Skin condition during pregnancy - why itching, dryness, rashes occur and how to relieve these symptoms. Caring for Yourself During Pregnancy Beware: Vitamin A

Continuing the topic of care during pregnancy, let's talk about the skin of the face. In this post, we have analyzed all the nuances of facial care during pregnancy, based on the recommendations of cosmetologists, gynecologists and neonatologists.

Daily facial care during pregnancy

Facial skin changes frequently during pregnancy. Most often, it becomes either too dry or too oily. Therefore, it is worth thinking about building a new care program.

In addition, care should be gentle. The use of serious anti-aging agents and aggressive agents for problematic skin better left for later. Such cosmetics contain active ingredients, many of which are included in the list not recommended during pregnancy.

Let's talk in detail about the three basic stages of facial care and their features during pregnancy.

Makeup removal and cleansing

Use as much as possible to remove make-up. natural remedies with a "simple" composition, such as micellar water. Milk is ideal for dry skin. It does not dry out, but rather additionally moisturizes and soothes.

For washing during pregnancy, be sure to start. On the label, the composition should not contain components with the word sulfate (sulphate). Instead of sulfates, mild surfactants should be present, for example: cocamidopropyl betaine (cocamidopropyl betaine), sodium cocoate (sodium cocoate), sodium cocoamphoacetate (sodium cocoamphoacetate), lauryl glucoside (lauryl glucoside).

These products will gently remove dust and sebum without damaging the epidermal barrier.


Avoid medicated and alcohol-based lotions. Excessively active ingredients are not recommended for pregnant women, and alcohol greatly dries the skin and can further provoke pigmentation.

Choose a light tonic that is as natural as possible. Fit well. But remember that they all have a mild, but rather specific "vegetable" smell, which can cause discomfort in pregnant women. It is better to smell before buying.

Regardless of skin type:

  • in cold weather in the morning we apply nutritious cream and moisturizing at night.
  • in warm time (when the temperature starts to stay above +7) - food at night, and moisturizing in the morning.

During pregnancy, pay attention to neutral creams from pharmacy brands. Their advantage for expectant mothers is high-quality, but not very active ingredients. The mass market often sins with cheap and dubious preservatives. And professional creams are usually saturated with active ingredients, which is completely useless to us now.

Speaking about the neutrality of the cream, we mean not only the absence of allergens (essential oils, strong fragrances, etc.), but also that the cream performs only basic functions - nutrition and hydration, but does not solve specific skin problems - that is, it does not whiten , does not matte, does not fight acne, etc. Postpone the solution of these problems for later. Now it is important to maintain the natural health of the skin.

For moisturizing, a cream with hyaluronic acid or aloe is ideal, and for nutrition - with natural oils.

Intensive facial care during pregnancy

Let's talk about procedures that need to be done 1-2 times a week.

Deep cleansing

The use of any cleaning devices is strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers (ultrasound, laser, etc.). By the way, the same applies to Darsonval and various electric massagers. Their impact on the baby has not been studied at all, and the benefits in the case of cosmetology cannot exceed the potential harm.

Manual facial cleansing by a cosmetologist is a rather painful procedure. Therefore, it is also contraindicated for expectant mothers. In addition, such cleaning can provoke serious inflammatory process in the skin, and the weakened immunity of pregnant women will not be able to cope with it properly. Therefore, do not take risks and wait with professional cleanings until the end of pregnancy.

Not a single competent cosmetologist, knowing that you are pregnant, will sign you up for this procedure.

Nourishing masks

Especially important for dry skin during pregnancy. These are dense cream masks with valuable lipids and oils in the composition.

The skin around the eyes during pregnancy needs special attention. Since, due to the general tendency to dryness and dehydration, mimic wrinkles may appear. Therefore, a good hypoallergenic is your best friend.

lips during pregnancy

Sponges during pregnancy also often suffer from excessive dryness, peeling and even cracking. It's good if your lip balm contains a physical SPF, natural oils and waxes. A couple of times a week, you can do a light lip peeling with a scrub or the same cellulose sponge, and apply shea, cocoa or neem butter in a thick layer at night. Enzymatic lip balms like Lucas Papay are better off for a while.

Decorative cosmetics. How to paint your face during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time to switch to mineral makeup. Minerals are as neutral as possible. In the mass market and professional cosmetics, there are toxic ingredients, harsh preservatives and potential allergens that the skin might not have reacted to before. Now that the immune system is already weakened, their presence in cosmetics can become a problem. Therefore, minerals are the best decorative cosmetics for pregnant women.


Facial care during pregnancy should be gentle, with the most natural ingredients. No hardware procedures, a minimum of aggressive components that penetrate deep into the skin.

Focus on gentle cleansing and maintaining the skin's natural immunity. After childbirth and the end of lactation, all serious cosmetics and procedures will be not only safer for you, but also more effective.

Love yourself, stay beautiful and enjoy your "interesting position".

Ask questions and share your tips for facial care during pregnancy in the comments.

A woman who has learned about her future motherhood intuitively understands that now in her Everyday life there will be many changes: you need to become more careful in everything that concerns the physical impact on the body, including such a familiar component of hygiene as facial care.

The question arises - how not to harm yourself and the fetus that is forming inside at all stages of pregnancy, and at the same time try to preserve the beauty and well-groomed appearance as much as possible?

Why expectant mothers are giving up skin care?

It is unreasonable to completely abandon yourself while carrying a child, although this is exactly what women sometimes do. This decision comes to them because of the fear that all sorts of creams and tonics can penetrate directly to the fetus and harm it - affect intrauterine development, cause discomfort, discomfort.

Sometimes the expectant mother worries that in an altered state of the body, cosmetics will behave differently than usual - cause a rash or irritation, increase pigmentation, lead to the appearance of unattractive acne and blockage of pores. After all, it is no secret that during the gestational period, the skin somewhat changes its usual qualities - from dry it becomes oily and pimply, but it happens - on the contrary - from oily it becomes thin, translucent and overdried.

Such changes are frightening and make you think that The best decision- do nothing at all, dispense with water and maximum toilet soap until childbirth, or even until the end of breastfeeding.

And yet we repeat - such a decision is unreasonable from any point of view. If you refuse the usual cosmetic care, which was constant before pregnancy, you risk getting a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin.

Of course, mothers become different ages, and in 20-25 years, deterioration will be more likely to be expressed in fat content and acne against the background of hormonal changes. In addition to an untidy appearance, scars may remain in place of healed pimples; from pregnancy, the skin will become grayish and slightly rough. It will be possible to return it to its original state in 3-4 months. intensive care after childbirth or after feeding - depending on when you decide to do this.

At an older age, the consequences will be much worse - women after 30-35 are less likely to complain of inflammation and fat content, but the problem of dryness, peeling, thinning, dehydration comes. And this means that wrinkles on the face are inevitable. Do not forget that the fetus takes all the nutrients it needs from the mother's body. During pregnancy and lactation, the mother loses vitamins, minerals, antioxidant stores and gets a slightly disturbed metabolism and low hemoglobin production, which interferes with the supply of oxygen to cells.

And during pregnancy, many women suffer from swelling and are forced to reduce their water intake (although recently it is recommended to increase drinking, most gynecologists from the antenatal clinic continue to convince pregnant women to drink as little as possible). What is the result? The skin becomes flabby, dry, there is peeling and irritation, a dry rash, and wrinkles are added on the forehead, and around the lips and eyes.

Offensive changes are offset by the knowledge that you will soon become a mother, but did you know that these problems can be greatly reduced? If you continue to take care of yourself as before, only slightly adjusting the contents of your cosmetic bag, then it will be easier and faster for you to restore your appearance after pregnancy!

Hygienic and special facial care during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that hygiene during the bearing of a baby cannot be neglected. There are not only aesthetic, but also practical reasons for this.

On poorly cleansed and treated skin, various problems can occur:

  • acne is a potential source of infection;
  • rash - a factor that provokes allergic processes in the body;
  • peeling and burning - a source of discomfort and irritation of the expectant mother.

And this is not to mention the fact that the loss of attractiveness spoils the mood, which also negatively affects the condition of the pregnant woman.

In order not to become neglected and unkempt, you need to clean your face and body in time - wash your face or wipe it with cotton pads with a cleanser.

Special care means that you give your skin what it needs extra. This is an auxiliary toning stage that you carry out after you have washed your face, and a nutrition stage - you can include it in your daily beauty ritual, or you can limit yourself to two times a week, making face masks that are useful for pregnant women. The main thing is that there is enough food.

So, you must understand that cleansing and moisturizing are indisputable rules for care, and tonics, scrubs, oils, serums and other nutritious special products are an excellent, but not absolutely necessary addition.

The benefits and harms of cosmetics during pregnancy

By continuing to take care of yourself, you provide yourself with a shorter recovery period after gestation and feeding, this is a fact. Every woman wants to look great, despite such a physical and psychological test as motherhood.

But is there any real harm from cosmetics for pregnant women?

The answer is yes, harm is possible, and it consists in the use of products that are too aggressive and strong, in traumatic and painful procedures, the application of allergens and the use of unwanted chemicals in cosmetics. In addition, some, even natural remedies from the home arsenal can, if not directly harm you, then start a chain of adverse reactions of the body - and if something went wrong from the caregiver, then it is much more difficult to eliminate the consequences for a pregnant woman than for a woman in a normal condition.

After all, you can’t take most medicines, and the very fact of having a focus of inflammation or allergies in the body is very, very harmful!

That is why you must constantly ask yourself: is this new remedy suitable for pregnant women or should I do without it? What can I substitute for cosmetics in order to reduce the likelihood of allergies and switch to more natural substances?

Ideal pregnancy care products

But of course, not everything is so scary and dangerous. Still, you can continue to use most of your cosmetics completely without fear. During the bearing of a child, the rule applies - if before pregnancy you safely used some kind of cream or tonic, then you can continue and become pregnant.

Which remedies are 100% good for you?

Take a look at the "safe" list:

  • all cosmetics from the children's line - baby soap, shampoos, creams, etc.;
  • creams and masks with glycerin, lanolin;
  • cosmetic waters - pink, rosemary, lemon;
  • thermal water;
  • cosmetic oils - coconut, shea, wheat germ, grape, etc .;
  • masks based on white and blue clay;
  • homemade masks and tonics on the juice of vegetables and plants (aloe, kalanchoe, cucumber);
  • washing and masks with bran, oatmeal;
  • decoctions of herbs externally (chamomile, sage, calendula);
  • talc;
  • alcohol containing boric or salicylic acid;
  • scrubs with sugar, ground coffee.

If you are used to using branded cosmetics, you can not refuse it, unless the composition includes potent and aggressive components - hyaluronic acid, AHA fruit acids, Dead Sea minerals, saturated essential oils (patchouli, bergamot, orange, juniper), exotic extracts and substances of animal origin, like cuttlefish ink.

You can not use chemical peeling, masks with a badyaga sponge, burning and irritating scrubs. All of them can cause too strong a skin reaction, and a pregnant woman cannot take even the simplest antihistamine to relieve irritation! Therefore, potent agents are best avoided.

Recipes for face masks during pregnancy

To nourish the skin, as we have already said, you need to regularly apply a cream or apply a nourishing agent 1-3 times a week. What recipe can you try now? Take a look at our recommendations and choose a pair for your skin type and purpose.

  • Winter mask with coconut oil for very dry skin

Warm a jar of coconut oil in hot water, either under the tap or in a bowl. Mix some melted butter with the contents of 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, a pinch of baby talcum powder, 3 drops of liquid glycerin and a spoon mineral water. The slurry should be kept on the face for a long time, at least an hour, when dried, sprayed with boiled water from a spray bottle.

  • Oatmeal mask for flaky dry skin

Finely ground flakes work best. Fold 8-10 layers of gauze and cut out an oval along the contour of the face with slits for the eyes and nose. Sweep the contour of the mask with a thread to make a cover, and between the layers put dry flakes, small pieces of cocoa butter (solid, grated) and a little baking soda. Pour hot boiled water into a wide bowl, preferably not from the tap, but mineral. Dip the mask with filler into it, count to 5 and take it out, squeeze out excess water on a towel and put the resulting wet and warm mask on your face. Rest, massaging from time to time with your fingers the flaky places through the gauze layers. When the mask becomes unpleasantly cold, remove it and throw it away, and grease your face with cocoa butter.

  • Clay blend for oily skin with enlarged pores

It happens that the pores are constantly clogged - yesterday you steamed and cleansed the skin, and today you already see that the pores are clogged with a sebaceous secret. This is especially unpleasant in the summer, in the heat. Do the following: normal white clay in powder from a pharmacy, mix with a couple of pinches of soda. Lather baby soap in a bowl, moistened with plenty of water, do it with a blush brush, for example. Pour dry clay powder and soda into the foam and add a little water if necessary. The semi-liquid mixture should be kept massaging for several minutes, no more than 10, then rinse and wipe the face with rose water, mineral water with glycerin (3 drops per half a glass), cucumber juice or aloe. The effect is purity and freshness, with minimal impact on the pores.

  • Evening mask for pregnant women after 30 years

Use the best herbal ingredient for aging skin care - rose water. Rose essential oil is not recommended - when inhaled, it immediately enters the circulatory system and can excite fetal movements, like any other essential oil. Therefore, look specifically for rose water - a product with an extract for safe external use. In rose water (2 tablespoons), mix a teaspoon of pasteurized cream, a pinch of powdered sugar (if your face is flaky, do without powder), a few drops of wheat germ oil or peach pits. Keep the mask lying down, relaxing every muscle on the face, for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water and reapply rose water.

Do not use lemon slices, any citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes to wipe your face - acid,
contained in these products is good for the skin, but during pregnancy can cause irritation. You will be able to whiten age spots after the baby is born, but for now, focus on preventing dehydration and the formation of sagging.

The natural desire of every future mother to do everything for the baby she is expecting. But you shouldn’t forget about yourself either, because motherhood does not cancel the fact that you are a woman and your innate need is to be attractive.

Try to find half an hour for yourself among the worries and worries of this wonderful period, and your face will not become a cause of grief after a joyful event - the birth of your beloved child!

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman should treat her own health especially carefully and responsibly. But this does not mean at all that the expectant mother will have to forget about self-care for as much as 9 months. Even while in a position, you should not give up cosmetic procedures and care products. The main thing is to know what will be safe for the health of the baby, and what is better to refrain from. This is what our experts will tell you.

Facial care during pregnancy

Pregnancy affects the state of the whole body of a woman, including the skin. This is due to changes in the hormonal background - the predominance of estrogen and progesterone, which is sometimes even called the main hormone of pregnancy. Due to its action, the skin of expectant mothers, as a rule, becomes less oily, less comedones are formed. Girls and women who previously suffered from acne and oily sheen on the face can forget about such problems during this period. So, the need for serious cleansing procedures is eliminated. , because the sensitivity to pain at this time increases. To cleanse and exfoliate the skin, it is better to choose gentle, soft cosmetic scrubs with particles of wax, marine collagen. You should also avoid products with hard, traumatic particles, for example, with sea salt or nutshells.

Unfortunately, the action of the “hormone of pregnancy” can have not only a positive effect. If it helps owners of oily and problem skin, then those with dry skin may begin to suffer from its tightness and flaking. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply moisturizers several times a day. But do not forget that during the period of expectation of a child, the skin becomes especially irritable and susceptible to various kinds of allergens. So it is not recommended to try any new products during pregnancy, it is better to give preference to products and brands that have suited your skin before.


Before you start using the cream, carefully study the list of its ingredients, because the product may contain retinoids, that is, synthetic analogues of vitamin A. They are especially often included in creams designed for problem skin and combating age-related changes. It is better for expectant mothers to refuse these funds, because the results of some studies show that large doses of vitamin A can harm the child.

During pregnancy, all injectable cosmetic methods are strictly prohibited - mesotherapy, the introduction of botulinum toxin preparations and gels for contouring. Firstly, no clinical studies on these methods in pregnant women have been conducted. And secondly, these are extremely painful procedures, and expectant mothers greatly increase their sensitivity.

Pigmentation: Expectant Tactics

Often during pregnancy, women develop hyperpigmentation of the skin. Age spots can appear on the face, for example, on the cheekbones and cheeks. The nipples darken, the middle line of the abdomen, the skin in the natural folds of the body. Do not worry and strive to get rid of this during pregnancy. Firstly, because they will go away on their own in 3-4 months after childbirth, and secondly, the use of all kinds of peels, scrubs, brightening lotions while waiting for a child can cause skin irritation.

Body care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to take special care of the skin of the body, make sure that the back, legs and shoulders do not get tired, and the peace of mind of the expectant mother is not disturbed. Therefore, special spa programs are provided for pregnant women, aimed primarily at increasing body skin turgor and preventing the formation of stretch marks. But, since hot wraps are contraindicated for women in position, in such spa treatments they are usually replaced with cold ones.

In both cases, the same technology is used, only the components themselves differ. Cold wraps use ingredients that do not require heat to act. It can be therapeutic mud, seaweed, honey. The main thing is that these components do not cause you allergies. Wraps in this case are applied only to the legs.

In addition to thermal procedures (hot wraps, visits to the sauna and heated pool), pregnant women are contraindicated in anti-cellulite, vacuum and ultrasonic massage. In any case, before going to the spa, it is better to consult with your doctor and get permission from him to carry out a particular procedure.

Skin Care During Pregnancy: Preventing Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, or striae, are one of the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy that almost every woman has to face. Most often they appear on the abdomen, thighs and chest, that is, in those areas where the skin is stretched the most. It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks than to deal with those that have already appeared. To prevent stretch marks, special products should be applied to the areas of their probable appearance - creams, oils, gels. They contain components that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. You can also use verified folk remedy care during pregnancy - apply to the skin natural olive oil.

In the care of the abdomen during pregnancy, a contrast shower is also useful, and the diet should contain as many protein foods as possible. If stretch marks still appear, mesotherapy, ozone acid therapy and peelings will help get rid of them. But these procedures should be carried out after childbirth.

Legs: relieve fatigue

During pregnancy, almost all women suffer from problems with their legs: they quickly get tired, hurt, swell, in the worst case, varicose veins occur. This is especially true in the third trimester. Since the body weight increases greatly, and with it the load on the lower limbs also increases. Moreover, excess fluid accumulates in the body of a pregnant woman, due to which edema appears. Therefore, a relaxing foot massage is recommended at this time. It will help to ensure the outflow of fluid from the legs, relieve fatigue. The only limitation here concerns the choice of massage cream. It should be hypoallergenic and have a slight non-irritating aroma, because pregnant women are especially sensitive to strong odors.

Manicure and pedicure during pregnancy: be careful

Services such as classic edged manicure and pedicure, the best choice for a visitor to a beauty salon in position. After all, cutting tools and possible injuries from them not only cause negative emotions, but can also become a source of infection. An excellent alternative to these procedures can be a European unedged manicure and pedicure. After all, the effect after hardware maintenance lasts much longer than after the classic edged one. In addition, such care can be combined with spa services.

By the way, during pregnancy, most of the vitamins and nutrients in the mother's body goes to the development of the fetus. As a result, stratification of nails, dryness and peeling of the skin become frequent companions of expectant mothers. Regular spa care, as well as the use of strengthening nail coatings and nail oils, will help preserve the beauty of the hands. But when signing up for such a spa procedure, you should pay attention to the composition of the preparations. After all, individual intolerance to individual components in the products can cause allergic reactions. Also during pregnancy, special attention should be paid to covering the nails. When choosing such a drug, it is better to give preference only to professional products marked with the 3Free icon, which means that they do not contain harmful components. After all, toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate, often found in low-quality nail polishes, can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

As for modern materials for nail extension, they are absolutely safe for a child. The composition of many of them, such as CND, is absolutely identical to keratin. natural nails and, as a result, completely harmless.

However, during pregnancy, it is still worth refraining from building nails: their natural appearance is important for diagnosing the condition of a woman's body. What is allowed and prohibited during pregnancy.

hair care during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and within a few months after childbirth, women can begin to lose their hair a lot. Do not worry: with the restoration of the hormonal background, new hair will grow in place of the fallen hair. The main thing is not to let the hair follicles “fall asleep”. To do this, you just need to massage the scalp regularly. But the use of various lotions and shampoos from falling out during this period is unlikely to have an effect. To minimize the amount of hair falling out, you must definitely use a balm, comb them carefully and carefully. You also need to dry in a special way, directing a stream of air from the roots to the tips. More tips on hair care during pregnancy and beyond.

Often women, being in a position, are afraid to cut their hair and dye their hair. And if fears about haircuts are just superstitions, then you really need to be very careful with coloring. The scalp absorbs everything that gets on it, including paint components. So, if you still decide to dye your hair, you need to do it very carefully - apply the composition only to the hair and avoid getting it on the scalp. With styling products during pregnancy, you should also be careful. If you have often used hairspray before, it is better to replace it with mousse or wax.

By the way, while waiting for the baby, not only hair, but also teeth are destroyed. Therefore, pay special attention to dental care during pregnancy.

Hair removal during pregnancy: wax instead of laser

Waxing for expectant mothers is not contraindicated throughout the entire period of pregnancy until the very birth, but not all waxes are suitable for its implementation. To make the procedure painless and safe, it is better to choose natural preparations, for example, Lycon. They consist of absolutely harmless components of natural origin, and their use does not require heating. Thanks to a special application technique, epilation is quick and painless. But it is better not to carry out laser, photo- and electrolysis during pregnancy.

use the right means care during pregnancy, love yourself, and most importantly - smile more! Indeed, during this period, all women are more beautiful than ever.

Olga Karaseva
Photo: Juicy/Fotolink. Alexander Zelentsov

We would like to thank Irina Zhukova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, stylist and editor of the online hairdressing magazine, Kirill Kulikov, pedicure teacher at OleHouse training center Victoria Tregubova, salon master waxing Wax & Go Oksana Privalova

But many problems can be prevented if you know about them in advance.

Skin pigmentation

The complexion during pregnancy can change. Sometimes they even talk about mask pregnant- light brown pigment spots that appear on the forehead or on the cheeks. Sometimes expectant mothers say that they are much lighter than before. blush, covered with a slight blush in the area of ​​​​the ears, eyelids, cheeks. It is completely harmless, age spots go away by themselves after childbirth, and the ability to blush with or without it will gradually disappear.

Often there is an increase in pigmentation throughout the body. In the body of a pregnant woman, more estrogens and progesterones are produced, and against this hormonal background, nipples, age spots and moles may darken somewhat. During this period, it is advisable to avoid open sunlight and ultraviolet radiation - do not go out without sunscreen and a reliable headgear.

Do not try to correct the situation with peeling and whitening procedures - during pregnancy, the skin becomes very sensitive, and aggressive actions may not affect it in the best way.


Sometimes pregnancy presents not the most pleasant surprises in the form of a variety of skin rashes. It can be:

Acne (pimples)

Appears against the background of a changed hormonal background. Do not try to cleanse the skin yourself using deep cleansing, steaming, etc. During pregnancy, it is better to use gentle oils that gently cleanse the skin. Your body needs now increased amount vitamins A and E (you can take them in combination - for example, in the preparation "Aevit"), but first you should always consult with a gynecologist.

Rash in skin folds

This unpleasant phenomenon is often accompanied by redness and itching. Pay attention to underwear - it should be made of pure cotton. Try to ventilate the skin more often so that it can breathe freely. You can lubricate the areas of the rash with diluted lemon juice- it also helps to cope with the rash.

With itching (more often it appears in the sacrum, but sometimes occurs throughout the body), vitamins A and D will help to cope. Add olive oil to the diet, do not forget about carrots, egg yolk, fatty varieties of sea fish, orange vegetables and fruits, wheat and nuts. Castor oil can be applied to itchy areas.

Venous Trouble

Venous "spiders" and "stars" on the legs also often appear for the first time during pregnancy - they often go away on their own, although just in case it would be nice to see a phlebologist with such a phenomenon.

Stretch marks

This is a separate problem that worries expectant mothers. Unfortunately, the tendency to stretch marks in most women is genetic. So ask your mom - if she had such a problem during pregnancy, you will need to pay special attention to the skin of the chest, thighs and abdomen.

Stretch marks (they are also “pregnancy bands”, they are also striae) appear as a result, again, of changes in the hormonal background. The skin lacks proteins and elastin, so it begins to thin (especially in those places where it stretches the most). The body seeks to repair intradermal tears as quickly as possible by building up connective tissue (similar to how a wound heals after an injury). At first, the connective tissue has a pink or purple hue, then the number of blood vessels in it decreases, and it becomes whitish, and even when sunburned, it does not change its color.

How to prevent stretch marks

  • Eat properly without being fond of sweets and pastries. This, on the one hand, will help not to gain excess weight, on the other hand, it will have a beneficial effect on the skin. As we found out, the skin especially needs proteins (from which collagen and elastin are synthesized), as well as vegetables (a source of vitamins, carotenoids and other useful substances). By the way, about vitamins. Pay attention to vitamin E (tocopherol). It is believed that it is he who protects cell membranes from oxidative damage. If you take complex vitamins for pregnant women, then it is part of almost all complexes. But perhaps you need additional sources of vitamin E. It is especially abundant in cereals, sprouts (wheat, rye, peas), vegetables - tomatoes, lettuce, peas, spinach, parsley, rose hips. An excellent source of vitamin E is unrefined vegetable oils: sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, peanut, corn, sea buckthorn.
  • influence outside. Vitamin E will also help with external use - it (together with other fat-soluble vitamins) is part of most special means"from stretch marks" (gels, creams, oils). They can be used starting from the third month of pregnancy, while the skin is not yet particularly stretched. Lubricate the “risk zones” before going to bed - this will help activate the activity of fibroblasts - cells that produce collagen and elastin.
  • External support. Wear specially selected prenatal bandage. It will help reduce the load on the spine, abdominal muscles. But still, try not to abuse it, the muscles should work on their own. If you are at home, then wear it for about 2 hours with a two-hour break so that the abdominal muscles work on their own.

The firmer your skin is, the easier it will be to deal with stretch marks. A skin elasticity can be improved by the following methods :

  • Cold and hot shower. It perfectly improves blood circulation and makes the skin more elastic. Here's how to properly carry out this procedure. At the beginning, the water should be at a comfortable temperature. After that, turn on the hottest water (but if you have never taken a contrast shower before, first try to soften the temperature contrast, alternate water at room and cold temperatures). After 30 seconds, we turn off the hot water and open the cold water - for 20-30 seconds. Then hot again. This should be repeated 3-5 times. We finish the procedure with a cold douche. Important point- Do not use a contrast shower if you are in danger of miscarriage!
  • Simple and effective remedy- massage, especially in combination with creams for stretch marks. Try, for example, pinching massage, in which the skin is easily compressed and pulled back. Perform massage in "risk zones" for 10 minutes. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite. For massage, you can also use not very hard brushes or horsehair mittens (dry or wet, during a bath or shower). Massage the skin in small circles, being careful not to press too hard. Massage is always carried out from the periphery to the center - from the limbs to the heart. If you use a finger massager, do not forget to lubricate the skin special cream or gel.

Skin problems during pregnancy are not fatal, but they make you pay serious attention to your diet and lifestyle. Listen to your body's signals!

Inessa Smyk

The body of a woman during the period is subjected to enormous loads and changes. And often these changes do not occur in better side. Perhaps every pregnant woman is worried when she watches her waist disappear, her face swells, stretch marks form on her body, age spots appear, a rash on her face, on her legs. Many problems can be avoided if you pay attention to the right one. In this article, we will talk about how to take care of the skin during pregnancy so that it remains elastic, smooth, and has a healthy appearance.

Did you know? During pregnancy, in addition to the growth of the uterus, the following changes can occur in the body of a woman: an aggravation of the sense of smell by 11 times, an increase in the foot, heart and liver, changes in brain activity. A heightened sense of smell, as intended by nature, is necessary for a future mother to protect her baby from bad foods.

What happens to the skin of pregnant women

Skin problems during pregnancy are mainly due to hormonal changes and lack of nutrients in the body. Let's make a reservation right away that most often these problems are temporary, are harmless and disappear a few weeks or months after the birth of the child, when the hormonal background returns to normal.

The release of certain hormones during pregnancy is necessary for its normal course and activity. Some women may not react in any way to the change of hormones and not notice it at all, while others acutely feel it and observe it on their body and condition.

Hormonal changes can lead to the following changes:

  • stretch marks on the body: abdomen, thighs, chest;
  • increased hair growth;
  • acne on the face;
  • the formation of papillomas;
  • appearance age spots darkening of moles and freckles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • appearance of cellulite.
A few words about each of these manifestations and why they occur.

Stretch marks. They are scars in the form of red-violet lines, which most often appear on areas of the body that intensively increase in volume during pregnancy: the abdomen, pelvis, and thighs in 50-90% of women. Usually - on the 25th week. They turn white over time. Rarely cause itching and burning sensation.

They are formed due to the fact that the skin has to stretch in a short time due to an increase in the volume of the body area. And its elasticity decreases due to the presence in the blood a large number the hormones estrogen and cortisol. This process, in turn, leads to less production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

It is very difficult to get rid of stretch marks that have already arisen, expensive means and procedures will be required. This is the case when the problem is better to prevent than to eliminate its consequences. To avoid the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary during pregnancy use the funds- oils and creams that maintain the normal water balance of the skin and its elasticity.

Important! You should choose cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women..

Massages with olive, castor and other vegetable oils are also used. To avoid stretch marks on the chest, it is important to choose the right bra, which should hold the chest well and at the same time not squeeze anything anywhere. It should be worn as often as possible. It is better to buy it in a special store for pregnant women.

To avoid stretch marks on the abdomen, after consulting a gynecologist, you can purchase and wear special. There are three types of bandages: prenatal, postnatal and two in one.

And, of course, weight control is very important. Weight gain should be gradual - this will also reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Enhanced hair growth. During pregnancy, a woman may notice that her condition has improved a lot - they have become thicker, more magnificent, more beautiful, healthier in appearance. This is explained by the fact that the hair on the head falls out less at this time.

The appearance of hair on other parts of the body: chin, upper lip, the stomach provokes the predominance of male hormones in the blood of a woman at a certain stage.

These changes are temporary and will likely go away on their own after the baby is born.

With serious problems associated with intense hair loss on the head, a woman may face within three months after childbirth. Hair can fall out so much that sometimes a mother can already find bald patches. You should not be afraid of this condition - the hair will return after a while.

Many are upset by the fact that the face during pregnancy is covered with acne. Usually, a woman's skin becomes oilier during this period, because the body produces more progesterone, which makes the sebaceous glands work more actively. You can reduce the problem by using cleansing and moisturizing cosmetics.

Important! Deciding which creams can and cannot be used during pregnancyyou need to familiarize yourself with substances that are prohibited for use by pregnant women.

Papillomas. Small neoplasms on the skin most often appear on the chest and in the armpits, in places that are subject to mechanical stress. They indicate the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body and in more appear in pregnant women due to a deterioration in the state of her immune system.

Papillomas are safe for women and children. If they do not disappear, they can be removed by visiting a dermatological office.

Pigment spots and darkening of skin areas. During the period of bearing a child, a woman may appear all over her body with one or more age spots - darker than the skin as a whole, or darkening of some areas of the body.

For example, very often women find a dark strip in the center of their abdomen, a strong darkening of the nipples, dark spots in the genital area. These spots and zones become especially dark and noticeable after exposure to the sun.

This phenomenon, called chloasma of pregnant women, is associated with hormonal changes and should disappear at the end of pregnancy. If it does not go away, then a dermatologist will help get rid of the spots.

There is also an opinion that regular consumption of foods high in folic acid and the use of sunscreen help to avoid the appearance of chloasma.

An increase in the veins in the legs occurs due to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. The growing uterus prevents the normal flow of blood to the heart. Stagnation is also provoked by swelling of the legs. On early dates a pregnant woman may feel only fatigue and heaviness in her legs. For more later dates the expansion of the veins will already be noticeable on the legs.

Cellulite. This is perhaps one of the most annoying skin problems that not only pregnant women, but also most women, are afraid of and struggle with. There are several reasons for its appearance: changes in dominant hormones, weight gain and a violation of the water balance of the skin. This problem is also better prevented than treated. Eating the right foods, contrast showers, massages, and applying moisturizers will help.

Skin care during pregnancy

Many skin problems in pregnant women arise not only due to the restructuring of the whole organism. Some future mothers cannot cope, for example, with an increased feeling of hunger, they crush buns and sweets, they prefer to lead a sedentary and recumbent lifestyle, or only “work - home - work” movements.

Previously, such an expression was popular: "Pregnancy is not a disease." And if there are no medical contraindications, then the pregnant woman should be active, do gymnastics, travel, eat rationally and take care of her body.

It is necessary not only to ensure that the child does not receive harmful substances, but also to ensure that the pregnant woman herself looks beautiful both during pregnancy and after. It has been noticed that those women who adhered to healthy eating during pregnancy.

For a good skin condition, a regular intake of protein, fiber, is especially necessary. It is important to eat more fruits, vegetables, grain products, vegetable oils. All of them not only nourish the body, but also help to cleanse it of toxins, which also leave their negative mark on the skin.

You need to drink enough liquids. However, only if there is no edema.

But from pastries, sweets, soda, fast food, chips, coffee, alcohol and other foods and drinks containing bad carbohydrates, dyes and preservatives, it is better to refuse altogether.

It has long been known about the beneficial effects of a contrast shower on the skin. During pregnancy, this procedure should not be abandoned, because it is an excellent and simple remedy that improves blood circulation and maintains skin elasticity.

If you did not take a contrast shower before pregnancy, then the temperature difference should first be minimal. First, you can try alternating warm water and water at room temperature. Gradually, the temperature of the water will need to be reduced, bringing to cold. 30 seconds shower with warm water, the next 30 - with cold. Repetitions should be three to five. The procedure is completed with a cold douche.

It is useful to massage with a gentle jet of water.

After taking a shower, it is necessary to massage the areas that are prone to stretch marks, cellulite and varicose veins well with a towel or massage mitt, rub oil, moisturizing cosmetic or stretch mark cream.

Important! If you plan to take a contrast shower with warm and cold water, then first you need to consult a gynecologist, since with the threat of termination of pregnancy, such a procedure is prohibited.


Body care during pregnancy also includes massage. It is especially effective if carried out with means for the prevention of stretch marks and cellulite, as well as non-hard brushes, washcloths, mittens. You can massage the body with a finger massager.

Massage is carried out with light in a circular motion, pinching - from the limbs to the heart.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics for face and body skin care during pregnancy only natural are allowed free of alcohol, fragrances, parabens, etc. Care should be taken with essential oils.

Be sure to use cosmetics that include vitamins A and E responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is advisable to start applying them before the moment when your forms will increase.

When oily skin should use mild cleansing lotions. It is possible to use fruit or vegetable masks.

And be prepared for the fact that some of the cosmetics that you used before pregnancy can now cause you allergies.

Important! Cosmetics that have expired should not be used.

Folk remedies

If you decide to make natural homemade masks, then here are a few folk recipes used by more than one generation of women.

To prevent stretch marks, prepare a homemade scrub by taking one glass of sugar and salt and adding ½ cup of vegetable oil to them. Apply the product with massage movements to areas prone to stretch marks. Then wash it off and apply lotion or vegetable oil.

Coffee scrub also fights stretch marks very well. 100 g of natural finely ground coffee is taken, poured with a small amount of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. After the formation of a thick porridge and adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it, it is rubbed with massage movements into the desired areas.

A good mask for dry skin is a mixture of yolk, boiled potatoes and cream. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Then wash off.

To help oily skin, a mask of one egg white, cucumber, white clay and yogurt without sugar and additives will help. It is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. These masks can be done once or twice a week.

Potentially hazardous substances

During pregnancy, you should exclude funds, which include:

  • carcinogens (DEA, BHT, TEA);
  • toxic substances (NDGA, Acide benzoique, additives E210-213, Octyldimethyl PABA, EDS, Padimate-O, PABA synthetiques);
  • allergens (isopropyl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, petroleum jelly, talc, borax, propylene glycol, lanolin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone).
Potentially dangerous substances are:
  • fluorocarbons;
  • formaldehyde;
  • animal fat;
  • albumin;
  • colors.

Salon procedures during pregnancy

There is an opinion that during pregnancy you should not dye your hair with paints containing chemicals, do perm, since all the chemicals are absorbed through the scalp into the body of a pregnant woman and, possibly, some of them can also penetrate the placenta. It is better to prefer paints made on the basis of plant materials.

It is contraindicated for pregnant women to do laser and photoepilation, at this time it is better to give preference to other methods of hair removal.

It is undesirable to go for a massage with hot stones, hot wraps, in a solarium. You should not resort to chemical peeling, lifting. If you prefer salon face masks to homemade ones, then you need to inform the beautician about your situation. Then he will select for you a special complex that is allowed for pregnant women.

Procedures with sea salt, algae, those that help to relax and relieve stress are not contraindicated.

Did you know? The fetus, in which all the most important organs are formed, has a length of only three centimeters. His heart begins to beat on the 22nd day from conception. The brain starts to work from the 43rd day.

Here a few tips to help pregnant women take care of their skin:

  • To avoid swelling on the body and face, it is necessary to exclude fast food, smoked, fried and canned foods from the diet, limit salt intake to 3 g per day. It is important to eat foods that remove fluid from the body.
  • Make it a habit to eat in the evening no later than three to four hours before bedtime. This will avoid excess weight And . Also try to eat smaller meals. The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is 9-15 kg.
  • Nutritionists recommend that pregnant women eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, including juices.
  • It is advisable to drink purified water, at least two liters a day.
  • No need to load the skin cosmetics for the night.
  • If you go to the seaside, don't forget to bring sunscreen. However, one that does not contain harmful substances.
  • If there are no contraindications, be sure to engage in permitted activities: water aerobics, fitness, Pilates,.
  • Remember that such procedures as a sauna, a bath, a hot bath, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, are prohibited during pregnancy.
  • A pregnant woman should have a lot (at least eight hours) and walk (at least two hours a day).
  • Give up tight clothes and heels for the period of bearing a child - the latter can be the cause of both uterine tone and varicose veins.
We hope our recommendations will help you avoid or overcome your skin problems. Take them into service, and pregnancy will be comfortable for you, without stress and trouble, it will become a wonderful and unforgettable period of your life.
