Unrefined shea butter (shea butter) for hair. Shea Butter for Hair: Properties, Applications and Recipes for Masks Hair Mask Shea Butter

Why has shea butter become so popular in the hair care industry? Is it really a must for acquiring a graceful, healthy head of hair. Or is it perhaps a smart publicity stunt?

Pleasant advertising voices often tell us: “This shampoo is fortified with shea butter! There is nothing better for your hair!” And on the shelves of industrial supermarkets or online stores you can find a huge variety of products with the addition of this oil.

We, as inquisitive girls, need to deeply understand this issue. And, according to the results of a mini-study, it is possible to take note of another means to maintain female beauty.

What is shea butter?

Let's start with the fact that this product is called shea butter. Otherwise, the plant, thanks to which such a useful remedy was born, is called shea. The tree itself can exist in the wild for up to three hundred years.

And the first fruits appear when it is in the age period from 20 to 25 years. This factor increases the cost of the oil. The most interesting: it is produced from the pulp that is in the bones of the fruit. By the way, the fruits of the tree visually resemble an avocado.

The habitat of the shea tree is traditionally located in East, West and Central Africa. It is worth noting that there this plant is used in many directions. Including the creation of food and medicine.

From the above, it follows that it is of great value to local residents. In some areas, cutting down this representative of the flora is punishable by law. At the same time, its excellent cosmetic properties are appreciated all over the world.

Shea butter properties

Shea butter - otherwise, shea butter contains protein and vitamins A,E,D,F, oleic and stearic acids. Is not Full description all useful components of this product. But the above list already allows you to answer the question of why the oil has become so popular.

On a note!

Do in shea butter up to 80% neutral fats triglycerides. This magical element provides hydration and collagen production, which is simply priceless for female beauty and youth maintenance.

In cosmetology, oil is used to improve and prevent problems of the skin, hair and even nails. Since it has a whole range of positive effects on these areas of the human body that are most susceptible to the harmful effects of external aggressive factors.

Shea butter perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic and youthful. Helps to heal wounds and cracks, and even fights stretch marks. True, treatment should begin immediately after their occurrence. And if there is a risk of stretch marks during pregnancy, experts advise nourishing the skin with oils in problem areas almost from the very beginning of the “interesting situation”.

Shea butter has a general strengthening effect on nails, and softens dry cuticles.

This magical oil strengthens and nourishes hair. It fights dryness, damage, brittleness, and split ends. In the process of healing, it saturates curls with macro and microelements.

People with allergies to nuts and latex should not use this product. There are no more contraindications, which will certainly please future and nursing mothers.

Properties and application for hair


IN pure form shea butter has a very unusual texture. One of the customers, having opened the coveted jar, is unpleasantly surprised - outwardly it sometimes looks like powder or shavings. Its appearance and shape depends, of course, on the manufacturer's idea.

However, the whole point is that only at a certain temperature does the oil begin to melt, that is, to be absorbed and further treat the areas on which it was applied. Usually it melts already on the skin, but in our situation, you can hold the oil at room temperature or put a plate with the product in a water bath so that it reaches a creamy or liquid consistency.

Hair Benefits

Little shi (karite) will help:

  • get rid of dry hair, especially dry and split ends
  • reduce shedding
  • get rid of itching and dandruff
  • strengthen hair roots
  • make curls smoother, healthier and shinier

Application features

How to use shea butter for hair? There are a lot of ways to use a product such as shea butter for healing hair. And it's all thanks to its amazing efficiency. Here, an important role is played by the distribution of the product through the hair in its pure form, that is, almost pristine composition. This product is widely used in the modern beauty industry in the manufacture of a variety of hair care cosmetics.

How to use this acquisition for hair? The answer is pretty simple. It is necessary to apply the product, as well as the products in which it is contained, to the hair. Here you need to follow either recipes for purchased products, or instructions for home-made masks. Or the secret of applying natural shea butter. Read about it below 🙂

Use pure shea butter

Without additives, in a pure form without impurities, shea butter is applied to the strands as follows:

  1. First you need to place it in a water bath. The amount depends on the hair. The liquid should not get hot. The best option, warm liquid.
  2. Next, carefully comb the curls. Apply the amount you need to each strand. At the same time, we do a light tapping massage on the head with our fingers - we help the product to absorb well and have the best effect. A clear plus: applying the oil is not difficult, it is well absorbed.
  3. We continue: with a toothed comb, we pass through each strand until the oil is evenly distributed.
    Then we wrap the head in polyethylene and cover it with a towel on top. After 2-2.5 hours, you need to wash your hair with shampoo.

On the thematic women's Internet pages, both home-made hair cosmetics and mostly expensive branded products are considered. Reviews for this type of cosmetics are usually positive. Even more like an advertisement, because the lucky owners of miracle cures post tons of photos of silky healthy hair online.

What encourages the readers of the review to go to the store or order products with valuable oil (or in its pure form) on Internet sites as soon as possible. But whether there are products with the addition of shea butter in the middle price segment, and how much the price corresponds to the quality in this case, we will tell in our article a little later.

How often should you apply shea butter to your hair?

It is recommended to nourish the scalp and hair with shea butter. 2 times a week. And to speed up the treatment of dermatitis and help weakened hair, you need to apply it every day. Oil is also applied to split ends daily.

The Best Shea Butter Hair Mask (Rave Reviews Only!)

The simple secret to a hair strengthening shea butter blend that has taken the internet by storm.

  • equal portions of oils - burdock and shea(calculate the volume, starting from the amount of hair),
  • vitamins A and E- 1 or 2 capsules,
  • a few drops essential oil of your choice.

Mix the ingredients, evenly distribute on the hair, withstand 40-60 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Reviews about shea butter for hair (in pure form and as part of masks)

It is easy to find on feedback sites great amount positive reviews with photos about the use of pure oils in hair care. And also on YouTube:

Shea Butter Hair Masks

Let's turn to cosmetic mixtures that you can make at home with your own hands. Moreover, this process will not take away from you a large number time. In this compilation, we have collected for you popular homemade shea butter masks that have earned rave reviews from netizens.

For shine

To maintain the natural radiance of your hair, use the following mask.


  • Shea butter - 50 g.,
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.

We mix the components, distribute over wet curls, wrap with polyethylene. And wrap it in a towel on top. This procedure is recommended to be carried out 2 times a week for half an hour before the usual shampooing.


Measure against falling out. If you want to strengthen your hair, use this mask.

Ingredients for medium length hair:

  • Shea butter - 2 teaspoons,
  • Egg yolks at room temperature - 2 pieces,
  • Liquid honey - 2 teaspoons,
  • Ground red pepper - 1 teaspoon.

Mix everything thoroughly, apply in a warm state. Wrap, keep for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Rinse with cool water to keep the yolks from curdling. And then in the usual way.

For hair growth

The following composition manifests the properties of shea butter, contributing to the active growth of healthy, strong hair. This mixture is used in the course. However, not so often. What makes its use pleasant, not too burdensome.


  • Shea butter - 3 tablespoons
  • Castor oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Rosemary oil - 3 drops.

Distribute the composition on dry, clean strands of hair. Wrap in cellophane (a shower cap works best) and leave for two hours. Then rinse. This mixture is used for 1 time per week, and the entire course lasts 4 month A.

The benefits and harms of shea butter for hair

Shea butter has the following benefits for hairline, namely:

  • restores the moisture balance in hair that has been dyed, curled, flat ironed or even chemically treated. Saves hair from aggressive environmental influences;
  • returns natural shine and smoothness to the hair;
  • prevents cross-section and prevents the process of hair loss;
  • generally strengthens weakened hair, which in turn prevents hair brittleness;
  • helps eliminate different kinds dermatitis and skin eczema.

However, shea butter can also harm the body. Any cosmetic product, even such a popular one, has its own contraindications. In this case, it is basically individual intolerance to the product.

Unrefined Shea Butter for Hair

Unrefined - this almost virgin shea butter is considered the product that has the best healing effect on hair than refined. Mostly well-known beauty bloggers advise focusing on this type of oil. What is the reason?

What is the best shea butter?

Experts believe that refined oil is empty. Often it is odorless. During its processing, important useful properties are lost.

Unrefined shea butter retains all the beneficial properties, has a slight pleasant aroma. This product has a limited shelf life. And keep it in a cool place. You can determine which shea butter is best for you, given the purpose for which you purchase this oil. But, it is believed that in the cosmetic direction, the best option- unrefined products of a trusted manufacturer.

What should I consider when buying shea butter (cartite)?

  • Real unrefined shea butter has a delicate, subtle nutty scent. And it only smells from the packaging. On the skin, this fragrance is not felt at all.
  • The oil is neither runny nor dry. It is firm in a cool room, but quickly melts on the skin. In a warm room, it looks like ghee and absorbs quickly.
  • Doesn't run down the arms.
  • You can taste it. And it has a color from cream to pale yellow.
  • The price of real shea butter is mostly high. There are for example jars for 7 gr. The price is almost 600 rubles. However, there are exceptions, for example, the Spivak brand offers unrefined shea butter in packs of 100g. at a price of 140 - 170 rubles. (depending on stores and regions of sale). Reviews for the oil of this brand are the most wonderful.

This must be remembered!

  1. Shea butter or shea butter perfectly helps to maintain the health of not only hair, but also skin and nails.
  2. For cosmetic purposes, it is better to purchase unrefined oil - it retains all the beneficial properties. This oil has distinctive features by which you can determine its naturalness.
  3. In general, shea butter belongs to the class of luxury oils and has high price. However, you can find manufacturers who represent this product in an affordable middle price segment.

In general: this product is useful, can be used in various areas and claims to be a must-have product for maintaining female beauty. The use of shea butter becomes especially relevant in the cold season.

The unique shea plant is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that hair needs.

Girls spend a lot of time looking for funds to get curls, akin to a horse's mane. Shea butter will help achieve this effect.

Composition, benefits, application rules

The composition with various acids is very useful for the whole body and hair.


  • oleic - 50%;
  • palmitic - 4-6%;
  • stearic 37-44%;
  • linoleic 5-9%;
  • linolenic - 1.2%.

These acids help fight scalp diseases, restore.

Vitamins A, E, F, D saturate each hair, give silkiness, shine and density to the strands. After the masks, the curls are better combed, any styling lasts longer.

It is melted in a bowl, which is in a container with hot water. The consistency is slightly thick and warm. The mixture is applied to the hair, rubbed into the skin and strands.

Then a bag is put on the head, wrapped in a towel for better penetration and action of shea. Heated oil should be warm but not hot.

When hot, it can burn the scalp and hands.

Extract from the seeds of the shea tree fights the following range of diseases and injuries:

  • seborrhea;
  • alopecia;
  • weakness of hair follicles;
  • dryness, brittleness;
  • burns from thermal devices, ammonia dyes;
  • visit.

A large list of positive qualities makes shea extract a unique medicine without side effects.

Properties and uses of shea butter:

Action shea

Fatty acids, which are in the composition of shea, are necessary for curls to maintain beauty and health.

Oleic acid, the content of which is 50%, fights dermatitis and other damage to the scalp.

Thanks to the penetration into the hair structure, it restores natural keratin, makes the strands supple, elastic, the sick become alive.

Shea is one of the oils that completely heals the hair to its original state.

The remaining components help to dissolve, it is better to penetrate inside.

Possible harm

It is clear that if there is an allergy to the constituent element of the product, it is better not to use it.

To test for intolerance, you need to dip your finger in warm oil and apply on your wrist, wait 5 minutes.

If after this time itching, irritation or discomfort, then this is a sign of an allergy and the extract is not recommended.

It may happen that after using the product, the strands began to fluff, the shine disappeared, they became dry. There is no need to be afraid of such a reaction.

Shea itself does not dry, but washes out artificial and chemical products that “care” for the look of the hairstyle. Shea oil extract dries dyed curls subjected to chemical procedures. On natural hair the result is visible immediately.

Impact on colored strands

Oil extract does not bleach natural strands. Colored ones will gradually lose their artificial shade.

Penetrating into the structure, the oil partially washes out the color, after 5-6 procedures you can return the natural tone to the curls. For gray-haired women, this is bad news.

But in stores there are products that fix the coloring pigment a little.

It is better to use tinting mousses or tinted shampoos: so you can maintain the shade and do less harm.

How to apply

This oil product, in part, medicine. It must be used correctly. There are several rules for its use.

The extract from the seeds should be applied to slightly damp hair.

It is best to moisten them with a wet comb: wet the brush with water and comb the strands.

You need to melt in a water bath. On colored hair, the extract should be used in mixtures with more fatty oils.

It is necessary to rub well not only into the hair, but also into the scalp. Put on a plastic cap and cover with a towel.

The advantage of shea extract is that it is not necessary to rinse it off when used in its pure form.

Applying, the oil must be rubbed and left.

Oil extract does not leave greasy spots does not weigh down the hair. Shea extract melts at 30 degrees.

Therefore, you need to store it in a cool dark place.

Duration, frequency of procedures

Whether to leave the mask overnight or not is an individual decision. Oil extract will not damage the strands in any way, but the effect will not come faster.

Only regular use of masks can cure tired curls, add shine, thickness, silkiness to the hairstyle.

The rest of the time, the constituent components are inactive. Caring for natural and dyed hair is somewhat different. On natural effect will be visible after the first application, and on dyed after 4-5 procedures.

At first, it will seem that they have become even worse.: dry, brittle, lifeless.

In fact, this is the natural state of the strands after chemical and thermal damage.

But after a series of procedures, the hairstyle will be restored, its former beauty and health will return to it.

For prevention, it is worth doing the procedure once a week regularly. For treatment - every 3 days for six months.

Then you can use once every seven days constantly.

Whether to wash off the oil extract of Chi

Better of course wash your hair after applying greasy mixtures.

You can leave the extract only at the ends, since at the top the sebaceous glands actively produce a natural protective layer, which, in combination with oils, will make the hair greasy.

All oil products are poorly washed off with water.

Mask removal algorithm:

  • wet hair with wet hands;
  • apply a little shampoo, foam it without water;
  • massage your head
  • add some warm water, massage again;
  • wash your hair well.

If the procedure did not help the first time, it is not forbidden to repeat it.

Shampoo is best used without collagen and silicones. Mixtures must be washed off because they clog the hair.

IN in kind shea butter will help protect the hair as it wraps it in a porous film.

How and why to use: recipes

There are several ways to use shea extract:

  1. Combination with other oils in the form of masks.
  2. Add to shampoos or conditioners.
  3. In its purest form.
  4. Compresses for the night.

For dry ends

There are two ways to cure dry ends: use a mixture of hair oils or a pure application of shea shea butter.

Method number 1.

The composition of the hair mask:

  • shea extract - 1 ml;
  • honey - 3 drops;
  • - 1 ml

Mix the ingredients, apply to the ends, rub well, make a flagellum, stab with a hairpin and wrap your head with a towel. Wash your hair with shampoo after 40 minutes.

Method number 2. Apply the melted product to dry ends, do not rinse.

The fight against alopecia


  • - 2 b.l;
  • shea extract - 3 b.l;
  • - 2 k.

Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass. Apply to dry strands, rub into the scalp, create a greenhouse effect. Wash off with warm water and shampoo after 30-40 minutes.

Growth improvement


  • shea butter extract - 1 b.l;
  • castor oil - 1 b.l.;
  • vitamins A, E - one capsule.

Mix the components, apply to the strands, rub into the skin. This mixture can leave overnight or 2.5 hours.

Seborrhea treatment


  • shea oil extract - 2 b.l;
  • - 4 k.

Apply the mixture to the roots and rub into the head itself. Wash off after an hour and a half. The result is noticeable after 3-4 procedures. Full recovery occurs after six months.

Nourishing mask for dry hair roots:

Precautions, contraindications

The shea tree grows in Africa, and the extract from it is considered an exotic product.

Regarding its positive or harmful effects on the body of full-fledged medical research was not carried out.

There have never been any reported cases with dangerous consequences. Therefore, it is worth fearing only allergic reactions with individual intolerance.

Care must be taken when preparing:

  • it is worth carefully checking the temperature so as not to burn yourself and not harm the head;
  • do a stress test.


  • individual intolerance;
  • susceptibility to allergic reactions to nuts and latex.


Shea butter extract is a product tested by cosmetologists and dermatologists. Helps repair damaged strands and protect healthy ones.

Using an unrefined product, you can achieve the effect after 3-4 procedures.

Natural unrefined oil has a yellowish-green hue, is more greasy to the touch, and the nutty smell is fully felt. The purified product smells weakly, of a lighter shade, less greasy. Provides less benefit.

Purified oil only hair, but does not heal.

For the health and beauty of curls, it is not necessary to resort to expensive chemicals from stores or pharmacies.

You can prepare a safe product from shea oil extract and enjoy the chic condition of your hair.


How to use shea butter for hair

White gold of Africa - this is the name of the oil obtained from the shea tree (karite). original name can be translated as the Tree of Life. It occupies a significant place among the African people. Locals use it for body care, hair care, cooking and as a remedy. Even Cleopatra herself used shea butter for her hair.

Getting to know each other better

Shea (Karite) belongs to the group of solid oils, it is obtained by processing shea nuts. The oil has a yellow-beige color with a nutty smell. At low or room temperatures, it becomes hard and opaque, but melts easily in the hands, in the microwave or in a water bath.

Shea butter benefits for hair care

Shea butter contains unique fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, etc.), carbohydrates, proteins, unsaponifiable fats and vitamins A, F, E, D.

The oil perfectly nourishes the skin and hair. It slows down the aging process and has a small degree of UV protection. For these properties, many manufacturers - from the mass market to luxury brands use shea butter in hair cosmetics: Planeta Organica, Organic Shop, Lush, Ecolab and Avon.

Shea butter can be found in shampoos, gels, balms, masks and facial cleansers. On the label, it is referred to as "Butyrospermum parkii" or "shea butter".

Used in medicine to treat sunburn, stretch marks, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin diseases. And in cooking it is used as a fat for cooking and sweetener.

What problems are they used for?

  • ideal for girls with curls (because they are initially porous and dryish);
  • for owners of long hair (because she especially needs nourishment);
  • for dry and damaged by staining or drying curls (it will become a real sos-remedy);
  • shea butter is also used for split ends (just rub a small amount of oil on your fingers, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the hair will become greasy!);
  • can be used as protection from the aggressive sun and sea salt (again, the main thing is just a little bit).
  • with itching of the scalp and dandruff - restores the scalp and has a bactericidal effect.
  • hair loss - awakens dormant bulbs, stimulates the production of collagen and strengthens the hair along the entire length.

Shea butter is suitable for hair oiling procedures. This procedure is taken from practice indian women, it lays the foundation for the growth of thick and dense hair.

Who should stop using

Shea should be used with caution on colored hair. Because all fatty oils wash out and weaken the coloring pigment. But it can be used as an "ambulance" for damaged or overdried curls.

Ways to Use Shea Butter for Hair

In its purest form

  • heat a tablespoon of oil in a microwave or in a water bath (40-50 degrees);
  • apply shea butter to dry hair before shampooing;
  • comb your hair with a wooden or plastic comb;
  • leave for 1-2 hours (can be overnight);
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with your favorite shampoo (2 times with abundant foam).

For split ends, apply a little shea butter to dry ends. For a course of treatment, 10-15 procedures are enough, no more than 2 times a week.

As a protective agent, apply to dry hair half an hour before going outside.

Add to your favorite beauty products

To enhance the effect of shampoo, conditioner, balm and hair mask, just add a small amount of shea butter. It is recommended to mix by hand. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

This method of application contributes not only to enhancing the action, but also softening negative impact chemicals.

Shea butter hair masks

There are many recipes, among which the most effective and time-tested stand out.

  • all ingredients must be in a liquid state;
  • mix in a glass or plastic bowl;
  • do not use metal objects.

General rules for the use of masks:

  • apply to dry hair before shampooing;
  • warm your head with a hat with a towel;
  • leave for 1-2 hours or overnight;
  • Rinse with hot water, use shampoo if necessary.

The course of treatment includes 10-15 procedures, using mixtures 1-2 times a week.

For dry and damaged hair

  • shea butter - 30 ml;
  • olive oil - 30 ml.

The ingredients are mixed and heated. The mixture is applied to the roots and along the entire length of the curls. During this time, the strands will have time to get enough nutrition and moisture.

For split ends:

You will need several oils:

  • shea - 20 ml;
  • almond - 20 ml;
  • ylang-ylang - 4 drops.
  • beaten egg yolk;

Mix the oils, pour in the yolk and let cool, add the ether. Apply to the ends of the hair without rubbing into the scalp. Wash off with warm water after 2 hours.

Shea Butter Mask for Hair Growth

  • oils:
    • burdock - 10 ml;
    • linen - 20 ml;
    • shea - 40 ml;
  • liquid vitamin E - 10 ml.

Apply the mixture on the entire head and wash off after 1-2 hours.

Where to buy natural oil

Shea butter is sold in shops and websites dedicated to soap making or natural cosmetics. There it is sold by weight. You can buy a ready-made and packaged product, for example, Shea butter from Now Solutions, Spivak, etc.

A high-quality butter is not crumbly, hard, but at the same time resembles plasticine.


Obtained by first cold pressing. So the maximum remains in the product useful properties, it has a yellowish color, a pleasant buttery-nutty aroma, and the texture is reminiscent of margarine. For dry skin and hair, this is the best choice.


After cleaning under high pressure, the oil becomes refined. It has White color and texture similar to wax. It does not have a pronounced smell, rather an unobtrusive fleur and is absorbed a little faster than its counterpart, besides it is less oily. More suitable for normal skin and hair.

Store: in the refrigerator or in a place protected from sunlight, the temperature of which does not exceed +25 degrees.

Shea is one of the best solid hair oils that are used in cosmetics. Its ease of use, unlimitedness and compatibility with many means allows you to choose the best recipe masks not only for hair, but also for the body, lips and skin around the eyes.

In the article we consider shea butter for hair - its benefits and possible contraindications . You will learn where to buy and how to use undiluted shea butter, learn how to make homemade masks with it, and evaluate the effect of using it from the photos in customer reviews.

Outwardly, shea butter is unlike the usual vegetable oils, it resembles solid fat, saturated with useful components.

When stored in the refrigerator, it will be hard, at a temperature of 20-22 degrees - soft, and when heated from 27 degrees, it will begin to melt.

The color depends on the manufacturing technology, the region where the shea tree grows and the presence of additives, it can be white or yellowish. A pleasant unobtrusive aroma of a nut is set off by light notes of coconut.

Shea butter is 75% triglyceric acids (stearic, oleic, arachidic, linoleic, palmitic and myristic). Their complex is essential for a healthy cell life cycle.

The composition also includes:

  • squalene - saturates the hair follicles with oxygen;
  • carotenoids and tocopherols - protect hair from external factors;
  • carotene - stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • vitamin E - actively restores damaged and lifeless hair.

Shea butter has a balanced effect on the scalp and hair:

  • moisturizes, softens and protects;
  • strengthens the roots and heals to the very tips;
  • soothes and softens the scalp;
  • treats dermatological diseases such as seborrhea, eczema and fungus;
  • restores the hair structure damaged by dyeing or thermal exposure;
  • increases volume and adds shine.

How to use shea butter for hair

The nutritional properties of shea butter are in demand in cosmetology, manufacturers actively add it to hair care products - shampoos, balms, sprays, rinses, and masks.

But you will get the maximum effect if you become:

  • apply pure shea butter;
  • add to purchase funds;
  • cook homemade masks with shea butter.

If you decide to care for your hair with undiluted shea butter, then first melt it in a steam bath so that the product is quickly absorbed into the scalp and curls. Add melted shea butter to your favorite shampoos or homemade masks, but do not forget to mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

Follow simple rules:

  • Apply to freshly washed and slightly dried hair.
  • At the final stage, be sure to wrap your head with a polyethylene cape, and then with a terry towel to activate the beneficial substances. Warming is also necessary so that the oil does not freeze and there are no difficulties with washing it off.
  • Undiluted oil should be completely absorbed, so keep it for a long time - at least two hours.
  • Better not leave home mask for the night. There will be no harm from this, but the oil in its composition will harden, which will complicate the washing off of the product in the morning.
  • Rinse off the oil with shampoo. If the hair is oily, then repeat the washing procedure several times.
  • For maximum effect from the shea butter mask, rinse your hair after shampooing. apple cider vinegar(large spoon per liter of water).
  • The course of treatment is at least 15 procedures. The optimal frequency is once every 3-4 days.

Shea butter hair masks

Determine the problem with your hair before using shea butter.

Only after that, select recipes and do not forget to carry out procedures regularly in compliance with all recommendations.

Treatment mask with shea butter against dandruff


  1. Shea butter - 2 tbsp.
  2. Tea tree essential oil (lavender, rosemary) - 4 drops.

How to cook: Melt the shea butter in a steam bath. Add essential oil (instead of tea tree, you can use lavender or rosemary). Mix well.

How to use: Apply 1-2 times a week to roots and scalp. Keep at least an hour (the optimal time is 3 hours). Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Result: The nourishing mixture will eliminate dry skin and reduce the amount of dandruff. Add a tablespoon to the mixture olive oil and apply it not only on the skin, but also spread it along the entire length to make the hair shiny and elastic.

Nourishing Shea Butter Mask


  1. Shea butter - 2 tbsp.
  2. Flax oil - 2 tbsp.
  3. Burdock oil - 1 tbsp.
  4. Vitamin E (liquid) - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Melt the shea butter in a steam bath. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.

How to use: Apply to the entire length of your hair. Massage your skin for 10-15 minutes. Leave for 4 hours. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Result: The vitamin E oil blend nourishes the hair, restoring it along the entire length and making it shiny, silky and smooth.

Firming Shea Butter Mask


  1. Rosemary oil - 3 drops.
  2. Castor oil - 2 tbsp.
  3. Shea butter - 3 tbsp.

How to cook: Melt the shea butter in a steam bath. Mix with castor oil. Add rosemary. Mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask to the roots with massaging movements. Then spread the mixture with a wide-toothed comb along the entire length of the hair. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo after 3.5 hours.

Result: Castor oil and shea butter in combination with rosemary will strengthen hair follicles, stop hair loss, give them strength, firmness and elasticity.

Shea butter mask for split ends


  1. Essential oil of almonds - 2 tbsp.
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Shea butter - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Separate the egg yolk. Mix it with almond oil and cook until smooth. If shea butter is hard, then melt it in a water bath.

How to use: Apply the mask to split ends. Leave overnight. The mask is ideal for the tips, but it can also be applied along the entire length of the hair if their structure is badly damaged. When applied to the entire length, keep the mask for 3.5 hours, and then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Result: Nourishing ingredients seal hair from root to tip, making it healthy, smooth and manageable.

Shea butter mask for oily hair


  1. Shea butter - 1 tbsp.
  2. Avocado oil - 1 tbsp.
  3. Essential oil of geranium - 3 drops.
  4. Vetiver oil - 3 drops.

How to cook: Melt the shea butter in a steam bath. Mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Apply to the roots and then spread through the entire length of the hair with a comb or fingers. Leave for half an hour. Rinse off with shampoo.

Result: The mask reduces oiliness, makes hair light and obedient.


A natural product has only one contraindication - individual intolerance to nuts. To get an idea of ​​how your skin reacts to the oil, apply a small amount to the inside of your elbow. If after a few hours there is no discomfort, there is no redness or peeling on the skin, then you can safely use the product and include it in home remedies.

In addition to individual intolerance, there is another rule that you should be aware of before using shea butter.

If you are fat or combined type skin, we recommend using the oil only in combination with other components and not too often, as the product clogs pores.

Where can I buy

You can buy cosmetics with shea butter at any cosmetics store, but for pure shea butter you should go to the pharmacy market or place an order in the online store.

The cost of the product depends on the volume and manufacturer. So, cosmetic shea butter "Botanica" with a volume of 30 ml costs 168 rubles. Under the well-known Russian brand Spivak, refined and unrefined shea butter is produced in 100 ml jars. The first costs 167-180 rubles, the second is more expensive - 315 rubles.

Shea butter or shea butter is known for its properties to make the skin delightfully smooth, supple and elastic, to keep it youthful. Meanwhile, it is one of the most most effective means nutrition, strengthening and restoration of brittle, dry and damaged hair as well as split ends. Today it is widely used in the cosmetic industry in the production of masks, shampoos, balms, conditioners, emulsions and other cosmetics for hair.

Benefit natural oils for hair is obvious and known since ancient times, even the beautiful Cleopatra herself generously anointed her beautiful curls with them. Their composition is a storehouse of vitamins (in particular, E, D, A, F), protein, fatty acids and a fairly large number of other useful substances, which, penetrating deep into the hair follicles and into the structure, maintain an optimal level of moisture and provide them with nutrition. . Shea butter is one of the most popular ingredients in modern cosmetics. Its emollient, protective, nourishing and moisturizing properties make it suitable for all hair types.

Shea butter is extracted by cold pressing from the pulp and pits of selected fruits of the shea tree. This unique tree grows only in certain climatic conditions, which correspond to the climate of African countries. By appearance it can be described as a mass with a dense texture, having a white or creamy hue and a pleasant aroma of nuts. Despite the density, the oil in contact with the human skin just melts before our eyes. When used in homemade recipes, shea butter should be held in a water bath for a bit so that it melts somewhat, which makes it easier to use in combination with other components.

It is impossible not to say about the healing effect of shea butter. Its systematic use helps to cope with various most unpleasant hair problems, in particular, eliminate their brittleness and loss, dandruff, the itching that accompanies it, making them stronger, more elastic, shiny and elastic, returning a healthy look.

Daily thermal styling, curling, dyeing, straightening, etc. lead to a deterioration in the condition of the hair, weakening it and making it dull and lifeless. In this situation, shea butter will become a universal remedy for restoring health and protecting them. Today in specialized stores professional cosmetics and beauty salons, you can see entire lines of products that contain this unique oil.

Due to its amazing resistance to rancidity, shea butter can be perfectly stored in its pure form for two years even at room temperature.

Shea butter recipes for hair.
This truly magical hair product can be used in its pure form, included in compositions for home masks, shampoos, balms and conditioners, as well as combined with other types of cosmetic and essential oils, cosmetic clay, added to vegetable and fruit masks.

In its pure form, shea butter is preheated and distributed over the entire length of the hair, including roots and tips, with light movements combined with massage. In this case, the amount of product applied depends on the length and density of your hair. From above, to create an additional warming effect, cover the head with polyethylene and a towel. The duration of this procedure is half an hour, after which the head should be washed with shampoo.

Oil masks - universal remedy in care. In addition, they stimulate the root bulbs, thereby accelerating hair growth. Shea butter can also be combined with other oils. For example, combine half a teaspoon of linseed oil with the same amount of castor and burdock oils, add a teaspoon of shea butter and add a couple of drops of vitamin E and A in oil capsules. It is desirable to heat the composition and use it warm, as described in the previous recipe.

To keep the hair beautiful and shiny, in general, in a healthy state, as well as to prevent hair loss and splitting, it is recommended to apply the following mask twice a week, half an hour before washing your hair. To prepare it, you should combine 50 g of shea butter with two tablespoons of olive oil preheated with a water bath. Distribute the resulting composition over wet hair, wrap it with polyethylene and a towel on top. Remove the mask as usual using warm water and shampoo.

Using a water bath, melt a teaspoon of shea butter and mix it with the same volume of avocado oil. To this mass add a mixture of essential oils geranium and vetiver, taken in three drops. Distribute the composition in a warm form on the hair, wrap it up and leave for at least an hour. Rinse off as usual with shampoo and conditioner.

To saturate brittle and dull hair with moisture and restore their natural shine, you can do the following procedure: combine two tablespoons of shea butter and olive oil, heat it with a water bath, enrich your air conditioner with this composition. Then apply it along the entire length and it is advisable to keep it overnight, and wash it off in the morning as usual.

Prevents hair loss, strengthens, accelerates growth and heals hair mask with oils and egg yolk. It is very important that the yolks are not chilled, that is, a few hours before the procedure, remove the required number of eggs from the refrigerator. To prepare the mask, melt two teaspoons of shea butter in a water bath, combine with two egg yolks, add two teaspoons of liquid honey and a teaspoon of ground red pepper. It is advisable to apply the composition in a warm form to the hair and scalp, wrap it carefully and hold for thirty minutes to an hour, then rinse with cool water to avoid curdling the yolks, and then wash your hair in the usual way for you. The ingredients in this recipe are for average length your curls.

You can make your own recipes for masks based on shea butter. Feel free to experiment, autumn-winter is ideal for this, because during this period the hair is especially in need of nutrition and protection. And finally, let's at least sometimes rest your hair, do not injure them with endless styling, coloring and lightening. If you can’t do without it at all, be sure to use protective and restorative products.
