Marcasite (stone): magical properties and ornaments. Description of marcasite stone and magical properties: meaning for a person Stone radiant pyrites

Marcasite stone is very popular in the jewelry industry. Silver jewelry inlaid with this stone seems especially spectacular. From Arabic, the name "marcasite" is translated as "stone of sulfur".

Description and meaning of the stone

The gem is iron sulfide, which crystallizes into diamonds. It contains additions of arsenic, bismuth and copper. If the stone is heated, sulfur evaporates from it.

When oxidized, the gem is covered with a shiny film that plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

Marcasite is brittle and can be easily damaged. It is believed that marcasite patronizes men. In the field of magic, the gem is of great importance, it is able to give the owner a lot of favorable energy.

Origin story

Until 1814, marcasite united under its name two nuggets: and marcasite itself.

Subsequently, the Australian scientist Wilhelm Haidinger explained to the whole world that the two stones are different and should have different names. Because of the brass color, marcasite is also called "radiant pyrite".

Jewelers call the gem "".

The first minerals were discovered in the tombs of the Incas. In ancient times, marcasite was used to make jewelry and mirrors for magical rites.

With its help, fire was produced, so it was widely used in the manufacture of weapons. Under natural conditions, the gem is found quite often. For this reason, every nation has pages of history that are closely connected with it.

In the 18th century, this stone was used to replace diamonds. It looks not only like diamonds, but also like gold bars. During the gold rush, miners often mistook this stone for real gold, which is why it was popularly called “fool's gold”.

Physical Properties

The following physical properties of the nugget are described:

  • hardness - 6 on the Mohs scale;
  • density - 4.9 g per cm3;
  • fracture - conchoidal;
  • syngony - cubic;
  • metallic luster;
  • opaque crystal.

The chemical formula is written as follows: FeS2.

Varieties and colors

Iron sulfide, which is marcasite, takes on a variety of shades due to the impurities contained in copper, bismuth and arsenic.

The raw stone looks nondescript, it is painted in green, yellowish-gray, black or reddish tint.

Under the influence of sunlight, the mineral is transformed: it plays, sparkles, glistens and shimmers. It is this property that attracts jewelry professionals.

Marcasite has a variety called spectropyrite, which is iridescent in color. In the deposits you can find gems, inside which the bark of trees or insect prints has frozen. Jewelers especially like the red marcasite, which lends itself perfectly to cutting.

Place of Birth

Gems of pink shades are found in deposits in Massachusetts of the United States of America and in Salt Spring Island, located in Canada. Light marcasite is mined in California, and red marcasite is mined in African Tanzania. A gem suitable for jewelry cutting is brought from Australia, Sweden and the United States of America.

Exhibits, which are collection samples, appear at a field in Russia, in the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

magical properties

The characteristic of marcasite includes a number of magical properties that were already known in ancient times.

During the Middle Ages, it was actively used by alchemists. The Indians were firmly convinced that the polished stone reflects the insides of the human soul.

The gem is considered a male stone. He endows the wearer with great emotionality, so it is not advised to wear it for more than three days in a row.

If the wearing period is longer, the mineral can harm the owner, making him too emotional and ardent.

The mineral is not suitable for thin, vulnerable and sensitive people. He can endow the owner with such a character with negative character traits.

Only those people whose thoughts are completely pure and sincere can use marcasite as a talisman. good man it will help you become more confident, take a high position and get rid of all doubts and fears.

For men, the gem helps to fully reveal the real masculine qualities. They become more courageous, bold and reasonable. Previously, marcasite was successfully used as amulets for babies, which protected from.

Medicinal properties

Some medicinal properties of marcasite are known. It frees a person from a depressive state caused by serious shock and stress.

The gem is used to treat eye diseases. If a person suffers from pain in the joints and muscles, it is recommended to apply a stone to sore spots in order to get rid of pain.

It is believed that the gem is able to quickly cure festering wounds.

A powder made from a mineral helps to resolve tumors and neutralize inflammation.

The mineral is credited with a strong antiseptic effect. They say that marcasite is able to disinfect, heal wounds and remove rashes on the skin.

Gems of a golden hue have greater healing power. They give a person complete harmony, soothe, freeing from excessive excitability.

With the help of these stones, you can overcome panic attacks and unreasonable fear. Marcasite has a positive effect on the body, charging it with strong energy.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

It is not recommended for Pisces and Cancers to wear jewelry with marcasite, as the stone will bring misfortune. A hard stone will break the gentle and soft nature of these people.

The mineral will become an excellent amulet for Aries, Streltsov And scorpions. It helps to improve health and physical condition. With the help of this stone, zodiac signs with strong energy will be able to direct it in the right direction.

Capricorn they will get a promotion at work faster if they purchase such a talisman. Marcasite jewelry can be worn by earth and fire signs.

Representatives of the air signs of the zodiac should treat the gem with caution. According to the horoscope, water signs are advised to abandon products with marcasite.

Talismans and amulets

It is believed that marcasite is able to protect against accidents and injuries, so it is customary to hide it in the clothes of people who own dangerous professions, such as rescuers, pilots, firefighters, stuntmen.

Cleopatra herself believed that the amulet with this stone rejuvenates the body and has a healing effect.

Marcasite Jewelry

The ideal setting for marcasite is silver. Products in this combination are unusual and unique.

For the manufacture of jewelry, marcasite, having the shape of a droplet, is used. The most popular are products that are silver platforms, on which small pebbles are literally scattered. Jewelers fix minerals not only with the help of "paws", but also use a special glue that gives a chic shine and gloss.

Jewelers invent jewelry, where marcasite is combined with more expensive precious and ornamental minerals.

It is widely known among professionals, so it is easy to find a product with marcasite. The stores sell earrings, bracelets, pendants, rings, tiaras, watches, brooches, pendants, necklaces, hairpins, cufflinks, combs, piercing items.

There is a tendency to make brooches and rings in the form of animals and insects from marcasite. The assortment includes cats, lizards, elephants, owls, butterflies, dragonflies.

Marcasite is often used to inlay men's jewelry, such as printed rings or cufflinks. In cufflinks, the stone can be combined with diamonds or.

Most often they have a square or round shape, more intricate shapes can be found much less frequently. Marcasite is used to encrust bracelets for women's watches.

Other uses of the stone

Marcasite is also actively used by fashion houses. Cheapness and glossy shine make it possible to encrust large objects with stone, for example, handles of bags, reticules. The mineral can often be found in the collections of the most famous fashion houses.

The gem is used to produce sulfuric acid. At one time, they tried to add it to cement, but later they abandoned these attempts. In the air, the stone is unstable, so there is a danger of using it in construction.


The mineral has a fairly cheap cost. The price of a stone with a diameter of 1.5 cm reaches about 400 rubles. A type of mineral with a radiant structure costs much more.

It is rare and very fragile, so jewelry with this stone will cost from 2 thousand rubles or more, depending on the quality of the silver.


The stone is quite fragile and can break (which is considered a disadvantage), so it requires careful handling and care.

Periodically, the product is cleaned by wiping with a moistened cloth and wiping dry. Do not wash the stone under strong water jets and clean with alcohol. It is recommended to store the mineral in a canvas bag, which can be put away in a jewelry box.

How to distinguish a real stone from a fake?

Although marcasite has a high level of hardness, it can be easily damaged. It can split in two from a normal drop to the floor. If this suddenly happened, a real stone will begin to exude a rich smell of sulfur.

It is combined even with expensive precious stones: diamonds and emeralds. In some jewelry, marcasite is adjacent to Swarovski crystals and jewelry enamel. Products with and inserts of marcasite look especially delicate. There are products with and with mother of pearl.

Inexpensive marcasite is used in tandem with gemstones because it lends itself well to jewelry, is resistant to wear and does not tarnish over time. In addition, it does not darken silver.

Expensive minerals are shaded with marcasite and revealed in all their glory. If marcasite is adjacent to transparent stones in a product, then in tandem it occupies a leading position.

  1. Marcasite was the favorite nugget of royalty. Cleopatra and Empress Maria Feodorovna considered him their talisman.
  2. The stone is patronized by two planets at once: Neptune and Mars. This explains its strong energy.
  3. Details with marcasite are found in the collections of famous designers and couturiers.
  4. Marcasite is an affordable gem that jewelers love. Despite the fragility and cheapness, in products it looks like a king. The powerful energy of the stone will help to cope with many problems.

Marcasite in the East is called "sulfur stone" or "sulphurous substance" because of its smell, especially strong when heated. The mineral consists of iron sulfide. The impurities of various substances included in it endow the gem with peculiar color shades.

Marcasite is not as valuable as other minerals, but has special properties related to magic. It was often used by alchemists in their experiments.

It is also suitable for strong women although it is a stone for men. Cleopatra was sure that she owed her youth and beauty to the marcasite.

The magical properties of the stone:

  • Marcasite endows its wearer with emotional strength.
  • If the owner of the gem is a sensitive person by nature, then he will have bad character traits.
  • A talisman that brings good luck, it becomes only among people, pure soul, with a good heart, sincere and open.
  • The stone is worn to gain confidence and get rid of fears.
  • For men, the mineral gives prudence and courage. But if he stays with you for more than three days, then there will be increased anxiety.
  • Marcasite beads protect small children from the evil eye.
  • It is recommended to wear it to unusual people whose life is full of dangers - extreme sportsmen, pilots and stuntmen.

Note! In order for the stone not to subjugate its owner, its owner must have a strong character. A weak person will turn into an indecisive and timid one.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

Marcasite is patronized by Neptune and Mars, giving him energy power.

Who suits according to the horoscope:

Note! The crystal is able to influence the fate of the owner, even change his life.

What color and how it looks: varieties of stone

What marcasite looks like:

  • From the presence of the luster of the metal came another name - "drop silver".
  • Shades of color can be grayish, reddish or dark pink.
  • There are minerals of unusual shapes with imprints of insects or tree bark.

Note! Natural crystal, painted red, is loved by jewelers, it lends itself well to cutting.

Types of crystals differ in color. There is a subspecies of marcasite - spectropyrite, which has an iridescent color.

How much: price

By itself, the mineral is inexpensive. A small price for a product in which the crystal is inserted into a silver frame.

The cost of jewelry increases if they contain expensive diamonds and gold.

Note! Handmade work is valued highly.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

Pay attention to the characteristics of the crystal: it is fragile, destroyed by water and air. That is, its processing causes difficulties.

The unprocessed nugget is unremarkable in its appearance. But as soon as the rays of light, either electric or solar, hit him, he begins to sparkle, “play”, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

Jewelers love marcasite, it goes well with silver and white gold.

It also coexists with other gems.

Note! Inca stone jewelry, so romantically called marcasite, is also used for exoteric and occult purposes.

Medicinal properties: are they?

The value of marcasite for medicinal purposes was noted in ancient times.

Healing properties of Inca stone:

  • Promotes blood purification, helps to cure the spleen.
  • Prevents nervous breakdowns, supports mental exhaustion, charges with positive energy. The amulet was used to eliminate tantrums in children.
  • "Drip silver" in the form of a powder treats wounds.
  • Used to treat ulcers, eye diseases, tumors.
  • If you apply a mineral to a diseased joint, it will relieve pain. It also helps with muscle pain.
  • Being a strong antiseptic, it disinfects and fights inflammatory processes.
  • People with skin problems will benefit from wearing radiant pyrites.

Note! Enhanced healing properties of the golden mineral.

How to distinguish a fake: authenticity check

To determine the authenticity of a gem, please note:

  • With high hardness, the natural mineral is easily damaged. Can break from a simple fall.
  • If the marcasite cracks, you can smell the pungent smell of sulfur.
  • A real crystal is distinguished by the release of sulfur when moisture enters it.

Note! Marcasite and pyrite are different minerals.

Mineral deposits

Inca stone is mined in many countries of the world.

Deposits of "drip silver":

  • Russian radiant pyrite was found more than two centuries ago, industrial production began later.
  • The main stone mining is carried out in the deposits of Canada, Australia, Sweden, Africa and the USA.
  • Salt Spring Island in Canada and Massachusetts in the USA are famous for their pink marcasite deposits.
  • Red crystals are mined in Tanzania on the African continent.

Care and storage

The silver setting for marcasite is fragile, like pyrite itself.

Required care:

  • We wipe the crystals with a damp, then absorbent cloth.
  • It is necessary to beware of the impact of moisture on the mineral, to protect it from impacts.

To store marcasite, it is better to use a canvas bag that can be put in a box.

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Marcasite is a stone with very interesting history. With it, our ancestors carved fire. It was used to make weapons. Kings and noble persons shone in exquisite jewelry made from this mineral. Alchemists believed that gold could be obtained from it, and often used it in their experiments.

In medieval Europe, expensive diamonds were replaced with this mineral. Another name for marcasite is drop silver.

But this stone has nothing to do with silver. Marcasite - also known as radiant pyrites - is a natural variety of iron pyrites (iron disulfide).

Marcasite has a pronounced metallic luster. The color of the mineral is yellow with a pinkish, gray, greenish, in rare cases black, tint. When oxidized, the surface of the mineral sparkles in the sun with iridescent tints.

Marcasite may contain impurities of various metals. This does not affect its properties in any way, but it can affect its appearance.

This stone is used to make jewelry, but craftsmen do not like to work with it due to its natural fragility. Nevertheless, marcasite products are in great demand, including among collectors.

Marcasites in silver or white gold look the most elegant; for the manufacture of jewelry, a cupronickel or steel frame is used.

The magical properties of marcasite

Marcasite, thanks to its magical and healing properties, has gained fame among shamans and psychics. It is often used in magical rituals. The mineral has powerful protective properties. Amulets and talismans are made from it.

Marcasite is a stone with a masculine character. For men, the stone gives strength, confidence, courage and endurance. At the same time, marcasite has long been known as a talisman for children. Beads from it were put on a child or hung over a crib to protect the baby from the evil eye.

Marcasite was popular with Empress Maria Feodorovna herself. She did not part with this mineral, considering it her good luck charm. It is also known that Cleopatra wore marcasite to preserve her beauty and youth.

Marcasite stone is able to give the owner energy, harmonize his life, relieve stress. This mineral is good for nervous system and mental state of the person.

A charge of vivacity, positive energy and Have a good mood- a stone can literally kindle an inner fire and melt a cold heart.

However, the main thing is not to overdo it with this fire, otherwise marcasite will make you overly excitable and hyperactive. Therefore, it is recommended to wear marcasite jewelry and talismans for no more than three days in a row.

The stone has good protective properties and is a reliable amulet against attacks, accidents and energy attacks on a person.

It is also worth noting that this amazing mineral very selective and capricious. He does not like neighborhood with other minerals, and is also demanding of the owner. The stone will fully reveal its magical properties only in front of a kind and open person. Marcasite bestows its strength and energy on such an owner.

The healing properties of the stone

Marcasite is one of the healing stones and is respected among lithotherapists. In ancient times, powder from this mineral was used to heal wounds. It is effective for skin diseases such as ulcers, boils, papillomas and warts.

Marcasite has healing power when exposed to diseased spleen. The stone has a positive effect on the entire body, purifying the blood and stopping inflammatory processes. Powder from it is effective in the treatment of tumors.

With nervous exhaustion or depression, it will help restore strength, harmonize internal state, align emotional background. The mineral helps to cope with poor health, weakness and loss of strength.

It is indispensable for workaholics who exhaust themselves with work, as well as for people engaged in heavy physical labor and people whose work is associated with increased risk and danger to life.

Who suits marcasite according to the zodiac sign

Marcasite has tremendous miraculous power. And this is no accident. After all, the astrological patrons of this mineral are Mars and Neptune. Astrologers believe that marcasite can change the vector of fate, but its effect does not apply to all signs of the zodiac.

Table 1. Marcasite compatibility with zodiac signs

Marcasite is perfect for Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Those born under these zodiac signs can safely use marcasite as a good luck charm.

But Pisces and Cancers should refrain from contact with this stone - it can harm them.

Marcasite is neutral to other signs, so they can also use beneficial features this mineral.

Fashionistas who want to buy jewelry are often interested in what it is - marcasite in silver and why this stone has a second name: drop silver. IN Lately jewelry manufacturers are trending marcasite - stones that are most often used in silver jewelry.

female beauty - a force that can move men to the most rash acts. Generals bring military victories to her altar, poets endow her with kilometers of lines of poetic works, jewelers decorate her with more and more trinkets encrusted with precious and semi-precious stones.

From mineralogy

Marcasite is nothing more than radiant pyrites. The stone radiates a brassy yellow metallic luster, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow when oxidized. Its deposits are mostly located in areas where hydrothermal springs are located.

Marcasite has an outward resemblance to pyrite, but differs from it in the form of crystals, color shade and fragility of the structure. If pyrite is easily confused with gold and is called fool's gold, then marcasite is more like silver, this similarity is the key to its name - "drop silver".

New as well forgotten old - about the history of stone

East and North America

The history of the beginning of the use of marcasite is lost in the mists of time. It is known that in ancient times this mineral was used to produce fire. The ancient Indians used marcasite to make mirrors. In modern museums in France and Lima, as confirmation of this, marcasite mirrors with the image of the Aztec deity - Quetzalcoatl are kept.

As a piece of jewelry, it began to be used much later, when attention was paid to its decorative properties. Information has been preserved on the use of marcasite in ancient Persia and Egypt for the manufacture of women's jewelry.

During archaeological excavations in Iran, weapons and interior items inlaid with marcasite are still found.

Europe, Middle Ages

In medieval Europe, estates flourished, regulating relations in all areas of life, imposing restrictions and prohibitions, including on wearing precious stones. Representatives of the lower classes, even having become rich, did not have direct access to high society, their wives and daughters were forbidden to wear noble diamonds. Jewelers of that time came to the aid of rich merchants, who solved the problem and replaced the diamond with marcasite. This stone looked especially good in combination with silver.

The widespread use of the mineral attracted the attention of representatives of the upper classes to marcasite. The fine work of jewelers, combined with the decorative properties of the stone, made marcasite fashionable. Increased demand in the aristocratic environment gave rise to its use not only for women's jewelry, but also for decorating umbrellas, watches and garters.

War and Peace XIX - XX centuries

In the 19th century, during the Napoleonic Wars, the countries opposing the European barbarians experienced an unprecedented rise in patriotism. Men went to war without fear, women donated gold and diamonds to the needs of the army without regret. The government organized the issuance of iron jewelry in exchange for donated jewelry, the highlight of which was marcasite. These knick-knacks became a matter of special pride for patriotic women of that time.

It remained popular until the late 1930s. Silver items with marcasite inserts were made according to the sketches of famous designers. Fashionistas gladly decorated their toilets with a variety of silver items interspersed with this stone. Jewelers have achieved amazing results by combining marcasite with other precious and semi-precious stones.

The history of the popularity of the stone was interrupted by the 2nd World War. During this difficult time, all marcasite mined went to the needs of the military industry in order to produce sulfuric acid from it. After the war, jewelers again remembered this decorative stone.

In the middle of the 20th century, on the wave of nostalgia for prosperous pre-war times, silver items with marcasite inclusions, made according to sketches of the 30s, returned to fashion. But real new life Marcasite in silver was obtained from the hands of Thai master jewelers at the end of the 20th century.

The use of stone by modern craftsmen

Thanks to the fantasy of oriental masters, every modern fashionista has the opportunity to emphasize her individuality by choosing bracelets, rings, earrings, pendants, pendants, brooches made of silver and marcasite. Each item is a real work of art, the craftsmen use not only classics, but also plant and zoological motifs.

Favorably emphasize the structure of marcasite products made in the form of snakes, owls, elephants. Marcasite and silver perfectly complement each other, agates, pearls, onyxes, emeralds, turquoise, carnelian serve as decoration for trinkets.

Additionally attract buyers:

  • Not high price products - both silver and marcasite have a low cost, the high price of some gizmos is explained by the popularity of the brand and the popularity of the designer who worked on it;
  • healing and rejuvenating qualities of marcasite in combination with silver - this stone helps in curing diseases of the eyes and spleen, relieves depression;
  • magical properties possessed by the mineral - children wear a silver amulet with marcasite set into it as protection.

Product Care

This is a rather fragile stone, you should not expose it to shock and moisture. If marcasite silver has darkened, clean it so that the chemical solution does not get on the surface of the stone. To prevent the appearance of chips and scratches, protect it from mechanical influences. Clean the marcasite from dirt with a soft, dry cloth. Store your marcasite silver items in a tightly sealed box or canvas bag.

Marcasite is especially interesting stone which looks spectacular in silver jewelry. Miniature minerals sparkling in bulk have been decorating rings, bracelets and earrings with their radiance for several millennia. In some cultures, this stone outshines even the purest diamonds.

At its core, it is nothing more than iron sulfide, which crystallizes into diamonds. In some varieties of marcasite there are impurities of bismuth, copper, arsenic. When the mineral is heated, sulfur vapor begins to come out of it, which determined its name (marcasite in Arabic is a sulfur stone).

A bit of history

Until 1814, not one, but two minerals were called marcasite. These were the marcasite itself. But the Australian explorer Wilhelm Haidinger gave the world the difference between these stones. Marcasite has another name - radiant pyrites. Its mineral was obtained due to its brass color. The stone is also called drop silver (in commerce and jewelry), although marcasite has nothing to do with this metal.

Our distant ancestors used marcasite to make fire, so the stone gained popularity in the weapon business. And the inhabitants of Europe often replaced diamonds with marcasite.

Deposits and types

Products and decorations made of marcasite

Due to the ability of the stone to change its shades, it has gained wide popularity among those who do not like monotony. Indeed, in different light, the same decoration will look completely different.

When making jewelry from marcasite, it is often combined with onyx. The frame for the mineral is often silver, more precious metals are used extremely rarely. The most harmonious stone looks in pendants, earrings and pendants. Since marcasite is very fragile, rings and bracelets are made from it much less frequently.

The drop structure of the material contributes to the manufacture of funny animals, fish and plants from it. A variety of snakes and lizards sparkle and shimmer in the bright rays of the sun. Today, marcasite is at the height of fashion, thanks to the fact that it is able to give any piece of jewelry the height of elegance and grace.

In stores you can find marcasite products for any, the most demanding, taste:

  • Rings. Marcasite in combination with turquoise in silver can cost from 1000 rubles, in combination with chrysoprase a little more expensive. And if the mineral is combined with cultured pearls, then prices will start from 1500 rubles. and higher. If black onyx or malachite was used in the manufacture of the ring, then such an ornament can cost from 4,000 rubles.
  • A pendant in a combination of marcasite and onyx will cost 2,700 rubles. and higher.
  • A marcasite and garnet brooch costs from 3,500 rubles, if enamel and turquoise are used as an insert, then such a brooch costs about 1,000 cheaper.
  • Silver earrings with chrysoprase and enamel + marcasite will cost 3500 rubles. and higher. And massive earrings with large marcasite cost from 4,000 rubles.
  • Marcasite bracelets cost from 3500 rubles.
  • You can also buy a watch for 15-20 thousand rubles, as well as all kinds of cufflinks, tie clips, hairpins, combs, etc.

But be careful when buying jewelry from this mineral. Under the marcasite (or drop silver) brand, there is a good chance to buy pyrite, as it is somewhat stronger and easier to work with. And outwardly they are very similar.

The magical properties of marcasite

925 sterling silver ring with marcasite and agate

It is believed that marcasite can serve its owner in good stead. It gives a powerful charge of positive energy. The stone is able to open only to a person with positive thoughts and mood. The stone will protect such an owner from adversity and problems and give him self-confidence. The mineral clearly favors hardworking people, regardless of their occupation. For those whose professional activities are directly related to the risk to life, astrologers strongly recommend that you carry a small piece of pyrite with you. If there is a threat of an accident or violent death, such a talisman will also come in handy here.

Marcasite has a very beneficial effect on nervous state children. It is even considered a children's talisman. If at birth a child was presented with an amulet with this stone, then the baby is not afraid of either the evil eye or the negative influence of ill-wishers. In the Middle Ages, alchemists very often used this stone, they believed that its magical properties would help them reach their intended goal.

But pyrites cannot be worn for more than three days, otherwise the owner's excessive emotionality, which marcasite endows him with, will begin to be harmful. He does not really like the mineral and the neighborhood of his own kind. People with hypersensitivity should not wear this stone at all, as it can give rise to negative qualities in them. If a person has a good heart and an open soul, then it is recommended that he wear a marcasite talisman. And for natures who are characterized by apathy and laziness, it is better not to acquire it. Marcasite can push such people to rash actions.

Medicinal properties

In addition to magical, the stone also has medicinal properties. It is believed that he is able to save a person from stress and depression, from some eye diseases, from pain in the joints and muscles. There is a claim that the stone promotes the healing of wounds and abscesses. And marcasite powder treats tumors and inflammation.

People suffering from skin and peptic ulcers are advised to wear a pyrite amulet. It is indispensable for nervous exhaustion and general malaise. Stones of a golden hue have pronounced healing properties.

Compatibility of the mineral according to the horoscope

Silver pendant with marcasite and agate stones.

The mineral received its amazing power thanks to the patron planets, which are Mars and Neptune. There is an opinion among mystics that the stone is able to change people's destinies.

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