Features and rules for peeling feet and heels at home. Foot peeling at home: the best recipes

Legs are that part of the body that constantly needs intensive care. Foot peeling can be done regularly in the salon, but such a procedure is convenient to perform at home, and skin treatment compositions are easy to prepare yourself.

Home peeling for feet can be no less effective than salon peeling. However, these procedures should not be compared. In some cases, it is indeed necessary professional care. This is especially true in cases where the stop condition is very neglected.

Masters of beauty salons use very active compounds containing acids for peeling. At home, you should not use such products, as you can get burned.

Many women do not understand the difference between a scrub and a peel. In fact, many cosmetologists believe that this is one and the same procedure. But scrubs are more commonly called means that allow you to remove keratinized particles from the surface of the skin mechanically, and in the compositions for peeling, substances that dissolve the upper layers of the dermis are most often used.

It is advisable to take care of the feet at home by applying special mixtures to them only if the skin is not in a very neglected state. When the feet are covered with a layer of corns and they have cracks, calluses, you need, first of all, to do a pedicure on your own or in the salon. Peeling can be used as a procedure that maintains the beauty of women's legs.

To begin with, it is worth properly preparing for home care. Feet need to be steamed out. For this, it is recommended to use a bath. Steamed feet should be blotted with a clean towel and an exfoliating compound applied to them. You can buy a special preparation of industrial production. In shops professional cosmetics We offer a wide range of foot care products. Creams and lotions contain fruit acids in various concentrations. The effectiveness of the funds also depends on the content of active components.

The composition for peeling can be easily prepared at home. If the feet are rough and require careful care, you can mix in plastic utensils 30 milliliters of camphor alcohol and glycerin, add 10 milliliters of ammonia and boric acid, as well as 2 tablets of hydroperite or 30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. In the resulting mixture, you need to pour a little soap, grated. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. It should be applied to the steamed skin of the feet for 5-10 minutes until completely dry. Next, wash off the drug with 10% calcium chloride or warm water. This method of removing keratinized tissues can be used no more than once every 1-2 weeks. During breaks, it is permissible to apply other methods of foot care. When the skin on the legs acquires the desired softness, you can move on to more gentle procedures.

To remove keratinized particles, you can use honey-nut peeling. To prepare the composition, you need to grind 7-10 hazelnuts or almonds in a blender. Next, you should mix them with 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. The resulting mass must be applied to the steamed feet and massaged, and then wrap the legs with a plastic bag for 10 minutes. After the procedure, the mixture should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream applied to the feet. With the help of peeling, it is possible to dissolve dead cells of the epidermis and remove them from the surface of the skin. At the same time, the heels and feet become more receptive to care, so after such a procedure, you can even apply a nourishing mask to the skin.

Peeling for feet based on black radish has a very good effect. To prepare the composition, the radish must be peeled, grated, squeezed and put in a plastic half. Next, add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of flour to it, then mix. The resulting composition should be applied to the feet, lightly rubbing it. Next, you need to wrap the legs with plastic bags and wash off the product after 10 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can wear warm socks on your feet.

You can make the skin softer by applying citrus peeling to it. Half an orange or grapefruit should be cut into pieces and chopped with a blender along with the peel. Next, you need to add 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds to the gruel and apply to the skin of the feet, rubbing lightly. It will be possible to wash off the composition after 10 minutes.

Coffee is a very effective scrub. Experts advise using cheap coffee for the preparation of cosmetic formulations or collecting grounds after each drink. The ground grains must be poured hot water before use, and then squeeze out excess liquid.

To increase the effectiveness of scrubs and peels, coarse sea salt or even river sand can be added to the formulations. These components contribute to the mechanical exfoliation of keratinized particles. If the skin of the feet is in fairly good condition, candied honey can be regularly applied to it for 10 minutes. In this case, the legs must be massaged.

Scrub based on apricot kernels is considered very effective. To prepare it, you need to grind the bones in a coffee grinder and mix with nourishing cream or honey. The more abrasive particles in the scrub, the more effective it is.

If the skin of the feet is very dry, you can apply a special oil composition to it. To prepare it, mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. You can add some essential oils to the mixture. To achieve the desired effect, you only need a few drops of the concentrate.

You can also mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of brown cane sugar for a peeling treatment. The resulting mixture should be massaged on the feet for 5 minutes.

As for the frequency of the procedure, you need to focus on your own needs. Beauticians recommend taking care of your feet in this way 2 times a week in summer and 1 time per week in autumn, winter and spring, when people usually wear closed shoes and the skin does not roughen so quickly. If the condition of the feet wants the best, you can alternate home care with salon care and do not forget about regular pedicures.

Foot peeling is a procedure necessary to keep the feet in perfect condition. Each woman can perform it at home, choosing for herself exactly the recipe for preparing an exfoliating composition that suits her best.

The skin of the feet is exposed to regular external influences, which leads to its rapid aging. Foot peeling will make the skin soft again, relieve calluses, corns, coarsened and dead layers of the epidermis. In addition, such cleansing manipulations will help to cope with bad smell legs.

Types of procedure

Pedicure peeling is divided into mechanical and chemical. The difference lies in the way these procedures are performed.

Chemical cleansing of the skin of the feet is a mixture of various acids. They soften the skin, which contributes to its quick and easy removal. The procedure has a deep cleansing effect on the skin, helps to get rid of calluses, corns and the keratinized layer of the epidermis from the heels. Such grinding is best done in specialized salons, since it has a number of contraindications.

Mechanical peeling can be done at home. The impact on the feet comes with the help of various masks, scrubs, pumice stones, pedicure graters and special files.

There are a number of contraindications, in which in no case should any procedure for cleaning the skin of the feet be carried out. Among them:

  • allergy to any of the components of the cleansing mixture;
  • scratches, wounds, burns and other mechanical damage to the legs;
  • insect bites;
  • deep cracks in the heels;
  • various skin inflammations.

Before starting peeling with acid mixtures, it is advisable to consult a specialist in order to avoid unnecessary consequences.

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Foot cleansing at home

Peeling legs at home should begin with steaming the feet. Can be added to hot water if desired. essential oils. traditional healers recommend several effective methods cleansing the skin of the legs.

During salt cleansing, the legs are steamed in hot water, to which soda is added. Then you need to grate the carrots on a fine grater, add fine sea salt and a little sunflower oil to soften. Treat the resulting slurry of the foot. Pay special attention to the heels. This remedy will make the skin velvety.

Another folk way foot cleansing - water baths with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. Take 50 ml of 3% peroxide and pour it into 1 liter of non-hot water. Soak your feet in this composition for about 30-40 minutes, periodically adding water. After the manipulations, clean the feet with a pumice stone, and then generously apply a fat nourishing foot cream.

If you are doing sugar depilation, the length of hair for sugaring is described.

Oatmeal mask for legs.

The most nutritious properties have a mask of cottage cheese. Grind 2 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream. The resulting mixture vigorously rub the entire surface of the feet. Leave the mask on your feet for 30-40 minutes. The maximum effect will be achieved if you wrap your legs with a film and put on cotton socks. After the specified time, rinse your feet in warm water and lubricate with cream.

Laser removal of stars is described in this.

Foot scrub recipes

A scrub is a cosmetic product that consists of small and large hard particles. This combined combination helps to remove dead cells from keratinized skin and starts regeneration processes. Scrubs for peeling can be prepared at home from improvised means. It is important to know that any scrub is applied to pre-steamed legs.

Chocolate scrub Due to the moisturizing and nourishing properties of cocoa, it has a regenerating effect on the skin of the feet. Preparing a scrub is quite simple: 1 tbsp. l. powdered cocoa is mixed with 1 tsp. Sahara. Then 4 tablespoons of warmed milk are added. This mixture should be applied to the feet and massaged with light movements for 3 minutes. After manipulations, rinse your feet with warm water and anoint with a moisturizer.

Chocolate foot scrub

Citrus-based cosmetic has tonic and moisturizing properties.. With it, you can easily remove rough skin on the heels and corns. To prepare a scrub, you need to take 1 orange (if there is no orange, you can take half a grapefruit or a few tangerines), remove all the seeds from it and stir it together with the peel. In appearance, the mixture should resemble gruel. In this mass, massage the feet for 5-7 minutes.

Citrus Foot Scrub

Tomato peeling will cope with severely rough feet. Take a large juicy tomato and stir it so that it turns into a pulp. Add 1 tbsp to it. l. fine sea salt. Massage the feet with the resulting product for several minutes. Then rinse with not too hot water and generously lubricate with a moisturizer.

Foot scrub based on tomato peeling

Sometimes it's necessary laser removal ingrown toenail, read about it.

Honey peeling and salt eliminates cracks, removes rough skin and fights various inflammatory processes. Prepare it like this: in 1 tbsp. l. honey must be added 2 tsp. crushed sea salt and pour 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Massage the feet well with the resulting product for about 3 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Honey peeling for feet

The remains of the scrub, if it has not been completely used, should be thrown away immediately. The fact is that cosmetics made from fresh products retain their properties for no more than half an hour. Therefore, even if you store the made scrub in the refrigerator, it will not bring any benefit.

The rough skin of the heels brings a lot of trouble. The appearance of cracks, peeling, loss of sensitivity, unaesthetic appearance can be a cause of anxiety, rejection of your favorite open shoes. One of effective methods To combat this condition, peelings are used to restore softness, natural shine, and elasticity to the skin of the feet.

Why is it needed?

Under the influence of various factors, the upper layer of the epidermis begins to coarsen, scaly layers appear. This creates a dense barrier for moisture and nutrients to penetrate deep into the skin, which significantly impairs the proper nutrition of cells. If this process is not dealt with, then the result may be the appearance of corns, corns. The integrity of a dry weakened surface is easily broken, which leads to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Foot peeling allows you to painlessly exfoliate the coarsened upper layer. At the same time, hydration, tissue nutrition, and appearance improve.

The whole process consists of three stages:

  • surface preparation;
  • tissue processing;
  • nutrition, hydration.


Cleansing procedures are characterized by a number of useful properties, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the Internet:

  • promote skin rejuvenation;
  • prevent the formation of fungus;
  • prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • improve blood circulation of tissues, and consequently, their nutrition;
  • healing processes go faster, inflammatory processes pass;
  • skin immunity increases;
  • the surface becomes smooth;
  • the aesthetic appearance is improved.


The procedure carried out using the devices can be quite dangerous in the hands of non-professionals, as well as if the equipment malfunctions or the wrong cleaning method is chosen.

Among negative consequences meet:

  • allergic reactions;
  • wounds;
  • lack of positive dynamics;
  • the appearance of dryness, irritation.

In order to avoid serious troubles, cosmetic procedures must be carried out in proven beauty salons that have been around for quite a long time and have a staff of professionals with many years of experience. If any discomfort occurs, it is better to refuse this method of exposure.

Peeling is contraindicated in the presence of the following problems:

  • various inflammations on the skin;
  • insect bites;
  • allergy to the components of the mixture;
  • cracked heels;
  • mechanical damage to the legs: burns, wounds, scratches.


Consider the most common types of cleaning the outer roughened layer of the skin.


It is carried out using special equipment, for example, grinding structures. A thorough surface treatment is carried out, the hard layer of the epidermis is removed. Nutrients and emollients are then applied to the skin.

It is used only in the conditions of cosmetology rooms.


This method is based on the mechanical action of hard particles. Their rubbing is done with massaging movements. To remove the coarsened layer, special brushes are used. After the procedure, the surface is lubricated with nutrients.

It is used both in beauty salons and at home.


The essence of the method is based on the action of enzymes that penetrate the stratum corneum of the epidermis and exfoliate dead cells. Enzymes based on bacteria, plants, animals are used. The procedure is carried out in a cosmetology room. A special agent is applied to the prepared skin surface, rubbed lightly, then washed off. At the end of the procedure, the skin is nourished with a cream or other tonic.

Mainly used in beauty salons.

chemical or acid

This method is based on the use of acids, for example: lactic, glycolic, fruit, salicylic. Distinguish between surface treatment of the feet with light processes, medium and deep treatment. The method is based on applying and rubbing a special liquid agent followed by rinsing. After the procedure, the skin must be nourished with cream.

It can be used both in beauty salons and at home.

With fish

The method is one of the most pleasant, but not cheap. An unusual method is based on the use of garra rufa fish. The legs are placed in water with floating reptiles, which gradually bite off the most keratinized particles imperceptibly. Their saliva contains beneficial substances that have a healing effect. It should be noted that this method is the most gentle, comfortable.

Used in beauty salons.

The choice of peeling method is based on the severity of the process, its old age, and the presence of contraindications.

How to do?

Professional peeling of the skin of the legs can be done in cosmetology centers. The presence of special equipment, chemicals allows you to perform the procedure quickly and efficiently. However, if such pleasure is not available for a number of reasons, then you can use simple recipes for softening rough skin of the feet, which are easy to prepare at home.

Cleansing with laundry soap and soda

To prepare the solution, mix grated laundry soap with soda in a ratio of 1: 1 and add to hot water. Feet hold for about 35-40 minutes. Then a roll of solid particles is made and a nutrient mixture based on oils and vitamins is applied. You can use cream.

Cleansing with coffee, sea salt and vegetable oil

In order to prepare a scrub, you will need coffee with medium-sized grains, sea salt. All this is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. a large number of(about 25-35 ml) vegetable oil. This consistency is applied to the feet after they are warmed up. Produce a massage in a circular motion and then washed off.

Cleansing with Tomato and Sea Salt

To prepare a healing consistency, you need to take the pulp of a tomato and mix it with one large spoon of sea salt. The product is applied to the feet softened in hot water, massaged, and then washed off.

Cleansing with citrus

To prepare a scrub, you can take an orange, grapefruit or tangerine. The fruit is ground in a meat grinder along with the peel, but after removing all the bones. The gruel is applied to the feet with massaging movements. Leave on for 10 minutes, then wash off. After the procedure, the surface is smeared with cream.

Scrubs prepared at home often have a double or even triple effect. When using them, there is a mechanical effect of solid particles, which makes it possible to produce a deeper effect on the layers of the epidermis.

At the same time, there is an effect of acidic components contained in fruits and vegetables. They also saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals.

Professional peeling, carried out in beauty salons, is the most effective in the most neglected cases. However, it is not recommended to do it too often. Home scrubs are no less effective, especially in the initial stages of discomfort. They can be carried out much more often, depending on the duration of the effect.

Before any cosmetic procedure allergy testing is required. To do this, a certain amount of the substance is applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and waiting for a reaction within an hour. If there is no sensation of tingling, burning, discoloration or other signs of discomfort, then proceed to the procedure.

When preparing a cleansing scrub at home, it is not recommended to use iron utensils, as iron ions absorb beneficial substances.

The prepared composition must be prepared before direct application to the skin. It is not recommended to cook a large amount with a margin for several days, as over time the products deteriorate and the amount of nutrients decreases.

Regular care for the epidermis of the feet will forever forget about the discomfort associated with the formation of a roughened, unaesthetic surface of the skin.

Another popular way home peeling stop - in this video.

Our skin is aging every day under the pressure of numerous factors from external environment. If we see changes on the face immediately, then on the legs in general, these manifestations are less noticeable. When the process is already in the middle stage, urgent intervention is required. Today, a great remedy is peeling for the feet at home, which already has proven effectiveness. This procedure is simple, has only positive reviews and does not require a trip to the beautician.

We pay special attention to the legs

The meaning of cleansing the feet is to remove dead cells of the epidermis. Such a mechanical effect has only a positive effect and helps to rejuvenate the skin. With age, the natural process of renewal of the upper layers slows down and then peeling of the legs at home comes to the rescue.

The salon procedure, unlike the home procedure, is carried out on the basis of special preparations that affect not only the surface layers, but also the deep ones. Thus, cell renewal occurs at the molecular level. Home sessions, subject to regularity, allow you to maintain the skin in perfect condition.

Why do our feet require special attention? During each day, our feet are subjected to a special load, and fatigue is always manifested by heaviness, cramps at night and pain. All these factors disrupt normal blood circulation, making it difficult for venous outflow. As a result, the emergence of various diseases, many of which are solved exclusively by surgical intervention.

Another important point is wearing uncomfortable shoes, and the anatomical features of the foot sometimes provoke the formation of corns, calluses and cornification. Salon treatments and heel peeling at home are a great solution to keep your feet fresh and light. You yourself can painlessly remove all formations and keratosis manifestations, as well as make the skin soft, smooth and tender.

Features of the procedure

Visiting salons requires certain costs, not only financial, but also time. In addition, such a trip to a specialist may not always be convenient. Today, everyone can independently perform heel peeling and devote their free time to this procedure. If you soak socks for peeling with a special preparation, then you can safely do household chores. After holding the feet, proper care should be provided in the form of various nourishing, moisturizing and healing products. In addition, the feet should be provided with a complete relaxing effect, so that the peeling works overnight, and by the morning you can feel the effectiveness.

If the procedure in the salon is more aggressive, then the peeling mask at home is more gentle. Of course, at one time the patient does not get rid of calluses and other problems with the feet forever, but regular use will contribute to the gradual renewal of problem areas and overall recovery. At home, such peeling is carried out using preparations that contain a low concentration of acids. They provide a deeper effect and have a longer lasting effect than those products that were purchased in the store or prepared on their own.

There is another peeling for the skin of the legs, which is carried out at home - this is the mechanical removal of dead skin cells of the dermis. In the process of its implementation, old cells under the influence of microparticles roll down and are finally removed by ordinary rinsing with water. Such preparations are now widely represented on the modern market, including peels made in Korea. They are produced using fine-grained particles, and the mechanism of action resembles sandpaper.

Means to help exfoliate the legs

So, in addition to Korean scrubs, Chinese peeling, which is rich in vitamins and minerals, is gaining popularity today. The composition usually includes natural ingredients and microparticles, which have a great exfoliating effect. After completion, the skin becomes fresh, saturated with moisture and smooth. In addition, both Korean peeling and the presented one improve blood circulation.

There are other products on the market that have a similar effect. The choice always remains with the buyer. For example, Sosu foot peeling is a great helper for home cleansing. These two pairs of rose-scented pedicure socks represent an innovative solution in the field of cosmetology and medicine and allow you to perform a risk-free procedure at home.

This video demonstrates how to do a leg peel at home:

The patient does not need to spend time on a visit to the salon and money for a pedicure. This product was developed by Japanese experts, and women in many countries have already appreciated it. The main component that is included in the composition is lactic acid and a plant extract of lemon, burdock, watercress, sage, ivy, etc. The product stimulates the natural process and perfectly rejects dead dermis cells. In addition, it has a therapeutic effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect and quickly solves foot problems. The first effect becomes noticeable after four days (on average).

While wearing, some precautions should be observed:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight
  2. Do not use on sensitive skin.

There are also drugs that help solve problems with the skin of the feet. One of these is Tony Moly, a tool of a young South Korean company. This brand is known in many countries of the world, and the effectiveness of the drug has long been proven.

Not many revolutionary new products in the cosmetic market can satisfy the needs of strict consumers, but the Japanese or Korean product is still in demand.

In the modern world, not everyone is familiar with the technique of conducting a home cleaning procedure, and not everyone knows what peeling is. Following the basic advice and recommendations of experts, everyone can carry out home peels without health risks. Which tool to choose for this simple procedure is up to you, but always carefully read the information on the package, follow the rules and follow all precautions.

The skin of the feet needs to be taken care of, especially in the summer, when it comes time for open shoes, exposure high temperatures and dust. In the absence of special hygiene, the skin of the feet dries out, noticeably coarsens, and its elasticity decreases. Keep your feet clean, well-groomed and healthy salon procedures or home peeling of the legs.

Peeling of the skin of the legs is cosmetic procedure, the action of which is aimed at updating the upper layer of the dermal cover by exfoliating dead cells. The horny layer of the epidermis on the feet, under the influence of many factors, is layered one on top of the other, preventing moisture, nutrients, cosmetics. As a result, calluses and cracks form in areas most subject to friction and pressure, which become gates for easy penetration of microorganisms and infection.

With the help of peeling, the stratum corneum is removed, allowing the skin to breathe, be saturated with vitamins, moisture contained in creams, and remain elastic and healthy. Thanks to this procedure, the feet and heels have a well-groomed appearance, which is an important moment for every woman.

Benefits and rules

Cosmetic procedure is used to rejuvenate the face and get rid of small imperfections on the skin ( age spots, traces of acne, post-acne, small scars, comedones, wrinkles). It is used on other parts of the body as a preventive measure, treatment and aesthetic goal.

Foot peeling is included in the list of services provided by many beauty salons. It is possible to carry out this procedure at home. The benefits of the process are:

  • cell renewal;
  • regeneration of the epidermis;
  • skin cleansing;
  • getting rid of inflammation and cracks;
  • improving the condition and appearance of the dermis of the feet and heels;
  • facilitating nutrition of the upper, middle and lower layers of the dermis;
  • fight against skin aging;
  • acceleration of blood flow in the feet;
  • prevention and treatment of skin and nail fungus.

When performing depilation, the hairs can grow into the skin of the legs. Women and girls face this problem quite often. Peeling will help to solve unpleasant consequences. It is used before getting rid of hair as a preventive measure or after, when abnormal hair growth has already manifested itself.

Due to the removal of dead cells of the epidermis, the skin acquires smoothness, elasticity, natural color. Dryness, cosmetic flaws, some skin diseases go away, bad smell legs.

The procedure in the salon and at home consists of several stages:

  • Preparing the feet for cleansing by steaming the stratum corneum.

This stage has a special impact on the achievement desired result. The better the softened rough top layer, the easier it can be removed. For execution preparatory phase baths and compresses are used with the addition of agents that affect the acceleration of the process, disinfection of the surface, and the elimination of unpleasant odors.

  • Removal of dead cells.

The method of removing thickening depends on the type, depth of peeling. When choosing a specific type of procedure, they start from the degree of the problem.

  • Nutrition.

Saturation of the dermis with nutrients, its moisturizing, soothing plays an important role in foot care. Creams, vegetable oils, vitamin formulations, nourishing masks are used.

Types of foot peeling

There are several ways to get rid of rough skin on the feet. There is a chemical, mechanical, hardware method for removing the thickened upper layer of the epidermis. Also, depending on the depth of exposure, there are superficial, medium and deep peels.

Procedure options and their features:

Type of peeling Characteristic
chemical or acid In salons, various acids with different concentrations are used to carry out the procedure through the influence of a chemical. It all depends on the condition of the skin. The active composition is lactic, glycolic, fruit, pyruvic, and other acids. Preparations can be in powder, gel, liquid form or used as a mask. The composition is applied to the problem surface, the application time is maintained, then the product is washed off, and the skin is lubricated with cream.

At home, salicylic acid is used, lemon acid, vinegar, kefir, sour fruit juices, bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide.

Mechanical With the mechanical method of removing dead cells from the skin, scrubs, pumice, compositions and products containing abrasive particles are used. Mechanical foot peeling at home is performed using salt, coffee, soda, cinnamon with honey, crushed oatmeal. Sugar foot peeling is practiced.
hardware In beauty parlors, a modern method is used to mechanically remove the stratum corneum on the feet with the help of grinding nozzles.
With socks Peeling socks can be attributed to chemical form. This is a cosmetic foot mask, the kit includes a pair of polyethylene socks and a composition with acids. The liquid is applied to pre-washed legs, and special socks-cases are put on top. Further, it is recommended to warm the feet with ordinary socks, hold the mask for 90-120 minutes. After the composition is washed off with water, and the skin is treated with a nourishing cream. The procedure is easy to use, painless and highly effective.
With garra rufa fish Salon exotic service with small doctor fish is based on the action of an enzyme contained in the saliva of living organisms, and their ability to soften and pluck rough skin on the feet.

Recipes for home peeling feet

If the skin on the feet has become very coarse over the summer, an effective cleansing procedure for the heels can be carried out at home. Foot peeling recipes used for self-care are varied, affordable, nutritious, effective and safe.

The basis for any recipe is that the dermis of the legs must be steamed before cleansing, only then apply the product:

  1. Kitchen or sea salt and baking soda are mixed in equal proportions, a rich cream is added. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The composition is applied to the feet, accompanied by massaging movements for 20-30 minutes. Then it is washed off with water without soap. The procedure is performed several times a week.
  2. Camphor, ammonia, boric acid and glycerin are mixed in the same amount. A crushed tablet of hydroperite is added to the resulting mass. A small piece is rubbed on a fine grater laundry soap. Its shavings in one spoonful of water are brought to a mushy mass. All components are mixed, applied to the problem area. The composition should be kept on the skin until it turns into a dry crust, which must be removed with calcium chloride 5% from a pharmacy. A cotton pad is wetted in a solution from an ampoule, washing off a soap-alcohol mask.
  3. Famous folk method skin cleansing - salicylic mask with lemon. For preparation, you will need 4-5 crushed aspirin tablets, lemon juice from half a fruit. A paste-like mixture should be achieved, with which the feet are smeared. Legs are lowered into plastic bags, insulated with socks. The mask is left to act for half an hour, then washed off with warm water. To achieve an excellent result, it is worth doing at least 5-7 such procedures with breaks of 3-5 days.
  4. If there are cracks on the heels, a recipe with aspirin and vodka will help. A pack of acetylsalicylic acid (10 tablets) is crushed into powder, poured into a container with 200 gr. vodka, mixed. It is left in a dark place to infuse for 1 day. In the product (shake beforehand), 2 gauze cuts are wetted, which wrap the feet. Bags and socks are put on top. The compress is left overnight. In the morning it is washed off with water, the skin is treated with a cream.
  5. To perform a chemical cleansing of keratinization, it is necessary to mix vinegar and glycerin in a ratio of 1: 3. Clean feet are smeared with the mixture, wrapped with cling film or placed in plastic bags. Cotton socks are put on top. The composition is left all night, washed off with soap in the morning. Then the skin is treated with cream.

Contraindications to the procedure

Deep peeling of the legs at home is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • in the presence of skin diseases and open wounds;
  • people prone to allergies.

With fungal lesions on the feet, peeling is combined with treatment with antimycotic ointment on the recommendation of a doctor.
