Hair cutting lunar calendar for february march. The best time to cut hair in February

Our moon calendar haircuts for february 2019 will allow you, without knowledge of astrology and any calculations, to find auspicious days for a haircut in February 2019. Even if you don't believe that moon haircut really makes an impact, is it worth it to just take it and check it out? You can fully trust the data provided on this page because they are highly accurate. We are constantly striving to improve our haircut lunar calendar for February 2019. Be sure to get a haircut on favorable days for a haircut and happiness and unexpected success will come into your life! .

Feb 1 2019 6:10 - 27 lunar day


27 lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and good mood won't leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable

Feb 2 2019 7:03 - 28 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn Feb 1st 2019 4:12 to 3 Feb. 2019 16:16


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

An ideal haircut day - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes) Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods Haircut moons. Hair splits less and grows faster.

Feb 3 2019 7:46 - 29 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn Feb 1st 2019 4:12 to 3 Feb. 2019 16:16


A haircut on the 29th lunar day is strongly discouraged - you can go astray and get in a lot of trouble. (bla`khyams) Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

4 Feb. 2019 8:20 - 30 lunar day


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

On the 30th lunar day, it is better not to get a haircut - transfer the haircut to another day, especially since the 30th lunar day is very short. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable

5 Feb. 2019 0:04 - 1 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius Feb 3 2019 16:16 to 6 Feb. 2019 5:28


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut. Tibetan sages say that a haircut on this day shortens life. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

5 Feb. 2019 8:48 - 2 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius Feb 3 2019 16:16 to 6 Feb. 2019 5:28


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the second lunar day can bring unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid haircuts on this day. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

Feb 6 2019 9:10 - 3 lunar day


A haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can bring diseases into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money insanely. Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable

Feb 7 2019 9:28 - 4 lunar day

Moon in Pisces Feb. 2019 5:28 to 8 Feb. 2019 18:06


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

A haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone. Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

Feb 8 2019 9:44 - 5 lunar day

Moon in Pisces Feb. 2019 5:28 to 8 Feb. 2019 18:06


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you good luck and wealth. A very good day in order to radically change your appearance. Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

Feb 9 2019 9:59 - 6 lunar day


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

The 5th lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can bring diseases into your life or simply fall into depression, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Aries haircut is unfavorable

Feb 10 2019 10:15 - 7 lunar day

Moon in Aries Feb 8 2019 18:06 to 11 Feb. 2019 5:02


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

7 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Aries haircut is unfavorable. Immunity may be weakened, diseases may appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

Feb 11 2019 10:31 - 8 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

8 lunar day is very good for a haircut. It will bring bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Taurus haircut is favorable

Feb 12 2019 10:50 - 9 lunar day

Moon in Taurus Feb 11 2019 5:02 to 13 Feb. 2019 12:34


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable, because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using mild natural ingredients. Moon in Taurus haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split ends.

Feb 13 2019 11:13 - 10 lunar day

Moon in Taurus Feb 11 2019 5:02 to 13 Feb. 2019 12:34


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

10 lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). Moon in Taurus haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split ends.

Feb 14 2019 11:42 - 11 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

11 lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is just a "bomb". Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable

Feb 15 2019 12:22 - 12 lunar day

Moon in Gemini Feb 13 2019 12:34 to 15 Feb. 2019 17:16


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition nervous system and respiratory tract.

Feb 16 2019 13:16 - 13 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzangbskyed) Moon in Cancer haircut is favorable

Feb 17 2019 14:25 - 14 lunar day

Moon in Cancer Feb 15 2019 17:16 to 17 Feb. 2019 18:34


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

14 lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become a more successful person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property, material well-being. (en spyod'phel) Moon in Cancer haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjusting hairstyles. Avoid chemical treatments.

Feb 18 2019 15:48 - 15 lunar day


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

On the 15th lunar day, it is better not to cut your hair - there may be problems with pressure, an acute feeling of incomprehensible fear will appear. Moon in Leo haircut is favorable

Feb 19 2019 17:17 - 16 lunar day

Moon in Leo Feb 17 2019 18:34 to 19 Feb. 2019 18:10


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

The 16th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract misfortune and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Leo haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for swifts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

Feb 20 2019 18:48 - 17 lunar day

Moon in Virgo Feb 19 2019 18:10 to 21 Feb. 2019 17:46


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

The 17th lunar day is unfavorable for a haircut - you will attract illnesses and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Virgo haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

21 Feb. 2019 20:18 - 18 lunar day


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

The 18th lunar day is bad for a haircut, as there is a huge chance of attracting situations related to the theft of property or its damage. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable

Feb 22 2019 21:45 - 19 lunar day

Moon in Libra Feb 21st 2019 17:46 to 23 Feb. 2019 19:04


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the sign of the zodiac) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. A haircut will add lightness and ease.

Feb 23 2019 23:09 - 20 lunar day


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

20 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty to the material and spiritual world. Tibetan: dbultog Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable

25 Feb. 2019 0:30 - 21 lunar days

Moon in Scorpio Feb 23 2019 19:04 to 26 Feb. 2019 0:20


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

21 lunar days are ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and more attractive (gzugs bzang) Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

Feb 26 2019 1:47 - 22 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable

Feb 27 2019 2:59 - 23 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius Feb 26 2019 0:20 to 28 Feb. 2019 10:08


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

23 lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid a haircut today if other aspects say so. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

Feb 28 2019 4:04 - 24 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius Feb 26 2019 0:20 to 28 Feb. 2019 10:08


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

Thank you for viewing our haircut lunar calendar for february 2019. We hope that you could easily find lunar days favorable for haircuts. We take a responsible approach to business, and we understand that the condition of the people who use this site depends on the accuracy of the data. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for February 2019 auspicious days- find out if a haircut is favorable today? That is why our haircut calendar for February 2019 is one of the most accurate and detailed calendars all over the internet. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for February 2019 - favorable days for haircuts can be found on this page. We believe in karma and make the site with love. We wish you a pleasant haircut and a happy life!

In the last month of winter, it is especially important to know the auspicious days on the moon for cutting hair, as today our curls need more attention and care. The haircut lunar calendar for February 2019 will advise you on a good lunar day for cutting hair, indicate the exact dates when the waxing moon has a beneficial effect on the beauty of your curls.

The Moon in the sign of Taurus, Aquarius or Capricorn will help to strengthen the connection with the Cosmos and create a real money haircut. It is only necessary to choose the day of the week when the phase of the moon will be suitable and positive changes will quickly occur in your life.

Hair cutting on the Full Moon on February 19, 2019 is shown only to those people who are planning cardinal changes in their lives, but everyone else should refrain from going to a beauty salon on these lunar days.

Similarly, on the day when the New Moon on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 will reset the energy of the Earth's satellite and negatively affect all living things, you need to take good care of your curls. In this special phase of the moon, it is only recommended to think over future changes in your image, mentally prepare yourself for upcoming events, but do not make sudden movements and do not visit a beauty salon to cut or dye your hair.

The lunar calendar suggests the most favorable days for cutting hair in the period from February 8 to February 12, 2019, when the growing moon will quickly gain strength, generously endowing women with luxurious and more obedient colossi.

On February 15 and 16, 2019, you can safely plan a visit to the hairdresser, provided that you need financial stability and want to expand your business.

For a better result, you can additionally study, which contains more detailed information about what holiday today is and how the energy of the Moon, Sun and other planets of the horoscope is combined for every day.

You can even choose the right day for cutting your hair on the waning moon, since in this phase of the night star you can achieve such a result when the hairstyle retains its original appearance longer and keeps better in styling.

One of better days month falls on such an exact date as February 28, 2018, when cutting hair will bring good luck, prosperity and the ability to quickly improve things. We advise you to remember this auspicious day on the moon if you want to work actively, communicate, go to the intended goal in the spring, and also rid yourself of blues and depression.

February 1, Friday

26-27 lunar day, waning moon in Capricorn

The positive energy of the first day of winter will allow the hairdresser to create an elegant image for you, where each curl will lie beautifully. Cutting hair today, when the waning moon in February 2019, will allow you to get rid of negativity, increase the charisma and fortitude of people, make you more successful and richer. Under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn, you will get a real money haircut that attracts prosperity and stability. On these lunar days, you can safely change your hair color to a radically opposite one: the energy of well-being will increase, health will strengthen, and your popularity will grow.

February 2, Saturday

27-28 lunar day, waning moon in Capricorn

An unfavorable day for any kind of hair manipulation, as you can cut your longevity and business success. Therefore, cutting hair today, February 2, 2019, falls under a categorical ban, although light toning of individual strands is possible. If you want to find inner harmony and attract authoritative patrons into your life, choose simple, unpretentious hairstyles without extreme sports during this phase of the moon.

February 3, Sunday

28-29 lunar day, waning moon in Capricorn

The first half of the day is absolutely not suitable for a visit to the hairdresser due to excessive impulsiveness and lack of confidence in their desires. If a haircut is scheduled today, then it is better to do it in the afternoon, when the waning Moon in Capricorn will change the energy towards positive. In the evening, a trip to the stylist will help you gain financial stability, achieve amazing results of the hairdresser's work at minimal cost. A new hairstyle will delight you with its original freshness and beauty in styling for a long time.

February 4, Monday

29-30 lunar day, waning moon in Aquarius

On this day, only those people who are determined to change something in their personal lives or get a new job can experiment with a hairstyle. Cutting hair today, on the eve of the New Moon, will help open new stage in life, will give energy for future victories. But for those who are not ready for drastic changes, the Lunar haircut calendar for February 2019 recommends cutting off only the split ends of the hair, so you get rid of the accumulated negativity, refresh your biofield and look younger than your years.

February 5, Tuesday

30-1-2 lunar day, New Moon in Aquarius (00.07 Moscow time)

A dangerous and controversial day when hair is recommended to be left alone and used exclusively natural remedies in taking care of your hair. Cutting your hair today, February 5, 2019, when the first New Moon in February coincides with the beginning of the year of the Yellow Pig according to the eastern calendar, is highly undesirable, as it will deprive you of vitality and self-confidence. But a new styling of curls in a lush hairstyle will lure the location of Fortune and open up new horizons for you.

February 6, Wednesday

2-3 lunar days, the growing moon in Pisces

A favorable day, both for coloring curls and for changing the length of the hairstyle. Hair cutting today, when the growing moon in February 2019 generously endows with powerful development energy, can work wonders! If you want to become richer and happier in your personal life, be sure to choose these lunar days to go to the salon. For hair coloring today it is better to choose soft, soft tones that emphasize the beauty of your eyes.

February 7, Thursday

3-4 lunar days, the growing moon in Pisces

The energy of this day will negatively affect both the condition of the hair and your desires, which are constantly changing. Therefore, cutting hair today, February 7, 2019, falls under a categorical ban, you only risk getting confused in problems even more. In addition, the growing Moon in Pisces in February 2019 can strengthen inflammatory processes scalp, therefore, a set of measures for the treatment of curls, as well as a massage of the collar zone, is welcome.

February 8, Friday

4-5 lunar days, the growing moon in Pisces

A good day, both for refreshing an existing hairstyle, and for creating a new image. Cutting your hair today will make you stronger and more resilient, give you higher potential and the desire to climb up the social ladder. Lush hairstyles with whipped curls, vigorously flying curls, as well as strands of lighter shades that emphasize your youth and beauty will attract good luck on your side.

February 9, Saturday

5-6 lunar day, the growing moon in Aries

A favorable period for both hair restoration and for coloring and creating a new image. In the first half of the day, you can make a real money haircut, which will lure stability and prosperity in business into your life. But after dinner, cutting your hair today will help improve your health, make your hair more elastic and more obedient, and get an excellent result from the work of a hairdresser or stylist.

February 10, Sunday

6-7 lunar days, the growing Moon in Aries

Be sure to cut your hair on this day of the week if you want to improve your intuition, look more sexy and always be in a good mood. Modern haircut today February 10, 2019 should be supplemented bright accessories or extravagant styling to strengthen the connection with the Cosmos and develop personal talents. On this day of the week, you can dye your curls in any color and do a perm.

February 11, Monday

7-8 lunar days, the growing moon in Taurus

A great day for hair care, hair extensions, nourishing masks for curls and scalp. But it is better to refuse any haircut today, as the hair is frizzy, electrified and does not fit well in the hair. For the same reason, it is not worth dyeing or tinting curls on the growing Moon in Taurus today - the color will not lie evenly or quickly wash off, and the resulting shade will not be at all what you expected.

February 12, Tuesday

8-9 lunar days, the growing moon in Taurus

A great time to go to the salon, to increase your beauty and charm. Haircut today, when the growing Moon in Taurus gives an abundance of energy and new opportunities, should be elegant and visually increase the density of hair. A high and lush hairstyle will allow you to quickly gain financial freedom, to achieve the fulfillment of desires. And coloring the curls in lighter colors will help you look at the current situation at work or in your personal life from a new angle.

February 13, Wednesday

9-10 lunar days, First Quarter, waxing Moon in Taurus

Give your hair a rest and do not injure it with excessive manipulations in the hairdresser, as well as weighting styling. Hair cutting today, February 13, 2019, is banned, as the growing Moon in Taurus has reached the First Quarter and changes energy from the earth element to the air. On such days, you need to use only natural products for hair and scalp care, gently comb the curls, vigorously but gently massage the neck and the area behind the ears.

February 14, Thursday

10-11 lunar days, the growing moon in Gemini

In no case do not visit the hairdresser on this day of the week from morning until 14.00, so as not to cut off the accumulated experience and cash reserves with your hair. But cutting your hair tonight will allow you to get rid of the stagnant energy of resentment and disappointment, open up new opportunities for you, and rejuvenate your appearance by 5-10 years. Also for the evening hours, you can plan coloring, lamination or hair extensions.

February 15, Friday

11-12 lunar days, the growing moon in Gemini

One of the best days of the month for a visit to a beauty salon in order to change the image, strengthen immunity, start a complex of wellness procedures. A new haircut today will allow you to quickly grow thicker and more elastic hair that will please with its density and obedience. On this day of the week, you can safely paint curls in any shade, do nourishing masks or a firming scalp massage.

February 16, Saturday

12-13 lunar days, the growing moon in Cancer

A great day to visit your master at the hairdresser, as a new hairstyle will help increase your wealth in business, win the favor of the authorities, win the heart of the man you like. Cutting your hair today will open up new business opportunities for you, make you look younger, and get rid of accumulated problems. The exact Lunar haircut calendar for February 2019 recommends that when dyeing curls, choose a color that is a shade lighter than the one you have now.

February 17, Sunday

13-14 lunar days, the growing moon in Cancer

This day of the week is suitable exclusively for relaxation and hairstyles that do not require special skill and time. Give up cutting your hair today February 17, 2019 in favor of socializing with friends and outdoor activities. Good mood and good spirits will have a positive effect on both the general tone of the body and the condition of the curls. Enriched with positive energy, the hair will begin to radiate a beautiful shine and will quickly grow.

February 18, Monday

14-15 lunar days, the growing moon in Leo

A very auspicious day not only for hair treatment, but also for dyeing individual strands lighter or more dark tones. However, hair cutting is prohibited today due to the excessive impulsiveness that the waxing Moon in Leo in February 2019 gives. Refuse to change the length of your hair in favor of a simple hairstyle with a parting, so you will consciously attract the success and favor of Fortune to your side.

February 19, Tuesday

15-16 lunar days, Full Moon in Leo (at 18.55 Moscow time)

An unfavorable time for going to the hairdresser due to the unstable energy coming from the Cosmos. Cutting your hair today February 19, 2019, when the Full Moon in Leo encourages people to act destructively and aggressively, can have a bad effect on your well-being. A detailed lunar haircut calendar for these lunar days recommends not planning any important events and giving your hair peace.

February 20, Wednesday

16-17 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo

In the morning, the hair will require more attention than usual, as it gets oily faster, looks dull and unkempt due to negative impact Full Moon in Leo. But in the evening the situation will change dramatically and the incoming energy of the Moon will begin to recharge your curls with positive. In the afternoon, you can experiment with hair and choose a new one. stylish look with a view to bringing it to life in the coming days.

February 21, Thursday

17-18 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo

A good time for cutting, coloring, and hair treatment to get rid of dandruff and split ends. Going to the hairdresser during this phase of the moon will bring you the location of the Higher Forces, endow you with a long-lasting hairstyle that will keep its shape well. Particular success awaits those who are ready to let change into their lives, who plan to change their job or place of residence in the near future.

February 22, Friday

18-19 lunar days, waning moon in Libra

Neutral, although positive enough to change the length of the curls, the day when the waning moon in February 2019 will help create a new image for a long time. Hair cutting today will allow you to remove obstacles from life, unnecessary memories, relieve blues and depression. A new style in appearance will allow you to feel changes and on internal level: energy will increase significantly, but bad thoughts will leave your head once and for all.

February 23, Saturday

19-20 lunar day, waning moon in Libra

You can get a wonderful haircut that helps in business and rejuvenates your face for a good ten years during this phase of the moon only in the morning between 9.00 and 14.00 Moscow time. Hair cutting is banned tonight, as the waning Moon will move into the sign of Scorpio, which is fraught with impulsive behavior, nervous breakdowns and ill-conceived decisions.

February 24, Sunday

20 lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio

One of the most dangerous days of the month, when, due to the unstable energy of the Cosmos, you need to refrain from going to the hairdresser. Otherwise, cutting your hair today February 24, 2019 can drive you into depression and lower the chances of success for people of the opposite sex. The lunar haircut calendar for February 2019 advises you to pay more attention to your diet, as well as your lifestyle: a contrast shower and active exercises will favorably affect the general condition of your hair.

February 25, Monday

20-21 lunar days, waning moon in Scorpio

Due to its instability, this phase of the moon is categorically not suitable for a visit to the hairdresser. Hair cutting today February 25, 2019 is fraught with unforeseen situations, conflicts due to too much cut hair and rejection of the result. Refuse a new hairstyle in favor of dyeing your hair in lighter colors, this will positively affect both your mood and relationships with people around you.

February 26, Tuesday

21-22 lunar days, Third Quarter, waning Moon in Sagittarius

On this day of the week, a radical change of image is not welcome, but trimming the ends can refresh your style and make positive changes in your destiny. Therefore, hair cutting today, February 26, 2019, when the waning Moon reached the Third Quarter and moved into the Sagittarius Zodiac sign, is suitable exclusively for cutting unruly hair ends. After this simple procedure, you will very quickly notice that the curls have become thicker, and an undercoat of young hair has appeared on the scalp, which will grow slowly but surely.

February 27, Wednesday

22-23 lunar days, waning moon in Sagittarius

A hard day of the week with gloomy energy, when you need to take care of your hair and refuse to go to the hairdresser so as not to incur the wrath of the Higher Forces. The haircut lunar calendar for February 2019 warns that today you can cut your good health and good luck in business along with your hair, so all experiments are banned. But any procedures aimed at strengthening hair, cleansing the scalp from accumulated styling products, as well as the start of prophylactic intake of vitamin complexes are welcome.

February 28, Thursday

23-24 lunar day, waning moon in Capricorn

One of the best days of the week to go to the hairdresser to create a new seductively beautiful look. Any haircut today February 28, 2019 will bring you a charge of positive and good mood for a long time. This is the time of energy transformation into a creative channel, when the waning Moon in Capricorn makes it possible to significantly improve the condition of the hair. But it’s better to refrain from dyeing your hair in a different color, since today the paint will not go as smoothly as you would like, and the resulting color will not be what you originally planned.

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Lunar calendars have been popular for a long time, because due to the different position of the moon, it is possible to identify days when manipulations will have a beneficial effect on the hair. The psychological influence of the moon on a person has a big role. On the Internet you will see different tables of the influence of the moon, but we offer you an accurate forecast for each day and the whole month.

Hair cutting lunar calendar for February 2019

It is important to choose a favorable number so that the haircut has only a positive effect on the hair. It is equally important that the master has a good mood, and his energy directly depends on the position of the moon. It is worth choosing only favorable days.

When is the best time to cut your hair in February 2019

The day of the week is equally important. So the best days when you can go to the master can be called:

  1. Monday. By cutting your hair at the beginning of the week, you will make new acquaintances that will be useful to you. Monday is a great time to experiment with your appearance.
  2. Wednesday. Going to the master today, you can meet an old friend, the day will be positive for you. You can send children and adults to change the image.
  3. Thursday. By shortening the length today, you will look like an authority in the eyes of your colleagues and win well-being at home.
  4. Saturday. You will be able to build relationships with others, overcome loneliness and experience pleasant emotions.

Haircut lunar calendar for February 2019 by day

Below we describe the exact calendar of hairstyles to improve fate and attract money, happiness to your home:

  • 1. 02. The number is negative in all aspects, and therefore there is no need to change your appearance: all experiments will be unsuccessful. But if you want to change the color of your hair, then choose light shades and natural paint. Wellness procedures will have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.
  • 2. 02.19. Work on yourself, both internal and external, will have a positive effect. If you look good, your self-esteem will rise.
  • 3. 02. 2019 By shortening your hair today, you can attract bad luck into your life, and therefore it is better to choose another day for this. This also applies to trimming a child.
  • 4. 02. The right period to get rid of everything unnecessary and old, and if you want to cut your hair for a long time, then it's time to perform this manipulation. By shortening the length, you can get rid of negative situations in life.
  • February 5, 2019 If you cut your hair today, your hair will become strong and durable. For men, this is a good time to shave.
  • 6. 02. Not the best time, if you do not want dandruff, then you should postpone this manipulation until favorable times.
  • 7. 02. You should not take radical measures with a change in appearance, as the result will not please you, and problems with money may begin. Simple hairstyles today will bring you success.
  • 8. 02.19 You should not do a haircut, it will worsen the structure of the hair and provoke irritation and dandruff from the cosmetics used.
  • 9.02. Neutral day. Visiting the salon today, do not expect that the hair will become strong, they may lose their strength.
  • 10. 02. 2019 Refuse to cut your hair, it will harm the scalp. In general, Sunday is not suitable for shortening, as it breaks connections with the universe and brings problems in financial affairs.
  • 11.02. In principle, a suitable period, but this manipulation can play a cruel joke on you.
  • 12. 02.19. If you even trim your curls a little, they will begin to grow rapidly.
  • 13. 02. Go to the salon only if you are in the mood for it. If not, then you can trim the ends at home. But having lost length, you will learn news today that will not entirely please you. In addition, you can worsen your health condition.
  • 14. 02. 2019 A good period, but you should give preference to light and airy hairstyles.
  • 15. 02. Although this day is positive for changing the image, you need to think 100 times if you want to shorten the length. Perhaps it is worth doing a perm or dyeing. But if you decide to shorten, then do not critically change the length.
  • February 16th. Do not cut your hair, as you will worsen their condition. If you have dry and brittle strands, then you should devote time to their restoration.
  • 17. 02. For a radical change of image, the number is not suitable: new haircut you won't like it and you'll regret shortening the length. The strands will grow back quickly, but you can spoil their condition with a haircut.
  • 18.02.19 This is one of the auspicious days for money haircut, you can realize your wildest dreams. Even if you have long hair on the lower back, do not be afraid to make a square if you want. Even if you don't like your new hairstyle, your hair will grow back quickly. When visiting the master and shortening the length, make a parting that will bring you success and good luck.
  • 19.02. The day is suitable for a radical change in appearance. But you need to contact a real professional, otherwise you will be upset that women's haircut it didn't turn out the way you wanted.
  • 20.02. During the waning moon, you should not cut your hair, but the influence of Virgo is positive, which means you can go to a beauty salon.
  • 21.02.19 The date is not good for cutting. If you want to change your image, then you better do beautiful hairstyle using multi-colored tape.
  • 22.02. Not a good day for a haircut, but you can color the strands and perform restorative manipulations.
  • 23. 02. 2019. The number is suitable for going to the hairdresser if your hair is naughty. But do not experiment much with your appearance, short hairstyles will be unsuccessful.
  • 24 February. If you have thin and unkempt hair, then cutting it, you can give your hair density and beauty. It is better to refuse other manipulations.
  • 25. 02. If you want to strengthen your curls and make your hair lush, you need to go to a beauty salon. But be prepared for the fact that they will grow back slowly.
  • 02/26/2019 Postpone going to the hairdresser when the moon is in Sagittarius, as the locks will be unruly and may start to frizz.
  • 27. 02. The day is not very good for change, the curls will grow back slowly, but you can strengthen the roots.
  • 28.02. Suitable number to change the image. You can make all your innermost dreams come true. But cutting your hair today, your curls will grow for a long time - this day is suitable for a haircut if you rarely visit a hairdresser.

Lunar haircut calendar for February, choose

The most auspicious numbers for haircuts according to the Vedic calendar:

  • 12.02.;
  • 14.02.;
  • 18.02.

With the help of our calendar, women will know when it is better to go to the master to change their image, and when not to get a haircut.

Bad days in February 2019

Unsuitable days:

  • 22.02.;
  • 24.02.

These days are not suitable for cutting short, medium or long hair. A visit to the hairdresser is worth planning on good days.

The influence of the phase of the moon on hair cutting

Depending on what phase the moon is in, it also depends on how fast the hair grows. If you go to the salon on the growing moon, then the cut curls will quickly grow back and you will be able to achieve wealth. If you visit the master during the waning moon, then the strands will grow very slowly, but they will look well-groomed. On the full moon, give up a haircut if you do not want to shorten your life.

Haircut lunar calendar February 2020

The strength of hair largely depends not only on the regularity of care, but also on the time when we come to the hairdresser and ask the master to make a haircut. If we take into account the indications of the 2020 lunar calendar for February, then on favorable days the hair will be healthy, shiny, their strength will increase, and they will grow very quickly. Each month has its own lunar calendar - see which days will be favorable for hair care, hair cutting in February. By learning to follow the 2020 hair cutting lunar calendar in your Everyday life, you will save the body from unjustified expenditure of energy, make natural rhythms your assistants and improve the quality of your hair.

The lunar haircut calendar for the city of Moscow is compiled taking into account the influence of lunar days, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, solar and lunar eclipses, the influence of the day of the week, as well as other planets and houses of the horoscope. The overall assessment of the event and the day is divided into favorable, unfavorable and neutral days for cutting hair.

The calendar is divided into two parts. The first is a tabular section, which describes the events for each day and their total time assessment - positive or negative. In the second, it appears detailed description each event per day, to do this, follow the link (by day of the week) in the tabular section or scroll down the page.

The selection of auspicious time depends on the method, the more complex the method, the less time we have for action. The following pick types are available for the current calendar.

Accounting for lunar days. The choice of time by this method is carried out taking into account the influence of lunar days, the phase of the moon, its location in the sign of the Zodiac, lunar and solar eclipses, the moon without a course, and also in some calendars the day of the week and month of the year are taken into account. The main selection criterion for this method is lunar days.

Accounting for all the planets of the horoscope. The choice of time by this method is carried out taking into account the influence of the phase of the Moon, its location in the sign of the Zodiac, lunar and solar eclipses, the Moon without a course, aspects and retrograde of the planets, with the exception of lunar days, months of the year and days of the week.

Accounting for the influence of planets on houses. The choice of time according to this method is carried out taking into account the influence of the phase of the Moon, its being in the sign of the Zodiac, lunar and solar eclipses, the Moon without a course, aspects and retrograde of the planets, houses of the horoscope, namely the position of the cusps of the houses, the influence of the rulers and co-rulers of the houses, finding the planets in houses of a horoscope, aspects of planets to cusps of houses. In this method, the necessary houses of the horoscope are also "amplified", i.e. the position of the rulers and co-rulers of certain houses in the sign of the Zodiac, retrograde and aspects to other planets are considered.

Day navigation: Calendar of successful days for hair cutting from February 1 to February 7, 2020
overall score
Events / event evaluation
from 03:27
1) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♉ Taurus - excellent
1) 8 lunar day continues
(from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
2) The phase of the young moon continues 🌒
(from 01.02 00:00) - good
3) Day of the week Saturday
(from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
from 11:12
1) The beginning of the 9th lunar day is bad
1) The new moon phase continues 🌒
(from 01.02 00:00) - good
2) Day of the week Saturday
(from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
(from 01.02 03:27) - excellent
from 11:46
1) The beginning of the 11th lunar day is excellent

(from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week Monday
(from 03.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♉ Taurus
(from 01.02 03:27) - excellent
from 12:12
1) The beginning of the 12th lunar day is bad
1) The beginning of the phase of the growing 1st quarter 🌓
(from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week Tuesday
(from 04.02 00:00) - excellent
(from 03.02 14:28) - excellent
from 12:46
1) The beginning of the 13th lunar day is excellent
1) The beginning of the phase of the growing 1st quarter 🌓
(from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week Wednesday
(from 05.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♊ Gemini
(from 03.02 14:28) - excellent
from 00:48
1) The beginning of the phase of the waxing moon 🌔 - excellent
1) The beginning of the 13th lunar day
(from 05.02 12:46) - excellent
2) Day of the week Thursday
(from 06.02 00:00) - excellent
(from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
from 00:00
1) Day of the week Friday - good
1) The beginning of the 14th lunar day
(from 06.02 13:34) - excellent
2) The beginning of the phase of the waxing moon 🌔
(from 06.02 00:48) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♋ Cancer
(from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
from 14:37
1) The beginning of the 15th lunar day is bad
1) The beginning of the phase of the waxing moon 🌔
(from 06.02 00:48) - excellent
2) Day of the week Friday
(from 07.02 00:00) - good
3) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♋ Cancer
(from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
Day navigation:

Full lunar haircut calendar from February 1 to 7, 2020

from 01.02.2020 - Saturday from 03:27 - good ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♉ Taurus- Great

The Moon in Taurus is considered one of the most favorable time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, fills with strength, splits less after a haircut.

1) 8 lunar day continues (from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
2) The phase of the new moon 🌒 continues (from 01.02 00:00) - good
3) Day of the week Saturday (from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
from 11:12 - bad Beginning of the 9th lunar day- Badly

Haircut will cause a painful condition.

1) The phase of the new moon 🌒 continues (from 01.02 00:00) - good
2) Day of the week Saturday (from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
from 03.02.2020 - Monday from 11:46 - good Beginning of the 11th lunar day- Great

This is a good lunar day for cutting hair if you want to become more insightful and develop your intuition. In rare cases, the gift of clairvoyance even opens.

2) Day of the week Monday (from 03.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♉ Taurus (from 01.02 03:27) - excellent
from 04.02.2020 - Tuesday from 12:12 - bad Beginning of the 12th lunar day- Badly

One of the most unfavorable lunar days, as a haircut will bring trouble, injury, life-threatening situations.

1) The beginning of the growing phase of the 1st quarter 🌓 (from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week Tuesday (from 04.02 00:00) - excellent
from 05.02.2020 - Wednesday from 12:46 - good Beginning of the 13th lunar day- Great

Despite the number 13, this is a very good lunar day, a haircut on which will be successful, it will refresh the appearance, give beauty and happiness.

1) The beginning of the growing phase of the 1st quarter 🌓 (from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week Wednesday (from 05.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♊ Gemini (from 03.02 14:28) - excellent
from 06.02.2020 - Thursday from 00:48 - excellent The beginning of the phase of the waxing moon 🌔- Great

When cutting hair on a waxing moon, the hair will grow faster than when it is waning.

1) The beginning of the 13th lunar day (from 05.02 12:46) - excellent
2) Day of the week Thursday (from 06.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon passes into the sign of ♋ Cancer (from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
from 07.02.2020 - Friday from 00:00 - good Day of the week Friday- Fine

Friday is the day of Venus. If you strive for new acquaintances with men, or you need new acquaintances (which, moreover, can greatly affect your fate), cut your hair on Friday. But if everything is in order for you, it’s better not to change anything. Otherwise, a haircut on this day can deprive you of inner balance. And don't cut your hair if you were born on a Tuesday.

Note- if all of a sudden everything around has acquired black colors, you can try to leave the black stripe by cutting your hair on the day that is called the birthday antagonist. The antagonist for Friday is Tuesday. But do not forget that you can only get a haircut on antagonist days if suddenly you suddenly began to be haunted by failures in all areas. Then life will most likely make a sharp turn and take you to a bright lane. Otherwise, you will just attract negative energies to yourself.

27th and 28th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn

The day is the best for any anti-aging procedures aimed at preserving both skin and hair. As a prevention of congestion, it is recommended to use masks in a warm and even hot form. A massage that warms up the body is very useful. You can visit the Russian steam room and sauna. Plan your breast shape correction for that day. Hair can be cut if you want to strengthen it.

28th and 29th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn

Plan all self-care procedures for the first half of the day. You should not test yourself for strength, giving the body big physical exercise. Ligaments and joints, as well as the spine, may not withstand even your usual physical exercises. Especially take care of your knees: give up squats for today, try to go up to the upper floors by elevator, and not by stairs. It's not worth the hassle.

29th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

Watch the quality of the food and drink you eat. Contaminated both chemically and physiologically products can immediately make themselves felt with a rash on the skin. This is not the time to try to get rid of kidney and gallstones. It is better to postpone a visit to the dentist for another day, since now all manipulations can cause tooth decay. You can't cut your hair, just like you can't dye your hair.

30th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Take care of yourself in the usual mode for you, you should not use any new methods of maintaining beauty for you now, even though this will be very tempting. For now, limit yourself to the theoretical study of these methods, but in practice they should be applied a little later. Analyze what tools turned out to be useless for you, and turn them off from your list of procedures. You can trim the ends of your hair, but new hairstyle better done later.

1st lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. New moon

Today it is worth planning your life about a month in advance, including scheduling visits to beauty salons and hairdressers. In the future, you can easily stick to it, without prejudice to other areas of your life. Give your body a break from the constant exposure. Pay special attention to the legs, as they get tired more than usual on this day. At the end of the day, take a salty foot bath. It's not worth the hassle.

2nd lunar day. Moon in Pisces

On this day, water procedures are especially useful. They will nourish your skin with moisture, and relieve stress. Both regular showers and swimming in the pool are suitable. But it is better to avoid chlorinated water, as the skin is extremely vulnerable: it can react with allergic reactions and excessive dryness. Do not miss the right moment to find the right foods for you: just imagine one or the other and listen if you want to eat it.

3rd lunar day. Moon in Pisces

A great day to compete for beauty, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Be sure to try to cleanse the intestines today. You can use both natural and chemical means, since now the intestines will tolerate both well. You should not do a pedicure: you can easily pick up an infection, in addition, nails can easily be injured, and besides, they will not tolerate varnishing well. You can shave.

4th lunar day. Moon in Pisces

Take care of your feet, and therefore choose only comfortable shoes that your feet are used to and that will not cause calluses and corns. If you visit a bathhouse or pool, be sure to wear your slippers in common areas. This can keep you free from fungus. If there is a need to go to a beautician or hairdresser, choose a salon that will give you the impression of being clean. It's not worth the hassle.

5th lunar day. Moon in Aries

Even if you are not a superstitious person, on this day you should pay attention to signs: they can be any phrase you hear, any object that falls into your field of vision. Think about what these signs warn you about. It is better to postpone face and hair care. Including haircuts and hair coloring. But it's time to see if your kidneys are working well. It is at this time that it is better to start drinking kidney teas.

6th lunar day. Moon in Aries

Save your eyes today. Give up hours of painstaking work that requires eye strain. In addition to being harmful to the eyes now, it is no less harmful to the head, which can respond to your zeal with pain. It is also not necessary to treat and prosthetic teeth located on the upper jaw on this day. Any procedures using low temperatures can be harmful. You can't shave.

6th and 7th lunar days. Moon in Taurus

It's time to go to the appointment with the female doctor. At this time, any procedures on the genitals, including surgical intervention, are more easily tolerated than on other days, and pass with virtually no side effects. But endocrine diseases should be treated at another time, when the neck and organs located in this area are not so vulnerable. It is also impossible to treat teeth in the lower jaw. Haircut is not allowed.

7th and 8th lunar days. Moon in Taurus

It's time to save your neck. Try not to expose it to drafts, as you can easily earn painful neuralgia. It is not necessary today to start performing a cycle of physical exercises aimed at developing the flexibility of the neck: you can more easily than at other times, you can pull the ligaments in this area. Ear piercing is also not recommended today. You can cut your hair, but only if you have long enough hair.

8th and 9th lunar days. Moon in Gemini

In the first half of the day, you can focus your efforts on reducing the volume of the hips, increasing the mobility of the hip joints. But it’s better to pump up your hands at another time, since now you can pull the muscles of your hands and even provoke injuries. If you have to work for a long time, lowering your shoulders, try to get up every forty minutes and do a simple workout. You can only get a haircut in the first half of the day.

10th lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Today it is necessary to avoid rooms with stale air, as well as smoky ones. Try to ventilate the room more often. Be sure to take the time to walk outside. It is not necessary to plan surgical treatment of the respiratory tract for this day, but the same treatment of diseases of the gallbladder will justify itself. You can cut your hair, especially for those who want their hair to be more lush.

11th lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Move more, absorb all the new information. Including about new methods of maintaining beauty and health. Perhaps it is on this day that you decide to consult with specialists if you want to change something in your appearance with the help of plastic surgery. But just ask! The operation itself is best done at another time. When cutting, care must be taken so that you are not inadvertently cut with scissors.

12th lunar day. Moon in Cancer

On this day, one must take care of the stomach: try not to eat stale or low-quality food, and not allow a feeling of overcrowding. It is impossible to plan surgical treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract for this day, as there may be side effects. Also, it is not necessary to do breast plastic surgery, radically clean the skin in the décolleté and mammary glands. You can cut your hair, but cutting it will not improve the condition of your hair.

13th lunar day. Moon in Cancer

You can treat and prosthetic teeth, treat diseases of the joints. However, it is imperative to take into account previous experience in order not to step on the same rake, this also applies to treatment methods and doctors, if they disappointed you. Drinking alcohol can cause very bad consequences: from poisoning with a low-quality product to attacks of gastric colic. Strengthen your knees. You can get a haircut, although you can’t count on a clear hairstyle.

14th lunar day. Moon in Leo

On this day, you need to start as much as possible - in all areas of your life, including self-care. Of course, hair is very susceptible to any influence. Therefore, if you want them to become thicker and stronger, start their care cycles today. Physical activity is recommended to be reduced, since the cardiovascular system is weaker than on other days, it must be spared. It is impossible to plan operations on the heart and blood vessels for this day.

15th and 16th lunar days. Moon in Leo. Full moon

A good time to improve the condition of the joints with the help of treatment, reduce the manifestations of arthritis. Effective will be the treatment of neurosis, other mental disorders. You need to visit an ophthalmologist: today you will objectively assess the condition of your vision and prescribe the best treatment for your eyes. Vision can be corrected through surgery. You can get a haircut, as well as dye your hair, and do a perm.

16th and 17th lunar days. Moon in Virgo

One of the best days of the month to take care of clean skin. If you have a rash somewhere, start treatment at this time. You can also fight seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. A very good time to get a pedicure: both toenails and skin will not respond to your efforts with small wounds or flaking. It is useful to walk a lot, as the legs are able to withstand significant loads. You can cut your hair, as well as dye your hair.

18th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

During the day, try to avoid constipation, avoid heavy foods that can turn into ballast in your body and even affect your mobility. You should not plan operations in the abdominal cavity for this day, for example, to remove appendicitis. The state of health at this time is greatly influenced by hygiene. You can cut your hair if you want to get rid of damaged hair.

19th lunar day. Moon in Libra

Take good care of your kidneys today. Try not to catch your lower back, and for this, be sure to wear warm clothes and do not expose exposed areas of the back to not too warm wind. Drink plenty of fluids, but drinking too much can cause swelling now. Do not drink alcohol, follow the dosage of medications. This is one of the days when you can have any kind of "dirty hands" disease. You can't shave.

20th lunar day. Moon in Libra

It's time to get serious about your face. You can do everything - from gentle cleansing to plastic surgery. The struggle for softness and silkiness of the skin, as well as for getting rid of fine wrinkles, will be effective. The scalp also needs to be taken care of. You can do peelings on the skin of the scalp. It is also allowed to Permanent makeup, emphasizing the beauty of eyebrows, eyes or lips. You can shave.

21st lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

One of the best days of the month to visit the hairdresser. Even the usual cutting of the cut ends of the hair will have a good effect on your hair, heal your hair, make it stronger and thicker. You can treat diseases of the thyroid gland, even appoint an operation on the thyroid gland on this day. The skin of the neck will tolerate peeling, exfoliating masks and scrubs well.

22nd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

It is worth taking care of those who have problems with bladder: wet feet are now a direct way to exacerbate chronic cystitis and gynecological diseases. On this day, you should not plan a visit to the gynecologist, and even more so - operations in the intimate area. All manipulations here can provoke complications and cause problems, even if there are none. Try to eat often, but plant foods are preferred.

23rd lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

On this day, you can test yourself as a vegetarian, especially since meat now, like any animal food, is not healthy. During the day, control your appetite, as the liver is very vulnerable. For the same reason, you should not consume alcoholic beverages and prepared foods, the composition of which is a mystery to you. Do not schedule gallbladder surgery today. You should also take care of your hip joints. It is better to postpone the haircut.

24th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

For today, it is possible to plan the removal of the tonsils, the radical treatment of sinusitis, and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also, any procedures will be well received by your hands. One of the best days for a manicure, as the respiratory tract is almost immune to strong odors. Useful decoctions and juices that purify the blood and improve liver function. Try introducing milk tea into your diet. Haircut is not allowed.

25th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

On this day, try not to fuss, do everything after careful consideration. Every now and then people and objects will appear on your way, which you can perceive as a sign. Think about it more often and you will make fewer mistakes. It is undesirable to cut hair, but firming masks will be very effective and will have a long-lasting effect. You can do a deep cleansing of the skin in the décolleté area.
