How to ruin the new year. Ruined New Year Ruined New Year

“For me, New Year's Eve has long turned into a steeplechase. After all, there is so much to redo in order to start next year with a clean slate. As a result, the to-do list grows like a snowball, and, trying to cope with everything, you literally fall off your feet. Last year, for example, I decided to finish the renovation in the apartment. In principle, all that remained was to re-paste the wallpaper in the hallway. On the morning of December 31, the apartment was a complete mess, the Christmas tree was not decorated, and I was fiddling with the last roll, which I had to buy on an emergency basis. As a result, she was exhausted so that, barely waiting for the chiming clock, she drank a glass of champagne and went to bed. That's the whole holiday." (Irina, 40 years old)

Where is the mistake? The desire to “clean up all the tails” before the New Year is very commendable, if it does not go to the detriment of your well-being. And for this you need to plan the time correctly. In late November/early December, make a list of things you would like to finish in the old year. Soberly considering how real it is, hang it in a conspicuous place and do it to the best of your ability.

Be sure to include the purchase of gifts, food for the festive table and general cleaning. With this approach, at least the last day or two you will have the opportunity to more or less relax and clean your feathers in order to celebrate the holiday in all its splendor, and not seething with irritation and falling down from fatigue.

Try to impress your guests with your culinary skills

"IN New Year we have a large group of friends traditionally gathering at our dacha. Somehow I decided to surprise everyone with French cuisine. The recipes, judging by the description, were not too time-consuming. So in the morning I calmly decorated the room and went to the kitchen, hoping that by the arrival of the guests I would have everything ready and there would be time to put myself in order. As a result, the people had already begun to slowly gather, and I was still fiddling with the cooking. The onion pie, on which I killed two and a half hours, went into the bucket: hardly anyone would be tempted by this mess.

I had to prepare another appetizer, and the chickens were still waiting for me, they had to be stuffed with tangerines and chicken liver ... I sat down at the table in the very last moment. And I felt so sorry for myself: everyone around was dressed up, cheerful, and I, like a driven horse, did not even have time to do my hair. The most annoying thing is that the chickens generally remained untouched. I don’t repeat such “feats” anymore. (Anna, 26 years old)

Where is the mistake? In preparing a festive table, it is important to correctly calculate your strength and time, so it’s better not to take on new recipes: they require some skill. And then do not forget - you have to celebrate the New Year, and not the struggle for the title of "Best Chef".

Cook if you want, but know when to stop. Believe me: a cheerful hostess will bring guests much more joy than the fifth salad on the table. Therefore, it is better to agree in advance with those who will celebrate your holiday that you, for example, prepare the main course, and the rest - salads or snacks.

On New Year's Eve, make peace with those with whom you are at odds

“My grandmother always said that all grievances and bad feelings to other people must remain in the old year. We are with my older sister they never got along, and after my grandmother gave me her apartment, they generally quarreled to the nines. I wanted to talk like a human being, to congratulate you on the holiday... For some reason, I remembered all the good things that happened in our childhood. I called Tatyana on December 31, full of the most better feelings, and she replied: “You always got all the best things. Because of you, my whole life is upside down. Damn you!" And hung up. I was shocked and for a long time could not get rid of the feeling of incomprehensible guilt. (Oksana, 35 years old)

Where is the mistake? Bringing up the past on the eve of the holidays means taking a big risk with your peace of mind. This is especially true on New Year's Eve and Christmas, when you begin to live more with emotions than with reason or calculation. Keep in mind that the people with whom you would like to build relationships are also in a "suspended" state and may not be ready for such conversations.

In the pre-holiday period, the psyche is relaxed, which means it is more vulnerable. Hence, by the way, such hysterical reactions on their part are likely. Therefore, if you have a desire to "bury the hatchet", postpone this event until after the festive period, when your psyche will be more collected. And it is better if you do this not by phone, but in person.

Don't count on holiday expenses!

“For the last three years, we have celebrated all the holidays quite modestly: finances did not allow. Last year, Igor finally found a decent job, besides, on New Year's Eve, we both received an award, so we decided: “Why not boo? After all, we only live once!” The husband decided to invite a friend with his family: it was he who helped him get a job and more than once helped out with money in difficult times. We bought fireworks, drinks, various delicacies. The table was literally bursting, but it was boring. The only one who was delighted was the children, mainly from the fireworks. After the holiday, I felt empty and tired, and when I counted how much we had left, I was simply in shock. The rest of January had to eat potatoes and rollton. (Svetlana, 31 years old)

Where is the mistake? The shock of an empty wallet is not the most pleasant start to the new year. Therefore, even if you make good money, you must allocate a specific amount in advance, which you can spend on all sorts of pleasures. What they will be depends on your desires and needs. The main thing is that they bring you sincere joy. By the way, the festive mood is determined not only by how many dishes and drinks are on your table.

Much depends on your invention and fantasy, on how close to you in spirit the people who have gathered for festive table. So don't be upset if this new year's eve you can't afford oysters in champagne. It’s better to call old friends, come up with jokes, contests, games in advance, organize a photo shoot, sing, dance, in a word, have fun with might and main. And, believe me, from such a New Year's Eve you will have only the best memories.

Meet the holiday in an unfamiliar company

“I had to celebrate the New Year all alone, so I gladly accepted the invitation of Olga, the former school friend whom we had not seen for ten years. I also thought that I would suddenly meet my fate ... At first everything was fine: laughter, toasts, acquaintances. Pretty quickly everyone got drunk, then one by one, including women, they began to tell vulgar jokes. It was unpleasant. When one of the guests, to the approving exclamations of those present, offered to arrange a striptease session, I decided to quietly leave. In the corridor, Olga's husband began to pester me, and if she hadn't come out, I don't know how it would have ended. Taking advantage of their skirmish, I grabbed my things and ran out the door. How did I know that such a company would gather there? (Natalia, 28 years old)

Where is the mistake? New Year's Eve is not best time for such experiments. After all, without really knowing people, you cannot know what to expect from them. Not necessarily you will fall into the company of drunkards or vulgar people. These can simply be people with interests alien to you, different concepts, with different manners, and this can cause not only disappointments, but also conflicts. Therefore, if you still decide to go to an unfamiliar company, do not have big illusions, do not expect that new acquaintances will meet your expectations. And be sure to think about how you can return home in case something suddenly does not suit you.

And even if, despite our warnings, you do not spend this holiday the way you wanted and dreamed of, do not be discouraged! Do not program yourself for further experiences: since the meeting of the New Year was not successful, then the whole year will ALWAYS be unsuccessful! Thought is material. In the end, happiness in the coming year depends on you, on how you look at this world: with apprehension or with confidence that "tomorrow will be better than yesterday."

Happiness to you, joy and good luck!

On the eve of the holiday, be sure to complete all the work

“For me, New Year's Eve has long turned into a steeplechase. After all, there is so much to redo in order to start next year with a clean slate. As a result, the to-do list grows like a snowball, and, trying to cope with everything, you literally fall off your feet. Last year, for example, I decided to finish the renovation in the apartment. In principle, it remained only to re-paste the wallpaper in the hallway. On the morning of December 31, the apartment was a complete mess, the Christmas tree was not decorated, and I was fiddling with the last roll, which I had to buy on an emergency basis. As a result, she was exhausted so that, barely waiting for the chiming clock, she drank a glass of champagne and went to bed. That's the whole holiday." (Irina, 40 years old)

Where is the mistake? The desire to “clean up all the tails” before the New Year is very commendable, if it does not go to the detriment of your well-being. And for this you need to plan the time correctly. In late November/early December, make a list of things you would like to finish in the old year. Soberly considering how real it is, hang it in a conspicuous place and do it to the best of your ability.

Be sure to include there, products for the festive table and general cleaning. With this approach, at least the last day or two you will have the opportunity to more or less relax and clean your feathers in order to celebrate the holiday in all its splendor, and not seething with irritation and falling down from fatigue.

Try to impress your guests with your culinary skills

“In the New Year, a large group of friends traditionally gathers at our dacha. Somehow I decided to surprise everyone with French cuisine. The recipes, judging by the description, were not too time-consuming. So in the morning I calmly decorated the room and went to the kitchen, hoping that by the arrival of the guests I would have everything ready and there would be time to put myself in order. As a result, the people had already begun to slowly gather, and I was still fiddling with the cooking. The onion pie, on which I killed two and a half hours, went into the bucket: hardly anyone would be tempted by this mess.

I had to cook another appetizer, and the chickens were still waiting for me, they had to be stuffed with tangerines and chicken liver ... I sat down at the table at the very last moment. And I felt so sorry for myself: everyone around was dressed up, cheerful, and I, like a driven horse, did not even have time to do my hair. The most annoying thing is that the chickens generally remained untouched. I don’t repeat such “feats” anymore. (Anna, 26 years old)

Where is the mistake? In preparing a festive table, it is important to correctly calculate your strength and time, so it’s better not to take on new recipes: they require some skill. And then do not forget - you have to celebrate the New Year, and not the struggle for the title of "Best Chef".

Cook if you want, but know when to stop. Believe me: a cheerful hostess will bring guests much more joy than the fifth salad on the table. Therefore, it is better to agree in advance with those who will celebrate your holiday that you, for example, prepare the main course, and the rest - salads or snacks.

On New Year's Eve, make peace with those with whom you are at odds

“My grandmother always said that all grudges and bad feelings towards other people should remain in the old year. My older sister and I never got along, and after my grandmother gave me her apartment, we generally quarreled to the nines. I wanted to talk like a human being, to congratulate you on the holiday... For some reason, I remembered all the good things that happened in our childhood. I called Tatyana on December 31, full of the best feelings, and she replied: “You always got all the best. Because of you, my whole life is upside down. Damn you!" And hung up. I was shocked and for a long time could not get rid of the feeling of incomprehensible guilt. (Oksana, 35 years old)

Where is the mistake? Bringing up the past on the eve of the holidays means taking a big risk with your peace of mind. This is especially true on New Year's Eve and Christmas, when you begin to live more with emotions than with reason or calculation. Keep in mind that the people you would like to get along with are also in a "suspended" state and may not be ready for such conversations.

In the pre-holiday period, the psyche is relaxed, which means it is more vulnerable. Hence, by the way, such hysterical reactions on their part are likely. Therefore, if you have a desire to "bury the hatchet", postpone this event until after the festive period, when your psyche will be more collected. And it is better if you do this not by phone, but in person.

Don't count on holiday expenses!

“For the last three years, we have celebrated all the holidays quite modestly: finances did not allow. Last year, Igor finally found a decent job, besides, on New Year's Eve, we both received an award, so we decided: “Why not boo? After all, we only live once!” The husband decided to invite a friend with his family: it was he who helped him get a job and more than once helped out with money in difficult times. We bought fireworks, drinks, various delicacies. The table was literally bursting, but it was boring. The only one who was delighted was the children, mainly from the fireworks. After the holiday, I felt empty and tired, and when I counted how much we had left, I was simply in shock. The rest of January had to eat potatoes and rollton. (Svetlana, 31 years old)

Where is the mistake? The shock of an empty wallet is not the most pleasant start to the new year. Therefore, even if you make good money, you must allocate a specific amount in advance, which you can spend on all sorts of pleasures. What they will be depends on your desires and needs. The main thing is that they bring you sincere joy. By the way, the festive mood is determined not only by how many dishes and drinks are on your table.

Much depends on your invention and imagination, on how close to you in spirit the people gathered at the festive table are. So don't be discouraged if you can't afford oysters in champagne this New Year's Eve. It’s better to call old friends, come up with jokes, contests, games in advance, organize a photo shoot, sing, dance, in a word, have fun with might and main. And, believe me, from such a New Year's Eve you will have only the best memories.

Meet the holiday in an unfamiliar company

“I had to celebrate the New Year all alone, so I gladly accepted the invitation of Olga, a former school friend whom we had not seen for ten years. I also thought that I would suddenly meet my fate ... At first everything was fine: laughter, toasts, acquaintances. Pretty quickly everyone got drunk, then one by one, including women, they began to tell vulgar jokes. It was unpleasant. When one of the guests, to the approving exclamations of those present, offered to arrange a striptease session, I decided to quietly leave. In the corridor, Olga's husband began to pester me, and if she hadn't come out, I don't know how it would have ended. Taking advantage of their skirmish, I grabbed my things and ran out the door. How did I know that such a company would gather there? (Natalia, 28 years old)

Where is the mistake? New Year's Eve is not the best time for such experiments. After all, without really knowing people, you cannot know what to expect from them. Not necessarily you will fall into the company of drunkards or vulgar people. These can simply be people with interests alien to you, different concepts, with different manners, and this can cause not only disappointments, but also conflicts. Therefore, if you still decide to go to an unfamiliar company, do not have big illusions, do not expect that new acquaintances will meet your expectations. And be sure to think about how you can return home in case something suddenly does not suit you.

And even if, despite our warnings, you do not spend this holiday the way you wanted and dreamed of, do not be discouraged! Do not program yourself for further experiences: since the meeting of the New Year was not successful, then the whole year will ALWAYS be unsuccessful! Thought is material. In the end, happiness in the coming year depends on you, on how you look at this world: with apprehension or with confidence that "tomorrow will be better than yesterday."

Life and amazing Adventures Nurbeya Gulia - Professor of Mechanics Nikonov Alexander Petrovich

Spoiled New Year

Spoiled New Year

New Year 1969 has arrived. We with Lily and Tamara decided to celebrate it together. But then Roman and Galya also “asked for it” to us.

It is necessary to lull Tony's vigilance, - suggested Roman, - let's take more bottles, come to my place, give Tonya a drink, and quickly slip away ourselves.

I foolishly agreed. We took vodka, beer, port and champagne. Roman lived two kilometers from me. In addition, there was a rather large park between us, which we crossed if we walked. We got on the transport and at eight o'clock in the evening we went to Roman's apartment.

Tonya did not like that I came, but she was pleased that Roman was going, as he said, to celebrate the New Year in the family. The kids - one schoolgirl, the other - about five years old, revolved around dad. Roman opened the vodka and offered to drink old year. They drank beer. Once again - for the old year, and again drinking beer.

Stupid Tonya drank everything Roman poured, and no smarter me did the same. Then I did not know that one should start with the weakest drink and drink, only increasing its strength. After vodka - beer or champagne - it's Khan! But he acted according to plan, and I foolishly drank everything that was poured. Roman himself did not drink enough vodka, pressing mainly on beer.

Vodka is drunk, we switched to port and champagne. Roman suggested making a blend by mixing these drinks. It turned out delicious and we drank "from the heart." I noticed that Roman was drinking beer again instead of blending. And here is the first result - Tonya fell down with a crash. We happily grabbed her by the arms and legs and put her to bed, and we ourselves began to drink further. The children squeaked, and Roman shooed them into the nursery.

As soon as we were about to go, Roman offered to have a drink "on the road", after which I forgot.

My awakening was one of the most nightmarish of my life. A semi-dark and unfamiliar room, I'm lying on my back, dressed, in socks without shoes. On the left is a wall, on the right is some kind of breathing mountain, which upon closer inspection turned out to be Tonya. My head was already spinning, and when I realized that I was sandwiched between the wall and Tonya, I felt sick. Glancing at the clock, I realized that I met the New Year in bed with Tonya. Terrified, I began to carefully climb over Tony's huge carcass, and at that time she came to her senses.

What are you doing to me? she asked in her hoarse voice, grabbing my sides. Children stood nearby and silently watched what was happening. - Where is Roman? Tonya croaked, but with a sour smile I said that I knew it just like she did, since I slept through the New Year with her in bed. Tonya got up, took off my coat and hat from the hanger, picked up my shoes, and threw everything out the door. I went out to the playground and got dressed, but I couldn’t put on the damned shoes without a horn. I crushed their backs and, as if in slippers, went out into the street.

It was about one in the morning and over thirty frost with wind. No transport, no living soul. There was nowhere to go and I, gathering my will into a fist, wandered home. I got to the park back and forth, and there I faced a dilemma - to go around or “straight”. And I went straight.

My feet sank in the deep snow, and my flip-flops kept slipping off my feet. A breeze blew, covering his tracks. I thought that if I stopped or fell, they would only find me in late spring when the snow melted. Dozens of such "snowdrops" in Tolyatti, especially in parks and wastelands, were found in the spring.

Will - in a fist, and - only forward! How I managed to overcome these snowdrifts in the park is now a mystery to me. The hotel "Volga" appeared, and there our white houses. With the last of my strength, I made my way to my entrance and went inside, still not believing that I was still alive. My legs were frozen to the bone, my fingers could not bend. I called the elevator and realized that I was about to vomit. My cheeks are swollen, but I'm already ringing the doorbell. The door is opened by a tear-stained Lilya, and I am immediately pulled out on the threshold of the door.

But I smile - I'm at home, so I'm saved! Again I am among my own, the terrible Tonya behind, behind the hard way in slippers, deadly snowdrifts in the park, and the wind covering all traces! Tamara came up to me and took me to the bathroom. Roman and Galya sat shyly in the corner of the room.

Well, you bastard, Roman! - all I said to him, and Galya began to beat his bald head with her fist. But then they drank from my serving for the most important New Year - GMT, and everyone had a little fun. Roman promised me a "contribution" - two bottles of champagne.

The day of the first of January we got enough sleep at our place, somewhere. But Roman remembered that Tony had a working day, which means that the youngest daughter is in kindergarten. And in order to seem like a decent person, he decided to pick her up from the garden himself. We drank on the road and went to kindergarten together, since he was very close.

We went inside, Roman was taken out by his daughter. But the girl, seeing me, lashed out in a rage and began to beat her fists on my ribs and stomach.

Why did you sleep with my mom yesterday? - the child screamed shrillly, - after that she fell ill! The teacher and the parents who came for the children looked at us with hostility.

Why did you sleep with their mother? - making diabolical antics, Roman asked me, barely able to keep from laughing, - she got sick after that! - He picked up the screaming girl in his arms, and we left the kindergarten.

The next day, when I entered the pulpit, I saw Ponosyan there with his face contorted with anger.

Why are you complaining about me? You've gone crazy, haven't you? he asked me with a strong Armenian accent.

I wanted, it was, I sent him to the appropriate mother, but only threateningly said:

Let's talk elsewhere!

I collected things from my desk and transferred them to the design bureau, on the door of which I hung the inscription: "Laboratory of accumulation mechanical energy(LAME)" at the department "Theory of machines and mechanisms". From January 2, I was already transferred by order to the chair of Ravva. On his advice, I took myself evening groups. Firstly, teachers were reluctant to take classes in them, and secondly, and this was the main thing, all the bosses of the middle and upper levels of Togliatti enterprises studied at the evening department. And I had to make products in metal!

Life took its course. In the morning - Tamara, in the afternoon - LAME and drawings, in the evening - classes, by night - a dinner for three, and then - a wife and a dream in a pleasant team. Once a month - my trip to Moscow, once a quarter - Lily's trip to Lvov for money; per year - the publication of about ten to fifteen of my articles and inventions.

And around May, the working documentation for the "hybrid" was ready. I began to look for a worthy manufacturer among the evening students and found one. It was the chief mechanic of the huge Volgotsemmash plant. And this person, almost twice my age, with vast knowledge and experience, I had to teach the differential equations of motion of the links of the mechanism, plans for velocities and accelerations! Yes, to hell with these speed plans, when he had to carry out much more important plans, and the production of a “hybrid” was included in these plans.

Looking at the drawings, he immediately realized how the “hybrid” would work, but, like Atoyan, he said:

In fifty years it would be like this, but now it’s not up to it!

But he accepted the drawings, and immediately sent them to his design bureau for "revision".

You can’t bring such drawings to the workshop, Nurbey Vladimirovich, people will tear their stomachs! - he said quietly to me, - and then treat them!

I myself knew that they would tear me apart, but where could I get experienced designers who know production, and technologists, to constantly consult with them! About ten times I had to visit the factory for consultations, and by September they brought me two copies of finished products - "hybrids" for the bus. And they didn’t even take the money - what do we need, - they say, - your pennies!

And the money came in handy for us, they are never superfluous!

In the summer I had to be in Tolyatti to visit the factory. Lilya left for the whole two-month vacation in Tbilisi with her children. And Tamara and I went to the beach through a pine forest. Right in bathing suits with towels over his shoulder and a handbag with nice contents. And at home we had enough dinner with wine and TV. Well, "training", of course.

By the end of August, we both missed Lila, who arrived at the start of classes. She also missed us, and we were sincerely happy to meet. And ahead of me was the difficult and last academic year at the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute.

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We looked at various offers on the Internet (boarding houses, hotels, guest houses). Most of all, we liked the offer to celebrate the New Year in the Alvina guest house. The following was colorfully painted on their website: a New Year's program, which was supposed to be led by an incendiary toastmaster, as well as a festive menu with a variety of national dishes and on January 2, barbecue in the mountains. In addition, photos of the rooms are posted. Many different excursions are offered, which are conducted by a professional guide.

Before booking a room, read the reviews of those who had a rest in this guest house. There were not many reviews, but they were all very positive. And after that we decided to book a New Year's holiday at the Alvina guest house with the transfer included.

Upon arrival at the Sochi airport, everything seemed to start well. We were met by taxi and taken to the border (10 minutes on the way). But that's where all the good stuff ended. They explained to us that we need to cross the border on foot along the bridge over the Psou River. Before the new year, there were a lot of people at the border, and the border crossing took about two hours. The person who met us took 600 rubles for a 5-minute trip and left, saying that they would be waiting for us on the other side.

Indeed, the mistress of the house, Alvina, called twice, inquiring about where we were and came to meet us at the border. When we got to the guest lady, we discovered that the rooms had no heating (only air conditioning), so the temperature in the room was lower than outside. The water is cold because the hostess did not bother to turn on the electric titan and warm the water before arrival. When asked why it was impossible to warm up the rooms in advance, where not only adults but also children would live, the hostess answered: if you have a wife, drink chacha and you will warm up (although she didn’t explain what to do to the children to warm up).

We settled in the guest house on December 30 at 18.00. We were fed only dinner, and the payment was taken in full. But, what happened the other four days with catering is generally scary to remember. On December 31, the "hospitable" hostess fed everyone with breakfast and we went on an excursion. We returned from the tour at about 17.00 and instead of lunch and dinner, we could only count on sandwiches and noodle soup, and even on explanations that we needed to take care of ourselves before the New Year's banquet. But the hostess, of course, was not going to return the money for the uneaten lunch and dinner (with the New Year's banquet paid separately). The menu of the New Year's banquet was posted on the website of the Alvina guest house back in November 2013. It included various homemade pickles, cheeses, national dishes. This was one of the reasons why we decided to celebrate the New Year in this guest house. A banquet with a cheerful host was promised in a large fireplace room. When we came to this large fireplace room, we saw that for 70 people, who were gathered from all the nearby guest houses, it was not that big. Men in smart clothes with jackets and coats thrown over them, they sat on benches at laid tables, huddled close to each other. It all looked terrible. Having studied the assortment of the New Year's table, and comparing it with what was promised, we realized that the owners decided to save a lot. As for the incendiary presenter, he was really very “fun” and “incendiary” asking no less “funny” New Year's questions like these: “What does the age of a woman give out?” (answer: Eyes), “Who came up with decorating a Christmas tree in Russia?” etc. Organize a large number of The “cheerful” toastmaster did not manage to invite guests, or rather, he simply could not outshout the assembled audience after a half-hour feast, and the banquet smoothly turned into an uncontrollable booze. Neither the promised karaoke nor funny contests And of course there was no dancing. The only thing this host was capable of was raising a glass of chacha in unlimited quantities by 12.30. Some of the guests tried several times to hold competitions themselves, but simply, there was no place for them. Therefore, most of the guests dispersed closer to one in the morning. And, as it seemed to me, the hostess liked it very much.

On the morning of January 1, most of the vacationers, having come for breakfast (paid), found that there would be no breakfast. We have to eat up "last year's" salads and meat in the form of a heated barbecue until they run out. Alvin told us so. But among the vacationers were people with children. Thus, on the first of January, we had no breakfast, no lunch, no dinner. Approximately the same picture with food was repeated on the second of January.

As a result of such hospitality, we decided to leave two days earlier and collect the money paid for them, but Alvina did not return the money to everyone. She said that she spent a lot on a banquet and food, so instead of money she would pay with chacha.

One could tell more about the organized “most interesting” vacation by the Alvina guest house, but I want to summarize: if you don’t know how to do something, you can learn if you want, and if you don’t want to learn, then you shouldn’t do something other than your own deed.

You do not know how and you cannot create comfort and a holiday for people, you do not need to take it on.

For those who will plan their vacation in Abkhazia, bypass the Alvina guest house.

New Year is magical and bright holiday. Of course, every person wants to be remembered for a lifetime. However, today we will tell you what needs to be done in order to ruin the New Year.

Tip number 1. You need to go to the store for groceries and gifts on December 31

Indeed, why stand in line a week before the holiday, if you can buy everything on December 31st? There won't be many people in the stores for sure. However, when you come to the store in a good mood and see the invasion of people there who did not have time to prepare for the holiday, your mood will quickly turn into a disgusting one. You will look at your watch with irritation and yell at the idle cashiers, because of which the line has not been moving forward for a long time. After the mission is completed and you return home safely, it will become clear that you spent three times as much time as you planned. And now the preparation for the holiday will turn upside down.

Tip number 2. Celebrate the upcoming New Year at a corporate party

On the day when you and your colleagues are going to a party, try not to eat anything. Alcohol must enter an empty stomach so that you lose your human appearance as soon as possible and start pestering the chef who came to the holiday with his wife, or that pretty assistant who looks askance at you. At a corporate party, you will finally have the opportunity to sincerely tell your boss everything that has boiled over the year. Feel free to tell it like it is. At the end of an angry tirade, you can still demand an increase in salary (as compensation for moral damage). In general, have fun from the heart so that in the morning you want to apply for resignation.

Tip number 3. New Year should be celebrated within a week

Remember that you have many relatives with whom you will not be able to meet on New Year's Eve, and be very upset. After that, start acting: invite everyone to visit. Set a luxurious table with a sea of ​​booze. Have fun until you drop. Bring together old friends who hate each other fiercely - in this way, the party will acquire a piquant shade of scandal. Also try to remember who you had disagreements with and start sorting things out with that person. Great when it comes to fighting. If you do everything right, then on December 31 you will not even want to celebrate the New Year, and one look at the most delicious and expensive dishes will cause nausea.

Tip number 4. It is necessary to clean the apartment on the last day of the outgoing year

Nothing spoils the mood like a large-scale cleaning that you started on December 31st. Firstly, you will find layers of dust where you did not dare to look before. Secondly, a lot of unnecessary things in the pantry or closets also do not contribute to raising the mood. Thirdly, this activity will take a lot of time that you can spend on yourself. In the end, when you come to your senses, you will see that it is almost 12, the table has not been set, you are disheveled and covered in dust, and the children and husband look at you with round eyes of horror and try to hide away from sin. In the end, you just go to bed, because there is simply no strength to celebrate the holiday.

Tip number 5. Be in a disgusting mood all day

You alone can spoil the holiday for yourself and others. The main thing is to really want it.
