Military pension in Belarus. What is the military pension in the CIS countries Raising dd for the military personnel of Belarus in a year

The amount of the security is determined by the formula: B \u003d D * (50% + 3% * N) * K, where: B is the total amount of the security; D is the salary of a soldier before dismissal; N is the number of years of service in excess of a minimum period of 20 years; K - corrective indicator - 72.23%. The formula applies to citizens with more than 20 years of service. With a mixed length of service, instead of 3%, 1% is taken for calculation. Increase in military pensions from January 1, 2018: last news The growth of material support for the former military is scheduled for the beginning of the year. Indexing will be carried out by law enforcement agencies that assign content of this type. No additional applications are required from the pensioner. After the adjustment of allowances, military pensions will also increase by 4% from January 1, 2018. Pensioners will be provided with increased payments from the beginning of the year. The reduction factor used in the calculations for 2018 will retain its value.

How will pensions be increased for the Belarusian military?

Previously, the growth of payments was made due to its adjustment. Until the beginning of 2019, its value will be 72.23%. The military pension calculator from January 1, 2018, located on the website of employees of the Ministry of Defense, will help to make preliminary calculations.
The system issues the desired amount of pension to the military in 2018. Information about the position, increases and duration of service is entered into the form on the Internet page.
insurance pension military pensioners in 2018: latest news Retired military personnel are entitled to a second pension paid by the Pension Fund.

Military pensions will be increased in 4 stages: when and by how much payments will increase

Pensions » Military » In Belarus in 2017

  • Belarus pension system
  • Types of pensions in Belarus
  • On the amount of pensions for military personnel

Pension system in Belarus All citizens of the Republic of Belarus are recipients of pensions. In addition, citizens who live permanently in the country have the right to receive pension payments.
In 2017, 2 types of pensions were established at the state level: social and labor, including military. In order to receive them, certain conditions must be met:

  • Social - get it disabled citizens: disabled children or disabled children.

    To the category of social pension payments also include payments to families for the loss of a breadwinner.

  • Labor - is accrued after a citizen reaches a certain age, is formed at the expense of insurance premiums of employees.

Military pensions in Belarus in 2018

The old-age pension is calculated by subtracting approximately 20% of the average salary and adding 25% of the country's consumer basket. In December 2014, the President issued a decree to increase the pension allowance of military personnel.
It entered into force on January 1, 2015. In November and December 2015, military allowances were indexed by 12.9% of the average living wage for the civilian population - 1,567,810 BR (4,703 Russian rubles). As a result, the amount of indexation amounted to 202,247 BR (606.7 rubles). From January 1, 2016, a new base salary of 1,320,000 BR (3,960 rubles) was established in Belarus. Based on this figure, the salaries of military personnel are determined by rank and position.
Based on this, the pensions that military pensioners have are subject to recalculation. For the first half of 2016, the base part increased in March, but indexation was not carried out.

Increase in military pensions in 2018: questions and answers

To obtain it, compliance with the established conditions is required: the appointment of payments from law enforcement agencies due to disability or length of service; reaching the required age limit (60 years for men and 55 years for women); accounted for insurance experience (in 2018 - from 9 years); accumulation of points in the PFR system (in 2018 - from 13.8). The amount of insurance content is determined by multiplying the IPC by its value. The amount of IPC is formed within labor activity citizen, therefore, it depends on its duration and insurance deductions. A fixed payment is not taken into account in the calculations.

Its increase will not affect the total amount of funds receivable, since the military is not paid. The insurance pension for military pensioners will increase by 3.7% from January 1, 2018. Traditionally, the adjustment of payments occurred in February.

Increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2018

Yes, we live well, there are no roads in the city, there are no roads in the city, you drive on the roads like a drunk driving to the left or to the right, you throw the car so as not to fall into a hole on the road, the fines grow, you don’t have time to pay, and the price of gasoline rises at the same time every month if every for a month, the pension was added as the price of gasoline and much more, housing and communal services payments are becoming more expensive and much more, because we drive on broken roads, we also have to make repairs at our own expense because the roads are broken. They raised their pension by 387 rubles, a terrible handout, otherwise the price of gasoline, utility bills, car repairs for broken roads will probably not be understood ordinary people for lack of funds. reserve lieutenant colonel →Thu, 11/01/2018 — 11:05 #13

Sep 1 - Sputnik. Pensions of military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations will begin to increase in Belarus from September 1, Sputnik was told on Thursday in the press service of the head of state.

Corresponding decree No. 314 "On pension provision certain categories of citizens" President Alexander Lukashenko signed on August 31.

"The implementation of the norms of the decree will ensure a systematic increase in pensions for military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations, starting from September 1, 2017," the press service said.

They also reported that the size of the increase would be comparable to the increase in pensions of other categories of Belarusian citizens. To do this, corrective coefficients are introduced to paid military pensions - they are temporary and will be valid until July 1, 2019.

How were military pensions calculated before?

Previously, military pensions were recalculated following the change in monetary allowance, which is calculated from the corresponding salaries for the last position held, military rank salary, seniority allowances, monetary compensation instead of food rations, including payments related to the indexation of monetary allowance.

The recalculation of pensions for other categories of citizens - recipients of minimum social pensions, labor and other pensions - is based on the size of the subsistence minimum budget, on the average wage in the republic and other parameters.

The average size of assigned pensions in Belarus in July amounted to 298 rubles. Minimum labor and social pensions in Belarus last time they increased since August 1 - in connection with a change in the average salary in the country.

How was it in Russia?

The press service of the Belarusian president noted that the increase in military pensions will be based on the same approaches that have already been applied in Russia. There, the monetary allowance of military pensioners began to increase in a similar way since 2012.

For the first time, the increase in pensions for the military was announced in June 2012 by Vladimir Putin, who at that time held the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. At a government meeting, he suggested thinking about reforming the system of monetary allowances for military personnel and increasing their material security. At that time, certain advances had already taken place in the civilian sector, and military pensioners found themselves in a disadvantaged position.

Then Putin announced the need to increase the additional payment to pensions for military pensioners to 1,000 rubles, while at the time of his statement this additional payment was only 240 Russian rubles.

It was decided to allocate 7.9 billion rubles for additional payments to military pensions. Putin instructed to make appropriate changes to the budget and regulations.

Later, these acts were adopted, and according to the law on pensions for the military, their pensions must be reviewed annually simultaneously with the indexation of the monetary allowance (salary) of the military. In 2012, military pensions increased significantly, but since 2013 in the Russian Federation, only the share of monetary allowance, which is taken into account when calculating pensions for military personnel, has increased annually.

According to the law, this share of allowances must grow by 2% annually (taking into account the forecast inflation for the next year, the increase may be even higher) until it reaches 100%. The effect of this provision has been frozen for the time being, while the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposes to extend the moratorium until January 1, 2018.

How much do Russian military pensioners get?

The average military pension in Russia after the increase in early 2017 will be 21.3 thousand Russian rubles per month, which is significantly more than the average civilian pension.

In 2017, military pensions were indexed twice in the Russian Federation - in February by 5.4% and in March by 0.4%. In the fall, military pensioners expect to receive an indexation of 2% - it is expected that this will happen on October 1.

The amount of pensions for military personnel in 2017 is regulated by articles of laws 166 FZ and 4468-1 FZ, according to which various accrual mechanisms are provided depending on the reason for retirement and many other factors. When calculating military pensions, the rank, position held, as well as the length of service, participation in hostilities in hot spots and in counter-terrorist operations are taken into account.

Calculated military pension according to the following formula: base x (50% + 3% for each year of service after 20 years of service, but not more than 85%) x reduction factor), where 50% is a part of the amount of the average weighted salary. But for certain categories of military personnel, allowances are laid.

All citizens of the Republic of Belarus are recipients of pensions. In addition, citizens who live permanently in the country have the right to receive pension payments. In 2017, 2 types of pensions were established at the state level: social and labor, including military.

In order to receive them, certain conditions must be met:

  • Social- it is received by disabled citizens: disabled children or disabled children. The category of social pension payments also includes payments to families in case of loss of a breadwinner.
  • Labor- is accrued after a citizen reaches a certain age, is formed at the expense of insurance premiums of employees. The employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the pension fund for them. When accruing labor pension work experience must be taken into account.

Every year, the government of the country indexes pension payments. Indexing applies to everyone social benefits, including pension allowances for servicemen.

The country has a program on the basis of which citizens of the country can accumulate additional funds. These services are optional.

These opportunities are provided by insurance companies. If a citizen chooses any insurance company for savings, then his employer must make contributions to this fund for him.

1. Old age

The retirement age of citizens of Belarus has been preserved since Soviet times and has not changed since then: men - 60, women - 55.

In some cases it is possible early exit- in areas of activity with harmful conditions, as well as citizens employed in the agricultural, textile, transport industries.

2. Loss of a breadwinner

This type of pension is paid to disabled and underage dependents who have lost their breadwinner.

3. By disability

To receive payments, persons with disabilities must have work experience by the time the disability group is established. For example, citizens under 23 need 1 year of experience, those aged 23-26 need 3 years, etc.

4. Seniority

There is a list of professions that are covered by the superannuation pension law. Pension Fund countries uses it when assigning pensions.

5. For services to the state

The accrual of pensions to citizens awarded state orders and titles is the responsibility of the government.

On the amount of pensions for military personnel

The minimum old-age pension in Belarus is focused on the level of the consumer basket and is 25% of its average. The retirement pension is calculated at a rate of 55% of the average monthly earnings in the country.

Its size is affected by the amount of earnings, the presence of experience in excess of the prescribed norm, the scope of the employee's professional activity.

The scope of pensions for military personnel is regulated state laws. The accrual of allowances to the military takes place according to the same parameters that are provided for civilians: by length of service, old age, loss of a breadwinner, disability.

The amount of the minimum allowances for the military is 1,474 thousand Belarusian rubles, in terms of Russian money - 4,422 rubles. The old-age pension is calculated by subtracting approximately 20% of the average salary and adding 25% of the country's consumer basket.

In December 2014, the President issued a decree to increase the pension allowance of military personnel. It entered into force on January 1, 2015. In November and December 2015, military allowances were indexed by 12.9% of the average living wage for the civilian population - 1,567,810 BR (4,703 Russian rubles). As a result, the amount of indexation amounted to 202,247 BR (606.7 rubles).

From January 1, 2016, a new base salary of 1,320,000 BR (3,960 rubles) was established in Belarus.

Based on this figure, the salaries of military personnel are determined by rank and position. Based on this, the pensions that military pensioners have are subject to recalculation.

For the first half of 2016, the base part increased in March, but indexation was not carried out.

  • If a soldier was the only source of income in the family, then minor children or disabled dependents who were in his care are paid a pension for the loss of a breadwinner.
  • A citizen who received a disability group during service or within 3 months after dismissal has the right to receive a pension. If the problems appeared later than 3 months, but it is proved that they are related to the service, then the pension is also paid. To receive a pension, a conclusion of a medical commission is required.

The prospect of increasing the pension allowance of military personnel in Belarus will depend in the future on the state of the economy during 2017, on the level of the subsistence minimum established for each category of the population.

In Belarus, a presidential decree revised the pensions of military personnel, employees of paramilitary organizations and members of their families. “Implementation of the norms of the decree will make it possible to ensure a systematic increase in pensions, starting from September 1, 2017,” the explanation to the document said. FINANCE.TUT.BY figured out how the changes will affect the size of payments.

As it was before?

Military pensions in Belarus depend on monetary allowance, which is calculated from the corresponding salaries for the last position held, military rank salary, seniority allowance, monetary compensation instead of food rations and payments related to the indexation of monetary allowance.

At the same time, the monetary allowance of the military depends on the base salary, which was last increased from January 1 of this year from 134 to 140 rubles. Accordingly, from January 1, the pensions paid to military pensioners were also recalculated.

For example, if a military man retires with the rank of captain, then the pension is assigned to him in proportion to the monetary allowance of the working captain. So, officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and contract servicemen with a service of 20 years or more were assigned a pension of 50% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance, and 60% for those dismissed due to age or illness. At the same time, for each year of service over 20 years, 3% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance are added (but not more than 75% of these amounts).

What has changed since September 1st?

Signed Decree No. 314 "On the provision of pensions for certain categories of citizens" indicated that pensions are subject to recalculation using corrective coefficients:

from September 1, 2017 - 0.83;
from December 1, 2017 - 0.85;
from July 1, 2018 - 0.9;
from January 1 to June 30, 2019 - 0.95.

The Ministry of Defense did not comment on Presidential Decree No. 314 and explain the changes introduced in the provision of pensions for the military, so we give our own calculations as an example.

For example, if a military man received a pension of 600 rubles, then from September 1, while maintaining the current amount of monetary allowance for military personnel, it will already be 498 rubles (600 * 0.83 \u003d 498 rubles). From December 1 - 510 rubles (600 * 0.85 \u003d 510 rubles). And so on, and from July 2019, the coefficient, as planned, will no longer be applied.

But before the end of this year, as announced during the direct telephone line of the Secretary of Defense Andrey Ravkov, military personnel plan to increase monetary allowance. Accordingly, military pensions will also increase. But their growth will be limited by the adjustment factors introduced by Presidential Decree No. 314.

Any change in the amount of the monetary allowance of military personnel, taken into account when assigning pensions,<...>is the basis for the recalculation of pensions of military pensioners, - the newspaper "For the Glory of the Motherland" explained. - In the current year, it is planned to increase the size of the monetary allowance of military personnel - accordingly, military pensions will also be increased.

"Based on the economic capabilities of the state." How was it in Russia?

In the explanatory note to the presidential decree, it was noted that the size of pensions was similarly regulated in Russia.

Thus, in the neighboring country, the system of monetary allowances for the military was reformed from January 1, 2012: the salaries of the monetary maintenance of military personnel were increased by 2.5-3 times, including by reducing the size and number of additional payments.

Following the salaries of active officers, military pensions also increased by about 1.6 times, while only 54% of the monetary allowance was taken into account. “Starting from January 1, 2013, annually (this coefficient. - Approx.ed.) increases by 2% until it reaches 100% of its size,” the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported.

The increase in the size of military pensions by 60% is determined based on the economic capabilities of the state, the State Duma Committee on Defense explained. - Such an increase, as well as the procedure for indexing military pensions, will make it possible to ensure that the average amount of military pensions exceeds the average amount of labor pension by an average of 80% and further maintain the material security of military pensioners at the proper level due to the annual guaranteed increase in the amount of military pensions, in including and regardless of the indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel.

How many military pensioners are there in Belarus?

According to the Ministry of Defense, as of January 1 this year, the number of military pensioners in Belarus amounted to about 79 thousand people. For comparison: two years ago there were 82.8 thousand people.

In addition, at present, the Heroes of the Soviet Union, disabled people and participants in the war, veterans of military operations on the territory of other states, participants in the war in the rear during the Great Patriotic War, siege of Leningrad, participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, prisoners of fascist concentration camps, honorary donors and family members of servicemen who died in the line of military service, - said at the beginning of this year the Assistant Minister of Defense for Military Economics and Finance - Head of the Main Financial and Economic Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Mozhilovsky.

Speaking about plans for 2017, the specialist noted:

I can assure you that cash, allocated to the Ministry of Defense in 2017 from the republican budget, will ensure the development and current maintenance of the Armed Forces, - said Igor Mozhilovsky. - It is important to ensure the full and timely provision of priority expenses, primarily for the payment of monetary allowances, wages and other payments. Well, as before, one of the main tasks remains the implementation of measures to save and carefully use state funds allocated for the needs of the Armed Forces.

Recall that earlier it was proposed to revise the amount of pensions for working pensioners from among the former military personnel. People's choice Vladimir Shitko said at the beginning of last year that this issue, although the deputies are “discussed behind the scenes”, most likely will not be submitted for consideration. “Well, will the men, at the age of 45, sit and drive the bullshit?”- the people's choice explained the desire of such pensioners to work.

The military service of Belarus is a state service. Consequently, former military personnel are required to receive pension payments in accordance with the laws of the country. But how can you get a pension for a military pensioner? Let's take a look at this material.

Conditions for granting a pension

In order to receive pension payments based on years of service, a serviceman of Belarus must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Reaching the age of 45 years (by 2033 - 48 years).

Some members of the military have the right to continue their service. For example, a colonel can apply for a pension at the age of 50, and a colonel general at 60.

  • Service for at least 20 years.
  • Permanent residence on the territory of Belarus.

If a serviceman died in the line of duty, the family members of the deceased serviceman are entitled to a survivor's pension, regardless of the above conditions. The same applies to military personnel who became disabled as a result of military service.

The amount of pension payments depends from parameters such as:

  1. position salary;
  2. allowances;
  3. salary by rank;
  4. experience.

In addition, the authorities of Belarus annually produce recalculation of pension payments all categories of pensioners, including military personnel.

Types of pensions for military personnel in Belarus

In 2017, military personnel are entitled to receive one of the types of pension payments, namely:

old age

Retirement age remained unchanged for a long time. In 2017, there were changes and now the old-age pension can be received at the age of 58 (women) and 63 (men). The increase will be gradual for 6 months each year from 2017 to 2024.

By seniority

Military personnel have the right to retire under the conditions specified in the first part of this material.

By disability

In order to receive disability pension contributions, a number of conditions must be met, namely:

  • military experience of more than 1 year;
  • age over 23;
  • permanent residence on the territory of Belarus;
  • disability occurred as a result of the performance of an official assignment or 3 months after being transferred to the reserve.

For services to the country

This type of pension payments is appointed directly by the authorities for special services to the country.

Will there be a pension increase?

Pension payments of military personnel of Belarus will be increased in 2017. But a significant increase will affect only some categories, namely:

  1. Military personnel with more than 30 years of experience (of which 20 years - military service).
  2. Disabled 1 and 2 groups.
  3. Soldiers with the medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR".
  4. Veterans who moved to live in Russia.

For all the rest, annual indexation is planned, which will slightly increase the amount of pension payments.

With the help of such measures, the state seeks to interest the younger generation in order to increase the number of military personnel in Belarus.
