Small quotes about the continuity of generations. Folk education and continuity of generations

What does the word "succession" mean? It is an important link between past, present and future, where elements of the past are preserved and carried over into the present. With the help of continuity from generation to generation, the cultural past and social values ​​are transmitted.

What is the continuity of generations?

Legacy is an invisible bond between descendants. Very good comparison brought by a scientist who correlated generations with sea waves. He said that if we compare history with the world ocean, and each individual with a drop of this ocean, then generations in this case will be the waves of this ocean. They rush, running into each other, rise high up, and then rapidly fall down. And so over and over again. So it is in life. One generation is replaced by another, but it is precisely this “oceanic” touch that helps to transfer the most important and vital values ​​from one person to another. Unfortunately, the dynamics of the development of society is far ahead of the possibilities of the succession mechanism.

What is the problem?

The problem of continuity of generations is hidden in modern technical progress. Consider the example of parental punishment. Decades earlier, a child commits a bad deed - offends someone who is weaker than him. Immediately receives a strict reprimand from his parents. For the future, he will know that he acted badly, this can no longer be done. Now with the advent of gadgets, tablets and phones, children quickly absorb all the information that the Internet provides.

Unfortunately, most of what a child sees on various sites is a complete negative. The brain stores information about what the eyes saw, but there is simply no one to explain how bad it is. And when a child does something terrible, which Internet browsing has taught him, he will not even be able to immediately realize why he was scolded. After all, he saw it, so it's possible. Another striking example is such a direction of culture as subculture. Here one can clearly see the sometimes blind imitation of young people to something that has been elevated to the rank of popular trends. Every second goth will not be able to explain why he dresses like this and why these colors are close to him, the main thing is to follow his friends.

What's going on today?

If we consider this problem more broadly, we can deduce the following aspects. The speed of important social changes should ideally coincide with the speed of generational change. As history shows, significant changes in society occur approximately in the life of three generations - children-fathers-grandfathers. That is, in other words, the transition of social values ​​and other traditions is carried out between three close generations - from grandfathers to grandchildren.

More specifically, at the first stage, the birth of an idea occurs, at the second stage, the retraining of the generation is visible, and only at the third stage is the adoption of new views. Of course, a lot has changed during this time, but not so dramatically that new generations do not have time to adapt. Successful adaptation set aside conflict situations arising from simple misunderstandings. There can be an infinite number of examples of this - starting from lack of culture on buses, when young people pretend not to notice standing next to an elderly person, to banal rudeness - when, in response to a remark, an older person can hear an insulting expression from someone who is much younger.

The succession of a generation is not only the fate of one particular family. You can also consider a broader example - people of Soviet upbringing (USSR) - CIS - and the present period (Russians).

The development of technological progress today is proceeding at an incredible pace, new technologies are being introduced, which are almost impossible for people of the Soviet era to keep up with. Which of the pensioners today owns a computer at least as well as students can primary school? And what can we say about the older age of Russians! Nanotechnologists are increasingly creating new techniques that are increasingly simplifying the lives of citizens. However, it is worth remembering that it is the continuity of generations that provides moral foundations. modern people. But a frequent reaction to the remarks of the elderly is aggression, born of a banal lack of understanding. Young people brought up in the spirit of free citizens are sure that they know everything, and even more so in what situation and how they should act. Therefore, any remark from the elders is regarded as boring. educational process. And only much later, and far from in all cases, comes the understanding that you only wished for the best and that something else could really change for the better.

Parents come first

Specialists from various scientific institutes conducted a survey among the younger generation - what is really valuable for the youth from the experience of the elders. The answer of the majority was: continuity is the connection of generations, therefore the main thing is love for parents and

In second place are wealth and material security. And then - in descending order: love, honesty, striving for success, responsibility, education, diligence, politeness, kindness, independence, peace, patriotism. In the end, the result turned out to be quite good. However, patriotism, thanks to which young people today live in a free country (we are talking about the Great Patriotic War), got only the last place among the main values. But prosperity and the desire to earn more - on the second, right after the family. They suffered and about which almost no one said anything.


As this survey showed, the continuity between the generations of the Soviet and Russian times turned out to be rather weak. Respect for the culture of one's people, for history, love for the Motherland - all this is very far from modern youth. Today there is an active propaganda of a free life, inspired by the media on the examples of foreign fellow citizens.

Already today it can be clearly seen that morality and morality for young people in our country are very distant and completely alien concepts. It is impossible to talk about everyone, but several generations of children, and now teenagers, ignored the continuity of generations, making a choice in their direction, relying on other people's, not always cultural values. This position forms completely new specific foundations, which in the end can lead to a violation of the integrity of our country.

Problems of concern to young people today

According to another global survey on pressing issues, the situation today is as follows. The biggest concern is inflation and rising prices, followed by the lack of normal conditions for education and medical care. More than half said that crime is an acute problem in the country, and almost the same number of people shared the opinion that terrorism is on a par with it. Someone remembered that young people do not have their own national idea, and that due to habits that adversely affect health, there is a rapid decline in the population. Religious intolerance, lack of spirituality and developing degradation were singled out as a separate line. The main solution to these problems, a small part of young people recognized the preservation of the continuity of generations.

Your own is more important

From the above results of the survey, one can draw a disappointing conclusion - personal problems that concern a particular individual are much higher than the interests of the general. Young people are not interested in the formation of a unique nation that independently solves its problems. Here you can see a clear loss of those values ​​that the continuity of generations was supposed to convey. Although it is impossible to speak about it so affirmatively. Looking at schoolchildren of the middle and senior classes, it is safe to say that they light up the very notes of social and cultural values ​​that at one time could not be conveyed to previous generations. More and more popular are events such as crowded flash mobs, events dedicated to the holidays, a tribute to the Great War and those who can still be personally congratulated on the Victory today.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again: the continuity of generations is a thread that cannot be broken, it is a bond that must be maintained. We must be able to preserve what was laid down by our ancestors, so that along with technical processes, the moral education of our people would also proceed as quickly. The succession of a generation is a kind of curve, with its downfalls, but, of course, with the upswings that follow them.

It is also important to remember that if people living in the same country have different views, it will be like drawings in the sand, which can be easily washed away by the waves that come again. Without a central idea, any social, political, economic changes will be completely useless. There will always be someone who feels good, and another one for him who feels bad.

Preparation for writing the final essay in the direction "Dispute of generations: together and apart"

  • Literature for the direction "Dispute of generations"
    (must read)

What you need to read on the topic "Dispute of generations: together and apart"

  • A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit";
  • DI. Fonvizin "Undergrowth";
  • I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons";
  • L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace";
  • A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm";
  • A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard";
  • V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera".

Essay topics in this direction

Information about topics. In the period of preparation for the final essay, only thematic areas are known. Exam topics of the essay will be known only a few minutes before the exam. But it is already possible to assume a probable list of essays now - most likely, the exam will offer formulations close to this list.

  • Modern problems of children
  • Love and children
  • “Love and respect for parents without any doubt is a sacred feeling” (V. G. Belinsky).
  • “Love for parents is the basis of all virtues” (Cicero).
  • Man has three calamities: death, old age, and bad children. From old age and death, no one can close the doors of his house, but the children themselves can save the house from bad children ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).
  • The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons"
  • “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality” (A.S. Pushkin).
  • “An ungrateful son is worse than someone else’s: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother” (G. Maupassant)
  • The eternal conflict of parents and children: in search of a compromise
  • “The pain stings more sharply when it is caused by one of the relatives” (Babriy).
  • “Nothing happens so rarely in the world as complete frankness between parents and children” (R. Rolland).
  • Who are the children in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • Children and childhood in Russian literature
  • The role of the family in human life

Examples of finished essays (samples) in the direction "Questions posed to humanity by war"

Essay samples. The essays proposed below should not be taken as verified and honed to excellent cheat sheets. These samples are intended to form an idea of ​​​​the students about the full or partial disclosure of the topic of the final essay. We recommend using them as an additional source of ideas when creating your own presentation of the topic disclosure.

As long as humanity exists, it worries so much eternal problem"fathers and sons", which is based on the rupture of ties between different generations. What leads to misunderstanding between "fathers and children"? From the time of Socrates and Aristotle to the present day, there has been conflict in society (a disagreement, a clash underlying the struggle of heroes) between generations. This question occupied and occupies, if not central, then one of the main places in their thoughts. During the rapid changes in any sphere of human life, this problem arises with a vengeance: fathers are conservatives who are alien to any changes, and children are “engines of progress”, striving to overthrow foundations and traditions, to bring their ideas to life. "Fathers and sons" I take in a broader sense than family ties.

I remember the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The conflict between "fathers and sons" here lies in the field of worldviews, views on the world. Famusov boasts that, in his opinion, he lived his life with dignity. He argues that Sophia should not look for another role model, if in the eyes of "an example of a father." What is interesting in this work is that the “fathers” include not only Famusov and his entourage, but also Chatsky’s peers, Sofia and Molchalin, who are members of the Famus society, and Chatsky, a representative of the new world, is alien to them. Alien because he thinks about the world and acts differently in life.

This social phenomenon was also reflected in the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, where Yevgeny Bazarov, with his behavior and statements, shows that the time in which the older Kirsanovs and his father lived is irreversibly fading into the past, and it is being replaced by an era with other principles and ideals. But even in this work it can be noted that in its finale, Arkady, a former companion of Bazarov, and his wife Katya, young people, join the camp of "fathers". Interesting in this novel is the fact that N.P. Kirsanov is ready to agree with Bazarov's reproaches: "The pill is bitter, but you need to swallow it!"

I can conclude that disagreements between "fathers" and "children" have always existed. Their reasons are completely different, but the essence is the same - a misunderstanding of people different eras, which is easy to avoid if you are at least a little more tolerant of each other. At the same time, I want to emphasize that no matter how fathers and children argue, they still remained and remain close people ...

All children love their parents. Although kids are sometimes capricious and do not obey, nevertheless, for them, their mother is the kindest and most beautiful, and their father is the strongest and smartest.

But the children grow up, and in almost every family there is some kind of misunderstanding, and often a conflict flares up between the older and younger generations. Why is this happening? Why relatives, close people do not feel comfortable next to each other, cannot or do not even want to be together? These are not today's questions: the problem has existed for centuries and, unfortunately, not only has not been solved, but is becoming more and more aggravated. The conflict of "fathers and sons", of course, could not but get on the pages of the works of Russian writers.

In the 19th century I.S. Turgenev just called one of his significant novels - "Fathers and Sons". Basically, the writer talks about the clash of ideas, but I would like to dwell on an everyday situation that is close to any person: on the relationship between Yevgeny Bazarov and his parents.

Bazarov's parents, Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna, are madly in love with their only son. When, after a long separation, he comes to them, they cannot breathe on their Enyushenka, they do not know what to feed and where to put their son. The father experiences undisguised joy and pride when Arkady calls Bazarov one of the most wonderful people with whom he had ever met. But what about Bazarov? Does he feel the same way about old people? He loves his parents, but he judges harshly, calling their life insignificant, stinking. Such an existence causes boredom and anger in him. Having not lived in the family for even two days, Eugene is going to leave: his father's adoration and mother's troubles interfere with him.

The situation is understandable and typical: it always seems to young people that their parents are retired people, and their song is sung, that everything new and interesting is outside their home. That they, young people, will do a lot

bigger and better than their ancestors. Of course, this is how it should be, otherwise life would stand still! But young man there should be a feeling of emotional attachment to parents and home, a feeling of sincere gratitude for everything that the elders gave him.

In the last tragic moments of his life, Bazarov is surrounded by the love of his parents and speaks of them with tenderness: After all, people like them cannot be found during the day with fire ... Wherever the hero strives, whatever goals he sets for himself, he has enough warmth of soul, in order to pay tribute to the old people before death.

I would like to recall one more work that makes us think about how callous and cruel we are sometimes towards ourselves. close person- mothers. In the story of K. Paustovsky "Telegram" the old loving mother Katerina Petrovna has been waiting for her daughter Nastya for a long time. And that business, worries, everyday fuss, and there is not even time to answer a mother's letter. But since the mother writes, it means she is alive and well. Nastya sends money to the old woman and does not think that the mother just needs to see her daughter, hold her hand, stroke her head. When the girl received an alarming telegram and finally arrived in the village, her mother had already been buried by strangers. She can only come to a fresh grave mound. She feels the bitterness and weight of her loss, but nothing can be returned.

Writers show that often at the heart of the eternal conflict lies the ordinary callousness and ingratitude of children.

Life is not easy: parents and children cannot live without ever arguing, quarreling, offending each other. But if both of them remember that they are one link in an endless chain of generations, that life is tightly connected links of this chain, that everything rests on love, kindness, mutual understanding, then, perhaps, the long-standing conflict of generations will exhaust itself, and people on earth will be happier. I think it's possible.

A selection of quotes for the essay "Dispute of generations: together and apart"

  • "The pain stings more sharply when it is caused by someone close" (Babriy).
  • "Love and respect for parents without any doubt is a sacred feeling" (VG Belinsky).
  • "Love for parents is the basis of all virtues" (Cicero).
  • "An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother" (G. Maupassant).
  • "Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality" (A.S. Pushkin).
  • "Nothing happens so rarely in the world as complete frankness between parents and children" (R. Rolland).
  • "A person has three disasters: death, old age and bad children. No one can close the doors of his house from old age and death, but the children themselves can save the house from bad children" (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Continuity is a condition for continuous development. At the same time, permanence itself in development is a concrete manifestation of the successive connection between the future and the past through the present. A certain order, a certain sequence of transition from one to another, from predecessor to successor, of course, does not imply primitive straightforwardness. Continuity in development does not preclude any uniform forward movement from lower forms to the higher ones, no jumps, no cyclicality and repeatability.

The continuity of generations is ensured by education, which acts as a factor social development personality and spiritual progress of the people.

Continuity in education, being one of the main aspects of the continuity of generations, implies uniformity in the approach to children among the educators themselves, consistency between home and public education, pedagogical optimism - reliance on the results achieved in education to overcome individual negative traits of pupils' behavior, ensuring the correct balance between educational goals, etc.

Continuity is realized in time and space. Physical succession is provided by nature - heredity, genotype, material and economic - inheritance, spiritual - education. Nature, social conditions, pedagogical factors interact with each other, hindering or facilitating continuity. Education enhances continuity where it can exist without it. Sometimes even a spontaneous educational process, not supported by anything and functioning only in the sphere of imitation, ensures continuity. Gesture, facial expressions, manners of parents are reproduced by children, unconsciously and implicitly influence the formation of character, style of behavior, etc. Continuity in the field of labor interests can sometimes grow out of simple curiosity and the imitation generated by it. The same is possible in the field of folk art.

The manifestations of succession are extremely diverse. It is carried out on a purely personal plane, and in the form of continuation and strengthening family traditions, and as a spiritual connection between people and the unity of generations. Continuity concerns the fate of entire peoples. It can be of a nationwide, nationwide, universal character. The strengthening of universal moments of continuity accelerates social progress. The wider and deeper the continuity, the more favorable the conditions for the progress of both the individual and society.

Continuity can affect the sphere of morality and contribute to the formation of negative personality traits of younger family members. For example, one who has achieved a “warm place under the sun” can serve as an inspiring example for a number of generations of relatives who are ready to achieve personal success at the expense of the interests of other people and even the people as a whole.

Continuity can be spontaneous, but most often it is a conscious phenomenon. It is interesting to characterize K.V. Ivanov awareness of his connection with the ancestors through the maternal lineage. He believed that the character traits of the family were determined by the influence of great-grandmother Prta: "... and her family was like her: brave, brave and evil." He singled out certain factors that contributed to the continuity of the generations of the clan: among them he cites a song recitative that passes from generation to generation, calling to remember the ancestors and one's belonging to the Prta clan. The biography of the clan as a kind of history of a group of families connected by a common origin spiritually nourishes the continuity of generations.

In the conscious desire of parents to ensure that their children live better, the pedagogical aspect of continuity is also manifested. In the blessing of the newlyweds, in wedding rituals, in well-wishes to newborns, there is always a concern for the continuity of generations. This concern is reflected in increased attention to the issues of education. V.G. Belinsky saw the continuity of the generations of the people primarily in its identity. Each nation can bring its share to the common treasury of mankind only by living an original life: “In what does this originality of each nation consist? In a special way of thinking and view of the subject that belongs to him alone, in religion, language, and most of all in customs ... All these customs are strengthened by prescription, sanctified by time and pass from generation to generation, from generation to generation as a legacy of descendants from ancestors ".

The people, Belinsky believed, strongly cherishes customs as their most sacred property, and considers an encroachment on a sudden and decisive reform without their consent an encroachment on their being. In this case, such an encroachment means the destruction of the spiritual continuity of generations and therefore causes the protest of the people, their fiercest resistance. National continuity is connected with nationality in education, for "the national physiognomy is most preserved in the lower strata of the people."

Folk ideas about the continuity of generations are essentially pedagogical. “Do not boast of the father, boast of the good fellow” this proverb affirms the continuity of three generations and calls for raising a son following the example of his (grandfather). The son has nothing to do with the merits of his father, but by raising his son he will add glory to the good name of his father. Another proverb inspires: "Do not boast of parents, boast of virtues." The main thing - they consider among the people - upbringing and self-education, virtues make a person worthy of his parents. Similar folk aphorisms are of great educational value.

The proverbs “From generation to generation - the same freak”, “Do not expect a good tribe from a bad seed”, “Who is from whom, that and in that”, “Children of one father”, “One father, one and a Norovets”, testify to recognition by the people of hereditary succession. The two proverbs given in the previous paragraph, as it were, perform control functions in relation to the present ones. Together, they create a picture of the interaction of hereditary continuity with pedagogical. In folk pedagogy, the deterioration of transmitted bad upbringing“From generation to generation” personality traits: “A son is like a father, a father is like a dog, and everything is like a mad dog”, a negative example of a father in upbringing causes deterioration moral qualities children. A person can be bodily beautiful, but ugly because of his upbringing: "White in face, but thin in father." The son may be similar to the father in person, but the determining factor is the similarity with him in behavior, character, activity, formed due to example, upbringing. "The father is a fisherman, and the children look into the water." In such aphorisms, the idea of ​​the role of education is indirectly carried out: “He is not such a father’s son, not such a mother’s child (to do something bad)” - this pedagogical saying, among other things, is also interesting because it can be addressed to the educated person and can serve as his support in overcoming some negative traits in behavior, i.e. self-education.

There is a lot of contradiction in folk ideas about pedagogical continuity, because they reflect different historical eras, different human characters and diverse, specific life situations: “And a rabid sheep is born from a good father”, “There is a good sheep from a dissolute father”, “From one uterus, but not only children”, “One brother is full and strong, the other brother is thin and rare”, etc. However, in many cases, the contradictions are only apparent. First, the same people say: "There are no rules without exceptions." Secondly, there is an optimistic belief among the people that "Any person is the master of his own happiness" and self-education can achieve amazing results in correcting his moral character. They say: “He seemed to be reborn. It's like being born again."

Continuity in the pedagogical sphere is very stable. The progress of the people is in the spiritual enrichment of people from generation to generation: "What the mother did not see, the daughter will see, what the father did not see, the son will see." Continuity is not only in the fact that, as the Chuvash say, "Father and son ride on the same cart", but the most important thing is that "The back hooves follow the trail of the front" (in the sense that young people follow in the footsteps of their elders). As I. Ya. Yakovlev says, the real educator lives in pupils and pupils of pupils.

“For the motherland, children need to be better than their fathers,” says a Georgian proverb. Indeed, continuity is also reflected in the fact that the results of the upbringing of the previous generation are reflected in the behavior of the next, and the bad becomes worse, the good better: “A child will be born from a spoiled person, grow up and become a thief,” say the Chuvash elders. In this proverb, three generations found themselves in a succession: the grandfather spoiled his son, the grandson became a thief. The harsh tone of the proverb can be understood: for the Chuvash, as well as for other peoples, theft means the extreme degree of human fall. Since ancient times, people have also considered kinship as one of the sides of the successive connection of generations. However, it was believed that kinship must also be proved by deed. The kinship of souls is tested in activity, in behavior. In continuity, the spiritual community of people is valued above all: “Spiritual kinship is more than carnal,” says a Russian folk proverb.

The only true education is that which serves the interests of the people. Education that does not meet these requirements is anti-people and can be characterized as anti-education, because it corrupts the human personality.

public education in the past, notes I.T. Ogorodnikov, also included certain types of training, which involved the assimilation of knowledge enshrined in the centuries-old experience of mankind, i.e. in folk pedagogy, education and training were in a single holistic process and complemented each other. With the emergence of education organized by the exploiting classes, a threat was created to public education. Home education among the working people acted as a factor in establishing the connection between education and the working and spiritual life of the people. Education in the state educational institutions acted as a means of re-education, overcoming the consequences of folk (home) education. This was especially characteristic of the monastic schools established in the 17th-18th centuries. for the "foreigners" of the Volga region. Differentiation by the ruling classes and their state of education and upbringing created a threat to the formation of an integral personality. That is why the principle of educative education, scientifically substantiated by Comenius, was of epoch-making significance in the history of education. Its great meaning was to restore the continuity of maternal (parental) education with the study at school. mother tongue, in ensuring the unity of education and upbringing in general.

The spiritual contact of individuals bears the stamp of the continuity of generations. The spiritual treasures of the ancestors are preserved and transmitted in stories, retellings, legends, admonitions, proverbs. Ancestors speak through the mouths of their descendants, great-grandfather, ancestor speaks through the mouth of a grandfather. Thus, in strengthening the continuity of generations, the older generation participates both directly and indirectly - through their pupils, pupils of their pupils, through the spiritual treasures preserved by them. However, in the absence of writing, the farther into the depths of time the ancestors go, the weaker their voice is heard, the more difficult it is for their thoughts to reach. Here, folk pedagogy should come to the aid of truly public education at the state level, which, controlling and preserving all the best, will ensure the succession of generations in a single process of education and upbringing.


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