Braiding in front. Braids for long hair - weaving patterns and photos

Braids never go out of style. French braid - original, stylish solution for hair of any length for any occasion. The variety of its types is impressive: classic, vice versa, oblique, waterfall, headband, openwork, besides, French braids are an excellent addition to the many beautiful evening hairstyles.

Weaving accessories

A comb and thin elastic bands are the minimum set for weaving French braids. This is quite enough. Invisibility, hairpins, ribbons and various hair accessories can also come in handy, depending on the conceived option. All this can easily be found in the arsenal of almost any girl.

French braid for beginners

French braids look chic. Initially, it may seem that weaving them is incredibly difficult. But this is an erroneous opinion. Everyone can do this weaving technique, the main thing is to understand the essence and fill your hand a little so that the result has a neat, attractive look.

The first step in mastering the technique of weaving French braids is a classic braid.

Versatile and simple, suitable for both thick and sparse hair. Some confuse it with a spikelet, but this is erroneous, since the techniques and their appearance are different.

If the hair is just washed and too crumbly, you need to moisten your hands with water and moisten them a little, or use styling mousse. This will make the weaving process much easier.

  • Combing Thin hair it should be well combed at the roots;
  • We select a strand in the middle of the face, for convenience, you can fix it with a silicone rubber band to match the hair color;
  • We take two more strands on the sides of the first and make a binding as for a regular braid;
  • We capture new strands on both sides and again we make binding;
  • We continue this action until free hair runs out;
  • Next, finish the braid in the traditional way and tie with an elastic band.

You can pull out the strands, thereby adding volume and airiness to it.

Everything is absolutely simple. Having learned how to weave such a braid, you can try to experiment: braid it on your side, or make braids on both sides.

Having mastered classical technique you can safely proceed to conquer the braid on the contrary. Such a hairstyle not only looks great, but also visually increases the volume of any hair.

  • We take part of the hair near the forehead and divide it into 3 equal parts;
  • We put the right strand under the central one, and the left one under the right one. Thus, initially the left strand should become central;
  • To the current left strand, add a strand of hair from the side and put it under the central one;
  • We do the same on the right side;
  • Thus, we weave to the end and get a French braid on the contrary;
  • We fix the end with an elastic band, carefully straighten the strands of the braid with our fingers.

Straighten from the end of the braid to the beginning, so as not to spoil the look.

Having learned to weave a braid, on the contrary, you can also experiment, as with a regular one, and create grandiose hairstyles at least every day.

The four-strand braid looks like real workmanship. But to master the technique of weaving it is just as not difficult as the previous options. The main thing is to follow the instructions, try, do not rush, and everything will definitely work out.

  • We divide the hair into 4 equal parts;
  • We take the second strand from the left, pass it under the next two and wrap it over the one on the far right. Now it should turn out second from the right;
  • We skip the strand on the right under two neighboring ones and wrap it over the second one on the left;
  • We add hair to the leftmost strand and in the same way we pass it under two neighboring ones and wrap it over the last one;
  • We do the same with the rightmost strand;
  • Thus, we continue to weave to the end.

Another option that cannot be ignored. Weaving on yourself is not quite convenient, so you need endurance and accuracy. But the result looks amazing.

  • We comb the hair and select 3 strands in the temporal zone, in the place where our waterfall will start from;
  • We transfer the upper strand over the middle one and pass it under the lower one;
  • Then we shift the first strand from above to the second and twist it into a tourniquet;
  • From above we separate a new strand and pass between the strands of the bundle: on top of the first, under the second, we release the third and twist the first and second into a tourniquet;
  • And thus to the end;
  • We fasten the end with invisibility or a beautiful hairpin.


The French braid headband is a great addition to any hairstyle. She can decorate both fluffy curls and collected ones. The headband can be made in various shapes: wide, narrow, around the head or only on top, you can make it double, triple - there are many options.

  • Separate part of the hair along the growth line;
  • The remaining curls can be collected in the tail so as not to interfere;
  • We braid the rim according to the reverse principle, i.e. weave the side strands under the central one;
  • We add hair to the braid only on one side.

Fish tail

french braid fish tail pretty unusual. Its main difference is that it is woven from only two strands, but despite this it has a wonderful look.

  • We start weaving as in the version with the usual French braid: we separate part of the hair near the forehead, divide it into three strands and make one ordinary binding;
  • We connect two strands on the left into one and get two working strands from which we will form a fish tail;
  • Now we pinch off part of the hair on the right and add it to the left strand;
  • Pinch off a thin strand from the left strand, shift it to the right and add a strand of hair, plucked from the left free side, to the same place;
  • Now we do the same manipulation on the right and so on until the very neck;
  • We finish the braid by shifting thin strands alternately from left to right and from right to left, fasten with an elastic band.

French openwork braid looks really very sophisticated and just amazing. And in order to create such beauty does not require a lot of skills. The secret is pretty simple. Just braid the braid in reverse and gently pull thin strands out of it.

great way create a unique image - weave a ribbon into a French braid. It's not hard to do, and it just looks great.

French braids have not gone out of fashion for many years. Such a hairstyle will undoubtedly give the hostess a charming look and emphasize her individuality, femininity and originality.

Many girls are interested in the question of how to learn to weave braids for yourself. No wonder: now there are a lot different types interesting weaves, YouTube channels and public pages about beauty in in social networks they are literally full of tutorials and life hacks on creating hairstyles based on braids, but there are two problems. First: in the video or pictures everything seems simple, but in practice it is difficult. Second: to make a hairstyle for yourself in any case is not always good the first time, especially if it is completely new.

Let's take a look at the simplest available ways how to learn to braid yourself.

Difficulties in weaving braids on yourself

Weaving braids on your hair is difficult, primarily due to the fact that you have to twist your arms in an unnatural way in order to reach the crown or back of your head. It is always easier to do a hairstyle (even the simplest one) to someone else, but not to yourself.

In addition, there is no way to see in detail during the weaving process how the hair lays down and what kind of hairstyle is generally obtained. Of course, you can use two mirrors or a trellis mirror, but this is not always convenient and not always possible.

How to learn to weave braids yourself? Very simple. Nowadays, there are enough different videos and step-by-step instructions, including those that will be presented later. It is worth noting only that you need to constantly practice. Each time the braid will look better and neater.

Weaving a regular braid of three strands

How to learn to braid yourself? For beginners, stylists and hairdressers recommend getting the hang of weaving at least the most a simple braid from three strands. No wonder: you need to master the art of weaving from a simple one.

Despite the apparent ease in braiding an ordinary braid, there is one pitfall: if you start weaving the braid from behind, and then throw it over your shoulder for convenience and continue weaving in this way, the braid will turn out to be crooked and twisted. To avoid this, you need to continue to weave it in the direction in which you started.

Another simple option on how to learn how to weave a braid for yourself.

  1. Make the tail at a comfortable height for yourself.
  2. Leave your hair at the back and divide it into three equal sections.
  3. Start weaving: move the leftmost strand to the middle one (now it has become the middle one), then the rightmost one to the middle one. Continue weaving in this way to the end.
  4. When the braid is completely braided, secure it with a hair tie.

French braid step by step instructions

The French braid is woven according to the same principle as the usual one, but with slight differences. Firstly, it is woven with pickups. Secondly, weaving starts from the roots of the hair.

Consider step by step how to learn how to weave a French braid for yourself.

  1. Separate three equal strands at the roots of the hair at the level where the future braid should be.
  2. Start weaving a regular three-strand braid. First, move the right extreme strand to the middle one, then the left one. After that, move the right extreme to the middle strand and add a pickup to it - take a strand of loose hair.
  3. Continue weaving in this way, each time you move the strand, take the pickup. Make sure that all strands remain approximately the same size.
  4. When all the hair is collected in three strands, continue to weave the braid, but without tie-backs.
  5. At the end, secure it with an elastic band.

How to braid two braids

The "two braids" hairstyle has traditionally been associated with the hairstyle of schoolgirls for many years. Now the opinion of her in society has changed, and even adult girls wear two braids with pleasure.

Basically, preference is given to French braids because of their volume and convenience: in the process of weaving, all the hair is collected and subsequently they almost do not get out of the hairstyle.

How to learn to weave two braids to yourself:

  1. First of all, learn how to weave a regular French braid. If you already know how, you can proceed to weaving two braids.
  2. Part your hair in a straight or zigzag parting.
  3. Start working on one side of the hair. The second at this time can be fixed with an elastic band.
  4. Separate three strands from the working side and braid the French braid as usual. Important: pickup should be taken only from the side with which you are working.
  5. Secure the finished braid with an elastic band.
  6. Repeat the same on the other side.

Since you can only learn to braid your own pigtails with practice, it is recommended to try several times so that your hands get used to it.

How to braid a fishtail from the forehead

A great option with which you can braid an overgrown bang or remove hair from your forehead up - weaving a "fish tail".

A small life hack on how to learn to weave a fishtail braid for yourself.

  1. Comb your hair back.
  2. Separate a small rectangle of hair from the top in the center of the head, for convenience, the rest of the hair can be secured with a hairdresser's clip and collected in a light low ponytail.
  3. From the edges of the resulting rectangle, alternately throw thin strands from right to left and from left to right. The strands thrown on the left should remain on the left side, and vice versa.
  4. At the end of the resulting braid, collect separately the strands on the left and the strands on the right. This is necessary to fix the weaving. Then collect all these strands in one tail.
  5. Secure the resulting braid with a strong barrette or silicone rubber band. You can hide the silicone rubber band by wrapping it with a thin strand of your hair or using a neatly tied ribbon bow.

This weaving assumes that only part of the hair will be used, because the braid should end approximately at the top of the head.

The rest of the hair can be left loose, gathered in a ponytail or made into a bun - it all depends on desire and imagination.

Rubber braid

Since it can be difficult to learn how to weave braids for yourself, the following life hack will be useful to many girls.

For him, silicone rubber bands that match the color of the hair and a little patience will come in handy.

  1. Using silicone rubber, make a small ponytail from the strand separated from the forehead. Position it where the braid should start. We will conditionally call it "tail 1"
  2. For convenience, throw the tail forward. Take one strand from the right side and one from the left side and make a tail out of them directly under the previous tail - we will call it "tail 2".
  3. Throw tail 1 back and divide it into two equal parts, then connect them with an elastic band under tail 2. Pull the ribs of the strands a little to the desired level of volume.
  4. To tail 1, add one strand from the sides and make a new tail under tail 2. In the same way as tail 1, divide tail 2 into two equal parts and collect under the new tail.
  5. Continue weaving in this way, each time taking the hooks from the sides.
  6. When all the hair is collected completely, two tails should remain, one is located under the second. Continue to perform the same steps, but without pickups. Remember to pull the strands each time to hide the silicone rubber bands and make the braid voluminous.

Of course, the process of creating this hairstyle has little to do with weaving, but the result is something similar to a three-strand French braid. Moreover, a braid made of silicone rubber bands often turns out to be much more magnificent.

How to hide hair imperfections

When we weave braids for ourselves, almost always there are some so-called "roosters" - broken strands, sagging of some hair, or a few hairs just stick out and spoil the whole image.

The main options for how you can hide such imperfections and errors:

  • Studs and invisible. With their help, you can pin up or hide a loose or sagging strand, protruding hair.
  • Decorative hairpins. If a strand breaks out in the place where a beautiful hairpin would look good, you can use it to disguise.
  • If initially the length of the hair is different, because strands are knocked out of the braid, you can use small hairpins or invisible hairpins after completing the hairstyle. However, it will be more effective to hide them at the time of weaving: twist short strands into a bundle, and after the hairstyle is finished, treat the braid with hairspray or mousse so that these strands do not pop out.
  • If the so-called vellus hair is sharpened, an old toothbrush and hairspray will help. Spray the brush with varnish and gently comb the protruding hairs.
  • Do your hair in front of a trellis mirror, positioning the wings so that you can see the back of your head and temples.
  • Before weaving, the hair should be combed as well as possible so that it does not get tangled. If possible, it is advisable to use a special conditioner when washing your hair so that they become smoother and more manageable.
  • If you're just learning, don't rush. When weaving on yourself, it is difficult to immediately notice the error, especially if you are in a hurry.
  • If you want to hide the elastic bands at the ends of the braids, separate small strands from the ponytails below, wrap the elastic bands with them and use a small strong stealth to hide the ends of the strands inside.


Weaving braids on yourself is a rather difficult task, but if you learn how to do it, then you can change hairstyles with ease even every day, since there are really a lot of options for hairstyles based on braids and weaves.

To master the methods of weaving, you need to be patient and practice in this direction as often as possible.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


On children's holiday, to school, kindergarten or just for every day - for any of the cases you can make an original hairstyle based on the weaving technique. Much more interesting to implement unusual way: spikelet, basket, in the style of Jasmine, snake and many others. When choosing the right option, not only your skills are taken into account, but also the length of the child's hair.

Weaving braids for girls for beginners

If you don’t have much experience, but you want to do unusual styling of strands from time to time, you can take one of the instructions as a basis, where the step-by-step weaving is very accessible and simply described. To better understand how this or that technique is implemented, you should refer to the diagram or video. Basic rules for doing hairstyles for beginners:

  1. First you need to comb the girl, which will facilitate further actions.
  2. Hair should not be pulled too tightly, because the child often walks with braided strands all day.
  3. It is necessary to try to remove protruding hairs, since not only originality is important, but also accurate execution.
  4. To braid pigtails as simply as possible, you often need to meet a limited period of time, for example, in front of a kindergarten or school. There is no need to strive to implement complex weaving technology, it is better to choose simpler, but not the most common options.

Any technique involves the need to add new strands to the main ones. Depending on the hairstyle option, hair can be added from the side, from the crown. The number of strands is also different: two, three, four or more. Weaving can begin after the tail has been made, but often beautiful braids for girls are created simply and without additional steps: they use the weaving method.

Braids for girls for long hair

WITH short strands it is more difficult to work, for this reason, not all techniques are suitable for babies. If the hair is long or medium, you can implement any option. Popular ways:

Braids for little girls

You can simply weave the longest strands. The child will be pleased with fashionable styling, but the number of options is limited:

  • pigtails;
  • waterfall;
  • on the side with a bang pickup (if the hair grows), it is implemented using the weaving technique around the head;
  • fish tail.

Weaving braids for girls around the head

With the help of this technique, it is really possible to create a festive mood. Often add tape or bright accessories. This is a quick way to create braids for short and long hair. Step by step:

  1. If the task is how to weave beautiful braids in a circle, you should first collect the tail on the crown. When mom learns how to do her hair using this technique, you can skip this step.
  2. Weaving starts from any convenient area, but more often from the side, using the technique of creating a three-row pigtail. As mom learns, you can try to implement more complex technology, for example, the inside out option.
  3. One strand is taken from the circumference of the head, the other from the crown. The braid can be thin or thick, depending on the amount of hair being captured.

How to weave a spikelet

This is a universal hairstyle, it is implemented in different variations: classic (top to bottom), oblique weave, etc. Instructions for performing:

  1. It is necessary to select one main strand at the top of the head.
  2. It is divided into three equal parts.
  3. If the task is how to braid a braid for a girl beautifully and simply, you need to start with the technology of creating a three-row braid, alternately adding strands from the sides.

Weaving braids tourniquet

This is a stylish hairstyle. To implement it, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • Hair is divided into two strands: one of them at the crown, the other at the base of the head. The one above is divided into two more.
  • The main bundles are twisted (positioned one on top of the other).
  • Deciding how to do beautiful pigtails, you need to know that for reliability, strands should be added from the sides.
  • The process of alternating twisting should continue until all the hair at the base of the head is in the bundle.
  • At the same time as weaving, you need to twist each of the strands, moving in a clockwise direction.
  • How to braid pigtails for girls, avoiding spontaneous unwinding? At the final stage, the flagella must be twisted counterclockwise.

This is a voluminous hairstyle. It is created both in the center of the head and on the sides. To learn how to do it, it is first recommended that you familiarize yourself with the French braid technique, which is shown in the diagram:

The reverse technique begins in the same way - the beam at the crown is divided into 3 parts. When solving the problem of how to braid a girl’s braid beautifully and simply, you need to remember that in this version, each next strand must be laid under the previous one. In order not to confuse the actions, it is recommended to look at the photo:

How to braid a beautiful fishtail braid

Offhand, this is one of the most difficult options for execution. In practice, getting the hang of doing it quickly and easily, and the skill will be trained along with the hairstyles made. The process can be seen in the photo:

Step by step lesson:

  • It is necessary to divide the hair into two main strands at the base of the head.
  • Side thin bundles are taken and intertwined, then they are taken to the sides.
  • Actions are repeated many times.

Weaving braids for a girl from 4 strands

This option is based on a high tail, but frontal strands can be used. In this case, actions begin from the area at the base of the head. When deciding how to braid a girl's braid beautifully and as simply as possible, it is better to choose the first of the methods:

  1. Make a tail.
  2. The bundle is divided into 4 strands.
  3. Further actions must be repeated according to the scheme:

How to make simple snake braids

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Long hair has always been in fashion. Nothing emphasizes the beauty and well-being of a girl like long well-groomed hair. But if the gloss and smoothness can be maintained with various cosmetics, then with a beautiful styling you will have to try. beautiful styling can be done with a braid, which is back in fashion.

A girl with a beautiful braid always looks attractive celebratory event, as well as in Everyday life. This hairstyle gives elegance, romance and always looks neat. A girl who learns to weave it can always look great. At first glance, it seems that it is quite difficult to make such a hairstyle for yourself, but it is not.

In fact, weaving braids is not entirely difficult, but you will have to practice a lot to learn how to do everything beautifully and neatly. Consider how to braid your own braid.

What you need to know about weaving

The braid can be braided on medium and long hair. Various guides that can always be found on the Internet will help you master the skill - they all explain the principles of weaving. After several workouts, you can learn how to make various weaves for yourself. You can start with the simplest, and then move on to the complex.

Do not worry if the braid does not work the first time, everything comes with practice. Subsequently, you can learn how to weave neat braids for yourself, as they were made by a master. In addition, you can experiment and weave unusual braids that start from the center of the head or from the sides.

Preparatory work

Before you start braiding yourself, you need to prepare your hair. You should not braid them if they are dirty, the hairstyle will look untidy in this case, even if you try very hard.

It is necessary to carefully work with a comb first, so that the hair becomes obedient, they must be combed. If they are too fluffy, then you can sprinkle them with some water from a spray bottle.

During weaving, the following things may be needed: several combs, two mirrors, invisible hairpins, hairpins, elastic bands, hairpins, a hair fixing agent.

Weave a simple braid of three strands

Mirrors should be positioned so that you can see what is happening in front and behind. Comb your hair with a flat comb. Moisturize your hair a little so it doesn't frizz. All hair should be pulled back with a comb, then divided evenly into three parts. Each part is separated from each other, the fingers help in this, laying them down and not letting them mix with each other.

Two side strands need to be woven into one middle strand, first the left, then the right, and so on. First, the braid is braided at the back, then the hair can be thrown over the shoulder and braided in front. At the end, you can leave a small part of the hair not braided, and clamp the braid with some kind of device, such as an elastic band or hairpin.

How to braid a fishtail

Weaving this option is not difficult, so even beginners can master it. Such a braid always looks spectacular and is an adornment of appearance. If you want to know how to braid a girl's braid beautifully, then try this option.

For convenience, you can collect the hair in ponytail so that you can control the strands. It is necessary to select one strand in the middle, everything should begin with it. It should be well combed, and then divided into two parts. After that, you need to bring the right strand behind the left, the left should be on top.

Take a comb, preferably thin and separate a small strand from the left side and add it to the opposite. The less hair is taken, the more beautiful it all looks in the end.

When performing such a hairstyle, you do not need to allow the appearance of roosters, so you need to try to pull your hair. Then you need to separate the hair on the right, they should be located in the hand on the opposite side.

So alternately a small part of the hair is added from one side and the other and transferred to the hands from the opposite side. At the end, the braid is secured with a hairpin or elastic band. You can also just braid it to the very end and use nothing.

french braid

In weaving this braid, the entire hair part of the head, including the bangs, is used. The braid should be tight, so it should be done as close to the scalp as possible. Only if the hair is long, more than 12 cm, it will be possible to make such a braid. Weaving it will be a little more difficult than the previous options, but it also looks amazing, suitable for any event.

Consider how to braid a French braid:

  1. We comb all the hair, separate the central strand, divide it into three parts. We throw two side strands through the middle one.
  2. The side strands should be replenished with a new portion of hair. It is better to take the same amount of hair on each side, this will make the hairstyle look neater. Can be taken more hair, then the braid will look romantic. Less hair is also good, it will make the image elegant.
  3. The braid is braided to the end and its tip is fastened with an elastic band. Another option for fastening is with studs. To do this, you need to form a small bundle at the tips.

How to braid two pigtails

Consider how to braid two pigtails. Hair should be well combed. Then you need to divide the entire mass of hair into two parts, making a parting, which should be as even as possible. Clip one part of your hair with a hairpin so that it does not get tangled during work. Then take one section of hair and divide it into three more sections.

Then weave it like a regular pigtail with fixing the tip with an elastic band or some other device. Do the same with the other part of the hair. You will get two cute pigtails on the sides, which will make the image more delicate. Two pigtails on the sides will look good on both a little girl and a young girl.

Braid with ribbon

You will need to call beautiful ribbon, it can be multi-colored, with openwork patterns, satin, etc. Hair must be clean and combed. Then the weight of the hair mass is divided into three equal parts.

On the central curl you need to tie a ribbon. The side strand on the left side is superimposed on the central one, threaded under the strand with the tape and superimposed on the next one. The ribbon is held under the middle curl and placed between two strands. Thus, the braid is woven to the end, where all the hair is fixed with an elastic band. If you pull the strands out of the braid a little, then it will look openwork.

Volume braid

Such a braid will make any girl romantic and elegant. Therefore, you need to learn how to braid voluminous braid. It's not difficult to make it. You can use any technique - you can weave a simple braid, you can French or some other.

In order to create volume, it is necessary to apply the plucking technique. To do this, it is necessary to take the outer part from the edges of the strands and stretch them in such a way that they are pulled out of the braid. This technique quite complex, it is important to master it perfectly. Otherwise, you can get an ugly and sloppy hairstyle.

But thin and sparse hair with such a braid will look great and voluminous. The more voluminous you want to get the hair, the more they stretch the sides. Sometimes pre-made highlighting with strands dyed in different colors, creates volume.

Bangs in a pigtail

Braids can be woven not only on long hair, but also on short hair. Learn how to braid a pigtail like a bang. Even on the shortest bangs, you can braid a pigtail, for example, in a boho style. If the bangs are long, then you can braid the tourniquet or French bangs.

Braid - boho on a bang is woven in this way:

  1. Hair is divided into three parts. The bangs are one part, the next consists of bangs hair and strands of long hair, the third is only long hair: Bangs and long hair are braided alternately. You need to try to weave tightly;
  2. At the end, the braid is attached with a hairpin to the main hairstyle. I must say that this option will make any styling more attractive.

The French braid in bangs is sung with the gradual addition of long hair and it also turns out great. But the hair must be woven tightly. At the connection of chili and long hair, weaving ends or is woven into the main hairstyle.

If the hair is short, then the braid from the bangs can be fixed with invisibility on the side. You can use a beautiful hairpin, it will decorate the image. If you slightly stretch the strands from the braid, then it will look more voluminous. Use any accessories - ribbons, flowers, etc... They will make the hairstyle more vivid and unique. If you just need to fix the braid, then any hairpins to match the hair color will do.

Knowing how to make a beautiful braid, you can always make other people admire your hairstyle. A little effort and you master this art to perfection.

When it comes to beautiful hairstyles In most cases, braided hairstyles are the most chic, versatile and gorgeous.

Whether you're looking for braided styling for a walk or a more formal occasion, you're sure to find plenty of ideas to choose from here.

Bow braid.

Braid butterfly with two loops. Obdok - French braid with pickup only at the face.

French braid.

Regardless of the occasion, braided hairstyles are one of the the best options. Plus, they look good on any hair type, face shape, hair color.

If you are still not sure, take a look at the most beautiful braids and get some inspiration.

Braids are beautiful, it's a classic. You can always get creative with any styling by decorating it. original weaving. Note that braids can be braided on both short and long hairstyles, you just need to choose the appropriate weave, thick or thin, and for a celebration, you can think about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpatch strands.

Plain three-strand braid.

The lesson of this hairstyle with a braided bun

If you dream up a little and straighten the strands, you get a more solemn styling.

Remember ... Perhaps the first hairstyle that you first learned about is connected precisely with the braids that our grandmothers and mothers wove for us. Since 2009, they have reappeared in fashion collections: simple or complex, but always admired for their artistic level of execution.

French braid upside down. Lesson

In addition, braids are even more beautiful in wedding hairstyle, for example, in a braided bun or in styling with all kinds of pigtails.

The braids that you add to your hairstyle are an embellishment in and of themselves, however you may want to consider adding other embellishments such as ribbons, artificial or real flowers, or decorative hairpins.

Festive hairstyles with weaving.

Spit waterfall.

Hair mesh.

Weaving a Celtic knot.

Greek hairstyle.

With beautiful braids, you can change your hairstyle every day. The time spent on weaving depends on its complexity. Each season brings something new to braided hairstyles.

Don't worry if you don't already have that knack when it comes to braiding. Blog tutorials will help, plus some practice and skills, and Fancy Hairstyle will delight you and those around you every day. If patience is lacking, try different styles for the perfect appearance in the cabin.

Snake scythe.

Princess hairstyle.

Pigtail, laid in a flower.

Fishtail weaving, especially popular at the moment.

Ideal solution for special events complicated hairstyle with elements of weaving. She can be elegant and romantic and, at the same time, interesting. To do this, it is best to go to a hairdresser or invite a master to your place. This styling allows you to add accessories with Swarovski stones. On the other hand, you can simplify the style a little and ask a friend to help you.
