We study the number 9. Didactic material in mathematics

Gulnara Marvarova
Abstract open lesson by FEMP in preparatory group"The Number and Number 9"

Subject: Number and number 9

Target: Introduction to number 9, its composition, writing numbers 9.


Educational: to form knowledge about the composition numbers, the ability to write figure, count within 9;

Educational: develop observation, visual auditory memory, attention, logical thinking, mathematical speech;

educators: to bring up activity, respect for each other, discipline, independence, desire to lead healthy lifestyle life.

Lesson progress

I. Organizing time. Verbal counting.

Today we will go on a trip, and where - you will find out later. But to travel, we need knowledge.

A game "Instead of one numbers - two»

Let's repeat how you can get 8, 7, 6.

And now let's check the most savvy

* 6 ears stuck out from behind a bush. How many bunnies are hiding there?

*The tails of all the puppies stick out of the booth. How many puppies are in the kennel if we see 7 tails?

*The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 in front, 2 in back. How many legs does an animal have?

I see you are ready for a long journey.

II. Work according to instructions. (work in notebooks)

Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east ...

Tell the guys to get to the Kingdom, where everything is turned upside down. We fly to numbers, which can turn over, and go back.

flew to number ... six. For what? After all, we have already learned it

III. Number 9.

Do not be surprised! Everything is upside down in this kingdom. And if flip the number six, then it will turn out ... This number nine, which has already been waiting for when we get to know her!

Listen to poems about her.

Here's what there is a number

Reversed six.

(F. Daglaraja)

Nine, like six, take a look.

Only the tail is not up, but down.

(G. Vieru)

Number nine, or nine, -

Circus acrobat:

If you stand on your head,

Numeric six becomes nine.

(S. Marshak)

Writing numbers

-Number 9 consists of 2 elements: a small oval and a large right semi-oval. (work in notebooks)


Let's run to the forest,

Let's listen to the story.

We waved our wings

Circled over the fields.

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is getting quieter

The tree is getting lower and lower.

And now we are in the forest. Look how many trees.

What are these trees? (trees)

Are they all the same?

-What is the difference: shape, color, size?

How many small trees? Big ones?

How much did it turn out?

What is greater than 8 or 9?

What expression do we make?

So 9 is. ?

Place 9 sticks in front of you. How else can you get 9 ?

2+7 = 9 3+6=9 4+5 = 9

Let's repeat 9 again - is this ....?


We went out to the big lawn,

Raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through twigs, stumps.

IV - What do you see on the lawn?

Oh, someone is squeaking. He asks us to release him.

The path is littered with stones. To remove them, you need to solve the examples on the stones. (all examples for composition numbers 9 and only one example per composition number 7).

Look who got released. (fox)

What example was missing? (6+1) . Why?

Guys, the little fox goes to the forest school. And he was given a puzzle at home. Help him.

Count how many squares?

How much do you need to add to make it 9?

V. Summary:

Well, everyone got busy. We return home.

Look what gifts from the forest we have (mushrooms, cones, apples)

Arrange the gifts of the forest so that there are no identical objects nearby.

How many items in total?

How can you get 9?

Did you enjoy our trip?

Following class it will be even more interesting, a surprise awaits you ...

Acquaintance with the number 9 can start unusually. Offer your baby riddles, sayings, proverbs, puzzles, tongue twisters, poems, etc. For children who go to grade 1, a presentation dedicated to the number 9 will be interesting. It is possible to interest a child in learning, but for this you will have to make an effort.

interesting question, which you can ask the baby, will be like this: what does the number 9 look like?

Probably, the first answer will be “to the inverted number 6”. And only then we will begin to compare with objects and phenomena. Photos of various objects similar to the nine, rebuses, where numbers are often encrypted using other words and concepts, the number 9 in pictures, etc., can be of great help in this.

There are many more different tasks where the number 9 is involved.

Riddles will help to develop quick wits and at the same time count to 9. It is riddles as a genre of folklore that provide rich food for the mind. Read the riddles to the children and let them guess what number they are talking about. Riddles will help to start the lesson in an interesting way so that the kids get involved in the work.

Sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, poems will help develop speech, diction in the classroom. They will not only teach you how to count up to 9, but also how to pronounce sounds correctly and build sentences. An interesting poem by S. Marshak “Merry Account”, where all the numbers are present, but you can only take from it an excerpt that describes the number 9. Other authors also have poems, for example, A. Barto. You can download poems about the number 9 on our website. Ask the children at home with their parents to find rhymes about numbers. Poems will also help to start the lesson in an interesting and unexpected way if you, as a teacher, go to the guys in grade 1.

Proverbs and sayings, which, as a rule, are instructive in nature, can be used in the middle of a lesson or as homework. It will be interesting to offer to depict what proverbs and sayings in pictures tell about. Let the kids draw at home how they understand the given proverbs and sayings. They will also have to practice writing the number 9 in order to depict the content of folklore works.

Numeral 9 in English language. Origami: how to fold the number 9 out of paper.

Tongue twisters will contribute to the development of speech in children. You can also download tongue twisters on the site. Offer them to the guys as a break between writing or other types of work.

Develop fine motor skills, accuracy and creative thinking will help coloring with the number 9. At the same time, the kid not only learns and remembers the number, but also learns to trace the drawings along the contour, paint without getting out of the marked lines. Coloring is an excellent preparation before the child begins to learn to write. Also, the coloring will serve as homework for preschoolers or children attending grade 1. Many teachers tend to believe that coloring for the school is no longer relevant: copybooks take its place. However, in vain: coloring can be an excellent tool for an integrated math and drawing lesson.

You can learn the number 9 by offering the baby puzzles. The rebuses themselves represent an encrypted word, in this case, the number 9. To guess the rebuses, you will need a lot of ingenuity.

To learn how to write the number 9, the child will definitely need copybooks. Before writing on his own, let him try to circle the number. Then let him write himself. Stimulate the child, praise him more often, then for sure everything will work out.

Video sequence

A presentation in pictures and photos will help teach children how to write and count up to 9 correctly. The presentation can be useful if you are a teacher and are going to a lesson in grade 1. Also, the presentation can be used at home. You can download it on our website. The presentation is a great video tutorial if you don't know where to start learning the number 9.

Thus, studying what the number 9 looks like with preschoolers or children who go to grade 1 can be exciting and interesting. Use improvised means for this, count, show pictures and photos, study tongue twisters and proverbs. Your child will not only master mathematics, but will also receive a full development.


The presentation about the number 9 can be viewed and downloaded.

Tasks about the number

So, what tasks will you need to complete?

  1. Count multi-colored rectangles (there are 9 of them).
  2. Find all the numbers nine hidden among the other numbers and circle them.
  3. Draw 9 multi-colored stripes on the toe.
  4. Find all the numbers 9 hidden in the hearts.
  5. Circle the large number nine, starting from the arrow 9 times.
  6. Find two numbers 9 hidden in the picture with scissors and color them.
  7. Here you first need to circle the numbers 9, and then count the number of pictures and circle those that have 9 each.

Natalia Komleva
Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in senior group"The Number and Number 9"

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in the senior group "Number and number 9"

Topic: "Number and number 9"

Target: Introduce the number and number 9.


Practice counting within 9.

To consolidate the ability to correlate the quantity with the corresponding number.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.

Develop attention, fine motor skills of hands, thinking, grammatical structure of speech.

Develop the ability to work independently.

Material and equipment: chips, Kuizener sticks, numbers, beans, ball.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we'll all be back.

Let's smile, wink

And let's start playing again.

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text.

Ball game "Make no mistake"

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the teacher. He throws the ball to the child and calls the number. The child who caught the ball calls the next number and throws the ball to the teacher.

And now let's do a warm-up, listen carefully and answer:

Educator: If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair? Below the table.

If the road is wider than the path, then the path?

(Already expensive.)

If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil?

(Shorter than a ruler.)

If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread?

(Thinner rope.)

If sister older brother then brother?

(younger sister)

Assignment on the board / a number series is laid out on the board /

Match the number and the number of objects.

Name the neighbors

The children perform the next task at the tables.

In front of the children on the tables are colored counting sticks and numbers.

Find a brown stick, put it in front of you. Above it you will lay out a number series from one to eight. What needs to be done to continue counting further?

Children add a blue stick and explain their actions. Upon completion of the work, the children designate the number row with numbers and find the place of the number 9 in the row.

Questions for children:

How many columns are there?

Which one is the yellow bar? Red?

Between which bars is the black bar?

What color is the ninth column?

What is the number for this color?

Guys today we will get acquainted with the new number 9.

The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "Merry Account"

The number "nine", or nine - Circus Acrobat,

If you stand on your head, the number six will become nine.

Look closely at the number:

What object does the number 9 look like? /hook/

What number does the number 9 look like? /on number 6/

What is the difference between the numbers nine and six?

Where do we meet the number 9? / number on the house, on the door of the apartment, on the clock, Victory Day.

How can you show the number 9? / write, draw, mold from plasticine /

And we will lay out the number 9 from the beans.

Children lay out the number 9 at the tables.

Phys. minute "How are you?"

“For every question you need to answer “That's it!” and gesture to show the desired action.

How are you?. Are you going? Do you swim? Looking forward to lunch? Are you following? Do you sleep in the morning?

How are you kidding?

“We are naughty now, but we have an occupation.

Calm down hunting and get to work!

The following task is performed in a notebook /number 9/


What have you learned? What did you like the most? What games were played?

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Number "9"

Merry Poems

* * * Number nine, or nine -

Circus acrobat:

If you stand on your head,

Nine will become the number six.

S. Marshak

* * * Number six upside down

Became a different number.

Can you believe -

Not six, but nine!

V. Bakaldin

* * * Nine, like six, take a look.

Only the tail is not up, but down.

Six and nine are twins

They look at different ends.

G. Vieru

* * * To nine without ten

We need to go to school.

At nine the call is heard -

The lesson starts.

S. Marshak

* * * Nine boys in the entrance -

They play together in the yard

And from the balconies to the guys

Nine grandmothers are looking.

* * * In a nine-story building

On the ninth floor

The boy Roma lives,

He is already nine years old.

By nine o'clock in the morning

It's time for Roma to be at school.


Guess it guys

What is an acrobat number?

If you stand on your head,

Exactly three will be less.


funny puzzles

Egorka was lucky again, It’s not in vain that he sits by the river:

Five crucians in a bucket

And four minnows.

Count your catch.

Who has an answer?

We live very friendly, In the school choir we all sing:

Misha, Kolya, Allochka,

Sveta, Tanya, Checkmark,

Two Serezhas and Marat.

How many of us guys are in the choir?

* * * Two geese are flying over us,

Two others behind the clouds

Five went down the stream.

How many geese were there?

In the titmouse's nest

There are seven testicles.

Mom titmouse

She laid two more eggs.

How many testicles

In a titmouse's nest?

What gave us a pine forest?

Eight oil and one fly agaric.

One day three chickens

And with them three little mice,

And with them three funny

Washed pig

ran early

From the house to the meadow.

Count quickly

How many friends were there?

* * * Vasya himself collected seven leaves,

Alyosha gave two leaves.

Tell me how much he has

All autumn leaves?

Ants live together

And they do not scurry about without work.

Three carry a blade of grass

Three carry a blade of grass

Three carry needles.

How many are under the tree?

How many car models does Vanya have?

Eight trucks and one Mercedes.

The hedgehog asked the hedgehog neighbor:

"Where are you from, fidget?"

"I stock up for the winter,

See the apples on me?

I collect them in the forest.

I brought six and I bring three.

Give me an answer quickly

Is it small or not?

* * * I have a lot of friends,

I drew them all.

Masha waves. Pasha plows.

Kolya pricks. Flight fields.

Valya is falling. Katya rolls.

Light shines. Sonya is sleeping.

Tonya is sinking...

But I won't let her drown.

I will save my girlfriend - Tonya,

I'll draw something.

(How many friends did the girl draw?)

Escaped from Fedora dishes -

Three glasses, three cups, three dishes.

How many fugitives were there?

* * * The hedgehog has its own hunt -

This is an easy job:

Collect colorful leaves

Carry them to your burrow.

On the hedgehog's needles

Two leaves have already been collected,

Seven leaves are spinning in the air

They slowly fall to the ground.

Their hedgehog will also collect

And he will carry his mink.

Solve the problem, children,

Count correctly:

He collected two and took seven.

How many leaves will the hedgehog pick up?


Physical education minute

How many bunnies do we have

We'll jump so many times.

How many sticks to the point

We stand on our toes so much.

How many dots will be in the circle

Let's raise our hands so many times.

(There are ten bunnies, nine sticks, nine dots in a circle on the board.)

graphic task

Circle the picture that contains as many objects as the number indicates.

Notebook for classes with children 5 - 7 years old

"Learning Numbers"

Dear parents and teachers!

This notebook is designed for classes with children 5-6 years old. Tasks will help form attention and memory in a child of senior preschool age, introduce a small student to numbers.

Your help will be needed when working with the notebook, so be sure to read assignment explanations:

    First, read a poem about a number to your child. It will help the baby associate the number with a certain image. This is very important for a preschooler, because children remember best what they felt. Then ask the little mathematician to color the number in any color.

    The task with coloring the rings of the pyramid will help the preschooler become more attentive and develop his memory: each time you need to color the rings with the same colors as in the previous picture. Let the kid first try to remember what colors he already used in the last lesson, and then check himself by looking at the previous page.

    The next task is difficult, almost school. The child must write the numbers himself. To make it interesting for the kid, ask him to evaluate the results of his work: for this you need to count how many numbers are written beautifully and compare with the number of failed ones. From lesson to lesson, the young mathematician will have more and more successful numbers, and this will instill in him self-confidence.

    In the task with domino cards, a small student needs to draw a pattern of several points from a sample. This painstaking work will teach a preschooler to navigate in space, accuracy and pencil skills.

    The task with coloring various objects will help the child learn the composition of the number "ten". This task is not traditional and therefore requires a thoughtful attitude from the baby to its implementation.

    A confusing figure of numbers will require the baby to concentrate. But, as a rule, children like such tasks.

    At the end of each lesson, do not forget to show the young student the number row located on the edge of the page; pointing to each number, call it.

Good luck to you and your baby!
