Rationale for a crochet project. Creative project on the technology "Crochet"


1 creative project Topic: “Crochet. Napkin "Contents Author: Valeria Surgucheva, grade 4 Masterilka Association, Sibirsky village, 2014 Head: Alexandrova Alevtina Ivanovna teacher additional education MBU DO KhMR Organizational preparatory stage 1 Selection and justification of the project Aims and objectives of the project 2 Sequence of project implementation 2 Thinking scheme 2 Criteria that the project must meet 2 Identification of the main parameters and limitations 2 History of crochet 3 Purpose and scope 3 Possible options and model selection 3 Expected result 4 Selection of materials, equipment, tools and fixtures 4 Technological stage 4 Technological sequence Safety rules 5 Organization of the workplace 5 Safety rules for crocheting 5 Sanitary and hygienic requirements 5 Final stage 5 Environmental justification Economic justification 6 Advertising 6 Evaluation of the quality of work 6 List of used literature 6 Appendix 1 7 Organizational preparatory stage Selection and justification of the project We all love to receive gifts. But, you see, it’s nice to give them yourself. And it is doubly pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands. In the classes of the circle, I gained knowledge about crocheting and decided to create beautiful gift with your own hands. Knitting is a fun activity. It develops perseverance and patience in a person. Every generation discovers its appeal. A do-it-yourself modern model turns out to be unique and more affordable than a finished product. The ability to use a variety of threads and patterns has made crocheting a favorite pastime for me. Knitting calms me, helps me gather my thoughts. Crocheting is a fairly simple technique that does not require special equipment, perhaps, except for a hook and yarn. But, despite this, products, 1

2 made in this technique amaze with their variety and originality. Knitting will help to make useful, and sometimes necessary thing for home. It can be not only clothing, but also interior items. And most importantly, this work contributes to the development of creativity, which will help in the future to become a good housewife. Use materials rationally, create beautiful things for the family and the apartment. I thought about it and decided that beautiful napkin It will be a great gift for mom for the holidays. You can't buy this beauty in a store. Time to get to work! To implement my project, I set myself the following goals and objectives. Objectives Assess your abilities in creative activity. Develop a project. Make a napkin. Improve and develop the skills and abilities of working with yarn, crochet. Tasks To form the ability to independently acquire knowledge, expand their horizons. Develop taste, creative initiative. Prepare for independent living, economical housekeeping. Familiarize yourself with the elements of economics. Evaluate the work done. Sequence of project execution 1. Choice of topic. 2. Search for the necessary literature. 3. Generalization and systematization of the found material. 4. Writing a draft. 5. Product manufacturing. 6. Correction of the text. 7. Selecting the text formatting method. 8. Compilation of visual aids. 9. Registration of the final version. 10. Preparation for project defense. Thinking scheme Criteria to be met by the product Identification of the main parameters and limitations - work must be accurate; - the product must be beautiful and meet all requirements; - the product must have a manufacturing scheme that is understandable to me; - the product should have a low cost and cost as little as possible. 2

3 In the process of work, I asked myself the question: “And who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​creating the things necessary in everyday life from threads using a hook?” To broaden my horizons, I turned to the Internet for information on the history of knitting and this is what I learned. History of Crochet The date of birth of knitting is lost in the depths of history. Now scientists are trying to prove that long before the beginning of our era, people already knew the technique of knitting and knitted at first without any special devices, but simply on their fingers. Knitwear has been found in ancient tombs in Egypt, Greece and Rome. While the oldest knitted item a decorative knitted belt with a hummingbird was found in Peru and dates back to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. AD the complexity of the pattern, the subtlety of execution and coloring testify to the high knitting technique. It is interesting that knitting was at first an exclusively male craft, and women performed only auxiliary work. And the hook looked like a straight stick. After the Crusades to the East, sometime in the 9th century, crochet made its way into Europe. Knitwear has always been highly valued. Nowadays, this art continues to develop, enriched with new motives, compositional techniques, and modern materials. Hand knitting allows you to produce unique, unique models. Knitted products are comfortable and durable, practical and elegant, they are warm and cozy. Hand knitting allows you to express your individuality, conceived image by choosing the texture and color of yarn, its weaves, design and style of products. Purpose and scope White lace napkin will decorate the room, make it more comfortable and beautiful. It will please me and my parents, bring some benefit to the family budget. I think I did right choice. Possible options In the knitting magazine on the cover was depicted original napkin. I liked her very much. This find satisfies almost all my requirements, it is able to decorate the interior. It is necessary to immediately decide what color the product will be. I think a plain tablecloth white color emphasize the feature festive serving. Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 3

4 Expected result I chose model 4. I found the napkin pattern in a knitting magazine. The choice of materials To make a napkin, you need cotton yarn. Knitted from thread and yarn. At the same time, different threads are used, both special knitting and sewing. The yarn is for knitting only. Both thread and yarn are different chemical composition fibers. They can be natural, chemical and mixed, i.e. consisting of a mixture of fibers of different composition. For a napkin, I need about 60 grams of yarn. Let us now consider in more detail which yarn is better to choose for knitting. The most suitable yarn is cotton. It is well washed, starched, durable in use. The appearance of the finished product will be neat. Synthetic yarn is highly stretchable, while wool blend is thick and impractical. The most important thing is the right color scheme. Under the interior of the mother's room, white is the most suitable color. Choice of tools and fixtures Tools and fixtures: steel hook 3; scissors; pins; tape measure. Auxiliary materials: knitting magazines and books, pencils, ruler, paper. Technological sequence We close the chain of eight air loops into a ring using a connecting column. First row: three lifting air loops, * 7 air loops, 4 unfinished columns with a crochet, knitted together with one loop into a ring of air loops * perform five times, 7 air loops, a connecting column in the 3rd lift loop and in the next 2 air loops loops. Second row: 1 air loop lifting, 1 half-column, 7 columns with a crochet, 1 half-column, 1 column without a crochet, * 1 column without a crochet, 1 half-column, 7 columns with a crochet, 1 half-column, 1 single crochet * perform five times, connecting column into the lifting loop and in the next 5 columns. 4

5 We knit rows 3-25 according to the scheme, and at the beginning of each row we perform the required number of lifting loops, and we close the row and move on to the next one using a connecting column or as shown in the diagram (Appendix 1). Then you need to wash the napkin, starch it and dry it, leaving it slightly damp. Perform wet heat treatment. Safety rules Workplace organization It is best to knit while sitting on a chair. The back should be straight. Hands hang down and freely hold the tool. No need to put your elbows on the table, this makes the hands “numb”. While knitting, it is better to keep the ball in a special straw on the floor on the left side of the worker. A diagram or text describing the figure is in front of you. You can work on a sofa or in a chair without leaning on the armrests. Working with light threads, you should knit the product on a dark background. So the eyes get tired much less and, consequently, labor productivity increases. Crochet Safety Rules Hooks and other accessories should be well sanded; they must be stored in special cases. You can not make sudden movements with a hand with a hook in the direction of a person sitting next to you. Rusty needles and pins should not be used. Keep needles and pins in a box with a lid. Scissors should lie with closed blades, they should be passed rings forward. Wet-heat treatment of products should be carried out in a designated place, the iron should be placed on a special stand. Check iron for proper operation. The cord must not fall under the soleplate of the iron and be twisted. Unplug the iron immediately after use. Sanitary and hygienic requirements Before starting and after finishing work, you should wash your hands so that the thread and knitted fabric are always clean, and there are no small particles of fiber left on your hands. Knitting requires good lighting. Light should fall on the work from the left or front. The distance from the product to eye level must be at least cm. You cannot work for a long time without interruptions. We work for 40 minutes and rest for about 10 minutes. This break allows you to relax and rest your eyes, arms and back. During 40 minutes of work, it is also recommended to take short breaks of about 3-5 minutes. At the end of the work, all tools should be put away in a working box, the hook and knitting needles should be stuck into a ball and put away together with the unfinished work. The final stage Ecological justification Crocheting is an environmentally friendly production. It is practically waste-free (thread residues can be used in the manufacture of other products) and harmless (no substances harmful to the body are emitted, there are no emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, soil, water bodies). When working with the material, substances harmful to the human body are not released, because. yarn consists of natural fibers (cotton). At present, the composition of chemical fibers is close to natural ones. I did not harm my health while knitting, because. complied with all hygiene and safety rules. I knitted no more than two hours a day with breaks. I hope that the gift I knitted will last for many years, if you properly care for knitted things. 5

6 Business Case Savings is a system of measures aimed at ensuring the careful use of raw materials, materials and time. The rational use of natural resources is one of the most complex and urgent tasks of our time. Therefore, the more each of us saves materials, the less it will be necessary to extract natural raw materials and, accordingly, destroy the natural environment. The napkin was made from the threads that are available. Thus, the cost of manufacturing my product is small - the time spent and my labor. Advertisement unit price quantity cost Hook in stock 1 free Thread in stock 1 free Total - - Don't ruin your life with idleness Do needlework! And the work is finished, Here is a new concern Again, choose the plots. Knit them and knit ... The result is to the delight of us, Our relatives and friends. Evaluation of the quality of work I believe that my work was a success. I fulfilled all the requirements for my project, achieved the goal and solved all the tasks assigned to me. I wanted to have original product, manufactured with my own hands and I received it. In the process of work, I learned how to carefully make a product, developed my aesthetic taste, acquired the skill of designing a project. During the documentation for a creative project, I improved my computer skills. I also believe that the continuation of the project is possible in the future. The work does not require expensive materials, is simple and original. When performing work, my circle of knowledge, skills, and abilities expanded; increased interest in the culture of arts and crafts. In the course of work, I learned a lot of new and interesting things. The result obtained inspires and inspires to create more complex models, teaches patience, calmness and the ability to bring things to the end, which is extremely important in our fast-paced time. Developing a project, making a product based on it, I improved my capabilities in the field project activities. I hope that the implementation of this project helped me to develop and produce an original product. I want my product to be able to serve a good gift to be a worthy addition to the interior. Knitted napkin can be used as coasters for glasses, glasses, vases, souvenirs and similar interior details. References 1) Magazine "Hook: knitting for adults", 1/2007 2) Needlework: popular encyclopedia / ch. ed. I.A. Andreeva. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia,) Internet resources 6

7 Appendix 1 7

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On the topic: “Crochet.


Made by Valeria Anisimova, 9th grade student

technology teacher

Perkova S.A.

year 2013


Organizational and preparatory stage

Selection and justification of the project…………………………………………………..…..……3

Goals and objectives of the project…………………………………………………..……………..….3

The sequence of the project……………………………………………….4

"Asterisk" of reflection...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Criteria to be met by the project………………………………..…5

Identification of the main parameters and limitations…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The history of crochet………...………………………………………...………….5

Purpose and scope……..……………………………………………..…6

Possible options and choice of model……………...………………….…..…………7

Expected result………………………………………….………..……………...7

Choice of materials……………………………………………………….…..………….…8

Selection of equipment, tools and fixtures…………………….…..…..8

Opportunity assessment……………………………….……………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Preliminary calculation of the cost of the product…………………………………..……9

Organization of the workplace……………………………………………....…………….9

Safety Rules………………………………………….…………………..……10

Sanitary and hygienic requirements………………………………………..…...……10

Technological stage

Plan of work on products……………………………………………………..…………10

Manufacture of products…………………………………………………….....…………...10

The final stage

Economic calculations……………………………………………………………........ 11

Environmental justification……………………………………………………………..12




Selection and justification of the project

We all love to receive gifts. But, you see, it’s nice to give them yourself. And it is doubly pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands.

At the technology lessons, I gained a lot of knowledge about crocheting and decided to create a beautiful gift with my own hands.

Knitting is a fun activity. It develops perseverance and patience in a person. Every generation discovers its appeal. A do-it-yourself modern model turns out to be unique and more affordable than a finished product. The ability to use a variety of threads and patterns has made crocheting a favorite pastime for me. Knitting calms me, helps me gather my thoughts.

Crocheting is a fairly simple technique that does not require special equipment, perhaps, except for a hook and yarn. But, despite this, the products made in this technique are striking in their diversity and originality. Knitting will help to make a useful, and sometimes necessary thing for the home. It can be not only clothing, but also interior items.

And most importantly, this work contributes to the development of creativity, which will help in the future to become a good housewife. Use materials rationally, create beautiful things for the family and the apartment.

I thought and decided that a beautiful festive tablecloth would be a great gift for my grandmother for the holiday. You can buy a tablecloth in a store, but a good tablecloth will cost a lot. I wanted the festive tablecloth to be special, elegant and unique. The most wonderful option would be a crocheted tablecloth. You can't buy this beauty in a store. Time to get to work!

So it's decided I will knit a festive tablecloth.

To implement my project, I set myself the following goals and objectives.

Goals and objectives of the project

    Assess your creative potential.

    Develop a project.

    Make a tablecloth.

    Improve and develop the skills and abilities of working with yarn, crochet.

    To form the ability to independently acquire knowledge, expand their horizons.

    To develop taste, creative initiative, enterprise.

    Prepare for an independent life, economical and reasonable housekeeping.

    Prepare for professional self-determination, taking into account your abilities and interests.

    Familiarize yourself with the elements of entrepreneurship, economics.

    Evaluate the work done.

Project Sequence

1. Selecting a topic.

2. Search for the necessary literature.

3. Generalization and systematization of the found material.

4. Writing a draft.

5. Product manufacturing.

6. Correction of the text.

7. Selecting the text formatting method.

    Compilation of visual aids.

    Making a clean version.

    Preparing to defend the project.


Knitted products are widely used in the interior design of various residential premises. These items create an atmosphere of comfort and some kind of inner warmth. Knitted ornaments placed in one room should be combined with each other and with other elements of its design: with wallpaper, curtains, upholstery of upholstered furniture, carpets, paintings and other items located there.

The knitted tablecloth has a very simple shape, its implementation will not be difficult, you only need perseverance and patience.

Of course, there is a lot of work, but how the family will be pleased with its result!

For the manufacture of tablecloths, the following factors should be taken into account so as not to miss anything in the work:

Thinking Star:

Criteria to be met by the product

Scheme No. 2

Identification of key parameters and limitations

The work must be neat, original and bright;

The product must be noticeable, i.e. it must be beautiful and eye-catching and meet all requirements;

The product must have a manufacturing scheme that is understandable to me;

The product should have a low cost and cost as little as possible.

In the process of work, I asked myself the question: “Who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​creating the things necessary in everyday life from threads using a hook?” To expand my horizons, I turned to the Internet for information on the history of knitting and this is what I found out ...

History of crochet

The date of birth of knitting is lost in the depths of history. Now scientists are trying to prove that long before the beginning of our era, people already knew the technique of knitting and knitted at first without any special devices, but simply on their fingers.

Knitwear has been found in ancient tombs in Egypt, Greece and Rome. So far, the most ancient knitted thing - a decorative knitted belt with a hummingbird bird - was found in Peru and dates back to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. AD the complexity of the pattern, the subtlety of execution and coloring testify to the high knitting technique.

It is interesting that knitting was at first an exclusively male craft, and women performed only auxiliary work. And the hook looked like a straight stick. After the Crusades to the East, sometime in the 9th century, crochet made its way into Europe. Knitwear has always been highly valued.

Here are some versions of the origin of crochet:

According to crochet expert and world traveler Annie Potter, “The modern art of crochet was developed in the 16th century. It was known as crochet lace in France and chain lace in England." She tells us that in 1916 Walter Edmund Roth visited Indians from Indian Guiana and found examples of real knitting.

Another researcher, Lis Paludan from Denmark, who limited her search for the origins of crochet to Europe, put forward 3 interesting theories:First: Crochet originated in Arabia, spread east to Tibet and west to Spain, from where the Arab trade routes to other Mediterranean countries passed.

Second: The very first information about crochet came from South America, where primitive tribes used jewelry as a symbol of puberty, crocheted.

Third: in China, the first known examples were three-dimensional crocheted dolls.

In conclusion, Paludan says that “there is no conclusive evidence of how old the art of crochet is, or where it originated. It is impossible to find evidence of crocheting in Europe before 1800. Many sources claim that crocheting was known even earlier, in 1500 in Italy under the name of nuns work or nuns lace, where nuns knitted church textiles. ". Her study provides examples of lacework and some sort of lace ribbon, many of which have been preserved. But, nevertheless, everything indicates that crochet was not known in Italy under any name in the 16th century.

Embroidery gave birth to crochet. Researchers say that crochet probably comes directly from Chinese needlework, a very ancient form of embroidery known in Turkey, India, Persia and North Africa that reached Europe in the 18th century and was called "tambouring". This technique consisted in the fact that the fabric, called the background, was elastically stretched over the base. The working thread was kept under the fabric. A needle with a hook pierced the fabric and, grabbing the loops of the working thread, pulled it up through the fabric. While the loop was still on the hook, the hook was inserted lengthwise a little further and another loop of working yarn was created, which was threaded through the first loop to create a chain. The hooks were as thin as sewing needles, so the work had to be done with very fine thread.

In the late 18th century, "tambouring" evolved into what is known in French as knitting in the air when the background fabric was discarded and the stitches were made on top of each other. Crocheting began to develop in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, having received a powerful impetus from Mademoiselle Reigo de la Brancardiere (Mlle.Riego de la Branchardiere), better known for her ability to turn lace patterns with an old-fashioned needle into crocheted patterns that could be easily repeated. She published many chart books for millions of women to copy. Reigo also claimed that she invented lace crochet, which today is called Irish lace.

Nowadays, this art continues to develop, enriched with new motives, compositional techniques, and modern materials. Hand knitting allows you to make unique, unique models. Knitted products are comfortable and durable, practical and elegant, they are warm and cozy.
Hand knitting allows you to express your individuality, conceived image by choosing the texture and color of yarn, its weaves, design and style of products.

Purpose and scope

A white openwork tablecloth will decorate the room, make it more comfortable and beautiful. Our new family tradition- gather for festive table covered with a special tablecloth. It will please me and my parents, bring some benefit to the family budget. I think I made the right choice.

Possible options

An old knitting magazine featured the original tablecloth on the cover. I liked her very much. This find satisfies almost all my requirements. Such a tablecloth is able to decorate the festive interior of the dining room.

The tablecloth can be knitted or crocheted. Knitting looks very elegant, but it will take more time. It is necessary to immediately decide what color the product will be. I think that a plain white tablecloth will emphasize the peculiarity of the festive table setting.

Model #1 Model #2

Model #3 Model #4

Expected Result

I chose model number 4.

This is how I imagine the tablecloth. I found the tablecloth pattern in a knitting magazine.

Material selection

To make a tablecloth, you will need cotton yarn. Knitted from thread and yarn. At the same time, different threads are used - both special knitting and sewing. The yarn is for knitting only. Both threads and yarn differ in the chemical composition of the fibers. They can be natural, chemical and mixed, i.e. consisting of a mixture of fibers of different composition.

For the design of the tablecloth, I need approximately 600 grams of yarn. You can knit a tablecloth from different types yarn.

Let us now consider in more detail which yarn is better to choose for knitting.

Scheme 3

The most suitable yarn is cotton. It is well washed, starched, durable in use. The appearance of the finished product will be neat. Synthetic yarn is highly stretchable, while wool blend yarn is thick and impractical.

The most important thing is the right color scheme. Under the interior of my room, and given that the tablecloth will be used for festive occasions, white is the most suitable color.

The choice of tools and fixtures

Tools and fixtures:

    steel hook No. 3;



    tape measure.

Auxiliary materials:

    knitting magazines and books




Opportunity Assessment

Before starting work, I need to assess my capabilities: will there be enough knowledge, skills and abilities to complete my plan.

Table 1

I know (I can)

I want to learn (learn)

Where to find out

    How to knit, crochet;

    how to finish knitting;

    how to process the product after production.

    how to assemble product parts.

    In books and magazines on knitting;

    at the teacher of technology;

    from relatives and friends.

I will knit a large product for the first time, but I already know how to crochet well. I think that I will cope with the task.

material possibilities

Before starting work, I need to see what I already have and what I need to purchase.

To complete the product, you need a hook and scissors. All this I have. It remains only to buy yarn.

Preliminary calculation of the cost of the product

Now you can roughly calculate how much my tablecloth will cost, then compare it with the thing bought in the store and from this conclude which is more profitable: knit it yourself or buy it.

Table 3



Price for 1 piece



50 rub.

9 skeins

450 rub.

Total 450 rubles.

Ready-made knits are much more expensive, and besides, they cannot be re-tied if they go out of fashion. Therefore, knitting is most beneficial.

Workplace organization

It is best to knit while sitting on a chair. The back should be straight.

Hands hang down and freely hold the tool. No need to put your elbows on the table, this makes the hands “numb”.

While knitting, it is better to keep the ball in a special straw on the floor on the left side of the worker.

Put a diagram or text describing the picture in front of you.

You can work on a sofa or in a chair without leaning on the armrests.

Working with light threads, you should knit the product on a dark background. So the eyes get tired much less and, consequently, labor productivity increases..

Safety regulations

Hooks and knitting needles should be well polished and stored in special boxes or pencil cases.

You can not make sudden movements with a hand with a hook or knitting needle - you can injure a friend sitting next to you.

Scissors should lie with closed blades, they can only be passed rings forward with closed blades.

Do not use rusty needles and pins - they can stain and tear the product, break. Store the needle and pins in a box with a lid.

Wet-heat treatment of products should be carried out in a designated place, the iron should be placed on a special stand. Check iron for proper operation. The cord must not fall under the soleplate of the iron and be twisted. Unplug the iron immediately after use.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

Before starting and after finishing work, you should wash your hands so that the thread and knitted fabric are always clean, and there are no small particles of fiber left on your hands.

Knitting requires good lighting. Light should fall on the work from the left or front.

The distance from the product to eye level must be at least 35- 40 cm.

You can't work long hours without breaks. We work for 40 minutes and rest for about 10 minutes. This break allows you to relax and rest your eyes, arms and back.

During 40 minutes of work, it is also recommended to take short breaks of about 3-5 minutes.

At the end of the work, all tools should be put away in a working box, the hook and knitting needles should be stuck into a ball and put away together with the unfinished work.


Product work plan

1. Performing preparatory work:

    choice of knitting pattern;

2. Product manufacturing:

    product manufacturing;

    product design (washing, starching, drying, threading the ends of the threads);

3. Product finishing.

Product manufacturing

The tablecloth is knitted according to the scheme from the magazine "Crochet" No. 10, 2006 (pp. 20-21).

The beginning of knitting is a chain of 9 air loops. The center is knitted according to the pattern. Next comes knitting according to the main pattern. The tablecloth is tied according to the pattern of fragments of the last rows.

Then you need to wash the tablecloth, starch it and dry it, leaving it slightly damp. Perform wet heat treatment.

Our tablecloth is ready. You can give it to your beloved grandmother.

Economic calculations

Let's define tablecloths(C), the production of which requires the following costs: C \u003d M H + A O + R OP + Z DR, where

MZ - material costs;

A O - depreciation;

R OP - labor costs;

Z DR - other costs.

Let's define material costs(M H):

Table 6


Name of materials



Unit price

measurements (rub.)


Cost, rub.)




Total 450 rubles.

Conclusion: material costs amounted to 450 rubles.

Let's calculate a Mortization of equipment(A OB):

A OB \u003d (C O × B slave): (C sl × 365 days × 24 h), where

In the slave - working time, h;

С sl - service life, years.

Electric iron: A OB \u003d (1300 rubles × 1 hour): (10 years × 365 days × 24 hours) \u003d 0.01 rubles.

Equipment depreciation expense amounted to 0.01 RUB

Conclusion: depreciation deductions amounted to: 0.02 rubles.

Calculate energy costs(EZ):

E W \u003d N × V slave × T life, where

N - source power, kW. × h;

In the slave - working time, hours;

T life - household tariff, rub

Table 7



Working hours,


Power consumption,



1 kW. × h,




Wet heat treatment




Work with local lighting




Total 16.06 rubles.

Energy costs amounted to RUB 16.06

Calculate fare(T races). They made up 24 rub. ( trip to the yarn shop by bus).

Conclusion: other costs amounted to 40.06 rubles.

The total cost of the kit:

C \u003d 450 rubles. + 0.02 rub. + RUB 40.06 = 490.08 rub.

The total cost of the tablecloth is 490.08 rubles. excluding labor.

Conclusion: knitting is the best.

Environmental rationale

Crocheting is an environmentally friendly production. It is practically waste-free (thread residues can be used in the manufacture of other products) and harmless (no substances harmful to the body are emitted, there are no emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, soil, water bodies). When working with the material, substances harmful to the human body are not released, because. yarn consists of natural fibers (cotton). At present, the composition of chemical fibers is close to natural ones.

I did not harm my health while knitting, because. complied with all hygiene and safety rules. I knitted no more than two hours a day with breaks.

I hope that the gift I knitted will last for many years, if you properly care for knitted things. And if one day the tablecloth does not like it, then it can be tied up, thereby again extending the life of the yarn.


I tried very hard when knitting the tablecloth, and it turned out to be neat: all patterns are made without errors. Since I have been attending school circles for a long time, I have accumulated a lot of skills in knitting and crocheting. When I covered the table with a tablecloth, I saw how it had changed.

My parents said that they really like the tablecloth. She turned out to be especially beautiful, interesting, elegant. I think grandma will be happy.

When making a tablecloth, the financial costs turned out to be very insignificant: for the same price, I could not buy such a thing.

Another positive side of the project is that this is the only model, and the second, exactly the same tablecloth, I will never meet.

I would like to note that in the manufacture of tablecloths, I mastered the following new technologies:

    crochet a flat fabric;

    properly carry out wet-heat treatment of the product.

I showed patience, perseverance, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Working on the project gave me a sense of pride in the result of my work. I was surprised by my own abilities. The skills acquired at school will undoubtedly be useful to me in the future.

I hope that my project will be rated "excellent"!

If I were an entrepreneur, for example, the owner of a knitting atelier, then to attract customers I would give ads of the following content

You can order any model from us. More than

200 items!

Original gifts for you and your loved ones!

Do not ruin your life with idleness

Do needlework!

And the work is finished

Here is a new concern.

Again, choose stories.

Knit and knit...

The result is to our delight,

Our relatives and friends.


    Technology: A textbook for students in the 7th grade of a comprehensive school (version for girls) / Ed. V. D. Simonenko.-M.: "Ventana-Count", 1999.-240 p.: ill.

    Technology: A textbook for students in the 8th grade of a comprehensive school / Ed. V. D. Simonenko.-M.: "Ventana-Count", 1998.-240 p.: ill.

    Technology: A textbook for students in the 9th grade of a comprehensive school / Ed. V. D. Simonenko.-M.: "Ventana-Count", 1999.-288 p.: ill.

    Technology: A textbook for students in the 10th grade of a comprehensive school / Ed. V. D. Simonenko.-M.: "Ventana-Count", 1999.-288 p.: ill.

    Creative projects of students in grades V-IX / Under. ed. V. D. Simonenko. -Bryansk: Publishing House of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 1996.-238 p.: ill.

    Catherine Buss. Knitting / Per. with him. N. S. Kozlova. - M.: Information and publishing house "Profizdat", 2001.-240 p.: ill.

    Fomicheva E. A. Begin to knit and crochet: Prince. For students.- M.: Enlightenment, 1991.-95 p.: ill.

    Bogdanov V.V., Popova S.N. History of ordinary things.- M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1992.-208 p.: ill.

    Crochet Magazine No. 10, 2006

Basic elements of crochet technique

Instruction card "Start knitting"





Pull the thread between the little finger and the ring finger of the left hand, pull the end of the thread over the ring finger outward ...


and wrap the end of the thread twice

around the index finger towards you.


Lay the thread crosswise in a loop around thumb and pinch it with your middle and ring fingers.


Insert your hook into the resulting loop...


and pull up the loop, hooking the thread near the index finger.


Pull out the loop and tighten it.


Instruction card "Air loop"




Work sequence


Pull the thread around the hook towards you.


It turned out the first crochet.


Pull this yarn over through the formed loop - you will get the first air loop.


Uniform chain of air loops.


A chain of air loops forms the beginning any crochet.

When making a chain, insert the hook into the loops so that it passes between two threads of one loop, and part of the loop is would be under the hook.


Correct hook position:

When knitting, the hook must be kept in right hand like a pencil. The index finger should be extended and lie on the hook. The elbows in the process of knitting should not have support, the hands move simultaneously towards the middle, towards each other and part in opposite directions while pulling the thread out of the loop.

Instruction card "Connecting column"




Work sequence


Insert your hook into the second chain from the hook (the loop on the hook is never counted)...


pick up working thread and pull through the loop of the previous row through the loop on the hook


Insert the hook into the next stuffy loop.


Single crochet instruction card




Work sequence


Insert the hook into the second chain from the hook, pick up the working thread and pull up the loop.


hook the thread again and pull it through the two loops that are on the hook.


Insert your hook into the next chain.


Double crochet instruction card



Work sequence


After starting knitting, yarn over, insert the hook into the fourth loop from the end, pull up the loop, pick up the working thread again and stretch it through the first two loops.


There are now two loops on the hook. Once again, hook the thread and pull it through the remaining loops on the hook.


Yarn over and insert your hook into the next chain. Starting from the second row, the hook is inserted behind both walls of the loop.

Kurbangaleeva Marina, 8th grade student

We all love to receive gifts. But, you see, it’s nice to give them yourself. And it is doubly pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands.

At the technology lessons, I gained a lot of knowledge about crocheting and decided to create a beautiful gift with my own hands.



MBOU "Nimengskaya basic comprehensive school"

Developed by:

8th grade student

Kurbangaleeva Marina

Technology teacher:

Saltykova L.N.

n. Nimenga,

year 2012


Crochet a convenient and practical pocket for small things as a birthday present for your sister.


  1. Find literature on knitting and choose interesting scheme for pocket.
  2. Apply the knowledge and skills gained in technology lessons.
  3. Follow the rules of safe work when crocheting.


1. Justification of the problem;

2. Definition of a specific task and its formulation;

3. Job requirements;

4. From the history of knitting;

5. Thinking scheme;

6. Identification of the main parameters and limitations;

7. Development of ideas and options;

8. Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option;

9. Choice of materials and tools (devices);

10. Rules for labor protection when crocheting;

11. The sequence of the product. Scheme and description of knitting.

12. Calculation of the cost of the product;

14. Literature used.


We all love to receive gifts. But, you see, it’s nice to give them yourself. And it is doubly pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands.

At the technology lessons, I gained a lot of knowledge about crocheting and decided to create a beautiful gift with my own hands.

Knitting is a fun activity. It develops perseverance and patience in a person. Every generation discovers its appeal. A do-it-yourself modern model turns out to be unique and more affordable than a finished product. The ability to use a variety of threads and patterns has made crocheting a favorite pastime for me. Knitting calms me, helps me gather my thoughts.

Crocheting is a fairly simple technique that does not require special equipment, perhaps, except for a hook and yarn. But, despite this, the products made in this technique are striking in their diversity and originality. Knitting will help to make a useful, and sometimes necessary thing for the home. It can be not only clothing, but also interior items.

And most importantly, this work contributes to the development of creativity, which will help in the future to become a good housewife. Use materials rationally, create beautiful things for the family and the apartment.


My sister's birthday is coming soon. And I would love to give her something she needs. She has a lot of little things that need to be put somewhere. Therefore, for my project, I chose the theme “Pocket for small things”, setting myself the goal of knitting a pocket as a gift for my sister. My product should be beautiful, multifunctional, inexpensive, and should decorate the interior of the room.


The work must be neat, original and bright;

The product must be noticeable, i.e. it must be beautiful and eye-catching and meet all requirements;

The product must have a manufacturing scheme that is understandable to me;

The product should have a low cost and cost as little as possible.


And now let's turn to the history of knitting, this beautiful and unusual type of decorative art.

The date of birth of knitting is lost in the depths of history. Now scientists are trying to prove that long before the beginning of our era, people already knew the technique of knitting and knitted at first without any special devices, but simply on their fingers.

Knitwear has been found in ancient tombs in Egypt, Greece and Rome. So far, the most ancient knitted thing - a decorative knitted belt with a hummingbird - was found in Peru and dates back to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. AD the complexity of the pattern, the subtlety of execution and coloring testify to the high knitting technique.

One of the legends of ancient Greece tells about knitting:
Pallas Athena was one of the most revered goddesses. She gave people wisdom and knowledge, taught them arts and crafts. All the girls of Ancient Greece, without exception, revered Athena for teaching them the art of needlework. Among the craftswomen who wove fabrics transparent as air, Arachne was famous. She was proud of her art and one day decided to challenge the goddess Athena herself to a competition. Under the guise of a gray-haired, terrible, hunched old woman, the goddess Athena appeared before Arachne and warned the proud woman - one cannot be higher than the gods. But Arachne did not listen to the old woman. She wove a cloth to present it to the judgment of all the gods. But they did not recognize her victory. Arachne's misfortune knew no bounds, and she could not endure such shame. She committed suicide. Athena, being wise and merciful, saved the girl. But she did not leave her to live in human form, but turned her into a spider. And since then, the spider-Arachne is always busy with the web. He weaves his web day and night. But not only in myths and legends, but also in real life people have repeatedly tried to use the web as yarn. Yes, in ancient China dresses were sewn from gossamer silk.

It is interesting that knitting was at first an exclusively male craft, and women performed only auxiliary work. And the hook looked like a straight stick. After the Crusades to the East, sometime in the 9th century, crochet made its way into Europe.

In Russia, crocheting became widespread much later, andwomen started doing it.

Nowadays, this art continues to develop, enriched with new motives, compositional techniques, and modern materials. Hand knitting allows you to make unique, unique models. Knitted products are comfortable and durable, practical and elegant, they are warm and cozy.
Hand knitting allows you to express your individuality, conceived image by choosing the texture and color of yarn, its weaves, design and style of products.








Small pocket




Cost price


not have a very high cost



My future product should be




№ 1

№ 2

№ 3


Pockets No. 1 and 2 - beautiful, bright, interesting in the way of knitting. But we need a pocket for small things, so they do not fit.

Pocket number 3 is exactly what you need. It is practical and has complex scheme mating.


The quality of the product depends on the right yarn. It must be suitable for the purpose of the product. Since I love to knit, I always have several skeins of yarn of different colors and quality in stock at home, as well as different hooks. So, for knitting the potholders, I have chosen the following materials:

1) Yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic) - yellow and pink.

2) Hook metal (steel) No. 2.

3) Pink satin ribbon.

4) Scissors.


The light should fall to the left or in front of the worker, the scissors lie on the right side, the hook, threads for knitting and sewing - in a special box; the needle is in the needle case. When doing work, I followed the rules of labor protection, that is, the rules for safe work with piercing, cutting tools.

Labor protection rules during work:

1. During operation, the scissors should lie on the right side of the table with closed blades, rings towards the worker.

2. You need to take and pass the scissors with closed blades towards you, rings forward.

3. Needles, hooks, scissors, hooks are stored in a special box with a lid.

4. If the needle is not needed, it should be injected into the needle bar.

5. Do not use a rusty, bent needle.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements:

1. Wash your hands before starting work.

2. The light source should be on the left.

3. Every 1 - 1.5 hours the eyes need a 30 minute rest. Break and relaxation are necessary to restore eye function.

4. To maintain health during work, it is useful to do a warm-up for the arms, eyes and back.

5. You can not bite off the thread with your teeth; this damages the enamel of the teeth, in addition, it is possible to injure the lips, gums and tongue.



1. Link the 1st part according to the scheme (description).

2. Link the 2nd part according to the scheme.

3. Perform strapping according to the scheme, while connecting the parts.

4. Run a loop.

Description of work:

The pocket for small things consists of 2 parts, which are subsequently connected to each other with the help of strapping.

1st detail: With a yellow thread, dial 3 in. n. Knit in straight and reverse rows.

1st p .: 4 tbsp. s / n in the 1st vp

2nd p

2nd detail: yellow thread dial 3 in. n. Knit in straight and reverse rows.

1st p .: 4 tbsp. s / n in the 1st vp

2nd p .: ch 3 lifting, 1 tbsp. s / n in the 1st vp lifting, 3 tbsp. s / n in the next 3 tbsp. s / n of the previous row, 2 tbsp. s / n in the next art. s / n of the previous row, only 7 tbsp. s / n.

Assembly: steam both parts, fold the finishing side inward. Attach the pink thread and tie the pocket in a circle according to the tying pattern in one row, at the same time connecting the parts.

Run a loop from in. item of the required length.

Moisten the finished pocket, stretch to size and leave to dry. Iron.



1. Yellow yarn 2/3 skeins - (the price of 1 skein is 26 rubles; 2/3 ~ 17 rubles)

2. Pink yarn - home leftovers - 0 rubles.

3. Hook and pink ribbon - available at home - 0 rub.

TOTAL: I spent about 17 rubles on the manufacture of this pocket, everything else was at home (it was bought a long time ago).

I am satisfied with the work done. The result fully met my expectations. I really liked appearance pocket, color scheme, and I think that it will perfectly complement the interior of the room. When I knitted a pocket, I did not have any difficulties. The product is knitted from environmentally friendly threads, will not pollute the interior of the room, will not harm your health.

My sister really liked the pocket. Now the little things you need are always at hand. And I decided to knit the same pocket for myself.

Do not ruin your life with idleness

Do needlework!

Shay, knit - do not be discouraged,

Or embroider.

Here are needles, threads, hoops

For our nimble fingers.

Fabrics, ribbons, border -

Head is spinning!

Files, books, internet

(Oh, I forgot about dinner!)

What we love - we knit,

We arrange everything well.

The result is to our delight,

Our relatives and friends.

And the work is finished

Here is a new concern.

Again, choose stories.

Knit and knit...


1. Vlasova A. A. Knitting: from skill to skill.- St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, 1992.- 384 p., ill.

2. Kondrashova M.V. We knit easily, fashionably, beautifully. Hook and knitting needles-Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", Moscow: "Citadel", 2004.-320 p.

3. Magazine "Valya - Valentina" No. 14 (201) / 2008

4. Maksimova M.V., Kuzmina M.N. Unforgotten crafts. - Minsk: Polymya, 1993.

5. Technology: lesson plans for the section "Knitting". 5-7 classes / ed.-comp. E. A. Gurbina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. 200p.

slide 1

MOU "LSOSH No. 7", Likhoslavl Presentation of a creative project on technology Theme "Crochet" Tack "Butterfly"
Developed by: 7b class student Anna Aleksandrova Technology teacher Vorobieva T.Yu. G. Likhoslavl 2014

slide 2

slide 3

PURPOSE: Crochet an unusual, nice tack"Butterfly" as a gift to mom for Mother's Day. OBJECTIVES: 1. Find literature on knitting and choose an interesting pattern for the pot holder. 2. Apply the knowledge and skills gained in technology lessons. 3. Follow the rules of safe work when crocheting.

slide 4

PROBLEM JUSTIFICATION: Crocheting is a hobby that has become an integral part of my life. Crocheting has always been one of my favorite things to do. Crocheted items are distinguished by amazing airy beauty and delicacy. Crocheting is very easy, all it takes is a little patience to learn the basic knitting techniques. Products manufactured by our industry are often faceless and ugly, which leads to the need to do a lot with your own hands. Crocheting allows me to express my individuality, to give warmth and love to people close to me.

slide 5

FROM THE HISTORY OF KNITTING 1. Like any art, knitting has its origins, its roots. It is known for certain that for more than three centuries a person has known how with the help of one (hook) stick one can turn a long thread into a canvas. The birthplace of knitting is also known. This is sun-scorched North Africa. And the ancients served knitwear for protection not from frost and snow, but from heat and sand. 2. It is known that the first knitting craftsmen were not women, but men. And women in those distant times were assigned a secondary role of assistants: to process fiber or wool, to spin a thread.

slide 6


Slide 7

ANALYSIS OF IDEAS AND SELECTION OF THE BEST OPTION: Tack No. 1 - easy to manufacture, but white threads are proposed for knitting, so it will quickly get dirty and will have to be washed often - not suitable. Potholders No. 3,4,5 - beautiful, bright, interesting in terms of knitting, but there is no "raisin" in them, there is no originality - they do not fit. Potholder number 2 - what I was looking for. The knitting pattern is not complicated, there is something fabulous, unusual. There is something to surprise mom.

Slide 8

Slide 9

THINKING SCHEME (planning of project activities) tack "butterfly"
Cost price
Fixture tools
Occupational Safety and Health
Manufacturing technology
Problem need

Slide 10

WORK SAFETY RULES FOR HOOKING: The light should fall to the left or in front of the worker, the scissors are on the right side, the hook, threads for knitting and sewing are in a special box; the needle is in the needle case. When doing work, I followed the rules of labor protection, that is, the rules for safe work with piercing, cutting tools. Labor protection rules during work: 1. During work, the scissors should lie on the right side of the table with closed blades, rings towards the worker. 2. You need to take and pass the scissors with closed blades towards you, rings forward. 3. Needles, hooks, scissors, hooks are stored in a special box with a lid. 4. If the needle is not needed, it should be injected into the needle bar. 5. Do not use a rusty, bent needle.

slide 11

WORK PROTECTION RULES FOR KNITTING HOOK: Sanitary and hygienic requirements: 1. Wash your hands before starting work. 2. The light source should be on the left. 3. Every 1 - 1.5 hours the eyes need a 30 minute rest. Break and relaxation are necessary to restore eye function. 4. To maintain health during work, it is useful to do a warm-up for the arms, eyes and back. 5. You can not bite off the thread with your teeth; this damages the enamel of the teeth, in addition, it is possible to injure the lips, gums and tongue.

slide 12

PRODUCT COST CALCULATION: 1. Yarn Green colour 2/3 skeins - (the price of 1 skein is 26 rubles; 2/3 ~ 17 rubles) 2. Pink, burgundy yarn - home leftovers - 0 rubles. 3. Hook - available at home - 0 rub. TOTAL: I spent about 17 rubles on the manufacture of this potholder, everything else was at home (it was bought a long time ago). A hand-made product will not harm health, it is environmentally friendly.

slide 13

PROJECT SELF-ASSESSMENT: I ​​am satisfied with my work, as I have achieved the desired goal - the potholder is tied on time and presented to my mother! When knitting there were small difficulties, but I overcame them. Those who are looking for new options are full of new ideas and constantly strive for excellence. In addition, the product I connected for 8 - 10 rubles. cheaper than in the store. I am very pleased that my mother liked my gift .. The potholder turned out to be original, neat; the knitting is tight. The finished product meets certain requirements. And most importantly - I received another new order for the manufacture of potholders!

Crochet. creative project

Practical work

Pedagogy and didactics

The purpose of the project: Crochet a beautiful, neat product that grandmother must definitely like. Project Objectives: Research and analyze ideas for variations of my product Develop a sketch of my design product Organize the workplace Select tools and fixtures for various operations Select material for the product with the right color combination Quality control of my work Evaluate the finished product Environmental rationale Crochet. History and more Crochet is very famous and...

Problem situation:

My grandmother's birthday is coming soon, and I don't know what to give her. At first I wanted to buy her something useful or beautiful for the house. I urgently needed to figure out what to give my grandmother, and I decided that I needed to do something with my own hands. After a little thought, I remembered that she loves beautiful knitted things, and then the idea came to me to knit something for her birthday.

Objective of the project:

Crochet a beautiful, neat product that your grandmother must definitely like.

Project objectives:

  • Conduct research and analysis of ideas, options for my product
  • Develop a sketch of my design product
  • Organize your workplace
  • Pick up tools and fixtures for various operations
  • Choose the material for the product with the right color combination
  • Quality control of my work
  • Finished product evaluation
  • Environmental rationale

Crochet. History and more...

Crochet is a very famous and ancient craft. At first, only men were engaged in this, but gradually knitting passed into the hands of women. Now a rare man will pick up knitting needles or a hook. Crochet originated in England and France and was developed in the 16th century. But there are reliable facts indicating that the Indian tribes also possessed all the secrets of this art, samples of their ancient works were discovered by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. There is no exact data on where and how exactly crochet appeared. But there is an opinion that this occupation takes its roots from the ancient form of Chinese embroidery.
At the end of the 19th century, crocheting spread to the territory of Russia. Needlework was done by women who gathered in the evenings for joint gatherings. Basically, girls created beautiful lace, consisting of patterns of folk themes.

Crocheting is a simpler procedure than knitting. And the products are very beautiful, elegant openwork, light and attractive. In our time, needlework is taking on a second life. Handmade much appreciated. Crocheting has become a fashionable and useful pastime. Now it is at the peak of popularity.

Crochet allows you to create and openwork patterns, very thin, lace-like, and dense relief images. With the help of a crochet, both warm clothes and thin stylish bathing suits are knitted. Crochet is able to recreate entire works of art. This knitting method is also used for knitting individual elements, decorations, for example, buttons, collars, and for creating whole clothes, for example, dresses, sweaters, and for obtaining interior elements, for example, napkins, tablecloths, pendants for flower pots, etc. Further.

Crochet requires only threads and hooks. A variety of threads are suitable: woolen, silk, and cotton. Hooks are also different. They can be made of plastic, metal, bone, wood. Their thickness is different, the smallest size is 1 mm, the largest is 8 mm. The thinner the hook, the smaller and more elegant the pattern. But keep in mind that the thickness of the yarn also matters. Hooks with a diameter of 3 to 6 mm are suitable for knitting things from thick synthetic or wool yarn. And thin hooks with a diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 mm are suitable for floss, garus, iris. The thickness of the hook is chosen such that it is twice as large as the thickness of the selected thread.

Crocheting is a fun process. The results are always beautiful, crocheted products can be a great gift.

Development of ideas, product options

After examining the product options, I opted for a napkin with flowers under No. 1

Napkin Form Research

Napkins are:

The napkin I chose has a radial shape.

Knitting such napkins starts from the center, from the ring of air loops. Unlike round napkin loops here are added in each circle in the same place. As a result of such an addition, the napkin is divided into segments. You can add loops in six or ten places, and end up with a six- or ten-part napkin. To make the shape of the napkin symmetrical, you should always add an even number of loops.

Crochet tools

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - crochet hooks No. 1.5

6 Hooks for marking buttonholes

7 Utility scissors

8 Thread cutter

9 Fine embroidery scissors

10 Metric tape

11 Ball holder

12 Pins

Material selection

When crocheting, yarn is used from wool, linen, silk, cotton or synthetic threads. Materials are chosen depending on what thing is supposed to be knitted.

For my napkin, I chose white cotton threads.

Workplace organization

When preparing the workplace, special attention should be paid to lighting. The value of lighting is very great, it is a component of artistic perception. The workplace should be well lit. Light should fall on the workplace from the left side. In the evening, it is better to equip two types of artificial lighting: fluorescent and incandescent lamps so that the fluorescent lamp creates diffused light, and the incandescent lamp, directed from the left side directly to the workplace. The duration of work should not exceed three academic hours with a mandatory break after each academic hour. Properly organized workplace contributes to better performance of products.

Crochet Safety Rules

  1. Hooks and other fixtures must be well sanded; they must be stored in special cases.
  2. You can not make sudden movements with a hand with a hook in the direction of a person sitting next to you.
  3. Rusty needles and pins should not be used. Keep needles and pins in a box with a lid.
  4. Scissors should lie with closed blades, they should be passed rings forward.
  5. Wet-heat treatment of products is carried out on an ironing board or a specially equipped table with a working iron.

Safety regulations for the performance of wet-heat work.

When the napkin is ready, I will have to iron it, so I will need to follow the safety rules when performing wet-heat work

Before performing wet-heat work, you need to check the integrity of the cord, the cleanliness of the soleplate of the iron and the presence of a rubber mat.

During work you need:

  1. Stand on a rubber mat;
  2. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, grasping the plug body, not the cord;
  3. Put the iron on a special stand;
  4. Make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron, and the iron does not overheat;
  5. Use a spray bottle to moisten the fabric;

At the end of the work, you need to turn off the iron and put it on a special stand.

Here's what I got:

The napkin I knitted will be a great addition to your home decor. A knitted napkin can be used as coasters for glasses, glasses, vases, souvenirs and similar interior details.

This is how the simplest combinations of loops can create a real miracle!


  1. Steiner G. Knitted napkins.
  2. Pronevich N.M. Crochet. From passion to skill.
  3. Dmitrieva N.Yu. Napkins and tablecloths. Crochet.

Kozlova Maria

Completed by: student of 6"B" class

MBOU School No. 51

Teacher: Kukushkina Larisa Nikolaevna.

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