Mother's Day in kindergarten - in the junior, middle, senior, preparatory group, holiday scenarios, ideas, videos. Scenario for Mother's Day: “Dedicated to my beloved mother! Preparing for Mother's Day in Kindergarten


mother's day is international holiday dedicated to all the mothers of the world. Unlike March 8, International women's day When congratulations are accepted by all the fair sex, on this day it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women. The purpose of this wonderful holiday is to support the traditions of caring for women, to emphasize the importance of the most important person in our life - mothers .

It is also a family holiday. Children must understand who their mother is for them and what respect she deserves. We owe our birth, life, success to our dear mothers. There is nothing more beautiful and selfless than mother's love. As the sun sends its rays, warming all life on earth, so the mother's love always warms the child.

The history of Mother's Day dates back several centuries.

In England from the 17th to the 19th century, "Mothering Sunday" was celebrated - the fourth Sunday of Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

In the United States, Mother's Day was first publicly promoted by the famous American pacifist Julia Ward Howe in 1872. Mother's Day, according to her version, is the day of the unity of mothers in the struggle for world peace, that is, a kind of Peace Day. The ideas of Julia Ward did not find wide support either in the United States or in other countries. Only in 1907. American Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia took the initiative to honor mothers. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislatures and eminent persons with a proposal to dedicate one day a year to her mother. In 1910, the state of Virginia was the first to recognize Mother's Day as an official holiday. US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.

Following the United States, the second Sunday in May was declared a holiday by 23 countries. On other days, this holiday is celebrated by more than 30 countries.

The Maltese have had Mother's Day since time immemorial. Historians believe that the tradition itself originates in the female mysteries of ancient Rome, in which special attention is paid to the veneration of the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.

In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. The history of the holiday dates back to ancient times, when the Greeks celebrated in the spring the day of the mother of all gods - Gaia.

In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927. on the second Sunday in May. On this day, flags are hung out, children prepare gifts for mothers, and fathers try in the kitchen that day, each to the best of his ability.

In Russia, the holiday was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 30.01.98 N 120 "On Mother's Day". ABOUTnnotehinposledaysherwaxRyesnyenONovember The initiative to establish Mother's Day belongs to the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

According to official data, today more than 50 million women are mothers in our country, of which more than 1 million 700 thousand have many children.

Mother's Day is a great opportunity to pay attention to your mothers, grandmothers, warm them with the warmth in which they are so

need. And for preschool This day is another reason to arrange a good holiday for children and their mothers.

There is an opinion that the child initially loves his mother, and there is no need to develop this feeling in him. But if the child does not acquire in the first years of his life the experience of empathy, care for himself close person, it is unlikely that he will grow sensitive and attentive. No wonder folk wisdom says: "A mother's heart is in children, and a child's heart is in toys and pebbles."

In modern society, the issue of communication between generations is acute, therefore, in preschool institutions, it has become necessary to "teach" mutual understanding between parents and children.

In a preschool institution, the work of cultivating love for the mother should be carried out with children of all age groups, but special attention must be paid to the senior preschool age - it is at this age that children begin to actively master the norms of morality, they form moral foundations.

Senior preschool age in the life of a child is the most crucial stage in the development of the mechanisms of behavior and activity, in the formation of the personality of a preschooler as a whole. It is associated both with great changes in the mental and emotional-volitional development of preschoolers, in the motivational sphere, communication with adults and peers, and with the achieved level of moral education. This is the age of children's awareness of their feelings, their attitude to people, and first of all to their mother. He is considered the most sensitive period for the moral development and upbringing of the child. Formation of the child's feelings, incl. empathy, sympathy, rejoicing, from the first years of life is an important pedagogical task. And what moral qualities will develop in a child, depends, first of all, on those around him, on how they bring him up, with what impressions they enrich him.


Game "Interview with Mom"

Children "become journalists" and interview their mothers. The questions asked to mothers, and the symbols denoting them (mnemonic pictures), the guys can come up with themselves. All interviews can be recorded on a voice recorder, which will additionally attract the interest of children and make it possible to listen to the recordings of the conversation between the child and mother again and again.

Conversation "There is no sweeter friend than mother"

Her goals are to create the image of a mother - the guardian family hearth, which creates a warm atmosphere, comfort, a feeling of home, as well as the formation of the idea that a mother performs many social roles: at home she is a loving mother, at work she is a skilled worker (doctor, teacher, hairdresser), in her free time an athlete, a reader , florist.

Mom's portrait

Invite the children to make a portrait of their mother or the whole family using different materials and technician (drawing, modeling, appliqué). Children with great joy and desire will take up this work, they will try to convey all their love for their mother in the portrait.

Excursions to work with mothers

Together with some parents during the year, you can organize excursions to work with mothers: to school and the library.

Children will enrich their knowledge and understanding of the work of a teacher and a librarian, as well as experience a sense of pride in being that their mothers are busy with the work necessary for other people. They will see the importance of their mother's work and the respect of this work by others. Excursions will help bring children to a conversation about diligence, the need to help mom and loved ones.

Photo exhibition "Mom works"

If it is not possible to organize an excursion, then you can organize an exhibition of photographs with the children's stories about the mother's profession together with the children.

A conversation about industriousness

You can discuss with the children the question of what can be considered help for mom - this is any work that the guys can do: wash the dishes, sweep or vacuum the floor, serve themselves on their own, be neat and clean, help get dressed younger brothers and sisters to play with them. All this will be a great help to the mother, who in the free time will be able to do something else or relax.

Analysis of everyday situations

You can use everyday situations and any opportunity to discuss topics: "Why is mom upset, upset," "How to tell mom about a bad deed," "How did I please mom."

Game "Tender Fantas"

To replenish the vocabulary of children with gentle, affectionate words about mother, in addition to reading fairy tales, conversations, getting to know proverbs and sayings about her, you can play a modified game "Affectionate forfeits".

All players sit in a circle. The driver starts a chain of affectionate words: mommy, the next one continues - dear, the third - a swan, the fourth - tender, the fifth - affectionate, etc. When the chain ends, the one on whom it was interrupted puts the phantom in the basket and the game resumes again. An important condition - do not repeat! At the end of the game, forfeits are played.

In the course of such work, children will more clearly understand the connection between their behavior and the mood of their mother and loved ones, there will be a desire to show strong-willed effort and restrain their whims, a desire to help their mother and loved ones, to do something pleasant for their mother. Some pupils can try to compose poems and fairy tales, the main character of which will be children protecting their mother. Children will become more patient and attentive to their mother, to each other and to all the people around them.

Proverbs about mom

Mother dear- an unquenchable candle.

Without a native mother, flowers do not grow in color.

Every mother loves her child.

The kalacha cheese is whiter,A the mother of all friends is cuter.

mother's heart better than the sun warms.

maternal handon caress that fluff, soft.

maternal care at the bottom save the sea.

At the child will hurt the finger, A at mother's heart.

Who are the mothersNot listen, he will get into trouble.

Take care of your fathermother - you won't find others.

There is no sweeter friend how birth mother.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

You buy everythingAfather and motherNot buy.

Questionnaire for parents

1. Would you like your child to do special work to develop love for his mother?

2. Do you think that in kindergarten should this work be done?

Z. Are you ready to cooperate on this issue with kindergarten teachers? Where do you see this cooperation?

Questionnaire for educators

1. What does it mean to educate children to love their mother?

2. How often do you refer to this topic in your work?

Z. What is this work?

4. Are parents involved in this work? How?

Theme day "My beloved mom"

os n oval tasks:

to cultivate a caring, attentive attitude towards mother; clarify and expand knowledge about the concept of "family"; to form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children, families, and society.

Equipment :

photo composition "Our mothers and us", an exhibition of joint works of children and mothers, an exhibition of children's drawings "Portrait of my mother", a collage "What children say about their mothers", a multi-colored flower with wishes to mothers on separate petals, a festive decoration of the group.


Conversation with children

C ate And: attract the attention of children, set them up for further activities; do everything possible to please moms, cheer them up.

Equipment: Recording of the song "Mother's Holiday" (music by Tilicheeva).

The teacher reminds the children that they have been preparing for a special day for a whole week, dedicated to mothers which children love more than anything in the world. Invites children to decorate the group with flowers, balls, their own work. Draws attention to the aesthetics of design, emphasizing that children should please and surprise their mothers.

poetry reading

(E. Blaginina. "Let's sit in silence", G. Vieru. "Mother's day", Y. Akim. "Mom", E. Blaginina. "That's what mom", etc.)

Goals: consolidate knowledge of the content of poems; activate memory; form responsibility for the assigned work; develop facial and speech expressiveness.


Complex lesson

"My mommost loved and beautiful»

Goals: to consolidate children's knowledge about the distinctive features of their mothers, their profession, hobbies; to form an interest in the characteristics of the personality of the mother; to cultivate respect, a caring attitude towards the mother; develop dialogic speech.

The teacher invites the children to introduce each other to their mothers before they arrive and tell about them so that everyone immediately knows whose mother came to visit.

1. Conversation with children about features appearance, name, interests, profession of each mother with a photo and photo composition.

2. Finishing the portrait of the mother (the drawing was completed within 1-2 weeks), the design of the composition.

H. Making biscuits from ready-made dough using molds, followed by baking in the kitchen, or making cakes from ready-made biscuits decorated with cream, sweets, etc.

4. Filling the reverse sides of the multi-colored flower with the wishes of each mother.


Goals: to teach children to do things in order to please their mother, to please her; to form a will through obtaining a delayed result; develop an active vocabulary.

Children plant flowers for their mothers (in winter - green seeds, tulip bulbs, etc.).

The teacher tells the children that women like flowers in this.

And their children can grow their own hands. But in order for them to grow, flowers need to be looked after for a long time. “The more pleasant the gift will be for mom.”

WITHYujetnO-ROlevth game "Family»

C e l And: as an equal playing partner, to clarify the functions of the mother in the family, her role, significance; develop a game monologue, role-playing interaction, the ability to lead a plot using personal experience and experience of friends.

A foreign girl has arrived in Russia, she must be accepted into the family, introduced to everyone, organized leisure activities, etc.

storytelling withquietTVorenand I "Mom's pomoschneithercs"with dvijenniyami

(If the poem is new for children, then they repeat the movements and finish the remembered words, phrases; if they are familiar, they read the poem synchronously and accompany the words with movements.)

We decided to help mom

And they poured water into the basin,

ANDhopen with fingers­ chiVAneitherecrane.

Pour down the powder

DatecabinsmelkiedvAndandeneitherIpinch of fingers.

The linens are all soaked.

WITHthatyat ratki pein front of you, kiWith­ tiVneitherh,Andhdepict byGrougeeneitherebateyaVthath.

We washed it for a long time,

Rubbing toatlacom O fist.

They even rubbed the board.

Rubbing toatlacom O palm.

Didn't break anything

Delyut denyatetraffic­ nie ukahateliermfinger.

And rinsed how much!

Back and forth, back and forth

NaklHeIare, omit patki, rasslablyat, bolmelt andmand andhWithside to sideny.

The water in the basin boiled.

Sklhellsvayutlhellonand in front of­ the battle, rehko szhimyut and loosenmyut paltsy.

But only, brothers, here's the trouble:

Clamp RatToAndto the cheeks, shakingGOlnew.

Foam fell on the floor!

Lowering their handsVneitherh,shakeleGtoTotruths.

Let's collect it

And squeeze into a bucket.

Squat, simulating the collection of foam with both hands

To become like our mother,

So much work to be done!

Pointing up with index finger.


Rassmatting fashion magazines

Target And: develop the ability to distinguish clothing styles, color, distinctive features, in a hairstyle - color, shape, originality, select a style according to the preferences, features of the appearance of mothers; to form a desire to see mother beautiful, to be proud of her.

The opening of a modeling agency where everyone can choose a dress, hairstyle, shoes, jewelry for their mother.

IsodeyateflaxWitht "Dressfor Mom"

Target b : develop creativity, visual skills. Using the templates, the children color the dress for their mother.

ManualOth tRud "Calphaetki for the festive table "

Target And : develop aesthetic taste, the ability to do something with your hands; cause a desire to do something pleasant for mom.

The teacher asks a subgroup of children to cut out beautiful napkins on the tables for mothers, arranging the edges in different ways.

Vechep pentertainment for mAm

(poems, songs, joint dances, competitions, relay races, etc.).

Craft presentation.


1. Borodinova T.A. Education in children of love for the mother./T.A. Borodinova. // Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution. -2007, No. 4. - pp. 34-39.

2. Mother's Day. / Prepared by A.V. Gerasimov. // Reference book of the senior educator of a preschool institution. - 2007, No. 4. - p.33.

3. How does the Motherland begin? (Experience in patriotic education in DOW) / Ed. L.A. Kondrykinskaya. - M: TC Sphere, 2005. - p. 33. - (Series "Together with the children").

4. Alyabyeva E.A. Thematic days and Weeks in Kindergarten: Planning and Notes. / E.A. Alyabyeva. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005. - p. 125-128. – (Development program).

Holiday script for the holiday Mother's Day for children of senior preschool age

The festival is held at the end of November. The hall is decorated with colorful balloons. On the central wall are the words "Mom, dear mom" and the vernissage of children's drawings "Portrait of my mom", where every mom will definitely recognize herself by the color of her hair and eyes, by her favorite jewelry and clothes.

In order for the portraits to be successful for sure, do preliminary work with the children: pay attention to each child individually on the color of the eyes and hair, on the length of the hairstyle, on his mother's favorite jewelry. Find out in a personal conversation which tender words the child would like to tell his mother what wishes he expresses. After such careful preparation, you can safely start drawing. Then beautifully frame each portrait in a colored paper frame. Write down wishes on homemade cards in the form of hearts or children's hands. Attach a greeting card next to the portrait.

At the celebration, mothers sit at tables that are staggered on one side of the music hall. It is better to cover the tables with tablecloths, put small vases with bouquets of artificial flowers. This will help create a touching, cozy, friendly atmosphere at the holiday.

The course of the holiday

presenter. Mother. Each of us has our own mother, mother ... When you were just born and did not know how to speak yet, mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurts. You can't confuse your mother's voice with any other voice. He is so familiar, so familiar. Mom is a giver of warmth, love and beauty.

Everything that surrounds you in this world begins with your mother.

I love you mom, why, I don't know.

Probably because I live and dream

And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day,

For this, dear, I love you.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around!

I love you mom

You are my best friend!

IN last sunday November is Mother's Day in Russia. This holiday exists in other countries of the world. Only each country has its own date of its holding. You will say: “But what about March 8?”. March 8 is International Women's Day. Of course, no one canceled it. Simply, unlike the holiday of March 8, on Mother's Day, only mothers accept congratulations, and not all female representatives.

Well, everything is ready for the holiday!

So what are we waiting for?

We are now for mommy

Let's read our poems.

1st child.

Today we invited you

To loudly and amicably say:

"Beloved mothers, we congratulate you

And we want to wish you happiness!

And so that the smile does not leave the face,

We will entertain you guys!”

2nd child.

What is the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What is the most important word?

His kids are babbling in the yard,

On the first page it is in the Primer,

It is pronounced everywhere with a smile,

It will never be misspelled.

Whisper it softly, say it loudly

The cherished word of any child.

What is the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What is the most important word?

All children. Mother!

Children sing the song "Mom", music by J. Bourgeoa, T. Popa, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Mom is the first word

The main word in our destiny.

Mom gave life

The world gave me and you.

It happens - sleepless night

Mom is crying slowly

How is the daughter, how is her son, -

Only in the morning my mother will fall asleep.

Mom is the first word

The main word in our destiny.

Mother earth and sky

Life gave me and you.

It happens - if it happens suddenly

There is trouble in your house,

Mom, the most reliable friend,

Will be with you always.

Mom is the first word

The main word in our destiny.

Mom gave life

The world gave me and you.

It happens - you become more mature

And like a bird you will fly high

Whoever you are, know that you are for mom,

As always, dear baby.

Mom is the first word

The main word in every destiny.

Mom gave life

The world gave me and you!

3rd child.

Moms, the closest people,

We smile sweetly sometimes

But to say that we love them,

We don't have enough time!

M. Plyatskovsky

4th child.

She teaches us patiently

Work together and make friends

Do everything joyfully, beautifully

And love your homeland.

So it is, from the century,

I've been standing on this for a long time.

The one who loves his mother

He loves his country.

I. Utkin

5th child.

happy holiday today

Congratulations mom

I'm tight around the neck

I hug my mom.

The most beautiful

My mommy!

obedient all day long

I promise to be!

E. Nezorova

Children perform the song "Mom, Mom", lyrics by E. Leshko, music by S. Yudina


For children more than mom

There is no one in the world.

Children send you senior group

Dancing hello!

Children perform a dance at the choice of the music director.


You danced well

Is it time for us to play?

You need to wind the thread on the stick.

You can call the competition "Winders".

The competition "Winders" is held.

For the competition, you will need thick woolen yarn in two colors. To make it easier to see, it is better to take yarn bright colors. Pieces of thread of 5-6 meters in two contrasting colors should be folded in half, connected to each other with a loop, tie the ends to planed sticks. Thus, we get a two-color thread with sticks at the ends. 2 participants take sticks in their hands horizontally and on command under cheerful music begin to quickly and accurately wind their end of the thread onto the stick. The player who runs out of thread of his color the fastest wins.

You can take a thread of one color. Just mark the middle by tying a candy. Whoever gets to the candy the fastest is the winner.

Leading. The kids did a great job! And now mothers will show their skill.

The game is repeated, only this time the mothers are involved.


Moms are very fond of

Pamper children -

Sweets and toys

Buy for kids!

A child comes out with a children's umbrella, tells a poem.

Mom bought me

The umbrella is real.

He's small, of course.

But brilliant nonetheless.

I will be in the puddles

Walk with an umbrella.

The rain will be fun

Water the umbrella.

I jump on the puddles

I play, I have fun.

And autumn rain

I'm not afraid at all!

Several girls perform a joke dance "Walking under an umbrella". (Autumn holiday material is used.)


Now it's time to pay attention:

Let's continue our competition.

Moms, who is strong, dexterous here?

Show us your knack!

We have prepared this competition especially for mothers. The competition is called "Venikobol".

A competition for mothers "Venikobol" is being held.

2 mothers are participating. Need to hold a "snake" balloon between the pins with a broom and go back. The mother who completes the task faster wins.

presenter. Look out the window, guys... Although it's November on the calendar, winter has already fully come into its own. Until recently, the trees under our window were in a beautiful golden dress. And now all the elegant leaves lie under a layer of snow. What do they think about, what do they remember, lying under their fluffy blanket? About how in early spring they tried to hatch from sleeping buds as soon as possible? Or about how fun they rustled under the warm summer sun? Or about how smoothly and gently they whirled in the autumn waltz?

Girls perform "Dance with autumn leaves". (Autumn holiday material is used.)


We need to continue the holiday

We will sing, dance, play.

Which one of you guys wants

Decorate your mom?

The game "Decorate your mom" is being held.

For the game you will need hats, scarves, handbags, eye shadow, lipstick, beads, clips, combs, hairpins and more. Several couples participate in the game: mothers with their children. Mothers sit on chairs, facing the audience. On a signal, the children begin to decorate their mother to their liking. Be sure to have napkins ready so moms can tidy up after playing, as kids usually try to use everything they have in their arsenal.

presenter. The guys tried very hard to decorate their mothers as brightly and varied as possible. After all, every child considers his mother the most beautiful.

And the mothers all smiled

So, we have not tried in vain.

To really cheer up

They should be invited to the Waltz.

Children invite their mothers to "Mom's Waltz", music and movements at the choice of the music director.


Now pay attention, kids:

I still have a game.

I now want to know:

Who loves helping moms?

The game "Feed Mom" ​​is held.

For this game you will need 2 jars of yogurt, 2 teaspoons, 2 napkins.

There are two couples. Moms sit back to back, sideways to the audience. The child sits on a chair opposite the mother. In his hands he has a jar of yogurt and a spoon. On a signal, the children begin to gently feed their mother. The first couple to eat the yogurt wins.


For dear mothers, we tried today,

We sang, danced, joked, laughed.

And in the hall, spring has come with us,

From warm smiles, shining eyes.

1st child.

Our dear mothers,

We ourselves admit

Which, of course, we are not always

We are behaving well.

2nd child.

We often upset you

What we sometimes don't notice.

We love you very, very much

Let's grow good.

And we will always try

All children. To behave!

Children sing the song "Mom will understand everything", words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Botyarov.


Love your mothers!

Love beautiful and kind,

And just relatives, no fuss,

Love and strict, severe.

Just love them

Without any excuse.

Without a mother life is nothing

And mom is the universe for us!

B. Botrini

To the song of O. Gazmanov “Mom”, children approach their mothers, hug and kiss them, say words of congratulations. Then, together with their mothers, they go to their group for tea.

In my opinion, Mother's Day should become a good tradition in every kindergarten. It is needed so that joy and warmth are added to our lives, so that it becomes more good and sincerity.

During this holiday, you can use the song and dance repertoire prepared for autumn holidays. Do not be afraid to use once again the musical numbers already familiar to children. The more often they repeat, the better they know; the better they know, the more opportunities for creativity.

Scripts published on our project will help to spend Mother's Day in kindergarten or at school. The form of the holiday can be a concert, game or competitive program, evening meeting, sports and entertainment event, theatrical composition. This section contains scenarios for different age groups, which can serve as a basis for developing your own scenario.

Scenarios of events and matinees "Mother's Day"

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 8589 .
All sections | Mothers Day. Holiday scenarios

Joint leisure of mothers and children of the second younger group for Mother's Day "My beloved mom" Joint leisure of mothers and children junior group to the Day mothers"My beloved mother" Author: Larina Tatyana Andreevna music director MADOU "Kindergarten No. 74" Syktyvkar Target: Contribute to the creation festive, trusting atmosphere. Tasks: Educate children...

Target:  involvement of children and parents in healthy lifestyle life through joint sports events. Software tasks: exercise in running at speed, performing additional tasks; develop coordination of movements; exercise in the ability to perform jumps on the ball, ...

Mothers Day. Holiday scenarios - Photo report on the matinee for Mother's Day in the nursery group

Publication "Photo report on the matinee for Mother's Day in the nursery ..." Photo report of the matinee for Mother's Day in nursery group. Objectives: To form a trusting relationship between the parent and the child and the educator. Contribute to the creation Have a good mood. Types of children's activities: Game, cognitive, musical - rhythmic. Equipment:...

MAAM Pictures Library

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Mother's Day in the preparatory group Script for Mother's Day preparatory group"Rosinka" educator MBDOU No. 58, Stavropol Sarkisova O.N. 2018 Ved.: Good evening we tell you! It is not by chance that we have gathered today, this November evening, in our cozy hall. In November, we celebrate...

Scenario of the holiday "Mom is the most beloved" in the younger group Purpose: To involve parents and children in the joint emotionally significant living of family holidays. Tasks: 1. Congratulate mom on the holiday, give joy to children. 2. Cultivate love and tender respectful feeling for mother. 3. To form a positive in the minds of parents ...

Scenario of a non-traditional holiday dedicated to Mother's Day "Warmth of hearts for our beloved mothers" Scenario of an unconventional holiday, dedicated to the day mothers "Warmth of hearts for our beloved mothers" 1. Introductory part Presenter Good afternoon, we tell you. It is not by chance that we have gathered today, this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a...

Mothers Day. Holiday scenarios - The scenario of the spring holiday in the senior group “Dedicated to beloved mothers ...”

Scenario of a festive concert for children of the senior group dedicated to March 8 Dance - way out. Children under the song "Mother's Heart" enter the hall with balloons in a column and perform an Exercise with balloons. (After the dance, the children remain loose) Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests ...

Entertainment "Mom's holiday" for children of the second younger group Children enter the music hall to the music and become a semicircle. Vedas. In March, on the first day, spring begins. Mother's Day - March 8 - is celebrated by the whole country! These are our mothers, we are always proud of you, Smart and sweet, kind, beautiful. 1-child Invited to visit us We...


In the kindergarten, there is turmoil and noise:
- It will start soon! - Where is my suit?
- Sasha and Dasha, take the balls!
Whispering, moving, arguing, laughing.

Under these words, the children enter and stand in a semicircle to the music of "Mustached Nanny"

What kind of holiday is being prepared here?
It can be seen that honored guests will come!
Maybe the generals will come? No!
Maybe the admirals will come? No!
Maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?
No, no, no!
Quit guessing in vain,
Look, here they are - the guests.
Honorable, most important:

Children: Hello dear mothers!

Presenter: It is very pleasant that the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers came to visit us. The words "Mom, mother - one of the most ancient on Earth." All people respect and love mothers. The word “Mother” is also used to refer to their Motherland to emphasize that she treats her children in a maternal way. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them. And today we are going to talk about mom.

Happy mother's day to you, dear! Let this holiday be bright! Let all sorrows go away and dreams come true! Let the people of the whole world give you kindness and smiles!

All children: Mom is the most important word in the world!
Mom is a word that all children understand!

Children read poetry

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.

One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the most best friend,
Better mom- There is not!

I paint on asphalt
colorful crayons
In a soft white dress
Mom with blue flowers
I'll write down "Mom"
Let it be uneven, even crooked,
For her, for herself,
The cutest and most beautiful.

Children sing the song "Beloved Mom" ​​(And only after the song they sit down)

The teachers play games.

"Guess your child." Children stand in a circle in the center of the mother blindfolded. He guesses his child by touch.

"Who will dress up mother more beautifully?". On the tables various decorations, children decorate mothers

"Feed your child." Parents must feed their child with their eyes closed, within a certain time.

"Helpers". Children help mothers to clean up the mess on the floor, for a certain time.

All competitions are accompanied by music.

The facilitator reads the poemThe boy chose a rose (and at this time there is a preparation for the scene).

The boy chose a rose carefully,
So that the rest do not crush,
The saleswoman looked worried.
Help him or not?
Thin fingers in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns
I chose the one that revealed
Petals this morning.
Raking your change out of your pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
He was embarrassed in a very strange way:
"Mom..." he whispered softly.
It's her birthday, she's thirty today...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.
Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I'm in my forties, she's in her fifties.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this

Presenter: Our children have prepared for you a sketch "An important meeting, or what to give moms." Let's get a look!

Music "Forest Trouble"

Everything in the forest makes noise, sings -
Mother's Day is coming!
We all need to talk about:
What will we give mothers?

Monkey children will say:
We will give moms bananas!
To cook all year round
We have a banana compote.

Hamster children will say:
- we will give moms hooks!
To day-to-day to night
We knitted sweaters!

Bear children will say:
We will give mums lids!
We will buy jars, roots -
Let moms cook jam!

Well, a bunny on the edge
Rushing into the distance, spreading his ears,
Hey, wait! Where are you?

— I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why donate hooks?
Oh, you bears, hamsters!

For moms to rest
So that they flutter like little birds,
Let's love moms!
Let's give them flowers!

So stop thinking too much!
All follow me on the road!
For a gift - the very hour!
They are waiting for us with mom's flowers.

(We take out the flowers in the basket and help the children distribute them to their mothers)

Presenter: Alexei Maksimovich Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy of the world comes from mothers!”

Children, if you want to make your mother the happiest person, act in such a way that she is happy and can proudly say: “You know what good children I have!”

Dear mothers! Congratulations on Mother's Day. Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! Let your hearth always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love. Happiness to you, dear!

Everyone dances the final dance "Sponges with a bow"!

Savenkova Nadezhda Pavlovna

educators GBOU secondary school 364,

Moscow, Russia.
