Pension supplement for working pensioners per year. Increase in pension for working pensioners

At the same time, parliamentarians are proposing new ways to protect the financial interests of older people.

Photo TASS

From August 1 this year, the pensions of working pensioners will increase - the Pension Fund will make the corresponding adjustment. Elena Bibikova, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, told Parliamentary Newspaper who will be able to qualify for an increase in payments.

- Elena Vasilievna, according to the current legislation, pensions for working pensioners are not indexed. What is the correction in this case?

This adjustment applies to those pensioners who worked during the past, in this case 2016, received an official salary, and payments to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were deducted from this salary. Obviously, if the amount of income from the salaries of these people to the Pension Fund has increased, then they have the right to recalculate the pension. The amount of the adjustment depends on the amount of those funds that were transferred to the personal account of a particular person in the Pension Fund. There will be a recalculation in an unclaimed manner, that is, the pensioner himself does not need to contact any authorities pension fund, neither to the social security department, nor to the personnel department.

However, I note: since 2015, there have been some restrictions on adjusting pensions - this applies to those working pensioners who receive a high salary. When recalculating the size of the pension, not all deductions made to the Pension Fund will be taken into account, but only the amount that made it possible to accumulate no more than three pension points. And one point, let me remind you, is credited to a salary of one minimum wage.

People have the right to indexation of pensions only after they leave their jobs. Last week, the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs recommended the adoption in the second reading of a bill that reduces the time for such indexation. How fast, according to this document, the process should occur?

When restrictions on the indexation of pensions for working pensioners were introduced in 2015, a rule was provided that while a person works, his pension is not indexed, but if he quits, for example, 2-3 years after 2015, then when calculating the size of his pension all indexes that have passed during this time will be summed up. That is, if in 2016 indexation was 4 percent, and this year - 5.8 percent, then a person who quit his job now should have his pension indexed by the sum of these indices - 9.8 percent. But it takes some time to recalculate. What are we really facing? For example, a pensioner leaves on June 1, but the index is not given to him immediately after the dismissal, but after three to four months, and the person loses the amount of indexation during this time. And since August last year, both our Committee on Social Policy and I personally began to receive complaints from pensioners that they have not been working for several months, and they have not been given indexation of pensions. After that, my colleagues and I began to develop amendments to the law that would fix that the pension is indexed from the month following the month of dismissal. That is, if a person quit on June 1, then his pension should be indexed from July 1. Let me draw your attention - if he quit on June 30, then his pension should also be indexed from July 1. This will also happen in a non-declarative manner. Yes, the adjustment will not take place immediately, but approximately at the same time, in three to four months, since the administrative procedures that are currently in place will be preserved. That is, the Pension Fund needs to obtain the necessary data, process them, and calculate the amount of payments. But it is very important that pensioners will not lose their money, and in 3-4 months they will receive the entire amount due to them, taking into account indexation from the month following the month of dismissal. The Government supported our bill. The only question concerned the timing of the entry into force of this law. We proposed that the norm come into force on July 1, 2017. However, an amendment was adopted by the Ministry of Labor to postpone this deadline to January 1, 2018.

Why was such a delay necessary?

The first reason is purely technical. The first of July will come very soon, and of course, it will not work to rebuild the system so quickly. The second question is financial. When the law on the budget of the Pension Fund for 2017 was adopted, these funds were not included in it. At first glance, it seems that the money required to implement this law is not that big: not many pensioners quit, and the deadline is shifted by only 2-3 months. However, this amendment required almost four billion rubles. These are significant financial resources, and the Government, justifying its position to us, indicated that, since these funds are not included in the budget, it would be advisable to adopt the law now, but prescribe that the norm will take effect from January 2018. I suppose there is nothing wrong with that. In the near future, I think, the law will be adopted, and January is just around the corner.

Elena Vasilievna, several pensioners from Moscow have already contacted our editorial office and told us that some announcements are hanging at the entrance of their houses with information that in the near future Pension Fund employees will go around their apartments in order to fill out an application for registration of applications to pension certificate. Is it true?

Yes, I also have such information, I was also approached with a similar question by people. I want to draw the attention of all our citizens! Recently, our Pension Fund turned 25 years old, and during all this time, not a single territorial body of the state Pension Fund has ever sent its employees to go around the apartments with any polls or statements. Be carefull! Employees of the Pension Fund come to the pensioner's house only in one case: if for some reason he himself cannot get to the Pension Fund, and personally asked the specialists to come to him. The same ads are posted by scammers - in order to get into the pensioner's apartment. Under the guise of filling out an application for an application to something, they even draw up loan obligations and guarantees. Such announcements should be treated with great care. And if you have any questions to the Pension Fund, please contact them directly - by phone, through electronic services.

Pension and its size have traditionally been central and one of the most painful topics in Russia for several decades now. The country held pension reform, the purpose of which is to optimize pension costs. This is due to the lack of money in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. What will happen to the pensions of working pensioners in 2017?

A bit of history

Problems with the payment of pensions escalated in 2015, in 2014 it was “frozen” for the first time, the money went to finance the anti-crisis plan of the Russian Government. The freeze has been going on for three years, and there is no prospect of its lifting yet, as the economic situation remains difficult. On August 31, 2016, information was received that a part of the funded pension will remain frozen. Naturally, this news caused an extremely negative reaction from the population.

In 2016, the Russian Government decides not to index pensions to inflation for 2015, as suggested by the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions". Indexation of pensions was carried out by 4% (instead of 12.9%). At the same time, indexation was canceled for working pensioners. Payments are returned after the termination of employment, and the indexed pension is paid from the moment of termination of employment.

What to expect for working retirees in 2017

The difficult economic situation in the country requires the optimization of budgetary funds, and, most likely, the Russian Government will take unpopular measures, among which it is proposed:

  1. Extension of the "freeze" of the funded part of the pension.
  2. Considering a phased increase retirement age men and women.
  3. Non-payment of pensions by a part of working pensioners.

The Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation proposed in 2017 not to pay pensions to those whose income for the year will be more than a million rubles. This is a salary of more than 80 thousand every month. There are 220 thousand such pensioners in Russia, which is less than 1%. This will give annual budget savings of 16 billion rubles.

It is also proposed not to pay pensions to people whose average monthly income is higher than living wage 2.5 times in the region where they live. For example, the average monthly per capita income for the 1st quarter of 2016 in Mordovia is 7,911 rubles, in Moscow - 14,413 rubles.

This is the average monthly salary from 19,777 to 36,032 rubles, depending on the region. The government plans to abolish pensions in 2017 for those whose annual income is from 200 to 400 thousand rubles. These are the proposals of the Government of the Russian Federation.

News for working pensioners in 2017

Prime Minister D. A. Medvedev proposed to return to the normal indexation of pensions in 2017 for non-working pensioners. He called this situation with pensions intolerable, as it led to a decrease in the purchasing power of people. Medvedev D. A. demanded that order be restored so that the problems of the state would not affect the elderly.

On August 23, 2016, official information appeared that the indexation of pensions would be implemented through one-time payment with a January pension in 2017, and it will be about 5,000 rubles. It is planned to spend 270 billion rubles from the budget for this operation.

Today, the average pension in Russia is more than 13 thousand rubles, taking into account pension points and work experience. Indexation of pensions for pensioners who work will occur at the expense of contributions to the Pension Fund by their employers.

Every year on August 1, an unclaimed recalculation of the pensions of working people takes place, but not more than 3 pension points. One point for today costs 74.27 rubles, the payment will be 222.8 rubles. A large increase will be received by pensioners whose salary is from 30 thousand rubles a month.

Additional payments to pensions and benefits will remain for the following categories of working pensioners:

  • veterans of labor (50% utility bills, discount on railway tickets and dental prosthetics, pension supplement);
  • free treatment in a sanatorium (only for veterans living in Moscow);
  • a labor veteran who continues to work is entitled to a vacation of 30 days.

Information for those retiring in 2017

The calculation of pensions is done according to a formula that takes into account the following:

  1. The number of points scored for the period of employment (taking into account the length of service and wages).
  2. For those who delay retirement and do not receive it, additional points are awarded.

The length of service includes military service, caring for children, sick relatives, maternity leave. But the gradation has been preserved. If you are caring for one child, you will receive fewer points than if you are caring for three children. As before, the experience does not include studies at the university.

The Russian government decided to stimulate the duration of the labor activity of people:

  • with a work experience of 35 years for men and 30 years for women, they receive an increase in pension;
  • with an experience of 40 years for men and 35 for women, the supplement to the pension increases.

All innovations will increase your pension by 500-600 rubles.

From August 1, 2017, pensions for working pensioners are increased

Against the backdrop of mass negative information There is also positive news. Thus, the committee of the Federation Council reported that the pension fund would make adjustments and, as early as August, a number of working pensioners would be able to receive increased pensions.

True, there are a number of significant nuances.

The new adjustments will affect only those pensioners who worked in the past 2016 and received a salary from which payments were made to the pension fund. The specific amount by which pension payments will increase depends on the amount of these receipts. All calculations and recalculations occur automatically. The pensioner himself does not need to apply anywhere.

A number of restrictions apply to those who receive a high salary. They have been in force since 2015 and, according to these rules, only the amount for which 3 pension points are accumulated (1 point \u003d 1 minimum wage) is taken into account.

Indexation of pensions in 2017

As you know, you can count on the indexation of pensions only after dismissal from work. And here lies the conflict that employers are going to eliminate in 2017.

So, today it is common practice that indexation is not carried out immediately after the pensioner leaves work, but with a delay of several months, due to which the amount of compensation is completely different. Since 2017, they are going to make amendments, according to which it will become mandatory to carry out indexation in the month following the dismissal.


  1. In 2017, the normal indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners will resume.
  2. The funded part of the pension will remain “frozen” in 2017.
  3. New pensions in 2017 will be assigned based on the point system. You can find out the provisional pension using the pension calculator on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  4. Labor pensions of working pensioners will not be indexed in 2017.
  5. A partial suspension of pension payments to pensioners is possible if they have high wages.
  6. It is possible to gradually increase the retirement period for citizens who have benefits (pedagogical and medical workers). Now it is enough to have 25 years of preferential service.

The amount of insurance pension payments and social pensions under the state pension provision.

  • The insurance pension is increased by a coefficient determined inflation results for the past year.
  • For social pensions, the determining factor is last year's minimum living standard pensioner in the Russian Federation.

But due to the current difficult situation in the country's economy, at the end of December 2015, a law was adopted that suspended the provisions on the procedure and conditions for indexation. The same law of insurance payments for working pensioners. the only possible option pension increases for them remain, carried out at the expense of contributions to the Pension Fund received from employers over the previous year.

April 19 in the report on the work of the government Dmitry Medvedev mentioned that the issue will be considered in the near future return of indexation of pensions working pensioners, and on April 21, the Ministry of Economic Development began to study this issue. specific solutions for this moment was not accepted.

When is the pension increase planned?

In connection with the rise in prices for goods and various services, an annual increase (indexation) of pensions is carried out to ensure disabled citizens basic livelihood.

Indexation is an increase in the size of pension payments to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of pensions due to inflationary processes taking place in the country.

To increase the insurance pension (previously insurance part labor pension) the term is applied adjustment.

The upgrade should take place:

The calculation of the pension is made taking into account all indexations for all years in total.

From 2018, an increased pension will begin to accrue. In order for the fund to become aware in a timely manner of the termination of employment, it is advisable for a pensioner to apply to the PFR department with an application, providing documents confirming the termination of employment or other activities:

  1. work book;
  2. employment or other contract concluded with the employer;
  3. a document on the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary (certificates and other documents of the Federal Tax Service);
  4. passport or other identity document.

In the event of a subsequent employment of a pensioner for work, his insurance payment will remain at the same indexed amount.

Procedure for applying to the Pension Fund (PFR)

Since the second quarter of 2016, the procedure for reporting by employers to the Pension Fund has changed. In addition to the quarterly, they are required to submit monthly reports on all persons working for them. This is information about employees with whom employment contracts were concluded or terminated during the reporting period, as well as civil law contracts for the performance of work or the provision of services, for which insurance premiums are accrued from the remuneration paid.

As a result of these changes The FIU automatically learns about the termination of employment with all citizens, including pensioners. That's why:

  • if the dismissal occurred after March 31, 2016, then you should not apply to the fund. The FIU will index the pension payment on an unannounced basis, based on the information it already has.
  • if the pensioner stopped labor activity in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, then in order to receive an increased amount of payments, the pensioner should still apply with an application and documents to the FIU in order to avoid various errors.

Other options for increasing the pensions of working pensioners

Despite the abolition of indexation, the amount of insurance payment for working pensioners is increasing every year.

August 1 is made, as a result of which its size increases due to the accumulated contributions transferred by employers or self-employed pensioners for the previous year. Contributions unrecorded at the time of appointment (previous recalculation) are converted into individual pension coefficients (IPR) or pension points.

However maximum IPC value limited by law and takes into account:

  • no more than 3 points - for pensioners who have only an insurance pension;
  • 1,875 points - for those who wished to make pension savings.

An annual adjustment is carried out in the event that one year (full 12 months) has passed since the date of assignment (previous recalculation) of the pension payment.

Recalculation is carried out PFR bodies according to the individual personal account automatically, without a pensioner's application.

In addition to the recalculation of the insurance pension, annually on August 1, funded pension adjustment(Article 8 of Law No. 424-FZ) based on contributions received during the year to the pension account of this pension.

Question to the expert: "Good afternoon. I retired this month, but I want to continue working. I live in Moscow. I heard that there is some kind of Luzhkov's supplement to Muscovites' pensions. Or maybe now it is more correct to call her Sobyaninskaya? I wonder who is entitled to this surcharge - working and non-working pensioners? And how much is this city (governor's) allowance in 2017?

Here, of course, we will have to rush into this eternal dispute again - where the stick has a beginning, and where the stick has an end.

On the one side:

  • there is a scheme for calculating pensions, no matter what, complex or not, but generally accepted and working, the main thing is to get used to it, to these coefficients and constants, and to calculate, perhaps, “with the help of grandchildren”;
  • there is a state regulation on the minimum pension for all pensioners - 8540 rubles - this is already an initiative of state bodies, they calculated, assessed the current capabilities of the state, estimated the prospect, assessed the state of savings in the Pension Fund, of course, and deduced this figure;
  • there is a provision - if the estimated pension is less than the minimum state pension, then the state compensates for the "shortage" from the Social Insurance Fund; thus, if a pension is obtained at 6,500 rubles, then the state will additionally allocate another 2,040 rubles;
  • but it is one thing to live in Birobidzhan and quite another thing in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kazan - the level of development of the regions is completely different; therefore, there is a provision on the possibility of establishing, already by the regional authorities, a pension for “their” pensioners, which, in any case, is more than the national one; So, in Moscow minimum pension in the middle of 2017, 4,960 rubles more - 14,500 rubles; This increase comes from the budget of the region.

Here is a simple, understandable and, I would like to believe, a fair scheme, especially since this scheme is based on the accumulation of pensioners themselves, who have been made over the years from their own wages.

I was just ready to receive less now (by 22%, monthly instead of 50 thousand - only 39, and for 30 years), so that when I retire, within 20-30 years, whoever is lucky, get back these savings. There are some discrepancies in terms of amounts and terms, and everything is not in favor of the pensioner, but this is not what we are talking about now.

But, on the other hand, something else is also true.

The pensioner, while the future one, took care of his health all his life, at least he did not bring the situation “to the point” with his illnesses, he always visited the stadium regularly, 4-5 km 3-4 times a week became the norm for him.

So it turned out that, having reached, he is still in excellent physical, mental, emotional shape, he can devote another 5-10 years to work, beloved, of course, and what, after all, to sit at home. As they say, the desires coincided with the possibilities.

Thus, a person has the right by law to receive a pension? Of course - the age has been reached, payments were made in full.

But, does a person have the right to manage both his time and forces? He also, of course, has - that's why he goes to work, since in Moscow it is not difficult to do this. And employers are also very willing to hire retirees:

  • he can have his salary reduced by at least the amount of his pension;
  • he does not already have such chic life requests as those of 30-year-olds who still need to support children;
  • he lived his life, he knows that for what, as a rule, you can rely on him to a much greater extent, he won’t let you down, he won’t rush off, he won’t go on a spree until morning.

In general, as long as everything matches and so far there can be no objections, I have the right to a pension and I have the right to work.

Still, the pension, whatever it may be, we are not talking about the executives of Gazprom or Lukoil, is not enough, especially for single pensioners, to live and not worry about anything. We have to, we often have to look into the wallet and count the money until the next pension.

Let's also take into account the ever-increasing prices in stores and housing offices.

The state authorities also understand this. This is where the additional payments to pensioners come from, from any kind of state solidarity, support for those who can no longer “bang their fist on the table” in front of the leader and demand a pay increase.

This is true.

But something else is also true, if we talk about mutual understanding and solidarity, because the state pocket is not unlimited - a pensioner who is still able to work must delve into the life of the country, which means that he cannot claim additional payments.

Here, of course, one can say that the state "climbs on the head" of such a pensioner, because he deserved the opportunity to work with his own mind, this is not a privilege from the Lord God. By refusing to pay extra to such a pensioner, the state thus “punishes” him for taking care of his health for the previous 30 years of his life!

Here, too, as they say, you can’t dig.

So it turns out that, according to the law, working pensioners are deprived of all kinds of additional payments. And this, with all the "for" and "against", I think, is fair.

But they are also deprived of indexation of their legal pensions!

The laws, however, refer to working pensioners as "employed", in other words, working under official contracts. So, the question immediately arises - it is better without a contract to protect your right to care for health from 20 to 55-60 years!

The level, insufficient level of development of the state, its capabilities forces both sides to take "disrespectful" measures towards each other. This is the root of all problems.

If the pensioner did not work and received additional payments, but over time felt the strength to continue working, he is obliged to report such a change in his “status”, about the transition to “working”, to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. This is what state officials think, they are materialists to the marrow of their bones.

These same materialists also believe that our consciousness is determined by the level of our material well-being. Cynically, of course, but life shows that this condemned behavior in the "laws of large numbers" can also have some positive effect. Let's take Moscow as "big" with its huge business and financial capabilities. These opportunities allow the Moscow authorities to expand their maneuver.

Thus, all additional payments to pensioners in the capital are made in accordance with Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 27, 2007 No. 1005-PP (on December 26, 2012 a new edition was issued) “On approval of the Regulations on the accrual and payment of monthly compensation payments (additional payments) to pensions and lump sum payments carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow "".

This Decree did not forget working pensioners either. It defines some professions, choosing which, nevertheless, the pensioner remains “with additional payments”.

These are separate positions in institutions

  • education,
  • healthcare,
  • social protection of the population,
  • family and youth policy,
  • culture,
  • physical culture and sports,
  • state veterinary service,
  • libraries (archives),
  • employment centers,
  • departments of registration of acts of civil status -

in general, all financed from the budgets of all levels.

In addition, pensioners working in the housing and communal services of Moscow in the positions of:

  • street cleaner;
  • worker for complex cleaning and maintenance of households;
  • territory cleaner;
  • garbage chute cleaner;
  • office cleaner, employed in cleaning stairwells and public toilets -

all those worthy of respect, who for the rest "takes chestnuts out of the fire."

Not forgotten in the Decree are several more very necessary professions that are quite suitable for pensioners:

  • duty officers at the entrances (concierges, porters) of residential buildings;
  • cloakroom attendants at JSC Wardrobe Service Plant;

Note that there are some conditions for calculating the surcharge:

  1. The work must take place in a budgetary institution.
  2. The place of work should be located within the Moscow region.
  3. Most importantly, the salary does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.
  4. A pensioner must provide a certificate from the place of work on the average monthly salary in the form of 2-NDFL every 6 months.

This is more of a philosophical, ethical conflict with these additional payments to working pensioners.

In other words, take your time. First, calmly retire, take a break from business, hit the road to the fountains of Petrodvorets, sunbathe on the beaches of Crimea. "Feel" the work of the Pension Fund - get your legal support from the state for 2-3 months, compare it with reality.

Then examine the laws (and they are often supplemented) regarding additional payments to employees. Assess your options.

And then, start looking for something worthwhile, in Moscow it will not be so difficult to do this. And what are these 20,000, there are proposals for 30, 40, 50 thousand. Weigh all the proposals and ..., of course, go to work if you have the strength, and the soul demands to be useful to other people.
