Scientific Center for Child Health (RAMN). Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the National Health Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Research Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents

By the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences No. 8 dated January 21, 1998, a state scientific and clinical institution of a new type was formed - Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (NTsZD RAMS) by merging the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The Director of the Center is Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia Alexander Alexandrovich Baranov.

Integration in one institution of hygienic, preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation technologies, as well as the joint work of scientists from different specialties, were the prerequisites for the creation of a unique institution capable of not only more effectively solving scientific problems in the field of pediatrics, pediatric surgery, hygiene of children and adolescents, but also to have a significant impact on the entire system of child health care in the country. This is confirmed by such significant events in children's health implemented on the initiative of the Center, such as the reform of the organization of medical care for adolescents (transferring them to the pediatric service), the adoption of the "Healthy Child" subprogram of the Federal Target Program "Children of Russia", Parliamentary hearings on the "National Strategy for Protecting Children's Health in Russia" Two government decrees have also been prepared of Russia, a number of orders of the Ministry of Health of the Collegiums of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on topical issues of medical science and practice.

The Scientific Center for Children's Health is an independent scientific medical organization with the status of a state institution and is directly subordinate to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, being part of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Currently, as part of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, there are:

  • Research Institute of Pediatrics (Head of the Department of Gastroenterology Potapov A.S.),
  • scientific and organizational department,
  • department of fundamental and applied problems of health formation,
  • Scientific Council for Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Federal scientific, methodological and practical centers:
  • Center for Medical and Social Problems adolescence
  • Center "Children of the North".
The NCCH employs 7 main freelance specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

Shcherbakov P.L.- chief pediatric gastroenterologist;

Revyakina V.A.- Chief pediatric allergist-immunologist;

Chumakova O.V.- chief pediatric nephrologist;

Studenikin V.M.- main pediatric neurologist;

Polyakov S.D.- chief specialist in sports medicine and exercise therapy, - and the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region:

Roshal L.M.- chief pediatric pulmonologist;

Namazova L.S.- Chief pediatric allergist-immunologist.

The infrastructure of the Center, which is under operational management - renovated buildings located on the territory of the garden and park ensemble, modern medical equipment, highly qualified senior and middle-level personnel, modern medical technologies and medicines, - was the basis for a significant increase in the efficiency of research, medical and advisory work of the Center.
History of the Research Institute of Pediatrics

80 years ago, on November 10, 1922, the Board of the People's Commissariat of Health approved the regulation on the State Scientific Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy. V.P. Lebedeva, who headed the department of maternity and infancy of the People's Commissariat for Health, united the old obstetric institution with the House for the Protection of the Infant into a single institution, strengthened by a number of newly organized laboratories and theoretical departments. The Institute of Pediatrics became a newly created institution. Since the opening, the following departments began to function in it: obstetrics and gynecology with a department for newborns, a department of physiology of early childhood with physiological and biochemical laboratories, a department of education and social hygiene of mother and child, a department of childhood pathology with a number of clinics. The institute also had a number of exemplary institutions: a consultation for children early age, nursery, Mother and child home. Courses were held here to train average staff - nurses and nurses for work in various clinics. The first director of the institute was a professor, later a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor Georgy Nesterovich Speransky.

From the time of its foundation, the leading pediatricians and organizers of children's health have always been at the head of the institute - Fanya Isaakovna Zborovskaya, Maria Nikolaevna Kazantseva, then Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Olga Dmitrievna Sokolova-Ponomareva. From 1960 to the present, the Institute has been headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Mitrofan Yakovlevich Studenikin.

The history of the Institute has its milestones, its important turning points

1940- the year of transformation into the Institute of Pediatrics of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR.

Autumn 1941- evacuation to Sverdlovsk. The main task of the institute is to help children evacuated from the front line. There is a search for milk substitutes, measures are being developed to prevent dystrophy and many other diseases.

1943- the Institute returns to Moscow. The team is saved, resumes interrupted research.

1945- the Institute was honored with the recognition of its scientific merits, it is included in the number of institutions of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. The studies planned at the institute dictated the need to form new scientific, diagnostic and therapeutic units. Thus began work on the study of nervous and mental diseases in children, a department was organized to study the development and upbringing of young children.

1947- the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1962- accommodation in a new building, where the institute is located now. The move was marked by a radical restructuring of the work of the team: there was a change in the structure of the institute, a replacement of the leading and leading scientific personnel, scientific directions and practical activities of the institute changed. Over the next ten years, a number of departments were organized within the walls of the institute, which began to develop new scientific topics. Most of them were created for the first time in the country: a nephrology department, an allergological, arthrological, hematological, surgical, gastroenterological group, a functional diagnostics department, a physical therapy and sports medicine department, a clinical virology laboratory, a cytochemistry laboratory, a children's health laboratory, a research planning and forecasting department .

1972- the Institute was awarded the Order of Lenin.

1992- the Institute was renamed into the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

- The Research Institute of Pediatrics became part of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which is currently the largest scientific and practical pediatric institution in Russia, with first-class specialists in all areas of pediatrics. The institute continues to develop new areas: the departments of hospital-replacing technologies, the department of metabolic diseases and osteoporosis, the department of otorhinolaryngology, the department of gastroenterology have been created, and genetic research has begun.

Price list for medical services provided by the NCCH RAMS on a paid basis

Endoscopic examinations:
Code medical service
Cost, rub.
13.001 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy diagnostic in children 500
13.001.01 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy diagnostic in adults 600
13.002 Biopsy of one fraction of the mucous membrane 80
13.007 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with examination of the jejunum 715
13.004 Retrograde pancreatocholangiography 3500
13.005 Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori by rapid urease test 150
13.008 Colonoscopy diagnostic 2000
13.010 Tracheobronchoscopy diagnostic 1000
13.012 Laryngoscopy 315
13.013 Polypectomy of the 1st VAPT polyp 1000
13.014 Therapeutic endoscopy to stop bleeding 850
13.015 Therapeutic endoscopy for varicose veins 850
13.016 Endoscopic bougienage of stenoses (1 session) 680
13.018 Therapeutic retrograde pancreatocholangiography (papillotomy, dilatation, stenting) 6500
13.019 The introduction of drugs into the lumen of the intestine (stomach), the wall of the SO 280
13.020 Foreign body removal 750
13.021 Therapeutic bronchoscopy 1500
13.022 Diagnostic sigmoidoscopy 260
13.023 Capsule endoscopy 24180
13.024 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy medical 4500
13.025 Esophageal vein sclerotherapy 3000
13.026 Diagnostic bronchoscopy 900
13.027 Daily pH - meter 1000
13.028 Observation in the awakening ward for 4 hours 500
13.029 Mask anesthesia for endoscopic examinations 2 100
13.030 Intravenous anesthesia for RPG 2 000
13.031 Intravenous anesthesia for endoscopic examinations 1 100
13.032 Anesthesia endotracheal up to 1.5 hours 4 000
13.033 Puncture and catheterization of a peripheral vein 300
13.034 Removal of mucus with electric suction 90

Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect 2/62.

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2019 marks the 60th anniversary of the Institute for Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, established by a special Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1959 as part of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 1965, the Institute worked in the system of the USSR Ministry of Health, and in 1996 it was again transferred to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

On January 21, 1998, by the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the state scientific and clinical institution Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was established, which included the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection for Children and Adolescents.

The entry of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents into the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences together with the Institute of Pediatrics is not accidental. The hygiene of children and adolescents has much in common with pediatrics. And this is, first of all, a common task - the upbringing of a healthy, harmoniously developed younger generation. The main difference between them is that the hygiene of children and adolescents deals with mass contingents, explores the group health status and develops recreational activities in relation to large groups of children united by common characteristics (gender, age, health status, etc.).

Pediatrics, as a science, deals with individual children and the pediatrician diagnoses and prescribes medical and wellness procedures for each child, depending on the specific circumstances.

For pediatrician children's team- the sum of individuals, for hygienists an individual is part of a team.

For a pediatrician, the object of influence is a child, taking into account the external environment; for the hygienist, the object of influence is external environment on the basis of taking into account the reaction of the child to this environment.

Pediatrics seeks to improve the child's body, and hygiene seeks to organize and, if necessary, transform the environment, based on the age characteristics and capabilities of the child and adolescent.

The Institute is the only research institution of its kind in Russian Federation, is the leading scientific institution for hygiene and health protection of children and adolescents, on its basis the Scientific Council for Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is organized and operates on the problem.

Since 2000, the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, on behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, has been the National Support Center for the Russian Network of Health Schools (RSSHZ).

The formation of the Institute and its development for more than thirty years is associated with the names of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Galina Nikolaevna Serdyukovskaya and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Grombakh, who educated and prepared the scientific school of scientists who worked not only in Moscow, but also in many cities of the Soviet Union and Russia.

The directors of the Institute were Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Galina Nikolaevna Serdyukovskaya, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexander Alexandrovich Baranov, and at present the Institute is headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladislav Remirovich Kuchma.

At the very initial stage of the organization of the Institute, wonderful scientists and specialists worked, who made a great contribution to the development and development of theoretical and applied problems of childhood hygiene, professors I.A. Arnoldi, L.T. Antonova, I.D. Kartsev, E.I. Korenevskaya , Yu.D.Zhilov, Z.I.Kolarova, A.G.Sukharev, P.I.Gumener, R.G.Sapozhnikova, V.G. Vlastovsky, L.F. Berezhkov, L.I. Abrosimova.

For many years, specialists who created the scientific foundation for solving many applied issues of protecting the health of children and adolescents worked at the Institute: E.K. Glushkova, V.A. Doskin, R.A. Kalyuzhnaya, O.V. , D.N. Krylov, L.V. Mikhailova, Yu.M. Pratusevich, L.G. Rogachevskaya, E.S. Ryseva, G.V. Terentyeva, G.L. Turovets, A.N. .K.Ushakov, M.A.Sharova, L.A.Scheplyagina, I.D.Dubinskaya, V.S.Zalevsky, A.S.Zutler, A.G.Ilyin, G.N.Kaminskaya, A.N. .Malakhova, K.E. Pavlovich, G.M. Sapozhnikova, V.V. Stan, L.M. Tikhomirova, T.L. Usishcheva, T.G. Khamaganova, L.G. , G.P.Yurko, K.E.Pavlovich, Yu.A.Yampolskaya, S.S.Molchanova, A.V.Kulikova, G.A.Sharshatkina and others.

Professors and Doctors of Sciences L.M. Sukhareva, N.N. Kuindzhi, I.K. Rapoport, M.I. Stepanova, P.I. Khramtsov, V.V. Chubarovsky, E.I. Shubochkina, Zh.Yu. Gorelova, N.A. Skoblina, M.A. Polenova; Candidates of Sciences N.K. Barsukova, N.O. ZI Sazanyuk, LM Teksheva and many others who have come a long way from graduate students to leading scientists of the Institute.

The purpose of the Institute was to study the influence of environmental factors on the health status and capacity of children and adolescents in organized groups and to develop on this basis measures aimed at protecting, strengthening health and favorable development of a growing organism.

Taking into account the tasks set by hygienic science and practical health care for the Institute, a concept of scientific research was developed, based on the uniqueness of the organism at each stage of its development, and, in this regard, involving the development of hygienic norms and regulations, taking into account the sex and age of the child, the condition his health and level of development achieved.

A scientific research methodology was developed: the application of a natural hygienic experiment in organic combination with laboratory research and methods of sanitary statistics.

On the basis of the proposed concept and methodology, the Institute carries out in-depth research on the scientific substantiation of hygiene standards and regulations, prevention methods, improving medical and psycho-social care for children and adolescents, strengthening physical, somatic, mental and reproductive health, ensuring the favorable development of children and adolescents, reducing morbidity, disability.

Since the establishment of the Institute, the following scientific areas have been developed:

  • hygiene of activity (educational, labor, professional, cognitive, sports);
  • hygiene of the material environment (layout, landscaping, microclimate, lighting, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the maintenance and operation of educational institutions; equipment, textbooks, clothing, shoes, toys, etc.);
  • food hygiene;
  • patterns of morpho-functional, psycho-physiological and psycho-social development;
  • the health status of children's groups.

The structure of the Institute corresponds to these main scientific directions of activity.

Russia, Moscow and Moscow region, Moscow
105064, Moscow, Maly Kazenny lane, 5


In 2014, it will be 55 years since the Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection for Children and Adolescents was founded, established by a special Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1959 as part of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 1965, the Institute worked in the system of the USSR Ministry of Health, and in 1996 it was again transferred to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Institute building

On January 21, 1998, by the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the state scientific and clinical institution Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was established, which included the Research Institute of Hygiene and Protection.

health of children and adolescents.

The entry of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents into the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences together with the Institute of Pediatrics is not accidental. The hygiene of children and adolescents has much in common with pediatrics. And this is, first of all, a common task - the upbringing of a healthy, harmoniously developed younger generation. The main difference between them is that the hygiene of children and adolescents deals with mass contingents, explores the group health status and develops recreational activities in relation to large groups of children united by common characteristics (gender, age, health status, etc.).

History of the Institute

Pediatrics, as a science, deals with individual children and the pediatrician diagnoses and prescribes medical and wellness procedures for each child, depending on the specific circumstances.

For a pediatrician, a children's team is the sum of individuals; for hygienists, an individual is part of a team.

For a pediatrician, the object of influence is a child, taking into account the external environment; for the hygienist, the object of influence is the external environment based on the child's reaction to this environment.

Pediatrics seeks to improve the child's body, and hygiene seeks to organize and, if necessary, transform the environment, based on the age characteristics and capabilities of the child and adolescent.

The Institute is the only research institution of this profile in the Russian Federation, is the leading scientific institution for hygiene and health protection of children and adolescents, on its basis the Scientific Council for Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is organized and operates on the problem.

Since 2000, the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, on behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, has been the National Support Center for the Russian Network of Health Schools (RSSHZ).

History of the Institute

Taking into account the tasks set by hygienic science and practical health care for the Institute, a concept of scientific research was developed, based on the uniqueness of the organism at each stage of its development, and, in this regard, involving the development of hygienic norms and regulations, taking into account the sex and age of the child, the condition his health and level of development achieved.

A scientific research methodology was developed: the use of a natural hygienic experiment in organic combination with laboratory research and methods of sanitary statistics.

On the basis of the proposed concept and methodology, the Institute carries out in-depth research on the scientific substantiation of hygiene standards and regulations, prevention methods, improving medical and psycho-social care for children and adolescents, strengthening physical, somatic, mental and reproductive health, ensuring the favorable development of children and adolescents, reducing morbidity, disability.

Since the establishment of the Institute, the following scientific areas have been developed:

  • hygiene of activity (educational, labor, professional, cognitive, sports);
  • hygiene of the material environment (layout, landscaping, microclimate, lighting, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the maintenance and operation of educational institutions; equipment, textbooks, clothing, shoes, toys, etc.);
  • food hygiene;
  • patterns of morpho-functional, psycho-physiological and psycho-social development;
  • the health status of children's groups.

The structure of the Institute corresponds to these main scientific directions of activity.

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The history of the Scientific Center for Child Health goes back to the reign of Catherine II. It was she who signed the Manifesto on the creation in Moscow of an Orphanage with a hospital for children. On September 1, 1763, the Educational Home was recognized government agency. It was he who, after many years, having undergone many reforms and transformations, began to bear the name "child health". And he earned the respect of many residents of the capital and other cities of the country.

Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 2, Scientific Center for Children's Health - this address is known to many parents whose children need qualified medical care.

Center today

Today, the Scientific Center for Children's Health (Moscow) is the largest institution in the Russian Federation, which treats not only Russian children, but also those who come from abroad. The medical center is equipped the latest equipment. A unique complex operates here, which allows diagnosing diseases in all areas and at the highest level.

In addition, the Scientific Center for Children's Health, with the help of its employees, conducts active research work in the field of pediatrics, they develop and implement technologies for reconstructive surgery for congenital malformations in children.

Composition of the Science Center

It consists of three institutes:

  • pediatrics RAMS.
  • hygiene of children and adolescents.
  • preventive pediatrics and rehabilitation treatment.

Only specialists with one hundred and fifty Candidates of Medical Sciences, ninety-six Doctors of Science, forty-eight professors and four academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences work within the walls of the center. Director - A.A. Baranov - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. All of them are active in research activities, write textbooks and monographs, patent inventions. The Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Lomonosovsky Prospekt) bears the title of "Leading Scientific School".

In addition, during the year, more than five and a half thousand children receive medical care, and more than twenty-five thousand children visit the polyclinic every day.

Center for consultation and diagnostics

The Consultative and Diagnostic Center became part of the Scientific Research Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Lomonosovsky Prospekt) in 2006.

Both paid services and services under the voluntary medical insurance system are provided here. Emergency care can be obtained at any time of the day for any child from birth to 18 years of age with unclear conditions or exacerbations of chronic diseases. Upon admission to the department, the doctor conducts a quick diagnosis of the condition. If necessary, children are placed with one of the parents in the hospital room.

The Scientific Center for Children's Health (2 Lomonosovsky Prospekt) also includes an advisory department. The work of the department is carried out in two shifts from early morning to late evening, including weekends. This is done for the convenience of working parents. It is these families who often turn to this department on Saturday and Sunday.

One hundred and sixty-three specialists are received here, assistance is provided in thirty-three pediatric areas, such as allergology, genetics, arthrology, gynecology, cardiology, physiotherapy, orthodontics, dentistry, surgery and so on.

Cabinet equipment

All CDC rooms are equipped with the latest equipment. The structure of the advisory department also includes an ENT room, where an integrated approach to the detection of ENT diseases is carried out, which includes: otoscopy, otomicroscopy, endoscopy of the nasopharynx, acoustic impedancemetry, and, if necessary, computed tomography of the temporal bones.

The Consultative and Diagnostic Center, which is part of the Scientific Center for Child Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, provides both emergency and necessary medical care for the treatment of children.

Rehabilitation centers

Doctors say that the main thing in medicine is not to cure the disease, but to prevent it. It is even more important to undergo a course of restorative medicine after treatment. The Scientific Center for Child Health includes rehabilitation centers in various areas. In such centers there are children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, who have had serious diseases of the eyes or heart, who have a developmental delay.

mental health center

The Children's Mental Health Science Center is the country's leading research institution in the field of mental illness. The main activities of this institution are as follows:

  • New methods of diagnosing, treating and preventing such diseases are being developed.
  • The latest methods of therapy and rehabilitation courses are being introduced.
  • Social adaptation of people who have undergone mental disorders.
  • Research into mental health issues is underway.
  • New forms of psychiatric care are being researched and introduced.

Mental health problems often occur in childhood. If the disease is not cured in time, it can have a devastating effect on the human brain, can lead to death (often suicide). Therefore, the Scientific Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents pays special attention to the development of issues of diagnosing mental illness, especially in the early stages of development. The research work carried out by the Scientific Center for Children's Health makes it possible to recognize the disease and, by combining harmless medications and corrective techniques, achieve significant results, and sometimes completely cure the disease.

Developments in child mental health

Huge work is being done in the direction of pathological changes in mental health in young children. Some of the developed methods are becoming standardized. This, for example, "Scheme for assessing the neuropsychic state in children under three years of age." There is also a group of scientists that studies childhood autism, studies its typology and clinical indicators. A number of corrective methods have already appeared that can alleviate the condition of sick children, make their adaptation in society more real. At this research department functions kindergarten for children with autism, which allows scientists to observe children for a longer time during the day. This helps to achieve the most correct research results and introduce special techniques.

Concept comparison method

It is known that such a mental illness as schizophrenia leads to pathology of thought processes. Employees of the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences S.E. Strogova, and A.I. Khromov developed the "Comparison of concepts" methodology for studying the violation of the mental activity of children and adolescents with this disease. After applying this effective technique, the picture of disorders becomes clear, which allows you to choose an effective treatment.

Rehabilitation Center of the Research Institute of Pediatrics

Recently, on the territory of more than six thousand square meters, a rehabilitation center was opened for one of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - the Research Institute of Pediatrics. It includes 12 branches. It develops and implements individual rehabilitation treatment programs for children. The specialists of this center plan to prepare young athletes for participation in sports olympiads, sports competitions, and competitions at various levels. This rehabilitation center also works as a Scientific Center for Child Health, conducting research in all necessary areas of activity.

Activities of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

In this scientific research institute, a lot of work is being done to develop such theoretical provisions as:

  • Adaptation of the child's body.
  • Identification of patterns of growth and development of children, the study of health status.
  • Hygienic regulation.

An analysis of the work over the past five years made it possible to identify patterns of change in the younger generation, explain the cause of the deterioration and make a forecast for the near future. Also, on the basis of research, new data were obtained on the adaptation of children to learning process and developed hygienic standards of education. Conclusions were drawn about early employment, when a child combines study and work, and the negative impact of this form of existence on the child's body was proved. The standards for carrying heavy objects for boys and girls aged 14-17 were developed and scientifically substantiated, hygiene standards were developed for vocational schools and colleges. Also carried out research on the study of clothing for children and adolescents and the materials from which it is made. Based on these studies, a list of requirements that children's clothing must meet has been compiled.

The Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is actively developing normative documentation aimed at preserving and maintaining the health of the younger generation. It is presented in the form of monographs, collections and other literature.

So, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is the largest state scientific and practical institution. He provides both the necessary medical care at the highest level, and is engaged in research activities promoting medicine in Russia.
