Presentation of diplomas

Timiryazevskaya high school

Chemistry teacher: Aubakirov Askar Umurbekovich


Scenario for "initiation into chemists"

Course and content of the event:

Music sounds, 2 presenters (Tamasha and Christina) come out.

1 presenter : There is nothing else in nature

Neither here nor there in the depths of space.

Everything - from small grains of sand - to planets

It consists of single elements.

2 leading : Like a formula, like a labor schedule,

The structure of the Mendeleev system is strict,

Happening around you the world is alive,

Enter it, breathe in, touch it with your hands.

1 presenter : Good evening, dear friends!

2 leading : We are glad to welcome you to the holiday-competition - "Initiation into chemists".

1 presenter : The participants of today's competition will have to reveal all their abilities to us.

2 leading : And, of course, you will evaluate the abilities and skills of the contestants - dear viewers and a strict, fair jury, which we will now present to you(Jury grade 11).

1 presenter : And now it is the turn of acquaintance with our contestants. Let's welcome them. Meet smart, beautiful, charming and resourceful members.(Teams of the 8th grade rise to the stage).

2 leader. Before we start the evening, let's revisit the rules for survival in the chemistry lab:

1 presenter : if you have something liquid in your hands, do not spill it, do not scatter the powdery, do not let the gaseous out

2 leader. if turned on - turn off, if opened - clog, if disassembled - assemble, if you cannot assemble, call the craftsman

1 presenter : if you haven't taken it apart, don't try to assemble it

2 leader. if you don't know how it works, don't touch it

1 presenter if it doesn't concern you, don't interfere

2 leader. if you can't understand something, scratch your head

1 presenter if you have something exploded, check if you are still alive

2 leader. If you have not learned these rules, do not enter the office

1 presenter So we start...

2nd leader. Chemistry is the science of substances and their transformations, so extraordinary that for the uninitiated they seem like miracles.

1st leader. The secret of her magic is the knowledge of the chemical trade.

2nd leader. Teams of 8 classes participate in the competition. I give them the floor to welcome them.

(Greetings of the teams. Valued at 3 points.)

1 presenter Thank you team for the welcome.

2 leading . And now the contest"Warm-up", which will take place in two stages. Each team is asked questions, any member of the team answers after 5 seconds of reflection. For a correct answer, the jury awards 1 point.

Warm up

1st presenter (questions to the 1st team).

1. What bodies are made of ... (Substance.)

2. In the center of the atom is ... (The nucleus.)

3. The science of substances and their transformations - ... (Chemistry.)

4. A certain type of atoms - ... (Element.)

5. The scientist who discovered the law of conservation of the mass of substances - ... (Lomonosov.)

6. Giving birth to water - ... (Hydrogen.)

7. Substances consisting of two elements, one of which is oxygen, - ... (Oxides.)

8. Conditional record of a chemical reaction - ... (Equation.)

9. Valency of the hydrogen atom... (I.)

10. Substances whose molecules consist of atoms of one element ... (Simple.)

2nd host (questions to the 2nd team)

1. The smallest, chemically indivisible particle of matter - ... (Atom.)

2. Varieties of atoms of an element that have the same charge, but different masses, - ... (Isotopes.)

3. In the nucleus of an atom there are protons and ... (Neutrons.)

4. The scientist who discovered the law of the constancy of the composition, - ... (Proust.)

5. Generating acids - ... (Oxygen.)

6. The property of the atoms of an element to attach certain number atoms of other elements - ... (Valency.)

7. A number showing the number of atoms of an element in a molecule - ... (Index.)

8. Valency of oxygen atoms... (II.)

9. Phenomena in which new substances are formed ... (Chemical.)

10. Substances whose molecules consist of atoms of different chemical elements ... (Complex.)

1 presenter Well done, you did a great job with the first stage of the warm-up, now let's move on to the second.

2 leader. You need name the substances in question. 1 is given for each correct answer.score.

1 presenter

An owl sits on a bough

Exhales CO 2 . (carbon dioxide).

2 leading

My boots

Pass H 2 ABOUT. (water).

1 presenter

NaCl - everyone knows it

Buying in the store

You can't cook dinner without it -

Needed in small doses in meals.(salt).

2 leading

What a miracle look -

This CaCO 3 .

He rides on the board

Leaves a trace behind.(chalk).

1 presenter Translate from chemical language into common language the following expressions:

2 leading

Not everything is aurum that glitters.

(Not all that glitters is gold.)

1 presenter

White like calcium carbonate.

(White as chalk).

2 leading

Strike the ferrum while it's hot.

(Strike while the iron is hot).

1 presenter

The word is argentum, and silence is aurum.

(The word is silver, and silence is gold).

2 leading

Steadfast stanumny soldier.

(The Steadfast Tin Soldier).

1 presenter

Since then a lot 2 Oh gone.

(Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge.)

2 leader. ByeThe jury is summing up, we have a musical number.

1 presenter So, 9th grade student Mensulu Sadvakasova. We meet!!!

2 leader. We give the floor to the jury.

(After results)

1 presenter The science of substances and their transformations originated in Egypt, the most technically advanced country in the ancient world. According to the well-known historian of chemistry, the French scientist M. Berthelot, the name "chemistry" comes from the word "chemi" or "huma", which the ancient Egyptians called their country, as well as the Nile black soil (compare with the Latin word "humus" - soil). Hence "chemistry" - black as earth "Egyptian art", which deals with various minerals, metals. Such industries as metallurgy, pottery, glassmaking, dyeing and perfumery reached significant development in Egypt long before our era. Chemistry was considered a "divine" science, was entirely in the hands of the priests and was carefully hidden by them from all the uninitiated. However, some information still penetrated beyond Egypt.

2 leader. They partially got to Europe through Byzantium, and then through Spain after its conquest by the Arabs in 711. For the first time, the Arabs got acquainted with chemistry in a rather unusual way. In 670, the ships of the Arab fleet, besieging Constantinople (the largest and most powerful city in the Christian world), were burned by "Greek fire" - a chemical mixture that, when burned, forms a strong flame that cannot be extinguished with water. According to legend, this mixture was made by a scientist who was engaged in chemistry, who fled from his native Egypt, fleeing from the Arabs. In 641, the Arabs invaded Egypt and soon occupied the whole country, and a few years later the same fate befell Persia. A huge Arab empire arose. Imitating the ancient rulers, the Arab caliphs began to patronize the sciences, and in the VIII - IX centuries. the first Arab chemists appeared. The Arabs also remade the original name "chemistry" into "alchemy" (adding to this word the prefix "al" characteristic of the Arabic language). Europeans later borrowed this word from the Arabs, and as a result, the terms "alchemy" and "alchemist" appeared in European languages. The term "alchemy" is now used when talking about the period of chemistry from 300 to 1600.

1 presenter What an amazing experience it offers. With this experience, the alchemists received silver, which caused a lot of surprise among the common people.

2 leader. So let's see.

SILVER EXPERIENCE . (Pavel Bregeda grade 10)

1 presenter Thanks for the experience! And we have a second competition"Let's play with words"

2 leader. You need using the letters of onewords, make up as many words as possible that have a direct connection with chemistry in 3 minutes. Teams receive 1 point for each word.

1 presenter . I think everything is clear. And the next word...sulfadimethoxine , whichused in the treatment of pneumonia

2 leader. Good luck. In the meantime, the participants are thinking, we offer a number.

Answers to the contest "Let's play with words": Oxide, toxin, sulfate, salt, sulfide, sulfite, acid, litmus, phenol, ketone, methyl, copper, methane, decane.

1 presenter So far, everyone is doing well, well done! Now for the next contest:

Message from the Alchemists

2 leader.

For the first team:

For the second command:

Answer: « You can’t taste chemical reagents!”

Teacher: While the participants guess the message, let's watch the dance. (Tamasha and Christina).

Teacher: We give the floor to the jury

1 presenter Attention, the next competition "Chemical polymaths »

We will play torestiks - zeros.

2 leader. Teams are given task cards and are asked to cross outextra formulas. Good luck!


a) metals

b) non-metals

c) acids



H 2 SO 4



H 2 CO 3

H 2 S

H 3 PO 4

CuSO 4

1 presenter In the meantime, we will watch the demonstration "Operate without pain."


2 leader. Contest« Layered cake ». Jury gives two pointsfor eachcorrectthe equation; time -2 min.

1st leader. Now we will test the culinary skills of our participants. Who will bake a layer cake faster and according to all the rules of chemical art?

(Teams receive drawings of a layered cake, each layer containing an equation.)

1st team:

a) A1 + ... = Al2S3;

b) … + О2 = СuО;

c) K + O2 = ....

2nd team:

a) Na + …= Na2S;

b) …+ ABOUT2 = Al2ABOUT3;

c) Ca + N2 = ....

2 leader. While our scholars are solving the equation, we are watching the experience"VOLCANO"

(Demonstration of experience).

1st leader. So, to your attention the last competition « Last chance".

2 leader. Teams in turn, without repeating, answer the question. The one with the last answer wins.

Question: Name the non-metal elements whose simple substances are gases.

1st leader. Let the jury sum up the results of the competition and the whole evening.

2 leader. And we will play with the fans

Game with fans.

Which element does not have permanent residence in the periodic system? (Hydrogen).

· Which element is always happy? (Radon).

What non-metal is wood? (Bohr).

· What chemical elements claim that other substances can "give birth"? (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen).

What element names include the drink of sea pirates? (bromine, chromium).

From what metal should two letters be removed to get the known bone of an animal or human skeleton? (Silver).

The name of what metal carries the magician? (Magnesium).

What simple substances are in a liquid state under normal conditions? (bromine, mercury).

How to char a tree without fire? (Sulfuric acid).

· How to get water from fire? (During the combustion of hydrogen).

How to peel an egg without breaking the shell? (Immerse in acid solution).

1st leader.

Chemistry is a beautiful word

Maybe magical: chemistry.

I even want to sing

Something soulful, chemistry.

Hypochlorites, water and oxides - chemistry, chemistry, chemistry!

Chemistry is out of the question

More beautiful than science is chemistry.

I'm ready with her

To endure even flour is chemistry.

It can destroy, but it can build - chemistry, chemistry, chemistry!

2 leader.

Chemistry is everywhere

We find you - chemistry.

In rags and porridge,

And also in nature - chemistry.

Life without you

What a fire without fire - chemistry, chemistry, chemistry!

I will learn these rules

And maybe I'll be smart!

Maybe even discover some law!

With her forever I will connect my life,

Because there is no cuter!

Let these words be

What a sacred vow! Chemistry!

1st leader. The floor for announcing the winners is given to a distinguished jury.

(After the jury)

2 leader. Now we can congratulate the Almaz and Acid teams on their successful initiation as chemists at the Timiryazevskaya School. But in order to become real chemists, you still need to take the oath of a chemist.

1st leader. Chemistry teacher Askar Umurbekovich will help us with this.

chemistry teacher


    Taking from deepoh gratitude given to usknowledge

And comprehending the secrets of chemical science,

klyaneatnamed after Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov,

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

throughout life not to darken the honor of the chemical brotherhood,

which we are now entering. klyan eat!

    klyaneat,neatdescendants of their knowledge and multiplying them disinterestedly.

klyan eat!

    klyaneat, ne isuse their knowledge to the detriment of man, nature, oto the current and the Alma mater who raised me, not to prepare and sell secret means and not to give a deadly or forbidden drug to the one who asks.klyan eat!

    We swear, not sparing our teeth, to gnaw at the granite of science.We swear!

    We swear to always follow the safety rules when working in the chemistry room.We swear!

    During the test and passing the exam, use cheat sheets only of your own production.We swear!

    We swearunquestioningly fulfill this oath.We swear!

May you begiven at the same timete in life, success in your affairsand glory forever!

Violating it or giving lmay the solemn oath be repudiatedby our entire community and consigned to oblivion for all time.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

1st presenter . Congratulations to our eighth graders, now you are in our brotherhood of chemists. For you and for our viewers, the chemists of our school have prepared a performance about two brilliant scientists Maria Skladovskaya and Pierre Curie. Let's get a look.

(Staging in progress)

2 leader. Our evening is coming to its logical end, and we propose to complete it with the “Hymn of all chemists”!

(After the anthem)

1st leader. Thanks everyone, see you soon!

2 leader. And now, DISCO!


contest"Let's play with words"

Exercise: using the letters of this


Your answers:

contest"Let's play with words"

Exercise: using the letters of thiswords, make up as many words as possible that have a direct connection with chemistry in 3 minutes.


Your answers:

    6. _________________ 11._________________

    7. __________________ 12._________________

    8. __________________ 13._________________

    9. __________________ 14.__________________

    10. _________________ 15.__________________

Message from the Alchemists

Exercise: the letters of the text are encrypted by the serial numbers of the chemical elements. It is necessary to find this element in the table and write down the first letter of its name in an empty cell under the number. Whoever copes with the fastest answers is given to the jury, the competition is evaluated by the time and accuracy of the translation, the maximum score is 10 points.

For the "Acid" command:

Message from the Alchemists

Exercise: the letters of the text are encrypted by the serial numbers of the chemical elements. It is necessary to find this element in the table and write down the first letter of its name in an empty cell under the number. Whoever copes with the fastest answers is given to the jury, the competition is evaluated by the time and accuracy of the translation, the maximum score is 10 points.

For the Diamond team:





















contest "Chemical polymaths »

Exercise: cross outextra formulas. Good luck!












H 2 SO 4



H 2 CO 3

H 2 S

H 3 PO 4

CuSO 4










contest "Chemical polymaths »

Exercise: cross outextra formulas. Good luck!

a) metals b) non-metals c) acids












H 2 SO 4



H 2 CO 3

H 2 S

H 3 PO 4

CuSO 4










Contest« Layered cake ».

Your task is to complete the reaction equations and arrange the coefficients.Jury gives two pointsfor eachcorrect equationthe equation; time -2 min.

Al + … = Al 2 S 3

+ ABOUT 2 = СuО

K+ ABOUT 2 =

Contest« Layered cake ».

Your task is to complete the reaction equations and arrange the coefficients.Jury gives two pointsfor eachcorrect equationthe equation; time -2 min.

Ca + N 2 =

Na + …= Na 2 S

+ ABOUT 2 = Al 2 ABOUT 3
