The child urinates. Why regression is possible

Does the child rarely go to the toilet in a small way? This phenomenon occurs in children different ages. Often, the phenomenon can be eliminated after a slight adjustment in lifestyle and nutrition. But it happens that rare urination becomes a sign of a serious illness. In what cases can the phenomenon be considered the norm, and when does it indicate a pathology of the urinary system? What can parents do?

The rate of urination in a child per day

Before raising a panic, parents should find out: what can be considered daily rate excretion of urine for the child.

The authoritative pediatrician A. Papayan, back in the days of the USSR, compiled a table with the norms for urine output according to the age of the child. This table to this day serves as the main guideline for many pediatricians when examining a child for the presence (absence) of pathology.

Child's age Daily volume of urine, ml Daily number of urination Urine volume per urination, ml
0-6 months 300-500 20-25 20-35
6-12 months 300-600 15-16 25-45
1-3 years 760-820 10-12 60-90
3-5 years 900-1070 7-9 70-90
5-7 years 1070-1300 7-9 100-150
7-9 years old 1240-1520 7-8 145-190
9-11 years old 1520-1670 6-7 220-260
11-14 years old 1600-1900 6-7 250-270

You need to worry if the child goes to the toilet much less often than his peers, although in this case the reason may not be dangerous at all.

What could be the causes of infrequent urination in a child, and what can parents do?

Doctors say that any deviation from the norm may depend on a violation of the diet, drinking regimen, and also the weather: as you know, in the heat, a child needs more water, although he pees much less often.

Sometimes the child begins to write less often, because he is growing rapidly or is experiencing inconvenience, getting used to the new rules of personal hygiene: when switching from a diaper to a potty.

Age Possible reason What to do?
From birth to 12 Completion breastfeeding, go to Ask your pediatrician: how to choose the optimal nutrition for a child with the least loss to his health and emotional state. Sometimes it can be very difficult to choose the best food, and in the process of choosing a small organism, it is stressed: this is why the baby rarely pees.
From birth to 3 months Insufficient milk fat Review your diet , introduce healthy fats, such as cheese or walnuts.
From 6 months to 12 Introduce only mono-products into complementary foods and doses, allowedAnd pediatricians.
From 9 months to 24 Bottle training, pacifier rejection Choose bottle or non-spill model which will please the baby and will evoke pleasant emotions in him.
From birth to 24 months Insufficient drinking in the summer, especially during the hot season Go out for a walk with only a bottle of water and give it to the child on demand.
12 to 24 months Refusal to use diapers Try not to put pressure on the child and allow him to pee in the potty at will . Sometimes the process of accustoming begins with the banal choice of a cute potty for a child.

But attention! If the children younger age the reasons may lie on the surface and require only adjustments to the daily routine or nutrition, then in children of preschool or younger school age they may require examination by pediatricians and even psychologists. Urinary retention may indicate not only the inability to follow elementary rules hygiene, but also about psychological discomfort or hidden complexes. Did you notice a similar problem in a child of a schoolboy? First, have a heart to heart talk with him. Perhaps he is just ashamed to go to the toilet in front of his classmates.

When do you need to sound the alarm if the child pees a little? Symptoms of severe illness in children

True rare urination is not always harmless. There are a number of cases when a child pees very rarely due to illness, the presence of a serious pathology that requires immediate and thorough examination by a doctor.

What pathologies can lead to the fact that the child rarely urinates:

  • The kidneys suffer, as a result of which their ability to produce the required amount of urine per day is lost.
  • There was a partial blockage of the ureters (due to inflammation, infection, trauma).
  • The bladder is affected (often this is a consequence of a very long abstinence, when the child suffers, does not go to the toilet, and it is constantly overflowing).
  • Sand or stones formed in the bladder, kidneys.
  • Pinched urethra.
  • The child experiences nervous tension, and as a result, hysteria, hypochondria, and nervous fever set in.
  • A neoplasm (benign or malignant) has appeared in the blood vessels.
  • Overdose. The child was not properly treated for another disease, prescribed too many diuretics.
  • Sprain has occurred Bladder.
  • There was a head or spinal injury.
  • In the genitourinary tract, a latent infection "wanders".

The baby is not urinating very well! Don't miss the symptoms!

It is important for parents to remember : any of these pathologies will require a very serious examination, and the treatment will be long and expensive. In some cases, helping a child requires surgical intervention- that is why it is so important to catch the signal of the body in time and show the child to a qualified specialist.

At home, it is quite possible to suspect the presence of a disease.

If your child has become less likely to go to the toilet "in a small way", pay attention to whether he has any of the following symptoms:

  1. The stream of urine became thin, the pressure was weak.
  2. Urine is excreted not in a stream, but in separate droplets.
  3. A child can only pee in one position (squatting, standing or leaning back, but obviously not in the way physiology provides).
  4. The child complains that "the pussy burns, cuts or hurts."

If a problem arose, it is better not to wait, but to show the child to the pediatrician. Any diagnosis begins with a urine test: this method helps the doctor to identify the nature of the disease. If necessary, an ultrasound examination, tomography, X-ray examination or other modern research methods are prescribed.

In any case, parents should not lose vigilance. Did you notice that the child began to write less often? Watch him. This can be both normal and a sign of a urological disease. Any doubt should lead the parents to the doctor's office first thing to do general analyzes urine and blood.

Remember that any disease is always successfully treated only at an early stage. .

A small course of medication, a trip to a sanatorium, a light diet will save your child from trouble forever. But anyway the best medicine at all times - attention and love for the baby.

One of the indicators of the health of the child in general and his genitourinary system in particular is how often he pees and what are the characteristics of his urine. It is important for parents not to lose sight of this important point and notice all the changes in the usual volumes and rhythms. An increase or decrease in the number of urination does not always indicate the development of the disease, but this option cannot be ruled out.

In the body of an infant, some changes sometimes occur that lead to an increase in urination or their reduction - this symptom should alert parents, but in order to be savvy in the matter, you need to know the norms of urination for children of different ages.

Timely and physiologically correct urination is an indicator of good health of the child

Urinary frequency in a newborn

How much should a newborn pee? The baby is able to pee already in the first minutes after birth, and in some babies, urination begins within the first 12 hours. During this period, children have time to urinate several times. Of course, all the data are average, but even if the baby does not walk in a small way in the first 24 hours after birth, this is also considered the norm. In most cases, the baby of the first day of life is characterized by infrequent urination.

In addition to frequency, urination in newborns has characteristic features. The color of the urine in the crumbs may be reddish or orange, but this is a completely normal picture. There are no disorders in the body, and urine acquires such a shade from urate salts, which are still in abundance there. After a couple of days, urine will become the usual light yellow color or even transparent.

There is no exact data on how much a newborn pees in milliliters. The number of urination per day, too, no one gives. This number will be influenced by a number of factors: the age of the baby, the climate in the room, and the type of feeding used.

There are no clear norms, but doctors, followed by parents, adhere to the average indicators:

  • from 0 to 6 months - 20-25 urination per day, 20-30 ml;
  • from 6 months to 1 year - 15-16 urinations of 25-45 ml.

As a result, you can calculate the approximate volume of urine per day. In the age range of 1 month - 1 year, it will be from 300 to 500 ml. We see that the baby often pees in the first months of life, subsequently this frequency decreases.

In the period from birth to six months, the child pees approximately 20-25 times in 24 hours, but these data cannot be considered strict

Volumes and frequency of urination in children from 1 year

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The baby grows, along with it the number of factors that affect the quality of urine and the frequency of emptying the bladder grows. This takes into account the amount of liquid drunk, atmospheric conditions, indoor climate, the state of all spheres of the child's life (emotional, physical, mental), as well as personal characteristics the character of the baby. It is noticed that easily receptive, extremely vulnerable babies urinate more often than children who are more calm and self-confident. How many times the baby walks in a small way also depends on the structural features of the organs of the genitourinary system. The baby pees a little if the volume of his bladder is increased.

Academician and doctor of the Soviet period Albert Papayan once developed a table that all specialists in the field of pediatrics use to this day. This table indicates the average frequency of urination in children in different age periods, and also displays the volume of one serving of urine. Thanks to a detailed table, you can determine what is the norm in a child, and when to start worrying.

Table. Frequency and volume of urination in children from a year:

Parents notice that the baby begins to urinate with fewer interruptions when the process of potty training and diaper weaning begins. This situation is absolutely normal. The kid must learn to control urination, but before that he did not care. Hence the increased frequency, but this will pass after a while. Be patient, and soon the baby will urinate at ever greater intervals. It is also noted that the baby pees a little when the mother begins to introduce complementary foods or complementary foods. Reducing the number of attachments to the chest leads to a decrease in the urge to urinate.

The baby pees little with growing up. With age, the bladder of a toddler grows, and the volume of a single portion of urine will increase, while the frequency will decrease. In addition, the older the baby, the easier it is for him to control the activities of the body, in particular the work of the bladder. The norms indicated in the table are averaged and calculated for a healthy child. At the same time, the conditions of stay are normal, the baby drinks moderately liquid and there are no changes in sweating, i.e. it does not overheat or overcool. The normal situation will also be that the child pees rarely, but in large volumes, which ultimately give the average norm.

Data tables and medical standards are given for those children who drink a normal amount of fluid per day.

Why does a child over 3 years old often pee?

You should not panic if the child begins to write often. The point may be in the individual characteristics of the child's body, especially when working with infants. In this case, you should not suspect any disease.

When a child older than 5-6 years old often pees, then this should be investigated, especially if secondary symptoms are added to this sign. It is important not to let the process take its course, but to contact a specialist. Do not self-medicate, because only a doctor is able to find out the cause of failures.

Physiological factors

A child may write frequently due to physiological factors that do not have a threat to children's health in their origin. In most cases, this is the body's reaction to external stimuli. We list the main causative factors:

  1. Excessive drinking, especially when drinking carbonated drinks. It is difficult for the body to absorb all the fluid consumed and it tries to remove its excess through urine. When a child sweats little, he often pees. In summer, the liquid drunk per day compensates for the regular loss of moisture, and in winter, almost the entire volume is excreted in the urine, which makes it almost transparent.
  2. The use of diuretic products. In melon, watermelon, lingonberries, cucumbers, cranberries, as well as in caffeine-containing products of natural water in excess (we recommend reading:). Children pee more often if they eat spicy, salty, or sour foods.
  3. When it is cool indoors or outdoors, the sweat glands do not work as hard, and the genitourinary system, on the contrary, produces a lot of urine. Excessive hypothermia can lead to long-term disturbances, but with a healthy baby, without foci of inflammation, the situation levels off on its own.
  4. Influence of climatic conditions. Changes in atmospheric pressure and air humidity strongly affect the body.

If a child eats food containing a large number of water (watermelon, melon), the frequency and volume of his urination will increase

Neurogenic factors

Stressful situations and psychological tension reduce the diameter of blood vessels, in connection with this, oxygen penetrates the tissues worse. Increased urine production is called upon to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Following this, we see the situation that the child often goes to write. This phenomenon is quite normal and easily explained. Remember that during exciting periods, the urge to urinate becomes greater - for example, an athlete before a competition.

Excessively long nervous excitement and tension leads to the fact that the child becomes uncomfortable, and disorders of the nervous system may also develop. Physiologically safe initially the cause can lead to diseases. Avoid prolonged stressful situations, and if necessary, you need to identify the cause and eliminate it.

In crumbs up to 4-5 years old, such a phenomenon as an overactive bladder is often encountered. Their frequency of urination is quite high and occurs on almost any type of stimulus. For example, by the age of 10, the problem subsides and the baby urinates only at night, and before that, urination occurred at absolutely any time of the day. The presence of this symptom in a monthly and even one year old baby should not frighten parents, but be considered exclusively as a normal physiological process.

An overactive bladder leads to the fact that the child often pees - this is the body's reaction to stimuli or stress (more in the article:)

Preservation of a hypertrophied active bladder in adolescence- a more severe case. There is a disease of a neurogenic nature, which is associated with a violation of the bladder.

A baby experiencing stress from the ridicule of comrades after spontaneous urination is most susceptible to the development of pathology. Treating an overactive bladder is not easy, it takes a lot of time and effort.

The development of the inflammatory process

When a child begins to write frequently, attention should be paid to the presence of additional symptoms. Often the reason that the child often pees is inflammatory process in the urinary system. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain when urinating. The inflamed urethra and bladder produce a lot of salt, which leads to pain. Children at the age of 2-3 years and older babies can tell about the pain symptoms themselves, and you can notice such a pathology in infants by the characteristic groaning or even crying.
  2. Pain in the abdomen and lower back. The severity of sensations can be on one side or on both sides at once. The nature of the pain - with attacks or aching. Most pain occur when running and jumping.
  3. An increase in blood sugar leads to constant thirst. It is important to recognize the onset of diabetes in the early stages.
  4. Enuresis (more in the article:). Urinary incontinence can occur due to inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, or urethra.
  5. Urine color change. The reddish tint of urine can be influenced by the consumption of cherries or beets, and there is also the possibility of a violation of the renal glomeruli, which has an immune-inflammatory nature.

Is it due to urethritis?

Looking for the cause of frequent urination in a child, do not exclude the possibility of an existing urethritis affecting this fact. The urethra is affected by an infectious disease, which occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Harmful microorganisms enter the canal and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Significant signs include:

  • sudden and very strong urge to urinate;
  • pain at the beginning of the process;
  • small spontaneous leaks.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by analyzing urine and a smear from the urethra. The most common disease among children is infectious cystitis. Pathogenic bacteria enter the bladder and cause inflammation. The main symptoms of cystitis include:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • incontinence;
  • pain in the perineum, lower abdomen and rectum.

An elevated body temperature, combined with other symptoms, may be a sign of a developing infection.

Cystitis requires timely treatment. Advanced forms of the disease lead to the appearance of pyelonephritis, when the lesion covers the tissues of the kidneys. It is very difficult to treat such a disease.

Having noticed in a child, in addition to frequent urges to urinate, a constant desire to drink, one should consider the development of diabetes or diabetes insipidus. The latent stage of diabetes mellitus is characterized by just such symptoms. The progression of the disease leads to weight loss, weakness. There are other signs of intoxication of the body.

When a baby begins to write frequently, one should not be alarmed unless other symptoms are added to this fact. Often the reason lies in the influence of external factors on physiological processes. Having noticed additional signs of the disease, you should immediately begin an examination with a specialist in order to identify the root of the problem, its causes, and prevent the development of pathologies.

Perhaps, nightly "accidents" with wet sheets happened to everyone in childhood, but when this happens often, parents begin to worry about why the child pees at night. Of course, first of all, the most terrible thoughts come to mind that the cause of urinary incontinence lies in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, however, in fact, as a rule, the reason turns out to be different. Today we will talk about why a child pees at night.

Bedwetting at night, or enuresis, is not a disease but is more common in boys. As a rule, enuresis manifests itself in children older than 3 years, and according to statistics, about 20% of children under 6 years of age face this problem. With each subsequent year, the percentage of children with urinary incontinence at night decreases, and by the age of 20 only 0.5% suffer from this problem. Only in rare cases, enuresis can be a sign of an abnormal structure of the kidneys and bladder or the emotional state of the child. Before trying to fix the problem, parents should understand that the child's urinary incontinence is not a behavioral problem, and should not be scolded for this.

Why does a child write at night: the main reasons

There are a lot of reasons why a child pees at night, we have identified the main ones:

1. Genetic predisposition

That is why the child pees at night. As a rule, if both parents faced the problem of enuresis in their childhood, then the likelihood of urinary incontinence in the child increases by 77%. At the same time, you should remember at what age the parents coped with this problem, because it is highly likely that your child will forget about nocturnal enuresis by this age.

2. Excessive urine production

Don't be surprised why your child pees at night if he drinks a large amount of liquid before bed.

3. Bladder activity

Overactive bladder, can also be the reason why the child pees at night.

4. Inability to wake up

Sometimes the reason why a child pees at night can be a sleep disorder, that is, when the child is sleeping so soundly that he does not feel the urge to urinate. As a rule, this problem disappears with age.

5. Urinary tract infections, here is another cause of secondary urinary incontinence

What does secondary urinary incontinence mean? This is when a child, having already coped with enuresis, under the influence of various factors, again faces the problem of urinary incontinence. One such provoking factor is urinary tract infections in children. Also, the reason why the child pees at night can be constipation.

6. Stress can also trigger secondary urinary incontinence in a child.

Moreover, when a stressful situation is repeated, the problem, as a rule, worsens.

7. Psychological state

More than 20% of children who have experienced secondary urinary incontinence six months after the disappearance of primary enuresis have certain emotional problems. For example, children with hyperactivity syndrome are more likely to suffer from secondary enuresis.

8. Physical abnormalities

In rare cases, a child can write at night due to an abnormal structure of the bladder, kidneys, diseases of the spinal cord.

How to cope with the problem of childhood enuresis parents?

As a rule, until the child reaches the age of 6 years, no treatment for enuresis is required and in the vast majority of cases the problem will be eliminated without outside intervention. Here are some tips to help your child forget about a wet bed:

  • Make sure that before bedtime the child does not drink too much liquid. The last drink should be given to the baby 2 hours before bedtime.
  • The reason why a child pees at night is insufficient bowel movement before bedtime. That is why make sure that the child goes to the toilet before going to bed.
  • Praise your child after each “no-accident” night, fixing his attention on how he manages to cope with his problem.
  • In rare cases, it may be necessary to apply medicines, however, remember that drugs should be prescribed by a doctor only when all other means have failed.

In most cases, the reasons why a child pees at night are easily eliminated, this is just a period of maturation and growth. By a certain age, enuresis disappears without outside intervention. Do not scold the child for nocturnal enuresis.

Bedwetting in children from a year to 5 years or more is a common occurrence in our age of diapers. This unpleasant phenomenon (among doctors it is called enuresis) spoils the life of both children and parents. The sad statistics say that Lately the number of cases of this disease in children has increased. The reasons may be different. Below we will consider the main ones, and also try to answer the question: what to do if the child pees at night.

Causes of bedwetting in children

It often happens that parents begin to sound the alarm early and try to see something unnatural in the behavior of the child. Even if a baby of 3-4 years old peed himself at night, there is nothing to worry about. Childhood- Here main reason nighttime incontinence in children. Until the age of five, babies are often unable to control urination at night. This is due to too deep sleep. It is worse if “surprises” happen to the child in the daytime. In this case, it would be useful to consult a doctor, although, most likely, no deviations will be found.

Psychological reasons

In some cases, bedwetting in a child is the result of psychological trauma or other psychological problems. These include:

  • uncomfortable atmosphere at home;
  • frequent quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • a lot of pressure on the baby from the parents;
  • lack of parental attention
  • too busy days;
  • constant stress;
  • jealousy of younger or older brothers and sisters.

All these problems make the baby live in constant stress all day long (often constipation occurs against this background, it is difficult for the child to go to the toilet for small needs during the day). Only at night the body can relax and do its own thing.

Physiological problems

These include deviations in the development and health of the child:

  • kidney problems;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • taking certain medications (enuresis is a side effect).

Most often, children of the second or third year of life and older are written at night.

If there is any of the above deviations, enuresis manifests itself not only at night, but also during the day. In this case, urgent treatment is necessary.

When does a child stop peeing at night?

If bedwetting every night is not caused by a disease or a psychological problem, but by age and imperfection of the urinary system, then at a certain age this “ailment” should disappear by itself.

Different doctors call different data. According to some, 90% of children outgrow childhood (primary) enuresis by the age of 8-9 years.

Others believe that already at the age of 5, the child's body can cope with the functions assigned to it and the child will stop writing at night.

Anyway, if after 5 years you often find the baby's crib wet, then it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Is a diaper needed?

Many doctors tend to think that the main reason for frequent cases childhood enuresis lies in the popularity of disposable diapers. They allow the child to always stay dry and inhibit the natural instincts that need to be developed.

So, already at six months, the baby can quite consciously restrain the urge to urinate so as not to lie in wet diapers. A baby dressed in a diaper does not know what a wet diaper is, so he pees when he wants to.

In this case, you can advise parents to take the following measures:

  1. potty train your child early.
  2. switch to reusable diapers;
  3. leave the baby naked more often (without a diaper);
  4. after 1.5 years (potty training time), give up diapers at night.

Treatment of childhood enuresis

The first thing parents should do to rid their child of the habit of pissing in bed is to create a comfortable and friendly environment in the house. Do not take it out on the baby, do not reproach him, and even more so do not be ashamed of the described sheets.

Yes, washing a bunch of things every day is a dubious joy, but the psychological health and comfort of the baby should be above all.

  1. First of all, do not scold the child and do not emphasize too much great attention on the problem. The kid is going through the same way as you (if not more).
  2. Put an oilcloth under the sheet.
  3. Surround your baby with care, warmth and affection. Show him your love so that he does not feel psychological discomfort.
  4. Go on a visit, on trips, on picnics. You should not limit the child in simple joys and communication because of his problem.
  5. Follow the daily routine: it is better to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  6. Don't let your baby drink too much at night. It is better to drink the main amount of liquid before 4-5 hours. BUT! Remember that such a restriction should not be a torment for the baby. If in the evening he is thirsty, let him quench his thirst.
  7. In the evening, do not give your child yogurt, milk and fruits, as they have a diuretic property. Also in the evening it is undesirable to give the child liquid cereals, soups, salty and spicy dishes.
  8. In the evening, give up noisy energetic games.
  9. Buy a firm mattress for your child.
  10. Make sure your little one pee before bed.

These measures can greatly reduce the number of sheets described, but still they are not a solution to the problem.

There are four ways to deal with childhood enuresis:

  • psychotherapeutic;
  • medication;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk.

Drug treatment of childhood enuresis

It is easy to guess what he means by using special means: tablets, potions, suppositories, etc. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics, antidepressants, drugs that increase the tone of the bladder, and others.

You should not delve into this topic, since only an experienced doctor can prescribe the right treatment. But it is important to note that it is preferable to treat childhood enuresis with alternative methods, such as physiotherapy or psychotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic method of treatment of childhood enuresis

These areas of treatment include:

  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • music therapy;
  • laser therapy.

It is better to contact a competent specialist to prescribe a course of a particular procedure. Not bad struggles with children's urinary incontinence homeopathy.

Psychotherapeutic method of treatment of childhood enuresis

This method is used when incontinence occurs against the background of psychological problems in a child. In this case, the consultation of an experienced psychologist is simply necessary. Psychotherapeutic methods such as:

  • self-hypnosis;
  • auto-trainings;
  • drawing;
  • hypnosis;
  • dolphin therapy.

The last two methods, unfortunately, are not available to everyone, but the rest work just as well.

At home, you can implement several independent psychotherapeutic methods.

  • Let's wake up the child!

Sounds barbaric, but try waking your baby every hour all night for a week. This is necessary so that the child does not have time to describe the bed and can go to the potty when needed. Next week, increase the period between awakenings.

If you notice that the child begins to toss and turn in his sleep and sleep anxiously, gently wake him up and put him on the potty. It is likely that it is during the period when the baby’s sleep becomes restless that he wants to go to the toilet.

  • Autotraining

With older children (6-7 years old) you can practice a kind of auto-training. Let the baby repeat the installation after you: “When I want to go to the toilet, I will wake up and pee in the pot” (words can be changed, the main thing is the meaning). Get a notebook in which you will mark "dry" nights and "wet" nights. For 5 or 10 "dry" nights, reward the baby.

  • Psychological games

A large number of psychological games are presented on the Internet and in specialized literature to correct the behavior of children. You can get advice from a psychotherapist, and he will also tell you what games are best to play with your child in order to wean him from the habit of writing to bed.

Parsley tea can help treat enuresis

Folk recipes for childhood enuresis

Traditional medicine has its pretty effective recipes for the treatment of childhood enuresis. However, before applying them in life, it is worth finding out why the child pees at night.

  1. Parsley . Brew 3-5 grams of parsley roots with a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. During the day, let the baby drink a glass of the resulting infusion.
  2. Dill . Brew 1 tablespoon of dill seeds with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. The child should drink the infusion in the afternoon.
  3. Birch . Pour 2 tablespoons of birch buds with half a liter of water. Infuse for 10-15 minutes, then strain and let the child drink.
  4. collection. Mix hawthorn fruit, peppermint and field horsetail in a ratio of 2:1:1. Brew a spoonful of the mixture in a thermos in half a liter of water for 5-6 hours. Give the child an infusion 20 minutes before a meal, a quarter cup.
  5. Herbs. Herbs help very effectively from children's enuresis: mint, birch, chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort.

But remember that before using this or that folk remedy it is necessary to consult a doctor (physician or naturopath). It is better not to give herbal infusions to children of the second year of life.


When a child pees at night at 2-3 years old, this is the norm, but after five years, the baby should already control natural urges. In order to avoid / get rid of childhood enuresis in children over five years old, follow these rules:

  • Do not scold the child;
  • Provide a good environment in the house;
  • Observe sleep and nutrition;
  • Consult with a psychologist;
  • Do not deny your baby the usual joys and games.

Only the kind patient attitude of the parents will help the child get rid of his little night problem.

Good afternoon block readers. Today's topic of the article was inspired by yesterday's conversation with a friend. She is horrified that a 3-year-old baby has been “spudding” at night for 4 days in a row, although the problem of wet panties was solved 1.5 years ago. Answer unequivocally why did the child start pissing again impossible at night, but you should not panic about this. Pediatricians assure that it is difficult for a baby to control the urges of the bladder until, instead of a spinal reflex, an urination regimen controlled by the brain centers is formed. It happens in 4 years or later .

Causes of bedwetting

However, not all so simple. If the baby has a problem 2-3 years due to age-related physiology, in older children, violations should be sought in the office of a neurologist or psychologist. And until a provoking factor is found, nocturnal enuresis will not go away on its own.

Oddly enough, but one of the reasons is constipation. According to statistics, 80% of children up to 7 years unemptied intestine presses on the bladder, irritates the walls and provokes leakage.

If in preschool age child pissing in pants at night and afternoon, it is possible that he has a functional disorder of the mechanism of nervous regulation. This happens when the brain does not perceive signals about the filling of the bladder, and emptying occurs by gravity. Pathology occurs in 10% of children, more often in girls up to 6 years. The trigger can be:

  • birth injury;
  • transferred infection;
  • situational disturbance - hyperexcitability, new environment, conflict.

It is possible that uncontrolled urination in older children is genetically determined. This is due to the slow process of formation of the regulatory system in the central and peripheral zones or neurological problems.

Why regression is possible

If a child at 3-4 years old did not write and suddenly started, this is due to the fact that at a tender age, skills are partially erased. Violation is promoted by nervous shocks, injuries, past illnesses.

Or just a child flirts and does not want to be distracted, endures to the last and runs to the potty, but ... does not have time. You can either remind the child if you see that he is fussing and clearly wants to go to the toilet, or let it go by itself, it will pass by itself, because he himself does not like to fit in at such an already adult, conscious age. I analyze my behavior all the time to find possible causes. I remember after giving birth, I was so passionate about the child that I also endured for a long time.

More often, the phenomenon is temporary, and soon the reactions are restored. For complacency, mothers show the baby to a neurologist and nephrologist. Specialists prescribe blood and urine tests to rule out:

  • urinary infection;
  • diabetes;
  • pyelonephritis.
  • brain dysfunction.

What to do if the reason is not physiological

If baby started writing again at night and began to behave inappropriately, you need to look for a psychological background. These are stressful situations at home, conflicts with peers at kindergarten, fright, loss of a sense of security. Even the appearance of a new member in the family causes confusion and internal tension in the baby.

It also happens that Going to school, the child began to write. Adapting to an unfamiliar environment is always stressful. This is natural, but the situation is often aggravated by total control by parents, prohibitions, and increased demands. In this case, sessions are scheduled with a psychologist, relieving fears or feelings of guilt that parents often inspire.

If the baby was taught to express emotions, a splash of resentment and discontent outward, as if with an eraser, erases soul feelings. In a stable psychological state, nocturnal enuresis will definitely not happen.

My friend's daughter, having gone to first grade, also got into an awkward position right on the first day of school. She told her mother that she met a girl from her class and they walked together on the way home. When they said goodbye, the girl really wanted to go to the toilet, but did not know how to interrupt the conversation with new girlfriend, she was uncomfortable and she endured to the point that right during the conversation she got up. She was very ashamed, she was worried that her friend noticed and shared her feelings with her mother. So don't worry, everything is temporary. Just try to help, support morally and not accumulate feelings of guilt or “wrongness” in the child.

Is the problem relevant to you? And finally, some useful tips:

  • do not overload the baby emotionally, even with pleasant impressions:
  • do not create excessive tension, a nightly reminder to go to the toilet at night;
  • make sure that the baby sits on the potty at the same time;
  • do not drink tea at night;
  • Change wet clothes together in the morning.

And communicate more. Children so lack parental attention and understanding.
