How to make a simple do-it-yourself needle bar. Master classes on how to make a needle bed with your own hands: easy and beautiful

Do-it-yourself needle bed: photos, diagrams, master classes, very easy and beautiful, we tried to collect all this just for you in this article. Part of the needle bed is created not so much for a practical purpose. The decorative component plays the role, being decisive. I would like the needle bar not just to be a place for needles, but to please the eye.

Forms can be very different, but in this article we have collected the simplest and most understandable master classes on how to make a needle bed easily and quickly with your own hands. A large number of photographs will help to better understand the main process of manufacturing the product.

Photos, do-it-yourself needle bed schemes

From the bank

What do you need:
Small jar (suitable for baby food);
glue gun(you can just take super glue);
Top fabric;
Ribbons, flowers for decoration;
Needle, thread, scissors;

You will need to cut a circle out of the fabric, align with the diameter of the lid: the circle should be twice its size. Sew simple seams and pull off, add filler.
Cut out a circle from cardboard that will exactly match the size of the lid. Put fill, tighten with a thread. You get a pillow, which with glue must be carefully fixed on the lid.

Now a strip of fabric is taken, its edges are glued, wrapping it inward. Glue the rim around the jar in the pad area. There should be no space between the two types of fabric. Decorate the side by sewing ribbons or lace, additionally decorate the lid itself with flowers, beads, buttons. In the jar itself, you can store buttons and other small things for needlework.

Hat fabric

What do you need:
Cardboard and fabric;
Ribbons and decorative flowers, ;
Compasses, scissors;
Decorative needles, needle and thread;
Glue and filler for the needle bed;

If you look at the photo, then the do-it-yourself needle bed according to this scheme is extremely simple. A circle of 10.5 cm must be cut out of cardboard. Cut out two circles from the fabric with a diameter of 14 cm and 22 cm. A large circle is taken and a cardboard circle is placed in the middle, sheathed around the perimeter, making beautiful folds.

Put the filler in a circle of fabric, connect the edges of the fabric and sew. Now sew the two parts of the hat, as shown in the photo. It remains only to tie ribbons around the crown, which are fastened with pins, pin the flowers. The needle is ready! More can be done.

Needle chair

Enough interesting option products. Inside the chair, you can store the needles themselves, or you can add various little things for needlework.

What do you need:
A piece of dense fabric;
Scissors and cardboard;

The details of the chair, which are in the photo of the pattern, are transferred to the fabric (do not forget to leave room for the seams). You will get two parts for the back and four for the sides of the chair. Cut everything out and pin it with two pins.

Next, sew the material along the curved edges. Cut out pieces from cardboard following the pattern. There will be one piece for the back and two pieces for the sides. Turn the sewn parts of the fabric inside out, steam off the seams. Now insert cardboard into the details and fold the chair, sew all the parts together.

Wrap the front of the product with a cloth and sew on the sides. It remains to make a cardboard box. The bottom is made from a square of 7.8 cm and a depth of 4.5 cm. Turn the side parts outwards, and then insert them inside the chair.

Next, cut out three squares of 8 cm sides and wrap one with a cloth. Cut out the same squares from the filler, put on cardboard and make a seat. It remains to fit the seat, fix the edges with glue. Glue ribbons on top. Fasten the ends of the tape. Get a chair in which there is a secret box.

In the form of a comb

The do-it-yourself needle bed can be made very easily and beautifully in different shapes. For example, give it the shape of a comb. For work, threads and scissors, a needle, filler and felt are required. An ordinary comb is taken and outlined on the fabric along the contour.

Two parts are made of fabric and one of the filler. Now the filler oval is sewn to the main part of the comb, then you can add more filler if necessary. Next, sew two pieces.

From felt

Any figures carved

In order to protect yourself and loved ones, you must carefully monitor the location of the needles when sewing. In this case, you can not do without a needle bar, which you can make with your own hands.

How to make a hat-shaped pincushion

For the manufacture of the so-called house for needles, we need:

  • textile;
  • thick cardboard;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • hat decoration.

Let's start making a cute needle case:

  • Cut a circle out of thick cardboard with scissors. Depending on what diameter of the circle you choose, this size will be the future needle holder.
  • With fabric scissors, cut out a circle twice as large as a cardboard circle.
  • Cut out a circle from the fabric the size of a circle from cardboard.
  • We wrap the cardboard circle in the cut out fabric.
  • Using a needle and thread, we sew a cardboard circle with a cloth, making the same folds. The base of the hat is ready, set it aside for a few minutes.
  • Let's start making the second part of the hat. We put a synthetic winterizer on the second fabric circle.
  • We sew the edges of the circle, we get a soft ball.
  • We connect the two parts with a thread and a needle or glue.
  • We decorate the hat with any decor, for example, a ribbon, flowers, beads, etc.

A funny hat is ready, it will take about 20 minutes to make it.

How to make a pincushion from a jar

To make an unusual needle case from a small jar, we need:

  • small jar;
  • textile;
  • thick cardboard;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • jar decorations.

Let's move on to creating a soft ottoman from a can:

  • Rinse thoroughly and dry the jar.
  • From cardboard, cut out a circle of the diameter of the lid.
  • From the fabric, cut out a circle twice the diameter of the lid.
  • We lay out the synthetic winterizer on the cut out fabric circle.
  • Baste along the edge of the fabric.
  • Insert the cardboard circle inside the pillow.
  • We tighten the pillow and fasten with a knot.
  • Glue a soft pillow to the lid.
  • We turn to decoration, we choose decorations to our taste.

The pincushion from the can is ready! In the jar itself, you can put a sewing headset or personal items.

How to make a needle bed out of felt

To create a stylish felt pincushion, we need:

  • paper;
  • felt of several colors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • pencil;
  • button.

And so, let's move on to creating a needle bed from felt:

  • On paper, we draw patterns for the details of the needle bed or print it from the Internet.
  • On the felt, trace around the contour of the pattern.
  • We cut out the details of the needle bed from felt, namely a cactus, a process of a cactus, a flower, pebbles.
  • We sew 2 flowers one to one and sew a button in the center of the flower.
  • We sew the same parts of the cactus, while leaving a small hole, so that later we can fill it with padding polyester.
  • We sew felt pebbles and fill them with padding polyester.
  • We sew a process, a flower and stones to the main cactus.

The felt cactus is ready! To complete the image, you need to stick real needles.

How to make a pillow case

To sew an original needle pad, we need:

  • textile;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • beads.

Let's start sewing pillows for needles:

  • Draw a circle on the fabric with a pencil and cut it out.
  • We fold the two cut out circles with the front sides one to one.
  • We outline them in a circle, stepping back from the edge of 5 mm.
  • We sew two circles.
  • We make an incision in the middle of one of the circles.
  • Turn right side out and fill pillow with padding polyester.

  • Sew up the previously made incision.
  • We thread a long thread into the needle, we stick it in the center from top to bottom and circle it from under the bottom to the initial position, it is necessary to tighten it with force. We stick back in the center, so it is necessary to repeat several times. With such actions, we divide the pillow into sectors. The number of sectors depends on your preference. At the end of the division into sectors, you need to tighten and make a strong knot.
  • In the place of the knot, at the intersection of the threads, beads of various sizes should be glued. The pillow case is ready! It takes a minimum of time to make such a practical needle bed, and the result will surprise you.

The needle bed is an indispensable thing in the arsenal of the hostess. You can create it yourself from various materials. The presence of a needle bar in the house will bring convenience when sewing and prevent the loss of such a dangerous tool.

Master class "Needle bed" "Firebird"

Tolstopyatova Iraida Anatolyevna, teacher of MADOU "Sorceress"
Labytnangi, YNAO
Purpose: The production of such works develops creative fantasy both in children and adults. Such a do-it-yourself needle bed made of disks will serve as a wonderful gift, bring a smile and good mood from relatives and friends.
Purpose: this master class intended for older children, preparatory group 5-7 years old, as well as for educators, teachers additional education, parents and all interested people.
To educate children in the ability to accurately perform operations for the manufacture of a needle bed, while showing diligence. Learn to cut out a pattern of the body with scissors, circle it on cardboard, carefully cut out the body of a bird from cardboard, flowers from velvet paper or soft plastic, and glue the details correctly. Develop children's creativity. Develop imagination, fantasy, memory, fine motor skills, develop children's speech, logical thinking.
Vocabulary work: Activate the words in children's speech: Soft plastic, pattern, details, sequins, weave paws.
Ready-made needle case "Fire - Bird"

1. Scissors
2. Cardboard, velvet paper
3. Glue
4. Soft plastic
5. Threads
6. Sequins
7. Disks

A needle bed in the house is a useful thing. In every family, there is often a need to mend something, sew on a torn off button, or carefully patch up some open seam. There is no need to talk about needlewomen, we can’t do without needle beds at all. Agree, it’s convenient when the necessary needles and pins are always at hand, they don’t fall anywhere, they don’t get lost, they are all stuck into the soft cushion of the needle bar, from where it’s very convenient to take them, and it takes a few seconds to return them to their place.

So, I suggest you make an original needle bed, the materials for which you can easily find at home. The work is expected to be exciting, but not difficult at all. You can make a needle bed with your children.

Congratulations mom(L. Kazakova)
I congratulate my mother
I want a holiday.
I'll do it for my mom
Anything I want.
I'll clear my table
Wash the toys
I'll make a bed
Doll friend.

Together with doll Nina
Let's bake cookies.
Even from plasticine
But it's a treat.
Our gift to mom
We'll put it on the table.
Together with doll Nina
Congratulations mom.
1.Cook necessary material for the manufacture of needles.

2. From threads, 50 cm long, weave a pigtail for the legs of a bird

3. Cut into strips 1.5 cm wide and 20 cm long, different color, the stripes must be the same color on both sides.

4. We glue the ends of the strips, it turns out like droplets.

5. We glue these droplet strips in a circle on the disks, alternating colors.

6. We glue the braided pigtail, form a loop for hanging and straighten the pigtail for the legs of the bird.

7. Cut out the body of the bird from cardboard, glue the eyes, nose.

8. Glue a crest on the top of the head from ready-made balls.

9. In the middle of the body, glue the sponge cut out in a circle.

10. Glue the second disk and glue the finished body to the disk.

11. We decorate the disk with flowers, decorate the bird's tail with sequins.

12. Heat - the bird is ready. To give your mother your heat - a bird, you can also read a poem.
gift for mom(A. Passova)
I am a gift to my mother
Started to draw
The sun came out
And calls for a walk ...
Do not be angry!
Better sit next to me.
Mom's holiday once a year
Draw and go! OK?

Vases with flowers
I will draw in the album
field flowers bouquet,
It will become more festive in the house,
The sun will immediately shine.
I will paint carefully
Corolla, stem, petal,
To become brighter and more beautiful
Every small flower.
This vase of flowers
I will give to my beloved mother.
I sew a toy for my mother.
From a colored patch,
Cut out the tail and ears
I'll stuff my sides with cotton.
Do you recognize? It's a cat!
I'll paint his mouth.
I will give a kitten to my mother,
He will live with us.

A pincushion is a pillow or case for storing needles and pins. Working with it eliminates the possibility of losing these accessories for sewing in the process of needlework. Today, you can buy a needle bar at any store, but it’s much more pleasant to make it yourself.

This piece of furniture made with your own hands will delight all family members and serve as a source of inspiration for the hostess.

Materials that can be used

The needle bar is an indispensable assistant for any needlewoman. Today there is a large number of different options for this kind of accessories, differing from each other in size, shape, materials.

What can a needle be made of? For this purpose, any improvised and junk things are suitable: shreds of fabric, lace, leftover felt, etc. The main thing is to come up with an unusual idea, and you will find the materials for its implementation yourself.

Simple needle beds

Of all the schemes for sewing needle beds with your own hands, the most simple is the pillow-shaped needle bed. To create it does not require any patterns and special tools.

You will need a piece of fabric, filler and a needle and thread. But even when making such a light item of sewing accessories, you can show imagination.

Sewn on buttons, beads, beautiful braid, embroidered initials, ribbon flowers - all this can transform such an ordinary needle bed.


Here is an instruction on how to make such a needle bed with your own hands:

  • Prepare a circle of cardboard and a circle of fabric, with the second one being twice the size of the first. These are the brim of the hat.
  • Fix the matter on the cardboard circle, carefully forming folds.
  • Cut out the second circle of fabric. Its size should be equal to the size of the cardboard pattern.
  • Place a piece of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool inside and sew the fabric.
  • Connect the two parts of the hat with glue or thread.
  • Decorate the item. You can use ribbons, beads, beads, bows. The needle is ready!

If desired, you can make hats in various styles - classic, sporty, rustic, modern.

Needle beds from cans

As you can see in the photo of the original needle beds, many craftswomen use jars to make such sewing accessories. Containers should be whole, small, convenient and beautiful. The most important thing here is to skillfully decorate the jar, turning it into a needlewoman's "girlfriend".

The advantage of this model is as follows: it is not only a stand for needles, but also a storage system for buttons, spools, beads and other small things.

Felt needle beds

Felt and felt are an ideal material for crafting homemade souvenirs, including needle beds. Similar crafts depicting animals, household items, flowers look pretty cute and funny, causing smiles from others.

The most popular model is the cactus in a pot. To make such a little thing is within the power of every housewife, especially since there is more than one master class on the Internet on how to make a needle bed in the shape of a cactus. And the product looks amazing.


Consider one of unusual ideas needle beds with a description, namely a needle bed-book. It can also be sewn from felt. But other fabrics can also be used. The main thing is to correctly determine the material of the main frame and choose the right decorations.

The book can be made whole or it can be divided into two halves. In addition, such a needle bed can be sewn manually, or you can use sewing machine. Of fundamental importance is the presence of a piece of felt in the middle of the book for a more reliable fixation of the needles.

Knitted needle beds

Needle beds, crocheted or knitting needles are in no way inferior to their sewn counterparts. Colorful, unusual knitted figurines of animals, birds, plants and mushrooms can be very interesting place for needles and pins.

If you have high skills and abilities, you can knit a real work of art that you will not be ashamed to show to friends and colleagues.


In conclusion, we note that absolutely anyone who has basic skills in handling a needle and thread or with a crochet hook can make an original and unusual needle bed.

Since a homemade thing is always better than a purchased one, then from a needle stand self made succeed lovely gift birthday, wedding, name day, New Year and so on.

DIY needle bed photo



A metal tool for sewing - a needle, is available to any hostess. Usually there are more than one needle, they differ from each other in thickness, size and purpose. Some we use for embroidery, others for darning. Due to their small size, needles are often lost, which is a danger to all residents of the apartment. In order not to encounter such a problem, you should store all sewing accessories in one place, for this it is recommended to purchase a needle bar.

In contact with


Needle beds are included in the assortment of almost all shops with accessories for needlework, but they are not difficult to make yourself. Such a necessary thing in the household can become a wonderful piece of furniture and convey the character and style of the hostess of the house, if you spend quite a bit of time creating a needle bed with your own hands.

Today there is lots of sewing ideas, so each needlewoman will be able to choose for herself suitable model. In addition, this sewing accessory requires very little material. For its implementation, you can use pieces of fabric and shreds left over from others, which reduces the cost of creating a needle bed to a minimum. But tailoring this accessory is able to deliver a lot of positive emotions and serve as a good workout for beginner craftswomen.

In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with various models of homemade needle beds. You can bring to life a very easy, elementary idea in execution or choose a more complex and beautiful product depending on skill and training.

The recommendations and tips presented in this master class will make the process of creating needle beds accessible and understandable even for beginner needlewomen. Detailed descriptions and photos will inspire you to create real masterpieces for storing needles.

By the way, today, "" has gained particular popularity. Handmade items become a decoration of many apartments and houses, well complementing the design of the premises. To keep up with fashion trends You can also please your loved ones and friends with homemade gifts. As a small present or souvenir, do-it-yourself needle beds are perfect. It is unlikely that such an accessory will be able to leave indifferent at least one representative of the fair sex.

How to make a needle bed with your own hands

So that when sewing and not to lose a needle or sewing pins, you should always have at hand comfortable needle bed.

With your own hands you can make the needle beds of the most different models, sizes and shapes, as well as to use materials for every taste. If you take into account your style and skills, you can get an exclusive sewing accessory that meets all your requirements.

In this way, you can create a simple pincushion or go the more difficult route and tie a figurine, for example, a cactus or a cheerful bird. Many novice craftswomen choose women's hats as a model, and receive elegant and creative needle beds. In this case, of course, it all depends on your desires, skills in needlework and available materials.

Needle pillow

The simplest in execution are needle beds in the form of small pillows. To make them, you do not need special tools and any. It will be necessary to prepare only such materials:

  • A piece of cloth.
  • Cotton wool or synthetic winterizer (for filling).
  • Threads in the right color.
  • Needle.

No need to think that such an easy-to-use needle bar will be too boring and ordinary. Even when sewing a pincushion, you can show all your creativity. For example, embroider your initials, motto, beautiful phrase or simply decorate with ribbons, beads, bright braid, sequins or buttons. Thus, it is possible to transform any, at first glance, nondescript model of the needle bed.

We suggest you sew a very light needle bed in the form of a round pillow:

Another variation of round needle beds-pillows are the so-called flowers or pumpkins. To create such a model, you will need fabric, thread and a needle. Cardboard for "flowers" is not needed.

  1. From the fabric, cut out two round pieces of the same size.
  2. Fasten them together with large stitches.
  3. Stuff the resulting blank with a soft material, for example, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.
  4. Finish the needle bar and give it the shape of a flower, using large stitches from the middle.
  5. The finished needle pad can be decorated with various improvised materials (small buttons, bright ribbons, braid or beads).

If an elastic band or a thick elastic band is sewn to such a needle bed, then it can be fix on the hand which is very convenient for work.

Needle pads do not have to be round, they can also be made square, triangular, or choose a more complicated shape, such as a heart or in the form of animals.

Needle hat do-it-yourself hat: master class

Pincushions sewn in the form of ladies' hats look very feminine, creative and original. Such models are not difficult to make, and the result is always pleasing to the eye.

To make such an unusual do-it-yourself needle bed, follow our master class.

Thus, in about thirty minutes, you can create an excellent sewing accessory for storing needles and pins with your own hands.

Master class: needle case from a can

Very often, many craftswomen use needles as devices for storing needles. small jars. For these purposes, it is worth choosing beautiful and neat jars; glass containers for baby food or mustard are perfect. The most important thing is to decorate the jar well so that it turns into a convenient and creative storage for needles and pins.

Needle beds from cans are very convenient and creative. They can serve not only as a pillow for needles, but also as a container for storing beads, buttons and even threads, if dimensions allow. Therefore, such devices are considered very practical, as they are able to collect many small sewing accessories in one place and serve for decorative purposes, like decorating a room.

To create such a needle bed you will need the following materials:

Let's start making:

  1. Wash the jar well and leave to dry.
  2. While the jar is drying, prepare the pincushion.
    1. Cut out a fabric circle twice the diameter of the neck of the jar and a cardboard circle the same size as the neck.
    2. Put stuffing material on a cardboard circle, cover with a cloth and sew along the cardboard frame so that the synthetic winterizer is inside and a small pillow for needles is obtained. In the same way, a round needle bed was made according to the first version.
  3. Attach the resulting pillow with glue to the lid of the jar.
  4. Now you just need to decorate the jar and storage for needles and buttons is ready!

Do-it-yourself felt pincushion

One of the most popular materials for needlewomen is felt. It is very gentle and soft, and therefore pleasant to the touch. Also this the fabric is comfortable in sewing and products made of such material look spectacular and bright.

Do-it-yourself cactus needle bed made of felt will look very creative, and needles and sewing pins stuck into such a product will resemble needles.

Let's start making a cactus pincushion:

Thus, you got a needle bed in the form of a cactus, it remains to decorate it.

This master class discusses several easy ways to make beautiful and creative do-it-yourself needle beds. By using step by step instructions you can bring any of the presented ideas to life.

Step-by-step sewing of a needle bed

Do-it-yourself needle bed
