Synopsis of nodes research activities preparatory group. Technologies of cognitive research activity in the preparatory group

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"Research activity"

preparatory group

  1. Why does everything sound?

Target: Creating a social situation for the development of children in the process of studying children to understand the causes of sound: vibration of an object.

Materials: tambourine, glass cup, newspaper, balalaika or guitar, wooden ruler, glockenspiel.


Game "What does it sound like?" - the educator offers the children for
cover his eyes, and he himself makes sounds with the help of known to them
items. Children guess what sounds. Why do we hear these sounds? What is sound? Children are invited to voice: how does a mosquito sound?(Z-z-z.) How does a fly buzz?(W-w-w.) How does a bumblebee buzz?(Woo.)

Then each child is invited to touch the string of the instrument, listen to its sound and then touch the string with his palm to stop the sound. What happened? Why did the sound stop? The sound continues as long as the string vibrates. When it stops, the sound also disappears.

Does the wooden ruler have a voice? Children are invited to extract the sound with a ruler. We press one end of the ruler to the table, and clap our palm on the free end. What happens to the line?(trembling, hesitating) How to stop sound?(Stop the ruler from shaking with your hand)

We extract sound from a glass cup with a stick, stop. When does sound occur? The sound is produced when there is a very rapid back and forth movement of air. This is called oscillation. Why does everything sound? What else can you name the items that will sound?

  1. Clear water

Target: identify the properties of water (transparent, odorless flows, has weight).

Materials: two opaque jars (one filled with water), a wide-mouth glass jar, spoons, small dippers, a basin of water, a tray, object pictures


IN guests came droplet. Who is Droplet? What is she with
likes to play?

On the table are two opaque jars closed with lids, one of them is filled with water. Children are invited to guess what is in these jars without opening them. Are they the same weight? Which one is easier? Which one is harder? Why is she heavier? We open the jars: one is empty - therefore light, the other is filled with water. How did you guess it was water? What color is she? What does water smell like?

An adult invites children to fill a glass jar with water. To do this, they are offered a choice of different containers. What is more convenient to pour? How to make sure that water does not spill on the table? What are we doing?(Pour, pour water.) What does the vodka do?(It pours.) Let's hear how she pours. What sound do we hear?

  • When the jar is filled with water, the children are invited to play the game "Find out and name" (looking at pictures through the jar). What did you see? Why is the picture so clear?
  • What kind of water?(Transparent.) What have we learned about water?

3. We do bubble.

Target: to acquaint children with the method of making soap bubbles, with the property of liquid soap: it can stretch, forms a film.

Materials: liquid soap, soap bars, loop with a wire handle, cups, water, spoons, trays.

Description. Bear cub Misha brings a picture "A girl plays with soap bubbles." Children look at the picture. What is the girl doing? How are soap bubbles made? Can we make them? What is needed for this?

Children try to make soap bubbles by mixing a bar of soap and water. They observe what happens: they lower the loop into the liquid, take it out, blow into the loop.

Take another glass, mix liquid soap with water (1 tablespoon of water and 3 tablespoons of liquid soap). Dip a loop into the mixture. What do we see when we take out the loop? Slowly we blow into the loop. What's happening? How did the soap bubble come about? Why is a soap bubble made only from liquid soap? Liquid soap can be stretched into a very thin film. She stays in the loop. We blow out the air, the film envelops it, and a bubble is obtained.

4. Air is everywhere

Tasks: to detect air in the surrounding space and to reveal its property - invisibility.

Materials: balloons, a basin of water, an empty plastic bulk bottle, sheets of paper.

Description. Curious Little Gal makes a riddle to the children about the air.

Passes through the nose to the chest

And it's on its way back.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without it.


What do we breathe in through our nose? What is air? What is it for? Can we see it? Where is the air? How to know if there is air around?

  • Game exercise "Feel the air" - children wave a piece of paper near their face. What do we feel? We do not see air, but it surrounds us everywhere.
  • Do you think there is air in an empty bottle? How can we check this? An empty transparent bottle is lowered into a basin of water so that it begins to fill. What's happening? Why do bubbles come out of the neck? It is the water that displaces the air from the bottle. Most things that look empty are actually filled with air.

Name the objects that we fill with air. Children inflate balloons. What do we fill the balloons with? Air fills any space, so nothing is empty.

5. Light is everywhere

Tasks: show the meaning of light, explain that light sources can be natural (sun, moon, bonfire), artificial - made by people (lamp, flashlight, candle).

Materials: illustrations of events occurring at different times of the day; pictures with images of light sources; several objects that do not give light; a flashlight, a candle, a table lamp, a chest with a slot.

Description. Grandfather Know invites the children to determine whether it is dark or light now, explain their answer. What is shining now?(Sun.) What else can illuminate objects when it is dark in nature?(Moon, fire.) Invites the children to find out what is in the "magic chest" (inside the flashlight). Children look through the slot and note that it is dark, nothing is visible. How to make the box become lighter?(Open the chest, then the light will hit and illuminate everything inside it.) Opens the chest, the light hits, and everyone sees a flashlight.

L if we do not open the chest, how to make it light? Lights a flashlight, lowers it into the chest. Children look at the light through the slit.

The game “Light is different” - grandfather Know invites children to decompose pictures into two groups: light in nature, artificial light - made by people. What shines brighter - a candle, a flashlight, a table lamp? Demonstrate the effect of these objects, compare, arrange pictures with the image of these objects in the same sequence. What shines brighter - the sun, the moon, the fire? Compare the pictures and sort them according to the degree of brightness of the light (from the brightest).

6. Light and shadow

Tasks: introduce the formation of shadows from objects, establish the similarity of the shadow and the object, create images using shadows.

Materials: shadow theater equipment, lantern.

Description. Bear cub Misha comes with a flashlight. The teacher asks him: “What do you have? What do you need a flashlight for? Misha offers to play with him. The lights go out, the room darkens. With the help of a teacher, children illuminate with a flashlight and examine various objects. Why are we all good see when the flashlight shines?

Misha puts his paw in front of the flashlight. What do we see on the wall?(Shadow.) Offers the children to do the same. Why is there a shadow?(The hand interferes with the light and does not allow it to reach the wall.) The teacher suggests using the hand to show the shadow of a bunny, a dog. Children repeat. Misha gives the children a gift.

  • Game "Shadow theater". The teacher takes out a shadow theater from the box. Children are considering equipment for the shadow theater. What is special about this theatre? Why are all the figurines black? What is a flashlight for? Why is this theater called shadow? How is a shadow formed? Children, together with the bear cub Misha, look at animal figures and show their shadows.
  • Showing a familiar fairy tale, such as "Kolobok", or any other.

7. Frozen water

Task: reveal that ice is a solid, floats, melts, consists of water.

Materials: pieces of ice cold water, plates, a picture of an iceberg.

Description. In front of the children is a bowl of water. They discuss what kind of water, what shape it is. Water changes shape because it is a liquid.

Can water be hard? What happens to water if it is very cold?(The water will turn to ice.)

Examining pieces of ice. How is ice different from water? Can ice be poured like water? Children are trying to do it. What shape is the ice? Ice keeps its shape. Anything that retains its shape, like ice, is called a solid.

Does ice float? The teacher puts a piece of ice in a bowl, and
children are watching. What part of the ice is floating?(Upper.)
Huge blocks of ice float in the cold seas. They are called icebergs (image display). above the surface
only the tip of the iceberg is visible. And if the captain of the ship
does not notice and stumbles upon the underwater part of the iceberg, then
the ship may sink.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the ice that was in the plate. What happened? Why did the ice melt?(The room is warm.) What has the ice become? What is ice made of?

"Playing with ice cubes" - free activities for children:
they choose plates, examine and observe that
happens with ice.

8. Multi-colored balls

Task: get new shades by mixing primary colors: orange, green, purple, blue.

Materials: palette, gouache paints: blue, red, white, yellow; rags, water in glasses, sheets of paper with an outline image (4-5 balls for each child), flannelgraph, models - colored circles and halves of circles (corresponding to the colors of the paints), worksheets.

Description. The bunny brings the children sheets with images of balloons and asks to help him color them. Let's find out from him what color balls he likes best. What if we do not have blue, orange, green and purple paint? How can we make them?

Children together with a bunny mix two paints. If it turned out desired color, the blending method is fixed with models (circles). Then the children paint the ball with the resulting paint. So children experiment until they get all the necessary colors.

Conclusion: mixing red and yellow paint, you can get an orange color; blue with yellow - green, red with blue - violet, blue with white - blue. The results of the experiment are recorded in the worksheet (Fig. 5).

9. Sand country

Tasks: highlight the properties of sand: flowability, friability, wet can be sculpted; Learn how to make a sand painting.

Materials: sand, water, magnifiers, sheets of thick colored paper, glue sticks.

Description. Grandfather Know invites children to consider the sand: what color, try to touch (loose, dry). What is sand made of? What do sand grains look like? How can we see grains of sand?(With the help of a magnifying glass.) The grains of sand are small, translucent, round, do not stick to each other. Can you sculpt with sand? Why can't we mold anything out of dry sand? We try to blind from the wet. How can you play with dry sand? Can you paint with dry sand?

On thick paper with a glue stick, children are invited to draw something (or circle the finished drawing),
and then pour sand on the glue. Shake off excess sand
and see what happened.

Everyone looks at the children's drawings together.

10. Ringing water

Task: Show the children that the amount of water in a glass affects the sound they make.

Materials: a tray on which there are various glasses, water in a bowl, ladles, “fishing rods” sticks with a thread, at the end of which a plastic ball is fixed.

Description. There are two glasses filled with water in front of the children. How to make glasses sound? All options for children are checked (knock with a finger, objects that the children will offer). How to make sound louder?

  • A stick with a ball on the end is offered. Everyone listens to the clink of glasses of water. Do we hear the same sounds? Then grandfather Know pours and adds water to the glasses. What affects ringing?(The amount of water affects the ringing, the sounds are different.)
  • Children try to compose a melody.

11. Sunny Bunnies

Tasks: understand the cause of the appearance of sunbeams, teach how to let sunbeams (reflect light with a mirror).

Material: mirrors.

Description. Grandfather Know helps children remember a poem about a sunny bunny. When is it available?(In the light, from objects that reflect light.) Then he shows how a sunbeam appears with the help of a mirror. (The mirror reflects a ray of light and becomes a source of light itself.) Invites children to let out sunbeams (for this you need to catch a ray of light with a mirror and direct it in the right direction), hide them (covering them with your palm).

Games with a sunny bunny: catch up, catch, hide it.
Children find out that playing with a bunny is difficult: from a small movement of the mirror, it moves a long distance.

Children are invited to play with the bunny in a dimly lit room. Why doesn't the sunbeam appear?(No bright light.)

12. What is reflected in the mirror?

Tasks: introduce children to the concept of "reflection", find objects that can reflect.

Materials: mirrors, spoons, a glass vase, aluminum foil, a new balloon, a frying pan, workers

Description. An inquisitive monkey invites children to look in the mirror. Who do you see? Look in the mirror and tell me what is behind you? left? on right? Now look at these objects without a mirror and tell me if they are different from what you saw in the mirror?(No, they are the same.) The image in a mirror is called a reflection. The mirror reflects the object as it really is.

There are various objects in front of the children (spoons, foil, frying pan, vases, balloon). The monkey asks them to find all the objects in which you can see your face. What did you pay attention to when choosing a subject? Try every
Does the object feel smooth or rough to the touch? Are all items shiny? See if your reflection is the same in
all these items? Is it always the same shape? Where
get the best reflection?
The best reflection is obtained
in flat, shiny and smooth objects, they make good mirrors. Next, the children are asked to remember where
you can see your reflection on the street. (In a puddle, in a river in
shop window.)

In the worksheets, the children complete the task “Find and circle all the objects in which you can see the reflection” (Fig. 9).

13. Playing with sand

Tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about the properties of sand, develop curiosity, observation, activate children's speech, develop constructive skills.

Materials: a large children's sandbox, in which there are traces of plastic animals, animal toys, scoops, children's rakes, watering cans, a plan of a site for walks of this group.

Description. Children go outside and inspect the playground. The teacher draws their attention to unusual footprints in the sandbox. Why are footprints so clearly visible in the sand? Whose footprints are these? Why do you think so?

  • Children find plastic animals and test their assumptions: they take toys, put their paws on the sand and look for the same print. And what trace will remain from the palm? Children leave their footprints. Whose palm is bigger? Whose less? Check by applying.
  • The teacher in the paws of a bear cub discovers a letter, takes out a site plan from it. What is shown? What place is circled in red?(Sandbox.) What else could be interesting there? Perhaps some kind of surprise? Children, immersing their hands in the sand, look for toys. Who is this?

Each animal has its own home. At the fox ... (burrow), at the bear ... (den), at the dog ... (kennel). Let's build a sand house for each animal. What is the best sand to build with? How to make it wet?

Children take watering cans, pour sand. Where does the water go? Why did the sand get wet? Children build houses and
play with animals.

14. What is water like?

Tasks: clarify children's ideas about the properties of water: transparent, odorless, has weight, does not have its own shape; introduce the principle of the pipette, develop the ability to act according to the algorithm, solve an elementary crossword puzzle.

Materials and equipment: a basin with water, glasses, bottles, vessels of various shapes; funnels, cocktail straw, glass tubes, hourglass (1.3 min); algorithm for performing the experiment "Straw - pipette", oilcloth aprons, oilcloth, small buckets.

Description. Droplet came to visit the children and brought a crossword puzzle (Fig. 10). A droplet invites the children to solve it in order to find out from the answer what she will tell about today.

The letter lives in the first cell, which is hidden in the word "scoop" and is in third place in it. In the second cell, you need to write down the letter that is hidden in the word "thunder" also in third place. In the third cell lives the letter with which the word "road" begins. And in the fourth cell is the letter that is in second place in the word "mother".

Children read the word "water". The droplet invites the children to pour water into glasses, to examine it. What kind of water? Children are offered tips-schemes of examination methods (on the cards they are drawn: nose, eye, hand, tongue). The water is clear and has no odor. We will not taste it, as the water is not boiled. Rule: don't try anything if it's not allowed.

Does water have weight? How to check it? Children compare an empty glass and a glass of water. Water has weight. Does water have a shape? Children they take different vessels and pour one jar of water into them from a bucket (0.2 or 0.5 l jars). What can you do to avoid spilling water?(Funnel.) Children first pour water from the basin into buckets, and from it into vessels.

What shape is the water? Water takes the shape of the vessel in which it is poured. In each vessel, it has a different shape. Children draw vessels with water.

Which container has the most water? How can you prove that all vessels have the same amount of water? Children take turns pouring water from each vessel into a bucket. So they make sure that in each vessel there was the same amount of water, one jar.

How can you be sure the water is clear? Children are invited to look through the water in cups at toys, pictures. Children come to the conclusion that water distorts objects a little, but they can be seen well. The water is clean and transparent.

A droplet invites children to find out if it is possible to pour water from one vessel to another using a straw for a cocktail. Pictures are provided as hints. Children independently consider the task and perform it according to the algorithm (Fig. 11):

  1. Place two glasses next to each other - one with water, the other empty.
  1. Dip the straw into the water.
  1. Pinch the straw on top with your index finger and transfer to an empty glass.
  2. Remove your finger from the straw - water will flow into an empty glass.

Children do this several times, transferring water from one glass to another. It can be proposed to perform this experiment with glass tubes. What does the work of our straw remind you of? What device from the home first aid kit? The pipette works according to this principle.

The game "Who will transfer the most water in 1 (3) minutes with a pipette and a straw." The results are recorded in the worksheet (Fig. 12).

15. Why do objects move?

Tasks: to acquaint children with physical concepts: -force, "friction"; show the benefits of friction; consolidate the ability to work with a microscope.

Materials: small cars, plastic or wooden balls, books, roly-poly, rubber, plastic toys, soap bars, glasses, microscopes, sheets of paper, pencils; pictures with images confirming the benefits of friction.

Description. Vintik and Shpuntik came to visit the children - they are Dunno's friends, they are mechanics. Something they are concerned about today. Vintik and Shpuntik tell the children that for several days now they have been haunted by the question, why do objects move? For example, a car (showing a toy car) is now standing, but it can move. What makes her move?

The teacher offers to help Vintik and Shpuntik figure it out: "Our cars are standing, let's make them move."

Children push cars, pull the rope.

What made the car start moving?(We pulled, we pushed.) How to make the ball move?(You need to push it.) Children push the ball, watch the movement.

The roly-poly toy stands motionless, how can it move? (Push and it will swing.) What made all these toys move? (We pushed, we pulled.)

Nothing in the world moves by itself. Objects can only move when they are pulled or pushed. That which pulls or pushes them is called force.

Who made the car move now, the tumbler, the ball? (We.) We used our power to move objects by pushing them.

Vintik and Shpuntik thank the children, saying that they understood: force is what makes objects move. Then why, when we want to make things move that don't have wheels, like a chair, does it resist and scratch the floor?

Let's try to push the chair a little. What are we seeing!(Hard
moves.) Let's try to move, without lifting, any toy. Why is it hard to move? Try to lightly move the book on the table. Why didn't she at first
moved out of place?

Table and floor, chair and floor, toys and table, book and table, when we push them, they rub against each other. There is another force - the force of resistance. It's called friction. Scratches on the floor from a chair are caused by friction. No surface is perfectly flat.

Screw. And the surfaces of soap and glass are even and smooth.

Educator. This must be checked. What can help us to examine the surface of soap, glass? (Magnifying glass) Look at the surface of the soap. What does she look like? Sketch what the surface of the soap looks like under a magnifying glass. Examine the surface of the glass and also sketch. Show Vintik and Shpuntik your pictures.

Children draw.

Shpuntik. You have convinced us that no surface is perfectly flat. Why are pencil marks clearly visible on a sheet of paper, but almost no marks on glass?

Let's try to write on glass. The teacher draws with a pencil on the glass, and then on paper. Where is the trail best seen?

from a pencil- on glass or paper? Why? (Friction stronger on rough surfaces than on smooth ones. The friction on the glass is less, so the pencil leaves almost no marks on the glass.) Do you think friction can be beneficial? What is its use? (The rough rubber soles of climbers' shoes allow them to move over rocks without sliding down; roads and car tires have a rough surface - this prevents the car from skidding, etc.) Children look at pictures about the benefits of friction. If children find it difficult to answer, you can ask the question: “What would happen if there were no friction force?”

Vintik and Shpuntik. Thanks guys, we learned a lot from you. We understood that force makes objects move, that friction arises between objects. We will tell our friends in the Flower City about this.

Children say goodbye to Vintik and Shpuntik and give them pictures about the benefits of friction.

16. Why is it blowing wind?

Tasks, to acquaint children with the cause of the occurrence of wind - the movement of air masses; clarify children's ideas about the properties of air: hot rises - it is light, cold falls down - it is heavy.

materials, drawing "Movement of air masses", a scheme for manufacturing a turntable, a candle.

Description. Grandfather Know, to whom the children came to the laboratory, invites them to listen to the riddle and, having guessed it, find out what he will talk about today.

It flies without wings and sings, Passers-by lifts. He does not give one passage, He drives others.


How did you guess it was the wind? What is wind? Why is he blowing?

The teacher shows the scheme of experience (Fig. 18).

Grandfather Know. I made this drawing for them. This is a little tip for you. What are you 'go?(An open window, a lit candle at the top of the window and at the bottom.) Let's try this experiment.

The teacher lights a candle, brings it to the top

transoms. Where is the flame directed?(Towards the street.) What

this means?(The warm air from the room goes outside.)

He brings the candle to the bottom of the transom. Where directed

candle flame?(Toward the room.) What kind of air comes in

into the room?(Cold.) Cold air entered our room, but we did not freeze. Why?(He warmed up, the room is warm, the heating is on.) That's right, after a while the cold air heats up in the room, rises. And if we open the transom again, he will go out into the street, and cold air will flow in his place. This is how wind occurs in nature. Air movement creates wind. Grandfather Know. Who wants to explain from the picture how this happens?

Child. The sun warmed the air above the earth. It becomes lighter and rises up. Over the mountains, the air is colder, heavier, it sinks down. Then, warming up

rises up. And the one that has cooled down from the mountains again descends, to where the warm air, as it were, has made room for them. This is where the wind comes in.

Grandfather Know. How can we determine if there is wind outside?(Through the trees, with the help of a turntable, flax point, weather vane on the house.) What is the wind like?(Strong, weak, hurricane, south, north.)

17. Why don't ships sink?

Task: to identify with children the dependence of the buoyancy of objects on the balance of forces: the correspondence of the size and shape of the object with weight.

Materials: basin with water; objects: wooden, metal, plastic, rubber, cork, a piece of plasticine, feathers; matchboxes, egg packaging, foil, glass balls, beads.

Description. Pochemuchka came to visit the children and brought many different items.

Why. I threw these items into the water. Some of them swim, others sink. And why this happens, I do not understand. Explain to me please.

Educator. Why, what items did you drown zero?

Why. I don't know anymore. When I came to you, I put all the items together in one box.

Educator. Guys, let's check the buoyancy of objects. What items do you think won't sink?

The children make their suggestions.

Educator. Now check your assumptions and draw the results.

Children enter the results in the table: put any sign in the appropriate column.

What items are floating? Are they all light? Is it the same size? Does everyone float the same way?

What happens when you combine an object that floats with one that sinks?

Attach a small piece of plasticine to a cocktail straw so that it floats while standing up. Gradually add plasticine until the tube sinks. Now, on the contrary, gradually remove the plasticine. Can you make the tube float near the surface?(The tube floats near the surface if the plasticine is evenly distributed along its entire length.)

Does a plasticine ball float in water?(Checking, they find out that it is sinking.) Will plasticine float if you mold a boat out of it? Why is this happening? Educator. A piece of plasticine sinks because it weighs more than the water it displaces. The boat floats because the weight is distributed over a large surface of the water. And on standing boats they keep so well on the surface of the water that they carry not only people, but also various heavy loads. Try making a boat out of different materials: a matchbox, foil, a melted cheese box, an egg carton, a plastic tray or saucer. What cargo can your boat carry? How should the load be distributed on the surface of the boat so that it does not sink?(Evenly evenly over the entire surface.)

Why. And what is easier: to drag a boat with cargo on land or to carry on water?

Children check and give an answer to Why.

Why. Why don't ships sink? They are bigger, heavier than boats.

Educator. An object floats on the surface of water due to the balance of forces. If the weight of an object corresponds to its size, then the water pressure balances its weight and the object floats. The shape of the object is also of great importance. The shape of the ship keeps it on the water. This is because there is a lot of air inside it, thanks to which it is light, despite its huge size. It displaces more water than it weighs.

Children give Pochemuchka their boats.

18. Droplet's Journey

Tasks: to acquaint children with the water cycle in nature, explain the cause of precipitation in the form of rain and snow; expand children's ideas about the importance of water for human life; develop social skills in children: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, prove the correctness of one's opinion.

Materials: electric kettle, cold glass, illustrations on the topic “Water”, diagram “The water cycle in nature”, a geographical map or globe, mnemonic table.

Description. The teacher talks to the children and asks them a riddle:

It lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky. And when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again.


Educator. Guess what we are going to talk about today? We will continue to talk about water. On Earth, water is contained in many bodies of water. Name them. (Sea, oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, springs, swamps, ponds.)

The children look at the illustrations.

Educator. How does water in the seas and oceans differ from water in lakes, rivers, springs, swamps? In the seas and oceans, the water is salty, it is not suitable for drinking. In rivers, lakes, ponds, fresh water is used for drinking after purification. Where does water get into our apartments?(From water treatment plants.)

Our city is large, it needs a lot of clean water, so we also take a lot of water from the rivers. Why, then, does the river run out of water? How does the river replenish its reserves? Let's boil water in an electric kettle.

Children help pour water into the kettle, the teacher turns on the kettle, everyone watches it together, being at a safe distance.

What comes out of the kettle spout when water boils? Where did the steam come from in the kettle?- did we pour water?(Water turns into steam when heated.)

The teacher brings cold glass to the stream of steam. By holding some time over the steam, turns off the kettle.

Educator. Look what happened to the glass. Where did the water droplets on the glass come from? Before the experiment, the glass was clean and dry. (When the steam hit the cold glass, it turned back into water.)

You can give the children the opportunity to repeat this experience, but under the supervision of the teacher.

Educator. This is how it happens in nature (shows the diagram “The water cycle in nature” (Fig. 22)). Every day the Sun heats the water in the seas and rivers, as soon as it warms up in our kettle. Water turns into steam. In the form of vapor, tiny, invisible droplets of moisture rise into the air. At the surface of the water, the air is always warmer. The higher the steam rises, the colder the air becomes. The steam turns back into water. The droplets all come together to form a cloud. When there are a lot of water droplets, they become very heavy for the cloud and rain down on the ground.

And who can tell how snowflakes are formed?

Snowflakes form in the same way as raindrops. When it is very cold, water drops turn into ice crystals - snowflakes and fall to the ground in the form of snow. Rain and melted snow flow into streams and rivers that carry their waters to lakes, seas and oceans. They nourish the earth and give life to plants. Then the water repeats its path. This whole process is called the water cycle.

19. How can you measure length?

Tasks: expand children's ideas about measures of length: conditional measure, unit of measurement; introduce measuring instruments: ruler, centimeter tape; to develop the cognitive activity of children by getting acquainted with the measures of length in antiquity (elbow, foot, pass, palm, finger, yard).

Materials: centimeter tapes, rulers, simple pencils, paper, a piece of fabric 2-3 m long, braid or cord 1 m long, worksheets.

Description. Worksheets “Measuring the height of a chair” are laid out on the table (Fig. 24).

Educator. What task did grandfather leave us Know?(Measure the chair.) What does he propose to measure?(Slippers, pencil dashes, handkerchiefs.) Start measuring, but do not forget to write down the results.

Children take measurements.

Educator. What is the height of the chair? The results of measuring with a pencil are the same for everyone, but with a slipper and a handkerchief are different. Why? At all different length legs, different scarves. Look, Grandfather Knowing has a picture “Measurement in Ancient Egypt”. How did the ancient Egyptians measure?(Finger, palm, elbows.) Measure the chair in ancient Egyptian.

Children measure and write.

Educator. Why are there different results? Everyone has a different length of arms, the size of the palms, fingers. And in ancient Rome (referring to the picture) there was a system of measurement. What did the Romans measure?(Feet, ounces, passes, yards.) How can we measure fabric in the ancient Roman way?(Yar ladies.)

Children measure tissue, write down the result.

Educator. How many yards are in a piece of fabric? Why does everyone have different results? What if the results are different? Imagine that you decide to make a suit, measure yourself and determine that you need to buy three yards of fabric. And so you came to the store, the seller measured three yards for you. But suddenly, while sewing, you see that there is not enough fabric. You are upset. What to do to avoid such troubles? And what will Grandfather Know us?

Grandfather Know. People have long understood that the same measures are needed for all. The world's first unit of measurement is called the meter. Here is a length of one meter. (Showing a cord 1 meter long.) The meter was created two hundred years ago in France. Today, many countries use the meter. Trade between countries has become much easier and more convenient. The meter is divided into centimeters. There are one hundred centimeters in one meter (a centimeter tape is shown). What instruments for measuring length do you know?(Ruler, centimeter tape.) Look at the picture (Fig. 25). Are these the same lines?

Children's responses are heard.

Grandfather Know. You can't always trust your eyes. Check now with the HELP of the ruler. Same lines?(Yes.) Now measure a chair, a piece of fabric with a ruler, centimeter tape.

Children take measurements.

Grandfather Know. Why is everyone getting the same results now? What did you measure? Measure whatever you want. Why are measuring instruments needed?

Today we made sure that measuring instruments help us to accurately perform measurements.

20. Solid water. Why don't icebergs sink?

Tasks: clarify children's ideas about the properties of ice: transparent, solid, has a shape, melts when heated And turns into water to give an idea about icebergs, their danger to navigation.

Materials: a basin of water, a plastic fish, pieces of ice of various sizes, containers of various shapes and sizes, boats, a bathtub, pictures of icebergs.

Description. There is a bowl of water on the table, in it floats gold fish(toy), a postcard with a riddle is attached to it.

Educator. Children, a goldfish swam to us. What did she bring?(Is reading.)

Pisces live warmly in winter:

The roof is thick glass.


What is this riddle about? That's right, "the roof is thick glass" - this is ice on the river. How do fish winter?

Illustration "Properties of water"

Look, a refrigerator is also drawn on the postcard and there is a conditional “eye” icon. What does this mean?(You have to look in the refrigerator.)

We take out the ice, we consider.

Educator. Why is ice compared to glass? Why can't you put it in a window? Remember the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut". What was good about the fox's hut? What was wrong with her when spring came?(She melted.)

Educator. How can we make sure the ice is melting?(You can leave it on a saucer, and it will gradually melt.) How to speed up this process?

We put ice in a saucer on the battery.
Educator. The transformation process solid ice V

liquid is called melting. Does water have a shape? Does ice have a shape? Each of us has different pieces of ice both in shape and size. Let's put them in different containers.

  • Children lay out pieces of ice in containers, and the teacher continues the discussion by asking questions: Does ice change shape?(No.) How did you lay it out?(They took it by hand.) Ice does not change its shape wherever it is placed, and ice can be taken by hand and carried from place to place. What is ice?(Ice is water, only in the solid state.) Where is the most ice on Earth?
  • The teacher draws the attention of the children to a map or a globe and continues to talk about the fact that there is a lot of ice in the Arctic,

Antarctica. The largest glacier in the world is the Lambert Glacier in Antarctica. How do you think glaciers behave under the rays of the sun? They also melt, but they cannot melt completely. The Arctic summer is short and not hot. Have you heard of icebergs? Icebergs are huge mountains of ice that have broken away from icy shores in the Arctic or Antarctic and have been swept out to sea by the current. What happens to these pieces of ice? Do they swim or sink?

Let's check. Take ice and dip it into the water. What
happening? Why doesn't ice sink?
Buoyancy force
water is more than the weight of ice. Why don't icebergs sink?(Show
iceberg pictures.

Educator. Most of the iceberg is hidden under water. They swim in the sea for 6-12 years, gradually melt, break up into smaller pieces. Are icebergs dangerous? For whom?

Icebergs pose a great danger to ships. So, in 1912, colliding with an iceberg, the passenger ship Titanic sank. You must have heard of him? Many people died. Since then, the International Ice Patrol has monitored the movement of icebergs and warned ships of danger.

The game "Arctic sea voyage" (help in under
cooking and distribution of roles: sea patrol, ship captains). Together with the children, pour water into the bath, put pieces of ice into the water, and prepare the boats. To sum up the game: Have there been iceberg collisions? Why was the Marine Ice Patrol necessary?



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Yushina galina Mikhailovna, teacher of the first qualification category
city ​​Novosibirsk

Purpose: Development of cognitive interests of children. Tasks: Expanding horizons in terms of elementary ideas about the world around us Develop an interest in experimenting with different materials Clarify children's knowledge about water in the world around us, about the inhabitants of reservoirs Strengthen the ability to convey one's attitude to nature in stories and productive activities Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships ( dirty water - fish will die) To consolidate the methods of recognizing observation: the ability to identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials through experiments Exercise the ability to analyze the results of their own experiments Continue to teach children to observe safety rules during experiments Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions

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The scenario of the lesson on cognitive research activities in the preparatory school group "Smile"

prepared by the teacher of the 1st category Yushina Galina Mikhailovna

Purpose: Development of cognitive interests of children.

Expanding horizons in terms of elementary ideas about the world around

Develop an interest in experimenting with different materials

Clarify children's knowledge about water in the world around us, about the inhabitants of reservoirs

To consolidate the ability to convey their attitude to nature in stories and productive activities

Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships (dirty water - fish will die)

To consolidate the methods of recognizing observation: the ability to identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials through experiments

Exercise in the ability to analyze the results of their own experiments

Continue to teach children to follow safety rules during experiments

Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation “Water and its inhabitants”, 2 cups of clean water for each child, a cup of dirty water for each child, a spoon for each child, a bowl of sea salt for each child, a bowl of vegetable oil, a filter for each child, a globe, cards for writing conclusions, colored pencils

Lesson progress:

We got together again

To make it more interesting!

We learn a lot of new

So guys, let's get started!

Today, guys in our lesson, we will talk about water

SLIDE No. 1 (Globe), model of the globe (globe)

Look at the screen, what do you see?

CHILDREN: this is our planet Earth

Yes, this is the Earth, but why is there so much blue on it?

CHILDREN: it's water

How is water represented on our planet?

Children: in the form of the ocean, seas ...

And what is the water in the sea?


And what inhabitants inhabit the seas and oceans?

Indeed, the water in the seas and oceans is salty, because it is necessary for marine life, they will not be able to live in fresh water. Today in our laboratory we will try to make sea water. But first, we will repeat the rules of our laboratory:


Put on protection

Try nothing

Do everything consistently


Well, here we are ready, come to the tables.

Remind me how to make water salty?

CHILDREN: you need to mix water and salt

Quite right, for our first experiment, you need to take a glass under No. 1 spoon and a bowl of salt. Pour one tablespoon of salt into the water and mix well, but gently stir. What did we get?

CHILDREN: the salt has dissolved and the water has become salty.

There are cards in front of you, we need to write down our experiment, card number 1



Salt dissolved in water is a solution

Let's return to our planet earth, not only seas and oceans exist on it, but

What else is water in?

CHILDREN: rivers, lakes, streams

How is sea water different from river water?

CHILDREN: in the sea the water is salty, and in the river it is fresh

Of course, tell me which river flows in our city


Do you know the inhabitants of the rivers?

CHILDREN: fish….

I invite you to our laboratory, look, I brought some water from our river, what it is

Children: muddy, dirty

What to do with such water, is it suitable for human use, and will the fish be comfortable in it? Why?

Children: people should not drink such water, and such water is a threat to fish, the sun's rays do not pass through this mud, which means algae will grow poorly, fish will have nothing to eat, they may die from such water

And why did the water become so dirty, who or what pollutes it, what do you think?

Children: people throw garbage, boats pollute with gasoline ...

I suggest you purify this dirty water, make it a little cleaner, with what can you purify the water?

Children: using a filter.

In front of you is glass No. 2, there is dirty water in it, there is also an empty glass, it remains for us to make a filter for this, we will take a piece of gauze, put cotton wool in it and cover it with another layer of gauze on top, how many layers are in our filter?

Well, let's try? We pour water

What happened

And now we will write down the course of our experiment on card number 2

The children sketch

Dirty water + filter = clean water

The game "Inhabitants of the seas and rivers"

Of course, we have not completely purified the water, but this is just a drop in the ocean, but how to purify the seas and rivers? What can we do to keep our river clean?

Children: do not pollute it,


Look at the screen - it's purification facilities that purify great amount water


What do you see here

Now we will conduct an experiment that will prove to us that oil is very dangerous for the inhabitants of reservoirs.

Oil is a kind of oil

We need a glass of clean water, a spoonful of oil, add oil to the water and stir, wait a bit, what do you see?

Children: the oil did not dissolve

On card number 3, we will make a brief record of our experiment.

Water + oil = not dissolved

Similarly, oil does not dissolve in water, lies on the surface and prevents sunlight from penetrating, oxygen, and animals suffer greatly from this.

This is what oil pollution causes

Today in our laboratory we talked about water, what was interesting to you, what was difficult, what did you like? What will we conclude from this lesson?



When I call a sea dweller, you clap 1 time, and when you call a river dweller, you clap 2 times

sand and clay

Experience "Sand cone".
To acquaint with the property of sand - flowability.
Take a handful of dry sand and release it in a stream so that it falls in one place. Gradually, at the place where the sand falls, a cone is formed, growing in height and occupying an increasing area at the base. If you pour sand for a long time in one place, then in another, slips occur; the movement of sand is like a current.

Is it possible to lay a permanent road in the sands
Sand is a loose material.

Experience "What are sand and clay made of?"

Examining grains of sand and clay with a magnifying glass.

What is sand made of? /Sand consists of very finegrains - grains of sand.

How do they look? / They are very small, round /.

What is clay made of? Are the same particles visible in the clay?

In the sand, each grain of sand lies separately, it does not stick to its “neighbors”, and clay consists of very small particles stuck together. Dust particles from clay are much smaller than grains of sand.

Conclusion: sand consists of grains of sand that do not stick to each other, and clay consists of small particles that seem to firmly hold hands and press against each other. Therefore, sand figures crumble so easily, while clay figures do not crumble.

Experience "Does water pass through sand and clay?"

Sand and clay are placed in glasses. They pour water on them and see which of them passes water well. Why do you think water passes through sand, but not through clay?

Conclusion: sand passes water well, because the grains of sand are not bonded together, they crumble, there is free space between them. Clay does not let water through.

Experience " The sand can move » .

Take a handful of dry sand and release it in a trickle so that it falls in one place. Gradually, a cone is formed at the point of fall, growing in height and occupying an increasing area at the base. If you pour sand for a long time, then alloys appear in one place or another. The movement of sand is like a current.


Experience "What are the stones »
Determine the color of the stone (gray, brown, white, red, blue, etc.).
Conclusion: stones are different in color and shape

Experience "Sizing"
Are your stones the same size?

Conclusion: stones come in different sizes.

Experience "Determining the nature of the surface"
We will now stroke each stone in turn. Are the stones the same or different? Which? (Children share their discoveries.) The teacher asks the children to show the smoothest stone and the roughest.
Conclusion: the stone can be smooth and rough.

Experience "Defining the form"
The teacher invites everyone to take a stone in one hand and plasticine in the other. Squeeze both palms. What happened to the stone, and what happened to plasticine? Why?
Conclusion: stones are hard.

Experience "Examining stones through a magnifying glass"
Educator: What interesting things did you guys see? (Speckles, paths, depressions, dimples, patterns, etc.).

Experience "Determination of weight"
Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone.
Conclusion: stones are different in weight: light, heavy.

Experience "Determination of temperature"
Among your stones, you need to find the warmest and coldest stone. Guys, how and what will you do? (The teacher asks to show a warm, then a cold stone and offers to warm a cold stone.)
Conclusion: stones can be warm and cold.

Experience "Do stones sink in water?"
Children take a jar of water and carefully place one stone in the water. They are watching. Share the experience. The teacher draws attention to additional phenomena - circles went on the water, the color of the stone changed, became brighter.
Conclusion: stones sink in water because they are heavy and dense.

Experience "Easier - harder"

Take a wooden cube and try to lower it into the water. What will happen to him? (The tree floats.) Now put the stone in the water. What happened to him? (The stone is sinking.) Why? (It is heavier than water.) Why is the tree floating? (It is lighter than water.)

Conclusion: Wood is lighter than water, and stone is heavier.

Experience "Absorbs - Does not absorb"

Carefully pour some water into a glass of sand. Let's touch the sand. What has he become? (Damp, wet ). Where did the water go?(Hidden in the sand, sand quickly absorbs water). Now let's pour water into the glass where the stones lie. Do rocks absorb water?(No) Why?(Because the stone is hard and does not absorb water, it does not let water through.)

Conclusion: The sand is soft, light, consists of individual grains of sand, absorbs moisture well. The stone is heavy, hard, waterproof.

Experience "Live Stones"

Purpose: To acquaint with stones, the origin of which is associated with living organisms, with ancient fossils.

Material: Chalk, limestone, pearls, coal, various shells, corals. Drawings of ferns, horsetails, ancient forest, magnifying glass, thick glass, amber.

Check what happens if you squeeze lemon juice on a stone. Place the pebble in the buzzing glass, listen. Tell us about the result.

Conclusion: Some stones "hiss" (chalk - limestone).

Scientific experience "Growing stalactites"


Refine knowledge based on experience.

To evoke the joy of discoveries gained from experience. (soda, hot water, food coloring, two glass jars, thick woolen thread).

First of all, we prepare a supersaturated soda solution. So, we have prepared a solution in two identical jars. We put the jars in a quiet, warm place, because growing stalactites and stalagmites requires peace and quiet. We move the banks apart, and put a plate between them. We release the ends of the woolen thread into the jars so that the thread sags over the plate. The ends of the thread should fall to the middle of the cans. It will turn out such a suspension bridge made of woolen thread, the road from can to can. At first, nothing interesting will happen. The thread should be saturated with water. But after a few days, the solution will gradually begin to drip from the thread onto the plate. Drop by drop, slowly, just like in mysterious caves. First, a small bump will appear. It will grow into a small icicle, then the icicle will become bigger and bigger. And below, a tubercle will appear on the plate, which will grow upwards. If you have ever built sand castles, you will understand how it happens. Stalactites will grow from top to bottom, while stalagmites will grow from bottom to top.

Experience "Can stones change color?"

Put one stone in the water and pay attention to it. Get the rock out of the water. What is he? (Wet.) Compare with a stone that lies on a napkin. What is the difference? (Color.)

Conclusion: Wet stone is darker.

Experience "Circles in the water"

Submerge the stone in water and see how many circles went. Then add the second, third, fourth stone and observe how many circles went from each stone, and write down the results. Compare results. See how these waves interact.

Conclusion: From a large stone, the circles are wider than from a small one.

Experience "Stones make sounds."

Do you think stones can make sounds?

Tap them against each other. What do you hear?

These stones talk to each other and each of them has its own voice.

Now, guys, I'm going to put some lemon juice on one of your pebbles. What's happening?

(Stone hisses, gets angry, doesn't like lemon juice)

Conclusion: stones can make sounds.

Air and its properties

Experience "Acquaintance with the properties of air"

Air, guys, is a gas. Children are invited to look at the group room. What do you see? (toys, tables, etc.) And there is also a lot of air in the room, it is not visible on it, because it is transparent, colorless. To see the air, you need to catch it. The teacher offers to look in a plastic bag. What's there? (it's empty). It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we draw air into the bag, tie it. Our bag is full of air and is like a pillow. Now let's untie the bag, let the air out of it. The package became thin again. Why? (There is no air in it). Again we will draw air into the bag and let it out again (2-3 times)

Air, guys, is a gas. It is invisible, transparent, colorless and odorless.

Take a rubber toy and squeeze it. What will you hear? (Whistling). This is the air coming out of the toy. Close the hole with your finger and try to squeeze the toy again. She doesn't shrink. What's stopping her? We conclude: the air in the toy prevents it from being compressed.

See what happens when I put a glass in a jar of water. What are you observing? (Water is not poured into the glass). Now I will gently tilt the glass. What happened? (Water poured into the glass). The air came out of the glass and the water filled the glass. We conclude: air takes up space.

Take a straw and dip it into a glass of water. Slightly blow into it. What are you observing? (Bubbles are coming) yes, that proves that you are exhaling air.

Put your hand on your chest, inhale. What's happening? (chest rises). What happens to the lungs at this time? (They fill with air.) And when you exhale, what happens to the chest? (She goes down.) What happens to our lungs? (Air comes out of them.)

We conclude: when you inhale, the lungs expand, filling with air, and when you exhale, they contract. Can we not breathe at all? Without breath there is no life.

Experience "Dry out of water"

Children are invited to turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the jar. To draw the children's attention to the fact that the glass must be held evenly. What happens? Does water get into the glass? Why not?

Conclusion: there is air in the glass, it does not let water into it.

The children are invited to lower the glass into the jar of water again, but now they are invited to hold the glass not straight, but slightly tilted. What appears in the water? (visible air bubbles). Where did they come from? Air leaves the glass and water takes its place. Conclusion: the air is transparent, invisible.

Experience "How much does air weigh?"

Let's try to weigh the air. Take a stick about 60 cm long. Fasten a rope in its middle, to both ends of which we will tie two identical balloons. Hang the stick by the string in a horizontal position. Invite the children to think about what would happen if you pierced one of the balloons with a sharp object. Poke a needle into one of the inflated balloons. Air will come out of the balloon, and the end of the stick to which it is tied will rise up. Why? The balloon without air became lighter. What happens when we pierce the second ball too? Check it out in practice. You will regain your balance. Balloons without air weigh the same as inflated ones.

Experience "Air is always in motion"

Goal: Prove that air is always in motion.


1. Stripes light paper(1.0 x 10.0 cm) in an amount corresponding to the number of children.

2. Illustrations: windmill, sailboat, hurricane, etc.

3. Hermetically sealed jar with fresh orange or lemon peels (you can use a perfume bottle).

Experience "Movement of air"

Gently take a strip of paper by the edge and blow on it. She deviated. Why? We exhale the air, it moves and moves paper strip. Let's blow on the palms. You can blow harder or weaker. We feel strong or weak movement of air. In nature, this tangible movement of air is called wind. People have learned to use it (illustration), but sometimes it is too strong and brings a lot of trouble (illustration). But the wind is not always there. Sometimes there is windless weather. If we feel the movement of air in the room, this is called a draft, and then we know that a window or window is probably open. Now in our group the windows are closed, we do not feel the movement of air. Interestingly, if there is no wind and no draft, then the air is still? Consider a hermetically sealed jar. It has orange peels. Let's sniff the jar. We do not smell because the jar is closed and we cannot inhale air from it (air does not move from the closed space). Will we be able to inhale the smell if the jar is open, but far from us? The teacher takes the jar away from the children (approximately 5 meters) and opens the lid. There is no smell! But after a while, everyone smells oranges. Why? The air from the can moved around the room. Conclusion: The air is always in motion, even if we do not feel the wind or draft.

Experience " Air properties. Transparency » .

We take a plastic bag, fill the bag with air and twist it. The bag is full of air, it is like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now untie the bag and let the air out of it. The bag has become thin again, because there is no air in it. Conclusion: the air is transparent, in order to see it, it must be caught.

Experience " There is air inside empty objects » .

Take an empty jar, lower the jar vertically down into a bowl of water, and then tilt it to the side. Air bubbles come out of the jar. Conclusion: the jar was not empty, there was air in it.

Experience "Method of detecting air, air is invisible"

Purpose: To prove that the jar is not empty, it contains invisible air.


2. Paper napkins - 2 pieces.

3. A small piece of plasticine.

4. A pot of water.

Experiment: Let's try to put it in a pot of water paper napkin. Of course she got wet. And now, with the help of plasticine, we fix exactly the same napkin inside the jar at the bottom. Turn the jar upside down and gently lower it into a pot of water to the very bottom. The water completely covered the jar. Carefully take it out of the water. Why did the napkin stay dry? Because there is air in it, it does not let water in. It can be seen. Again, in the same way, lower the jar to the bottom of the pan and slowly tilt it. Air flies out of the jar in a bubble. Conclusion: The jar only seems empty, in fact - there is air in it. Air is invisible.

Experience "Invisible air around us, we inhale and exhale it."

Purpose: To prove that there is invisible air around us, which we inhale and exhale.


1. Glasses of water in an amount corresponding to the number of children.

2. Cocktail straws in an amount corresponding to the number of children.

3. Strips of light paper (1.0 x 10.0 cm) in an amount corresponding to the number of children.

Experience: Carefully take a strip of paper by the edge and bring the free side closer to the spouts. We begin to inhale and exhale. The strip is moving. Why? We inhale and exhale the air that moves the paper strip? Let's check, try to see this air. Take a glass of water and exhale into the water through a straw. Bubbles appeared in the glass. This is the air we exhale. The air contains many substances that are beneficial for the heart, brain and other human organs.

Conclusion: We are surrounded by invisible air, we inhale and exhale it. Air is essential for human life and other living beings. We can't stop breathing.

Experience "Air can move"

Goal: Prove that invisible air can move.


1. Transparent funnel (you can use a plastic bottle with a cut off bottom).

2. deflated balloon.

3. A saucepan with water, lightly tinted with gouache.

Experience: Consider a funnel. We already know that it only seems empty, in fact - there is air in it. And can it be moved? How to do it? We put a deflated balloon on the narrow part of the funnel and lower the funnel with a bell into the water. As the funnel is lowered into the water, the balloon expands. Why? We see that the water fills the funnel. Where did the air go? The water displaced it, the air moved into the balloon. We tie a ball with a thread, we can play it. The balloon contains the air that we moved from the funnel.

Conclusion: Air can move.

Experience "Air does not move from an enclosed space"

Purpose: To prove that air cannot move from an enclosed space.


1. Empty glass jar 1.0 liter.

2. Glass pot with water.

3. Styrofoam boat with mast and paper or cloth sail.

4. Transparent funnel (you can use a plastic bottle with a cut off bottom).

5. A deflated balloon.

Experience: A boat floats on water. The sail is dry. Can we lower the boat to the bottom of the pot without wetting the sail? How to do it? We take a jar, hold it strictly vertically with the hole down and cover the boat with a jar. We know that there is air in the can, therefore the sail will remain dry. Carefully lift the can and check it out. Again we will cover the boat with a jar, and we will slowly lower it down. We see how the boat sinks to the bottom of the pan. We also slowly raise the jar, the boat returns to its place. The sail stayed dry! Why? There was air in the jar, it displaced the water. The ship was in a bank, so the sail could not get wet. There is also air in the funnel. We put a deflated balloon on the narrow part of the funnel and lower the funnel with a bell into the water. As the funnel is lowered into the water, the balloon expands. We see that the water fills the funnel. Where did the air go? The water displaced it, the air moved into the balloon. Why did water displace water from the funnel, but not from the jar? The funnel has a hole through which air can escape, but the jar does not. Air cannot escape from the closed space.

Conclusion: Air cannot move from an enclosed space.

Experience "The volume of air depends on temperature."

Purpose: To prove that the volume of air depends on temperature.


1. Glass test tube, hermetically sealed with a thin rubber film (from a balloon). The tube is closed in the presence of children.

2. A glass of hot water.

3. Glass with ice.

Experience: Consider a test tube. What is in it? Air. It has a certain volume and weight. We close the test tube with a rubber film, not pulling it very hard. Can we change the volume of air in a test tube? How to do it? It turns out we can! Immerse the test tube in a glass of hot water. After a while, the rubber film will become noticeably convex. Why? After all, we did not add air to the test tube, the amount of air did not change, but the volume of air increased. This means that when heated (increase in temperature), the volume of air increases. Take a test tube out of hot water and place it in a glass with ice. What do we see? The rubber film has visibly retracted. Why? After all, we did not release air, its quantity again did not change, but the volume decreased. This means that when cooling (decreasing temperature), the volume of air decreases.

Conclusion: The volume of air depends on temperature. When heated (increase in temperature), the volume of air increases. When cooling (decreasing temperature), the volume of air decreases.

Experience "Air helps fish swim."

Objective: Explain how an air-filled swim bladder helps fish swim.


1. A bottle of sparkling water.

2. Glass.

3. A few small grapes.

4. Fish illustrations.

Experience: Pour carbonated water into a glass. Why is she called that? It has a lot of small air bubbles. Air is a gaseous substance, so water is carbonated. Air bubbles rise quickly and are lighter than water. Throw a grape into the water. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But bubbles, similar to small balloons, will immediately begin to sit on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up. Bubbles will burst on the surface of the water, and the air will fly away. The heavy grape will again sink to the bottom. Here it will again be covered with air bubbles and resurface. This will continue several times until the air from the water is "exhausted". Fish swim in the same way with the help of a swim bladder.

Conclusion: Air bubbles can lift objects in water. Fish swim in the water with the help of an air-filled swim bladder.

Experience "Floating orange".

Goal: Prove that there is air in the orange peel.


1. 2 oranges.

2. Large bowl of water.

Experience:Place one orange in a bowl of water. He will swim. And even if you try hard, you won't be able to drown him. Peel the second orange and put it in the water. Orange drowned! How so? Two identical oranges, but one drowned and the other floats! Why? There are many air bubbles in the orange peel. They push the orange to the surface of the water. Without the peel, an orange sinks because it is heavier than the water it displaces.

Conclusion:An orange does not sink in water because the peel has air in it and keeps it on the surface of the water.

Water and its properties

Experience " drop shape » .

Drop a few drops of water from a bottle on a saucer. Hold the dropper high enough from the saucer so that the children can see what shape the drop comes from the neck and how it falls.

Experience « What does water smell like » .

Offer the children two glasses of water - clean and with a drop of valerian. Water begins to smell of the substance that is put into it.

Experience "Melting ice".

Cover the glass with a piece of gauze, securing it with a rubber band around the edges. Put a piece of icicle on the gauze. Place bowl with ice in a warm place. The icicle decreases, the water in the glass is added. After the icicle has completely melted, emphasize that the water was in a solid state, but turned into a liquid.

Experience "Evaporation of water".

We collect some water in a plate, measure its level on the wall of the plate with a marker and leave it on the windowsill for several days. Looking into the plate every day, we can observe the miraculous disappearance of water. Where does the water go? It turns into water vapor - evaporates.

Experience "Turning steam into water."

Take a thermos with boiling water. Open it so that the children can see the steam. But we still need to prove that steam is also water. Place a mirror over the steam. Droplets of water will appear on it, show them to the children.

Experience "Where did the water disappear?"

Purpose: To identify the process of water evaporation, the dependence of the evaporation rate on conditions (open and closed water surface).

Material: Two dimensional identical containers.

Children pour an equal amount of water into a container; together with the teacher make a mark of the level; one jar is closed tightly with a lid, the other is left open; both banks put on the windowsill.

During the week, the evaporation process is observed, making marks on the walls of the containers and recording the results in the observation diary. They discuss whether the amount of water has changed (the water level has fallen below the mark), where the water has disappeared from the open can (water particles have risen from the surface into the air). When the container is closed, evaporation is weak (water particles cannot evaporate from a closed container).

Experience "Different water"

Educator: Guys, let's take a glass and pour sand into it. What happened? Can this water be drunk?

Children: No. She is dirty and ugly looking.

Educator: Yes, indeed, such water is not suitable for drinking. What needs to be done to make it clean?

Children: It needs to be cleaned of dirt.

Educator: And you know, this can be done, but only with the help of a filter.

We can make the simplest filter for water purification with you using gauze. Watch how I do it (showing how to make a filter, then how to install it in a jar). Now try to make your own filter.

Independent work of children.

Educator: Everyone did everything right, what a great fellow you are! Let's try how our filters work. We will very carefully, little by little, pour dirty water into a glass with a filter.

The children are working on their own.

Educator: Carefully remove the filter and look at the water. What has she become?

Children: The water is clear.

Educator: Where did the oil go?

Children: All the oil is left on the filter.

Educator: We have learned the easiest way to purify water. But even after filtration, water cannot be drunk immediately, it must be boiled.

Experience "The water cycle in nature"

Purpose: To tell children about the water cycle in nature. Show the dependence of the state of water on temperature.


1. Ice and snow in a small saucepan with a lid.

2. Electric stove.

3. Refrigerator (in kindergarten you can arrange with the kitchen or medical office to put the experimental saucepan in the freezer for a while).

Experience 1: We will bring solid ice and snow home from the street, put them in a saucepan. If you leave them for a while in a warm room, they will soon melt and you will get water. What was the snow and ice like? Snow and ice are hard, very cold. What kind of water? She is liquid. Why did solid ice and snow melt and turn into liquid water? Because they got warm in the room.

Conclusion: When heated (increase in temperature), solid snow and ice turn into liquid water.

Experience 2: We put the saucepan with the resulting water on the electric stove and boil. Water boils, steam rises above it, there is less and less water, why? Where does she disappear to? She turns into steam. Steam is the gaseous state of water. What was the water like? Liquid! What has become? Gaseous! Why? We increased the temperature again, heated the water!

Conclusion: When heated (increase in temperature), liquid water turns into a gaseous state - steam.

Experience 3: We continue to boil water, cover the saucepan with a lid, put a little ice on top of the lid and after a few seconds we show that the bottom of the lid is covered with drops of water. What was the couple like? Gaseous! What was the water like? Liquid! Why? Hot steam, touching the cold lid, cools and turns back into liquid drops of water.

Conclusion: When cooling (reducing the temperature), the gaseous vapor again turns into liquid water.

Experience 4: Let's cool our saucepan a little, and then put it in the freezer. What will happen to her? She will turn to ice again. What was the water like? Liquid! What did she become, freezing in the refrigerator? Solid! Why? We froze it, that is, reduced the temperature.

Conclusion: When cooling (decrease in temperature), liquid water again turns into solid snow and ice.

General conclusion: In winter it often snows, it lies everywhere on the street. You can also see ice in winter. What is it: snow and ice? It is frozen water, its solid state. The water is frozen because it is very cold outside. But then spring comes, the sun warms, it gets warmer outside, the temperature rises, the ice and snow heat up and begin to melt. When heated (increase in temperature), solid snow and ice turn into liquid water. Puddles appear on the ground, streams flow. The sun is getting hotter. When heated, liquid water turns into a gaseous state - steam. The puddles dry up, the gaseous vapor rises higher and higher into the sky. And there, high up, cold clouds meet him. When cooled, the gaseous vapor turns back into liquid water. Droplets of water fall to the ground, as from a cold saucepan lid. What is it that turns out? It's rain! It rains in spring, summer and autumn. But most of all it rains in autumn. Rain pours on the ground, puddles on the ground, a lot of water. It's cold at night, the water freezes. When cooled (reducing the temperature), liquid water turns back into solid ice. People say: “There were frosts at night, it was slippery outside.” Time passes, and after autumn comes winter again. Why is it now snowing instead of raining? And these, it turns out, are droplets of water, while falling, managed to freeze and turn into snow. But now spring comes again, snow and ice melt again, and all the wonderful transformations of water repeat again. This story repeats itself with solid snow and ice, liquid water and gaseous vapor every year. These transformations are called the water cycle in nature.

Experience " Protective properties of snow » .

Place jars with the same amount of water: a) on the surface of a snowdrift, b) buried shallowly in the snow, c) buried deep in the snow. Observe the condition of the water in the jars. Draw conclusions why snow protects plant roots from freezing.

Experience « Revealing the mechanism of frost formation » .

We take very hot water out into the cold and hold a branch over it. It is covered with snow, but it is not snowing. Branch more and more in a dream gu. What is this? This is frost.

Experience « Ice is lighter than water » .

Drop a piece of ice into a glass filled to the brim with water. The ice will melt, but the water will not overflow. Conclusion: Water, which turned into ice, takes up less space than ice, that is, it is heavier.

Experience « Water properties » .

Continue to introduce children to the properties of water: when it freezes, water expands. On an evening walk in hard frost a glass bottle filled with water is taken out and left on the surface of the snow. The next morning, the children see that the bottle has burst. Conclusion: the water, turning into ice, expanded and broke the bottle.

Experience " Why don't ships sink? »

Lead the children to the conclusion why ships do not sink. Lower metal objects into a container of water, watching how they sink. Dip a tin can into the water, gradually loading it with metal objects. The kids will make sure the jar stays afloat.


Experience "Attracts - does not attract"

You have objects mixed up on the table, disassemble the objects in this way: on a black tray, put all the objects that the magnet attracts. On a green tray, put those that do not react to the magnet.

Q: How do we check it?

D: With a magnet.

Q: To check this, you need to hold a magnet over objects.

Let's get started! Tell me what did you do? And what happened?

D: I passed the magnet over the objects, and all the iron objects were attracted to it. This means that the magnet attracts iron objects.

Q: And what objects did the magnet not attract?

D: The magnet did not attract: a plastic button, a piece of cloth, paper, a wooden pencil, an eraser.

Experience "Does a magnet act through other materials?"

Fishing game

Will magnetic forces pass through water? Now we will check it. We will catch fish without a rod, only with the help of our magnet. Swipe the magnet over the water. Get started.
Children hold a magnet over the water, iron fish at the bottom are attracted to the magnet.
-Tell us what you did and what worked for you.
-I held a magnet over a glass of water, and the fish lying in the water was attracted, magnetized.

Conclusion - Magnetic forces pass through water.

Game-experience "Butterfly flies"

Guys, what do you think, can a paper butterfly fly?
-I will put a butterfly on a sheet of cardboard, a magnet under the cardboard. I will move the butterfly along the drawn paths. Start experimenting.
- Tell us what you did and what you got.
- The butterfly is flying.
-And why?
-The bottom of the butterfly also has a magnet. A magnet attracts a magnet.
-What moves a butterfly? (magnetic force).
-That's right, magnetic forces have their magical effect.
-What can we conclude?
-Magnetic force passes through the cardboard.
-Magnets can act through paper, so they are used, for example, to attach notes to the metal door of the refrigerator.
-What conclusion can be drawn? Through what materials and substances does the magnetic force pass?

Conclusion - Magnetic force passes through the cardboard.
-That's right, the magnetic force passes through different materials and substances.

Experience "How to get a paper clip out of the water without getting your hands wet"

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the properties of a magnet in water.

Material: Basin with water iron objects.

When removing the paperclips after the children's experiments, Uznayka "accidentally" drops some of them into a bowl of water (such a bowl with toys floating in it "accidentally" turns out to be near the table at which the children are experimenting with magnets).

The question arises how to get paper clips out of the water without getting your hands wet. After the children manage to pull the paper clips out of the water with the help of a magnet, it turns out that the magnet acts on iron objects in water too.

Conclusion. Water does not interfere with the action of the magnet. Magnets act on iron and steel, even if they are separated from it by water.

Experience "Magnetic Theater"

Target: Develop creative imagination children in the process of finding ways to use magnets, dramatization of fairy tales for the "magnetic" theater. Expand the social experience of children in the process of joint activities (distribution of responsibilities). To develop emotional and sensory experience, the speech of children in the process of dramatization games.

Material: Magnet, steel clips, sheets of paper. Materials needed for drawing, appliqué, origami (paper, brushes and paints or pencils, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue).

Children are invited as a surprise for the birthday of the gnome Wizard to prepare a performance in the theater, which uses magnets (the gnome Wizard is very fond of them).

A "hint" for the device of a magnetic theater is an experiment in which a paper clip moves along a paper screen under the influence of a magnet.

As a result of searches - experimentation, reflection, discussion - children come to the conclusion that if any light steel objects (paper clips, circles, etc.) are attached to paper figures, they will be held by a magnet and move across the screen of this help (at the same time, the magnet is brought to the screen from the other side, invisible to the viewer).

After choosing a fairy tale for staging in a magnetic theater, children draw scenery on a paper stage-screen and make “actors” - paper figures with pieces of steel attached to them (they move under the influence of magnets controlled by children). At the same time, each child chooses the most appropriate ways for him to portray "actors":

Draw and cut;

Make an application;

Made using origami, etc.

In addition, it is advisable to make special invitations for the Wizard dwarf and all other guests. For example, such: We invite everyone to the first performance of the amateur children's magnetic theater "MIRACLE-MAGNIT".

Experience "Catch a fish"

Target: To develop the creative imagination of children in the process of finding ways to use magnets, inventing plots for games using them. To expand the transformative and creative experience of children in the process of designing games (drawing, coloring, cutting). To expand the social experience of children in the process of joint activities - the distribution of responsibilities between its participants, the establishment of deadlines for work, the obligation to comply with them.

Material: Board game "catch a fish"; books and illustrations to help children come up with plots for "magnetic" games; materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of the game "Catch a fish" and other "magnetic" games (in an amount sufficient for each child to take part in the manufacture of such games).

Invite the children to consider the printed board game “Catch a Fish”, tell how to play it, what are the rules and explain why the fish are “caught”: what they are made of, what the “rod” is made of, how, thanks to which it is possible to “catch” paper fish with a fishing rod - a magnet.

Invite the children to make their own game. Discuss what is needed to make it - what materials and tools, how to organize the work (in what order to do it, how to distribute responsibilities between "manufacturers").

In the course of the children's work, draw their attention to the fact that all of them - "manufacturers" - depend on each other: until each of them finishes his part of the work, the game cannot be made.

After the game is ready, invite the children to play it.

Experience "Power of magnets"

Target: Learn how to compare the strength of a magnet.

Material: Large horseshoe-shaped and medium-sized strip magnet, paper clips.

Invite the children to determine which magnet is stronger - a large horseshoe or a medium-sized strip magnet (this may be a dispute in which fairy-tale characters familiar to children participate). Consider each of the children's suggestions on how to find out which magnet is stronger. Children do not need to formulate their sentences verbally. The child can express his thought visually, acting with the objects necessary for this, and the teacher (or the dwarf Knower), together with others, helps to verbalize it.

As a result of the discussion, two ways of comparing the strength of magnets are revealed:

1. by distance - the stronger is the magnet that will attract the steel object (paperclip), at a greater distance (the distances between the magnet and the place where the paperclip attracted by it are compared);

2. by the number of paper clips, the magnet that holds a chain with a large number of steel clips at its pole is stronger (the number of paper clips in chains “grown” at the poles of the magnets is compared), or by the density of iron filings adhering to the magnet.

Pay attention to experiments - "tips" with two magnets of different strengths, which can be shown to children in case of their difficulties:

1. identical steel paper clips, one of the magnets attracts from a greater distance than the other;

2. one magnet holds at its pole a whole chain with more paper clips than the other (or a thicker “beard” of iron filings).

Have the children use these experiments to determine which of the magnets is stronger, and then explain how they guessed what the answer “prompted” to them.

By counting the number of paper clips at the poles of different magnets and comparing them, children come to the conclusion that the strength of a magnet can be measured by the number of paper clips held in a chain near its pole.

Thus, the paper clip in this case is a "measurement" for measuring the strength of the magnet.

Additionally. You can take other steel objects instead of paper clips (for example, screws, pieces of steel wire, etc.) and make chains of them at the poles of magnets. This will help children to be convinced of the conditionality of the chosen "measurement", in the possibility of replacing it with others.

Experience "What determines the strength of a magnet?"

Target: Develop logical and mathematical experience in the process of comparing the strength of a magnet through objects.

Material: Large tin can, small piece of steel.

The muddler gnome offers to make a big magnet. He is sure that a large iron can will make a strong magnet - stronger than a small piece of steel.

Children give their suggestions about what makes the best magnet: from a large tin can or from a small piece of steel.

You can test these proposals experimentally: try to rub both objects equally, and then determine which one is stronger (the strength of the resulting magnets can be judged by the length of the "chain" of identical iron objects held at the magnetic pole).

But for such an experimental verification, a number of problems must be solved. In order to equally rub both future magnets, you can:

rub both pieces of steel with the same number of movements (two children rub, and two teams count the number of movements made by each of them);

rub them for the same time and do it at the same pace (in this case, you can use an hourglass or a stopwatch to fix the rubbing time, or you can simply start and finish this action for two children at the same time - by clap; to maintain the same pace, in this case, you can use a uniform check).

As a result of the experiments performed, the children come to the conclusion that a stronger magnet is obtained from steel objects (for example, from a steel needle). From a tin can, the magnet is very weak or does not work at all. The size of the item doesn't matter.

Experience "Electricity helps to make a magnet"

Target: To introduce children to the method of making a magnet using an electric current.

Material: A battery from a flashlight and a spool of thread, on which copper insulated wire 0.3 mm thick is evenly wound.

The future magnet (steel rod, needles, etc.) is inserted inside the coil (as a core). The size of the future magnet should be such that its ends protrude somewhat from the coil. By attaching the ends of the wire wound on the coil to the battery from a pocket flashlight and thereby letting the electric current flow through the coil wire, we will magnetize the steel objects inside the coil (the needles should be inserted inside the coil, picking them up with their “ears” in one direction, with the tips in another).

In this case, the magnet, as a rule, turns out to be stronger than when it is made by rubbing a steel strip.

Experience "Which magnet is stronger?"

Target: Compare the strengths of magnets made in different ways.

Material: Three magnets of different shapes and sizes, steel paper clips and other metals.

Invite the children to compare the properties of three magnets (using paper clips or other steel objects as "yardsticks" to measure the strength of the magnets):

the magnet resulting from this experience;

a magnet made by rubbing a steel strip;

prefabricated magnet.

Experience "Magnetic Arrow"

Target: Introduce the properties of a magnetic needle.

Material: Magnet, magnetic needle on a stand, needle, stripes of red and of blue color, cork, vessel with water.

Show the children a magnetic needle (on a stand), give them the opportunity to experimentally verify that it is a magnet.

Have the children place the magnetic needle on the stand (making sure it can spin freely on it). After the arrow stops, the children compare the location of its poles with the location of the poles of magnets rotating on threads (or with magnets floating in bowls of water), and come to the conclusion that their location is the same. This means that the magnetic needle - like all magnets - shows where the Earth is north and where it is south.

Note. If your location does not have a magnetic arrow on the stand, you can replace it with an ordinary needle. To do this, you need to magnetize it, marking the north and south poles, respectively, with strips of red and blue paper (or threads). Then - put the needle on the cork, and place the cork in a flat vessel with water. Floating freely in the water, the needle will turn in the same direction as the magnets.

Experience "Compass"

Target: To introduce the device, the operation of the compass and its functions.

Material: Compass.

1. Each child puts the compass in his palm and “opens” it (an adult shows how to do this), watches the movement of the arrow. As a result, the children once again figure out where the north is, where the south is (this time with the help of a compass).

Team game.

Children stand up, put the compasses in their palms, open them and follow the commands. For example: take two steps north, then two steps south, three more steps north, one step south, etc.

Teach children to find east and west with a compass.

To do this, find out what the letters mean - C, Yu, Z, B - which are written inside the compass.

Then let the children turn the compass in their palm so that the blue end of its arrow "looks" at the letter C, i.e. - on North. Then the arrow (or match), which (mentally) connects the letters Z and B, will show the direction "west - east" (actions with a cardboard arrow or match). Thus, children find west and east.

Playing "Teams" with the "use" of all sides of the horizon.

Experience "When a magnet is harmful"

Target: Learn how a magnet affects the environment.

Material: Compass, magnet.

Let the children make their guesses about what will happen if you put a magnet near the compass? - What will happen to the arrow? Will she change her position?

Test the children's assumptions experimentally. By bringing the magnet to the compass, the children will see that the compass needle moves with the magnet.

Explain the observed: a magnet that has approached a magnetic needle affects it more than earthly magnetism; the arrow-magnet is attracted to the magnet, which has a stronger effect on it compared to the Earth.

Remove the magnet and compare the readings of the compass with which all these experiments were carried out with the readings of others: it began to show the sides of the horizon incorrectly.

Find out with the children that such "tricks" with a magnet are harmful to the compass - its readings "go astray" (therefore, it is better to take only one compass for this experiment).

Tell the children (you can do this on behalf of Uznayka) that a magnet is also harmful for many devices, the iron or steel of which can become magnetized and begin to attract various iron objects. Because of this, the readings of such devices become incorrect.

A magnet is harmful to audio and video cassettes: both the sound and the image on them can deteriorate and become distorted.

It turns out that a very strong magnet is also harmful to humans, since both humans and animals have iron in their blood, which the magnet acts on, although this is not felt.

Find out with your children if a magnet is harmful to the TV. If you bring a strong magnet to the screen of a TV that is on, the image will be distorted, and the color may disappear. after the magnet is removed, both should be restored.

Please note that such experiments are dangerous for the “health” of the TV also because you can accidentally scratch the screen or even break it with a magnet.

Let the children remember and tell the Finder about how to “protect themselves” from a magnet (using a steel screen, a magnetic anchor.

Experience "Earth is a magnet"

Target: Reveal the effects of the earth's magnetic forces.

Material: A plasticine ball with a magnetized safety pin, magnet, glass of water, ordinary needles, vegetable oil.

Conducting an experiment. An adult asks the children what will happen to the pin if you bring a magnet to it (it will be attracted, since it is metal). They check the action of the magnet on the pin, bringing it with different poles, explain what they saw.

Children find out how the needle will behave near the magnet, performing the experiment according to the algorithm: grease the needle with vegetable oil, carefully lower it to the surface of the water. From a distance, slowly at the level of the surface of the water, a magnet is brought up: the needle turns with its end to the magnet.

Children lubricate the magnetized needle with fat, gently lower it to the surface of the water. Notice the direction, gently rotate the glass (the needle returns to its original position). Children explain what is happening by the action of the magnetic forces of the Earth. Then they consider the compass, its device, compare the direction of the compass needle and the needle in the glass.

Experience "Aurora Borealis"

Target: Understand that the aurora is a manifestation of the magnetic forces of the Earth.

Material: Magnet, metal filings, two sheets of paper, a straw for a cocktail, a balloon, small pieces of paper.

Conducting an experiment. Children put a magnet under a sheet of paper. Metal filings are blown from another sheet at a distance of 15 cm through a tube onto paper. Find out what is happening (the filings are arranged in accordance with the poles of the magnet). The adult explains that the magnetic forces of the earth act in the same way, delaying the solar wind, the particles of which, moving towards the poles, collide with particles of air and glow. Children, together with an adult, observe the attraction of small pieces of paper to a balloon electrified by friction against hair (pieces of paper - particles solar wind, ball - Earth).

Experience "Unusual picture"

Target: Explain the action of magnetic forces, use knowledge to create a picture.

Material: Magnets of various shapes, metal filings, paraffin, a strainer, a candle, two glass plates.

Conducting an experiment. Children are looking at a picture made using magnets and metal filings on a paraffin plate. An adult invites children to find out how it was created. They check the effect of magnets of various shapes on sawdust, pouring them out onto paper, under which a magnet is placed. Consider the manufacturing algorithm unusual picture, perform all actions in sequence: cover a glass plate with paraffin, install it on magnets, pour sawdust through a sieve; lifting, heat the plate over the candle, cover with a second plate, make a frame.

Experiment "A magnet draws the Milky Way"

Target: to introduce children to the property of a magnet to attract metal, to develop interest in experimental activities.

Material: magnet, metal filings, a sheet of paper with the image of the night sky.

Conducting an experiment. Observation with adults of the night sky, where the Milky Way is clearly visible. We pour sawdust imitating the Milky Way onto the sky map with a wide strip. On the reverse side we bring the magnet and slowly move it. The sawdust depicting the constellations begin to move across the starry sky. Where the magnet has a positive pole, the filings are attracted to each other, creating unusual planets. Where the magnet has a negative pole, the sawdust repel each other, depicting separate night luminaries.

Material properties.

Experience "Glass Relatives"

Purpose: To learn objects made of glass, faience, porcelain. Compare their qualitative characteristics and properties.

Game material: Glass cups, earthenware goblets, porcelain cups, water, paints, wooden sticks, activity algorithm.

Game progress: Children remember the properties of glass, list the qualitative characteristics (transparency, hardness, fragility, water resistance, thermal conductivity). An adult talks about how glass glasses, faience goblets, and china cups are "close relatives". He proposes to compare the qualities and properties of these materials, determining the algorithm for conducting the experiment: pour tinted water into three containers (transparency degree), put them in a sunny place (thermal conductivity), tap the cups with wooden sticks (“ringing porcelain”). Summarize the identified similarities and differences.

Experience "World of Paper"

Purpose: To know different kinds paper (napkin, writing, wrapping, drawing), compare their quality characteristics and properties. Understand that the properties of a material determine the way it is used.

Game material: Squares cut out of different types paper, water containers, scissors.

Game progress: Children consider different types of paper. Reveal common qualities and properties: burns, gets wet, wrinkled, torn, cut. An adult finds out from children how then the properties of different types of paper will differ. The children make their guesses. Together they determine the activity algorithm: crumple four different pieces of paper -> tear in half -> cut into two parts -> lower into a container of water. It is revealed which type of paper wrinkles faster, gets wet, etc., and which one is slower.

Experience "World of fabric"

Purpose: To learn different types of fabrics, to compare their qualities and properties; understand that the properties of the material determine the way it is used.

Game material: Small pieces of fabric (velveteen, velvet, faux fur), scissors, water containers, activity algorithm:

Game progress: Children examine things sewn from different types of fabrics, pay attention to general characteristics material (crumples, tears, cuts, gets wet, burns). The algorithm for conducting a comparative analysis of different types of fabric is determined: crumple -> cut each piece into two parts -> try to break it in half - “lower it into a container with water and determine the wetting rate” - draw a general conclusion about the similarities and differences in properties. An adult focuses the attention of children on the dependence of the use of a particular type of fabric on its qualities.

Experience "Wood World"

1. "Light - Heavy"

Guys, lower the wooden and metal bars into the water.

Children lower the materials into a basin of water.

What happened? Why do you think the metal bar sank immediately? (children's thoughts)

What happened to the wooden block? Why didn't he drown, swim?

The teacher leads the children with questions to the idea that the tree is light, so it did not drown; metal is heavy, it sank.

Guys, let's mark these properties of materials in the table.

How do you think our material friends can get across the river? (reflections and answers of children)

The teacher leads the children to the idea that with the help of a tree, metal can be transported to the other side (put metal on a wooden block - the metal will not sink).

So friends moved to the other side. The wooden block was proud, because he rescued his friend. Friends go further, and on their way they have the next obstacle.

What obstacle did your friends encounter along the way? (fire)

Do you think the material friends will be able to continue their journey? What happens to metal if it gets into a fire? With a tree? (reflections and answers of children)

Let's check.

2. "On - off"

The teacher lights the spirit lamp, alternately heats a piece of wood and metal. Children are watching.

What happened? (wood burns, metal heats up).

Let's reflect these properties of materials in the table.

Since Metal does not burn, he helped his friends get over the fire. He became proud and decided to tell about himself to his friends and you guys.

Guys, tell me, if the objects are made of metal, then what are they ... (metal), from wood - (wooden).

We decided to move on. They go and argue about which of them is the loudest.

Guys, what do you think, what material is the most sonorous? (reflections and answers of children). Let's check.

3. "3 sounds - does not sound"

Guys, you have spoons on your tables. What are they made of? (wood, plastic, metal)

Let's take wooden spoons and knock them together. What sound do you hear: deaf or voiced?

Then the procedure is repeated with metal and plastic spoons.

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: metal makes the most ringing sound, and wood and plastic make a deaf sound.

These properties are marked in the table.

Friends go further. They walked for a long time, tired. Friends saw the house and decided to rest in it.

Guys, what material is the house built from? (children's answers)

Is it possible to build a house from metal, plastic? (children's answers)

Why? (children's thoughts)

4. "Warm - cold"

Guys, I suggest you conduct an experiment. Let's check which material is the warmest.

Take a wooden plate in your hands. Gently place it on your cheek. What do you feel? (children's answers)

The procedure is repeated with metal and plastic plates. The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that wood is the warmest material.

So, it is better to build houses from .... (wood)

Let's mark it in our table.

Guys, our table is full, look at it. Let's remember once again what properties wood, metal and iron have.

Experience "Transparency of substances"

To acquaint children with the property of transmitting or retaining light (transparency). Offer children a variety of objects: transparent and opaque (glass, foil, tracing paper, a glass of water, cardboard). With the help of an electric flashlight, children determine which of these objects transmit light and which do not.

Experience "Solar Lab"

Show objects of what color (dark or light) heat up faster in the sun.

Move: Spread sheets of paper on the window in the sun different colors(among which there should be sheets of white and black). Let them bask in the sun. Have the children touch these sheets. Which leaf will be the hottest? Which one is the coldest? Conclusion: Dark sheets of paper heated up more. Dark-colored objects trap heat from the sun, while light-colored objects reflect it. That's why dirty snow melts faster than clean snow!

Experience "Is it possible to glue paper with water?"

We take two sheets of paper and move them one to the other in the other direction. We wet the sheets with water, press lightly, squeeze out excess water, try to move the sheets - they do not move (Water has a gluing effect).

Experience "Secret thief of jam. Or maybe it's Carlson?

Grind the pencil lead with a knife. Let the child rub his finger with the prepared powder. Now you need to press your finger to a piece of adhesive tape, and stick the adhesive tape to a white sheet of paper - your baby's fingerprint pattern will be visible on it. Now we will find out whose prints were left on the jar of jam. Or maybe it was Carloson who flew in?

Experience "Secret letter"

Let the child make a drawing or inscription with milk on a blank sheet of white paper, lemon juice or table vinegar. Then heat up a sheet of paper (preferably over a device without open flame) and you will see how the invisible turns into the visible. The impromptu ink will boil, the letters will darken, and the secret letter will be readable.

Experience "Dancing Foil"

Cut aluminum foil (shiny chocolate or candy wrappers) into very narrow, long strips. Run the comb through your hair, and then bring it close to the sections.

The stripes will begin to dance. This attracts to each other positive and negative electric charges.


Experience "Do roots need air?"

Purpose: to identify the cause of the plant's need for loosening; prove that the plant breathes with all organs.

Equipment: a container with water, the soil is compacted and loose, two transparent containers with bean sprouts, a spray bottle, vegetable oil, two identical plants in pots.

Course of the experiment: Students find out why one plant grows better than another. Consider, determine that in one pot the soil is dense, in the other - loose. Why is dense soil worse? They prove it by immersing identical lumps in water (water passes worse, there is little air, since fewer air bubbles are released from dense earth). They clarify whether the roots need air: for this, three identical bean sprouts are placed in transparent containers with water. Air is injected into one container using a spray gun, the second is left unchanged, in the third - a thin layer of vegetable oil is poured onto the surface of the water, which prevents the passage of air to the roots. They observe the change in seedlings (it grows well in the first container, worse in the second, in the third - the plant dies), draw conclusions about the need for air for the roots, sketch the result. Plants need loose soil to grow, so that the roots have access to air.

Experiment "Plants drink water"

Purpose: to prove that the root of the plant absorbs water and the stem conducts it; explain the experience using the knowledge gained.

Equipment: curved glass tube inserted into a rubber tube 3 cm long; adult plant, transparent container, tube holder.

Course of experience: Children are offered to use an adult balsam plant on cuttings, put them in water. Put the end of the rubber tube on the stump remaining from the stem. The tube is fixed, the free end is lowered into a transparent container. Water the soil, observing what is happening (after a while, water appears in the glass tube and begins to drain into the container). Find out why (water from the soil through the roots reaches the stem and goes further). Children explain using knowledge about the functions of stem roots. The result is drawn.

Experiments with plants

We need: celery; water; blue food coloring.

Theoretical part of the experience:

In this experiment, we invite the child to learn how plants drink water. "Look what I have in my hand? Yes, it's celery. What color is it? That's right, green. This plant will help you and me to learn and see how plants drink! Remember, each plant has roots that are in The roots of the plant get their nourishment The same way plants drink water The roots of plants are made up of little, little cells.

At this stage of the experiment, it is desirable to additionally use the technique of commented drawing, that is, immediately draw arbitrarily what you are talking about. Cells inside a plant and water molecules can be drawn on whatman paper or chalk on a blackboard.

"Water also consists of very small cells, molecules. And since they are also constantly moving in a chaotic manner like this (show with the help of hand movements), they begin to penetrate each other, that is, mix. Let's now see how this happens" .

Practical part of experience:

Take a glass of water, let the child add food coloring and stir it thoroughly until completely dissolved. Remember: the more obvious you want to see the result, the more concentrated the dye solution should be. Then have the child place the celery in a bowl of colored water and let it sit for a few days. By the middle of the week, your baby's surprise will have no limits.

Experience with movement in the stem of a plant » .

2 jars of yogurt, water, ink or food coloring, plant (clove, narcissus, celery sprigs, parsley). Pour the ink into the jar. Dip the stems of the plant in a jar and wait. After 12 hours, the result will be visible. Conclusion: Colored water rises along the stem thanks to thin tubules. This is why plant stems turn blue.

Experience "Make a rainbow at home"

We will need:

glass container;




Practical part of experience:

On a sunny day, fill a large glass container with water.

Then dip the mirror into the water.

Move this mirror and find a position where a rainbow forms on the walls of the room. You can fix the position of the mirror with plasticine.

Let the water calm down so that the rainbow is more distinct, and then draw the rainbow as you see it.

Experience "Establish how distance from the sun affects air temperature"
Material: two thermometers, table lamp, long ruler.
Take a ruler and place one thermometer at the 10 cm mark and the second thermometer at the 100 cm mark. table lamp at the zero mark of the ruler. Turn on the lamp. In 10 minutes. Compare the readings of both thermometers. The nearest thermometer shows a higher temperature.
The thermometer, which is closer to the lamp, receives more energy, therefore, heats up more. The farther the light from the lamp spreads, the more its rays diverge; they cannot heat the far thermometer much. The same thing happens with the planets.
You can also measure the air temperature on the sunny side and in the shade on the site.

The soil

Experience "What is the soil made of"

Show what soil is made of.

We put a little soil on a sheet of paper, consider, determine the color, smell, rub the lumps of earth, find the remains of plants. We look at the microscope.

B. Microbes live in the soil (they turn humus into mineral salts, which are so necessary for plants to live).

Experience "Air in the soil"

Target. Show that there is air in the soil.

Equipment and materials. Soil samples (loose); water jars (for each child); a large jar of water from the teacher.

Conducting an experiment. Remind that in the Underground Kingdom - the soil - there are many residents (earthworms, moles, beetles, etc.). What do they breathe? Like all animals, air. Offer to check if there is air in the soil. Dip a soil sample into a jar of water and offer to observe if air bubbles appear in the water. Then each child repeats the experience independently and draws the appropriate conclusions. Together they find out: who has more air bubbles in the water.

Experience "Soil pollution"

Target. Show how soil pollution occurs; discuss the possible implications of this.

Equipment and materials. Two glass jars with soil samples and two transparent containers with water; in one - clean water, in the other - dirty (solution washing powder or soap so that the foam is clearly visible).

Conducting an experiment. Have the children look at the water in both containers. What is the difference? Say that one has pure rainwater; in the other dirty water, which remained after washing. At home, we pour such water into the sink, and outside the city we simply splash it on the ground. Invite the children to express their hypotheses: what will happen to the earth if it is poured with clean water? What if it's dirty? Pour the soil in one jar with clean water, in the other with dirty water. What changed? In the first jar, the soil became wet, but remained clean: it will be able to water a tree, a blade of grass. What about the other bank? The soil became not only wet, but also dirty: soap bubbles and streaks appeared. Place the jars side by side and offer to compare soil samples after watering. Ask the children the following questions.

If they were in the place of an earthworm or a mole, what kind of soil would you choose for your home?

How would they feel if they had to live in a dirty land?

What would they think of the people who polluted the soil? What would they ask for if they could speak?

Has anyone seen how dirty water gets into the soil?

Make a conclusion: in life, as in fairy tales, there is "living water" (it falls into the ground along with rain, melted snow; it waters plants, animals), but there is also "dead" water - dirty (when it enters the soil , underground inhabitants have a bad time: they can get sick and even die). Where does "dead" water come from? It flows down factory pipes, gets into the ground after washing cars (show the appropriate illustrations or look for such places in your immediate surroundings on a walk, of course, not forgetting about safety rules). In many places on our planet, the earth-soil is polluted, "sick" and can no longer feed and water the plants with clean water, and animals cannot live in such soil. What follows from this? We need to take care of the Underworld, try to make it always clean. In conclusion, discuss what the children (each of them), their parents, educators can do for this. Tell us about the fact that in some countries they have learned to "treat" the soil - to clean it of dirt.

Experience "Trampling the soil"

Target. Show that as a result of trampling the soil (for example, on paths, playgrounds), the living conditions of underground inhabitants worsen, which means that there are fewer of them. Help children to independently come to the conclusion about the need to comply with the rules of behavior on vacation.

Equipment and materials. For the soil sample: the first is from a site that is rarely visited by people (loose soil); the second - from a path with densely packed earth. For each sample jar of water. Labels are glued on them (for example, on a jar into which you will lower a soil sample from a path, a silhouette of a human footprint cut out of paper, and on another - a drawing of any plant).

Conducting an experiment. Remind the children where the soil samples were taken from (it is better to take them with the children in areas that are familiar to them). Offer to express your hypotheses (where there is more air in the soil - in places that people like to visit, or where a person’s foot rarely sets foot), justify them. Listen to everyone who wants to, generalize their statements, but do not evaluate them, because the children must be convinced of the correctness (or incorrectness) of their assumptions in the process of conducting the experiment.

At the same time, dip the soil samples into jars of water and observe which one has more air bubbles (loose soil sample). Ask the children where it is easier for underground dwellers to breathe? Why is there less air "under the path"? When we walk on the ground, we "press" on its particles, they seem to be compressed, there is less and less air between them.

Experience "How water moves in the soil"

Pour dry earth into a flower pot or canned food tin with holes in the bottom. Place the pot in a bowl of water. It will take some time, and you will notice that the soil is wetted to the very top. When there is no rain, plants live off the water that rises from the deeper layers of the soil.

Experience "The soil contains water"

Heat a lump of earth in the sun, then hold cold glass on it. Water droplets form on the glass. Explain that the water that was contained in the soil turned into steam from heating, and on the cold glass the steam turned into water again - it became dew.

Experience " With earthworms » .

At the bottom of the jar we pour the soil, on top - a layer of sand. We put a few dry leaves and 3-5 earthworms on the sand. Lightly pour the contents of the jar with water and put the jar in a dark, cool place. In two or three days we will consider what happened in the bank. There are dark, earthy lumps on the sand, reminiscent of those we saw on the path in the morning. Some of the leaves are pulled underground, and the sand “leaked” through the soil in paths, showing us the paths along which soil builders moved in the bank, eating plant remains and mixing the layers.

Synopsis of the GCD in the preparatory group for cognitive research activities "Take care of your health!"

Completed by: educator MADOU "D / S No. 18" Pogrebnaya E.Yu.

Target: to develop the child's cognitive interest in their health.

Tasks: develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize; to develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to draw conclusions. Cultivate an emotionally valuable attitude towards the world around.

Material: color illustrations, balloon, magnetic board.

caregiver: Guys, are you in a good mood today? (children's answers) Am I in a good mood too? Did you guess why? (children's answers) The most important of all that you have listed is health! Do you know where health is hiding?

caregiver: Today we will find the answer to the question: "Where is health hiding?" Sit back and listen to the legend:

“Once upon a time, on Mount Olympus, the gods lived. They created seas and mountains, forests and oceans... The gods got bored and decided to create a human being and populate our planet Earth. They began to decide: what should a person be like?

And the gods decided to hide the most important thing that a person has - health. They began to think and decide: where to hide health? They offered to hide health behind high mountains, in the blue sea. And one of the gods suggested: health should be hidden in the person himself.

This is how people have been living since ancient times, trying to find their health. Yes, not everyone can find and save the priceless gift of the gods - HEALTH.

This means that health turns out to be hidden in me, and in you, and in you, and in each of us. Guys, do you feel healthy? Listen to yourself. What does it mean to be healthy? And what do you think? Are you healthy? Why? (children's answers)

I'll tell you a secret! Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays, these rays live in every cell of your body.

The first ray of your health is strength! What kind of people do you consider strong? (children's answers). Where is the power hiding? (children's answers). Strength is hidden in the muscles. Check your muscles. Are they strong? What needs to be done to keep the muscles strong? (children's answers). You need to do exercises, lift weights, push up from the floor. Proverb: Strength strengthens human health.

Here is the first beam! (I expose an illustration - athletes)

To find out the second ray, I will show you a trick. (from hot air balloon release air). What happened in the ball? (children's answers). What kind of invisible person was sitting in the balloon? (children's answers). That's right - air!

There is no life without breathing, Without breathing, the light fades, Birds and flowers breathe, He breathes, and I, and you!

Let's check it out!


    Try taking a deep breath of air.

    Cover your mouth and nose with your palm.

What do you feel? (children's answers). Why couldn't they be without air for a long time? (children's answers).

Right! It was every cell in our body that rebelled and demanded air. Without air, we will die. Where is the cleaner air? (children's answers). In order for us to go to the “street”, we need to get dressed. Let's get dressed!


We bought mittens, and of course felt boots. We put on a warm coat, a warmer hat. And let's go for a walk soon ... We walk through snowdrifts, over steep-browed snowdrifts. Raise your leg, pave the way for others. We walked, we walked, our legs were tired. We'll rest a little and then we'll go to play!

caregiver: Breathe through the nose, breathe correctly. Guys, what is in the air? (children's answers).

The composition of the air includes oxygen, which is released by plants. Air that is rich in oxygen is clean air. It is always easier to breathe in the forest, especially in coniferous. And who's to say why? (children's answers). Coniferous forests contain many volatile substances - phytocides, these substances kill harmful microbes.

The second ray of health is air! (illustration of trees)

Let's talk about the third ray of health - healthy food. Why does a person need food? Food is the fuel of the body, food contains vitamins. Without food, a person becomes weak, he Bad mood, pale skin. Guys, do you know how to choose healthy products? Now let's check!

Didactic game"To the grocery store"

Well done! You know how to choose healthy products!

A conversation about vitamins contained in vegetables, fruits, products that are useful for the human body.

The next ray is water!

Why water is health? (children's answers)

Proverb: Cleanliness is the key to health.

To be healthy, you need to follow the daily routine, wash your hands before eating, temper and be in good mood.

May all illnesses recede and health be strong!

Redkina Tatyana Pavlovna

Educator, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 65", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Redkina T.P. Experimental research activities of children of the preparatory group in the process of GCD (ecology) // Owl. 2017. N3(9)..12.2019).

Order No. 36491

In our difficult contradictory time, the question is especially acute: “How to raise a child today as a person of tomorrow? What knowledge to give him on the road tomorrow? The comprehension of this issue should take place through the awareness of a sharply changed social order: yesterday a performer was needed, and modern society needs an active person capable of cognitive and active self-realization, to the manifestation of research activity and creativity in solving vital problems. Preschool education designed to ensure the self-development and self-realization of the child, to promote the development of research activity and initiative of the preschooler (N.N. Poddyakov, A.N. Poddyakov, O.V. Dybina, O.L. Knyazeva).

While implementing the Rainbow program (T.N. Doronova, V.V. Gerbova, T.I. Grizik, etc.), I encountered a contradiction. One of the tasks is the task of developing independence, purposefulness in children, the ability to set a task and achieve its solution. But the task is not connected with research methods of teaching. Its implementation is based on reproductive, explanatory and illustrative teaching methods. In the program of S.N. Nikolaeva "Young Ecologist" also, in my opinion, lacks research activities. Most of the recommended activities are conversation based.

Therefore, in my work, I actively use research method. Research activity contributes to the formation of the preschooler's subjective position in the knowledge of the world around him, thereby ensuring readiness for school. It should be emphasized that in preschool age important prerequisites are being created for the purposeful development of children's research activity: developing possibilities of thinking, the formation of cognitive interests, the development of productive and creative activity, and the expansion of interaction. Experimentation is the main type of orienting research (search) activity. And it is no coincidence that in the works of many domestic teachers N.N. Poddiakova (1995), A.P. Usovoi, E.L. Panko says that it is experimentation that claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool childhood, the basis of which is cognitive orientation; that the child's need for new experiences underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible research activities aimed at understanding the world around. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops. By the time of entering the first grade, the child should be able to solve such complex problems as:

Be able to see the problem and ask questions;

be able to prove;

draw conclusions;

Make assumptions and make plans to test them.

It is the research method that is one of the main methods that helps the preschooler to solve the above tasks. After all, experimentation includes an active search for solutions to problems, making assumptions, implementing the hypothesis put forward in action, and building accessible conclusions. That is, children's experimentation is a good means intellectual development preschoolers and the most successful way of acquainting children with the world of their living and inanimate nature.

Therefore, I developed a system of experimental activities in the classroom of ecology.

The system of experimental activities in the classroom of ecology. preparatory group


activity theme

Purpose of activity


"Planet Earth in Peril"

"Globe with your own hands"

Create a globe with the children to work with during the year.

Modeling of the planet (papier-mâché), with parts of land, relief. Description in the methodology of working with children (2, p. 10)

"Inhabitants of our corner of nature."

"Plants drink"

Show children the vital activity of plants (water consumption).

A cutting of a flowering plant is placed in a glass of tinted water (with white flowers, balsam is better - it has a quick absorption of liquid). The flower of the plant will turn the color of the water dye.

Why is the flower colored? (the plant “drinks”, carries water to all parts)

Moisture-loving and drought-resistant


Moisture-loving and drought-resistant

Show the adaptability of plants to habitat conditions in places with high and low humidity; methods of accumulation, conservation of moisture and vice versa.

Break off several cuttings or individual leaves (drought-resistant: crassula, aloe, moisture-loving: balsam, begonia leaf) and trace the changes. Moisture-loving ones will wilt. Why? They have wide leaves with a thin covering skin that actively evaporate moisture. And drought-resistant remained unchanged. They accumulate water in the stems and leaves, the leaves are covered with a thick skin to reduce the evaporation of moisture, and the cacti have reduced the leaves into needles to retain the moisture accumulated in the trunk.

"Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"

“Is it a white polar bear? And why doesn't the polar bear freeze?

Show how transparent hairs of wool form the white fur of a bear.

On the eve of the lesson, you should conduct an experiment “Which surface heats up more: white or black?”.

View a photo of the skin of a bear through a multimedia projector - it is black.

To warm up better. But she's under white fur, and White color repels the sun's rays. View photo of wool polar bear- they are transparent.

So why is the bear's skin white? Follow how the color of the silhouette of a "black" bear changes when several layers of a transparent polyethylene film are applied to it. The bear has become white and invisible in the snow, and transparent hairs let the sun's rays through to the bear's dark skin and warm it in severe frosts.

"Talk about Autumn"

Why do leaves turn yellow in autumn

Show children the dependence of chlorophyll production by plants on the length of daylight hours.

This experience should begin about a week in advance. So that the lesson was already a result. Put the plant in a dark cabinet and put it in a permanent place for a couple of hours, or cover one sheet with photographic film and do not remove the plant anywhere (this is more humane to a living object). Chlorophyll is produced only in the light. There is no light - the leaf turns yellow (there is always a yellow pigment in plants).

"Introduction to frogs and their life in natural conditions"

"Why are the frog's eyes and nostrils on the same level"

Show the fitness of a frog to be in two habitats at the same time.

Invite the children to immerse the rubber frog toys in water so that only the nostrils and eyes are on the surface. Show a photo of such a frog pose on a multimedia projector.

Why does a frog need such a feature?

So that their skin does not dry out in the sun, so that they are not visible to land predators, and the frogs themselves see everything around and could breathe air. Offer to do the same with a hare, wolf toy ...

What animals have this feature? (hippopotamus, crocodile) Why?

"How the frog sees"

Show the features of the vision of frogs.

Tie a fishing line to the pointer to the end of the fishing line, tie a plastic fly, but do not show the children what is at the end of the fishing line. Wave a pointer with a fly in front of the children.

Did you see what was at the end of the line? (No). Put the "fly" on the table. - Have you seen who it is?

The frog sees the opposite. Moving objects are good, but stationary ones are not seen at all. She does not see stationary objects, because they are not dangerous and not edible.

"Comparison of fish and frogs".

"How Fish See"

Show the features of fish vision, adaptability to the environment; dependence of the development of different sense organs on the depth of habitat and the degree of water transparency.

Sit in small groups around transparent containers (you can use 3-liter jars) filled with clear water. Look at each other, approaching close to the containers.

Can you see each other well? (Yes). Then look back at a distance.

Can you see each other well? (Badly)

This is how fish see - they are short-sighted.

Pour the milk into the water containers and look through the muddy water.

Good visibility? (I can not see anything).

How do fish navigate in muddy, dark, bottom water?

Show on the multimedia projector the lateral line of fish and bottom fish with barbels (catfish, burbots)

"Conversation about the mole"

"How the mole sees"

Show the adaptability of the mole to the underground lifestyle.

Consider the eyes of a mole in the photo. There are eyes, but the eyelids have grown together. Invite the children to put on glasses with an opaque film (turn into a mole).

Look at each other, do you see well? (I can not see anything)

Now look at the lamps and move your hand in front of your eyes. What do you see? (shadows by hand). Why does the mole see like that? (sight underground, in complete darkness is not needed).

"Why does the mole's fur lie in different directions»

take a bite natural fur(mole) and push it through the tube (burrow tunnel) along the growth of wool and against.

How easier was it for the "mole" to pass through the tunnel? (according to hair growth)

Why does the mole's hair fall in different directions? (so that the mole does not get stuck in the hole, it can easily move both forward and backward).

"Blind diggers"

Project "Blind diggers"

Show the variety of animals adapted to life underground.

Presentation "Blind diggers"

"What do we know about birds?"

"How Birds See"

Show the dependence of the location of the eyes on the type of food.

Invite the children to stand up, because the dove flies high. -Where are the eyes located? (on the sides) - Turn your head to the right, as far as possible, look around with your eyes. Remember what you see. This is how much a dove sees with its right eye. Now turn your head to the left. The left eye was on its side. See how much the bird sees with its left eye. Does a pigeon see a lot? (everything around you)

Now look at the owl. Does she have the same eyes? (straight) Why is the dove on the sides, and the owl straight? (a pigeon needs to see a predator, a way to escape, and an owl aims at a prey in front of it). Offer to identify birds of prey and prey from photographs (golden eagle, tit or others, with a clearly defined direction of gaze). Note: the direction of the eyes is clearly expressed in animals (cats - mice, tigers - antelopes, wolves - hares).

"Flight of a sheet of paper"

Show the importance of air support area for flight.

Invite the children to take two sheets of paper, crumple one into a ball and lower them at the same time from the height of their raised hands.

Which leaf fell first? (crumpled) - Why?

The straightened leaf is light and wide, rests on the air, so it can glide a little. Draw an analogy with the spread wing of a bird.

"Let's save the beautiful Christmas tree!"

"Christmas trees - schoolgirls"

Show how many trees are cut down for the holiday.

To begin with, draw an analogy with human age. Christmas trees up to 10 years old are called schoolgirls. Offer to calculate how many Christmas trees will be cut down for the families of children attending a group, two groups, the entire kindergarten, 3 kindergartens in the village? The number is huge and very striking to children.

"Like a squirrel, a hare and an elk spend the winter in the forest"


Specify the adaptive features of animals.

Modeling disguise. Description in the methodology of working with children (2, p. 64)

"Forest floors"

Show that all animals occupy their food niche in the forest. And no one bothers anyone.

Modeling of forest floors. Description in the methodology of working with children (2, p. 64)

"The wolf and the fox are forest predators"

Whose legs are faster

Show how a feature of appearance affects the way food is obtained.

Modeling with the help of "legs - compasses". Description in the methodology of working with children (2. p. 72) It is better to prepare for each child or a set for two.

Mobile game "Catch a hare"

Explain why wolves gather in packs in winter.

Summer - one child "wolf" catches up with the child "hare". Winter is the same child, but with an elastic band at the calf level (simulation of difficult running in the snow) catches up with the hare (the hare is much lighter than the wolf and does not fall deep into the snow, so the legs are free). Can't catch up. Get some more kids to help. The “flock” drives the hare into the ring. Conclusion: one wolf in the forest cannot survive, but it is easier for a pack to feed.

"Forest in human life"

"How did the pattern appear on the surface of wooden furniture"

Show how a texture pattern is formed on wooden surfaces.

Roll out two layers of plasticine of different colors, put on top of each other and roll into a roll. With a stack moistened with water, cut the roll at different angles. Before this work, it is advisable to show the children straight cuts of trees, with a clear pattern of annual rings.

"Reserved places and monuments of nature"

The plot game "Uncultured tourists"

Show how specimens of flora and fauna are actively disappearing from nature due to ecological illiteracy of people.

Lay out photographs of flowers and invite children - "uncivilized tourists" who "picked" just one flower each, to the "excursion". How many disappeared and did not give offspring of flowers? The same game can be played with insects, shells, and other objects of nature.

"Who needs water?"

"Drop by drop"

Show how much water is lost due to leaking faucets.

Start the activity in the washroom, paying attention to the dripping faucet. - A lot in a drop of water? How much water goes down the drain from a dripping faucet?

Offer to put a container under a dripping faucet and check at the end of the lesson how much water has dripped. For persuasiveness, you can make several marks during the day.

"Inhabitants of the Water"

Photo-riddles "Animal of the reservoir"

Strengthening the ability to determine by appearance representatives of various ecosystems.

Looking at photographs of unfamiliar animals, identify by their appearance and choose those that are adapted to living in water (desman, platypus, sea otter, marsh turtle, newt, etc. it all depends on the knowledge of children).

"What lives in water, what grows in water"

"Why wilted vallisneria"

Show children the complete dependence on water of aquatic plants.

Pinch off a leaf of Vallisneria (you can use any aquatic plant). She literally begins to wither before our eyes.

"Why is the willow crying"

Show the children guttation (from lat. Gutta - a drop, the secretion of drip liquid water by the leaves of plants) willow

Put wet and wrung out woolen threads of “willow stalks” into a container with water, so that the threads hang from the container. After a few seconds, water begins to drip from them.

Willow is one of the few woody plants capable of guttation. It occurs when more water is absorbed by the roots than evaporated by the leaves.

Holiday "Earth, happy birthday to you!"

Within the framework of the holiday, various actions were carried out: “The second life of the bottle”; "Clean yard"; "Pure group", etc.

"Aibolit's green service - spring care for indoor plants"

Show the methods of plant reproduction, types of root system.

Planting and transplanting indoor plants.


  1. Nikolaeva S.N. The program of environmental education of preschoolers "Young Ecologist"
  2. Nikolaeva S.N. Education of the beginnings of ecological culture in preschool childhood: a methodology for working with children in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. M.: New school, 1995.
  3. Ivanova A.I. Natural scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten. Human. M.: Sfera, 2005.
