Anti-aging make-up for different ages. Anti-aging makeup, the secrets of creating anti-age make up Eye makeup with a rejuvenating effect

Proper use of high-quality decorative cosmetics allows you to create various visual effects - hide appearance flaws, adjust the proportions of the face, make it younger and more beautiful. Lifting makeup as a means of visual rejuvenation can be considered a kind of professional makeup.

Let's talk about how to do anti-aging makeup below. The main task of this type of makeup is to lift the contours of the face, making it more toned and youthful. With the help of tonal products and powder of different shades, you can make the skin smooth and even, hide fine wrinkles.

When creating an image, try to stretch all the lines in the makeup up or slightly lift it. The eyeliner should lead the line to the temples, the tips of the eyebrows should be raised as much as possible, but within the limits of the possible. If you line your eyes with a pencil, then draw a line from the bottom up - from the inner corner of the eye to its outer edge.

The eyebrow line should be very clear and bright - the expressiveness of the look depends on this. Try to apply blush so that their direction coincides with the direction of the eyebrow line. If possible, make up your lips so that their line resembles the movement of eyebrows and smears of blush.

The main rule of light correction is that everything that needs to be hidden should be darkened. Therefore, if swollen eyelids, puffy cheeks and swollen lower eyelids are masked with shadows of dark shades or a darkish tone foundation, they will be less noticeable. If there is under the eyes dark circles, then they need to be lightened with light-colored powder or a special pastel corrector. You should also mask mimic wrinkles and folds - “hammer” them with light powder or a corrective pencil. An excellent anti-aging makeup can be smokey ice makeup.

Anti-aging makeup prohibits the use of bright, flashy and unnatural colors. Your choice is beige, pinkish, dull tones that can be called natural and natural. Too juicy and defiant colors will draw attention to all age-related problems, and make the image comical. You should also abandon shimmering and pearlescent shadows, with sparkles and metallic radiance - such a texture will only emphasize wrinkles, draw attention to imperfect skin that has lost elasticity.

When choosing a shade of powder, keep in mind that too light, almost white tones create a mask effect on the face, and dark compositions age you even more. An ideal option for anti-aging makeup is light beige or transparent powder.

Do not ignore blush - they are able to refresh the face, make it look younger. But this is possible only with the right choice of shade - a mixture of pink and beige tones, peach color, delicate shades of pink. If the skin is dark, then the cheekbones can be emphasized with a bronze-colored blush.

Eye shadows should emphasize their color, not contradict the overall naturalness of the makeup. To highlight the inside of the eye and the area under the eyebrows, use shades of ivory or milk. Cover the upper eyelid with shades of peach, sand, beige. To mark the contour of the eyes, use dark gray and ashy tones, blue or brown pencil. A black outline will age you even more, and colored eyeliners are simply out of place.

The color of the eyebrows depends on the shade of the hair. If your hair is light brown or red, then brown tones will do. For blondes and brown-haired women, it is better to choose a combination of gray and brown.

Lips should not be too bright, so red lipstick is not used. You should not make them too pale either - one transparent shine is not enough. Delicate berry shades, neutral pastels, all natural tones will become the best option for lifting makeup.

Use visual techniques and predominant colors to make the face fresh, young, attractive.

How to lose 10 years with hair and makeup? Makeup artist Alena Moiseeva and hairdresser Alex Contier reveal the secrets of make-up and anti-aging styling.
The idea for this post started with a selfie by Julia. Julia posted a morning photo in our beauty insider chat - her hair stood up, and she looked 10 years older because of this. “But this is the topic!” we figured.

And they called a pro - makeup artist Alena Moiseeva and hairstylist Alex Contier to show how you can add and subtract your age with hair and makeup.

The models were Olya Tretyakova (40 years old) and Yulia Grebenkina (33 years old).

plus 10 years


Alena Moiseeva: “Age is added by strict forms and any unnaturalness: too dark tones, too sharp contours.”

Alex Contier: “Avoid unnatural hair volume. Bouffant is instantly +10 years to age.

Olya Tretyakova


The first thing that immediately adds age - wrong tone.

Alena Moiseeva: “Many people think that the shade of tan makes you younger. In fact, it's the other way around. The skin immediately looks older and seems unkempt, because dark tone gets into wrinkles and accentuates them.

Alena: “You don’t need to draw eyebrows too hard and make a clear angle at the bridge of the nose - these techniques make the face rough, frowning.”

Any clear or, as makeup artists say, "hard" shape adds years. Graphic eye makeup looks old-fashioned and, moreover, does not decorate anyone, even catwalk models.

Alena: “Shade the shadows, do smooth transitions. How more natural makeup the younger you look."

Another so-so technique is an arrow that is drawn on a closed eyelid.

Alena: “In this case, there is a danger of bringing her down, which will visually “lower” the outer corner of the eye and give her face a tired and sad expression.” To avoid this, draw arrows on open eyes.

Clearly defined lips is another mistake. A sharp, noticeable contour makes them smaller, emphasizes wrinkles. The same applies to matte lipsticks - they age, make lips dry and conceal volume.

Alena: “It still seems to many that nude matte shades give naturalness. It's a delusion. Such lipsticks look good on Instagram, but in life they add age.


Of course, you want your hair to look voluminous, but it is important not to overdo it.

Alex: “In no case do not brush your hair. Firstly, they immediately look less shiny, and secondly, such splendor ages even very young girls. So I advise you to leave such styling for the podium.

Thoughts about

Olya: “Those “some” who think that a tan is young is just me. After this shooting, she sharply revised her attitude towards bronzers in favor of a more natural tone. The fact that I immediately freshened up was noted by everyone. And I also decided that I would use matte lipstick only on the set.

And when Alex combed my hair, he repeated: “Oooh, with such a hairstyle only for deputies!”. And I sat and thought: I will never try to whip my hair at the back of my head again, never!



Too dark tone is bad, but too light tone is not better. It does not refresh, but makes the face pale and exhausted. With dry skin (and with age, the skin of many becomes drier), it is worth abandoning dense layer of powder- it emphasizes wrinkles, and a matte face looks flat and lifeless.

Also, dark blush will not decorate your face - even if you have beautiful cheekbones that you want to emphasize.

Alena: “Such blush - especially cold, unnatural shades - will give facial features an unnecessary sharpness. Because of this, it will look sickly, haggard.

Sharply defined eyebrows add age, but untouched by makeup, they also do not look younger: in contrast to the painted eyes / lips / cheeks, they look pale, untidy and sparse. And the fuzzy shape adds age.

Another tip about the eyes: “If you love classic makeup, that is, with an emphasis on the outer corner, do not make it too sharp and avoid contrasts. The photo shows how old it is.

Dark lipstick + contour = extra age. With age, lips become less plump, and with such makeup, this is especially noticeable.

Alena: “Leave dark lipstick for instagram and fashion shoots. In life, especially with not very voluminous lips, it will make you older and stricter.


The extra volume achieved with the help of fleece does not paint. Another mistake is over-committing. The laced "helmet" adds stiffness and rigor. And age.

Thoughts about

Julia: “While Alena was painting me, her hand was practically trembling and she kept saying, “My God, my God, I can’t believe that I’m doing this!”. But as a result, I realized my mistake with blush, with the choice of too light tonal (I used to think that I need the lightest tone in the line - and this is not always the case), too matte tonal (you are afraid of oily sheen - and as a result, you kill any skin glow ). However, you still can’t keep me from playing with dark and matte lipsticks -).

But the main thing is hair: as soon as I cut my hair short, I immediately realized that my main enemy now is volume. Any, even the smallest one, turns me into a middle-aged high school literature teacher (sorry, all the trendy and advanced literature teachers, I had not like that! -)). In the end, I just did keratin again. ”

Well, don't we look like the heroines of the TV series "Dynasty" ?! -) Shikaaaaary!

Minus 10 years


Alena: “The best“ anti-aging ”makeup is imperceptible. All that is needed is to hide skin defects, emphasize facial features and emphasize the dignity of youth - freshness and naturalness.

Alex: “Youth = natural. Light waves, light volume, smoothness and shine of hair - that's what rejuvenates.



Alena: “The right primer is half the battle. It should be with a "wet" effect, this will give the face a glow. If you don't use a primer, just moisturize your skin well before applying makeup."

Eyebrow thickness is very important. Wide ones make the face younger, too thin - on the contrary. Alena: "Comb the hairs up - this will make the eyebrows visually wider."

Whatever eye makeup you do, blend the shades as much as possible so that there are no sharp transitions.

Alena: “Here we used the most natural beige shades just to emphasize the natural crease of the eyelid and make the eye brighter. Cream shadows go on softer than dry ones, which is also important if you want to look younger.

To make the face look more youthful, it is better to use not thick lipsticks, but glosses or moisturizing balms.

Alena: “Look, what a difference with the “Plus 10 years” option! Here is a nude shade, but it is light, translucent, and does not age at all.

And if you want to add brightness, do not deny yourself anything :)

Alena: “There is a stereotype that with age it is better to avoid bright lipsticks. This is wrong. In everyday makeup, it is better to abandon dense dark ones in combination with a clear contour. Bright, with a wet sheen, on the contrary, refresh the face. With the help, you can visually reduce a few years.

When choosing a blush, stop at creamy textures, Alena advises: "They look more natural and help create the effect of a natural blush."


Large volume in hairstyles is best avoided. But even slicked-back hair dyes few people. Our choice is the golden mean.

Alex: “Apply heat protectant and dry your hair with your head down. The volume will be more natural. I advise you to fix the hairstyle with a light fixation varnish - it will look more lively and mobile.

Thoughts about

Olya: “It is very difficult for me to realize that it is not necessary to matte the face tightly. Still, I have this ingrained habit: first base / primer / foundation, and then definitely powder. As a compromise, I use powder only in the T-zone. And I like it! The face does not lose volume, and there is no oily sheen on the forehead and chin.

And I'm also the kind of person who never tinted his eyebrows. Well, because they are already dark-beautiful-bright, why?! But at the same time, I somehow always missed the moment that when everything else is made up, the eyebrows fail and do not look so thick. I realized the mistake, I will correct it. But with the help you can make the eyebrows more natural and the desired thickness.



Ideal foundation— not too dense, not too matte, taking into account the peculiarities of the skin.

Alena: “The main thing we are trying to achieve is volume and radiance. Hydrated skin looks younger than dry skin.

If powder is needed, use it not on the whole face, but in the T-zone.

If the skin is thin, with translucent veins under the eyes - the must.

Alena: "Choose not white (it will look too contrasting) and not gray (will give a tired look), but slightly peach or pink - this will refresh the area under the eyes."

We never tire of repeating: wide well-groomed eyebrows rejuvenate. And they need to be painted.

Alena: “Watch the outer corner, do not lower it with makeup. Properly defined eyebrows provide a lifting effect to the entire face.

Used for eyes cream eyeshadow with pink undertones- both shade and texture have a rejuvenating effect.

With such a "cold" appearance, like Yulia, and shades of glosses and lipsticks are good cold, without a warm undertone: berry, pink. They instantly refresh the face.


Alex: “Usually I advise not to hide the face behind the hair for those “who for ...”. An open face looks younger. But there is a catch: opening the forehead, we sort of enter the territory of hairstyles for adults. So if you are under 50-60 years old, do not rush to give up bangs. Asymmetry and slight carelessness in styling make the face younger than a clearly fixed (“hair to hair”) hairstyle.

Thoughts about

Julia: “Here you will laugh, or maybe you won’t even believe it, because in the photo this makeup looks very ordinary. And yet. After the shooting, without washing my face, I took the subway to training. And a teenager began to flirt with me, well, probably, about 16-17 years old! Honestly, I'm not lying -)))

If from a serious one: I changed my attitude towards tonal means after this shoot. I realized that my passion for matting tonal is not good for me - it’s better to have a more moisturizing tone (and blot my forehead with a napkin at some point). I began to comb my eyebrows up - this way they look more natural and give some kind of lifting effect to the face. And I got hooked, which I thought would never happen to me!

What make-up mistakes do you make?

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Any woman notices changes in her appearance with age. Such as withering of the skin, the formation of wrinkles and age spots. Although you want to stay beautiful as long as possible. Here various cosmetic procedures as well as cosmetics. Naturally, in this way you cannot hide any serious changes, but you can correct the shape of the face, refresh the color. Moreover, it will not be difficult if you know how to do anti-aging makeup. It is this secret that we will reveal.

Basic rules for facial rejuvenation

First of all, make-up is a means by which you can emphasize female beauty. There comes a time when well-chosen cosmetics helps to mask age-related changes. Here it is very important not to miss the choice of the right means and the rule for their application, otherwise there is a danger of once again emphasizing your age.

Reveal the secrets of anti-aging makeup

A range of colors for different types of eyes

Each has individual features of appearance. So everyone has different shapes, physique, height, hair shade and eye color, about the latter, we will now tell. To create a make-up with a rejuvenating effect, you need to take into account all the nuances.

  • To green eyes a rich burgundy palette or a sea wave is perfect. For the base, you can take a soft pink tone, not mother-of-pearl.
  • gray look Metallic paints and wet asphalt are emphasized. Beige cosmetics without mother-of-pearl will serve as the basis.
  • For blue eyes beige shades should be taken as the basis, and dark blue should be used as an addition. In addition, with the latter, the natural beauty of the eyes will gain greater depth.
  • brown look will be more expressive with terracotta tone and rich black coffee. It is better to take mother-of-pearl beige shadows as a basis.


As we have already learned above, before creating anti-aging makeup, you need to put your face in order. After all, the skin is the first thing everyone pays attention to. So it must look great. If you do not follow her, then an image of a tired and tortured person is created. Great attention is required to be paid to her after reaching the age of 30 years. You need to keep it in good condition all the time. Here, of course, creams and other products that contain: collagen, elastin, whitening trace elements will help.

Regular exfoliation once a week - it will prepare the skin well for make apu. Especially since she eventually loses her appearance, and elasticity. It accumulates a lot of dead tissue. Therefore, you first need to clean it with a scrub, it will help remove impurities from the pores and get rid of non-living cells. After that you need to use nourishing mask so that the surface is not dry. Also, the face must be wiped daily with a tonic or lotion.


Everyone knows that the eyes can determine the mood, and the area around them is easy to find out the approximate age. After all, if you do not take care of them, then the upper eyelid will have swelling and hang. And under the eye, wrinkles and black circles often form over time. Fortunately, all these imperfections can be hidden with a refreshing anti-aging makeup.

Also, all of the above troubles can be eliminated in another way. This requires proper sleep, an active lifestyle, regular physical exercise(training), balanced and proper nutrition. The position during sleep should also be taken into account - sleeping with your face buried in a pillow is undesirable, because this can cause swelling of the lower eyelid.
If you follow all the rules described, you can easily keep the skin around the eyes in excellent condition. And small wrinkles and other age-related changes are easily corrected by cosmetics.

As mentioned above, shades, mature women need to choose light ones, especially those over 40. With their help, makeup will be really rejuvenating. This will divert attention from the "crow's feet". The best option would be a shadow that is darker than the skin by one tone. It should be noted that the shadows are applied exclusively to the upper eyelid. On the bottom, along the border of the growth of eyelashes, a thin line made with a beige or white pencil will look beautiful. So the eyes will look large and wide open.
If mother-of-pearl shadows are used, then they should be located strictly on the moving area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid. That is, going beyond the eye is not allowed. Only thin arrows or light eyeliner are also allowed.
For owners brown eyes it is better to make eyelashes black, and brown mascara will be good for blue-eyed women. In no case should you paint with a purple or blue tint. To get rid of circles under the eyes, it is better to apply a peach shade corrector. Moreover, it must be applied strictly in the center, without touching the corners of the eye.


Over time, the lips become not as lush and plump as in youth. In addition, in mature women, their corners are lowered down. Sometimes changes in appearance occur asymmetrically. For example, the contour of the lips has uneven shapes. Here, of course, you need to approach wisely.

With the help of a corrector, you can easily hide wrinkles in the corners of the lips. . Lipstick or gloss should be in calm and seasoned colors. If a contour pencil is used, then its tone should match the shade of lipstick. Moreover, during its application, it will be enough just to circle your own contour.

If you add a little mother-of-pearl gloss on top of the lipstick in the middle of the lower lip, then they will look plump again. Here is such a little secret.

Anti-aging makeup: tools

Anti-aging makeup is considered a fairly popular service among professional makeup artists. After all, every woman strives to look her best, especially when she is going to a holiday or just going out. In such situations, not everyone is able to transform themselves in such a way as to look younger. This is where we turn to the experts for help. Although with the right make-up technique, properly selected cosmetics and the right tools you can create it yourself.

Let's figure out what tools are useful. First of all, you will need the following types of brushes: for lips and eyebrows, for the eyes you need to stock up on a few pieces, for blush and powder. Their pile should consist of both natural hairs and artificial fibers. To comb your eyebrows you will need a special brush. Also, tweezers are useful to adjust their shape.

Make-up technique

In this chapter, we will tell you about the secrets of anti-aging makeup technology from stylists. First, cleanse the face, and saturate it. Then it needs to be wiped with tonic. After that, you can apply a moisturizer, according to your type of face. It should be completely absorbed, remove the remnants with a cotton swab. Apply a special gel on the eyelids, which is easily absorbed. Lubricate lips with balm. You can start the next part of creating a make-up in 10-15 minutes.

The next step is to remove imperfections on the surface of the skin. With the help of a makeup base, namely a highlighter or concealer, we hide enlarged pores and small wrinkles. And the first is better to choose on a reflective basis.

We apply it like this:

  1. Above and below eyebrows. So the eyelid visually rises, and the look will be open.
  2. In the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, due to this, the nose will appear neat and elegant.
  3. On the center of the forehead. This will give freshness to the image.
  4. At the corners of the mouth and in the center above upper lip. It will give swelling and volume to the lips, as well as mask small wrinkles.
  5. On the cheekbones, at their highest point. This will create a nicer look to the oval.

We mask with concealer dark spots, circles on the lower eyelids and redness. Thus, the shape of the face becomes more even and toned.

Now we create a lighter tone of the face

Due to this element in anti-aging makeup, you can win minus 5 years.

Let's move on to the technique of applying anti-aging eye makeup

  1. First, we raise the eyebrows with the help of shadows. It is better not to use a pencil, as it will look ugly on sparse eyebrows. Shadows have small strokes. And the tip should not be lowered too low. In conclusion, they need to be combed and gel applied to them. So they will look well-groomed.
  2. During the execution of the make-up, all movements must be performed with a brush from the bottom up. To get rid of the impending eyelid, its entire moving area needs to be painted with shadows of a neutral tone. Moreover, the overhanging part needs to be darkened with a shade slightly darker than the first. Then make a thin arrow, it is also allowed to shade it. If you apply light shadows under the eyebrow, then the look will be more open.
  3. In older women, eyelashes are usually sparse. This fact can be hidden with eyeliner. We apply it along the edge of the growth of eyelashes, so the effect of density is formed. If the eyelashes are too thin, then you should choose mascara Brown. Otherwise, black can also be used.
  4. Next, we move on to blush, they can lift their faces. They need to be placed on the rounded part of the cheeks. Now only the lips remain. The use of a pencil is mandatory. When creating beautiful lips, do not use sharp edges, only soft and smooth lines. We choose a palette of lipstick or gloss close to the natural shade.

Still asking the question: “how to rejuvenate your face with makeup?”, Then consider a few more nuances that should never be allowed:

  • low tails of eyebrows;
  • bright palette of colors;
  • powder of dark shades (increases age);
  • lines that look down;
  • blush applied to the hollow of the cheekbones;
  • too light tone of powder and foundation.

Anti-aging make-up is quite possible to create yourself.

Women begin to use cosmetics even in early adolescence, the advantages of cosmetic products are that they can emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings. But if in youth there is no need to carefully select cosmetics in order to hide something, age-related makeup is like walking on minefield. It is necessary to learn how to properly hide wrinkles, make the oval of the face clearer, even out the tone. The right make-up will easily reset a woman to 10 years old, the wrong one will lead to disaster.

Biggest Mistakes

The worst thing a woman of age can do is to continue to use bright shadows and lipsticks, mercilessly cover her face with self-tanning foundation and grow giant eyelashes. But there are a few more beauty failures that will not decorate the young lady and will not make her younger:

  1. Eyebrow plucking into a thin thread. It was popular a few decades ago, there is absolutely no point in indulging in nostalgia and trying to fashion a diva of the 40s without having a predisposition to it. High thin eyebrows make the face look surprised and stupid, try to grow back your natural shape and emphasize it with the most suitable color pencil.
  2. Arrangement of several bright accents. It is possible to highlight eyes and lips at the same time only with a bright stage make-up, even a high-quality evening make-up rarely focuses on two zones at once, not to mention the daytime one.
  3. Usage a large number powder. The smallest particles get into wrinkles and emphasize them, the face becomes like a mask if you choose a cosmetic product a couple of tones lighter than required. If you like your skin to be matte, and you can’t refuse powder, choose not pressed, but in balls. You need to apply it not with a puff, but with a brush, so the cosmetics will be more evenly distributed over the epidermis.
  4. Too dense foundation texture. The cream gets into wrinkles and makes the face look unnatural. We recommend changing the usual thick foundation for a fluid or cushion.
  5. Dark blush applied to the cheekbones. This technique works well only for women with round faces that need to be visually narrowed, for the rest it adds painful thinness and makes them look older.
  6. Matte lipstick clogs into cracks, and dark colors visually narrow the lips. You can use your favorite matte lipsticks only if the epidermis is in perfect condition, in all other cases it is better to choose a glossy moisturizing lipstick or gloss.
  7. Dark shadows and black eyeliner, which are used to paint both the upper and lower eyelids. Such a make-up does not suit almost anyone, it does not emphasize the beauty of the eyes, but makes them visually smaller. If you really want to paint over the lower eyelid, bring the pencil line from the outer corner to the middle of the eye (not to the inner corner!) And shade thoroughly.
  8. Using a pencil that is significantly darker than lipstick. It is not known who introduced this horror into fashion, but some young ladies stubbornly continue to paint like this, making themselves older, and their lips small and inexpressive. The ideal pencil should almost match the color of the lipstick. This applies to both daytime and evening make-up.

These failures allow most women who are trying to do age-related makeup. If they are used to wearing makeup like this in their youth, in adulthood they will have to radically change their habits in order to learn how to look younger with makeup.

Before you start applying make-up, you need to take into account some features of age-related makeup associated with changes in the epidermis. Stylists give the following tips to help make the perfect age make up:

  1. Apply foundation with your fingertips, not with a sponge. This is due to the fact that with age, the mature epidermis becomes porous and it will look better if you literally drive foundation into it.
  2. The eyebrow should be in the shape of a comma with a well-defined round head. Main mistake- thin round eyebrows, they really spoil the whole image. If necessary, draw an eyebrow with a pencil, light strokes, adding volume.
  3. Prepare a set of concealers to remove age spots. If the pigmentation has a gray tint, take a purple concealer, and cosmetics with a pink undertone will remove brown spots well.
  4. Don't color the bottom lashes or do it, barely touching the hairs with a vertically placed mascara brush.

When advising on how to look younger with makeup, makeup artists strongly recommend paying attention to several serious taboos:

  1. Throw away volumizing mascara. A fan on a mature woman's face does not make you look younger, but makes you look stupid. Swap out your voluminous mascara for regular mascara, but never forget to color in your lashes, your eyes look smaller without them.
  2. A mistake is the active use of black shadows and eyeliner. For soft age-related eye makeup, you should choose brown or gray unobtrusive colors. Brown should not have a red undertone, otherwise the look will appear tired and sleepy.
  3. Shades of blue or purple do not look younger, but focus on the bags under the eyelids, emphasizing them. Give orange or light green cosmetics to your daughter or throw them away, it will not have a rejuvenating effect, but will make anti-aging makeup unacceptably bright and catchy.

Given these tips and tricks, you can easily create perfect makeup which makes you look younger.

Rules for choosing cosmetics

When buying cosmetic products for anti-aging makeup, you must be guided by the following principles:

  1. The foundation is lightweight and won't clog pores. To understand whether the foundation is suitable for daytime and evening make-up or not, apply it on the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle and the wings of the nose. Follow the behavior of the cream, if it does not roll, does not drain and is ideal for the shade, you can safely buy it.
  2. Choose shades with a light shimmer, too dark matte ones make you look old, and too shiny ones will turn you into a desperately youthful aunt. Makeup for mature women should be discreet and soft, so it is better to choose a creamy texture that spreads well and does not collect in the creases of the eyelid.
  3. For light contouring, it doesn’t hurt to get a bronzer and highlighter, but be extremely careful: choose the wrong shade of bronzer and look like grilled chicken. With a highlighter, you also need to be careful, sparkle like a disco ball mature woman definitely didn't fit.
  4. Replace your eyeliner with a pencil, as wrinkles on the upper eyelid can cause it to lie unevenly.
  5. Get an eye base, it will moisturize this area and make it smoother, which will make it easier to apply shadows and pencil.
  6. When choosing lipstick, focus on more natural tones, too bright and dark shades leave it to younger girls. Age makeup should look as natural as possible.

Experts give the main advice regarding the choice colors make-up: it should not be bright, but the tones should be refreshing, so that they will have a rejuvenating effect.

Making a daily make-up

To figure out how to make excellent makeup for aging skin, you need to gradually analyze the nuances of the technique of applying cosmetics to different areas. Following these tips, you can rejuvenate your face for several years, highlight the advantages and completely hide the flaws.


The right anti-aging foundation can work wonders. But only a toner will not help to completely hide the flaws, you need to use a few more cosmetic products in parallel. How to do perfect tone skin step by step

  1. We apply a smoothing base, which every woman must have in her cosmetic bag. You need to choose those options that are designed for mature skin. This will mattify the face and prepare it for the next steps of the anti-aging make-up. Distribute better with your fingers to control the amount of cream and not overload the skin. The inexpensive Lumene Time Freeze serum is perfect, lovers of luxury cosmetics can be offered the LANCOME La Base Pro base.
  2. After applying the base for anti-aging make-up, wait for absorption, then with a kabuki brush or fingertips in a circular motion apply a thin layer foundation, which can differ from skin color by up to a tone. L’Oréal Paris’s Luxury Nutrition BB Cream or Giorgio Armani’s Deisigner Lift Cream are great.
  3. For a little contour drawing, take a highlighter and concealer a couple of tones darker than the shade of the epidermis. We draw triangles under the eyes with a light cosmetic product (the base is located under the lower eyelid, the top is directed downwards), we apply a highlighter on the back of the nose, we smear a very small amount on a small triangle above the upper lip and on the dimple under the lower one. We highlight the cheekbones with a dark corrector, there is no need to draw in the cheeks, find with your finger the area where the zygomatic bone ends. It is there that you need to apply the product, move the brush with the corrector in the direction from the temples to the mouth. Carefully blend all lines.

An L’Oréal Paris expert tells more about applying foundation (video):

This is where the step-by-step painted technique for applying the base and tone, taking into account the characteristics of aging skin, ends. You can proceed to the next steps.

Eyes and eyebrows

Properly placed accents can rejuvenate the image and make the look more attractive. Methods for applying anti-age makeup are suitable for both brown and blue or green eyes, only the colors of the shadows or pencil may differ. Let's break it down step by step:

  1. Prepare eye shadow and brush for application. Choose a satin version, you can purchase slightly pearlescent shadows, a slight shine will refresh the image. It is better to refuse bright shadows with sparkles.
  2. The selected shade, suitable for your brown, blue or green eyes, is distributed over the entire upper eyelid, carefully blending and avoiding the formation of sharp borders.
  3. We collect a small amount of matte brown shadows on the brush and draw a line with them clearly along the orbital line of the eyeball. This will visually remove the swelling and make the look more expressive.
  4. Use a pencil to draw arrows. The arrow should not be too thick and noticeable, point its tip up, otherwise the look will be tired.
  5. Paint over the upper eyelashes, it is advisable to choose a brush that will not form "spider legs". A couple of layers will be enough. It is advisable not to touch the lower eyelashes or just barely touch the hairs with them. Heavily stained lower lashes are left over from the Twiggy era.
  6. Correctly select the shade of the product for the eyebrows, it should be one tone lighter than the hair. For blondes, the rule is the opposite: the eyebrows are slightly darker than the hair. Do not apply cosmetics in one layer, paint over with short strokes in the direction of hair growth, so the eyebrows will look more natural.

The secrets of applying cosmetic products are simple but effective. Correctly executed step by step eye makeup is not striking and remarkably young. For brown eyes, it is better to use cool brown tones, blue eyes are emphasized by warm peach or brown shades, for green ones, products with a red undertone are suitable.

Important nuances are clearly demonstrated in the video:


Making up lips is even easier, for this you need only 2-3 cosmetic products. We paint step by step:

  1. Take a pencil in a shade close to the color of your skin or lipstick. Draw a contour, if you need additional volume, you can protrude 1 mm beyond the edges. If the corners of the mouth due to age features lowered, draw them with a pencil a little higher than they are actually located.
  2. Take lipstick calm natural color and apply without going beyond the previously drawn outline.
  3. If you want to add some volume, add a little colorless or pinkish gloss to the center of the lower lip.

There are no special secrets in this technique, but the correct selection of shades and the formation of a contour with a pencil will help to make the lips more expressive and rejuvenate the image.

Another option for age makeup:

Features of evening make-up

Since the evening make-up is usually brighter than the daytime, you can afford to add more color, but it is important to follow the measure. Age evening makeup allows arrows, but you need to draw them with a pencil, choosing soft shades, since black will make a woman even older. It is advisable to shade the line so that the look becomes more expressive and enveloping.

Lovers of red lipstick can rejoice, it can be safely applied to the lips before an evening out, but be sure to carefully draw the outline. If your lips are chapped or flaky, ditch the matte lipstick, opt for a glossy or glossy one. Little secret: if you apply honey on the skin, hold for 10 minutes and then rub your lips together, the skin will become soft and even matte lipstick will perfectly fall on it. Remember that even in a bright evening make-up, the emphasis is either on the eyes or on the lips.

The secrets of anti-aging makeup are simple, you just need to give up too bright colors and more scrupulous about the selection cosmetics. If you can’t determine on your own what suits your skin type, contact a professional makeup artist for detailed advice. Be beautiful and healthy!
