The record for the number of children born to one woman. Largest number of children and other parental world records

On July 18, 1994, 63-year-old Italian Rosanna Dala Corta gave birth to a child and set an age record that held until 2005. After that, he was beaten more than once. Life brings surprises every day, and those that relate to the mystery of the birth of a new person, more often than others, cause delight or bewilderment. Here are 10 of the most incredible records in the history of childbearing.

* Oldest mother: the record of Italian Rosanna Dala Corta was broken in 2005 by 66-year-old Adriana Iliescu from Romania, and in 2008 by 70-year-old Omkari Panwar from India, who gave birth to twins (the father of the children was 77 at that time). The babies were born weighing a little over a kilogram, but healthy.

* Youngest mother:

By the age of four, her mammary glands were sufficiently developed, and at the age of 5, a characteristic expansion of the pelvic bones was already noted. Her son weighed 2.7 kg. She gave birth to her second child 33 years later.

* Record for the speed of childbirth: Englishwoman Palak Weiss gave birth to a daughter weighing 3.5 kg in 2 minutes. These births were recognized as the fastest.

10 most incredible records related to the birth of children

The waters broke, and after just one attempt, a healthy girl was born, who was named Vedika. And the first child of the Weiss family, a boy, was born in just an hour.

* The shortest break between births: Jane Bleakley gave birth to a son on September 3, 1999, and a daughter on March 30, 2000.

* Record for caesarean section: In Israel, a woman underwent a caesarean section for the seventh time, giving birth to her ninth child.

* Strange growth: Stacey Harald, whose height was 70 cm, gave birth to a girl with a height of 45 cm.

* Largest newborn: In 1879, in the USA, Anna Bates gave birth to a child weighing 10.8 kg and 76 cm tall.

* Smallest surviving newborn: in December 1961, a baby weighing 283.5 g and 30.4 cm tall was born in England. The girl was born for 6 weeks ahead of time. Surprisingly, the birth took place without the intervention of medical personnel.

* The largest number of children: a resident of Russia gave birth to her husband 69 children. She had twins 16 times, triplets 7 times, and 4 times four.

* The largest number of births: Briton Elizabeth Greenhill gave birth 38 times - she had 32 daughters and 7 sons.

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Descendant of Fyodor Vasiliev discovered in Introduction

The correspondent of "MS" got access to documents that shed light on the family secrets of the Shuyanin - the father of 86 children, the Guinness book record holder.

Let us remind our readers that Fyodor Vasilyev, a peasant from the Shuisky district, who in 2010 was nominated by the MS editors as a contender for the title of “Name of Shuya”, became famous for being the father of 86 children. For comparison: the Sultan of Morocco, Moulay Ismail, who lived in the XVIII century, had 700 sons and 342 daughters. Only he had not two wives, like the Shuya record holder, but a whole harem. That is why the name of Fyodor Vasilyev was officially entered in the Guinness Book of Records, and hardly anyone in the world will be able to move a peasant from the Shuisky district from this pedestal. Our newspaper devoted many publications to Fedor Vasiliev, proving that this person is worthy of being installed on his small homeland at least some memorial. However, we must admit that we were embarrassed by the fact that there were too many dark, insufficiently clear pages in the history of the Shuya record holder. And about finding descendants father of many children We didn't even dare to dream. And now, finally, we bring to the readers' judgment what we managed to dig up in the archives and publications of past years literally bit by bit. Finally, it turned out to join the documents that shed light on the history of the Vasiliev family. But we will tell about everything in order, interspersing previously known information with information received by the MS correspondent recently.

Who is Fedor Vasiliev?

Fyodor Vasiliev (1704-1790) was born into the family of a monastic serf and was himself a serf, assigned to the Nikolo-Shartomsky monastery. He lived in the village of Vvedensky (now Vvedenye), and during the period of church reforms of Catherine the Great, he was transferred to the category of "state" peasants and moved to the Kufrino farm, which was located just a few sazhens from the village of Zheltonosovo, which at the beginning of the 18th century was territorially part of Shuisky county (now - this is the Ivanovsky district). The name of the first wife of Fedor, who gave birth to 69 children, history is silent. But the second wife Anna, who gave him 17 children, was from the village of Melnichnoye.

By the way, Vasiliev is not a surname. The peasants in Rus' did not have surnames. It only meant an abbreviated form of his patronymic, i.e. the name of his father. The son of Fyodor Alexei was already called Fedorov, the grandson of Fyodor Yegor - Alekseev, and so on.

Family branch of record holder

Feeding such a large crowd of children was very difficult. Children were given to be raised in childless and small families. So, one of the sons of Fyodor Vasiliev - Alexei Fedorov - was transferred to the village of Teplintsevo to the serf of the landowner A. G. Plautina. In this village, Alexei grew up, got married, got a house, gave birth to children Yegor, Stepan, Vasily. Alexei's grandchildren were born, raised, and raised families here: Fedor, Ivan, Vasily, Flor. Grandson Vasily married a Zakharya peasant woman Marya Antonova and moved to live in his father-in-law's house. Vasily's sons Photius and Nikifor were born, grew up and started families in Zakharyin. Their cousin Yakov, who lived in Teplintsevo, took the surname Florov in honor of his father. Ivan and Vasily received the surname Yegorov in honor of their father Yegor. And Fedor generally took the incomprehensible (at least to us) surname of the Parukhins. From the village of Teplintsevo, the descendants of Fyodor Vasiliev - free peasants - fled. Zakhar Parukhin, enrolled in the ranks of the townspeople, took up trade in the city of Kokhma. The old people died, the young ones left, their trace was lost. The children of Photius and Nikifor Vasiliev also left the village of Zakharyino. However, at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, Yegor Fotievich, Pyotr Fotievich, Fedor Nikiforov and his brothers Mikhail, Pyotr, Dimitri, Maxim returned to their native lands.

So the numerous offspring of those Florovs, Vasilyevs, Yegorovs, Parukhins live in this world, not realizing that their ancestor is the legendary Fedor Vasiliev.

How the memory faded and revived

Peasants are not nobles, they did not keep “knee paintings”. But on ancient traditions they honored their father and mother, remembered a little about their grandfather and knew practically nothing about their great-grandfather. Gradually, in the 4th-5th generations, the memory of the ancestor Fyodor Vasiliev began to fade. The unwitting culprit of this was Alexei, the son of Fyodor, who was brought up by foster parents, who considered him his own son and hid his true origin from him.

A woman from Russia gave birth to 69 children - a world record

The family legend about the “heroine mother” could not be actively passed from generation to generation.

The revival of the memory of Fyodor Vasilyev began with the history teacher of the Zakharya school, local historian A. Dolgov, who caught the eye of A. Shirokogorov’s notes from 1870, telling about large family Fyodor Vasiliev. It was the son of the parish priest of the Vvedensky Church, Father Vasily, the seminarian Sasha Shirokogorov, who outlined the initial contours family tree the Vasiliev family. He used the archives of the Vvedenskaya Church and the Nikolo-Shartomsky Monastery. original version family tree The Vasilievs were finalized by the history teacher of the Zakharya school A. Dolgov.

The editors express their gratitude to Valentina Vasilyeva, a native of the village of Zheltonosovo, now living in the village. Introduction, to the 7th generation descendant of Fyodor Vasiliev, for his help in writing the article.

The largest mother in the world gave birth to 69 children

Guinness record for having children

The birth of a child in a loving and caring family happy parents#8212 what could be cuter and more beautiful in life? Each future mom, must know how to properly prepare for childbirth. Therefore, we recommend that you read the information on the link above. However, history has recorded many amazing and amusing events directly related to the birth of children. We will talk about them in this article entitled "Records for the birth of children."

1. First of all, we note the fact that the officially recorded record for the number of children born by one person belongs to the wife of a peasant from Russia, Fyodor Vasiliev. So, according to reliable historical sources, between 1725 and 1765. she gave birth to 69 children. Throughout her life, a woman was pregnant 27 times: 16 twins, 7 triplets, 4 times 4 twins were born. An interesting fact: of all the offspring, only 2 children died in infancy.

2. As for the modern birth record, it belongs to Leontine Alvina, a resident of the Chilean city of San Antonio: it is officially recorded that in the period from 1943 to 1981. in total, she produced 55 children. It is noteworthy that as a result of the first five pregnancies, only triplets were born, and exclusively male.

3. According to unconfirmed data, the record for the number of births belongs to a resident of the British county of Hertfordshire, Elizabeth Greenhill - in total, she gave birth 38 times. In total, the Englishwoman had 39 children - 7 sons and 32 daughters. The woman lived in the second half of the 17th century in the city of Abbots Langley.

4. The oldest woman in labor of our time is Rosanna Dalla Corta, a resident of the Italian city of Viterbo: after a long course of treatment for infertility at the age of 63, she gave birth to a son. It happened in 1994. Two years later, through the efforts of doctors from the Medical University of California, local resident Arceli Keh also gave birth to a son after a very long course of infertility treatment.

According to official documents, the heaviest newborn baby in the world is the son born to Carmelina Fedele, a resident of the Italian city of Aversa. The weight of the hero was a record 10.2 kg. By the way, the birth was surprisingly easy and without any complications.

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    Guinness record for having children

    The Guinness record for having children was set by a Russian peasant woman, the wife of Fyodor Vasiliev, who lived in the eighteenth century. So much so that no one can still beat him. The woman gave birth to sixty-nine children! Only two babies died in childbirth.

    The Russian record holder gave birth to sixteen twins, seven triplets and four times four twins. And this is all for twenty-seven births over thirty years.

    After the death of his wife, Fyodor Vasiliev found new wife- a potential mother. The second wife gave the restless peasant eighteen more children. By the way, even after that, Fedor Vasiliev did not break the Guinness record for having children as a father of many children. The Guinness Book of Records has recorded a staggering number of children from one father. The most prolific pope is a Moroccan ruler who lived in the first half of the eighteenth century. He helped bring into the world three hundred and forty-two girls and seven hundred boys.

    But our contemporaries' results are not so impressive. There is now a woman in Chile who has set the Guinness record for having children in the twenty-first century. Leontina Albina gave birth to fifty-five children. In total, she stayed “on maternity leave” for about forty years. The first five times a woman gave birth exclusively to triplets. And only boys were born in triplets.

    The record for the largest number of births was set by the Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill, who lived in the seventeenth century. She gave birth thirty-nine times. As a result, she had thirty-nine children, among which the real "woman's battalion" - thirty-two girls and only seven boys.

    The Guinness record for the birth of children at a time belongs to American Bobbi McCaughey and a resident Saudi Arabia Hasne Mohammed Humair. Both women gave birth to seven live babies at one time.

    She broke the world record! First woman to have 11 children in one pregnancy!

    Australian Geraldine Broadwick managed to give birth to nine children at a time, but, unfortunately, only seven survived. Two were born dead. Eight children were born by Nkem Chukwu from the USA. She only gave birth to one. naturally, others were born with the help of doctors (surgery C-section). One child died in childbirth.

    Lina Medina became a mother at the age of five and a half. Guinness record for the birth of children in the category "Most elderly mother”installed the Italian Rosanna Dalla Corta. She managed to give birth at the age of sixty-three. At the same age she gave birth to Arceli Keh from the USA. Rosanna Dalla Corta was treated for infertility for a long time and believed that one day she would know the happiness of motherhood.

    The heaviest child was born with a weight of ten kilograms, and the smallest - with a weight of two hundred and eighty-one grams.

    Video about how a woman gave birth to 10 children at a time:

    Who owns the absolute Guinness record for childbearing?

    The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of a Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and 4 twins 4 times. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

    A Russian peasant from the Russian city of Shuya Fyodor Vasiliev (1707-1782) had 87 children from two marriages (.). The absolute record for childbearing belongs to his first wife.

    11 records in childbearing

    On July 18, 1994, 63-year-old Italian Rosanna Dala Corta gave birth to a child and set an age record that held until 2005. We've rounded up 10 more incredible childbearing records.

    Lina Medina from Peru gave birth to a boy at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 17 days.

    • The oldest mother: the Italian record was broken in 2005 by a 66-year-old woman, and in 2008 by a 70-year-old woman.
    • The youngest mother: Lina Medina from Peru gave birth to a boy at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 17 days. By the age of four, she had sufficiently developed mammary glands. and at the age of 5, a characteristic expansion of the pelvic bones was already noted. Her son weighed 2.7 kg. She gave birth to her second child 33 years later.
    • Record for the speed of childbirth: Englishwoman Palak Weiss gave birth to a daughter weighing 3.5 kg in 2 minutes.
    • The shortest break between births: Jane Bleakley on September 3, 1999 gave birth to a son, and already on March 30, 2000 - a daughter.

    • Record for caesarean section: in Israel, a woman underwent a caesarean for the seventh time. giving birth to a ninth child.
    • Odd growth: Stacey Harald, whose height was 70 cm, gave birth to a girl with a height of 45 cm.
    • The largest newborn: in 1879, a child weighing 10.8 kg with a height of 76 cm was born in the USA.

    A resident of Russia gave birth to her husband 69 children.

    • The smallest newborn: in December 1961, a baby weighing 283.5 g was born in England. The girl was born 6 weeks ahead of schedule.
    • The largest number of children: a resident of Russia gave birth to her husband 69 children. She had twins 16 times. 7 times for triplets and 4 times for fours.
    • The largest number of births: Briton Elizabeth Greenhill gave birth 38 times - she had 32 daughters and 7 sons.


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    The total fertility rate or TFR is a statistic that characterizes the average number of births per woman in a hypothetical generation over her entire life. Since 1950, the TFR has steadily declined. In the United States, for example, the TFR in 1950 was 4.95 children per mother. This statistic has consistently decreased over the course of recent years and in 2010 in the United States, the TFR is approximately 2.36, i.e. for sixty years there has been a decrease in this indicator by two children per mother.

    However, throughout history there have been many women who have given birth to significantly more children than the statistical average. You do not even suspect what is meant by the word "significantly". Unfortunately, the stories of mothers who were said to have given birth to an incredible number of children are quite difficult to verify, the only evidence remaining to this day are journal entries and old gravestones. However, what little is known about these mothers today is simply breathtaking.

    Here are ten mothers who, according to historical records, gave birth to the largest number of children.

    10. Mary Jonas (33 children).

    In the 19th century, Foregate Street, Chester, England, lived a furniture dealer named Mary Jonas. When she died in 1899, at the age of 85, she was buried next to her husband, John Jonas. Their gravestone at Overleigh Cemetery in Chester, England contains an interesting inscription. The engraving reads:

    Here lie John Jonas, who died on February 24th, 1892, at the age of 78, and Mary Jonas, the beloved wife of the above and mother of 33 children, who died on December 4th, 1899, at the age of 85.

    Of the 33 children of Mary and John, 30 were twins (15 pairs), and each pair of twins consisted of a boy and a girl. In addition, all of Mary and John's children were born alive and well, but most of them died before they became adults. However, ten children were still alive at the time of their father's death in 1892. Another interesting fact about the family, that the popular magazine of their time, Tit-Bits, held a competition promising a lifetime subscription to the woman who "will contribute the most to increase the population of the Empire." Ms. Jonas won the competition posthumously.

    9. Mrs. Harrison (35 children).

    1736: Mrs. Harrison, wife of Mr. Harrison, a Ver Street businessman, had her 35th child by the same husband.

    Nothing else is known about this couple.

    8. Elizabeth Greenhill (39 children)

    Most mothers with big amount children had multiple pregnancies. However, Elizabeth Greenhill of Abbots Langley in Hertfordshire gave birth to 39 children with only one multiple birth. This story was recorded in The Art of Embalming by Thomas Greenhill, so we know this fact. The entry in the book reads:

    She had 39 children from one husband. They were all born alive, and all were from same-sex pregnancies. The last child, who was born after the death of his father, worked as a surgeon in King Street, Bloomsbury, and wrote this book. She said that if her husband were alive, she might have had two or three more children.

    7. Alice Hookes (41 children).

    Alice Hookes Gwyneth of North Wales is included in this list based on the inscription on her gravestone found in the churchyard at Conway Church. The inscription on it states that Nicholas Hookes, who died in 1637, was the 41st child of his mother Alice. Unfortunately, there is no further information about Alice's other children.

    6. Elizabeth Mott (42 children).

    The 1988 edition of Guinness World Records names the British record holder with the most children, Elizabeth Mott. In 1676 Elizabeth and John Mott of Monks Kirby in northeast Warwickshire were married and reportedly had 42 children. Elizabeth died in 1720.

    5. Maddalena Pomegranate (52 children).

    In Nosera, Italy, a woman named Maddalena Granata was reported to have given birth to a total of 52 children. This was recorded by a Xaples correspondent in a Parisian magazine, where the following was written:

    About two or three stations from Pompeii, in the city of Nocera, lives Maddalena Granata, forty-seven years old, who married at twenty-eight and gave birth to 52 living and dead children, 49 of them were boys. Dr. de Sanctis of Nocer states that she has had triplets 15 times.

    4. Barbara Stratzman (53 children)

    Living between 1448 and 1503, during the time of the Holy Roman Empire, Barbara Stratzmann of Bönningheim (today part of Germany) was reported to have given birth to 53 children, although almost none survived infancy. Barbara and her husband Adam Stratzman were said to have had one pregnancy with sevens, one with sixes, four triplets, five twins and eighteen singleton pregnancies. Of these children, nineteen are believed to have been stillborn, and by 1498 the oldest surviving child was eight years old.

    An unusually large number of births were recorded in painting by the Protestant painter Kyriekaskirch from Bönningheim. In the work, Kyriekaskirch depicted Barbara and Adam with their 53 children in a stable in Bethlehem. However, in 1990 the head physician of Heilbronn, the Municipal Women's Clinic, questioned this story, pointing out that Barbara's multiple births were statistically improbable and that a woman at that time could hardly have survived multiple pregnancies due to the quality of medicine at the time.

    3. Leontina Albina (55 children).

    A 1988 edition of the Guinness Book of Records reports that the most prolific mother in the world, at the time, was Leontina Albina (née Espinosa) of San Antonio, Chile, wife of Gerardo Secunda Albina. Leontina and Gerardo, born in 1925 and 1921 respectively, married in Argentina in 1943. According to Gerardo, his wife gave birth to five triplets (all boys) before moving to Chile. Then in Chile, the number of children the couple had steadily increased until 1981, when 55-year-old Leontina gave birth to her 55th child. There is anecdotal evidence that the couple had nine more children after that, making their total 64. If Leontina's birth in 1986 were officially confirmed, this would make her the oldest "young" mother in the world. Unfortunately for the couple, eleven of their children died in the earthquake, and by 1988 only 40 (24 boys and 16 girls) were alive. And most importantly, I wonder if you want to buy toys, how much money do you need to spend on it? The only plus is that the toys go from older to younger. But do not forget that new toys are also needed, and the more children, the more money is spent on them.

    2. Wife of Yakov Kirillov (57 children).

    In 1775, 60-year-old Yakov Kirillov from the village of Vvedenskoye, Russia, was introduced to the royal court in recognition of his successful fatherhood. With the peasant farmer were 15 of his children, who were born by his second wife, and all 57 children, who were born by his first wife. The first wife, whose name was not recorded, gave birth to 57 children in 21 births: four quadruple pregnancies, seven triplets and ten twins. Unfortunately, the fact that Kirillov's wife really gave birth to 57 children cannot be verified, thus there are doubts about the veracity of this statement.

    1. The first wife of Fedor Vasiliev (69 children).

    Fyodor Vasiliev, who lived from 1707 to 1782, was a peasant from the town of Shuya, Russia. The name of his first wife was not recorded, but according to the records of the St. Nicholas Monastery, this woman gave birth four times to four children, seven triplets and sixteen twins as a result of 27 births in the monastery. A total of 69 children were born to one woman, and according to records, only two of the children did not survive infancy. Even more surprisingly, Vasiliev married again, and his second wife gave birth to two triplets and six twins, that is, a total of 18 more children as a result of 8 births. In total, the man had 87 children. There are doubts about the veracity of this statement; however, the Guinness Book of Records names Vasiliev's wife and her 69 children as the official record holder for the most productive mother of all time.

    And the fact that we are in first and second place gives confidence to our nation. Women, of course, we have wow ...;)

    On July 18, 1994, 63-year-old Italian Rosanna Dalla Corta made a sensation in world medicine by giving birth to a boy after a course of infertility treatment. We decided to recall the most unusual childbearing records.

    The youngest mother

    The youngest mother in the world was Lina Medina in 1939 in Peru. At the age of 5 years and 7 months, this girl gave birth to a 3-kilogram baby. Lina's parents noticed a strange bloating in the girl when she was already 7 months old. At first, the doctors stated the tumor, but then admitted that the girl was pregnant. Lina's pregnancy proceeded absolutely normally, as a result, the baby was born quite healthy. Lina did not dare to name the cause of pregnancy and the real father, even after several decades. The earliest born child lived until the age of 40, and then died of a bone marrow disease.

    First pregnant man

    On June 29, 2008, the world was shocked by the news that the first pregnant man had successfully delivered a baby. This was done by 34-year-old American Thomas Beaty, who gave birth to a healthy girl. The fact is that 15 years ago, Thomas decided on a sex change operation. His mammary glands were removed, but the female reproductive system was left inside the body. The child was born through artificial insemination. During childbirth, the man had to do a caesarean section, although Beaty himself claims that the birth occurred naturally. From the hospital, his wife Nancy met him, who claimed that the family would be absolutely traditional: Beaty would play the paternal role, and she would play the maternal one.

    The heaviest baby in the world

    In 1955, the world's heaviest baby was born to a woman named Carmelina Fedele in Aversa, Italy. His weight was 10.2 kilograms. The child was born healthy, it was a boy. Before this incident, no one in the world has ever given birth to a 10-kilogram baby. In 2009, a baby weighing almost 9 kg was born in Indonesia, and in 1992 a baby weighing 7 kg was born in the UK. For comparison, the smallest surviving baby in history weighed 281 grams.

    The largest number of children born to a woman in her entire life

    The wife of a Russian peasant, Fyodor Vasiliev, gave birth and raised 69 children. In just 40 years, she managed to give birth 27 times: 16 times twins, 7 times triplets and 4 times 4 twins. Only two Vasiliev children died in infancy.

    The largest number of multiple births in one woman

    Maddalena Granata from Italy, born in 1839, gave birth 15 times in her life - and all 15 times she gave birth to triplets. The most multiple pregnancy in history took place in Kursk: there a woman gave birth to 10 children at a time. No one has yet been able to repeat the record - and the woman herself, of course, prefers not to try.

    The historical record belongs to the Russian Vasiliev family, who lived in the 18th century. The wife of Fyodor Vasiliev, Shuisky, gave birth in her life to 69. The woman to this day is the record holder of childbearing and is listed in the Guinness Book.

    For more than 200 years, no one in the world has been able to repeat or beat this record. The advantage of the peasant woman was her genetics, which made it possible to produce children in 27 births. Vasilyeva gave birth to twins 16 times (another world record), triplets and four quadruplets were born seven times. Unfortunately, only 67 children survived to adulthood.

    It is worth noting that this record is not the final point for Fedor Vasiliev himself. The peasant was married twice. In his first marriage, he had 20 more children. As a result, in big family there were 87 children. This fact was appreciated even by Catherine the Great, and information about such a large offspring is included in the book "Additions to the Acts of Emperor Peter the Great."

    Historians are still arguing about the birth order of the children of the peasant Vasiliev. However, the facts gleaned from house books and issues of the Vedomosti newspaper testify to the excessive fertility of the second wife.

    The largest families of our time

    If not a single woman has managed to beat the record of the peasant woman Vasilyeva to this day, Fedor Vasilyev himself, with a noticeable advantage, was ahead of the modern Hindu Zion Chan (Sion Khan). A polygamist will be born to 94 children.

    An Indian man was able to conceive so many children thanks to his wives - Zion Chan has 39 of them. A huge family lives in a common multi-storey building. The wives of sons and grandchildren of the father-hero live in it. According to conservative estimates, about 180 people live in the house.

    According to the father of the family, they begin to prepare for dinner in their house before breakfast. As a rule, wives take part in cooking. To feed so many people, more than a dozen chickens and several carts of vegetables are spent on one meal.

    In those countries where polygamy is prohibited, the records are distinguished by "modesty". Leontina Albina, a resident of Chile, came closest to the Vasilyevsky record. She managed to give birth to 55 children and was also listed in the Book of Records.

    In modern Russia, there are heroes of childbearing. Today they are Elena and Alexander Shishkin. A Pentecostal family (a branch of Christianity where abortion is strictly prohibited) gave birth to 20 children. Nineteen of them still live with their parents, and the eldest son already has his own family and three kids.

    Americans Bob and Michelle Duggar, active supporters of Christianity, did not think about a large family. Initially, their plans included giving life to two or three children. However, after the birth of her first baby and subsequent contraception, the woman suffered a miscarriage that almost cost her her life. After that, the husband and wife decided not to interfere with "God's plans", and surrendered to the will of fate. As a result, they became one of the largest families in America, having given birth and raised 19 children. There could have been more babies, but Michelle's three births ended in the death of babies.

    So much so that no one can still beat him. The woman gave birth to sixty-nine children - 69!

    Only two babies died in childbirth. The Russian record holder gave birth to sixteen twins, seven triplets and four times four twins. And this is all for twenty-seven births over thirty years. After the death of his wife, Fedor Vasiliev found a new wife - a potential mother. The second wife gave the restless peasant eighteen more children. By the way, even after that, Fedor Vasiliev did not break the Guinness record for having children as a father of many children.

    The Guinness Book of Records has recorded a staggering number of children from one father

    The most prolific pope is a Moroccan ruler who lived in the first half of the eighteenth century. He helped bring into the world three hundred and forty-two girls and seven hundred boys.

    But our contemporaries' results are not so impressive. There is now a woman in Chile who has set the Guinness record for having children in the twenty-first century. Leontina Albina gave birth to fifty-five children. In total, she stayed “on maternity leave” for about forty years. The first five times a woman gave birth exclusively to triplets. And only boys were born in triplets.

    Many more interesting and new records from the Guinness Book in our VK group

    The record for the largest number of births was set by the Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill, who lived in the seventeenth century. She gave birth thirty-nine times.

    As a result, she had thirty-nine children, among which the real "woman's battalion" - thirty-two girls and only seven boys. The Guinness record for having children at the same time belongs to American Bobbi McCaughey and Saudi Arabian Hasna Mohammed Humair. Both women gave birth to seven live babies at one time. Australian Geraldine Broadwick managed to give birth to nine children at a time, but, unfortunately, only seven survived. Two were born dead. Eight children were born by Nkem Chukwu from the USA. Only one she managed to give birth naturally, others were born with the help of doctors (caesarean section). One child died in childbirth. Lina Medina became a mother at the age of five and a half. The Guinness record for having children in the category "The oldest mother" was set by the Italian Rosanna Dalla Corta. She managed to give birth at the age of sixty-three. At the same age she gave birth to Arceli Keh from the USA. Rosanna Dalla Corta was treated for infertility for a long time and believed that one day she would know the happiness of motherhood. The heaviest child was born with a weight of ten kilograms, and the smallest - with a weight of two hundred and eighty-one grams.

    The official record in the Guinness book for the birth of children at one time.

    This record belongs to a mother who gave birth to 8 twins.

    This happened on January 26, 2009, and the name of the 33-year-old heroine is Nadia Suleman, and she lives in the USA.
    At the same time, the woman at that time already had six children, two of whom were twins.
