The scenario of the event for the new year in the library. How Libraries Celebrated the New Year

We offer a version of the children's New Year's holiday with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, the program includes riddles, active contests, songs and dance entertainment.

Scenario New Year's holiday for children of different ages- universal, exciting and very cheerful, it is easy to organize and conduct in any team, especially since the musical accompaniment is attached (thanks to the author!)

Scenario of the New Year's holiday

To the soundtrack, the Snow Maiden enters the hall, examines beautiful Christmas tree, a bright hall and draws attention to children.

Snow Maiden:


Happy Holidays my little friends!

You recognized me? Remember who I am

Children (in chorus): Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: That's right, Snow Maiden!

And since I came to the kids,

So, the holiday is in the yard!

Everyone meets New Year,

They lead a round dance,

Everyone is waiting for gifts and miracles.

Well, that's how it will be today!

Children's New Year's noise maker "So as not to freeze ..."

Now let's dive into the New Year's fairy tale,

But first, let's make some noise and warm up!

So that we do not freeze in the evil frost -

Let's hold on to our noses! (Snow Maiden shows)

So that there is no trouble with the doctors -

Rubbing your frozen cheeks like this! (shows)

So that the hands do not freeze - clap! (claps hands)

And now let's warm our feet and stomp (shows)

And we'll tickle the neighbor a little (The Snow Maiden affectionately tickles several guys)

And, of course, let's laugh together! (ha ha ha)

And now, since you are warm, I have a question:

Who will add fun to everyone?

Children (in chorus): Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Yes, we really need Santa Claus,

Let's call him all together, together: "Santa Claus!"

Children (in chorus): Santa Claus!

(to download - click the file)

Under the song "Well, of course, Santa Claus," Santa Claus himself comes out. He greets everyone, inspects the Christmas tree, throws snowballs, throws serpentine, slams the cracker, etc. (Then the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus lead the program together)

Father Frost: I am glad to see my grandchildren again,

After all, we are not celebrating the New Year for the first time,

And when they meet, what do they say to a friend?

Nice, simple word "hello"!

Guys, where is my fidget Snow Maiden? Here she was, come on!?

(Snow Maiden hides behind Santa Claus and says now from the left, now from the right: "I am here").

Father Frost: Oh, the Snow Maiden is a mischievous girl, fooled around? Enough!

All the guys in the hall are waiting for gifts, congratulations!

Although, probably, the girls and boys here

The same as you, pranksters and rascals?

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, is this how the holiday begins? The guys haven’t seen you for a whole year, they were waiting for a meeting, and you declare to them from the door that they, most likely, somehow behave in a wrong way ..

Father Frost: Yes, I kindly scolded only a little, well, well, I'll ask them themselves. The children are beautiful, you must be terrible little rascals?

(to download - click the file)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, everyone knows that you are a kind wizard.

Father Frost: Yes. And I'll tell you honestly: doing good miracles and making all sorts of transformations is so interesting.

Snow Maiden: But is it so complicated - magic?

Father Frost: Nothing like this. Let's try to turn into an animal or a bird.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how are you, grandpa?

Father Frost: Very simple. The kids just need to be more careful. I will pronounce the magic words, i.e. sing a song, and you guys, following the Snow Maiden and me, will repeat the magical movements. And so you turn into an animal or a bird. It's clear?

Active game "Transformation No. 1 - Zoo"

(the smallest children are selected. They walk in a circle one after another and repeat the movements of D.M. and Snegurka to the tune of the song “about the grasshopper”)

(to download - click the file)

Here snowy winter, forest thicket Forest thicket, gray creeps ...wolf

Imagine, imagine a forest thicket

Imagine, imagine a gray wolf stalking

In Australia, far away, on a low hill. On a low hill, so galloping ... kangaroo

Imagine, imagine - on a low hill

Imagine, imagine - this is how a kangaroo jumps

Under the gray foam, under the blue water Under the blue water, so it swims ... dolphin

Imagine, imagine - under the blue water

Imagine, imagine - this is how a dolphin swims

From the balcony to the gazebo, and from the lantern to the branch And from the lantern to the branch flies ...sparrow

Imagine, imagine - and from the lantern to the branch

Imagine, imagine - a sparrow flies

Dancing at the lair and not sparing his feet And not sparing his feet so stomping ... bear

Imagine, imagine - and not sparing your feet

Imagine, imagine - this is how the bear stomps

Father Frost: And now we can do some magic more difficult.

(other participants are selected from the kids)

Active game "Transformation No. 2 - Orchestra"

(a song is sung, and the children, together with D.M. and Snegurka, depict playing musical instruments - a trumpet, a violin and a drum).

(to download - click the file)

Father Frost: Also, in order for a wizard to perform all sorts of transformations, you need to be a little imaginative.

Snow Maiden: Why, grandfather, will they still start teasing - “I imagined my tail was tucked in”?

Father Frost: I'm talking about those people who can imagine, ie. imagine anything. Listen to my story and imagine. Only first we need to choose assistants - 7 people. and an additional 4-6 people. for the role of snowflakes.

(preferably, adult spectators are selected for the roles: Bees, Winnie the Pooh, the wolf and the hare, Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, Cat Leopold and snowflakes. All characters wear mask hats and each comes out to his own soundtrack, instead of a barrel of honey, a balloon ).

Children's Christmas story- Impromptu "Imagined"

There lived a Snow Maiden. And she went to celebrate the New Year. The weather was wonderful. Light snowflakes swirled in the air. And then the Snow Maiden hears a buzzing. - This is probably someone fly - thought the Snow Maiden. Indeed, this is a bee named Maya flying and holding a barrel of honey in its paws. A bee flies up to the Snow Maiden, gives her a barrel of honey and says: “Treat, Snow Maiden, your friends.” And she flew away. As soon as she flew away, the Snow Maiden hears someone waddling stomping and groaning: “Wow, wow, wow.” And this is Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh came up to the Snow Maiden and said: "Treat me with a honeycomb, Snow Maiden." As soon as he said this, suddenly a hare runs, followed by a hooligan wolf and shouts: “Well, hare, wait a minute!” A hare with a wolf ran up, they also want honey. And then the sound of wheels - tu-tu. A blue wagon rolls, and on it ... Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile, and they say: "Leave us some honey too." Then there was a noise and uproar, everyone was shouting: "Me, me, me." The Snow Maiden was at a loss that she almost dropped a barrel of honey from her hands. It’s good that at that time a kind cat in slippers and a bow around his neck came up and said: “Guys, let's live together!” And then divide the honey equally among all. The animals ate sweet honey and clapped their hands for joy. Like this!

Dance under the sash

Father Frost: Yes, you are notable imaginations, I want to see what kind of dancers you are.

(Guys exit) A dance is announced under my sash. You need to go back and forth under the sash to the music, dancing. The sash will gradually fall lower and lower, but you cannot touch it.

(Participants are selected for the dance competition or everyone, as well as assistants from among the adults who will hold the sash. The originality of the dance is assessed).

Father Frost: And what a beautiful Christmas tree you have. It is immediately clear that they were preparing for the New Year's Eve. Did you decorate the tree yourself? Do you know what to dress up? I'll check now. I will offer different decorations, and you turn on your imagination, but be careful, tell me in response, if they decorate the Christmas tree with this, then “yes”, and if they do not decorate, then “no”

How do we decorate a Christmas tree, we all know for sure

And what is possible and what is not - we will immediately guess:

Balls, beads and toys? (Yes)

Pies, compote and dryers? (No)

Serpentine and tinsel? (Yes)

Skates, skis and play? (No)

A colorful garland? (Yes)

And the snowflakes are light? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: And now Grandfather Frost will sing a song about a Christmas tree, only I need your help. You need to sing the following words in the chorus: “Like, like the Christmas tree is beautiful!” Let's rehearse.

(everyone sings at the same tempo)

The song "Christmas tree - beauty"

(recorded version with Father Frost's vocals and playing for the chorus with the children)


In the center of the hall, a beauty grew up miraculously

Well, tell me, guys, do you like the Christmas tree? - 2 times

Chorus (all together):

Like, like Christmas tree - beauty - 2 times

There are so many colorful tinsel on its shaggy branches

Bell carved, colorful balls - 2 times

Chorus .

In a warm room, the snow does not melt, this is what happens on New Year's Eve

And the guys are leading a round dance in the hall near the Christmas tree - 2 times

Father Frost : We will continue the holiday, we will play with you. And for this you need to create two teams - a team of D.M. and the Snow Maiden team of 10 people. in each and two adults in each team for safety net.

H The New Year in Russia has been celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1 for more than 300 years. Until the 15th century in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1, and from the 15th to the 17th century, the holiday was celebrated on September 1 according to the Julian calendar. Only in 1700, Tsar Peter I, who in many ways tried to imitate the Western way of life, issued a decree to postpone the New Year celebrations to January 1. The first "winter" New Year in 1701 was solemnly held in the old capital, Moscow, on Red Square, with a military parade and fireworks. From 1704 the official festivities were moved to the new capital, Saint Petersburg. As expected, with fun, entertainment for children, feasts and parades.

It is curious that in the Petrine era, the main symbol of the New Year was not a magnificently decorated Christmas tree, but spruce or birch branches. Traditional New Year's toys did not exist until the 19th century. The branches were decorated with red apples, nuts, sweets, eggs. In the 19th century, the New Year becomes one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays. Throughout the country, magnificent mass celebrations, balls, feasts (always with fried pigs and radishes), public Christmas trees are arranged. Another unchanging symbol of the New Year appears - Santa Claus. True, while its popularity is not so great. Since 1918, Russia has switched to the Gregorian calendar. This means that the people of the country start celebrating the New Year 13 days earlier. True, after the revolution for this wonderful holiday tough times are coming. Already in 1919, the new government canceled celebrations for both the New Year and Christmas. Until 1935, January 1 was officially considered a normal working day.

Beginning in 1935, the New Year in Russia gets a second life. The Soviet New Year acquires two main symbols, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. Nowadays new year celebrations take center stage on the calendar. This main holiday million people. A holiday that, despite all the trials, has managed to maintain its charm and appeal over the centuries.

The last two New Year's Eve weeks of the library of MBU "MIBS" actively held a variety of New Year's events for Novokuznetsk residents.



Scenario New Year's Eve for activists of the Literary Club "Touch" of the library "Foliant" MBUK TBC

All of us, regardless of age, annually look forward to the New Year holiday and continue to believe that the New Year will bring us good luck. How to meet the coming year of the Horse so that it turns out to be happy? I offer a simple scenario. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

New Year's trick "Photosalon":

Above the mirror is the inscription:“Instant photo for memory. I took a picture - don't tell anyone how!


Host:-Hello my dear readers! On this wonderful winter evening, I welcome you to the library "Foliant"! Everywhere and in everything you can already feel the magical atmosphere of the long-awaited holiday. It is a great honor and great joy for me to spend this evening with you, in our warm and friendly company!

Swan fluff spreads on the ground,

Snowflakes wind round dance,

And everyone believes a little in a miracle,

When the New Year comes.

May he be happier than ever

Dreams will hurry to fulfill

And let the snow dances

Good luck will bring you!

New Year is a time when we all expect something and hope for something. For us, librarians, these hopes are to some extent connected with work: to get paid more for it, to have many new books, to have new creative partners and sponsors. I am pleased to share these good hopes and expectations with you, my beloved readers! Friends, let's not delay for a long time, let's raisefirst toast! Happy New Year!

(An excerpt from the song sounds"New Year's"from the repertoire “Brilliant”, bottles are opened, the first glass is raised).

Host:-We have a long evening ahead of us, a lot of fun, funny and unexpected, and to prepare for all this, help yourself well! For example, in tsarist times, the most amazing New Year's dish was a stuffed pig. What is so amazing about it, you ask? And it's all about cooking: overseas olives were stuffed with anchovies, partridge was stuffed with these olives, a pheasant was stuffed with a partridge, and the pheasant served as a stuffing for a piglet! Such a multi-layer roast turned out. But we have on the tables and without it a lot of just as tasty and original!

(An excerpt from the song sounds"If there was no winter" from the repertoire of Valentina Tolkunova).

Host:-So, the first toast has been pronounced, the first hunger has been satisfied, and while the audience is still capable of perceiving serious things, let's sum up the outgoing year. (results)

A little more, and this year will be called old. He tried to do everything that was asked of him. And if he did not have time for something, we will not be angry with him. Let the new, young year help to realize all this!

So, second toast. Let luck caress us, fate pampers, heaven patronizes, and fortune smiles! Let the bills in your wallet crunch like a New Year's snowball! Let happiness fall like an avalanche! Let love take away like a whirlwind! And let life be smooth as ice! Let's raise our glasses so that even in the most severe frosts, fire burns in our hearts!

Presenter:Dear friends, we have a cheerful, perky holiday! However, it seems to me that someone is missing on our holiday. Who do you think?(Noise is heard)What's that noise? What the heck? Whom did the unclean bring?

Baba Yaga(Nina Zaitseva ):

You miss me!

I don't hold a grudge against you

And I won't remember

That for 225 years they don’t call me to the Christmas tree

And don't give gifts...

I'm a good old lady

The character is soft, like a toy.

And I stopped harming -

I became completely different!


Okay, I'll go to Kashchei,

With him, I somehow have more fun,

Whether in jest or seriously

Everyone calls to his dacha,

To work in nature

Yes, in my own garden.

Let's stand with him

To scare sparrows with a broom.

Leading:- And now for all of us, so smart, funny and creative, a New Year's musical gift!

(performance Gypsies - Valentina Karpova with songs "Tumbleweed" from the repertoire of Nadezhda Cheprag and"I walk…")


Today is an unusual holiday

We see off the old year

Comes young, excellent,

He brings new happiness!

May everything be fine with you

In the family and in the house day after day,

And let the heart sing with happiness

Lives love and joy in it!

So that in the soul and in the heart of everyone there will always be peace, tranquility and joy, let's guess the oldest and most cherisheddesires. And may they come true! And for this, we will open the box of wishes that the gypsy brought us. It contains notes with a prediction of what awaits a person in the New Year. You need to unfold the note and read aloud what is written in it.

The song sounds "Snow is spinning"from the repertoire of Alsou and Lev Leshchenko


"You will enjoy family happiness."

"An unprecedented rise awaits you."

"You will show yourself in creativity."

"You will finally make a long-awaited purchase."

"You are sure to win the lottery."

"You should be prepared for pleasant surprises."

"You will be taken over by a passionate relationship."

"You - enjoy fun parties."

"Pack your bags - it's going to be an interesting trip."

"Your old dream will come true!".

"You will become famous."

"Something magical will happen to you."

"You will get an unexpected inheritance."

"You will get rich by your ability."

"Extraordinary luck awaits you!"

"You will find a treasure!".

"You will have new opportunities."

"The otherworldly forces will help you."

"Look for the benefit of new acquaintances."

"Be brave to take on something new: everything will work out."

“Never give up, everything is for the best.

"Something special has been prepared for you."

"Prosperity and well-being awaits you."

"Inspiration will come to you."

"You will get information that will help you get rich."

"You will be envied with white envy."

Leading:- We continue our magical evening ... We have a guest again, but what a guest! A real VIP!Host of the Year!Meet! I ask you to greet the Master of the next year and show him every respect, because well-being in the New Year will depend on this.

Host of the Year:And now we will find out about each of you what kind of animal you are! And for each "animal" we have our own, special wish!

(Host and host of the year(Tatiana Kuznetsova) they ask if there are among the guests born in the year of the Rat, Ox, Dragon, etc., and take turns reading wishes for them).


Dance while the cat sleeps!

Remember that free cheese only in a mousetrap!

Don't pout like a mouse on grits!

And do not exchange for mouse fuss!


Raise imMUUnitet!

Make a lot of friends!


Financially stimulated!

And rejoice at all MUU good MUU!


For successful hunting!

So that life is striped, but without black stripes!

And the female tigers were given tiger lilies!


Lick with pleasure!

Walk on your own!

Don't frown!

Do not fall into KOTOvasii!

And to be a solid carnival!


High flight! Wingspan!

Fiery passion! And so that you are not "dragonized"!


Keep cool!

Avoid failure!

Do not warm the snake on your chest!

And not to be surrounded by solid bastards!


Plow only for yourself!

More often "neigh"! -

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

And do not forget: who is lucky, they go on that!


To live curly!

So that the rams do not come across on the way!

And so that the sheepskin is always worth the candle!


Do not take on monkey work!

Grimacing at the grimaces of fate in response!

And remember that all people are descended from monkeys!


So that luck does not fly away!

To always "peck"!

And so that there are always funds for a golden comb!


Puppy delight!

Dog devotion!

Let them walk on their hind legs in front of you!

And may your life not be a dog!


Do not "grunt" at the holiday!

May there always be a full feeder!

Let them throw beads in front of you!

And may they never plant a pig!

Host:-Thanks dear host of the year! And everyone else is recommended to give the Master increased attention during tonight and in no case make him angry, otherwise he will do everything to harm you this year! And first of all, it will not let you celebrate the holiday the way you plan! Here, for example, so...

This is how we do it:

New Year's is long overdue

Regardless of fashion

Became the event of the year for everyone:

We buy products

Not counting, not skimping

We select outfits

circling in front of the mirror,

We are envelopes and postcards

Written for relatives

To a word and a smile

Happy New Year to them.

Finally, he's coming!

Dance, laugh, have fun, flirt!

Time flies by quickly

And so the holiday will fly by ...

Morning will meet with haze cold,

Everybody's headache

Where are you, New Year's holiday?

Where is the cheerful friendly laughter?

The fires on the trees do not burn,

Lettuce is sour on the table

Paul in plate fragments -

Goodbye service

The chandelier is broken

Cigarette smoke floats

The door is treacherously open...

And all this - the New Year?!

So let's celebrate

So that after not suffering,

Do not regret it in vain,

And remember without sadness!

Let's raise for itthird toast- so that each of you meet New Year's midnight exactly the way he wants, in the circle of the dearest people with whom you want to be close throughout the coming year!

And now I want to give the floor to you, dear readers. Who wants to congratulate everyone present and wish something very special in the New Year? (Those who wish say that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are leaving to change clothes).

Presenter: -And yet it seems to me that on our holiday, again, someone is missing. And so that you quickly remember, I will now turn on a suitable song:

(An excerpt from the song sounds"Father Frost"from the repertoire "Disco "Accident", we call Santa Claus all together)

Father Frost (Victor Kulikov):

Hello, hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday.

I'm so tired of hugging everyone

And Happy New Year!

From century to century, from year to year

Wishing you a hassle-free life!

As soon as you don't get bored

In my winter holiday straight from the field

Shout heart-rendingly: "Santa Claus!"?

What, did I step on your tail?

And everyone is so happy

Like it's my first time...


Grandfather! What are you angry about?

Oh, where did he get to?

You see, he celebrated his holiday before us,

Where did you leave the Snow Maiden?

Let's get some rest!

We'll think of something.

Let's call the Snow Maiden together!

(The Snow Maiden comes out -Nadezhda Sorokina , congratulates, sings a song)

Presenter:- What about Santa Claus? Rested? Now congratulate our readers, as expected, with poems or a song!

(Santa Claus congratulates, sings a song to the guitar, says that he still has a lot to do and leaves with the Snow Maiden)

Sounds like an excerpt from a song"Winter-cold"from the repertoire of Andrey Gubin.


Leading:- And now, dear readers and viewers, would you like to play a little?


Each of those present in the hall should name something good, for which he is most grateful for the outgoing year, and in one sentence tell about it, starting with the wordsthanks old year... Then we will raise a toast to all that has been said.

2. Game "NUMBERS"

Host:-And now we will hold a sobriety contest! Let's check if you have forgotten how to count yet?

(The host shows cards with numbers, and the players should name everything related to this number - the names of films, books, proverbs, phrases from songs, etc.) For example:

1 - saying "One in the field is not a warrior"

2- the film “Two comrades served”, the book by V. Kaverin “Two captains”, the song “Two merry geese”, the picture “Again deuce”

3 - a line from Pushkin's fairy tale "Three girls under the window ...", Vasnetsov's painting "Three heroes", the film "Three poplars on Plyushchikha", the books "Three Musketeers", "Three in a boat, not counting the dog", the fairy tale "Three pig" and others.

4 - the film "Four tankers and a dog"

7 - “Seven with one blow” - a line from the fairy tale “The Brave Tailor”, sayings “Seven do not wait for one”, “Measure seven times, cut once”

17 - the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", ditty "Where are my seventeen years ...", etc.

33 - the song "Thirty-three cows", the saying "Thirty-three misfortunes", the song "Thirty-three cows", etc.



2 bowls of corn flakes, each with 12 grapes, 2 scarves

Leading:According to one belief, after the chiming clock, one must certainly eat twelve grapes so that every month of the year is successful and fruitful. Today we will not hear the chimes yet, but it is quite acceptable to eat twelve grapes. However, for those who will get their grapes in the process of a complex, but fun competition, it will bring much more happiness, good luck and many more pleasant things!

I invite two people to participate. Who will be the lucky ones?

The competition is as follows: the participants tie their hands behind their backs and take out plates of corn flakes, in which twelve grapes are hidden. You need to get and eat grapes without the help of hands. The fastest one wins and gets the prize. You need to start as soon as the song sounds.

The game goes to the song"Om-Nom-nom"from the repertoire of Alla Pugacheva.


Host:-Anyone who wants to play this game will have the opportunity to feel like a star and a glamorous person who is always in the spotlight.

Two people are involved. You will need two boxes(with various fun wardrobe items: family briefs large sizes, bras, scarves, aprons, scarves, etc.) , in each box the set of items is the same.

The game goes to the song"Good beauties"

or under "Sex Bom" by Tom Jones .

At the first sounds of music, the participants take out any thing from the box, without looking, and put it on themselves, and you need to put it on correctly, tie all the ribbons, fasten, if any, fasteners. The one who gets dressed the fastest wins.

5. The game "HAT DISCOVERY"

Host:-Everyone knows that happiness in the New Year depends on how you celebrate it. Let's redouble our efforts and have even more fun. Let's play on!

Next competition for accuracy.

Props:all kinds of hats (hats, panamas, caps, etc.) and 2 bottles of champagne. Two are playing.The game goes to the song"Cool you hit" ("Star Factory").

Each player is given a few pieces. The host puts 2 bottles of champagne on the floor as “targets” (so that they do not fall, you can strengthen them with adhesive tape). Those who play on them will throw it all from a distance. The most accurate gets a prize.

6. The game "EYE"

Props: 9 calendars. The game goes to the song"Cool you hit" ("Star Factory").

You will need a hat and New Year's calendars. Three readers are invited, standing over the hat, to throw calendars so that they fall into it(This is not so easy to do if you throw the calendar with an edge, as everyone usually does. The secret is that the calendar is parallel to the floor, and then a hit is almost guaranteed).

7. Intellectual pause "EXPRESS - POLL"

Host:-Tired of having fun? I propose to make an intellectual pause!

The competition goes to the song"White snow"from the repertoire "Dynamite".

Competition rules: on pieces of paper are written the names of objects that at first glance have nothing to do with the New Year holiday. Each participant pulls out a piece of paper, reads out a word and, as quickly as possible, comes up with an explanation of how to connect this word with the New Year.

For example, the word "tractor". Explanation - a tractor cleans the fallen snow for the holiday!

8. The game "SHEPELAVKI"

The essence of the game is that two teams in turn must name any words starting with the letter Sh. Which of the teams first has difficulty, that one lost.

Sounds like an excerpt from a song"Winter"from Alsou's repertoire.

9. The game "I'm a BARTENDER"

Everyone is welcome to participate - some in the role of a bartender, some in the role of a taster. From alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and fruits on the table, you need to prepare the most fantastic cocktails. The host gives the "bartenders" glasses and straws. "Experts" evaluate and select three prize cocktails.

The game goes to the song"Splashes of champagne" from the repertoire of Willy Tokarev.

10. The game "ARE YOU WARM, GIRL?"

The game goes to the song"kiss, kiss"from the repertoire of Verka Serduchka

Among women, a “maiden” is chosen by lot. "Girl" sits on a chair at the finish line. Two teams are playing. The task is to run to the finish line and ask“Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red?”. If she answers “coldly”, then you need to kiss her, and if “warmly”, jump three times in place, then go back, and the next one runs. The team that does it faster wins.

Host:-I think we all successfully debuted in new roles today! Never be afraid to try something new, because maybe completely unexpected talents lie dormant inside you!

Let's raise a toast to everything new, to the new plans that we always build with the advent of the New Year! Never stop hoping and dreaming and, of course, acting!

When the glass sparkles

We sincerely wish each other

Love, good luck, inspiration

And all desires of fulfillment:

Who wants fame - let him be famous,

Who is sick with something - let him get better,

Who wants to win at roulette

So a lucky coin!

Everything sad - to be forgotten,

And all dreams - more likely to come true!

My friends! May sadness never look into your homes, may your loved ones always be healthy, may things and ideas go well, may not be sad for a minute! I wish new heights and victories, development and prosperity to all of you and our library, new joys in everyone's life! Happy new year to you!

Song "New Year"to the motive of a song from the movie "Carnival"

(“Let the lights of your joyful eyes not fade ...”)


Goes to the song "Tree sticks"from the repertoire "Propaganda"

Fireworks, continuation of the evening at the request of the guests.


I hope that these new library books will become your assistants in organizing a family New Year's Eve, a children's Christmas tree or a corporate holiday.

1. Zernes. S.P. Most the best holiday: Author's holiday scripts / Svetlana Pavlovna Zernes / Ed. D. Volkova.- 2nd ed. - Rostov - on-Don, Phoenix , 2013 .- (Series "We light")- Circulation: 2500 copies.


“The celebration is coming. So, there will be guests - dear, long-awaited. But how hard it is sometimes to surprise them! The author offers specially designed scenarios that have everything: games, reincarnations, songs, humor, ideas and traditions. The result will be not just a regular event, but a spiritual holiday: one where the hero of the occasion does not look like an embarrassed ridiculous figure, but a real star, where the guest is not a bored spectator, but a full participant in the exciting action. What is missing in these scenarios? There is no banality, formulaic competitions that wander from one banquet to another, and there are no vulgarities that will make the audience blush. The book will help presenters and organizers of adult and children's holidays. And, of course, those who take on these functions in the circle of their acquaintances.

2. Zernes S. The best holiday-2: Author's holiday scripts. - 2nd ed. - Rostov - on-Don, Phoenix , 2014 .- (Series “We light it up!”).- 2013.- 299s.- (Series “ We light ").- Circulation: 2500 copies.


"The holiday continues! This A new book will help both the professional toastmaster and the recognized "soul of the company" - everyone who is often entrusted with the task of entertaining. No matter how vast the supply of ideas, games and witticisms, sooner or later it ends, and as a result, again and again, banquet guests "guess thoughts" with a hat and roll a chicken egg. .We present you new author's scripts for a variety of occasions, from family gatherings to professional corporations. Written with imagination and creativity, they include authentic, original entertainment, contests, songs, toasts and more, without which there is no real fun.

"Christmas Adventure"

Teacher . We are going to tell a story now!

All of you listen, friends!

We do not have a New Year's fairy tale

You can't do it on New Year's Eve!


1 . New Year flies from the sky?

Or coming from the forest?

2 . Or from drifts of snow

Is the New Year coming to us?

3 . He probably lived as a snowflake

On some star

4 . Or hiding behind a feather

Have frost in your beard?

5 . He went to sleep in the fridge

Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...

6 . Or an old alarm clock

Did he get under the glass?

7 . But there is always a miracle

The clock strikes 12..

8 . And no one knows where

The New Year is coming to us!

Song « New Year's » ( Children stand in front of the Christmas tree, after the song they move apart a little).

1. Happy New Year to all, we congratulate.

We start with a New Year's song.

Let's play togetherwe today.

2 . How brightly our Christmas tree sparkles!

Santa Claus brought us gifts himself.

Chorus. Near our New Year's tree

Let's play togetherwe today.

3 . We grandfather is having fun -

Here's a fun song.

Chorus. Near our New Year's tree

let's play togetherwe today.


9 . Here it is, our Christmas tree, in the brilliance of radiant lights!

It seems that she is more beautiful than all, all green and lush.

10 . A fairy tale is hidden in the green white swan floats,

The bunny slides on a sled, the squirrel gnaws nuts.

11 . Here it is our Christmas tree in the brilliance of radiant lights.

We all dance with joy on New Year's Day under it!

12 . The Christmas tree is lit with lights, under it the shadows are blue.

Prickly needles shine, sparkle with hoarfrost.

13 . She hung out colorful toys for us.

And everyone is looking at the Christmas tree, and everyone is having fun today.

14 .Today, bright Christmas trees are lit everywhere:

In all houses, all over the earth, the guys are smiling.

Round dance "It's good that every year"

15 . The wolves told the news, the magpie brought the news,

That in the dense forest there is a decorated Christmas tree.

16 . The animals heard the news, ran through the forests:

Everyone wants to check it out for themselves, to look at the Christmas tree for themselves!

17 . For whom, why, where did this miracle come from?

Who brought the Christmas tree here, is it Santa Claus himself?

18 . Is there time to figure out who brought it, why did it take it away?

Hey, foxes, squirrels, hares,

Open a noisy ball!

A tiger cub and a hare come out of the round dance.

Z . Hello Belchonok!

T . Hello Bunny!

Z . I was in a hurry to visit you at the Christmas tree, on the way I met the Wolf.

And a bit late...

T . It was slippery, did you fall?

Z. No, I hid from the Wolf under a big green Christmas tree!

T . I made you a salad!

Z . Thank you, Belchonok, I'm very happy.

T . Do you want to play tag?

Z . Want! And who will drive?

T . Let's count!

Z . Let's!

Teacher: - Tiger Cub, Hare, let's all play a game together called "Don't get burned!" In a circle from hand to hand, while the music is playing, you must pass this snowball. The music suddenly stops. Whoever had a snowball got burned. Must sit on a bench.

Game "Don't get burned!" ( sit down ).

Tell me, without whom there can be no New Year? (Without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden).

Teacher : Here comes our first guest.

(The Snow Maiden enters to the music)

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!
I am the Snow Maiden,
I felt sad in the forest
Songs, jokes and fun
I bring you to the holiday.
Good at your Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
We will be with you today
Celebrate the New Year together.
I hurried to the holiday to you,
Brought greetings from the forest
And who brought me here?(Winter)

Well done!

Winter ( reads the order)

Every year of this date, as the sign says,

People of the city, the village to go out on a holiday.

By all means, everyone should be at the winter festival.

There to play and have fun, do not be shy, do not scold,

Sing, laugh, dance, bring joy to people.

First, stomp! (1,2,3).

Now clap your hands! (1, 2, 3).

Let anyone know about it, they are waiting for you at the Christmas tree

Interesting games, wonderful fun,

Various surprises, foreign gifts

And everyone is surprisingly funny New Year's performance!

Snow Maiden: Children! What is it?

Flying in the air
Melting in the palm of your hand
Lighter than fluff
Asterisks - ... (

Snow Maiden: - Right. Where are my snowflakes? (Snowflakes run out


1. Here the breeze blew, it smelled of cold.

Like grandma winter waved her sleeve.

2. White fluffs flew from a height.

Snowflakes fall on trees and bushes.

3. We will scatter snowflakes across the fields, through the forests.

To fill up all the paths, we need to spin around.

4. We are white snowflakes flying, flying, flying,

We will cover the paths and paths.

5. We dance over the fields, we lead our round dance,

Where, we do not know ourselves, the wind will carry us.

6. On the roofs of houses, on the paths, on the faces of ruddy guys

Snowflakes, snowflakes, snowflakes, dancing, snowflakes are flying!

Snowflake dance:

1. We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We are not averse to spinning.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night.

It turns out snow.- 2 times

2. We whitewashed the trees,
Roofs covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet,
And saved from the cold.

Chorus: Let's stand together in a circle,
It turns out snow. -2 times

Snow Maiden: The breeze came -
And all the snow has gone.
Snowflakes-girlfriends, fly,
Snowflake girlfriends, dance! (
Snowflakes fall into place

Snow Maiden: - Guys, where is Santa Claus? He's been gone for a long time.

And it seems to me that someone is already coming to us. (The animals exit.)

Scene "Sick animals"

Snow Maiden: - What happened to you? Do you feel sick?

Oh, trouble, trouble! Soon the New Year will come, and our animals are sick.

We need to call the doctor and ask him to come,

So that by the arrival of the New Year he could treat the animals.

Dear Doctor Aibolit! It withthe bastard is calling.

Visit you guys, treat the animals for us!

Aibolit. - Allow me to pass!

Where are the sick? Show!

Snow Maiden . “Here they are, come here!” You help them!

Bunny . - I froze my paw, my leg hurts so much!

I can't stand on my toes. Oh, I'm about to start screaming!

Aibolit . - We will anoint the paw with ointment, we will tie it with a bandage on top.

Only you now put on a warm glove on your paw.

Wolf. I am a top, a gray barrel!

I'm cold and hungry in winter! I wandered through the forest for a long time,

And then he fished in the hole. This is where I lost my tail.

Aibolit. - Here's "Rastishka" for you, and your tail will grow quickly.

Bear . - Oh oh oh! There must be a bad tooth here.

I ate a lot of honey, so my tooth got sick!

Aibolit. Here's a pill for you, sweet candy.

She will help you and you will be healthy!

Fox. - Oh oh oh! My stomach hurts! Help me, Aibolit!

Aibolit . You ate a lot of chickens, that's why you got sick.

We'll bandage your stomach. Soon, soon it will all be over!

Beasts (together ): - Thank you, Aibolit! Now we have no pain!

( Animals to plant) Distributed t telephone call.

Snow Maiden: Hello! Hello grandfather! Where are you? How do you sit under the tree? How are the slippers? Where are your boots? Who stole? Baba Yaga and Leshy? Don't worry, we'll figure something out!

Snow Maiden: Guys, what to do? Who will help us?

I came up with a magic mirror.

Mirror :

I know where your Santa Claus is:
He brought gifts for you
He rode a long road
Yes, I got a little tired on the way,
And towards Leshy suddenly
Came with friends.
They lured grandfather into the castle,
They persuaded me to rest.

Valenki was taken from him

And the doors were closed tightly.

Mirror : Oh, he is lonely, poor, cold. But I can't see the place well. Blizzard, blizzard. But I see that someone is coming to visit us. I’d better move away, and I advise you, Snow Maiden.

Woman Yaga runs in to the song "And I'm a little abomination."

Baba Yaga: Hello, did you recognize me? Yes, I am Grandmother-Yagusechka (oh, sciatica).

Snow. : Baba Yaga, why are you disrupting our holiday? Why did you take boots from Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: But what a beauty I am in them!

Snow .: Baba Yaga, where is Leshy?

Baba Yaga : Yes, here he is rushing.

To the song of Leshy Leshy runs. sings .

Goblin : Hi, I'm Leshy. Hello, grandma!

Baba Yaga: Leshenky, healthy! I look like? Am I good?

Song"You're scary, unpainted."

Baba Yaga: Wow, rude!

Goblin : Okay, don't pout! Grandma, but the guys took us with you for their friends and are not afraid of us at all. Silly, gullible, smiling, but they themselves do not know that we ruined their holiday, and Santa Claus will not come to them.

Snow. : What did you do?

Baba Yaga and Leshy : We stole boots from him. He can’t come to you for a holiday in slippers! (Whispers).

Snow.: What are you whispering?

Goblin : We want to dance with the guys. If you dance well, maybe we'll give you boots.

Snow. : What do you want to dance?

Goblin : My favorite dance.

If you like it, then do it…”

Round dance "If life is fun, do it"

Snow.: So how did you like it?

Goblin: Yes, we danced well, but we won't give away the felt boots.

Baba Yaga: And now my favorite dance. I forgot what it's called. Well, here's what ... (grabs the waist ).

Well, a bird dance, chicken, no, goose, but, I remembered - duck.

Snow.: Yes, not a duck, but a dance of little ducklings.

« Dance of little ducks"

Snow .: Liked?

Baba Yaga: I liked it, but I won’t give up boots.

Snow. Q: Can you dance yourself?

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'm the best dancer and singer in the world.

( Dancing, holding on to the waist)

Baba Yaga: Well, clap me!

1. I didn't want to dance
Standing and shy
And the harmonica played
I couldn't resist.
2. I danced in three legs,
Lost my boots
looked back,
My boots are on.
3. A hedgehog sits on a birch,
white shirt,
On the head - a boot,
On the leg is a cap.
4. There is a cart on the mountain
Tears drip from the arc.
There is a cow under the mountain
Puts on boots.
5. If there was no water,
There would be no mug
If it wasn't for me
Who would sing ditties?

Baba Yaga: Guess the riddles - I'll give the boots, so I decided. Just answer all together, together.

1. Moves his ears,
Jumping under the bushes
gray coward,
Call him ... (Bunny)

Baba Yaga: Well, not very well.

Near the Christmas tree in every house
Children lead a round dance.
What is the name of this holiday?
Answer ... (New Year)

Snow.: You guessed it, give me the boots!

Baba Yaga: No, now tell me!

Snow .: And if you don't guess?

Baba Yaga : There is no such riddle that I would not guess!

Snow .: And if you don’t guess, will you give the felt boots?

Baba Yaga : Yes.

Goblin: Yeah, trust her more. Lie - will not take expensive.

Baba Yaga: And you don't lie!

Snow .: Okay, listen:

He is a fun toy
In a cap and with a rattle,
And his name is...

Baba Yaga: Cheesecake!

Snow.: No!

Baba Yaga: I know, I know, "frog"!

Snow. : No!

Children: Parsley!

Snow. : That's it, Baba Yaga, give me boots.

Baba Yaga : No no!

Snow. : You gave your word.

Baba Yaga : Honestly - ready to lie! I am the master of my word. I gave my word, and I took it back. Make me laugh!

Snow. : Give me boots!

Baba Yaga : Will not give it back! I like you very much!

Goblin: Listen, grandma, do you even know what everyone calls you?

Baba Yaga : How?

Goblin: Old woman - beef,
Vredina - greedy.

No, I messed up:

Greedy - harmful,
Beef is a pickle.

No, it's not like that again.

Grandma - yaguska,
Vredina - picky,
Yabed - snag!


Baba Yaga : Rude!

Snow.: Goblin, you keep swearing at Baba Yaga, but yourself? Do you want to stay with us for the holiday?

Goblin: Yes!

Snow .: Then help us, persuade Baba Yaga to give the felt boots.

Goblin: OK. Grandma, okay, let's give the felt boots.

Baba Yaga : no no no!

Snow. :- Guys, let's kindly ask: “Granny Yagusechka, please give me boots!”

Baba Yaga (cries).

Snow. : What happened to you? Why are you crying?

Baba Yaga: From happiness. I have lived for three hundred years - I have not heard a kind word. Everything is a grandmother, yes Yaga. Children tease: "Hedgehog-potato, bone leg." And you are so polite: "Grandma, please." Here are your boots, take them to Santa Claus, and I'll drag myself into the forest, I'm ashamed that I wanted to prevent you from celebrating the New Year.

Goblin : Listen, grandmother, do you remember under what tree we left Grandfather?

Baba Yaga: No, I have multiple sclerosis.

Goblin: Where is my brilliant detective? (Claps hands 3 times.)

I am a brilliant detective”

Goblin : Go to the forest, find Santa Claus, give him boots and bring him here.

Detective: Will be done.

(Baba Yaga takes off her boots).

Baba Yaga: What about me, barefoot? I have sciatica and rheumatism.

Snow. : Here are your slippers, put them on.

Baba Yaga: My favorite size. And then you take them away?

Snow. : No, we will give them to you.

Baba Yaga: Oh thanks!

Snow. : Well, sit down, Baba Yaga and Leshy, we will wait for Santa Claus. I'll call Grandpa now.

Snow Maiden : (calls on the phone ): Grandpa, where are you? Already entered the school? Already on the second floor? Are you already at the door?

All: Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Father Frost : Ay, ay-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! I'm coming! I'm coming!

Father Frost : Oh, hello guys! Hello granddaughter! Hello parents! (He greets all the children, saw Leshy and Baba Yaga.).

Oh, and you're here?! I'll freeze you! (Goblin and Baba Yaga close )

Snow Maiden: Don't, grandfather, they promised to behave well.

Father Frost : Children, shall we leave them at the party?

Children : Yes!!!

Father Frost: OK! Just be good.

Father Frost : Children! I have been watching you all year, seeing if you obey your father and mother, whether you help them, read your letters. I want to admit that you all made me happy, and I brought gifts to everyone. Here is my bag.

Snow Maiden : Grandpa, it's time to light the Christmas tree and start the holiday!

Father Frost (gives the box ): Take, granddaughter, a chest, there is a magic Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, but there is only one branch.

Father Frost: Without this Christmas tree, the New Year will not come. When I was bewitched, all the branches scattered across different fairy tales. And now, for the New Year to come and the lights to light up on our Christmas tree, we urgently need to collect all the branches.

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, let's save the holiday? (Children answer.)

I have a friend, I will now send her a sound telegram.

(Music from the movie Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins appears with the song.)

Chorus: Mary, Lady Mary!

Mary, Lady Mary!

You are perfection itself, you are perfection itself

From a smile to a gesture - better than any praise. (Children sing).

Ah, what bliss! Oh what a blessing

To know that I am perfection, to know that I am ideal! (sung by Mary Poppins)

Mary Poppins. Good evening! Children, did you drink milk at night?

D. M. Hello! And who are you?

M.P. I am Mary Poppins. Didn't you recognize me? Snow Maiden, as soon as I received your sound telegram, I immediately set off. I think I can help you. I have a magic umbrella. We open it, we direct it towards the wind, and it delivers us wherever we want.

Scene 1 (Dunno enters the stage.)

Dunno. I'm learning to write poetry

I'll give you two fleas!

I am a stranger! I am a poet!

Ate three boxes of chocolates!

But why in poetry I ate as many as three boxes of sweets, but in reality I don’t even have a small candy? Maybe someone will treat me? And for this I will compose poems about him. Wonderful! Oh, what is that lying under your feet? Twig! Yes, how beautiful!

I found the thread now

I like to drink cold kvass!

(Enter D.M., Snow. and Mary)

Mary. Hello Dunno! You have in your hands our branch, which we really need.

Snow. Give it back to us, please!

H . Here's another! She will be useful to me!

Mary. Then let's play hide and seek. I'll hide the bell, if you find it - your branch, and if you don't find it - ours!

N. Come on, I love to play!

Snow. Turn around and close your eyes.

(Snow attaches a bell to Dunno's back. He searches for it for a long time and cannot find it.)

N. Can't find it, I give up! Take your thread. Where is the bell hiding?

Snow. And he's behind you. We give it to you as a keepsake.

Mary. Goodbye, Stranger!

N. Bon Voyage!

Scene 2 . (The music “Well, wait a minute!” Sounds, a tired Wolf appears.)

Wolf. Good people, help! This hare has exhausted me completely! How many episodes I chase after him, and he runs away from me! He erased all his paws, lost his voice. The she-wolf does not let her go home, she says, she completely strayed from her family, go, she says where she came from. (Yawns. ) I'll take a little nap, and if the hare appears, you guys wake me up!

(Lies down and snores. The Hare rides onto the stage on a scooter.)

Hare. Wolf! Sleeping ... What a gray, pretty he is ... When he sleeps! And why are we arguing all the time?

(Tickles the wolf's nose with a straw, he wakes up.)

IN. Finally! Now I, Hare, will definitely eat you!

Z. Don't eat me, Wolf, let's better prepare an amateur performance number for the New Year's holiday.

IN. How is it?

Z. It's very simple. Now we will all sing a song together. You all know the theme of this song. Guys, sing along with us.

The song "Tell me, Snow Maiden, how are you..."

Mary: Hello. Wolf.

Snow.: Hello. Hare!

Mary. We heard how well you sing. Come join us for a holiday!

Snow.: Do you happen to have such a thread?

IN. Yes, here, I have one stuck in my throat! Yours?

Mary. Our! Thanks a lot, good bye!

Scene 3 . (Sounds like a song from the cartoon "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians."

The King and Princess enter the stage.)

King. Daughter! Well, why do you need these wandering musicians? They, apart from “do-re-mi-fa-sol”, do not know anything. And they are of non-royal origin. These troubadours are nothing but nerves.

(D. M. and Sneg exit.)

Mary. Hello! I'm sorry to disturb you, Your Majesty, but we're looking for the missing twigs. Christmas tree.

Snow. Maybe you have our branch?

TO. Don't interfere with educational work with a child, and we don’t have your branch in the kingdom.

Etc. Dad, you are wrong! My dear Troubadour gave me one branch as a keepsake as a token of fidelity and love. I am very sorry to part with it, but if you, friends, need it for the good of the cause, I will give it to you.

Snow. Oh, princess, this is just our branch. Thank you so much!

Mary. Goodbye!

Scene 4 (Little Fox comes out to rhythmic music. He dances. Gingerbread Man appears.)

Fox cub. Hello Kolobok! What a ruddy, golden! I just want to eat you!

Kolobok. Here's another! Want to eat me?! Have you, redhead, forgotten who is the boss in the forest?

Fox cub. I do remember!

TO. That's it! Do you want, Little Fox, I'll sing a new song for you now? Made it half an hour ago.

L. Sing, Kolobok, sing. And I will listen.

(Kolobok performs a rap song.)

Hey Foxy! Look at me!

I am Kolobok! Do as I do!

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel, I'm swept by the barns!

I left my grandmother and I left my grandfather.

Fate lured me into the forest

Here the struggle for life began,

Here I grew up and got stronger.

This helped me rap, rap, rap!

L. Oh, Kolobok! Something bad to hear I now became. I did not hear all the words of your song. Sing one more time. Just sit on my nose, closer to my ears.

TO . You are small, but already so cunning? I know you! Just sit on your nose, so you will immediately eat me. I will no longer sing my songs.

(Enter D.M., Snow. and Mary)

Mary. Hello Kolobok!

Snow. Hello Foxy! Do you happen to have our branch?

Mary. We are looking for her in all fairy tales.

TO. I have. I rolled along the path, and there is such a beautiful branch. Not yours?

Snow. Our! Our!

TO. Then hold it. I don't need her.

D. M. Thank you, Kolobok!

Snow. Farewell!

L. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man! Teach me your song too.

TO. Do you think you can make it?

L. I will try very hard.

TO. Then listen.

(Kolobok begins to sing, and they leave with the Fox.)

Scene 5

Fairy-tale heroes : Musketeer, ...

- Isn't that what you're looking for?

- But we have a condition: we want to sing ditties for Santa Claus.

- We wrote them ourselves.

Father Frost: We will listen with pleasure, and I will even play along with you.


All : We composed ditties,

Everyone tried.

Listen, Santa Claus,

And don't be offended!


Christmas trees - pines,

prickly needles! - 2 times

1. Goblin boasts:

"I'm good as a rose,

Would invite me

Instead of Santa Claus

2. Grandma Yozhka barely got off

From my oven.

Someone's scythe pinned,

I'm also a Snow Maiden!

3. And our Santa Claus

Old. old

He was in such a hurry to visit us for the holiday,

What came without boots!

4. The moon shines, the clear one shines,

Wrapped in smoke.

And under the tree Santa Claus

Tangled in a beard!


5. Frost with a white beard,

With lush mustache

Like a young boy

Dancing with us.


6. Look at Santa Claus

festively dressed,

He brought us gifts

Gingerbread, sweets.


All: We sang ditties to you

Is it good, is it bad

And now we ask you

Let us clap for you!

Father Frost: Thank you! Pleased!

Scene 6 (Grandmother-hedgehogs run out with noise and sing .)

1 to. I was at the market

"Snickers" with "Mars" sold.

I ate Twix myself!

Oh, I couldn't resist!


Stretch the fur, harmonica,

Hey, play, play!

Sing ditties, grandmother-hedgehog.

Sing, don't talk!

2 k. I collected some money

"Dandy" I bought.

My computer is cute

Take me to the grave!

3 k. I'll buy myself a gum

And chew a little.

I'm blowing bubbles

To make it more fun.

4 k. I am with a black cat

Ate "Whiskas" until the morning.

And now it's not lazy at all

I meow all day long.

5 k. I step on my old

I'll replace it with a Volvo.

I'll go with the wind

To Leshem - a neighbor.

6 k. I'll make up, brush my hair

And dress up in a bathing suit.

I'll stand under the spruce

I am a fashion model.

7 k. Turned up like an arc

Bone suddenly leg.

Need to find a sponsor

To send it in for repair.

Mary. Hello, grannies, hello, yaguleki!

grandmother 1. Hello, if you're not kidding! You are a nice person, and you, dear ladies, are selling, what is it, walking around doing nothing?

Snow. Yes, we are looking for branches of the Christmas tree, they were stolen from us, and without a Christmas tree, the New Year's holiday will not begin.

(Grandmas stand in a circle and whisper.)

B. 2. We consulted here in the labor collective ... We have a branch. But we won't just give it up. Only for dollars, well, in extreme cases, we can exchange for something by barter.

Mary. Agree! Snow Maiden, what can we offer grandmothers?

Snow. I know! To keep your hair clean, shiny and easy to comb, use Head and Shoulders Shampoo.

grandmother (in chorus). Hooray! It suits us! Keep your thread! Run, girls, wash your hair!

Mary. So we collected all the branches. Now we can continue the holiday.

Snow. Thank you! Stay with us.

Mary. I wouldremainedYes, I can’t, I’m in a hurry.

Snow. It's time to celebrate the New Year!


Hello my good ones!

Hello dear children and adults!

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest.

And at your holiday for the first time I came to life.

From the forest, the dark forest to you, dear friends!

The living tree has arrived. Meet me!

Friends, you, I invite you, stand together in a circle.

We will walk in a round dance, I am your green friend.

Student: Happy New Year! says every needle.

Let's sing a song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Father Frost: Well, now I'll rest, I'm tired.

Snow Maiden: Here, grandfather, drink water (in a glass of confetti).

Father Frost: I joked with you. Well, now, can we play a game?

game block


1. . Relay - competition "Snowballs in a circle". Team members line up. In front of them, at a distance of 2-3 meters, stands D. Moroz with a mug. Each participant is given a snowball, throw it and get into the mug. If you hit - you get a prize, if you don't hit - you sit down in your seat.

2. Relay "Thermometer" - children.

3. Relay "Orange" - parents.

4. "Take the prize." (2 people run in different directions around the Christmas tree. Whoever runs around faster and takes the prize on the chair). -boys.

5. "Winderers" (Who will wind the thread faster) - girls.

6. "Collect a snowman" - 4 teams.

9. "Surprise in the ball" - parents.

Father Frost , (Looking at the costumes of the guys ):

- Oh, Snow Maiden, wait!

We walked with you simple class,

But I seem to have been hit

Straight into a fairy tale in this room.

Snow Maiden:

Yes, and to me, to tell the truth,


What are all the outfits


Father Frost:

- And I want, children, to reward you for the costumes, for the performance, for the good mood.

Presentation of souvenirs

Snowflakes, Winter, Herringbone.

Dr. Aibolit, Bunny, Wolf, Bear, Chanterelle.


Wolf and Hare

King and Princess

Fox, Hare and Squirrel

Chastushki (5 people)

Final words of Father Frost and Snow Maiden .

Snow Maiden : Time, friends, hurries us,

The hour of parting has come.

Father Frost:

How many nice and funny

I found my friends!

I invite everyone tofinal round dance

"Boogie Woogie"

Teacher: Santa Claus! Can you perform some kind of miracle?

D.M . Certainly! To you,guys, be surprised, gifts appear under the tree!

Sit in order, you will get everything, guys.

D.M. and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

Teacher: We sincerely wish you all good luck,

Let the New Year, which is so fun started,

It will be happy and wonderful for you,

It will be filled with laughter and song,

And say goodbye to all of you:

"May your dreams and wishes come true!"

New Year… One of our favorite holidays with fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell of Christmas tree needles, sparkling colorful toys and tinsel and, of course, with New Year's gifts.

"breathes" with a holiday. This year, the library has arranged a surprise exhibition "Let's celebrate the New Year", where you can find helpful tips about how to celebrate the New Year. But the main surprise of this exhibition is the subsection "Congratulations from the Past". Here is a selection of retro New Year's cards from the early 20th century. They are, of course, quite simple and naive, but their spontaneity also has its own charm. And besides, it will be interesting to see what the postcards were like in those years, and compare them with today!

And on December 26, the library staff I.A. Khachaturian and L.V. Romantsev prepared and held New Year's gatherings "New Year's Lace". Those present learned about the history of the celebration of the New Year, about the tradition of celebrating the New Year at the table, about the history of the appearance Christmas tree, and, of course, about the kind giver of Christmas trees and gifts - Grandfather Frost. Then the hosts held entertaining games: "Merry Carousel", "New Year Serpentine", "Ice Riddles", etc. At the end of the holiday, all the guys received sweet gifts from sponsors - IP Bagdyan and IP. Sh.B. Shirinyan

Library staff wish all readers peace, well-being and a meeting with new interesting books and periodicals in the New Year. The doors of Library No. 14 are always open for those who are friends with books.

"Hello, winter-winter!"

On December 20, in the children's library No. 12 of the MBU SCBS, a matinee "Hello, winter-winter" was held. Pupils kindergarten No. 65, who ended up in New Year's Eve Prostokvashino, was met by a cheerful cow Murka. Having solved the winter riddles, the children broke the spell of the evil wizard and freed Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Winter fun: "Snowballs", "Staff of Santa Claus", a quiz "What does not happen on a Christmas tree", "Snow Carousel", gave the children a festive mood.

The boys and girls enjoyed dancing around the Christmas tree, dancing the "Dance of the Little Ducklings", singing songs, reciting poems. At the end of the holiday, the kids received a sweet surprise from Santa Claus.

"Merry New Year in Library No. 11"

December 20, 2012 in the branch library No. 11 passed New Year's party“Merry New Year”, children of the 1st “E” class of the secondary school No. 22 were invited to it. This event was hosted by the children’s favorite heroes: Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Kikimora, Baba Yaga and Brownie.

On December 24, the library hosted a meeting of the literary and musical salon "Tuning Fork" called "The Kingdom of Santa Claus": a holiday in painting, music, and literature. Children of the 6th "A" class of the MOU secondary school No. 21 were invited to this event.

The meeting used a variety of material about artists, poets and musicians: V. Vasnetsov, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, N. Nekrasov. The children were interested in learning the history of the appearance of the Snow Maiden and the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” to the words of L. Kudasheva. The presentation "Images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in Painting" was also presented. In general, the event was interesting.

Feast at the Christmas tree

On December 26, bright lights for their readers were lit by the New Year tree in the library - branch No. 6. In holiday program accepted

participation library readers - students of grade 7 "b" MBOU secondary school No. 13. Songs, poems and cheerful laughter sounded at the New Year tree. The guests took part in a literary quiz, a competition for scholars, solved riddles and danced around the New Year tree.

Senior readers were congratulated on the upcoming New Year and Christmas by the library staff and a specialist from the administration of the Leninsky district. A tea party was organized for them. At the end of the holiday, the library staff and all readers came to congratulate the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

New Year is a magical holiday

New Year… A magical, bright and noisy holiday with gifts, surprises and the fulfillment of desires and hopes! He is welcomed at home

relatives and friends, and at work with colleagues.

On December 20, Library No. 8 celebrated the New Year's holiday with readers: a costume ball was held for members of the Our Harbor Club. It has become a tradition to celebrate the holiday in the club's library. For an elderly person, the celebration of the New Year is not always a fun event. And, therefore, holding it in a team has become a real gift for many of them. The guests were met by Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a smartly decorated Christmas tree, in a festively decorated room and funny music. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden congratulated the audience on the upcoming new year holidays, acquainted with the history of this magical holiday, variety new year traditions and customs different countries. In response, the guests - readers Kolotova R.F., Shevchenko V.P., Mazikina T.M. sang mischievous ditties, danced by the Christmas tree and read poetry, and then handed them to librarians Christmas gifts with best warm wishes.

Librarians and readers were satisfied with the event.

On December 25, in the Stavropol Local Society of the Blind (VOS), employees of the same library held the event “Miracles

for the New Year." The holiday of joy at the New Year tree, shining with lights and decorations, was built in the form of live communication between the hosts and the guests. The hosts of the meeting built their presentation in an unusual way: the symbols of the outgoing year according to the eastern calendar - "Dragon", "and the upcoming one -" Snake "appeared before the audience. Disabled people compete in guessing competition New Year's riddles, in competitions, a quiz with the presentation of humorous prizes. For each representative of the zodiac sign, the "Fortune Teller" predicted his future in the coming year. The choir of the visually impaired performed, and poems dedicated to the upcoming holiday were read. Those present felt the approach of the New Year. The performance ended in the best traditions: the symbol of the past year - the "Dragon" cedes the reins of power to the new one - the "Snake". In conclusion, the guests were congratulated by the chairman of the BOC Mulika V.N., the secretary Samofalova V.G. and handed new Year gifts from sponsors.

With gratitude and warm wishes, the guests said goodbye to the hosts of the program - librarians.
