Learning to draw with a child 2. Drawing lessons with young children

What should a 2 year old be able to do? It's not about the ability to dress and brush your teeth, but about drawing, sculpting and the beginning of appliqué. Turns out:

Draw simple compositions - rain, snow, grass, Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree, circles (which will be balls, apples, etc.), draw sticks - strings for balls, stems (sticks) for flowers, handles for shoulder blades, needles for a hedgehog, grass, patterns (arbitrary) on cups, rugs , towels.

Development at 2 years


1. Draw tracks.
2. Draw circles.
3. Draw simple compositions - rain, snow, grass, Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree, circles (which will be balls, apples, etc.), draw sticks - strings for balls, stems (sticks) for flowers, handles for shoulder blades, hedgehog needles, grass, patterns (arbitrary) on cups, rugs, towels.
4. Draw vertical and horizontal lines.
5. Draw short and long lines.
6. Closer to three years - coloring pictures (some art teachers are against coloring - they believe that coloring kills creativity (since the child does not draw on his own, but works according to a ready-made template). Decide individually whether to teach the child to color or not).
7. Draw the child's attention to the choice of color for the picture (we draw grass in green, rays of the sun - yellow).
8. Draw with a stick on sand, semolina, snow.
9. Leave prints with paints using stamps, sponges.
10. Learn to draw with paints (wash and wet the brush).
11. Draw with finger paints.


1. Roll out plasticine, dough straight and in a circular motion hands (balls and sausages).
2. Break off small lumps from a large lump, flatten them with your palms and fingers.
3. Connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other.
4. Just play with dough and plasticine (free creativity).
5. Sculpt lumps of plasticine on paper (feed the chicken, make dots ladybug and so on.).
6. Master the technique of smearing plasticine on paper.
7. Leave prints on the test with various objects.
8. Cut out figures from the dough using cookie cutters.
9. Learn to cut the dough with a plastic knife.


1. Perform plot application (sun + cloud + house, etc.) from 2-3 objects.
2. Applique an object from 2-3 parts (houses (roof + window), mushrooms (hat + leg), etc.).
3. Application from cotton wool (depict clouds, snow, dandelions, a sheep, etc.).
4.Applique from crumpled paper balls.
5. Application from torn paper.

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D.N. Koldina
Drawing with children 3-4 years old
Lesson notes

From the author

By the end of the third year of life, the child learns the basic ideas about color, size, shape; listens to fairy tales; learns to compare real objects with their images in pictures; looking at landscapes.

It is easier for a small child to express his impressions with the help of visual activity (volumetric image - in modeling, silhouette - in application, graphic - in drawing). He conveys the images of objects with the help of plasticine, colored paper, paints. These materials should always be with the child at hand. But this is not enough. Need to develop Creative skills baby, show modeling techniques, learn to cut out from colored paper, introduce a variety of drawing techniques. To improve visual skills, one should form the perception of form, color, rhythm, aesthetic ideas.

A child of 3–4 years old can do a lot: wash their hands, brush their teeth, eat on their own, dress and undress, use the toilet. The baby develops simple speech reasoning. He gladly answers the questions of adults, reaches out to communicate with other children; his playing skills and arbitrary behavior develop. The child develops an interest in drawing, modeling and appliqué. At first, he is interested in the drawing process itself, but gradually the kid begins to be interested in the quality of the drawing. He strives to depict the object as naturally as possible, and after class admire his work, tell what color he chose and why, what this object can do, what kind of drawing he got.

To develop children's creativity and mastery visual activity it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, use a variety of topics of classes and forms of organization (individual and collective work). It is very important to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

This manual offers abstracts of exciting activities in drawing with colored pencils, gouache and watercolor paints traditional and non-traditional ways. These activities contribute to the development of emotional responsiveness and the development of a sense of beauty; the development of imagination, independence, perseverance, accuracy and diligence, the ability to bring work to the end; the formation of visual skills and abilities.

Classes are compiled according to the thematic principle: one topic unites all classes (on the outside world, on the development of speech, on modeling, on applications, on drawing) during the week. A drawing lesson with children aged 3-4 is held once a week and lasts 15 minutes. The manual contains 36 abstracts complex classes, designed for academic year(from September to May).

Read the outline of the lesson carefully in advance and, if something does not suit you, make changes; prepare necessary material and equipment. Preliminary work is also important (reading a work of art, familiarizing yourself with the surrounding phenomena, examining drawings and paintings). It is better to conduct a drawing lesson after the children have already sculpted and completed the application on this topic.

By observing each child in class or playing with other children, you can learn more about him and deal with difficult behaviors.

If a child quits his job, as soon as something did not work out for him, it means that he does not know how to overcome obstacles. This can be taught by offering him other ways to achieve what he wants. The child will understand that there is a way out of any situation. For example, if your child is unable to draw a snowman, invite him to make a plasticine snowman with you.

If a child loses interest quickly, perhaps it is too simple or complex for him. Understand the reason and make the task harder or easier. For example, a child needs to draw a large potato. If this is too easy for him, offer to draw a turnip with tops. If the task is too difficult, the kid can draw many dots with his fingers, depicting potatoes in a bag.

If a child gets tired quickly, cannot sit even five minutes, try to develop his endurance using massage, hardening, sports exercises; In the classroom, alternate between active and calm activities more often.

In order for a child understood the task and completed it, it is necessary to develop attention and the ability to concentrate. Play with him the game "What has changed?" Place 3-4 toys in front of the child, and then hide one toy or swap toys without them noticing. Try to involve the child in the logical completion of the task (“Let's draw a path for the hedgehog to get home”, “Let's draw more water for the fish in the aquarium, otherwise they have nowhere to swim”).

Drawing lessons are built according to the following approximate plan:

Creation game situation to attract the attention of children and develop emotional responsiveness (riddles, songs, nursery rhymes; a fairy-tale character in need of help, dramatization games, exercises for the development of memory, attention and thinking; an outdoor game);

Image of an object (examining and feeling the object, in some cases showing image techniques);

Refinement of the drawing with additional elements (you need to draw the attention of children to expressive means - correctly selected desired colors, interesting details);

Consideration of the work received (only a positive assessment is given to children's drawings; children should rejoice at the result and learn to evaluate their work).

Interesting plot-game tasks make children want to do their job as best as possible.

We list the drawing methods used in working with children 3-4 years old.

Finger painting. The child wets his finger in a bowl of water, picks up gouache on the tip of his finger and presses it against a sheet of paper, making dots.

Drawing with a foam swab. The child holds a foam rubber swab by the tip with three fingers, and lowers its other end into gouache diluted with water and then draws lines with it or paints over an object inside the contour.

hand drawing. The child dips his entire palm into a bowl of gouache diluted with water, and makes an imprint on paper with the inside of his palm.

Potato prints. The child takes a potato print by the tip, lowers its other end into gouache and presses it against the paper to make an imprint, then takes another print and makes new prints of a different color.

Drawing with a brush and paints (gouache and watercolor). The child holds the brush with three fingers just above the iron tip, dips the tip of the brush into the water and picks up paint only on the pile; draws wide lines with the entire bristle of the brush or tries to carefully and evenly paint over the surface, without going beyond the contour lines.

Drawing with colored pencils. The child holds a pencil in the right hand between the thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with the index finger, not too squeezing the fingers and not too close to the sharpened end; when drawing, he does not press hard on the paper, draws strokes in one direction, without gaps.

Poking with a stiff semi-dry brush. The child picks up quite a bit of gouache on a dry brush and, holding the brush vertically, makes “pokes” (“knocks with the heel of the shoe”), filling the desired space.

Drawing with wax crayons. The child holds the crayon in the right hand between the thumb and middle fingers, holding it on top with the index finger, not squeezing the fingers too hard and not too close to the sharpened end; when drawing, does not press hard on the paper, draws strokes in one direction.

For drawing classes you will need: colored pencils, gouache, watercolors, wax crayons, soft and hard brushes, a foam swab, a glass of water, PVA glue, oilcloth lining and a rag.

Estimated skills and abilities of the child by the age of 4:

Has a developed interest in drawing with different materials and methods;

Knows and names the materials that can be drawn, and knows how to use them correctly (holds a brush and pencil with three fingers, not too close to the drawing end; achieves free hand movement with a pencil and brush while drawing; picks up paint only on the pile; before pick up paint of a different color, rinse the pile well in a jar of water; continuously paint over the outline with colored pencils, apply strokes in one direction);

Knows and names colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gray, white) and knows how to choose them correctly for depicting objects;

Able to convey the difference in objects in size;

Able to rhythmically apply strokes and spots (grass, patterns on a dress);

Ability to decorate different ways(patterns on a sundress, a cup, Easter eggs);

Can draw simple objects with lines and strokes (road, leaves falling from a tree);

Knows how to draw objects consisting of a combination of lines (herringbone, fence, railway);

Able to create an image of a separate object of a round, oval, rectangular and triangular shape and objects consisting of several parts (traffic light, flag, bun);

Able to create plots that are simple in composition and simple in content (coniferous forest, a hedgehog runs along the path);

Familiar with non-traditional drawing techniques: fingers, palm, foam swab, potato prints.

We wish you success!

Annual thematic planning of drawing classes

Lesson notes

The theme of the week is "Toys"
Lesson 1. Balls for kittens

Target. To teach children to draw round objects with a foam swab and carefully paint over them. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Demo material. Two Stuffed Toys- kittens.

Handout. Album sheet on which two kittens are drawn; foam swab, gouache, a bowl of water.

Lesson progress

Read to the children V. Berestov's poem "Kitten":

If someone moves,
The kitten will jump on him.
If something rolls
For him, the kitten will grab.
Jumping gallop! Tsap-scratch!
You won't get out of our paws!

Ask the kids to guess who is coming to visit them now. If they guess correctly, say, “Right, guys! Today two little kittens came to visit us. Kittens are very sad. Let's ask them what happened. It turns out that the kittens are bored, they have nothing to play with. What do kittens like to play with? (Balls, balls of thread, ropes.)

Put in front of each child a landscape sheet on which two kittens are drawn, and offer to draw balls for kittens. Show the children how to hold the end of the foam right hand, and lower the other tip into gouache and draw paint on it. First, invite the kids to practice - draw balls with a dry foam swab in the air and on a sheet of paper, and then draw balls with foam rubber with paint. In the first lesson, it is better to use paint of the same color.

At the end of the lesson, tell the children: "Now our kittens are funny - they have a lot of round balls!".

Theme of the week "Vegetables"
Lesson 2. Potatoes and beets
(Drawing with a brush. Gouache)

Target. Develop children's drawing and coloring skills rounded shapes; to consolidate the ability to pick up paint on a brush. Develop speech and thinking.

Demo material. A picture of a potato cut into two parts and a picture of a beet cut into four parts; natural potatoes, carrots and beets.

Handout. Album sheet, gouache, brush, glass of water.

Lesson progress

Show the children vegetables—potatoes, carrots, and beets—and ask them to name them. Tell the children how vegetables are grown (when they plow the land, how and where they plant seeds, how they take care of growing vegetables, how and when they harvest). Together with the children, assemble the picture with potatoes cut into pieces, then the picture with beets.

Show the children how to hold the brush with three fingers and pick up paint on the pile. Examine the potatoes with them and let the kids themselves draw it first with a dry brush, and then paint on a sheet in the form of a circle and paint over.

Consider beets with your children. Determine that she has a tail and a root.

Beets are more difficult to draw than potatoes, so if necessary, approach the child and guide his hand or draw the outline of the drawing with a simple pencil.

Theme of the week "Fruit"
Lesson 3. Orange and tangerine
(Drawing with a brush. Gouache)

Target. To teach children to draw and paint over with a brush rounded shapes of large and small sizes; learn to hold the brush correctly, pick up paint on the pile, rinse the brush thoroughly. Develop speech and thinking. Learn to consciously switch attention.

Demo material. Two toy hares (large and small), natural fruits - orange and tangerine.

Handout. Album sheet (it needs to be bent in half, and then unfolded), gouache, brush, glass of water.

Lesson progress

Show the children two toy hares and ask: “How are these bunnies different?”. (One is big, the other is small.)

Play a moving game. Put the rabbits in different places rooms. At your command: "Run to the big hare!" children should run up to the big hare, on command: “Let's run to the little hare!” - run up to the little hare.

Do a physical activity. On your command: "Big!" children raise their hands and stand on their toes, on command: “Little!” - sit down.

Show the children fruits - an orange and a tangerine, compare them in size (large and small) and shape (both fruits are round). Place a landscape sheet folded in half and then unfolded in front of each child and offer to draw a large orange on the right half of the sheet, and a small tangerine on the left half, first with a dry brush, then with a brush with paint.

Theme of the week "Berries"
Lesson 4. Grapes
(Drawing with fingers. Gouache)

Target. Teach children to draw dots with tightly pressed fingers. Develop a sense of rhythm. Cultivate resilience.

Demo material. A toy crow (or other bird), pictures with berries (strawberries, red ashberries, grapes, cherries).

Handout. Half of the album sheet, gouache, brush, bowl of water, rag.

Lesson progress

Show the children a toy crow and say: “Guys, today a crow flew to visit us. Say hello to her and listen to what she asks you."

Crow. I'm very hungry. Feed me please.

Ask the crow: "What do you like to eat?".

Crow. I love to eat berries. Only I don't remember the name of my favorite berries.

Help the crow remember the names of the berries: show her and the children pictures of different berries and name them.

Crow. I have remembered! I love grapes! Draw me a grape, please.

Once again, carefully consider with the children the picture that shows the grapes, determine the shape and color of the grapes. Pay attention to the kids that the grapes are tightly pressed against each other.

Show the children how to wet their finger in a bowl of water, pick up gouache on the tip of their finger and press it against a sheet of paper, making dots. The points should be close to each other and go in a row. The first row is long, the second shorter, the third even shorter, etc., until you get a row of one or two berries. Then you need to paint with a brush a branch with a grape leaf.

At the end of the lesson, together with the kids, invite the crow to peck at the grapes.

Theme of the week "Mushrooms"
Lesson 5. Mushrooms hide in the grass

Target. Teach children how to hold a pencil correctly, without squeezing it too much; draw short strokes with a pencil, placing them over the entire surface of the sheet. Learn to find large and small objects.

Demo material. Large and small baskets, mushrooms of different sizes cut out of cardboard.

Handout. Album sheet on which mushrooms are drawn, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

Invite the children to go to the forest for mushrooms: “Guys, today we will go to the forest. Stand one after another and walk quietly, so as not to disturb anyone in the forest. Here we have a swamp. You have to jump from bump to bump. Let's jump. And here is the forest floor. Let's dance on it.

We will go to the forest
We'll get mushrooms.
Let's call mom loudly:
“Ay! Ay! Ay!
Nobody answers
Only an echo resounds
Quietly: "Oh! Ay! Ay!

(You can also call dad, grandma, grandpa.) Lay the mushrooms cut out of cardboard on the floor and tell the guys: “Mushrooms appeared in the clearing.” Invite them to put the big mushrooms in the big basket and the small mushrooms in the small basket. Praise the kids for picking a lot of mushrooms. Put in front of each child an album sheet on which mushrooms are drawn, and offer to hide the mushrooms in the grass. Teach children how to hold a pencil correctly: with three fingers, just above the sharpened part, without squeezing it hard; while working, hold a sheet of paper with your left hand. Show how to draw grass with a green pencil in short strokes, freely placing them over the entire surface of the sheet.

The theme of the week autumn trees and bushes"
Lesson 6. Autumn leaf fall
(Drawing with a brush using the “sticking” method. Gouache)

Target. To teach children to draw with a brush using the “sticking” method, changing the color of the paint; to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly, pick up paint on the pile, rinse the brush. Learn to recognize and name colors. Develop speech, thinking.

Demo material. Basket, cut out of cardboard multi-colored leaves of trees (yellow, green, red, orange).

Handout. Album sheet on which a tree is drawn, gouache, brush, jar of water.

Lesson progress

Start your class with a physical activity.

Read the poem to the children and ask them to do the appropriate actions:

The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher.

On the first two lines of the poem, the children raise their hands and swing their bodies in different directions, on the third line they crouch quietly, on the last line they slowly stand up.

Ask the guys: “What falls from the trees in autumn?” (Leaves.)

Scatter colorful leaves cut out of cardboard on the floor, and invite the children to collect only yellow leaves in the basket, then green, red, orange. Leaves can also be collected in four boxes of matching colors. Then put a landscape sheet in front of each child, on which a tree is drawn, and offer to draw crumbling leaves. Remind that the brush should be held with the thumb and middle finger, holding on top with the index finger, not too close to the honed end.

Show the children how to pick up paint on the pile and apply it with the side to the sheet. First, you can exercise the guys in the technique of “sticking” with a dry brush.

Encourage toddlers to spread the leaves all over the leaf. Remember that in order to change the color, you need to thoroughly rinse the brush in water and pick up another paint.

The theme of the week is "Autumn"
Lesson 7. Autumn rain
(Drawing with colored pencils)

Target. To teach children to draw short lines with colored pencils, conveying falling raindrops; reinforce the ability to hold a pencil correctly. Learn to analyze and understand the content of the poem.

Demo material. Toy Bunny.

Handout. An album sheet on which clouds are drawn or glued and a hare sitting on a bench is depicted, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

Show the children a toy hare and read A. Barto's poem "Bunny":

The hostess abandoned the bunny,
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.

Ask the guys: “Who did the hostess leave? (Bunny.) Where was the bunny? (Under rain.) Why is the bunny wet? (Couldn't get off the bench.) What bunny? (Wet, sad, long-eared, frozen.)

Invite the kids to draw rain. Place an album sheet in front of each child, on which clouds are drawn or pasted and a bunny sitting on a bench is depicted. Remind the children how to properly hold the pencil and draw short strokes with it, freely spreading them across the entire surface of the sheet.

The theme of the week is "In the woods"
Lesson 8. Hedgehog
(Drawing with a foam swab. Gouache)

Target. Teach children to draw lines with a foam swab. Develop fine motor skills.

Demo material. A silhouette of a hedgehog cut out of cardboard, clothespins, a crumpled sheet of paper or newspaper.

Handout. Album sheet with a hedgehog, gouache, foam swab, glue stick.

Lesson progress

Invite the children to go for a walk in the forest: “Let's go to the forest. Stand next to each other and walk along the path. Do you hear? Someone rustles! (Imperceptibly rustle with a crumpled newspaper.) Who is this? Hedgehog! (Show the children a hedgehog cut out of cardboard). Say hello to the hedgehog."

Invite the kids to tell the hedgehog a poem:

We walked slowly through the forest,
Suddenly we saw a hedgehog.
Hedgehog, hedgehog - we are friends,
Let us pet you.

Together with the children, stroke the hedgehog and draw their attention to the fact that it is somehow strange - not prickly.

Hedgehog. For some reason, I don’t have thorns, and all the animals in the forest offend me. Give me thorns, please.

Let the children independently attach clothespins to the edge of the hedgehog's back.

Tell the children: "Now you need to draw needles for the hedgehog." Put a landscape sheet in front of each child, which depicts a hedgehog, and offer to draw needles. Children should draw lines on the back of the hedgehog first with dry foam rubber, and then with paint-soaked foam rubber.

At the end of the lesson, the hedgehog thanks the children: “Thank you guys. Now I have needles and I am not afraid of either an evil wolf or a fox. Have the children draw a path for the hedgehog to walk home to the forest.

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We are glad of our new meeting, dear readers, and we hope that this joy is mutual. Today we will discuss how to correctly organize drawing for children 3-4 years old.

After reading the article, you will know:

  • why drawing a three-year-old;
  • what to expect from a three-year-old artist;
  • how to organize a drawing lesson at home;
  • how to draw with a child if you don't know how to draw.

Why is it important to draw with a three-year-old?

We are already talking about the advantages of drawing for a preschooler. At the age of three or four years, classes with gouache and watercolors, felt-tip pens and pencils, colored pens and crayons make a huge contribution to the formation of the child's personality:

  • instill skills for independent work;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • contribute to the development of perseverance;
  • teach perseverance and accuracy;
  • cultivate a sense of beauty;
  • stimulate the imagination.

If drawing with your child is done by professionals from development centers or educators in kindergarten, at home you can draw by analogy or give the baby complete freedom of creativity. But if the baby is “home”, you need to be puzzled by this issue and organize classes in such a way that they harmoniously combine benefits, efficiency and pleasure.

Features of drawing in 3-4 years

By the age of three, the child already understands well what shape, size and color are. It matches images with real objects. Carefully examines landscapes. Drawing at this age, children try to recreate the images of familiar objects, embody their fantasies and real ideas about the world on paper. But, of course, it is not yet necessary to speak seriously about visual technique.

Toddlers are just learning the simplest tricks:

  • hatching;
  • painting;
  • stamping;
  • drawing with fingers and palms, etc.

By creating a conducive environment for drawing at home, you encourage your child to create the way he wants to, and when he wants to. This is very important for the formation of a persistent interest in the arts, the education of creative freedom. But it is also important to form and direct creative abilities, improving visual skills, aesthetic ideas, and the child's perception of shapes and colors.

It is important that at this age the interest in the process of drawing itself develops into an interest in the quality of the created drawing. Discuss your artist's creations. Let him tell what he depicted on the sheet and why he did it that way: what colors he chose, where he placed the drawn objects, etc.

How to organize a drawing lesson

Create a game situation

In a clear, simple and interesting way, set a task for the child.

For example, you can announce: today we will create a drawing on the theme "spring".

  • Discuss what happens in spring with nature.
  • Consider together reproductions of "spring" paintings by famous artists: Ivan Shishkin, Alexei Savrasov, Isaac Levitan, Pavel Bryullov and others.
  • Suggest what can be drawn within the framework of the designated topic: flowers, lush grass, bright spring sun, an overflowing river, a tree covered with young greenery, birds flying from the warm edges.

You can turn the lesson into a game: say that spring cannot enter into its possessions, because it is lost. We need to help her find her way by decorating the path with beautiful pictures.

Fantasize, invent your own stories, use your favorite characters of your heir or heiress.

Let your child create their own drawing.

Try to pronounce the task in such a way at the first stage so that the child does the direct drawing on his own.

  • Discuss in advance step by step what the baby will draw.
  • Show him on a separate sheet how to depict the subject.
  • Offer a sample created on the spot or in advance.

But give your child the opportunity to work independently. Don't customize it. Don't draw for him. And, most importantly, do not criticize his efforts.

Help improve the image

When the drawing is ready, pay the attention of the young creator to how you can refine the individual details of his creation. What colors would be appropriate in this case. How to correct the shape of a drawn object. Refine the drawing yourself or ask the author to do it.

Analyze results

Children's drawings created at such a tender age are beautiful without exception. Feel free to praise your artist.

He is really good:

  • studied;
  • tried;
  • created,
  • listened to you attentively;
  • managed as yet naughty fingers.

It is important that in the end he receives approval and recognition. But at the same time, do not forget to gently and carefully discuss how to draw even better next time, even more interesting, even more beautiful.

Stamp everything

At 3-4 years old, almost all kids are delighted by drawing with stamps. Although stamping is usually regarded as unconventional technique drawing, in Lately it has become so widespread that it is not inferior in popularity to the more familiar methods of applying an image to a canvas.

The advantages of drawing with stamps are obvious:

  • Allows you to create interesting drawings without artistic skills.
  • Helps to learn colors.
  • Stimulates the desire to draw.
  • Develops fine motor skills.
  • Trains out-of-the-box thinking.

When stamping, they draw with fingers and palms, cotton buds and foam rubber, potatoes and cauliflower ... There are practically no limits for imagination. Moreover, the production of stamps, which, of course, falls on the parents' shoulders, perfectly develops the creative abilities of adults. You will be surprised how interesting it turns out to be to cut stars and hearts out of carrots for your beloved child, or to come up with something else to adapt to this incredibly addictive activity. You will draw with your beloved baby, even if you previously thought that you could not draw.

Any wishes, comments or questions? Write to us - we always welcome feedback from our readers.

Happy parenting, dear friends!

Drawing for children 2-3 years old is an activity that has not yet been mastered, but interesting and attractive. And if kids show different tricks and techniques, their interest in this activity increases markedly.

That the lessons brought more joy than trouble, equip a convenient place for them in advance.

First of all, you will need a table suitable for the height of the child, and a stable chair. Before classes, it is better to dress the child in non-staining and well-washed clothes. To keep his hands clean, you need to stock up on wet wipes in advance. The need for wipes increases if you do not have the opportunity to wash a dirty baby.

To practice with paints, you will need to prepare a non-spill cup. For classes with colored pencils - a sharpener that the baby can use. It is better to use paper that is thick enough, not tearing and slowly getting wet.

The first step for future artists can usually be to work with . We use pictures with wide contours, we teach the baby to shade them without going beyond the borders. This technique is called "hatching by coloring".

The second way to work with coloring is to paint over the picture inside the borders. This technique is called "painting".

An interesting option painting - work with a thread. And with a thread from a knitting robe we lay out an arbitrary pattern, paint over the space limited by the thread.

This work is interesting in that if the baby touches the thread, it shifts to the side, and the pattern is broken. Therefore, special care must be taken.

Having learned to handle the brush, the baby can begin to create the first drawings - lines. Lines can be straight and wavy, narrow and wide, plain or multi-colored. In the process of work, we draw the attention of the children to the fact that the wider the brush used, the thicker the line is.

You can draw lines with any improvised objects - for example, toy vehicles. This activity usually delights the kids.

Having learned to draw lines, you can learn to put dots. Use a brush for this cotton swab, making jerky, jumping movements with them.

Feeding the interest of the kids, we show them different properties and ways of working with paints.

We experiment with colors, making blots: we apply a thick layer of paint of different shades on the area, and then fold it in half. Expanding.

We have a unique pattern!

Blob - pattern

Finding out the properties different materials: we apply a drawing with wax crayons, after which we cover the sheet with a layer of watercolor. Chalk is not painted over.

We put stamps with factory fixtures or improvised means - for example, raw or flower.

We combine our drawings with other techniques - for example,.

Foliage is performed in the technique of "application"

We use our pens as a medium for applying paints. We put prints and lay them out different images.

Putting paint on the palm

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Drawings for yearlings and children 2, 3, 4, 5 years old.

Do you think your child, who is 1 year old is still small, to entrust him with paints? You are wrong. So what to draw with a yearling with paints. The main thing in drawing is to be creative. Interest in drawing in a child increases with age, but fine motor skills not yet developed enough. Therefore, it is better for children at this age to draw with their parents. For example, you draw a cloud, and a child of raindrops, you can draw balloon, and the child a thread to it, decorate the Christmas tree with balls, draw a handle near the cup. Here are some examples.

Snow falls

We take blue cardboard or black

white paint

we put a sheet of cardboard in front of the child and show how to draw snow by dipping the brush into the water then into the paint and putting a dot on the cardboard. Then let the child do the same. Do not scold the baby and do not get angry if he does not succeed, because everything comes with experience.


Learn shapes and colors

We take a sheet of paper for example A4 and draw a contour on it in the form of some kind of figure. Rectangle, rhombus, circle, triangle, oval, whatever. And we give the child a certain. paint, I took gouache and a brush, poured water into a glass and we created. At first, the child is not very clear what to do with it, but then he gets very carried away and it is already difficult to stop. When the child draws, say the figure he is drawing and the color of the paint he is using. If your child is not able to color the figure at first, let him draw as he likes, because first he must understand and coordinate his movements. These are the drawings my son got.
