Christmas tree do-it-yourself craftsman from improvised materials. Original ideas for Christmas trees with your own hands from improvised means

In the pre-New Year's fuss, sometimes it’s not up to the Christmas tree: crowds in shops and specialized Christmas markets discourage any desire to acquire a fluffy beauty. However, in order for a real Christmas tree you don't have to buy it. From this article you will learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised materials.

We have collected for you more than 20 master classes with step by step photos instructions, so creating a holiday atmosphere in the house is not difficult, even if there is absolutely nothing left. These lessons will also be useful for mothers, because it is a pleasure to work wonders with your kids!

By the way, if you already have a real Christmas tree (artificial or natural), a DIY Christmas tree will be a great themed gift for family and friends! In general, stock up on New Year's mood and go ahead to create!

Let's start with the very simple option- Christmas tree made of paper. To make it, you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, toothpicks and a hole punch.

#2 Christmas tree made of wrapping paper

To make such a Christmas tree, you will need: cardboard or thick paper, wrapping paper several colors, scissors, glue or double-sided tape.

#3 Origami Christmas tree

To make a Christmas tree you will need: paper, scissors and patience :)

See more paper Christmas trees:

To create you will need: felt, scissors, needle, thread, glue.

You will need: felt, buttons and beads for decoration, a needle, thread, cotton wool, scissors.

Look for more Christmas trees made of felt in the article:

#6 Christmas tree from a plastic bottle

You will need thick paper plastic bottle preferably green, scissors, tape.

#7 Christmas tree from table napkins

You will need: table napkins, a bead, sewing machine or a needle and thread.

You will need: a plastic bottle or glass, pasta, glue, paint.

Need more pasta ideas?

You will need: thick paper, cones, glue.

We have more ideas for crafts from cones:

You will need: thick paper, coarse thread, glue, beads.

#11 Wire Christmas tree

You will need: thick paper, wire.

#12 Christmas tree from dough

You will need: salty dough (cold porcelain or polymer clay), scissors. From the mass for modeling we form a cone, and then with the help of scissors we “pinch off” the paws. For greater realism, the paws can be bent up a little. Next, we send the Christmas tree to dry. After complete drying, the craft can be further decorated, for example, with paints, sparkles, beads, rhinestones, etc.

You will need: thick paper, colored paper, glue, a lot of patience.

#14 Christmas tree made from cardboard cylinders from toilet paper

You will need: roll cylinders toilet paper, crepe paper, scissors, glue, thread.

Any bushings left? make more original New Year's crafts!

#15 Christmas tree made of threads

You will need: paper, thick threads, scissors, glue, beads.

#16 Christmas tree from an old magazine

You will need: a magazine, glue, beads or glitter to decorate.

You will need: cotton wool, a dry twig, threads, ribbons, beads and sequins for decoration.

#19 Wine cork Christmas tree

You will need: corks, glue, tape, paint.

#20 Delicious strawberry Christmas tree

You will need: thick paper, strawberries, chocolate.

#21 Wrapping paper Christmas tree

You will need: wrapping paper, glue, whatman paper, decorations.

#22 Christmas tree from balls

#23 Christmas tree from dry branches

You will need: dry branches, rope, lanterns and other decorations.

#24 Cotton pad Christmas tree

If you want to make a Christmas tree from improvised materials, then it's time to pay attention to cotton pads. You will need thick paper for the cone, cotton pads, glue and beads for decoration. By the way, you can decorate the Christmas tree with any materials to your taste: sparkles, sequins, watercolors. Or you can just leave it white. As you like or as time permits.

Even more crafts for the New Year from cotton pads:

#25 Ribbon Christmas tree

A cute Christmas tree can be made from ribbons. To do this, you will need a foam or foam rubber cone, ribbons and a lot of safety pins. The top of such a Christmas tree can be decorated with a golden paper bow.

We have a lot of ideas for New Year's crafts from ribbons.

#26 Christmas tree from a napkin: decorating the New Year's table

Do Christmas tree can be from canteens tissue napkins. And the Christmas tree, and the decor of the New Year's table. Try it and you won't be able to stop!

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Storozheva Galina Merkuryevna

On the eve of the celebration new year in every educational institution, probably, opens workshop of Santa Claus. This means that many teachers, children and parents are involved in making crafts on new year theme . The internet has been a huge help to us. Can be done christmas toys on the Christmas tree, snowflakes, snowmen, animals, cute Santa Clauses and snow maidens ... And material you can choose any.

Our group also did not stand aside. An exhibition of handicrafts was announced on DIY New Year's theme. I, as an educator, also decided to make waste material(wrappers) small herringbone. Your attention Master Class.

For execution « Christmas trees» need a minimum material: a sheet of A4 drawing paper; multi-colored candy wrappers (I took candy wrappers "Children", since they are colorfully decorated, there will be no need to decorate herringbone); double-sided tape, colorless tape, scissors, red foil 2 * 2 cm.

We twist the cone from the drawing paper, cut the bottom edge.

Multi-colored wrappers are cut into strips.

From the strips of candy wrappers we glue with double-sided tape "loops".

From a piece of red foil, cut out an asterisk and glue it on top "Christmas trees".

Christmas tree is ready may or may not be decorated.

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Soon the New Year and my guys and I junior group we decided to make a beautiful Christmas tree, which will decorate the group and create a festive one.

Hello, Dear colleagues! The New Year is approaching and everyone is looking for new ideas for New Year's crafts, here's my little creative for you.

Despite the fact that it is a month before the New Year, shop windows and illuminations are already "creating" us with might and main. good mood.

Every year more and more people refuse a live Christmas tree in favor of an artificial one. But after all, the main symbol of the holiday can be made not only from plastic. This review contains 20 creative Christmas trees that will save the "life" of the green beauty.

1. Volumetric installation

Volumetric installation of plywood and cardboard.
Delightful volumetric installation with voluminous herringbone from cardboard, fixed on a plywood board in a frame. A similar decoration can be used for a festive decor of the walls of the office, living room or hallway.

2. Luminous Christmas trees

Christmas tree figurines with lights.
From cardboard or thin plywood, you can cut out original figurines in the form of Christmas trees. Complete the figurines with LED lighting or garlands and arrange them along the wall in the living room or bedroom.

3. Minimalism

Christmas tree in the style of minimalism.
Sprigs of pine needles, fixed on the wall and decorated with small Christmas decorations, will become an exquisite decoration of the central wall of the room and a great alternative to a bulky tree.

4. Composition in a frame

Christmas composition in a frame.
A stunning composition in the form of a Christmas tree, assembled from paper balls and small figures, attached to threads in a large wooden frame. Such an unusual decision will not only replace a real Christmas tree, but will also become a highlight of the festive decor.

5. Felt Christmas trees

Wall decoration made of felt Christmas trees.
charming wall decoration of many miniature Christmas tree figurines made of colored triangles of felt and ice cream sticks, perfect for nursery decor.

6. Butterfly tree

Christmas tree made of wire and butterflies.
A huge butterfly tree will be a great decoration for your home, office or shop and will allow you to show all the guests the creative side of your personality. To create such an unusual composition, you will need a base in the form of a high wire cone and a lot of paper butterflies.

7. Pine branches

decoration from pine branches.
Don't be discouraged if your home doesn't have enough space to put up a full-fledged Christmas tree. Just decorate one of the walls with a Christmas tree arrangement made from pine branches. Complete the craft shiny balls, rains and garlands, and in new year's eve put gifts under it.

8. Plastic pipes

Christmas tree made of PVC pipes.
Bright composition on canvas with a Christmas tree made of pieces of PVC pipes of different diameters, decorated with small plastic toys and Christmas balls.

9. Eco tree

Composition of dry branches.
An original eco-style Christmas tree made from dry branches attached to the wall and decorated with small toys and thin strings of garlands.

10. Bright solution

Little Christmas tree of balls corrugated paper.
Bright figurine in the form of a Christmas tree, which can be folded from bright balls of corrugated paper used to decorate straws.

11. Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations for wall decor.Advertising Relap
If it is not possible to get a real or artificial tree, show your imagination and simply decorate the wall creatively. For example, a figurine in the form of a Christmas tree, made of shiny Christmas balls will be a stylish decoration for your home or office.

12. Gift boxes

Gift boxes folded in the form of a Christmas tree.
Small details will help create a festive mood, like gift boxes different sizes, folded in the form of a Christmas tree on a shelf.

13. Fabric Christmas trees

Not big Christmas trees from fabric.
Circles of lightly gathered fabric make great little Christmas trees that can be used to decorate a kitchen or decorate a festive table.

14. Poster

Christmas tree poster.
The easiest way to decorate your home with a Christmas tree without buying a real tree is to get a big picture or poster of it. Small ones will help to complete the composition. Christmas decorations and real garlands.

15. Thin branches

Christmas tree from branches.
A voluminous Christmas tree that you can make with your own hands from thin tree branches. Just attach them to the wall, paint them with fake snow, complete with Christmas decorations, glittery rain and garlands.

16. Corner tree

Corner Christmas tree from a garland.
Creative Christmas tree from a long garland fixed in the corner of the room - simple and very original way quickly create a festive mood in any room.

17. Upside down

Composition from spruce branches and garlands.
The original corner composition of fir branches and garlands will be an unusual alternative to a full-fledged tree and will remind you of the house with soft light and magical aroma.

18. Rain

Rain tree.
A simple composition in the form of a Christmas tree, which everyone can make from a long green rain and a small number of New Year's toys.

19. Shelving

Wooden rack in the form of a Christmas tree.
A trendy wooden shelving unit in the form of a Christmas tree is a great purchase for New Year's Eve. Such a rack will become not only relevant festive decoration but also a practical interior detail.

20. Stepladder

Christmas tree from a wooden ladder.
Authentic and very spectacular craft in the form of a Christmas tree made of a wooden ladder, garlands, cotton wool, candles and figurines.

Hello dear readers! Just a few days left until New Year 2018! New Year's Eve rush is in full swing. But how? You need to buy gifts for relatives and friends, buy food for the New Year's table, and don't forget about yourself: buy a dress, get your hair done ... Well, how New Year to meet without the main New Year's attribute? Today I will share with you options on how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised materials. Each of you has all the materials for manufacturing at hand, making such a Christmas tree is not at all difficult, the main thing is to have the desire to do it.

Well, if you have time and bought a real green Christmas tree. But there are a few downsides to buying one. First, it often begins to crumble quickly. Even putting it in a container with water (I know from my own experience), it still begins to crumble after 2-3 days in a warm room, and after a week there are already bare branches on it. It all depends on where she grew up and how much time has passed since she was cut down in the forest.

Of course you can buy artificial Christmas tree, this is very a good option. But if you didn’t even have such a Christmas tree, it’s quite possible to make a Christmas tree from what you have in your house.

What might be useful for this?

  • Paper napkins with which we serve the table,
  • Christmas tinsel
  • satin ribbons,
  • ordinary pasta, which we prepare for a side dish,
  • medical gloves,
  • green half-liter soda bottles,
  • air balloons,
  • discs for recording
  • disposable forks or spoons,
  • paper souvenir banknotes,
  • and even cookies!

The Christmas tree can be tied and laid out even from pillows of different sizes. As you can see, the flight of fancy is not limited.

DIY Christmas tree - photo ideas

The idea to make such a Christmas tree came to me recently, recently in one of the programs on television I saw a master class in creating a Christmas tree from logs. I really liked the idea and I thought, why not make such a Christmas tree myself.

Today I will not tell you how to make a green beauty step by step out of nothing. After looking at the photos, you will understand how you can do it. The main thing is that the Christmas tree is green and has the shape of a cone. And if there is no green material at hand, it does not matter. Christmas trees can be white, gray, etc. Having created a Christmas tree, be sure to dress it up.

From tinsel

On the basis of paper cone glue tinsel in a spiral, preferably green. Although you can use tinsel of a different color for this purpose. We decorate with small balls, sparkles or a thin rain.

From napkins

On the base of a paper cone with glue or a stapler, we attach folded paper napkins. You can make the “branches” of the Christmas tree green, or you can make them multi-colored, as in this picture.

From balloons

The size of such a Christmas tree will be different, it all depends on the number and size. balloons. We attach the balls to the base stick with tape or with a rope. We start the process by attaching the lower large balls and finish at the top of the "Christmas tree" with smaller balls.

From sweets

The Christmas tree is quite easy to prepare. We buy sweets in a shiny wrapper, which contains green and brown colors, most similar to the colors of a natural Christmas tree. We attach sweets to the base-cone with a stapler or tape.

From medical gloves

Of course, such a creative Christmas tree will be a decoration in a clinic or other medical institution. Both light and gloves of other colors are suitable for her. Perhaps a Christmas tree made of multi-colored gloves looks more interesting. At the end, we decorate the Christmas tree with balls and tinsel.

From disposable tableware

As you can see, even disposable tableware can be a material for the preparation of small Christmas trees. But in order to make Christmas trees, you will have to break off the handles of the appliances. They are attached to the base with adhesive tape or with liquid nails.

From paper souvenir banknotes

A similar Christmas tree can be placed on a door or cabinet door. And the visual perception of banknotes will remind you of financial well-being in the new year.

From logs

To make such a Christmas tree, it is necessary to prepare a base from logs of firewood, to which, in an artistic mess, we attach the details of the Christmas tree with a screwdriver. At the end, we decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel.

From cookies

From shortcrust pastry with the help of a mold we make “branches” of our Christmas tree. Cookies should be different in size, from large to small, as we will stack them in layers on top of each other. After laying one layer (one cookie), pour it with sugar fudge or icing.

To prepare it from sugar and water, cook the syrup over low heat, stirring it constantly so that the sugar does not burn. As soon as the syrup thickens, quickly cool with ice, you can take it outside to cool (if possible), then beat with a mixer. Pour fondant over each layer of cookies, stacking as shown in the picture.

And more options for Christmas trees from improvised means

Dear readers, with a little work, we got christmas tree, which we made with our own hands from improvised materials. We have prepared for the holiday and I wish you a pleasant New Year.
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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

The Christmas tree is the main symbol of the New Year. Green beauty can be purchased at every corner. But, you don't have to spend money to do it. After all, it is very easy to make a Christmas tree at home with your own hands. For this, various unusual materials. Today we will look at how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised means.

Herringbone from a cone (MK)

If there are children in the house, then they can be involved in the creation of the Christmas tree. To do this, you only need cones and plasticine. It is only necessary to teach the kids to twist small balls from plasticine. To make a fake look really festive, use plasticine in bright colors. The basis for the Christmas tree will be an ordinary spool of thread. It is wrapped in foil, which will give it an elegant look.

It remains only to glue the cone to the coil and fix the balls of plasticine or other material on the mini-Christmas tree.

If you like the idea, then you can transform it a little. By using acrylic paint the bump is given any shade. Of course, the traditional option is green color. If you color the tips of the cone in White color, this will give the appearance of snow. The base is made of brown plasticine, and a star from the same material is used as a decoration.

It is worth noting that there should be few decorations on the Christmas tree, otherwise the craft will not look aesthetically pleasing.

Another master class involves the use of beads or beads. They will act as Christmas tree decorations from cones. The work is very delicate and painstaking, so it is better to do it yourself. By using glue gun beads are glued to the cone. A spool of thread or plasticine is suitable as a stand.

Unusual cone fakes look elegant and exclusive. They will become original decoration for home.

Large Christmas trees are also built from cones. But for this you will already need a cone made of thick cardboard. This will allow you to build a reliable frame for the future beauty. Cones are glued to the cone. They are located tightly. When the glue dries, the Christmas tree is decorated with large beads or other decorations.

New Year's beauty from tinsel (MK)

Do-it-yourself decorative Christmas tree is made from various materials. A good option would be to use tinsel.

To make such a fake, you need to purchase the basic materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • tinsel;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

The basis will be a cone made of thick cardboard, it is made simply:

1. Draw an even circle on a sheet of cardboard (the larger its radius, the higher the cone will be).

2. Cut out the circle with scissors along the edge.

3. Divide the circle into 4 parts with two perpendicular lines intersecting in the center of the figure.

4. Cut out one quarter, bring the adjacent edges together and glue them with an overlap.

The process of making a Christmas tree from tinsel

Next up is decorating the Christmas tree. Using a glue gun, the tinsel is glued in a spiral onto the cone. The peculiarity of such a fake is that it does not need decoration. Tinsel already has a festive and shiny look.

If desired, you can use various decorations. When choosing jewelry, the size of the fake is taken into account. The composition should look organic.

On video: how to make a Christmas tree out of tinsel.

Paper crafts (2 MK)

It is very easy to make a Christmas tree out of paper or cardboard for your home. It will be the perfect decoration for a child's room.

To make it you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • markers and paints;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • sequins.

Making a fake includes the following steps:

1. Cardboard needs to be bent in half. Using scissors, it is cut along the fold line. The resulting segments are folded together and again bent in half.

2. Opposite the fold line, a half of the Christmas tree is outlined. An incision is made along the marked line. At the end of the process, you should get two identical blanks.

4. The blanks are carefully bent in half. The center is marked with a marker. An incision is made with scissors. It starts at the top of the workpiece and goes to the middle. On another workpiece, the incision starts from the bottom and ends in the middle.

5. The resulting Christmas trees are interconnected using a groove made. To give stability to the structure, the parts are fixed with adhesive tape.

Paper fake is ready. It remains only to embellish it. Here they use decorations made of paper or cardboard. The tree can have different sizes and shapes.

Consider another master class on making a New Year's beauty from paper. For this we need:

  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • masking and stationery tape;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Christmas tree made of colored paper

To make a Christmas tree with your own hands, you must do the following:

1. From thick cardboard you need to make a cone, which will act as the base of the structure.

2. colored paper cut into strips of small width. The size of the strip is determined by eye. It all depends on the size of the manufactured fake.

3. The ends of the strip are neatly folded and glued together with adhesive tape. The result is a loop of paper.

We make strips and glue their ends

4. The resulting blanks are glued onto masking tape one by one. Scotch tape with eyelets is glued on a cardboard cone in a circle. Such stickers are made to the very top. It is worth considering the length of each garland.

Glue the parts to the cardboard cone

It is not necessary to decorate unusual fakes, as they already look elegant and elegant. decorative paper tree with their own hands is ideal for decorating any room.

Big New Year tree (MK)

You can try to make a tree bigger size with metal frame. This will require a welding machine and male power. Such decorative tree with your own hands can completely replace a real Christmas tree.

The production of the product is carried out in the following sequence:

1. It is necessary to estimate the desired height and lower diameter of the Christmas tree. According to the obtained parameters, make a support column. To do this, use a metal pipe. The support column may also consist of several elements that are interconnected using couplings.

2. For the manufacture of the base, three pieces of a metal pipe are used, the length of which will be approximately 20-30 cm. A three-legged support is made from them, for this, the ends of the tubes on one side are welded together. It turns out something like a Mercedes sign.

3. A support post is welded in the middle of the connection of the leg elements. It is necessary to ensure that the metal pipe at this time is in a strictly vertical position.

4. Tubes 10-15 cm long are welded to the support post. Their diameter corresponds to the thickness of the branches that will be used further to assemble the Christmas tree. Here, the work must be done very carefully and carefully, since the shape of the New Year tree will depend on this.

5. When the base and pillar are ready, they are painted with dark green paint and left for a while to dry.

6. The structure is installed on a flat area. It is necessary to carefully check that there are no distortions that can lead to the fall of the tree.

7. If the structure is secure, you can proceed directly to the installation of coniferous branches (you can take both real and artificial ones). Here they pay attention to the fact that they evenly cover the post and create a shaped Christmas tree. It is better to use lush branches, which will greatly simplify the task.

Here the tree is ready to the very ceiling. The base can be easily covered with the remaining branches. They throw themselves all over. It remains only to dress up the New Year's beauty. To do this, use real Christmas toys. Do not forget about the electric garland, which will give the tree shine and beauty.

Christmas tree made of paper and beads (2 videos)

Ideas for creating a Christmas tree (38 photos)
