Folk remedies for softening the skin of the hands. Educational program for Cinderellas: we restore very dry skin of the hands

The skin of the hands is delicate, so it needs delicate care most of all. Due to the constant exposure to the environment, the epidermis begins to peel off, coarsens, cracks. Girls and women clutch their heads, not knowing what to do. There are basic preventive actions that must be followed. It also makes sense to consider effective folk recipes that are easy to implement on your own. Let's bring practical advice Let's highlight the main aspects.

  1. Get in the habit of always using silicone or rubber gloves while doing housework. This is especially true for the effects of harmful cosmetics on the skin. These include products for washing floors, household appliances mirrors, etc. If possible, wear gloves even when washing dishes. To keep your hands from sweating, pour unscented or chamomile-based baby powder into the cavity.
  2. The main enemy of the delicate skin of the hands is considered to be hypothermia. In particular, this includes frosty air, wind with rain or snow, the impact of ice. Wear woolen gloves or mittens, wear them depending on the weather. During a heavy downpour, use leather waterproof clothing.
  3. Choose your soap based on your skin's PH balance. The best option would be Dove products, which are a quarter of a moisturizer and include many natural ingredients. When washing your hands, watch the water temperature: it should not be too hot or, on the contrary, cold.
  4. Maintain hygiene. For the most part, people forget to wash their hands, this oversight is unacceptable. Bacteria are hidden from view, you cannot determine the cleanliness of the limbs just by looking at them. It is also necessary to purchase a special brush and spatula for nails, which remove the remnants of dirt.
  5. Buy an antiseptic labeled "for hands" at a pharmacy or supermarket. As a rule, it is available in bottles of 80-100 ml. Carry the drug in a handbag, use it after leaving public transport or a car, a supermarket, an entrance, etc. It is enough to squeeze out one drop of the composition and rub it between your palms. First, you will feel the characteristic smell of alcohol, and then your hands will be moistened with incoming esters and oils.
  6. Important attention should be paid to manicure. Timely eliminated corns, cuticles and keratinized particles will make the skin of the hands tender. In combination with a massage based on a nourishing cream, the hands will keep their well-groomed appearance for a long time. The frequency of manicure - 2 times a month.
  7. Not many people know, but dry air negatively affects the general condition of the epidermis. Get a humidifier for your office or apartment. In cases where this option is not available, do otherwise. Put a pot of water on the radiators, drip 3 ml. any ether, wait for the liquid to evaporate.

The duration of taking hand baths varies from 14 to 20 days, with a two-day break every week. The course can be repeated indefinitely, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Do not forget to lubricate the epidermis with a hydrogel or a fat cream after the procedure (suitable for children).

  1. Ammonia. Mix together 25 ml. glycerin, 45 ml. ammonia, 35 ml. olive or corn oil. Pour 1.5 liters into a bowl. warm water, add the prepared mixture. Dip your hands in the bath, wait half an hour.
  2. Melissa and Linden. Pour 3 liters into the basin. steep boiling water, pour 30 gr. medicinal chamomile, 45 gr. linden inflorescences, 25 gr. lemon balm. Infuse the herbs for about a quarter of an hour, then cool the solution to an acceptable temperature, pour in a little baby liquid soap. Carry out the procedure for half an hour.
  3. Kefir. Dilute in 1.5 liters. warm water 25 gr. corn or potato starch, pour in 125 ml. fatty kefir or yogurt. Do a hand bath for a quarter of an hour. Next, rinse off the composition, cover the dermis with cream.
  4. Lemon. Take two medium potatoes, wash them and cut them into small cubes. Boil the potatoes, squeeze the juice of one lemon into the broth. Cool the mixture to an acceptable temperature, dip your hands in the composition for 20 minutes.
  5. Milk. Mix whole milk with water in a 1:2 ratio, pour the liquid into a saucepan and heat on the stove to a temperature of 40 degrees. Drop 2 ml. rosewood ether. Make a hand bath, the duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

Masks for softening the skin of the hands

Thanks completely natural composition results will be much faster. The recommended frequency of using masks is 1 time in 2-3 days. In this case, it is desirable to apply the composition immediately after taking the baths.

  1. Cocoa. Purchase natural cocoa powder, pour it hot water based on 30 gr. composition accounts for 100 ml. liquids. Stir until completely dissolved, add 15 ml. liquid glycerin, 25 gr. gelatin. Wait for the mixture to swell, then make a mask, leave it for half an hour.
  2. Aloe vera. Pick up 2 fleshy stalks of aloe vera, wash them, run them through a blender to make a porridge. Add 40 ml. liquid honey, pour 25 ml. olive oil. Put composition on delicate skin hands The exposure time is a quarter of an hour.
  3. Sour cream. Brew in 80 ml. steep boiling water 40 gr. flax flakes, let it brew for about a quarter of an hour, drain excess water. Add 50 gr. fat sour cream and 10 gr. edible gelatin, stir and leave to swell. Make a mask on your hands and wrists, wait half an hour.
  4. Cottage cheese. Purchase fish or badger oil in ampoules at the pharmacy. Take 1 piece, add 45 gr. to it. cottage cheese with a fat content of 25% or more. Mash half a bunch of fresh parsley under pressure, add to the curd. Cover the epidermis with a mass, rinse after 20 minutes.
  5. Honey. Melt in a water bath or in the microwave 60 gr. honey, mix it with 15 ml. glycerin. Add freshly squeezed carrot juice and 10 gr. gelatin. Wait until the mixture is completely swollen. Cover your hands with it, leave for 25 minutes.
  6. Avocado. Peel two avocados from the skin, remove the seeds, chop into cubes. Send them to a blender, grind into porridge, add 1 quail protein. If the mixture is runny, add oatmeal. Make a hand mask, remove after half an hour.
  7. Carrot. Peel and mince one carrot or grate it. Add 45 ml. cucumber juice, 50 gr. fatty curd. Spread the resulting mass on your hands, leave for 45 minutes. At the end of the time, rinse and rub the skin with olive oil.
  8. Bread. Take 3 slices of fresh white bread, soak in milk and leave to swell. After that, knead or tear into pieces, add 40 gr. homemade sour cream. Dip your hands in the prepared mixture, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

  1. Coffee. Take 120 gr. coffee grounds, add to it 40 gr. sour cream and 35 ml. baby soap(liquid). Massage the skin of the hands using the composition for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with water and apply the cream.
  2. Sugar. Mix cane sugar with thick honey in such a way that a paste-like mass is obtained. Spread it over the entire surface of the hands, rub the brushes against each other. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.
  3. Sand. Dial 200 gr. river or sea sand without shells, rinse it well in boiling water, dry. Add 70 ml. corn oil, rub the palms and the outside of the hands with the prepared mass for 5 minutes.
  4. Salt. Mix 50 gr. coarse sea salt with 50 gr. fat sour cream, add 12 ml. any essential oil. Rub your hands with massage in a circular motion within 7 minutes.

It is easy to soften the skin of the hands, if you have knowledge regarding cooking folk remedies. Use recipes for baths based on kefir, ammonia, lemon, milk. Prepare light masks of aloe vera, sour cream, cottage cheese, honey, avocado. Remove calluses and dead cells with a coffee or carrot scrub.

Video: save dry hand skin

Rough hand skin or calluses. Cracked hand skin

Rough skin or calluses

The skin of the hands loses its elasticity and coarsens, as a rule, as a result of exposure to any active agents. Roughening of the skin can also be caused by a disease, a metabolic disorder or beriberi. In this case, if the methods we offer do not help, consult a doctor.

The reason for roughening of the skin can even be the cleaning and processing of berries and fruits, which so often have to be dealt with in the fall. You can soften the skin of your hands if you put your hands in warm mashed potatoes for 10 minutes. After that, rinse your hands in water acidified with vinegar.

You can apply this mixture on your hands: grate a potato, add 1 tsp. honey, a few drops of lemon or any other vegetable or fruit juice. You can put slices of raw potatoes on your hands. Periodically do this procedure, and your skin will soften and turn white.

Rough flaky skin after washing can be wiped with a cucumber, and then with a mixture of glycerin and lemon, taken in equal proportions. You can wash your hands with a decoction of oatmeal.

It is also good to soften the rough skin of the hands with the help of a fresh juicy apple. Vigorously massage your hands with a piece of peeled apple for several minutes. After that, wash your hands and apply cream.

Baths of sauerkraut, potato broth and whey are excellent for rough skin, after which you need to lubricate the skin with a fat cream and put on woolen gloves on your hands. For baths, you can use vegetable oil, each time the same portion, and then wet your hands with a napkin.

All these procedures are best done before bedtime.

If the skin is rough not on the hands, but on the elbows, we recommend that you proceed as follows: heat the vegetable oil to body temperature and dip your elbows into it for 5 minutes. Then rub your elbows with a pumice stone to remove dead cells. After this procedure, apply a greasy cream or the same vegetable oil to the skin of the elbows to restore softness and smoothness to the skin.

For the bath, you can also use a mixture consisting of 1 liter of hot soapy water, in which 50 g of soda is dissolved. After the bath, rub your elbows with a pumice stone and repeat the procedure a couple more times.

It is not recommended to use glycerin to soften hands. As a rule, it is used in a mixture with other substances, since in pure form it gives a short-term false effect and is removed from the skin during the first hand washing. In addition, one of the unpleasant consequences of the use of glycerin can be yellowing of the skin.

If you are worried about calluses on your hands, it is not at all necessary to wait for them, so to speak, to a natural death. This process can be quite accelerated. First, we recommend eating more foods rich in vitamin A, as it helps to reduce horn formation.

If the calluses are small, a warm soapy-soda bath (1/2 tablespoon of soda in 2 liters of soapy water) can help, which softens the horny layers, and they are easily removed with a pumice stone. Chamomile infusion (1:10) can be added to the soap-soda composition. For complete removal of corns, 6-10 procedures are required.

In the form of poultices, crushed marigold flowers can be applied to corns, which helps to soften the corn and facilitate its removal. To achieve the maximum effect, this procedure is carried out 10-12 times.

One of the drugs, the healing properties of which are already overgrown with legends, is propolis. Although not everything that is said about this product is true, it is successfully used to remove corns even in its pure form. To do this, you need to steam your hand in warm water for 10-15 minutes, then wipe it dry and apply a heated piece of propolis on the corn with a thin layer. Bandage the corn and leave it in this form for 5 days. A similar procedure must be repeated 3 times, after which you can safely remove the corn, again after steaming your hand.

If you urgently need to get rid of an unsightly seal on your hand and you are not afraid to use fairly radical methods, we can advise you to remove the corn with trichloroacetic acid. It is a fairly strong acid and requires some care when handling it. You need to take a piece of plaster and cut a small hole in it. Stick the plaster on your hand so that the edges of the hole coincide with the root, and smear the corn with acid, being careful not to get on the healthy skin of the hand. Seal the corn on top with a continuous piece of adhesive tape. After a day, remove the patch and remove the root of the callus.

As a prophylaxis for the daytime, it is useful to sprinkle corns with baby powder or powder consisting of equal parts of boric acid and talc. At night, you need to lubricate the corns with a nourishing cream.

In pharmacies, you can find enough drugs that will help you deal with corns. The most common is the corn patch, which includes salicylic acid, rosin, paraffin and petrolaum. The patch is glued for several days, and if it does not help, repeat the procedure. Another remedy for corns is the so-called "corn liquid", consisting of salicylic, lactic acid and collodion, which is the binding base of the ointment. The corn is lubricated with this liquid until the skin regains a healthy appearance.

All the remedies that we recommended for getting rid of warts can also help from corns: onion, celandine, garlic. Garlic or onion, grated on a fine grater, should be applied to corns previously steamed in soda water. This procedure is best done before bed. When you repeat it 12-15 times, you can no longer remember about corns.

But this first-aid kit of natural remedies, of course, is not exhausted.

If you have treelike aloe growing at home, you have every chance to get rid of even the most chronic corns. Apply to the corn at night a leaf of aloe cut along. It is better to steam your hands before this, even in plain water. But it is much more effective to use a decoction of oats. More precisely straw of sowing oats. By brewing 1 part of straw with 10 parts of water, you will get a wonderful decoction, even a 15-minute exposure to which will be enough for the surface of the corn to already begin to peel off.

Plantain has long been used to get rid of calluses. And with no less effect, both fresh leaves and their juice, and dried leaves are used. The latter before applying to the corn must first be soaked in water.

Dandelion juice is quite productive in the fight against calluses. You need juice from the stem of the plant. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the juice and apply it to the corn for 20 minutes. After this time, change the cotton. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. Recovery occurs in 2-3 days.

Apricots will also help in the fight against corns. Make a pulp from the pulp of 4-5 apricots. To do this, it is not at all necessary to grind the fruits on a fine grater or grind them with a mixer. It is enough just to mash the apricots. Then add 1 tsp. olive or vegetable oil and put on low heat, constantly stirring the composition. After 3 minutes, remove the mixture from heat and set aside. Apply the warm mixture on your hands for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water and lubricate your hands with a vitaminized cream.

Let's not ignore vegetables and talk about the benefits of zucchini. The following mixture of them will help soften the skin on the hands. Grate the zucchini, put the gruel in gauze and apply to your hands for half an hour. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with a greasy cream. Do this procedure once a week.

And now let's talk about night compresses that will save you from corns. At night, you can make a compress from a 2% solution of boric acid or from bread crumb moistened with vinegar. Before going to bed, you need to steam your hand and tie a lemon to the corn. Repeat this procedure for 2-3 days. After this period, steam your hand and carefully remove the corn.

The next method may cause some inconvenience during sleep, but we think that for the sake of beauty you will not make such sacrifices. For this compress you will need dry onion husks. The amount of husk will have to be calculated independently, since it is difficult to measure it in volume or weight units. There should be enough peel so that it can completely cover your hands. Pour the husk with table vinegar and leave for 2-3 weeks. After this period, before going to bed, put a layer of onion peel on your hands, wrap your hands with gauze so that the peel fits snugly on your hands, and put plastic bags on your hands (you are unlikely to do without an assistant). In the morning, rinse your hands with water and a little baking soda. Repeat the process until the calluses are gone.

A decoction of clover leaves and flowers softens corns well. Soak gauze with a decoction and apply daily as a compress on the corn.

Cracked hand skin

Cracks in the hands occur due to increased dryness of the skin, which entails a loss of elasticity of the surface integument of the hands. They appear, as a rule, in areas subject to constant stretching, and in places of natural skin folds. Most often, cracks appear on the palmar and back sides of the hands. This is due to the constant impact on these areas of external factors. So, washing your hands with soap, especially hard water, dries the skin, causing cracking. Cracks also occur due to careless wiping of hands after washing, insufficient protection of hands in cold and windy weather, contact at work with substances harmful to the skin. Cracks can be superficial or deep in depth.

The depth of superficial cracks lies within the epidermis. With proper treatment, they quickly pass without leaving a trace. Deep cracks capture the lower layers of the dermis, and after the healing of these gaps, scars may well remain.

In any case, no matter how much the process of cracking the skin on your hands is running, you need to urgently take up treatment, for which we recommend several recipes. They do not contain exotic ingredients, and you can prepare the compositions yourself.

An effective means of healing cracks are decoctions of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare yourself. But you need to know when and where you can collect them. It is best to plant the medicinal herbs you need in your country house.

For cracked hands, it is recommended to make baths from 2 tbsp. l. chopped nettle leaves and 1 tbsp. l. nail inflorescences. They are filled with 1 liter of water. After a 15-minute bath, the hands are wiped, lubricated with a nourishing cream and a light massage is done.

To heal cracks, you can also use ready-made creams with herbal supplements. They are listed in the section on the use of creams for the care of dry skin of the hands.

It is necessary to carry out preventive measures that reduce the dryness of the skin and, accordingly, prevent the formation of cracks. In addition to the above methods of softening the skin and eliminating dryness, other remedies can be recommended to help eliminate cracks.

The easiest way to care for chapped hands: rub synthomycin emulsion or Calendula anti-inflammatory cream into the crack at night. Repeat the procedure every evening.

If your hands are very sensitive to any external influences, such as frost, and crack quickly, then you can prevent cracking by washing your hands daily in warm water mixed with ammonia. Alcohol is added at the rate of 1-2 tsp. for 1 glass of water.

If the skin of the hands is already cracked, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can be used to disinfect and heal small cracks. For deep cracks, before going to bed, immerse your hands in a warm solution of starch (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) or boiled flaxseed for 10-15 minutes, then, without rinsing your hands, lubricate them with fish oil. At night, apply glycerin or lanolin cream to your hands and wear breathable gloves, preferably wool.

Of course, you can not do without honey. To soften the skin and speed up the healing of cracks in the skin of the hands, mix 2 parts of honey with 1 part of lard and apply this mixture to your hands daily. Hold it in your arms for 2 hours a day.

The use of onions is quite effective. Steam your hands in water, after adding 2 tsp to it. soda. Then put mashed onions on your hands, wrap your hands with polyethylene and leave the compress overnight. In the morning, wash off the onion and grease your hands with a greasy cream. We will not reassure you in advance, but usually 2-3 procedures are enough.

Apples also help heal cracks. Boil an apple in a small amount of milk, grate it, add half a glass of kefir and put the resulting mixture on your hands for 30 minutes. Do this daily until you notice improvement.

A mixture of starch and tomato juice will also help to put your hands in order. First, dilute half a glass of starch with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Do not use wide dishes to prepare the mixture, it is better to do everything right in the glass. Water should be cold or at least room temperature. After you dilute the starch, add 2-3 tbsp. l. tomato juice and mix well. Apply the resulting slurry to your hands for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.

If you trust traditional medicine, we can recommend you the following recipe: take a raw chicken egg, put it in a glass and pour vinegar essence so that the egg is completely covered with liquid. After 2-3 days, when the vinegar dissolves eggshell, and the egg will remain in a thin shell, pour half of the essence from the glass, add 100-150 g of butter and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your hands, wrap your hands in polyethylene and put on warm mittens. It is better to apply this compress before going to bed and leave it on all night. In the morning, make a soda bath for your hands, lubricate them with a nourishing cream. According to traditional healers, 2 such procedures are enough for the cracks on the hands not only to heal, but also completely disappear.

To get rid of cracks traditional healers strongly recommend the use of pork lard. Lubricate chapped skin with it at night and put on gloves, preferably cotton, on top. The course of treatment is designed for 2 weeks, during which this procedure must be done daily.

The next recipe is, let's say, more "delicious". You will need 30 g of softened butter. To soften the butter, you just need to take it out of the refrigerator and wait until it warms up to room temperature. Do not try to speed up this process by heating the oil over a fire. In this case, it will simply melt and lose the consistency necessary for preparing the mixture. Beat the softened butter with a whisk, add 1/2 cup of curdled milk to it and mix everything thoroughly. Before applying the resulting mixture to the skin, steam your hands in calendula infusion, for the preparation of which pour 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers 1 cup boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Rub the mixture of curdled milk and oil into the skin of the hands in a circular motion.

Cracked skin of the hands can also be treated with rye bread. You will need half a loaf of bread. Cut off the crust from the bread, and soak the crumb in warm milk until gruel forms. Coat your hands with the resulting mixture. Wash off with cool water after 20-30 minutes.

For prevention, you can wipe your hands with hazelnut oil several times a day.

Do these procedures separately or combine them, which will not be superfluous at all, and soon you will forget what pain in cracked hands is.

The sun, cold air, or water can dry out your hands. In some cases, getting rid of such dryness is not so easy. But some daily procedures will help you make your hands soft and silky.

Make your skin soft and silky

Required procedures:

  1. Get a good exfoliation. So you not only remove dead cells, but also improve blood circulation. Choose a brush with natural fibers. So your skin will not be significantly injured. Start wiping your skin with firm strokes. Start exfoliating on dry skin.
  2. Take cold showers. Wash with cool, not hot water. Hot water injures the skin, tightens it and makes it loose. Cool water softens, but retains elasticity.
  3. Don't use too much soap. In gels and scrubs large quantities contains substances that dry the skin. In addition, they can leave a film on the skin that makes the skin dull. Use soap based natural oils. Then your hands will shine. You can purchase on the website beautiful bracelets that you will not be ashamed to wear.
  4. Moisturize your skin. After you wash your hands, you will need to apply some kind of emollient to them.
  5. Find out your skin type. Use the products that are right for your skin type.
  6. stick healthy lifestyle life. Physical training improves blood circulation, improves skin tone.
  7. Eat right. Your diet should include enough vegetables, fruits, protein, and whole grains. Products that contain vitamins E, A, C have a particularly favorable effect on the condition.
  8. Drink enough water. In order for your skin to be healthy, it is enough to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  9. Avoid foods that can harm your skin. These are tobacco, alcohol, caffeine.
  10. Use sunscreen. It is worth applying such creams not only in summer, but even in winter and autumn.
  11. Protect your skin from harmful effects of a different nature. In the cold season, be sure to wear warm gloves or mittens. Use special gloves when cleaning the house with chemicals.

Delicate hands are an important part of the desired image of a well-groomed, youthful woman, but they can give away our age, even if we shell out a lot of money for expensive creams to hide it.

There are many different methods for tightening the skin of the neck and face, but you cannot tighten the skin of the hands surgically. So it is the hands that need to be monitored especially carefully, and we often forget about it.

If you think about it, little is useful for hands at all: the sun burns, frost cools, dry air dries ... Hands have to “bathe” in powder and other chemicals when putting things in order, and only a few use gloves in these cases. As a result, the skin on our hands ages earlier than anywhere else, and sagging, wrinkling and peeling are much more pronounced.

Our hands don't do well when we're digging in the ground, doing laundry, and they're especially affected by chemicals, so don't be lazy, take pity on them and put on gloves when you have to wash dishes or do laundry. But, before putting on gloves, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the hands with cream. Should not be abused rubber gloves working in them for a long time. And if it happened, then after finishing work, do not forget to put it on your hands again. nutritious cream. Frequent washing hands during the working day quickly dehydrates them. The skin becomes rough, begins to peel off, and hand cream is not always at hand. Especially unpleasantly tightens the skin on the palms. In this case, use high quality soap, baby or cosmetic, with special moisturizing additives.

Add some sugar to soapy water and your hands will turn white.
To soften your hands, rub a mixture of equal parts of vinegar and vegetable oil into them.


For the beauty of the skin of your hands, you need to take a tablespoon of sour cream and yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture on your hands. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask first with warm and then cool water. Before going to bed, grease your hands with cream. The skin of the hands will become velvety, fresh and elastic.

Hands love not only masks that restore tenderness, but also when they are massaged. This can be done at any time of the day several times and even during breaks at work.

1. First, rub your hands, for about a minute, with the movements that we wash them with.

2. Vigorously clench and unclench your fists several times.

3. Massage each finger, each joint as if you are putting gloves on them: from the tips to the base.

4. Knead the palm from the inner edge to the base.

Despite the abundance of hand creams that are now available, you can make a cream at home:

50 g of olive oil or glycerin, 50 g of water, the juice of half a lemon and a few drops of ammonia. This will take some time, but since the hands have to work so much, they need to be pampered.


If your hands have darkened after you have peeled vegetables, you can whiten them with lemon juice or apple peel, this procedure will be doubly useful. Then the hands should be moistened with cream.

If the smell of garlic remains on the hands, they can be wiped with coffee grounds or the same lemon juice. It's good for nails too.

If you have rough and rough skin on your hands, take baths of sauerkraut, whey, water in which potatoes were boiled twice a week.

Believe that such procedures will help the skin become softer and more tender than an expensive cream.

Hands are the second face of a woman. They should be soft and tender - the absence of cracks and a pleasant color will indicate the good health of a woman. We will tell you how to soften the skin of your hands at home: your hands will attract thousands of glances.

What can cause skin roughness

There are many reasons why hands become unsightly. Consider the main ones:
household reasons
the constant presence of hands in water, exposure to destructive chemicals, leads to the fact that the skin ages prematurely. Calluses appear on the palms, pads coarsen. Domestic causes are the main ones - if you follow preventive measures, you can forget about the problems of hardened hands for a long time.
Malnutrition, lack of vitamins in the body
Together, these facts cause a frequent phenomenon - avitaminosis. The skin of the hands cracks, the edges of the wounds become coarse. The dermis becomes whitish.
constant walking without gloves in frosty weather leads to the weathering of superficial sebum. Left without protection hands quickly acquire an ugly appearance, burst.
constant contact with paper products kills hands in a few years. Without proper protection, you will end up with rough, yellowed fingers., to touch which, without experiencing pain, it is impossible.

Softening the skin of the hands at home

Purchased cosmetic creams and home-made baths will help soften the skin of the hands. Let's consider each method separately.

Purchasable funds

This method is good because does not require hand care a large number time. It is enough to apply the cream on the palms and rub it: in a second you can continue your business without fear that your hands will become rough. Use oily, non-liquid creams. They performed superbly baby cream and creams, the production of which began in the Soviet Union. Perfectly moisturize and soften the skin of the hands with glycerin and cucumber cream.

Many cosmetic products for hands are presented on the shelves of stores and pharmacies. Pick up universal remedy, which is ideal for protecting pens from housework and in cold weather.

Herbal baths

Any girl who is sensitive to her image knows - herbal baths are capable of wonders in any applied area: hands, feet, nails. Consider the most popular hand baths that can soften the skin of the hands at home:
Dip 2 teaspoons of herb coltsfoot in a 100 gram bucket. Bring the substance to a boil, and keep it in this state for at least 10 minutes. After the solution has cooled down, keep your hands in it for half an hour. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with cream or sunflower oil.
Dry collection of chamomile has wonderful anti-inflammatory and tonic properties.. Get a pack of herbs in a pharmacy: it is enough for 8-10 treatments. Brew the collection in the usual way: the instructions are written on the product packaging. You can hold rough hands for 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the availability of free time. Wipe dry hands with coconut oil or baby cream.
Collect plantain. Brew fresh or dried herbs in a manner not different from that described in the first recipe. Plantain to insist 12 hours. When preparing a bath, add honey to it and put your hands down. 30 minutes is enough for the skin of the hands to soften and become velvety to the touch. When adding Altai grass, the effectiveness of the bath will increase by 5 times.

Oil baths

Second in favor brought to hardened hands, are considered baths containing in their composition partially or completely - oils. Recipes for such procedures can be developed independently. We will offer you two of the most popular options:
Pour some into a plastic cup olive oil. Drop 1 drop of orange essential oil. Do not play with essential oils - adding strictly one drop will save you from burning your hands. Warm the resulting mixture: generously coat your hands with an oil solution. Put on warm cotton or terry gloves and stay in them for several hours. It is not necessary to lubricate the hands with a moisturizer after the procedure.
Use a linseed oil bath with honey and a drop of lavender oil. Soak your hands in the heated substance for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water, pat dry. Your hands will become soft, the cracks will heal after several procedures.

Honey masks for softening the skin of the hands

Honey has many useful properties: it will help to quickly cure hand diseases and restore their former beauty. Consider effective solutions using honey:
Break in plastic utensils 1 chicken egg, add 20 grams of any honey. The preferred product is mustard, however, if the honey is of a different variety, it’s not scary. Stir the substance, add a drop of essential oil and a pinch of salt. Lubricate your hands and cover them with a warm towel for 30 minutes. Suitable gloves for manicure.
Get cocoa from the shelf - it will make the skin of the hands soft and shiny. Mix a tablespoon of a brown product with a spoonful of honey, scrub hands and palms with a small portion of gruel. Then add a little water, turning the gruel into a creamy mixture. Apply it on your hands and cover them with gloves for 60 minutes.

chemical mask

Mix medical alcohol, glycerin and water in proportions 1:1:1. Apply this lotion every day, lubricating your hands 3-4 times a day. The result will be visible in a week: glycerin will make the hands soft and beautiful.


We will give a few general recommendations that will help you keep your hands in order and not think about their treatment for a long time:
Systematic manicure is the key to a good condition of the limbs. Preventive baths will give your hands reliable protection and save you from negative impacts environment.
The use of creams will make it possible to maintain the water balance of the hands.- the skin will not dry out due to exposure to chemicals. The oily film will repel acid and alkali molecules from the dermis.
Wash your hands with warm water. Avoid drying and roughening of the skin as a result water procedures passing in excessively hot or cold water. Ideally, if the water for washing hands is filtered.
Use a skin scrub several times a week hands from dead particles of the epidermis. Don't forget to use cream. Better if it will cosmetic product based on silicone.
Rethink nutrition: Eat less spicy and salty. Eat vegetables and fruits in the right amount, drink more water. Drink a vitamin complex.

Following simple recommendations, you can make the skin of your hands soft, like a baby. Use masks and baths if you are already faced with the problem of coarsening of the skin. You already know how to soften the skin of your hands at home: put the knowledge into practice and you will not have any problems.
