How to make a Christmas tree out of pasta. DIY pasta tree

Coming soon New Year, and you have not had time to buy gifts yet? Eat great idea to fix this moment.

Making such a gift will not take very much time. We offer you several master classes on how to make a Christmas tree from pasta with your own hands. Step by step instructions and a lot of photos!

To perform crafts - pasta Christmas trees, you will need the following materials and tools:

- thick cardboard;
- hot glue (or glue that can stick pasta to cardboard);
- paint (color optional);
- sequins;
- a bell or a bow to place at the end on the top of the Christmas tree;
- pasta (in the form of tubules, the end is cut obliquely).

How to make a pasta tree

First we need to make a cone (the future base for the Christmas tree). Let's take cardboard. If its width and length allows you to draw a large circle, then draw and divide it into three parts. We cut it out, as a result we get three parts, which we turn into a cone. If the cardboard is not large enough, then mentally imagine a circle, and the available length of the cardboard should be the third part of the circumference (an example is shown in the photo).

After you have cut it out, you can also glue or make a special fastening on one side of the cut out part, stepping back from above and below, cut out an additional piece of cardboard (about one centimeter wide), and make a cut on the other side.
the pasta tree turns out to be very pretty. It also turns out to be quite original, the process of which you can see at the specified link.

Let's start gluing pasta. It is better to do this in rows (in a circle). Having made the first row, immediately color the pasta and so on each time after completing the row. If you do not want to do this, then before gluing the pasta to the base, lay them out side by side and spray paint from a spray can. \

We continue to glue the products almost to the very top of the pasta Christmas tree. The top is best done like this: take three pasta and glue their bases together. As a result, the completion of the Christmas tree will turn out, it remains to glue it on the top of the cone.

You can hang a bell, a bow or something else on the top of the pasta tree. You can also take a ribbon, which is usually used to tie bouquets of flowers, run scissors over it to make it spin, and wrap it around the Christmas tree, sprinkle with coconut (previously smeared with glue), sprinkle with sparkles and more.

That's all, our do-it-yourself pasta tree is almost ready, we invite you to complete a master class with a photo last steps. For complete completion, it is better to glue the base of the cone. To do this, cut out a circle of the desired diameter and do not forget to make “cloves” around it, on which we glue the bottom to the inside of the cone. Also ready Christmas tree from pasta can be installed on an additional base (wooden or plastic stick) and "planted" in a pot. If the Christmas tree is just on a cone, then it is better to glue the pasta so that the tree can be installed on the surface and the pasta does not touch it.

Christmas tree made of pasta bows with their own hands

- pasta (bows);
- plastic bottle;
- paper cone;
- glue gun;
- golden acrylic paint or spray;
- additional decorations in the form of beads (optional).

How to make Christmas tree from pasta?

1. First of all, you need to create the basis for future crafts. To do this, cut off the upper part (neck) of the bottle. Using silicone glue, we attach a paper cone to the neck - the top of the Christmas tree.

3. As soon as all the pasta is applied to the frame - set the craft aside - let our original Christmas tree from pasta bows dry a little.

4. At this stage, we proceed to the design of the original Christmas tree from pasta "bows". IN this master class the craft is made in the style of minimalism, so the Christmas tree was painted over with golden spray paint, without adding any decorations. The paint can be white, green or silver, depending on the taste and preferences of the children. Also, the Christmas tree can be decorated with various beads, buttons, garlands or toys, decorative snowflakes, bows or bells. In a word, everything that your imagination tells you about.

As practice has shown, making a Christmas tree from pasta with your own hands, the master class of which consistently explains the process, is quite simple and fun, in which the whole family can take part. The smallest members of your family will especially like this activity, who will gladly take part in decorating crafts.

And also original decoration and the reason to do something useful for you can be, the master class of which has long been waiting for you on our website.

Creative success and Happy Holidays!

Able to decorate not only the New Year's table, but also some places in the apartment.

In addition, it does not take much time and expense to make a Christmas tree from pasta. And the result is simply amazing.

For starters, an interesting idea of ​​a Christmas tree made of pasta on a leg, only a disposable glass is taken as the basis, from which the leg is cut off, and the body of the glass is used instead of a cardboard cone.

1. To create a Christmas tree, I need:

  • disposable cup,
  • curly pasta,
  • hot glue gun,
  • aerosol green and gold enamel.

2. For the basis for the Christmas tree, I took a disposable glass. Starting from the bottom, from the wide part of the wine glass, we begin to glue the figured “Bantiki” pasta with a hot glue gun.

3. Glue them in rows in a checkerboard pattern.

4. Thus, I fill the entire glass with them. Closer to the top of the head, I glue the halves of the pasta in several rows.

5. I glue two coasters from wine glasses together, as shown in the photo. Got a Christmas tree stand.

6. Using a heat gun, I glue the stand to the wide part of the wine glass.

7. I paint the Christmas tree with green enamel.

8. I paint small curly pasta with golden enamel, it turned out christmas toys for the Christmas tree.

9. I glue them to the Christmas tree with a glue gun. Of these, I make an openwork star on the top of my head. The Christmas tree is ready.

Another Christmas tree made from ordinary pasta - any will do. The principle of crafts is the same, but this craft Made from hollow, straight pasta tubes.
And you will also need:

  • several sheets of thick cardboard (can be colored, can be white),
  • thermal gun (no gun available? use glue like "moment")
  • dye.
  • stapler

And, of course, straight arms should go in the kit :)

Pasta "feathers" are pre-painted green and dried. A few "shells" should be painted red for future transformation into a Christmas tree star.
On a sheet of cardboard, draw a semicircle, cut it out and fold it into a cone.

We connect the edges of the cone with a stapler.

Glue pasta to paper cone. It is best to use a glue gun and hot glue for these purposes. By the way, rods for glue gun can be used without the device itself. Just heat the tip of the rod with a fire from a match or lighter. As soon as the glue begins to melt, press the tip of the rod to the junction.

When all the "branches" are in place, put a star on the Christmas tree and decorate with ribbons. Also, the Christmas tree can be covered with a thin layer of PVA glue and, until the glue is dry, sprinkle with a small amount of glitter. This will make the tree look prettier.

If you want to make the Christmas tree taller, then glue 5 cones from sheets of paper

And we begin to glue the pasta from the bottom up.

Step by step, tier by tier

and in front of your eyes a wonderful Christmas tree- pasta tree

Then we paint our pasta Christmas tree in any color that suits your interior.

We glue dragee candies m & m "s

And painted pasta bows.

The end result is this beautiful homemade tree from pasta.

Create original Christmas tree to decorate the New Year's table, you can use materials that can be found in every home. Do-it-yourself pasta crafts are a great gift idea for loved ones, office or nursery decoration.

To make a creative Christmas tree, you will need a minimum of components:

  • Scissors;
  • a sheet of cardboard or drawing paper;
  • spiral pasta or feathers;
  • glue "Moment";
  • paint in a can;
  • ribbon, beads or "rain" for decoration.

DIY Christmas tree making process

  • We make the base for the Christmas tree. The New Year's beauty from edible materials is easy to perform, even children can cope with the task. First you need to make a base for the Christmas tree by folding a sheet of cardboard or thick paper into a cone. If its lower edge is unstable, you need to cut off the excess part of the paper with scissors. The edges of the paper must be glued and the cone left to dry;
  • Glue pasta. When deciding how to make a Christmas tree from pasta, keep in mind that you will need to glue the “needles” of spirals or feathers from below. To do this, step back from the bottom edge about a centimeter and fix the pasta with Moment glue, placing them close to each other. Try not to leave space between the pasta so that the paper is not visible;
  • We form the "body" of the Christmas tree. For a do-it-yourself pasta Christmas tree, the number of rows depends on the height of the base. Fix the last row of pasta-feathers or spirals so that the upper ends of the product are connected to each other - that is, place them at an angle;
  • Coloring pasta on the Christmas tree. If you use spray paint, you need to paint the Christmas tree with your own hands in a ventilated area. The paint color can be not only green, you can make a Christmas tree, for example, silver or gold. Wait for the Christmas tree to dry completely;
  • Painting the Christmas tree with gouache. In the absence of paint in a spray can, gouache can be used for pasta Christmas trees. But you will need to paint the pasta before gluing. Moreover, when fixing them on the cone, try not to lubricate the gouache;
  • We decorate the Christmas tree with pasta. The craft can be decorated in any way, for example, by tying a ribbon bow on the top of the tree. A few small bows should also be hung around the base, imitating Christmas decorations. If there is no colored ribbon at hand, decorate the Christmas tree with “rain” to your liking.
  • A do-it-yourself miracle Christmas tree can be placed in a pot that is suitable in size or placed on a shelf or table just like that.

    Christmas tree made of pasta with tinsel

    It will be even easier to make a pasta Christmas tree at home by adding tinsel to the flour product. Moreover, this material can match in color with a shade of paint chosen for decorating the Christmas tree.
    To make crafts, you need to act in the same way as in the first master class, only the rows of pasta must be alternated with tinsel. It is optimal if the rows with tinsel and pasta are arranged in a spiral - it is more convenient to fix the shiny Christmas decoration. Tinsel can be green, reminiscent of needles. And pasta can be painted after gluing with spray paint or use spirals and feathers already painted with gouache.

    Christmas tree from pasta-bows

    An elegant Christmas tree will turn out from pasta in the form of bows. Since these pasta are voluminous and difficult to fix, it is worth using not ordinary glue, but a heat gun. You can fasten pasta-bows on a plastic champagne flute by removing the leg from it. It is necessary to glue the pasta in a checkerboard pattern. You need to paint the craft after fixing the pasta and drying it out.
    Make to such Christmas tree toys can also be made with your own hands from pasta - stars, letters, flowers and other shapes. Such pasta is often already sold in color - for children. Of these, you can glue a whole star on a Christmas tree or small pendants by attaching them to the craft with glue.

    Children's Christmas tree postcard from pasta

    With children with your own hands, you can quickly make a Christmas card as a gift for a grandmother, teacher or friend. A simple craft is based on a rectangle made of cardboard or thick paper. Pasta of any shape must be glued onto it with Moment glue, for example, in the form of wheels or letters. If desired, you can complement the Christmas tree with a fringe of colored paper. It is worth painting a postcard with a Christmas tree made of pasta after completing the work on gluing the elements. You can use gouache, and any decorations are suitable here - beads, rhinestones, paper bows and more. Such a handmade Christmas tree made of pasta can be turned into a pendant by threading a ribbon through its top. And the postcard in a matter of moments will become christmas toy. You can also stick it to the wall using double-sided tape. See similar workshops:


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    In schools and kindergartens, children are often given tasks for which they lack inspiration. Then the children turn to their parents. But it is sometimes difficult for adults to imagine how to make crafts from improvised materials. In this article, we will talk about how to make a Christmas tree from pasta. Search below interesting ideas for inspiration.

    Christmas tree from bows

    How to make a pasta Christmas tree step by step A picture of this process is presented above. To create the craft, you will need pasta bows, acrylic paint and multi-colored beads, as well as cardboard, scissors and glue. How to make a Christmas tree from pasta? The first step is to make a frame. We will create it from a rectangular sheet of thick paper or cardboard. We turn the sheet into a cone and cut off the bottom of the figure in a circle. We fix the workpiece in this position with glue. Pour the pasta into a flat bowl. Row by row, glue the bows to the base. We glue the pasta in a vertical position so that the edges of the bows look up and down. You need to glue the form gradually moving from the bottom to the top. Bows need to be attached in a checkerboard pattern with a good overlap on each other. When the tree is ready, it needs to be painted. For this you will need acrylic paint. We dilute it with water and paint over all the elements. You can give your decorative product any shade. When the tree is dry, you can start decorating. Using a hot gun, glue large beads.

    Macaroni and tinsel

    Do you like non-trivial decorative items? Then this master class is for you. How to make a Christmas tree from pasta and tinsel? To create a craft, you will need feather pasta, tinsel, paint, cardboard, scissors and glue. Above you can see the whole process in pictures. How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from pasta in stages? First of all, we make a conical frame out of paper. Armed with a pencil, draw a spiral on the workpiece. Now, using a hot gun, along the drawn line, glue the pasta. They need to be fixed at the same angle of 30-45⁰. We complete this stage of work by painting pasta. Give them a golden hue with acrylic. We apply PVA glue to the workpiece and fasten the tinsel in a spiral between the rows of pasta. This work is more convenient to start at the top and gradually move down. It remains to decorate decorative Christmas tree. For this purpose, small plastic balls and cones are suitable.

    Christmas tree on a stand

    Not all Christmas trees are made with a paper frame. If your child is still too young to trust him with scissors, you can advise your child to make a base out of plastic glasses. To make the frame, you will need one glass and one more additional stand. We disassemble the plastic container, separating the leg from it. We glue the legs together with narrow parts. How to make a Christmas tree from pasta on this basis? We attach a plastic cone to one of the sides of the workpiece with the wide side down. And now we take pasta-bows, and, as already described above, we fix them in rows, starting work from below. When the tree is ready, paint it in green color. If you do not have acrylic, then you can tint the product with gouache mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with PVA glue. You can decorate the Christmas tree with plastic beads and a small battery-operated garland.

    Christmas tree pendant

    A child can give such a product to dad, mom or any relative. Christmas tree pendant can decorate a car or become a Christmas tree toy. It can be hung on a garland or a mobile can be made from such products. How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from pasta? To create such a versatile craft, you will need pasta wheels. From these blanks you need to lay out a pyramid. Five wheels should be laid at its base. Fasten the parts to each other with a hot gun. Each subsequent row should go down. In the second row there will be 4 wheels, in the third - 3 and in the last - 2. It remains to make a leg. To do this, use one long pasta. The finished toy must be painted green. Decorate the craft with stars. They can be cut out of colored shiny paper or you can buy ready-made plastic blanks in the store. Be sure to glue a small rope to the top of the product.

    golden tree

    Unusual pasta can be used to make decorative crafts. For example, products that look like horns, but have a wavy edge. How to make a Christmas tree from this type of pasta? It will be much easier than in all other cases. Why? The frame for such a Christmas tree does not need to be assembled. But here's the pattern to do. Draw a circle on paper. Lay out the pasta along the pencil outline. The wavy edge of the pasta should look outward. Fix the base in this position. And now, in a checkerboard pattern, glue the second and all subsequent rows. With each layer, the product should decrease in its diameter. The last pasta must be attached vertically. When the tree is dry, it needs to be painted with gold spray paint. You need to decorate the craft with large bright beads.

    blue christmas tree

    This craft is very similar to a fairy tree. In order to make something like this, you will need to first make blanks. Take pasta shells and paint them in Blue colour. Christmas trees, which consist of multi-colored details, look interesting. For example, you can paint blanks not in one shade, but in different ones. For example, make a gradient from dark blue to blue color. When the blanks dry, their edge will need to be glued with sparkles. To do this, coat the edge of each pasta with glue, and then dip the product in silver powder. When everything is ready, you can start creating the frame. You can make it out of cardboard, or you can build it out of plastic glasses. Both options have been described above. On the base, starting from the bottom, we glue the blanks. You need to try to glue the rows overlap with each other. Then the impression of Christmas tree branches finding each other will be created. You can decorate the Christmas tree with shiny silver beads or stars. You can wrap the product with thin tinsel or glue a few strips of rain.

      herringbone can be made from whatever is at hand. For example, even pasta. You can go the simplest way and make a cone out of cardboard of any height, and then just glue the pasta - feathers with Moment glue. From above, we easily apply green paint or varnish. From the varnish, the Christmas tree will be glossy. Let it dry and decorate with toys.

      By the way, if you like unusual solutions, then the Christmas tree can be made in silver or gold. Paint is sold in cans, use it. such a Christmas tree can even be given as a gift. She looks very creative and original. You can not make decorations on such a Christmas tree, so it will shine anyway.

      You need to make a base-cone, then fix the pasta on it.

      A good master class on how to make a Christmas tree from pasta is presented in the video tutorial. Pretty quick and easy. It can be decorated with balloons, and it's great to make a backlight. There will be a great Christmas tree.

      Such beauty is obtained from ordinary pasta of simple cardboard.

      To make a Christmas tree from pasta with your own hands, you will need scissors, cardboard, pasta, tinsel beads, a glue gun. We draw a circle on cardboard, cut it out and divide it in half, then glue this half together - we should get a cone. Next, glue the pasta with hot glue - you can glue it very tightly to each other, or you can at a distance. If glued at a distance, then in between you need to glue fluffy tinsel. Next, if desired, paint the Christmas tree, for this it is better to use aerosol paint. And now we decorate, dress up our craft.

      The pasta tree is ready.

      To make a Christmas tree from pasta, you will need cardboard, scissors, glue, paint, pasta.

      First of all, we make the frame of the Christmas tree: cut out a cone from cardboard. At the same time, the more interesting the shape of the pasta is, the more elegant and original the tree will look. You need to glue from the bottom up. Then we paint the pasta in the color we want. You can paint with ordinary gouache, spray paint, acrylic, etc. After the paint dries, it remains to decorate the Christmas tree to your liking.

      There are several ways to make a pasta Christmas tree:

      1. Make a paper cone and stick the pasta to the cone with glue.
      2. Make a case out of wire (we took copper wire for designing a Christmas tree), and then stringing pasta on the wire, the last pasta needs to be fixed.
    • It is very easy to make a Christmas tree from pasta :) We take whatman paper, make a cone out of it, fasten it with a stapler, adhesive tape or glue. And we glue pasta around the circumference, but with a small distance between the rows, since later we will decorate these rows with tinsel.

      More detailed master class with pictures can be found here

      First you need to cut and glue a cardboard cone.

      And then, row after row, glue pasta of any shape you like to it.

      The easiest way to do this is with hot glue. But ordinary PVA may well fit.

      When the whole structure is ready, you can paint it in any color using regular or spray paint. And on top decorate with finished beads, beads or pasta of a different color.

      You can attach pasta to plasticine, or you can make a cone out of cardboard and glue pasta on PVA glue. Holds up great. Then cover the entire product with spray paint (sold in hardware stores. In the same way, you can make decorations for the Christmas tree.

      And it seems to me that it is quite possible to use wire for the frame. And the scheme will be the same as the girls described above.

      To begin with, of course, it is better to make a base - a frame, so that the Christmas tree has a wide base. And then twist the wire in a spiral. An asterisk can also be made from this material.

      Pasta can be put on during twisting or later, when the base is done.

      Macaroni must be pre-painted with varnish or paints. Then you can add sparkles, snowflakes or frost, depending on the size of the Christmas tree and your imagination!

      The materials are all available, and even a child will like this work.

      In order to make a Christmas tree out of pasta you will need to roll a cone of very dense matter, such as cardboard or plastic. Then, using Moment's glue, we glue pasta in a checkerboard pattern, you can take bows (or any of your choice):

      By the way, when gluing pasta reaches the top of the future spruce, then the pasta needs to be reduced in size, then the Christmas tree will turn out to be more realistic. As soon as all the pasta is glued, then you should think about the decor, the spruce can be covered with paint and sprinkled with sparkles - it will turn out exactly like New Year's.

      To choose a more creative and optimal option, you can look at ready-made pasta Christmas trees:
