Thai cream for slim massage. Thai slim massage what is it

Text: Evgenia Svetskikh

Modern beauty salons offer a huge list of body shaping services, including a variety of massages for weight loss. When these procedures are combined with proper nutrition and playing sports, you can achieve simply incredible results in the shortest possible time. For example, one of the most efficient technician to get rid of excess weight and cellulite is considered Thai slim massage.

The benefits and harms of slim massage

Thai health culture has absorbed all the best, time-tested experience. Today there are a number of therapeutic directions that have "Thai roots", and slim massage- not an exception. This Thai corrective massage is performed with the aim of body shaping, getting rid of cellulite, improving metabolism, removing toxins and improving the body as a whole.

It is believed that the effect achieved by slim massage has a permanent effect - the weight lost during the massage does not return. Of course, provided that you eat right and stay active - overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, alas, do not contribute to harmony. The difference between the technique and many other types of anti-cellulite massage is that, having lost kilograms, the skin does not sag, but retains its tone and even becomes more elastic, as after systematic sports. To enhance the effect before a slim massage session, it is recommended to visit a Thai herbal bath.

There are contraindications for slim massage - pregnancy, serious diseases of the kidneys or heart, surgical operations in the area of ​​​​problem areas with which work is planned, the period of menstruation, vascular disease.

Slim massage technique

The peculiarity of slim massage in its special technique is that the massage therapist works with individual problem areas of the client, intensively rubbing oil into them. The procedure, at times, requires patience, but the result is worth it - the sensations after the session are the same as after the active physical activity. You can even feel the next day a pleasant fatigue in the muscles - krepatura. Slim massage therapists can work with the whole body as a whole, as well as with separate, problematic parts of it - for example, buttocks, abdomen, arms or legs.

One of the secrets of the effectiveness of slim massage is the use of a special Thai cream for its implementation - this is a product based on Thai herbs and plant extracts, for example, harcenia pollen, red capsicum and gingko biloba. With the help of this cream, not only the lymphatic drainage effect of the massage is enhanced, but also the very condition of the skin improves - it becomes smooth and elastic.

Slim massage is a complex, intensive technique that requires the professionalism of a massage therapist and considerable physical strength. Therefore, it is best to apply for this procedure to qualified specialists who have completed proven certified training courses in this massage technique. Otherwise, at best, you risk lost money, and at worst, your health.

Thai slim massage is a power procedure. The main task is to correct the figure. The master works with areas where the subcutaneous fat layer is often larger than desired: the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

Slim massage differs from other types of massage, where rubbing and twisting movements predominate. It uses sensitive claps and strong pressures. This technique helps adipose tissue to get rid of excess fluid. Thanks to this, positive changes occur in problem areas:
Decreased hips and buttocks
It is easier for beneficial substances to reach the skin
The skin becomes smooth, elastic and beautiful

Slim massage is not a relaxing procedure. Since it is aimed at figure correction, the master pushes through the skin and muscles with great effort. Therefore, the movements and claps of the master can be painful. However, in comparison with the final result - insignificantly.

The massage takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. Quiet music plays in the hall, and dim light and lit incense sticks allow you to concentrate on the movements of the master and tune in to achieve the result.

The body will need several sessions of slim massage for the changes to be noticeable. Body shaping is a laborious process, so the best results appear after regular 8-10 sessions.

To make it more convenient to take a course of massage, we offer to issue a subscription. In this case, each lesson will be cheaper than individual ones. The session lasts 1 hour.

Every woman dreams of being slim!
And he asks himself - how to do it?

You can talk and write a lot about cosmetic preparations for weight loss and reducing the appearance of cellulite, but every client and master understands that without an appropriate massage in the salon by an experienced and competent specialist, the result can be achieved very, very soon.
If we want to get a quick result, we want the skin to tighten, change the relief, and the figure change the contours, then we need a deep massage aimed at working with the muscles, with the lymphatic system and of course with the subcutaneous fat layer.
Often, the possession of one technique of modeling massage is not sufficient to obtain a pronounced lasting result. Moreover, the skill of a figure correction specialist is determined by his ability to navigate the methods and select an individual program that is optimal in terms of efficiency for each client. Without a doubt, there are more than a dozen methods working in this direction on the beauty market now. Diet therapy, mesotherapy and hardware cosmetology are widely used, however, they are still effective and in demand in figure modeling programs. various techniques manual massage.
The MegaSPA International School offers several programs for weight loss and body shaping, each of which includes an original manual massage technique and has its own characteristics and advantages:

  • ThaiSLIM-massage- vibration technique, sharp "torn" style of execution, it is recommended to use a cream with a high concentration of phytocomponents;
  • forming technique A. Ermolaeva - a combination of fitness and massage, work on statically tense muscles;
  • stone modeling massage- a combination of deep massage with hot stones with cryotherapy with cold stones of negative temperatures;
  • elier therapy - modeling massage with deep strong kneading, accompanied by thin-layer applications of highly organic mud, wrapping and gradual compression bandaging.

Thai slim massage(SLIM - translated from English slender, thin, thin) is one of the most unusual and effective techniques that allows using original techniques to make a massage strong, deep, and at the same time not traumatic. Thai SLIM is a traditional Thai cream massage with intensive and deep tissue work that improves blood circulation in adipose tissue and stimulates muscles using an unusual vibration-kneading technique. As an additional effect, it also strengthens the skin, relieves swelling and promotes the elimination of toxins. Waist and hip measurements before and after the procedure show amazing results: volume reduction from 2 to 5 cm and buttocks lifting by 2-4 cm.
Indications for holdingSLIM-massage:

  • Cellulite.
  • Overweight.
  • Puffiness.
  • Atonic skin.
  • Need for body shaping.

The duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours, provided that each problem area is worked out for 15-20 minutes. The pace of the massage is fast, the pressure force is above average.
The massage is done on a cream with a small addition of warm water.
The client is in the prone position, arms raised to the head.

Back and buttocks massage
1. Circular stroking and rubbing movements on the dry surface of the skin in the lumbosacral region.
2. Long and short multidirectional rubbing and twisting movements across the back over the cream. photo 1.

  • The thumbs are abducted 180º, the palms are located as close to each other as possible.
  • joints thumbs. photo 2.

3. Long rubbing movements with both hands simultaneously across the back with tissue displacement.
4. Alternate successive pulling and rolling movements along the lateral surface of the back towards the spine. photo 3.

5. Twisting movements along the buttocks and waist.

  • The movements are short, with constant holding and grinding of the skin-muscle fold.
  • Twisting the fold with a sharp separation of the hands.

6. Successive fan-shaped movements up the buttock and waist.

  • Circular movements with fingers with fixation of the palm.
  • Twisting fist movements.
  • Alternate fan-shaped quick movements with fingers with a breakdown.

7. Consistent fan-shaped and fastening multidirectional movements along the waist and buttocks.

8. Push-ups with crossed arms with a sharp reverse breakdown. photo 5.

9. Strong tapping with fingers - "Thai chop." photo 6.

10. Fast plucking alternating movements with all fingers with a sharp separation of the hands.
11. Stretching movement of the palms along the waist to the sacrum with a sharp separation of the hands and a clap over the back.
12. Smoothing.

Massage of the back of the right leg
1. Stroking with two palms on the cream along the midline of the thigh.

  • The fingers then form a lock. photo 7.

2. Alternate sequential push-ups along, along all surfaces of the thigh.
3. Multidirectional rubbing along the thigh and buttocks. photo 8.

  • The bases of the palms and the rear of the bent phalanges.

4. On the outer and inner side of the thigh, a consistent transverse pull-up movement.

  • The thumb is pressed to the palm.
  • Pulling up with all fingers, but the thumbs are fixed in one place.
  • Quick movements along the gluteal crease with the thumbs. photo 9.

5. Twisting with palms, thumb retracted 90°.

6. Successive fan-shaped movements up the buttock.

7. Alternate fan-shaped movements with fingers.

  • Open palms, then one palm is open, the second - "cup".

8. Quick pinching alternating movements of the fingers on the thigh and buttocks. photo 13.

9. Tapping fingers "Thai chop."
10. Stimulating multidirectional movements along the outer and inner surfaces.

  • Across the thigh, then along the thigh.

12. Stretching movement with two palms simultaneously from under the leg, with a sharp break and a clap above the leg.
13. Smoothing.
Massage the left leg in the same technique.

Hand massage
The technique of massage movements is the same as for foot massage. At the same time, the shoulder girdle and the lateral surface of the back at the shoulder blades are massaged.

Flip the client face up.

belly massage
The position of the hands is at the top, behind the head.
1. Circular movements without cream and on cream with one hand, then with two hands alternately and simultaneously.
2. Long and short twisting movements across the abdomen with the knuckles of the thumbs.
3. Simultaneous rubbing movements with two palms across the abdomen. photo 14.

4. Transverse sequential pull-up movements along the lateral surface of the abdomen.

    • Movements are performed with all palms, with thumbs pressed.
    • The thumbs are fixed in place, the movement is carried out by the remaining fingers.

5. Twisting movements.

6. Consistently fan-shaped movement with roundabout fingers. photo 16.

  • Fingers with palm fixation.
  • Quick movements with fingers with a break, without fixing the palm.

7. Alternate fan-shaped lashing movement, all over the abdomen. photo 17.

  • Up and along the abdomen with your fingers.
  • At the waist, the direction of movement towards the middle of the abdomen with folded fingers.

8. Twisting along the front surface of the abdomen with a cross of arms and a reverse sharp separation of the fingers. photo 18.

10. Alternate pinching movements.
11. Pulling movement from under the waist with two palms on both sides with a sharp break, and cotton over the stomach.
12. Smoothing.

Massage of the anterior surface of the right and left legs
Massage movements are the same as on the back of the legs.
The leg is given various positions: bending the leg at the knee and hip joints while working out the inner surface of the thigh.

Hand massage
The arm is bent at the elbow joint, the palm is behind the head, the hand is held by the master's thigh. At the same time, the back side of the shoulder is well worked out, then the hand is pressed to the middle of the abdomen, to work out the inner surface of the shoulder and the décolleté area.

Eastern masters have been practicing their exclusive methods for solving these problems for centuries - today any European can use them.

Slimming in an oriental way

Without a course of "weight loss" massage (or "slim-massage", from the English word slim - slender, thin), not a single attack of caring for my beauty can do without me. And they attack me about once every six months. I don’t understand at all how you can deal with excess weight and cellulite in one way. Diets, nutritional supplements, fitness - it's, of course, great. And everything in the complex is doubly wonderful. By working out my diet and combining it with regular workouts and several sessions of slim massage, I learned to smoothly transition from bigger size clothes to less.

Somehow it turned out that for me it works best oriental massage techniques. Maybe from the fact that in my father's line I have the genes of the East. Or maybe it is because in oriental massage a lot is tied to the energy of the massage therapist himself, to his attitude to his work. If he approaches him with a soul, then the result is not long in coming. Plus, during an oriental massage, the whole body seems to harmonize. You leave after the session as renewed, even the colors of life become brighter...

Step by step

Through trial and error, I developed for myself such a structure of a "weight loss" procedure, which is based on massage. First you need to properly exfoliate and renew with the help of peeling. In addition to removing dead skin particles and making it smooth, peeling also opens the pores. From there, surface contaminants (including fat) are removed, and through them, nutrients from the applied cosmetics then enter the skin.

If after peeling, sit for 10 minutes in the sauna, then through the opened pores, along with sweat, a significant proportion of toxins and accumulated in the body of byaki will come out. Plus, there is getting rid of water, which tends to stagnate in unnecessary places. In general, the expulsion of excess fluids is one of the main tasks of such a procedure. After all, it is often edema that creates the effect of fullness, and not body fat. For example, the same masseuse told me that my real cellulite is only above the knees (who would have thought ...), and all the other swelling is from stagnant water.

After the sauna - massage with an active ingredient(depending on the technique you chose on this moment). It is wonderful because it starts several processes in the body at once. Firstly, it is, of course, a physical effect on the subcutaneous tissues. Say what you like, but not a single cream will break fat cells as quickly as the powerful hands of a massage therapist. Or masseuses - sometimes women (especially specially trained Thai specialists) have incredible strength in their hands. So, with the help of this force, tissues are tangibly injured, and cell regeneration starts. Fat cells and toxins begin to be actively removed from the body along with fluids (the so-called lymphatic drainage). And along with them, both volumes and the annoying "orange peel" go away.


By the way, you can’t do without the notorious cream - I have never seen slim massage done “dry”. It's either massage oil with active additives of beneficial herbs, or special cream"super slim"(as in Thai massage). Sometimes it's just a cream with menthol, as menthol promotes the breakdown of fat cells. It enhances the drainage effect. The coolest and most painful, in my experience, is a massage with honey. It is very painful (at first), but super effective - in addition to the fact that honey creates viscosity and a great "grip" of hands with the body, it also removes toxins for "one or two".

At the end of such a beauty session you can do seaweed wraps. About them healing properties and benefits for problem areas, a lot of laudatory words have been said and written. Laminaria (and simply - seaweed) fights cellulite, and removes toxins, and in general the queen in the state of harmony. After resting in a kelp cocoon, I usually drink a cup of tea - to restore the balance of fluid in the body. In Thai salons, delicious green tea is brewed, and Turks, for example, offer apple and pomegranate drinks.

Thai claps

A session of any of the oriental massages can consist of all these components, plus or minus a couple. As you wish - so you will be healed. At the Thai slim massage, I first had a peeling with sea salt - a rather painful procedure. But it really exfoliates everything in the world, it doesn’t seem a little. The very same technique of Thai slim massage is their, one might say, know-how. With strong claps of her domed palm, the masseuse drives a special cream into the skin mixed with herbs and natural extracts. Thus, it works through the subcutaneous layer and triggers the effect of the cream. Kneading movements, of course, are also present, such a massage works not only with problem areas, but also with muscles. They say he replaces gym workouts- after it you really feel a pleasant muscle "fatigue".

It is worth mentioning the cream separately, although a laudatory ode to it will be sung in any salon Thai massage. It contains substances that were used in Thai traditional medicine over the centuries. And it was presented to the world community only in the 2000s. When they told me that he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records and was able to reduce the waist by 7 centimeters at a time, I did not believe it. Specially measured before and after the procedure. And what? 6 cm! The belt on jeans after the session had to be fastened to another hole. True, after a couple of days the waist returned to its place - which prompted me to still spend money on the whole course.

As for the regularity of such a massage, then it is recommended to do it in 1-2 days and at least 10 sessions. Only then the result is fixed, as is the case with any course procedure. Some massage therapists offer a daily intensive course right away, but, according to experts, this is more convenient for these massage therapists than for the patient. The optimal "dosage" is 2-3 times a week for a long time until you achieve the desired effect.

Like clockwork

My next experiment was a Turkish massage. Tourists know classic procedure“peeling + foam massage”, which is offered to everyone who comes to Turkey on the very first day. All this business is carried out in a hammam - a Turkish bath. Already just lying on the hot marble, I lose my sense of reality. And when the procedure begins... Peeling with a special kese mitt renews the skin, and foam massage relaxes. There is no slim effect from this, but after such preparation, you can confidently stomp on an anti-cellulite or lymphatic drainage session. I usually take a mix - with elements of both.

The Turks have a completely different approach to massage than in Thailand. Here they can bend the arm so that the bones creak, and pinch the ass for preventive purposes. It does not affect the result - it just is. My volumes in the hips and buttocks go away in 5-6 sessions, and the sensations after such a session are bliss and absolute relaxation. A lot of oil is used in Turkish massage, any aroma additives “to taste” are added to it and skin is very soft afterwards.

massage science

A special topic is Ayurvedic massage. It is based on the principles of Ayurveda - the Indian system natural healing. In Sanskrit, Ayur means life and Veda means science. So we can say that during a session of such a massage you comprehend the science of life ... It is based on deep work with soft tissues(skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs). Wherein active stimulation of blood and lymph occurs, and the body begins to actively get rid of toxins.

The physiological principles are the same, but the approach is different. During the session, use a large number of oil, which is selected individually - like any treatment technique in Ayurveda. Elements of yoga are also used, which you certainly will not find in Thai massage, much less in Turkish. During Ayurvedic massage special points of the body are stimulated - the so-called marma points - from which the detoxification of soft tissues is even more active.

So, with slim massage, three things are important: break down body fat, disperse fluids in the body and remove toxins. After all, what is cellulite? These are overgrown and hardened fat cells clogged with toxins. You have to work hard with them. And where you need "strengthened", there you need the hands of a massage therapist. The craftsman of which technique to choose is everyone's business. Subtle, oriental.

Note! Slim massage is strictly prohibited for:

· pregnant women;

breastfeeding mothers;

persons under the age of 17;

persons suffering from serious diseases of the kidneys or heart;

Persons who have previously undergone surgical intervention in problem areas with whom to work;

women during menstruation.

Thanks for the photo,,,,,,

Thai slim massage is amazing body shaping results that will not keep you waiting. Special techniques combined with essential oils a specialist in correction, a master of slim massage, like a sculptor, forms a new silhouette of the client, focusing on the waist, abdomen, hips and other problem areas. The result is noticeable after the first session: excess volume disappears, the skin becomes elastic and breathes with health, the waist line is drawn, the volume of subcutaneous fat decreases, and blood circulation improves. Special anti-cellulite creams or citrus oils double the effect.

Thai slim massage became known in Russia not so long ago. He had just begun to enter the price lists of spa salons, as the fame of his miraculous abilities spread throughout all women's forums and Internet sites. In the coming years, Thai slim massage promises to become one of the most popular massage procedures, bypassing anti-cellulite massage, so becoming a specialist in this type of massage is the most competent investment of one's strength, money and time for any practicing massage therapist.

How to book a massage for FREE as a model in Moscow or Krasnodar

A certificate is issued on the day of training!

Thai slim massage has become an extremely popular technique all over the world. Our video about this massage on the YouTube channel has gained more than 7 million views in a short time. Join and you. Sign up for Thai slim massage courses in Moscow and Krasnodar, become a real modern body shaping specialist!
