Different hairstyles. Hair styling and optimization

Surprisingly diverse hairstyles allow any woman to find her own unique image, reflecting her inner worldview and giving her a seductive look.

Hairstyles can be divided into two large groups: casual and festive. Everyday hairstyles are easy to perform, they can change during the day, but they accompany a woman for a long time and shape her appearance.

Hairstyles - photo: hairstyles in a classic style

Hairstyles for special occasions are often complex and are performed in specialized salons.

The most common hairstyles are:

1. Classic hair style

Hairstyles of the classical style are neat, concise, strict. These include those hairstyles that, thanks to their versatility and simplicity, have stood the test of time and are always relevant. This is the “Greek knot”, “tail”, square.

Hairstyles - photo: hairstyles in a romantic style. elegant style

2. Romantic hair style

Delicate and light hairstyles of a romantic style are made mainly from long or middle length hair. This is soft, flowing hair with the effect of "wind in the hair", various waves and curls, creating a pure and sublime image of a girl.

3. Elegant hair style

hairstyles elegant style graceful and concise. According to Coco Chanel, elegance is in simplicity, so the beauty of this hairstyle is not in intricacy and complexity, but in the elegance and clarity of lines and shapes. Elegant not only hairstyles from long hair, but also accurate, with a clear drawing of the form, haircuts - "page", caret.

Hairstyles - photo: hairstyles in Greek, ethnic (Afro-braids) and eclectic style

4. Extravagant hair style

Hairstyles of an extravagant style are used by show business stars and creative people who prefer exclusive solutions in a suit and strive to express themselves and assert their own style. Extravagant hairstyles are unusual in shape and decorations, and can be solved in non-traditional hair colors. An example is the hairstyle of Alla Pugacheva.

5. Hairstyles in the style of "retro"

The “retro” style in hairstyles is always relevant: the past excites the hearts of people, causing a desire to repeat some interesting forms and solutions in the form of a woman. The most frequently repeated are the glamorous and sophisticated hairstyles of the 30s, the characteristic feature of which is the abundance of soft waves and curls that give the image of a woman a romantic, elegant and seductive look.

Hairstyles - photo: eclectic style, emo hairstyles and trash

Hairstyle in the style of Grace Kelly in the form of a neat wave is of interest to girls with regular facial features.

Hairstyles in the style of the 60s are attractive for their elegance, which is why they are often used for special occasions.

6. Hairstyles in the Greek style

Ancient Greece left many interesting aesthetic discoveries as a legacy to subsequent generations, and hairstyles are no exception. Hairstyles such as the "Greek knot" and "tail" have become classics, and diverse compositions of curls of various lengths are favorite hairstyles for weddings, prom and others solemn events. In fact, a romantic image is created " Greek goddess”, but the hairstyle is called “in the Greek style”, so this is a separate style.

7. Ethnic style

Braids, loose hair with weaves, "African braids" - all of these options refer to ethnic or folklore hairstyles. However, do not think that such hairstyles are appropriate only in combination with ethnic-style clothing: they look quite harmonious with denim and other casual clothing.

8. Style "Eclectic" in hairstyles

The term "eclectic" means "absurd". Hairstyles in the style of "Eclectic" can be used in festive shows, on the catwalks. The solutions of such hairstyles are absolutely unpredictable, they are interesting as a spectacular option, but no more.

Hairstyles - photo: gothic, sporty and avant-garde hairstyles

9. Emo hairstyles

The Emo youth subculture prefers black hair, and the most characteristic hairstyles are the Cascade and Bob haircuts for long and medium length hair. Oblique long bangs and asymmetry are welcome. In general, hairstyles make a gloomy impression.

10. Thrash Style Hairstyles

The most creative and unusual hairstyles are in the Thresh style. Thresh style suggests diversity colors hair, and there are strands with fashionable patterns, in particular, striped, “under the leopard”. It can even be said that Thresh style hairstyles are anti-Emo: with the external similarity of shapes and silhouettes, they are bright in color and look very positive.

11. Hairstyles style "Rakina"

Photo: Hairstyles in the style: shell, hippie, textonic

Hairstyles made up of complex weaves hair and braids, belong to the style of "Rakinya" - this is a relatively new fashionable trend in hairstyles. Unlike the ethnic style, there is more futurism here, so the hairstyles are more avant-garde than folklore. The most interesting in this regard is the last lifetime collection of Alexander McQueen called "Plato's Atlantis": complex futuristic hair weaves are simply mesmerizing!

12. Hippie Style Hairstyles

Hippie hairstyles are very simple and repeat the hairstyles of the peasants of the Middle Ages: the hair is parted in the middle, freely loosened over the shoulders and intercepted with a headband. This hairstyle was worn by both women and men among the hippies. Now it has become popular precisely as a "hippie hairstyle." The hippie headband was called the "hairatnik". There are many variations possible in solving this decorative element of a hippie hairstyle.

Style and its origin

Style, the emergence of style, the display of style in the hairstyle

The formation of an individual style of a person can be influenced by literary images, works of painting, music, images of movie characters and the environment in which a person is located.
Style from Greek. Stylos - a rod or stick for writing on a wax board. Style is a stable unity of the figurative system, expressive means that characterize the thin. The originality of various phenomena of art, whether it be a major historical era or a separate artistic movement. Style is a commonality of the figurative system, means of artistic expression, creative techniques, due to the unity of the ideological content. Style - thin. the language of the era, its art. characteristic.

Style- this is the unity of artistic features (due to the unity of the ideological content), characteristic of this era and determines the system of internal connections between all components of the creative process:

  • Content and form
  • Plot
  • coloring
  • Execution technique
  • Receptions, materials

Style origin:
1. The transformation of nature with its practical influence, that is, the constant change in everyday models that we see on the street, in society, that is, fashion in large numbers.
2. The ideal of an artist-fashion designer who presents his work at competitions, shows, in fashion magazines. Fashion designers create their models capturing and creatively comprehending the expected changes in everyday fashion. They offer models that are a step towards something new. The new models are based on deep learning folk traditions history and current fashion trends.
Style reflects the artistic characteristics of the era, the image of individual and social life and trends modern fashion. 3 sources:

    1. artistic characteristics of the era
    2.image of individual and social life
    3. modern fashion trends

The first two sources are relatively constant, the third one is dynamic and determines the character of the style itself.

Basic hair styles

The hairstyle has always steadily followed the traditions of the era. With innovations in fashion, hairstyles have also changed. Hairstyles have always reflected the inner "I" of a person, his personality, social status. Hairstyles can be distinguished by the following parameters: hairstyles for every day, that is household hairstyles and hairstyles for ceremonial weekends, that is - spectacular.

Household hairstyles can be very diverse. There are 2 types: P casual and dressy.

This is careless, hastily, a tightened knot or tail with which you can walk around the house or even allow yourself to come to work in this form. Since slight negligence is now in fashion, such hairstyles are welcomed even by the world's leading designers. Household hairstyles can change depending on weather conditions, time of year, as well as the time of day. All these “conditions” are very easily perceived by women on subconscious level. For example, during the day, a girl will definitely comb her hair smoothly, and in the evening she can already make it more magnificent ... a bouffant, for example. Naturally, there are those for whom everyday hairstyles do not depend on any factors other than mood and self-awareness. This is quite natural. After all, even household hairstyles, despite their common features, each hostess's hairstyles have their own extraordinary, individual character.

Examples of household hairstyles:

Spectacular hairstyles- these are bright, festive, emphatically defiant hairstyles. Such hairstyles are often designed for performances in the theater, on the stage, carnival, performance and the like. Spectacular hairstyles are designed to complement the image, enrich it. Spectacular hairstyles are usually associated with the hairstyles of the Middle Ages, that is, with historical fashion trends.

Spectacular hairstyles are well displayed in competitive competitions of stylists, hairdressers or designers. Here you can already distinguish such hairstyles as everyday, evening and creative (artistic).
Hair styles can be different depending on gender, age, interests and life priorities.

Hair styles

classic styles(from lat. Classicus - exemplary) hairstyles incorporate clear shapes and lines, are characterized by visual completeness.
Romantic hairstyles have soft lines. Often such hairstyles are made on semi-long and long hair. They always have a soft won in the hair, curls, curls. Romantic hairstyles represent spiritual subtlety, sublimity, purity.
Sports styles(from English Sport - game, entertainment) hairstyles are done on short or semi-long hair. From the name of the style it follows that they are preferred by people leading an active lifestyle. Sports hairstyles do not accept all sorts of styling products, as they must always be practical and comfortable, both to create and to wear.

By dressing sportily and choosing the right hairstyle, you can create an image of even a glamorous and sexy lady. Everything depends on you! Sports hairstyles will make you freer and more confident.

avant-garde styles(from the French Avant - garde - ahead and guard) hairstyles are bright, catchy, extraordinary, exclusive types of hairstyles that run ahead and reflect innovations in the fashion of tomorrow. They are most suitable for people who gravitate towards originality, expressiveness and originality.
Extravagant styles(from French Extravagand - unusual) hairstyles, as a rule, are very bizarre in shape and selection of accessories. This is a kind of challenge to modern fashion.
elegant styles hairstyles are distinguished by high artistic taste.
historical styles hairstyles are designed to display fashion trends hairdressing art of a particular era.
Hairstyles "Eclectic" (from the Greek. Eklektikos - choosing) randomly combine various elements of existing styles.

Hairstyles "Tectonic" are quite unique. Only those for whom tectonics is already a lifestyle in itself can decide on such an experiment with their hair. There are a lot of options for tectonic hairstyles. And they are all defiantly catchy. It is impossible to pass by a person with a similar hairstyle and remain indifferent. Tectonic hairstyles always cause breathtaking surprise, rapture or outrage among passers-by. But, just for emotions, these hairstyles are aimed. Iroquois with bangs, shaved with or without whiskey, just a mohawk, creative mess - this is just a small list of options for tectonics hairstyles.

It should be noted that these hairstyles are very difficult to perform, so a truly master's hand is needed to create them. It is also important that you can get rid of such a hairstyle only if you cut all your hair to zero. Therefore, when choosing hairstyles, be prepared for the consequences.

Often, hairstyles are paid attention just when a responsible and important event awaits ahead. For example, a wedding. Here the girl needs to listen to her attitude, to understand what kind of bride she wants to appear. Hairstyles are the best way to emphasize the inner world, but they must necessarily match the dress. After all, the bride will still look ridiculous with ragged haircut, blue-black hair, eyebrow piercings and bright makeup in a classic white wedding dress. Wedding hairstyles coincide with the classic differentiation of hairstyles. That is, you can make classic, romantic, glamorous or modern hairstyles. The names of hairstyles speak for themselves. You can change hairstyles at least throughout your life. The main thing is that they match your mood and lifestyle. And, maybe, and vice versa... By changing the style of the hairstyle, life itself will be transformed? Naturally, for the better. Either way, don't be afraid to express yourself with hairstyles. Experiment and be on top!

Women's hairstyle is not just neatly styled hair. This is a reflection of style and women. Whatever hairstyles are in fashion, there are still some rules for wearing them. So, two main styles of hairstyles prevail - everyday and festive.

Hairstyles for women

Everyday hairstyle is a comfortable and easy hair styling for every day. It can also change throughout the day, depending on the weather, mood and desire of the woman. Business style hairstyles can also be attributed to the daily ones. This is a stricter version. simple hairstyles. A variety of bunches, ponytails, "shells". For short hair this is neatly styled hair, or the effect of slight negligence, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The classic hairstyle style is the predominance of straight lines and clarity of form. A small cascade is allowed. Such hairstyles are very similar to business ones. They are concise, do not require constant care, and are quite easy to install.

Romantic hairstyles are soft and gentle lines. Most often, this style is preferred by owners of medium length hair. Such hairstyles should match the romantic mood. Lush soft curls, volumes, not strong bouffants form a romantic hairstyle.

Elegant hair style is an artistic style. They are not worn every day, but are created for going to the theater, to a dinner party, to a reception. Elegant hairstyles are distinguished by delicate lines, perfect contours. This is a peculiar combination of simplicity, femininity and grace. Beautiful styling with curls are decorated with a variety of hairpins, flowers and lace. Simple evening hairstyles can also be classified as elegant.

How to choose a hair style?

Most women and girls are well aware of which haircuts and styling are best suited to their face type. But often there are times when you want to change your appearance, change accents. In this case, it is better to leave the choice of hairstyle style to the hairdresser or stylist. You can also check out various types haircuts on the Internet, choose several options, and discuss them with a stylist. Perhaps you will use a program that substitutes the selected hairstyle or hair color for your photo. It can also help determine the type of haircut.

- a style in which clothing sets reproduce features national costume certain people (ethnos). The main thing in compiling a set is the use of cuts, materials, shades, ornaments, decor, characteristic of the outfits of a particular nation.

Historically, each group of people, united by long-term cohabitation in a certain territory, had its own traditions and customs, which also manifested themselves in the manner of dressing.

The main directions of style

  • Egyptian motifs

Colors. White, blue, turquoise, gold, yellow. Blotches of black, orange, green, red colors are possible.

Prints. Geometric patterns (in particular, hieroglyphs), engravings with images of supernatural beings, gods, pharaohs, pyramids, as well as images of scarab beetles, lotus flowers, stylized images of animals.

Materials. Linen, silk, leather, fur, wool, as well as combinations of fabrics, such as silk and suede, linen and velvet. Metal plates, fringe, embroidery are used as decoration.

Cloth. The cut is characterized by straight lines and geometric figures: rhombus, triangle, trapezoid. Men's clothing with Egyptian motifs includes tunics with a straight cut or with draperies under the chest line or on the hips, wide long, loose-cut pants. In the women's wardrobe there are richly decorated floor-hugging heavy fabrics with various, as well as tunics, tops and one-shoulder dresses.

Accessories. Wide belts at the waist, snake bracelets, hinged, rings, necklaces made of metal plates, voluminous beads, tiaras. Headdresses are bright, tied in various ways with graceful.

Shoes. Typical shoes for men and women are.

Makeup. The image in the Egyptian style helps to create densely let down eyes and eyebrows, dark Foundation. For men, make-up is only allowed on stage or themed events.

Hairstyle. Straight hair of medium length, thick bangs. Preferred color is brunette.

  • Greek motifs

Colors. The main ones are white, gold, blue,.

Prints. Floral patterns, in particular, reminiscent of tree branches.

Materials. Light translucent flowing fabrics such as chiffon, silk, thin knitwear.

Cloth. A characteristic feature of clothing in the Greek style is asymmetry, which manifests itself in the cut of the hem of a dress or outfit that exposes one shoulder. Men's clothing with Greek motifs includes loose-fitting trousers, tunics (chitons in ancient times), complemented by a belt and a rectangular strip of fabric draped over one shoulder. In the women's wardrobe there are dresses of medium length or to the floor - with a high waist and an emphasis on the chest, flowing to the ankles, outfits with a V-neck.

Accessories. Wide waist belts, bracelets, earrings, diadem pendants and hair clips, often consisting of links and complemented by internal ornaments in the form of feathers, leaves, various weaves, etc.

Shoes. Sandals embellished with numerous straps and weaves. In the women's wardrobe, open stilettos are also allowed.

Makeup. Natural, discreet: peach or soft pink blush, gloss or pastel lipstick.

Hairstyle. Hair styled in curls and gathered under a headband or diadem; various kinds of braids, turning into loose hair. Hairstyles in the Greek style are decorated with flowers.

  • Indian motifs

Colors. The main shades are brown, beige, sand, burgundy, terracotta. Blotches of black, blue, white, gray, green, yellow are used.

Prints. Schematic images of supernatural beings, Indians and Indian paraphernalia (feathers, bison skulls, wigwams, etc.), stylized images of animals and birds.

Materials. Denim, cotton, leather, wool, knitwear. Fringe, embroidery, feathers, fur, metallized elements are used as decoration.

Cloth. A characteristic feature of clothing in the style of native Americans is the mandatory presence of prints, stripes or fringes. Men's wardrobe includes shorts, denim shirts, ponchos, with fringes and prints, loose fit. Women wear fringed tops, shorts, trousers, shorts, including leather, tunics and, loose dresses and skirts of various lengths.

Accessories. Belts and belts on the hips, earrings made of beads and feathers with Indian symbols, a large number of bracelets and beads. In the women's wardrobe, scarves and wicker headbands are also used.

Shoes. Typical shoes are low and high with fringes and patches. Wicker sandals are also present in the women's wardrobe, shoes on a wooden platform are allowed, and with fringe and various weaves.

Makeup. Natural, discreet.

Hairstyle. Long, carelessly loose hair, sometimes with several braided pigtails.

  • Russian motives

Colors. The main colors are red, white, gold, blue, green, terracotta, black.

Prints. Floral, geometric, animalistic and floral ornaments, images of birds.

Materials. Linen, wool, cotton, silk, satin, velvet, cloth,. Fur, fringe, stones, beadwork, etc. are used as decoration.

Cloth. A characteristic feature of clothing with Russian motifs is the use of embroidery, colorful printed ornaments, and buttons. In the women's wardrobe there are A-line sundresses, bell skirts, Long Dresses free-cut with a richly decorated hem, padded jackets, jackets and vests with fur trim on buttons or open, shirts. Men wear cotton and linen shirts, caftans, uniforms, double-breasted and single-breasted with a standing collar, loose-cut trousers. In both wardrobes there are fur coats made of sable, ermine, marten, black-brown fox, etc. They are decorated with velvet or satin, decorated with fur frills. can be worn unbuttoned, or tied with textile or leather laces.

Accessories. Wooden bracelets, rings, pendants, with embroidery and beads, earrings with Slavic symbols and images of animals and birds, embroidered textile narrow or wide belts, mittens. Headdresses are boyar hats, yarmulkes, kabardins, caps, earflaps, etc. Women can cover their heads with kerchiefs and scarves, wear hats made of fur or with fur trim.

Shoes. Felt boots, morocco boots, bast shoes. In the women's wardrobe there are also wicker sandals, ankle boots with fur trim, pumps.

Makeup. Roasted cheeks, red lips, long black eyelashes and thick eyebrows.

Hairstyle. Varieties of the classic braid with ribbons or flowers woven into it.

  • Indian motifs

Colors. The main shades are orange, eggplant, turquoise, blue, pink, purple, red, crimson, golden, green, olive.

Prints. A typical pattern is a drawing, geometric ornaments.

Materials. Silk, linen, cotton, wool, chiffon, satin. Fringe, embroidery with beads or threads, decoration with stones, etc. are used as decoration.

Cloth. Characteristic features women's clothing in the Indian style are layering and asymmetry, which manifests itself in the cut of things on one shoulder. Most outfits are draped in various ways. In the women's wardrobe there are saris (fabric, in a special way wrapped around the body), flowing long dresses and skirts, harem pants, complemented by short tops, tunics. Men wear knee-length button-down frock coats, elongated shirts, and loose-fitting trousers.

Accessories. Large jewelry - bracelets, long earrings, beads, necklaces, rings, tiaras, scarves, as well as nose piercings. The materials for products are mainly metals, beads, bright precious and semiprecious stones. Women can cover their heads with scarves, men can wear turbans. Accessories are characterized by floral motifs.

Shoes. In the women's wardrobe there are sandals and sandals, in the men's wardrobe - sandals and closed shoes, reminiscent of.

Makeup. Lined eyes and eyebrows, dark shadows, blush, red lipstick, dark foundation, bindi.

Hairstyle. Loose hair, styled in curls, or a smooth bun.

  • African motifs

Colors. The main shades are sand, khaki, blue, red, terracotta, coffee, white and combinations thereof.

Prints. Catchy, sometimes blurry or sketchy ornaments, geometric, floral, animalistic and floral patterns.

Materials. Leather, linen, cotton, silk, wool. Fringe, furs, stones, wood are used as decoration; fangs and claws of animals, feathers and claws of birds.

Cloth. A characteristic feature of African-style clothing is the use of numerous prints, the absence of plain things. In the women's wardrobe there are shorts, trousers, sundresses, dresses and skirts of various lengths, tunics, oar cardigans, short tops. Men wear shorts, loose-fitting trousers, complemented by medium-length shirts with wide sleeves, textile jackets with fur trim. Various draperies are possible. Clothing is decorated with stones, fringe, various weaves, metallized or wooden elements.

Accessories. As accessories in the men's and women's wardrobe, wooden or metal bracelets, massive earrings and necklaces made of natural materials, pendants made of fangs and claws of animals, feathers and claws of birds, various amulets, multi-layered multi-colored beads; bandages and scarves on the head, tied in various ways; belts and waist straps.

Shoes. Men wear wicker shoes, sandals and wedges are allowed in the women's wardrobe.

Makeup. Lined eyes and eyebrows, blush, red lipstick, bright shadows.

Hairstyle. African braids; voluminous hairstyles that create a feeling of negligence.

  • Japanese motifs

Colors. Traditionally, the color symbol is the main thing in clothes. The emphasis is on the accuracy of the shade. The main colors are black, white, red, pink, orange, yellow, gold, indigo, green.

Prints. Each piece of clothing is decorated with floral (the most common - sakura, chrysanthemum), plant, animalistic or geometric ornaments.

Materials. Silk, linen, cotton with satin weave.

Cloth. A characteristic feature of Japanese-style clothing is layering, adherence to silhouettes in the form of a trapezoid, triangle or rectangle. A Japanese-inspired wardrobe includes kimonos, tunics and shirts with short or long puffed sleeves; high collars covering the neck, loose-fitting trousers, jackets are possible. Women also wear tight long dresses and skirts, capes made of dense fabrics.


Accessories. As accessories in the men's and women's wardrobe there are wide belts or belts at the waist, colored scarves, wooden bracelets, brooches in the form of flowers, plants, birds.

Shoes. Typical shoes are traditional Japanese sandals with wooden soles. In the women's wardrobe, shoes resembling loafers are allowed, in the men's wardrobe.

Makeup. Very light foundation, lined eyes and eyebrows, pale pink blush, scarlet lipstick.

Hairstyles. Updos adorned with hairpins, wooden sticks or combs with natural flowers or floral prints.

The emergence of ethnic style

In the 1910s French Paul Poiret was one of the first to create collections in ethnic style. In 1910, the Russian ballet "Scheherazade" by S.P. was staged in Paris. Diaghilev. The sketches for the costumes were prepared by the artist Leon Bakst. In 1911, inspired by the production, Paul Poiret created women's collection in oriental style. He prepared a costume party "The Thousand and Second Night, or the Celebration in Persian", at which he appeared in the form of a Sultan: in a satin robe, worn over a tunic, and in a turban as a headdress. The guests were dressed in silk harem pants, richly decorated velvet waistcoats and long skirts wide cut.

In 1912, Paul Poiret held a costume party in antique style. The guests appeared in stylized Greek dresses.

In the mid 1910s. Paul Poiret, inspired by Russian culture and traditions, created the Kazan collection for women with Slavic motifs. It included sundresses, shirts, kokoshniks, embroidered scarves, red morocco boots. As a decoration, the fashion designer used fur, fringe, beadwork, etc.

Ethnic style in the XXI century

In 2004, presented the collection Christian Dior inspired by Egyptian traditions. It included sheath dresses and dresses with a narrow bodice, complemented by voluminous hems. The designer also used various methods of drapery. John Galliano suggested wearing outfits with stoles and voluminous capes. The collection of geometric cut was made in gold, silver, turquoise, olive, white, sand, black and included splashes of green, orange and purple. As patterns, the designer used geometric prints, as well as images of pharaohs. Models took to the catwalk with bright eyeliner, numerous bracelets and earrings, headdresses imitating the heads of Egyptian gods and Cleopatra-style headdresses.

In 2010, the brand presented a women's spring-summer 2011 collection in ethnic style, inspired by the culture of the indigenous people of America. created long dresses and skirts, jackets, tops and trousers with fringe embellished with animal prints and lacing. color palette steel white, gray, beige, silver, pastel shades interspersed with green and black. Each outfit was completed with woven sandals, a fringed bag, bracelets and necklaces.

In 2011, John Galliano presented the men's collection John Galliano fall-winter 2011/2012. The design was inspired by the dramatic images of Russian wanderers, as well as an exhibition dedicated to Russian ballet, which was held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The collection includes fur coats, woolen tights, harem pants with floral prints, insulated leather jackets, richly embroidered coats, sweaters with floral patterns. The images were complemented by fur and knitted hats, voluminous belts and belts, scarves, low shoes and woolen socks. The second part of the collection, dedicated to Russian ballet, included white shirts, cardigans, tight-fitting leotards, jackets and vests with embroidery, Wellingtons. Used as accessories neckerchiefs, fur hats, turbans, belts and belts. The show took place in the building of the former Franciscan monastery on the banks of the Seine and resembled a theatrical performance. Models came out in colorful images of rude coachmen, captains, robbers, wanderers, tipsy peasants and ballet dancers.

In 2012, at the Milan Fashion Week, the Etro brand presented the men's spring-summer 2013 collection, inspired by Indian motifs. It included knee-length button-down frock coats, worn over elongated shirts or tunics, in combination with loose-fitting trousers. For shoes, Kean Etro offered sandals, brogues and loafers. The images were complemented by turbans, scarves and bulky bags. The main shades of the collection are purple, orange, white, blue, red, marsh, gray, blue, terracotta and their combinations. Paisley and stripes were used as prints.

In 2012, at Milan Fashion Week, the brand presented the men's spring-summer 2013 collection with elements of Roman style. It included silk translucent tunics and vests, shorts, loose-fitting pants and underwear with geometric prints. The looks were completed with gladiator sandals, wide leather belts, bracelets and pendants. The collection was made in white, gray, golden, black colors and their combinations.

In 2013, at Milan Fashion Week, the brand presented the women's collection autumn-winter 2013/2014 with Byzantine motifs. It includes tops, sundresses, skirts, dresses, tunics and shirts of various lengths with wide and narrow sleeves. The images were complemented by pendants in the form of crosses, large earrings, Byzantine crowns, embroidered bags, platform and heeled shoes. As prints for each item, mosaic-type patterns were used, referring to the decoration of early Christian basilicas: images of crosses, icons, symbols of churches. When tailoring the collection and Stefano Gabbana, velvet, lace and cotton were used. Designers used rhinestones, beads, stones, glass, embroidery, metallized elements as decoration. Models of clothes of the "old Russian" part of the collection were presented in shades of matte gold, ocher, white, blue, burgundy, pale green, light brown and blue.

(Mary-Kate, Ashley Olsen), Sienna Miller (Sienna Miller), (Naomi Campbell), Jennifer Lopez (Jennifer Lopez), Shakira (Shakira), Penelope Cruz (Penelope Cruz), Ed Westwick (Ed Westwick), Megan Fox ( Megan Fox), Miley Cyrus (Miley Cyrus), Aishwarya Rai (Aishwarya Rai), Cher (Cher), (Anna Dello Russo), (Andre Leon Talley), (Gisele Bundchen), (Christy Turlington), Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton ), Elizabeth Hurley, Nicole Richie, Eva Longoria, Janet Jackson, Michael Madsen, Madonna, Ashley Judd, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Alexander Vasiliev, Philip Kirkorov and others.

A hairstyle is more than beautifully styled hair. It reflects the inner world of a woman, her mood and state of mind in a specific period of time. The types and styles of hairstyles are diverse, so that every woman can choose the one with which she would feel confident.

Women's hairstyles with decorative elements

Two styles or more

It is customary to talk about two styles of women's hairstyles:

  1. Everyday.
  2. Festive.

These two types are conditional, sometimes it is difficult to attribute a hairstyle to one or another style. Casual style is characterized by simplicity and conciseness. Usually women have little time for styling, so tails, buns are the basis of everyday style. In the festive, more time is spent on styling, but also. Such styling is appropriate for special occasions.

Braided bangs add charm

In fact, hairstyles are not limited to these two types, there are many more. There are nine main ones.

9 styles of women's hairstyles

Considering styles in hairstyles, do not forget about your own individuality and originality. Women love to change, but when experimenting, it's important not to lose your own style. How many hair styles are there? There are nine main ones, although you can count more if you wish. But we confine ourselves to the main, most popular and in demand.

Stilyagi, retro, classic, grunge, rock, military, empire: what styles are there

  • Classical.

This style of hairstyle is characterized by simplicity, conciseness, rigor. The fittings are neat and versatile.

Types of haircuts with different lengths

They appeared a long time ago, withstood the test of time and remained. They stayed because they proved their practicality and beauty. Classic hairstyles have strict forms and sharp lines. Suitable for both everyday wear and holidays. An example of such arrangements is ponytail, caret, Greek knot, bunch, shell.

  • Romantic.

Smooth, gentle lines, curls and curls - these are the features of these styling. They create an image of a sweet and tender girl, a little frivolous and carefree. To create a styling, you need long or medium length hair.

Short hair with curls give femininity to their owner
  • Elegant.

This look echoes the classic, but is distinguished by thoughtfulness and neat execution. Elegance, simplicity, conciseness, artistic performance are the hallmarks of elegant styling. Performed on any length of hair. Suitable for formal suits. Such hairstyles emphasize the refined taste of its owner.

Note! An elegant hairstyle is decorated with discreet accessories that accentuate and emphasize the taste. It can be a flower, lace, a beautiful hairpin.

This type includes caret, "page", simple evening styling.

  • Sports.
Unusual styling of long curls

From the name alone it is clear that these are hairstyles for ladies who prefer an active lifestyle. Age category - from small to large. Relevant short haircut, or long hair tied with a ribbon around the head.

Important! Such styling can visually reset several years, they a good option for energetic mature women.

Scandinavian and other haircut options

Sports hairstyles do not need long styling, as they are performed on short and medium length hair. They are comfortable and not burdensome.

Laying long braid complex shape

If you want to do it, but are in doubt, believing that sport style It's not yours, don't worry. Such a haircut does not imply round-the-clock wear. sportswear. It fits even with evening dress, and attractive.

  • Vanguard.

Such hairstyles are preferred by women who want to stand out and not be like anyone else. They are distinguished by bold colors, unusual shapes and lines. A woman with such styling will not go unnoticed, as she is bright and eye-catching.

A good example of weaving for owners of long hair
  • Extravagant.

This type is preferred by creative people who express themselves through bright unusual styling. Extravagant hairstyles are a challenge to the public. The shape, color, styling are designed to draw attention and arouse interest among others.

Greek hairstyle for medium hair

  • Historical.

Laying in this direction is reminiscent of a certain stage of fashion. These can be hairstyles that were relevant several centuries ago, or retro hairstyles that were popular in the last century. Retro waves and curls popular in the 30s, elegant hairstyles in the style of the 60s, wild hairstyles of the 80s - hairstyles of the past are still delightful and make you repeat them.

A very popular styling that came from the 60s
  • "Tectonic".

You can’t confuse this look with any other: the “tectonik” strikes with its unusual and bold color schemes, haircut shapes. One of the simplest types of hairstyles in this direction is a short haircut with a “creative mess” styling, dyed in the most incredible colors. More daring decisions are Iroquois, signs, symbols shaved on the head, tattoos on the shaved part of the head. True, young men prefer such hairstyles.

  • "Elektika".

The name speaks for itself, which means "absurd".

Laying made in this style is unpredictable, as it includes elements of other directions. They are used for colorful performances, shows and catwalks, and in Everyday life out of place.

How to choose your haircut style

If you feel the time is right, do it. Look at the photos, try on the styling you like, analyze your type of appearance and the haircut forms that suit you. Choose the hair style you like and go to the hairdresser for a new look.


Whether you want to change because of changes in your life, or, conversely, you crave change and are ready to change, choose haircuts and styling that emphasize your personality and are in harmony with your inner sense of self.
