Wedding bouquet from beads. Flowers bouquets and compositions from beads in master classes (photo)

The wedding day is a great moment to create a holiday that will be filled with your feelings, taste preferences and saturated with sincere emotions in every detail. Modern wedding celebrations are increasingly moving away from classical style: the image of the bride becomes more free, and accessories - more original and interesting. And a beaded bridal bouquet is a perfect confirmation of this!

The professional team of the portal invites you to find out what is special about a bouquet without natural flowers, and for whom it is flower composition will become the best choice for the wedding day.

Beaded bridal bouquet: advantages and disadvantages

When deciding on unusual wedding accessories, we always advise you to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Alas, but often the expectations and the result may not match. In order not to spoil your mood on such an important day, it is better to view several options for beaded bouquets live and choose the beading master as carefully as possible.

Undeniable advantages:

  1. A beaded bridal bouquet is always unusual and original;
  2. Accessory will be made in any shape and desired size;
  3. Ability to create bouquet for a wedding in any style. Experienced pens will create a composition for traditional event or emphasize the magical mood of the wedding in the style of your favorite fairy tale;
  4. Beaded flowers will relevant at any time of the year. Especially in winter, when some fresh flowers are either unrealistic or very expensive to find. Wicker options will be an excellent analogue;
  5. You can be sure that a bouquet of flowers made of beads will throughout the holiday will enchant with its beauty and sophistication;
  6. Wicker flower arrangement more will delight the eye for many years to come, reminding you of a happy wedding day;
  7. This accessory is perfect for the traditional throwing of a bouquet to unmarried girlfriends brides;
  8. A little practice and patience, and you can createhandmade bridal bouquet that will meet all your desires and requirements! To help you - a master class, which describes in detail how to make a bridal bouquet from beads and more.

But, despite the huge list of pluses, beads in a wedding look also have several drawbacks that should not be discounted when thinking through the details of the festive style.

Cons of wicker accessories:

  • Production time long enough. Therefore, beaded flower bouquets should be ordered in advance, better - a few months in advance. So you will be sure that the master will have time to complete the order on time, and the specialist will be able to give the bouquet maximum attention, avoiding shortcomings and mistakes. And they, unfortunately, are difficult to avoid in a hurry;
  • Price beadwork can hardly be called affordable. In most cases, it is more profitable for brides to order a composition of fresh flowers, or to make a bridal bouquet from beads with their own hands;
  • Accessory weight- a separate item. The wicker bouquet turns out to be quite weighty, even if you order a small composition. Be sure to consider this fact, because the wedding bouquet will have to be carried in the hands for more than one hour;
  • Failure to meet expectations - scariest moment for a bride. You must be sure of the professionalism of the master so that the finished version does not horrify you. Therefore, do not chase after an attractively low price, and also take into account the reviews of "experienced" clients. You should not trust the order to novice beading masters, because a wedding is not the time for experiments. On this day, everything should be perfect;
  • It is difficult to find a ready-made bouquet. Most of the beaded compositions are made to order, the craftsmen rarely offer to buy a ready-made version. And even if you are lucky enough to find a bouquet for sale, it is not a fact that you will like it.

It is important to understand that the final price depends on the size of the bouquet you need, the complexity of weaving and additional decor. To get an impeccable result, it is the bride who should understand what she wants and describe her desires to the master as carefully as possible. Do not neglect the advice of a specialist, if necessary, ask him how you can reduce the price of the bride's bouquet.

Only through personal contact will you be able to better understand each other, which will definitely affect the final result of the order.

Bouquets of beads: how to make the right choice

A variety of beaded wedding bouquets in the photo once again prove that beading is a real art, which has been unfairly relegated to the background. Wicker wedding accessories will be a great addition to the image of a bride of any status and age, it is only important to choose the right bouquet.

Choosing a beaded bouquet:

  1. Consider the theme of the celebration;
  2. The bouquet should be designed in the style of the bride, without breaking the general idea;
  3. Bead size also matters. Do not overdo it with large elements;
  4. When picking up an order, pay attention to the ends: they must be well sealed so as not to scratch the skin and not spoil appearance dresses;
  5. Choose your bead color carefully. The selected shades should not only blend well with each other, but also complement wedding image brides;
  6. You can also order a beaded boutonniere to accompany the bouquet, combining the appearance of the bride and groom.

Before deciding which bouquet you want to receive, think over to the smallest detail festive image: dress, jewelry, makeup and even shoes. For example, if you want bright shoes, then you can buy a bridal bouquet in a similar color scheme.

Experienced craftsmen offer brides a variety of decorative elements that additionally create the beauty of the bouquet. The main thing is not to overdo it with decorations, otherwise you risk getting a tasteless composition.

The bead composition can be diluted:

  • pearls;
  • beads different size;
  • Rhinestones;
  • Stones (semi-precious and precious);
  • decorative butterflies;
  • Ribbons;
  • sequins.

And on this options decorative finishes don't end! Ideas are limited only by your imagination and skill of the master!

It took me almost a month to make this bouquet, since I had to weave it in my spare time. About 2 hours a day, excluding weekends, since these days I was doing other things, so it turns out that such a miracle took about 45 hours of work =)

First, I had to come up with a composition, what flowers would be in this bouquet, and so on, I reviewed hundreds of wedding bouquets, until something began to take shape. So the idea to weave came up.

Calla weaving step by step tutorial

For weaving you need to take:

- white beads No. 11
- yellow beads No. 11
- silver wire 0.3 mm
– gold wire 0.3 mm

Materials provided by

1 . The flower weaving technique is called. We cut off a piece of wire of the maximum length, for me it was a little more than half a meter. We string beads, the larger the first row, the larger the flower will turn out. I started to weave my calla lilies with 21 beads (Fig. 1). Everything is as usual, after a set of beads, you need to make a second large loop and continue weaving.

2 . Next, we collect as many beads as needed so that there is a little free space between the lows (Fig. 1-2). We make the same low on the second side and get such a thin petal (Fig. 4-5).

3 . We collect as many beads as needed to give the shape you need. We fasten the wire to the extreme row of beads, retreating 3 beads from the upper edge (Fig. 6). Now we make the inner row. We collect beads, go down and fasten the wire around the central row. It is advisable to step back a little (Fig. 7), so that these inner rows have a place between the extreme and central low beads. Repeat the same on the other side.

4 . We pick up the beads again, go up and fasten low for the last row, stepping back already 5 beads (Fig. 8-11). Again, make the inner row, make sure that the rows are tight and even. Next, continue weaving in the same pattern, but with each row increase the indent as follows: 7 beads, 9 beads and 11 beads (Fig. 12-15).

So, in total, we got five indents, decreasing towards the base of the petal. If you do not have enough wire, as happened to me, then you can be smart and get out of the situation. To do this, you need to cut off the desired piece of wire, wind it around the base and continue weaving (Fig. 14). I hope this advice is useful to you, since the wire you need is very long.

In order for the flower to keep its shape, it is desirable to flash it with wire. I do this starting from the center row in the middle and move in one direction with a “back to the needle” seam, and then I sew the second side, moving from the center to the edge. The two ends of the wire need to be connected, fold the flower in half and give it the desired shape of a calla flower (see photo below).

Stamens are made very simply, I will only say a few words about them. A gold-colored wire is taken, yellow beads are strung, folded in half and twisted. Here the stamen is ready!

My bridal bouquet consists of 15 callas tied together.

Twig weaving

For branches you need to take:

- white beads No. 11
- green wire 0.3 mm

Weaving branches is not at all a difficult task, but painstaking, since they need a lot, a lot! I can’t even tell you approximately how many pieces I had to weave. I looked “by eye” and according to the composition, adding more and more if necessary.

Cut a wire 55-65 cm long, string 5 beads from one end, step back 4 cm and twist the beads into a loop (Fig. 1). Now type 20 cm of white beads on the second end of the wire and twist a simple wire loop from the other end. And now you can start twisting the loops. Return to the first loop, step back 1.5 cm, drag 5 beads and twist the loop (Fig. 2). Repeat this action along the entire wire (Fig. 3), you can simply remove the excess beads.

Now fold the workpiece in half and twist, starting from the end, moving towards the base of the branch (Fig. 4-5), it is more convenient. When a lot of such branches are ready, connect them into bunches of 3 branches.


For weaving you need:

- purple beads No. 11
- purple wire 0.3 mm

Purple cones are woven almost like green twigs in the loop technique. In total, I wove 5 cones.

To do this, string about 40 cm, 15 purple beads onto the purple wire, twist the loop, string 15 beads again and right next to it, almost without retreating, twist the next one and so on along the entire wire. Then twist the loops around the wire folded in half and give the shape of a bump, pressing the loops against each other. Since the wire is plastic and holds its shape well, you should be able to do it just like me.

Now, in some completely miraculous way, all these components need to be turned into a wedding bouquet! I started with calla lilies, then added twigs and bumps, fastening everything one by one and in parts to keep it strong. I made the handle and frame for attaching flowers from thick copper wire 1 mm wide!!! Thus, the wedding bouquet turned out to be stable, despite the heaviness of the glass beads.

Various decorative points for bridal bouquet, such as white ribbon bow and so on, you can fantasize yourself. I wish you all creative and interesting creativity, like mine =)

Beads allow you to create a wide variety of wedding accessories and decor! One of them is the bride's bouquet, which our article will help you to make yourself. You will learn about its advantages and disadvantages, cost, suitable materials and decor. We will show you how to make gorgeous callas and tulips with your own hands. They will turn out bright, unusual and spectacular!

  • does not fade (he is not afraid of heat, frost or strong wind);
  • after the wedding remains a beautiful memorable accessory;
  • can be used as unusual option duplicate bouquet (thrown to unmarried girls);
  • can be made in any color scheme, have a bizarre shape.

Among the disadvantages:

  • production requires a lot of time compared to a regular bouquet;
  • it’s not easy to find a ready-made option (you will need to find a skilled craftsman);
  • weightiness (a bead construction is many times heavier than fresh flowers);
  • the cost is higher than the prices of classical compositions.

What can be made from

To make a beaded bouquet you will need:

  • beads and cutting of a suitable color;
  • beads of the desired shade;
  • wire (thick, thin);
  • floral tape;
  • satin tape;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • rhinestones or sequins;
  • Mouline threads (white);
  • mesh is rigid;
  • glue.

The amount of consumables depends on the size of the bouquet. On average it takes:

  • wire (70-100 m);
  • beads (250-400 g).

How to complement a beaded wedding bouquet

To decorate a beaded bouquet use:

  • rhinestones;
  • sequins;
  • semi-precious and gems;
  • brooches;
  • artificial butterflies, birds;
  • bows;
  • beads (pearls, etc.).

The cost of self-production

If on average it takes 350 g of beads to make a bouquet, then its approximate cost is:

  • beads (750 rubles);
  • wire (620-720 rubles);
  • acrylic beads (120-150 rubles).

Total: 1620 rubles. + the cost of additional decor that the bride decides to use to decorate the wedding bouquet (ribbons, rhinestones).

The cost of the finished bouquet different masters can vary from 1500 to 6000 rubles. and depends on the complexity of weaving, the amount of consumables used and the urgency.

Flowers from large beads of red and white color

In addition to beads, it is ideal for making a bridal bouquet. How to make flowers from it and what kind of material it is, you can learn from our other article.

Deserves special attention. Here it is written about its advantages and disadvantages, cost, ways to create it yourself.

Before you start creating a composition, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the . In this article, we wrote about whether it is possible to throw it, how best to do it, whether it is allowed to store flowers at home after the celebration, etc.

Beads will make an excellent duplicate, so as not to make a mistake with the choice original version, Here . They will help determine the shape, color, decor of the bouquet, choose it for the outfit.

Master classes

You can save a little if the bride knows how to weave from beads (you will need to buy consumables and set aside time for work).


Here is the master class:

  1. To form 1 flower, take 6 petals. On the wire, type white beads (10 pieces per axis) and make a loop at the end.
  2. Form arcs. After the 5th working wire with a loop is twisted. The working thread and the top of the axis are cut off, the protruding sharp ends are bent inside out. The loop is cut and the resulting ends are twisted together.
  3. On the wire, dial a mix of cutting + green beads (7 cm of beads per axis). Form a loop. With the help of technology french weave make 4 pairs of arcs.
  4. 7 beads are put on the prepared base and a loop is formed from them, 0.5 cm retreat and another similar loop is formed. For one flower you need 5 loops. The workpiece is cut off from the coil of wire. A transparent acrylic bead is strung on a 15 cm piece of wire 0.4 mm thick. Fold both ends and twist.
  5. APV 25 wire (length 20 cm) will be the stem. Its top is wrapped with green floral tape. A wire with an acrylic bead is applied to the tape (strictly in the center) and wrapped with another layer of tape. Green loops are wrapped around the beads and fixed with a ribbon. According to the same principle, flower petals are wound (the shape of a slightly opened tulip should be obtained). The tape is wound up to the end of the stem wire.
  6. String an acrylic bead onto a piece of wire 50 cm so that it is in the center and twist it under the bead by 1 cm. String 5 white beads onto one of the segments and twist it under the bead loop by 1 cm. Repeat on the other side of the wire. Again, connect the 2 ends together by 1 cm and make 2 of the same indent with beads. The remaining 2 branches are made according to the same principle, but instead of an acrylic bead in the center there will be the same loop of 5 beads.
  7. Twist all the branches together so that the branch with the bead is in the middle. Attach a thicker wire to them with floral tape.
  8. Take 3 tulips and tape 1 triple branch to them. These tulips will be the last ones in the bouquet.
  9. There will be a red flower in the center of the composition. They must be alternated in a circle (white, red, etc.). The first circle is formed from 6 flowers. A thick wire helps to collect flowers together and fix their location. Wrap floral tape over it to hide the attachment point.
  10. One green leaf is attached to each of the remaining 7 red flowers.
  11. White flowers with twigs are placed on the edge so that the twig is between 2 white flowers. They wind the flower to the central composition with wire and alternate white flowers and red ones with petals.
  12. The last flower is wrapped very tightly and wrapped with tape.

You can select as the main composition. Here we talk about their features and colors. You will also learn what they symbolize, you will be able to choose the appropriate shape of the bouquet, compose it yourself and decorate it.


  1. Wrap a piece of wire (15 cm) 0.4 mm thick with a thinner one. At the end of a thick one, dial white beads (10 pcs.), On a thin one - 5 pcs.
  2. Form a sharp petal using French weaving.
  3. Dial green beads on the base and wrap them around the petal from below.
  4. Pick up white beads again, make a couple of windings. Dial 4-5 green beads. By the same principle, wind 10-12 rows. Green beads in each next row should be taken a little more.
  5. Unwind the wire without cutting it from the skein, and string yellow beads on it.
  6. Make another loop of yellow beads next to it. Align the loops, place next to each other and twist together.
  7. Bend the base of the flower in half, put twisted loops into it and wind the end of the wire of the loops to the one on the base of the flower.
  8. Twist the leaf in the lower (green) part with a small segment. Spread the petal, slightly turning the leaf outward. Trim the ends of the protruding wire and tuck the ends inward.
  9. For the stem, take a long thick aluminum wire.
  10. Tie the flower to the stem with floral tape.
  11. Form leaves from green beads using French technology weaving, making one of the edges pointed (it will take 7-8 rows).
  12. At the end of the creation of the leaves, pick up beads on a strong wire so that there is enough for a third of the winding of one side of the petal. Draw a new segment between the rows in this place.
  13. Dial enough beads to make a symmetrical finish on the other side of the leaf. Draw the wire from bottom to top between the last and penultimate row, and then between the beads.
  14. Repeat steps 4-5 times, each time retreating 2-3 beads lower.
  15. Tape the leaf to the stem with floral tape.

Video lesson, part 1:

Video lesson, part 2:

If you strictly follow all the instructions, there is no doubt that everything will work out!

Vika Dee June 27, 2018, 12:35

The wedding day is remembered by the newlyweds for years, marks the emergence of a family, a new unit of society. Attention on this day is riveted to the young, so their images must be impeccable, especially since every girl wants to be irresistible on this day. Wedding bouquet of the bride - essential attribute wedding, but is chosen last when the image is thought out to the smallest detail: dress, shoes, accessories, hairstyle and makeup.

Bouquet of beads - a new trend in wedding fashion

When the image is selected, you should do the bouquet. He echoes with colors the whole celebration, so when choosing, you need to take into account the color type of the bride, the style and color of the outfit. There are a lot of options for compositions, but I want to pay attention to the trend that is rapidly gaining popularity - wedding bouquets made of beads or beads. Such a composition will always be unique, unusual and will be remembered for a long time about this important day.

Photo of a beaded wedding bouquet

A bouquet of natural flowers is a classic, which is naturally replaced by new trends. Every girl wants to stand out on her wedding day, and original accessory in the form of a bouquet self made from beads is great for this purpose. When creating it, fantasy is not limited to the assortment of a flower shop, you can safely experiment.

How to choose "beaded" bouquets?

When creating a composition, not only primary colors are taken into account, but also their shades, complementary colors, shapes, sizes, materials. Details in the bouquet reminiscent of the image of the bride: the color of the shoes, the decorations on the dress or its material.

If the bride's bouquet is made of artificial materials, then the groom's boutonniere must match it.

Bridal bouquet and beaded boutonniere

The bouquet is next to the girl throughout the day, so like other accessories emphasizes appearance and completes the image. For example, girls with pale skin and blonde hair you should choose colors for a bouquet with a predominance of delicate, pastel shades, as bright, saturated, deep colors will draw attention to themselves, standing out as a bright spot. For brunettes, bright, catchy shades are preferable.

Multicolored wedding bouquet of beads

Bouquets that combine several shades, look very impressive, but the selection of the most winning combination must be approached responsibly. It is also possible to use beads of different diameters, while it is important not to overdo it with large stones and rhinestones, so that together it does not look cheap. Bouquet shape, like size, is as important as anything else.

For petite girls, small bouquets are preferable, and for tall girls, an option with a cascading composition is possible.

The classic option that will suit everyone and will always be a good choice is the shape of the ball.

Wedding bouquet in the form of a ball of beads

The cost of a bouquet of handmade beads

A bouquet of beads or beads undoubtedly deserves attention and looks more interesting than fresh flowers, but do not forget about the material component. Any work self made it costs much more, especially when it comes to painstaking work, because each petal of the bouquet will be created by hand, without any blanks. Therefore, often brides personally create an accessory for themselves by purchasing the necessary materials.

A step-by-step master class for making a wedding bouquet of the bride from beads with your own hands

The step-by-step instruction consists of several main steps.

Color matching

It is extremely important not only to decide on the color, but also to make sure that the purchased materials really match.

Tip: mix different beads and beads that you have chosen for the bouquet

So it will be possible to check whether some color stands out, whether it is out of the general gamut.

Selection of multi-colored beads for a wedding bouquet

Stock of material

It will be very disappointing if the beads or ribbons suddenly run out, and in the store where they were purchased, there will no longer be such a shade. That's why calculate material consumption and stock up on everything.


To create flowers, use wire or thick fishing line, beads and ribbons. There are many different techniques weaving from beads, the simplest - a thread of wire with beads is folded into a tight spiral, giving it the shape of a petal. Petals of various sizes collected in a flower, connecting them from the smallest in the center to the largest on top.

Bud for a beaded wedding bouquet

Leg decoration

Like a traditional bouquet of natural flowers, beaded composition has a stem, which is also decorated with ribbons and beads. The wire at the ends should be bent and wrapped with dense material so that it does not scratch the bride and accidentally ruin the wedding dress by tearing it.


From beads, ribbons or beads, you can make leaves that diversify the composition and give it a more lively and fresh look. You can add sprigs of pearls to the bouquet!

Sprigs of pearls for a wedding bouquet of beads


"Zest" will give the bouquet large beads in the center of the flowers. Their size should be taken into account, no one canceled the observance of proportions, and the color that should stand out should not stand out from the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe composition.


When creating a composition, do not limit your imagination. Rhinestones, sequins, decorative ornaments(butterflies, dragonflies), all kinds of ribbons, pearls, precious stones - these materials are excellent suitable for wedding accessory.

Beaded Butterfly for Beaded Bridal Bouquet

A bridal bouquet of beads will not be boring if don't be afraid to experiment and do not limit yourself to any limits. And do not forget about the rules: the selection of gamma, proportions and much more. The handmade bouquet will bright accessory which will definitely not go unnoticed.

Graceful little things made of beads have not gone out of fashion for more than a decade. And the most popular among them are flowers and various decorations.

So wedding bouquets are now made from ... beads! Beautiful, durable, unusual and original. Such a bouquet will not wither not only by the evening of the wedding day, but it will not fade at all!

Yes, these are NOT LIVING flowers (oh-oh-oh, how is that?), but they are not dead either? This is your decoration. wedding dress. Who said it can't be beaded flowers? Dried flowers are bad (according to Feng Shui), but this has nothing to do with beaded bouquets (I say all this for those who are worried about it). And you can make / order it in advance and it will certainly last until right time. It can even become a lucky talisman, passing from one happy bride to another.

Do you think it's heavy? No heavier than an ordinary bouquet with a weighty port-handle. Did I mention originality? And, of course, the main thing is to find a good needlewoman who will create your beautiful bouquet for you. Did you think yourself? There is time and desire, and skills? Then this book is for you!

With the help of this wonderful book, everyone will be able to pick up flowers to taste and make original bouquet yourself for your wedding. But in addition to flowers and bouquets, with the help of this book, you can create other wedding accessories - boutonnieres, decorations for gifts for guests, caskets, bracelets for gloves, decorate a wedding book, ...

"Games of pearls" (Giochi di perle. Marilena Tagliapietra and Lia Franca Magnani)

The art of working with beads, as you, our devoted readers, well know, is not so unattainable, but it cannot be called simple either. The real difficulty of this technique is that it is difficult to come up with something new, to find new solutions, only passionate people like the authors of this book can do it.

In this book, the process of learning how to process (work with beads) is only the starting point from which it is worth setting off on your unique creative journey and creating your own masterpieces for a specific situation, your needs and desires. Such in this case are wedding preparations. Various attributes - wedding decorations - this is the theme of the issue. Watch, learn and create for yourself with these wonderful examples.

Download number (in Italian!) from

If you look into Internet, then there we will find many examples of wedding bouquets made of beads. different styles and colours. Like? Isn't it time to get one, even if your wedding is not so close yet. An excellent gift item.
