Stem seam with a needle. Stem seam in video and photo tutorials

Used for contours. The needle always moves forward. The length of the stitches should be the same from the front and from the inside.

Seam "back needle"

Used for contours. First a forward stitch is made, then the needle returns to the previous stitch. This creates a single continuous line.

Split stitch

Used for outlines and for filling. The first stitch is made from the face to the inside. Next, from the inside, the needle should enter the middle of the previous stitch, splitting it.

stalk seam

Used for embroidering stems of flowers and thin twigs. It is performed in almost the same way as a split stitch. The only difference is that the needle in this case does not split the stitch, but passes next to it.


Used to fill patterns, leaves and flower petals. Make the first stitch from one outline to another. Then the next stitch starts again from the first outline next to the first stitch. Try to stack the stitches as close to each other as possible.

french knot

It is used to create accents in work, to fill, for example, the middle of flowers. Pull the thread to the face, make two turns around the needle. Next, holding the wound thread, insert the needle near the place where it came out on the face. Without releasing the held threads, pull the needle to the wrong side until the free thread all goes to the wrong side.

chain stitch

Attached loop

This stitch is similar to chain stitch, only in this case the eyelet is secured with a small stitch. With this stitch, you can make flowers.

Herringbone seam

Another variety buttonhole stitches. This seam needs a lot of space, as the stitches are quite large. In this case, the base of the loop is bred a short distance. The second stitch will be made from the center of the previous one. Due to this, each new loop is obtained with an offset.

Loose seam

It is good to fill small areas of embroidery with such a seam. It is performed with small stitches “forward the needle”, but in a chaotic manner.

Products self made especially attract the attention of modern residents. Despite their increased cost, many people prefer to purchase just such products in order to decorate the interior of a living space, to present to friends on the day of their celebration. However, creative people prefer not to buy embroidered products, but to create them on their own.

You can master the basics of embroidery by visiting master classes, downloading a training video. Initially, you should familiarize yourself with the variety of seams, learn how to perform them correctly. One of the most "old" and common seams is a decorative stem seam.

What it is

stalk seam got its name due to the fact that it is it that allows you to create plant stems that are identical to natural ones in the process of embroidery. Also, decorative fine embroidery allows you to create simple patterns, make neat lines of flowers, leaves.

The contour graceful line, characteristic of the stalk seam, differs in the form of execution, it can be:

  • curved;
  • straight;
  • close in a circle.

If you look closely at the pattern created on the basis of the stalk seam, it is easy to visualize that the seam consists of several oblique stitches adjacent to each other. It is necessary to perform stalked lines without haste, it is very important that the stitches lie evenly, and also have the same size.

At the time of embroidery, stalk seams can lie at different angles, as well as in any, but always the same direction that was originally chosen. It all depends on what details of the pattern you plan to embroider.

The stalk stitch is endowed with amazing plasticity, so it is often used by experienced needlewomen when embroidering with satin stitch, especially if it becomes necessary to fill the internal space of irregularly shaped parts. The stalk stitch is one of the main ones in the embroidery technique, not only with satin stitch, but also with beads and ribbons.


If you need to perform a stalk seam, and the embroidery pattern is still incomprehensible to a beginner, you can use small tips to help you understand the sequence of basic steps.

Stitch stitch embroidery involves the following steps:

  • draw a straight line on the fabric;
  • put on the drawn line four points equidistant from each other;
  • fasten the fabric in the hoop;
  • take a needle, insert a thread, bring it from the wrong side to the front, be sure to fix it;
  • prick the needle into the third point, pull it out from the wrong side;
  • bring the needle now from the second point to the front side;
  • prick the needle into the fourth point, remove it from the inside;
  • return to the front side, leading the needle from the wrong side through the third point.

Before starting to embroider complex patterns, it is recommended to hone the technique of making a stem stitch on simple drawings embroidering small stems of plants.

Experienced needlewomen pay attention to the fact that there are two types of creating a stalk seam:

  • stabbing (the fabric is pierced, and the needle is brought out to the opposite side);
  • sewing (the needle is directed so that it immediately pierces two points, respectively, the punctures are made horizontally).

Beginning masters are advised to practice using the piercing method, which helps to prevent excessive contraction of the fabric. During work, it is important to ensure that the thread does not twist, and that the tension is identical when creating each new stitch.

After the skills of performing a stalk seam are honed, you can learn the secrets of experienced needlewomen, based on which you can get original patterns. You can get acquainted with such secrets by downloading video tutorials from professional masters.

In particular, if you want to make the seam thicker, you need to move each subsequent stitch back to the left. If it is very important to get an elegant thin stitch, it is necessary to perform each upcoming stitch so that it moves a little to the right.

The stalk stitch is used when embroidering with satin stitch when dense filling of the pattern is required. In this case, straight rows are embroidered, which are created close to each other.

Fashionistas who prefer to wear only exclusive clothes know that with the help of a stalked seam with beads, you can decorate any wardrobe item in an original way, thanks to which the clothes will become bright and incredibly beautiful. This type of seam is also used for embroidery with ribbons.


Most novice masters prefer to see once rather than hear verbal explanations many times. By attending master classes, it is really easier to master the technique. An experienced master at any time will be able to adjust the direction of movement by hand. If there is no real opportunity to attend master classes, you can download a training video or detailed instructions on the Internet, supplemented by appropriate photos, which clearly show how the needle is inserted, at what intervals it is brought out to the opposite side.

The masters also list the mistakes that beginner needlewomen can make due to inexperience. To make it easier to understand such technical errors, relevant photographs are also attached to the explanation. In particular, one of the common mistakes is changing the direction of the working thread. Not allowed to send working thread first up and then down. With this approach, the completely stalk-like appearance of the seam is lost.

Experienced craftsmen confirm that art for the majority modern people with a creative nature is as much a need as food and drink. For this reason, if you have a desire to learn how to embroider, you need to cast aside doubts and ridiculous fears. It is useful to visit specialized stores selling goods for needlework. There you can always buy ready-made embroidery kits with simple and complex patterns. Subsequently, you can purchase kits for embroidering large paintings. In such stores, sellers will help you choose needles, threads and canvas that are ideal for embroidering with satin stitch, including using a stalk stitch.

Having mastered the technique of making a tambour, stalk seam, you can decorate any household item with it, including pillows, tablecloths, sheets, towels.

Technological map of technology lesson Grade 5

Date: 02/21/19

Lesson duration 90 minutes (2 lessons)

Section "Embroidery technology". "Performing the simplest hand seams."

Subject: Embroidery. Stem seam. Monogram

Lesson type: Combined

Lesson Objectives:

Tutorial: Create conditions for the assimilation of new knowledge and the formation of practical skills.

Improve hand sewing skills.

Design your own monogram.

To master the technology of performing a stalk seam.

Educational : Promote the development of creative thinking and artistic taste.

Develop sensory and motor skills.

To promote the development of cognitive interest in the subject

Educational : To form creative activity, independence, communication.

Work form: frontal, group, individual.

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, problem presentation method, partial search method, exercises, independent work.

Receptions: story, demonstration, explanation, practical work, reflection, game moment.

Forms of control: self-control, mutual control, current and final control.

Interdisciplinary connections: history, art, Russian language, informatics.

Digital educational resources: computer, multimedia projector, screen.

Other resources: visualization and equipment: samples of finished products, an exhibition of hand embroidery, a stand "Today at the lesson" with new terms, didactic material, floss threads, scissors, cloth napkins, hoop, pencil, textbook "Technology",

Expected results. Universal learning activities.

1. Item Skills: teach the techniques of embroidery with a stalk seam.

2. Personal skills:

* Development of cognitive interest, learning motivation, creative imagination.

* Formation of a personal, emotional attitude towards oneself, the world around.

* Development of awareness of adequate positive self-esteem.

3. Metasubject skills:


The ability to determine and formulate the topic of the lesson, plan the sequence of actions in the lesson;

Work according to a collectively drawn up plan;

Evaluate the correctness of the performance of actions at the level of an adequate assessment;

Plan your actions in accordance with the task, with a given algorithm for the development of logical thinking.


Formation of ideas about the world around and about oneself.

The ability to navigate the system of knowledge, to distinguish the new from the known, to use the textbook, life experience and information obtained in the lesson, to analyze, build a logical chain of reasoning, independently solve problems of a creative nature.


The ability to formulate one's thoughts orally, to listen and understand the speech of others, to jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication and follow them, to cooperate in finding a solution to the problem.

During the classes:

    Organizing time. Check readiness for the lesson.

    Motivation for learning activities: creating a situation through the "Magic Chest" (slide 1)

What's in it? - Poem

Teacher: (Reading) (Slide 2)

Mom embroidered, embroidered,
creating happiness and comfort.
In the evenings she sang like that,
as now, perhaps, they do not sing.
A nimble needle runs
and a pink thread flickers.
Mom embroidered for a long, long time,
I tried to put my soul into the song.

What is this poem about? What shall we name the poem?

Answers of children (about embroidery) (Embroidery).

Guys, the topic of the lesson is encryptedin an anagram . After reading this anagram, you will be able to nametopic and purpose of the lesson (slide 3,4)


Children's answers (stem stitch, monogram)

Teacher: - So, what are we going to talk about today? How can we formulate the topic of our lesson?

Let's write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook (the guys open notebooks, sign the number and topic of the lesson ).

The words “Embroider, embroider something, sew patterns on something with wool, silk, paper, gold, etc.” - (Dal V.I.)

Based on our topic, what tasks can we set ourselves for today's lesson?


Familiarize yourself with the history of embroidery;

Consider its use in folk costume.

Learn how to perform a stalk seam (slide 5)

Teacher: Embroidery - this is the art of creating patterns on fabrics (using what?) With a needle and threads. (Write the definition of the concept of embroidery in a notebook).

Embroidery is a common type of arts and crafts, in which the pattern and image are made manually or by machine on different fabrics, leather, felt and other materials, linen, cotton, silk, woolen, metal threads, as well as beads, pearls, precious stones, and etc.

Students make presentations:

1. (Kazakbaev Vadim) (slide 7-8)

This kind of art arose a long time ago - its roots go back to the depths of centuries. Due to the fragility of fabrics and threads, science is unable to accurately determine when it was first possible to embody the beauty of native nature, one’s own experiences and sensations into a patterned motif, and to determine the time of the emergence of this art. Samples of the most ancient embroidery in museums in Europe date back to the 5th century AD, and samples of Slavic embroidery have survived only over the past few centuries (most of all embroideries of the 19th century).

An embroidered white shirt is an integral part of women's and menswear any European people. An embroidered shirt was a characteristic feature of each locality and was distinguished by a peculiar ornament, technique of execution and a range of colors.

2. (Kamolov Rustam) Embroidery was done almost exclusively by women. Every convenient moment was used for work: gatherings, for which the girls gathered on long autumn and winter evenings, hours of rest from field work in spring and winter.

Clothing was a peculiar characteristic of the girl's skill, her industriousness. That is why women's clothing decorated extremely beautifully. A wedding chest with a dowry made by the bride's hands was a special pride of every family.

Embroidery was practiced in all strata of society - from the royal and royal families to the poorest peasants and artisans. In Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries. almost all landlord households and monasteries had artistic embroidery workshops, the products of which were not only used for their own needs, but also partially went on sale.

From the second half of the 19th century, the art of embroidery gradually went beyond the limits of home crafts and in some places took on the form of a handicraft. In some places, entire villages live by this craft.

Komi land is a rich and picturesque land that keeps deep traditions of folk crafts and handicraft production. Folk costume- an invaluable inalienable heritage of the culture of the people, accumulated over the centuries. Clothing was decorated with embroidery and stripes made of silk or brocade fabric. Embroidery was carried out along the collar and shoulders in men's shirts, in women - along the bottom of the apron, and with stripes made of silk fabrics and brocade - the shoulders of the shirt and the bottom of the sundress.

What is interesting in national costume Komi-Izhemtsy did not use embroidery. The only exception was hats. They were divided into girls and women. If a Komi girl could walk without a headdress, then married woman I couldn't go outside with my head uncovered. Headdresses were sewn from expensive fabrics and decorated with embroidery, beads, etc. ( slide 9)

3. (Mitkin Pavel) (slide 10)

The existence of embroidery in the era of Ancient Rus' (9th century) is evidenced by the finds of archaeologists.

These are fragments of clothing, decorated with patterns made with different threads. This difficult but fascinating work accompanied the Russian woman all her life.

Tablecloths, bedspreads, towels, as well as various clothes were decorated with embroidery. Starting from the age of seven or eight, girls began to prepare their dowry for the wedding: wedding attire, party wear, hats, gifts.

At the wedding, the bride presented the groom's relatives with products of her own work. Before the wedding, they arranged an exhibition of the dowry, which was supposed to testify to the skill and diligence of the bride.

Teacher: Why do you think the craftswomen decorated their products with embroidery?

4. (Inzhivatkin Glory) (Slide 11)

Embroidery not only made the costume more beautiful and richer, but also had a different purpose. By popular belief, it was supposed to bring happiness to a person, protect him from all evil and misfortune, bring him closer to the surrounding nature.

In ancient times, natural disasters and diseases were attributed to the action of evil forces, from which people tried to protect themselves by applying patterns to their clothes and homes. Thus, embroidery in its original meaning should be considered, first of all, asamulet , and only then as a decoration.

Teacher: - Consider the images, think about where such an important embroidery-amulet was located on the clothes?(Children express their assumptions about the location of embroidery on clothes).

On clothes, embroidery was given to those places that covered organs that were most important for the life and health of people.

First of all, it is the head, personifying the mind. Protective embroidery was on the neck. On women's shirts, embroidery was on the collar or on the sides, or covered both. In men's shirts, a stand-up collar, a neck, and an oblique slit were decorated.

The back is the most vulnerable part of a person and must be well protected. That is why embroidery was often done on the back of clothing. For the same reason, embroidery could be covered with other clothes: it didn’t matter that it was not visible, but it was important that it, being in the right place, protected its owners from evil forces.

Teacher: So, you got acquainted with the history of embroidery, its use in clothing different peoples, including Komi.

And in our time, people willingly turn to the services of masters of individual tailoring and craftsmen.

Artistic embroidery is one of the most common types of folk art, which embodies the best traditions of the people, brings and will bring joy to thousands of its admirers. This exquisite women's hobby will satisfy the need for beauty, the desire to decorate your life and leisure for a long time to come.

Demonstration of embroideries made by high school students.

II. Classification of embroidery. (slide 12)

All embroidery techniques are divided into counted (embroidery with a count of the threads of the base fabric, cross and other tapestry stitches on the canvas) and satin stitch (embroidery on white, on silk and velvet, gold embroidery, embroidery-appliqué, performed within the outlines drawn on the fabrics).

Fizminutka, (slide 13)

One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend, unbend,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place


stalk seam - one of the oldest seams. It was most often used when embroidering flower stems and twigs, which is why it got its name. Consists of oblique stitches, tightly pressed to each other. All stitches should be the same size and laid flat. It is sewn in various directions - both from left to right or right to left, and from top to bottom and vice versa, as well as at any angle, depending on the motive or detail. This seam can also be a straight line or curved. Despite the fact that it is a contour stitch, it is very widely used in artistic smoothness due to its plasticity. With the help of a stem stitch, irregularly shaped details and complex motifs are filled.(slide 14)
First, let's mark the fabric as we did.

( slide 15-16)

From point 1 to point 2, while skipping point 3, we make the first stitch. Then we bring the needle out of point 3 right above the first stitch. The working thread must always be on one side, left or right, otherwise the structure of the seam will be disturbed. It turns out that the stitch starts from the middle of the previous one, tightly adjoining it. The second stitch is located between points 3 and 4. From point 4 we bring the needle to point 2 - the middle of the second stitch. The stitches should fit snugly together. In the same way, we continue the seam further.

This is how our stem seam should look like: (Slide 17)

Tools and materials for embroidery.

Teacher: We need tools to get the job done.

What tools are needed, let's find out by solving riddles:

1. I dived, dived, but lost my tail. (Needle and thread)

2. Look, he opened his mouth,

You can put fabric in it:

Cloth in his mouth

Will be divided into parts. (Scissors)

3. The finger will hide in a bucket -

He is not afraid of a needle. (Thimble)

4. Curls into a cat, stretches into a path. (Thread)

5. Five brothers on one hand.

They are all called with the letter P,

And if A to Z fix it

Then you will embroider on them. (hoop)(Slide 18)

The teacher demonstrates materials (fabric, canvas, floss) and tools (needles, needle threader, hoop) with the necessary explanations.


With a stalk seam, you can make marks and monograms, in the old days they were called:monogram, printing, painting .

What do you think it is? (slides 19,20,21,22)

Tags - this is a designation of the belonging of a given item or clothing to a certain person. Embroidered the initials or the name of the owner. The tags were positioned so that they did not spoil the appearance of the clothes.

Monogram - this is a ligature of the initial letters of the name, surname, initials of the owner or the coat of arms of the family. Monograms are not only marks, but also decorations of the product in the corner of the scarf. They are embroidered with threads of the same color, delicate, pastel shades: blue, pink, peach, green, and sometimes just white, but due to the shine of the threads, the embroidery on the fabric stood out.

I draw the attention of the children to the fact that we will embroider such a monogram today.

Teacher: In a practical lesson, we will perform a label (monogram) with a stalk seam

Before you start doing embroidery, you need to properly organize the workplace, pick up fabric, threads, tools, and accessories, transfer the pattern to the fabric.

1.Organization of the workplace.

The table with fixtures and tools should stand so that the light falls on the work from the left side. If there are no drawers in the table, then the threads can be stored in a special bag, tools in a box, and sheets of tracing paper with patterns in a folder. During work, it is necessary to monitor the position of the body, which should be slightly tilted forward, do not slouch, do not bow your head low. The distance between the eyes and the work should not exceed 30-40 cm. The chair is moved to the table so that you can lean on its back.

2. Safety rules for manual work. (distributed to each child) (slide 23)

Needle safety rules.

Attention! The needle is a sharp instrument, use the needle with care .

1. Store the needles in a specific place.

2. Avoid losing the needle.

3. It is forbidden to take the needle into your mouth, stick it into your clothes.

4. Hand over the broken needle to the teacher.

5. When sewing, use a thimble.

6. You can not bite off the thread with your teeth.

Rules for safe work with scissors.

Attention! Scissors are sharp tools, scissors must be used


1.Keep the scissors in a certain place.

2. Do not hold scissors with sharp ends up, pass them while holding

for closed blades with rings forward.

3. Do not leave scissors open.

4. Do not place scissors near the rotating parts of the sewing machine.

Knock on the door (letter passed)

The children sent us a letter, let's read

“Dear students!

Kindergarten"Kolobok" asks you to give us monogrammed napkins, as our children often mix up their things or lose them. We will be very grateful to you.”

Run a monogram on the fabric with a stalk seam. - Stronger students perform the monogram of the first letters of the first and last name. Students doing work slowly - name only monogram

Independent work of students and current instruction

Target rounds:

    organization of the workplace, compliance with safety rules;

    interaction between students;

    if there are the same errors, stop the work, indicate the causes and remedies.

Final briefing

    analysis of characteristic errors;

    assessments for the implementation of practical work.

6. Analysis and evaluation of the lesson

1. Analysis of work: stitches of the same length from the front and back sides.

2. In a stalk stitch, the stitches are of the same length, the thread always goes on one side. Grading for practical work.


Complete a crossword puzzle on mastering the topic (group work)

    Threads for embroidery (mulina) - vertical

2. Mouline thread in 6 additions? (skein)

3. Hand needles, thimble, scissors - these are ... (tools) - horizontally

4. Name the object for stretching the fabric when embroidering.

5. Elm from the initial letters of the name and surname (monogram)

What did you learn new?

What were the difficulties?

Did you enjoy the lesson? (show emoticons - yellow, green, purple)

Checking the work performed and evaluating.

    Homework : finish the job, see if there are products with embroidery at home and how they are made

Seam stitch

The seam line on the front side resembles a machine line, for which it got its name. It is performed from right to left. Having fixed the thread, make a stitch and pass the needle from the wrong side two stitches forward, while it is important not to tighten the working thread. The upper (front) stitches go tightly one after the other: the needle is injected where it came out of the fabric in the previous stitch. The bottom (purl) stitches go halfway back, so the length of the purl stitches is twice the length of the front stitches.

With this seam, the details of the product are sewn together or decorative stitches are laid. Apply a seam line and in combination with other seams.

By appearance the stalk seam resembles a tightly twisted cord. Each new stitch starts from right to left. The seam looks like a twisted rope, as if cut into the fabric. Therefore, it is sometimes called a "string". We must try to overlap each stitch tightly to the previous one, but not jump over it.

The seam is performed by moving the needle towards you, laying the stitches away from you. Each new stitch protrudes forward half the length of the previous one.

When performing a stalk seam, the working thread should always be on the same side - on the right or on the left. It is impossible to change the direction of the thread during operation, as its structure is violated.

The stem stitch is very common in embroidery. They can perform the entire embroidery pattern, it is also used in combination with other seams.

chain stitch

The chain stitch is a series of identical loops resembling chain links. Perform a seam in any direction, as convenient for the pattern.

A loop stitch is made as follows: the thread is brought out to the front side of the fabric, laid in an arc from left to right, inserted into the fabric at the place where it came from, and holding the loop with the fingers of the left hand, tighten the working thread. Then this process is repeated until a series of loops is obtained, coming out of one another with the direction in one direction.

Tambour seam perform drawings along the contour. They are also filled with patterns, sheathing first the line of the pattern along the contour, and then the middle.

When embroidering with a chain stitch, the working thread should not be tightened too much, each stitch should lie freely on the fabric. Holding the thread with your fingers, form the correct and uniform roundness of the loop.

The stalk seam is used both to create the outlines of individual elements, and to fill them. This type of stitch goes well with wool embroidery, printed and counted cross stitch.

Step 1

We bring out the needle with the thread at the point where the seam should begin. We make a stitch about 3 mm long.

Step 2

Again we bring the needle to the front side approximately in the middle of the previous stitch, while trying not to split the strand of the previous stitch. Pull up the thread to straighten the stitch.

Step 3

Make the next stitch, also 3 mm long, with a distance of about 1.5 mm from the edge of the previous stitch.

Step 4

We bring the thread to the front side in the hole of the previous stitch. Similarly, we make all subsequent stitches to the end of the pattern.

Step 5

In cases where it is necessary to obtain a curved line, it is necessary to embroider so that the stitches are directed to the outside. Only in this case you can get a smooth beautiful line. You can also make the stitches a little shorter.

Step 6

If you need to fill some area with a stalk seam, you need to start each filling line from the same side.

Step 7

The stalk stitch can be used to embroider capital letters in inscriptions and initials.
