A conspiracy so that the mother-in-law loved and cherished me. Mother-in-law conspiracy: ancient magic for modern daughters-in-law

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Just as a good mother spares no bread, no honey, no ringing money, no strength, no time for her children, so my husband, the servant of God (name), would not be stingy, would not spare anything for me and never, everywhere and always. So my words will come true and come true. Amen.

Conspiracy for a greedy wife

If your wife is stingy, hides every penny from you, scolds you, turning your life into hell because of her stinginess, this conspiracy will help you. Change the little things (a ruble or two), slander her and, when you come home, give it to your wife, saying that you found it on the road.

As a chicken rows from itself, so the servant of God (name) would row not to herself, but to me, the servant of God (name). I would not spare neither gold, nor silver, nor copper nickels, nor mint gingerbread. If only she would think of me, take care of me, as a mother pampers her child, so my wife would pamper me and feel sorry for me. Amen.

How to talk to a picky husband

To reprimand an evil, finicky character, you need to get bile from a living fish. Speak this bile and smear it on the soles of your husband's shoes. Read on bile like this:

Bless, Father,
God bless
Bless, Holy Spirit.
There is water in the temple-river,
A slave lives in that water,
Call that slave - fish.
A fish has gills, it has a liver.
In the liver of that bile boils.
Holy Mother of God says:
I forbid the servant of God (husband's name) to scream,
I command the servant of God (name) to be silent like a fish.
I speak earnestly, I persuade,
Corrosive his character I speak.
I order the servant of God (name) to be silent,
Don't grumble at your wife
Do not shout, do not wave your hands,
Quarrels, disputes do not start,
How silent the fish in the river
In the stream, in any water.


Conspiracy from the motive of her husband

If the husband spends money haphazardly, you need to talk food, give him food, and feed the guard dog what is left. They do this three times.

As a dog guards and protects the master's good,
So are you, servant of God (name),
Be careful with money.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For jealous people

There are very jealous people who turn not only their lives into hell, but also the lives of the people around them. And as much divorce happens as a result, so many murders happen. This conspiracy can free from this evil. It is read for water, for tea and is given to drink after sunset. But you can only do it on Thursdays. Thursday is the day of cleansing.

The arrows of the fiery heart of the jealous do not stick into the ground, they break against people, they take out the soul, they break life, they torment the body. So those arrows would fly past on tall spruces, on a rotten swamp, in a dry forest, so that jealousy was removed as if by hand. Amen.

Husband took away luck?

Let your husband go to the bathhouse on the full moon at three o'clock in the morning. You need to go alone, it is desirable that no one except you knows about it. The stove needs to be heated with aspen and birch (needles cannot be added), you need to wash yourself nine times. And every time let him wash, as for the first time, both the body and the head. Before pouring the last water on yourself, let him say:

Who sat on my withers,
He drank my dirt and ate my failure.

After that, you need to immediately wash and leave. Until morning, you can’t talk to anyone, eat or drink.

Conspiracy on a grouchy mother-in-law

It's no secret that a grouchy mother-in-law with her absurd character, eternal discontent and nit-picking can destroy even the strongest family. In order to correct this misfortune, you need to know three conspiracies: the first, which is read for the young month (for the strength of the daughter-in-law in front of the mother-in-law), the second - for the waning month, so that quarrels subside, the third - for the full moon, so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law. Each of these conspiracies is read at its own time according to the growth or the end of the month, but certainly on Friday.

First conspiracy (for a young month)

As a young month is born and will go through the heavens of the Lord in its own way and its own path, its own master, so would the servant of God (name), the young mistress, have strength and power over her mother-in-law. And would she know the roads of all her household and would keep them in her right hand, in his right fist. Tsyts, mother-in-law, I'm your head. Amen.

Bake pancakes, talk about them and feed your mother-in-law.

Second conspiracy (for a waning month)

As the month is waning, it is coming to an end, so the quarrels in our house would come to an end, melt away. My mother-in-law would be silent, as the dead do not scream, as the fish in the ocean-sea are silent. Amen.

Third conspiracy (on the full moon)

As the full moon shines in the sky, it illuminates the entire Lord's heaven, so would my mother-in-law's heart be full to me. So she would lavish affection on me, like a full moon, the sky would be illuminated. I lock my whole tale with a moon lock, a moon key, a moon light. Amen.

Prepare a good dinner, speak a conspiracy over it three times and make sure that the mother-in-law is the first to sit down at the table, and when she starts eating, show her a fig under the table. When people start wondering and asking why you have such peace in your home, don't tell anyone how you got it.

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

Slander on sweets, gingerbread, tea - on everything that you can treat your mother-in-law.

As your son is dear to you, dear to your blood, your flesh, so I will be your blood, flesh, according to your soul, according to your heart. Love me like your child and more than your heart. Amen.

From enmity between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Elijah the Prophet throws his arrows,
Dispatches his army.
May the Lord send archangels like this,
And let the archangels send their angels.
The angels of God will descend, they will bring peace.
Reconcile, Lord, through the archangels,
And the archangels, through their angels, their own blood,
Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law
Servant of God (name of mother-in-law) with servant of God (name of daughter-in-law).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For the daughter-in-law to love and pity her son

The mother takes a photo of her son, puts it on her right knee and strokes the image of her son with her left hand, saying this:

This is how my hand strokes and strokes
My dear (name),
So I would caress him and stroke the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

So that the daughter-in-law does not run out of the house

Run your little finger across the soot from bottom to top in the furnace and vice versa. Then smear the threshold of the house with this soot with the words:

How does this soot of the furnace forehead hold up,
So the servant of God (name) kept her house,
I didn’t chat in other people’s huts.
Amen to my words, amen to my words.

So that the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law
To the peacefulness of the son-in-law and mother-in-law

They put a willow wand on the threshold, slander it nine times, and then beat it on the threshold with this wand twelve times.

My business is tricky.
My willow rod, don't break, don't bend,
Submit to my cause.
So submit and make peace, servants of God (names).
I drive with a willow twig from this threshold
Any malice, any resentment.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

They light a candle from both sides, slander it and let it burn out completely.

Oh my God,
Like this candle has two ends
So that until the end of the century they do not quarrel among themselves
Brother and sister, servants of God (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From a cunning mother-in-law

They read it as a gift for the mother-in-law, they give it on an even day.

I will become, the servant of God, in the morning,
I wash myself with honey, I wipe myself with a white cloud,
I will gird myself with a belt from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who will rule me with his cunning,
Who wants to make me do it in his own way,
The Lord will make him cry.
The Mother of God will not leave me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If the son-in-law does not want to work

Go to the ant pile, put a glass of water on it and read forty times.

Take the water, take it to your son-in-law, pour it into his drink, reading "Our Father".

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Oh my God.
water from the sea,
shade from the sun,
Star from the moon.
Lord, God, help.
How ants work
How bees carry honey
Peace and laziness do not know
So would the servant of God (name)
Worked, did not know rest,
He helped his family in everything.
My word is soft
My business is tough.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If your husband constantly runs for advice to his mother, but does not listen to your advice, does what his mother orders, and as a result of this you have a quarrel in the house, do not despair. Take out the towel on which they lowered the deceased into the grave, get up at midnight, read the conspiracy on the towel, let your husband dry himself in the morning. You can’t slander on a towel earlier than nine days from the date of death of the deceased who was lowered on this towel.

Just as the wise old man does not go to the baby for advice, so you, the servant of God (name), do not go for advice to the servant of God (mother's name). Consult, admire with me, God's servant (name), from now on, and forever, and forever. Amen.

Safe words from violence from relatives

There are many safe words and conspiracies from trouble and violence. If you know the holy safe words that I will share with you, they will save and keep you and your loved ones from encroachment and violence. They slander them on a new pin and pin it on a curtain or something else, so long as it is not visible.

Safe words are spoken like this:

My iron is worth a penny,
And the safe words are given by Jesus Christ for this.
The word of the Lord is the first, iron is the second,
And there is no offender-rapist.
Who will break the prohibition of God,
He will destroy himself forever and ever.
Who will straighten my pin,
He will die a terrible death.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

A conspiracy from enmity between relatives of spouses

Angel to meet, the Lord is on the way,
Mother of God, bless all my words.
How the Holy Family honors and protects each other,
So let none of my relatives
Don't say a bad word.
Lord, how the Holy Family is revered in heaven,
So let my matchmakers, sons-in-law,
Daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brothers, sister
They love each other and me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from quarrels with relatives

Oddly enough, but the most protracted quarrels are with relatives: here is the division of the inheritance, and other domestic conflicts. People do not communicate for several years and do not even come to the funeral. Perhaps each of the parties desires reconciliation in their souls, but does not know how to achieve it.

If this happened to you, then on the third day of Easter, read the following conspiracy twelve times. And then the angels will turn the roads of the warring in such a way that their meeting will be inevitable, and reconciliation is inevitable.

Lord help, Lord bless
Happy Easter, clean days,
Joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Ivan the Postel, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan the long-suffering, Ivan the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,
George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for a common path
Servants of God (names of the warring).
Tame their malice, tame their anger,
Assuage their rage.
Ratyu his saint,
Power invincible, indomitable
Lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

For peace between blood people

Read on the first star three times without stopping:

I report, I respond
Teeth, lips, tongue
All evil, all dashing:
Envy, resentment, bad thoughts -
From the blood of blood people,
From a white brow, an angry heart, a flickering soul.
I will bring out with my strong word,
With your stucco deed
Any discord and any arrogance.
I'll take you out into the open field, into expanse,
I'll leave it there, cover it with earth.
Here you, discord, be
Here you, anger, live,
Here you lie
Servants of God (names) do not torment,
Do not enter into sin.
Bless, first star, for peace and goodness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

So that relatives do not quarrel over inheritance

At night, rubbish is swept out of the house with the words:

Oh you, father, night rubbish,
Sweep the dispute out of my hut,
So that we do not quarrel among ourselves,
Didn't bite, didn't bully,
They would get along well, they would end the world.
And you, dispute, go to the night rubbish.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that there is no fornication in the relationship

Incest is an unforgivable sin. To avoid such a disaster, read the following plot on one of Saturdays in any corner where there are no icons:

Just as a dog does not need a gnawed bone, so such and such (names of children) do not need each other in bed, but they will always be friendly. Amen.

Conspiracy for a small child

Grandmother Solomonyushka Christ soared,
She left the park on Him.
God bless
God help me!
Name (name) of the baptized.
Handles, grow, get fat, vigorous.
Legs, walk, wear your body white.
Baby's tongue, feed your little head.
Grandmother Solomonyushka soared,
Baby (name) rules,
I asked God for mercy for him.
Servant of God (name), do not be gray-haired, be a walker.
Bathhouse and water, listen,
And you (name) eat plenty of milk.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Talk to a baby for happiness

The child is taken out under the clear stars and they say:

Mother of God,
You held the Son of Christ in Your arms,
She blessed with Her hand three times a day.
Mother of God, raise your holy hand,
bless my baby
For a long and happy share,
For a happy and beautiful life.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To prevent the child from being stolen

Conspiracy words are read into the light by candles in their house when the child is sleeping.

Light from a holy candle
Give me the talisman keys
I open the seventh door
And I firmly lock the door where my son (daughter) is.
Who will take the amulet key,
Who will steal my child
He will die from the curse.

If you have a dysfunctional child

On Good Friday, buy three candles and light them in the temple, then leave the temple and stand at the gate. Stop and count those leaving. When the fortieth person comes out of the gate, cross yourself and say:

How did this person get out?
So all the nonsense from my son would be gone.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

If your child comes home from school beaten

Write this amulet to him on a piece of paper on both sides, and let him walk with the amulet for three days. Explain to the child that you can not show it to anyone.

Angel of my children, bright, kind, I release my child on you. Protect him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If a son or daughter is stolen from their parents

Give the child a drink of the spoken jelly, and give pancakes and boiled eggs to the jelly, as at a wake. Speak jelly when you pour it into cups.

Remember, Lord, the sin of my child (name).
Remember his theft with the one who passed away,
So that (name) does not steal (a),
Didn't take anything without asking.
Die this sin and be remembered.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to remove the son's hatred for his own mother

In order to appease your son's anger, buy a live fish and, while it trembles, say:

Bude you are not a fish, kind and silent.
With a head and without a head.
And you, my son, come, take my hand,
And you, sons of anger, come down, go to the blue sea.
Don't turn back, don't grow in your heart.
My words be strong, sculpting,
During the day under the sun, at night under the moon.
Good soul, rise, rise,
Get stuck in my son's heart
For now, forever and forever.
My words are the lock, my deeds are the key.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever and ever.

To adult daughter mother did not eat

Speak to the water and wash the windows first, then the doors, then the threshold. Do this three times, and you will immediately notice what a change will be in relation to you on the part of your daughter. And do not worry - what happened, it happened!

On an even day, on an even date, at an even hour
Three holy hierarchs are coming:
Demyan, Kuzma and Father Simeon.
The servant of God (name) goes to meet them.
– Where does the path lead you, holy hierarchs?
- We go to the world to give reconciliation,
From any enmity to give healing.
Saint Demyan, Saint Kuzma and Father Simeon!
Give, for Christ's sake, reconciliation,
Deliverance from enmity
Me, God's servant (name), and God's servant (daughter's name).
Take out your golden sabers,
Fire knives, damask axes,
Cut you off from the servant of God (daughter's name)
All hatred, all impatience,
Give me, for Christ's sake, deliverance from her evil.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy to obedience to children

If you want your children not to depend on anyone, not to be led by their friends and girlfriends, to consult only with you, honor and obey only you, read this conspiracy:

Go home baby
Don't blame anyone else
Take advice with dad
Take advice with the uterus
Bow down to the icon
Submit to your parents.
So you would all rush home,
Like a baby chasing a tit.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that children feel sorry for and love their mother

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed,
I look at the icon, crossing myself.
On the icon of the Mother of God Mary.
She presses the Christ child to her breast,
She suffers for Him day and night with a holy soul.
So that my children love me too,
Regretted, groomed, did not scold,
Words of evil against me (name) were not spoken.
There is a golden city
A girl sits above him
She has a golden bird in her hands.
The girl is thirty-five years old.
Among people and people purer than silver,
Pure than pure gold.
How kind people love
Pure silver and pure gold
So let my children look at me
I am loved and will never be forgotten.
My word is strong, my work is sculpted.
What did I say that I didn't say
The Lord will take
Word to word clings
He will add that he will not leave me with His grace.
Ying until times, from this hour.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the children do not be rude to you

The fish is cooked, and the tail and head are buried under a tree. Before you start cooking fish, you need to read the plot:

In the sea in the water, in the depths of the sea.
Swimming swordfish,
I'll take her head off her shoulders.
Like a swordfish without a tail and a head, there cannot be.
So from now on my children won't
With me, my mother, be rude.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Ready fish should be eaten by children. (Mother cannot even taste this fish.)

From hatred to the father's house

Remove the tablecloth or oilcloth from the dining table. Spread the surface of the table with honey, put a piece of bread, put a glass of water with a spoonful of salt dissolved in it. After crossing yourself three times, say in one breath, without interruption:

As people cannot do without salt and bread,
So the children will not be able without a father at home.
Cross again and add:
As bees swarm and never exist without honey,
So my children will not be able without a father at home.

To tame the anger of a dear mother

On a great day I was born, I fenced myself with an iron fence and I went to my dear mother. My dear relative was angry, broke my bones, pinched my body, trampled on my feet, drank my blood. The sun is clear, the stars are bright, the sky is clear, the sea is calm, the fields are yellow - you all stand quietly and calmly, so my dear mother would be quiet and peaceful all day, all hours, at night and midnight. As a bee wears diarrhea, so would a dear mother produce kind words for me, her own son. As wax melts and the face burns from the fire, so would the heart of my dear mother burn and melt. As a swan yearns for a winch, so my dear mother would yearn for me, her own son.

As a student pours water every day, so would the heart of a dear mother flow to me, her own son. As the door to the jamb pretends, so would my words to my dear mother pretend all day, all hours, days and nights, at noon and midnight.

If your daughter loves a married man

To make a lapel, take water from a well. Speak and drink it to your daughter. Read the plot like this:

Mother Voditsa,
Well sister.
Anyone who comes to you
Drink cold water.
In the bath they pour you over
The dead are washing themselves with you.
Oh, mother water, icy shores,
Cool down the servant of God (name),
So that she cools down to the servant of God (name),
I did not know sadness for him,
She didn't break her heart.
He would dislike her
He would have shamed her.
She would close the door from him,
His feet did not let him on the threshold,
I didn't run to see him.
mother well water
Your icy shores
I bow to the ground.
Cool the heart of the servant of God (name).
Raise my word to the Lord,
Deal on the heart (name), go down.
I close my plot with three locks.
Closing my business
Three keys.
Key, lock, tongue.

A safe whisper on my son

Lord, Mother of God!
paternal honor,
maternal mercy,
Keep the whole world baptized
From harm to my son.

Charm for your daughter

The amulet is read on the day of your daughter's Angel, standing at her feet while she sleeps.

My daughter, are you sleeping or are you standing before the Lord,
You look at the Mother of God.
Jesus Christ, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Protect my daughter in all matters, in all ways,
With the sun, with the moon,
On the night road and the day road,
On foreign people, foreign sides.
Legs and arms would be taken away from her enemies,
I would find darkness on their brains,
Lest they recognize either their father or their mother,
It would be disgraceful for them to offend someone else's daughter.
This spell cannot be broken by anyone.
Key, lock, witch ceiling.

Charm for your grandchildren

Put the child on a chair, give him an icon in his hands, stand behind him, bite the hair on his head three times and read:

Dashing trouble, other people's hands,
Human enemies, evil tongues
From a slave born, baptized (name),
Hands go numb, enemies turn to stone,
Take away languages
Not to be known with dashing misfortune.

Prayer for parents

O Holy Virgin,
Mother of the Lord Supreme,
The quick-abiding Intercessor of all,
Those who come running to You with faith, I pray to You:
Pray for your Son
To hear my prayer.
Look down from heaven and come down
To my tearful petition.
Forgive, Lord, all the sins of my parents,
Free and involuntary.
Grant them, O Lord, Thy forgiveness
Like on earth
So it is in heaven.
Lengthen their age for longevity
And strengthen them in health and mind.
Lord, how you love your mother
And you honor your Father.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the husband does not beat his wife

Find a grave where the name of the deceased matches the name of your husband, only that the grave is not a child's one. The grave should be with a cross. Take the land near the cross, not very much, a handful. Remember the rest of the one who lies in the grave, and be sure to ask for forgiveness for taking the land. Then find two more graves with the same names and do the same. Mix all the earth together and put it in your shoes, under your pillow and bed, and add a little to your drink. Speak like this:

As these dead lie quietly and calmly in the cemetery, so you, the servant of God, live on earth and with me, the servant of God (name). Amen.

So that the husband does not scandal at home

Buy a new hammer and, while no one has worked on it, read the plot over it. Let this hammer always be in your house. The conspiracy is this:

Like a heavy hammer does not rise, so that the servant of God (name) has a heavy tongue, would not rise and would not swear. Be my words strong and sculpting from now on and forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from assault

Speak into the water three times and let the buoyana wash or drink. He won't fight anymore.

Remember, Lord, the winds are violent,
Ferocious hurricanes
And all the meekness of King David.
Pacify, Lord, the servant of God (name)
And bless him for meekness and kindness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

If there is no right for the husband

With your shirt, wipe the corners in the room where your husband sleeps, and at the same time say this:

How this corner stands in its place, is silent,
Doesn't say bad words
Doesn't hit me, doesn't push me
Doesn't torment my soul
So that my husband (name)
Didn't hit me, didn't push me
Didn't torment my soul.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

When you have wiped all the corners, tie your shirt with your husband's and hide it for forty days. Untie the knot after forty days.

You will soon notice how much quieter and calmer your husband will become.

Conspiracy from an evil husband

To speak your husband's anger, you need to go to the cemetery and go to some funeral procession there. And when everyone is throwing change into the grave, throw five rubles too, but not paper money, but metal money, cross yourself and think to yourself like this:

Like this dead man
Can't raise his hands now
open lips,
So my husband (name) cannot
Shout at me with a loud voice
Hissing, grumbling, waving arms and legs.
Now, forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy against treason

They read as a gift and give it to a loved one.

My mother is a queen, red lightning,
You know the sun, you are everywhere,
You will be high, you will be far.
Find, look for the servant of God (name),
Water with light, make him think about me.
Let him miss me
Nobody knows but me.
Let him grieve, suffer,
Doesn't even change his mind
Crying for me, my married wife.
I give him salt, I give him food,
I want the water for him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell on twisted threads

Twist two threads. To do this, buy two spools of thread of the same color and thickness, at the same price. The ends of the threads from both coils are connected together and wound on one candle. The plot is read twice. The first time at the beginning, when you start winding the threads, and the second - at the end, when all the threads are already rewound on the candle. Then they light a candle and read the plot for the third time. If you do everything exactly, your husband will not cheat on you.

How you threads are twisted, twisted,
So we are darling engaged.
How are you threads together
So we will be together forever.
And how hot the candle burns and burns,
So let the heart of the servant of God (name) burn,
Peace, rest does not know
Cries, suffers about me, his wife (name).
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Loyalty Conspiracy

I have a fidelity seal,
No one can take this seal:
Neither with hands, nor with conspiracy words,
Not an evasive spell
Not a trilingual curse
Neither a gray-haired grandfather, nor a cunning guide,
Neither a witch, nor an evil sorceress,
Neither a shaman, nor a cunning deceit,
Not with clear eyes
Not black curls
No white chest
Nor Adam's garden
Neither front nor back.
My seal cannot be broken
The servant of God (name) cannot be lured,
He will not change me forever and ever.
For a century he admires me,
How to be afraid of the fire of treason.
Like a child crying on his chest,
A foal screams for its mother.
No one will stand between us
Only one can separate:
If one of us dies,
Take the seal with you.
Angels, archangels,
Take the print
Carry after me.
Century after century, now and forever.
Key, lock, tongue.

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Relationships between women are not always ideal, especially if there is someone to share. The wife and mother of a man often do not find understanding, which negatively affects the general atmosphere in the family. Does it exist effective conspiracy on the mother-in-law, able to get rid of constant conflicts and make life easier? Let's look at the most proven methods.

Features of witchcraft

The reasons for the misunderstanding between the daughter-in-law and the husband's mother most often become banal jealousy. The woman does not want to realize that her child has already grown up, so she is trying to get rid of her rival. In a desperate struggle, she does not listen to the voice of reason, neither the presence of common children, nor the feelings of her own son stop her. If hatred crosses all boundaries and threatens to destroy the marriage, it is worth turning to ancient rituals.

There have always been problems in the relationship of women in the family. Despite the official patriarchal way of life, the women in the house often clashed. The daughter-in-law, who was a blood relative and came from another family, was especially hard hit. The mother-in-law conspiracies that have come down to us can be divided into three large categories.

  1. For reconciliation. The funds are aimed at building relationships, understanding and friendship.
  2. Limit intervention in the family. Helps to get rid of regular advice and instructions.
  3. From the dependence of her husband. A psychological connection is established between the child and the mother, which individual sons cannot overcome. Ways break this thread, make a man listen to his wife.

Witchcraft is chosen depending on the characteristics of the relationship. All of them belong to the elements of white magic, acting gently and imperceptibly. If the daughter-in-law tries to use the black craft technique, then the results will leave a dark mark on life, children and relationships with her husband.

Orthodox way

It is better to start a conspiracy to love a mother-in-law with Christian prayers. The intercession of higher powers will not be able to drive a woman away from your home, but the relationship will not be so strained. By the way, such a technique will bring peace to the family and gradually make the second mother fall in love.

Before the ceremony, it is necessary to cleanse yourself of all negative thoughts and hatred. Already in the temple they buy three candles, and they also leave a note about the health of the husband's mother. Lights are lit at the images:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Savior.

Approaching each icon, one must mentally ask to soften the mother-in-law and not allow the marriage to be destroyed. It is allowed to stand at the holy faces for as long as the soul desires. Then you need to thank and cross yourself three times.

Leaving the church, they collect water, acquire twelve candles and miniature images from which they prayed. Any request from higher powers always ends with a "sacred sacrifice", manifested in the form of alms. Upon leaving the temple, alms are distributed to all who lend a hand for help.

At home, the ritual is carried out alone, so that no one interferes. Icons are fixed on the table, all the lights are lit, and the consecrated liquid is poured into a transparent bowl. Mentally turn to each saint, asking for help and intercession.

It is necessary to imagine that the mother-in-law is good and kind woman and peace and tranquility in the family. At the end of the ceremony, the words of the prayer “I believe” are read three times. The forehead is overshadowed by the sign of the cross, the water drinkers drink a sip. A spoonful of liquid is added to the dishes and drinks of the husband's mother.

For peace in the family

If women fail to find a common language, then all those close to them suffer. Permanent " fighting"exhaust all participants in the conflict, especially children and men. To drive away swearing and tantrums, we recommend using the ancient method.

A conspiracy from an evil mother-in-law is carried out in the phase of the full moon. Previously, seven expensive candles are purchased in the temple. On the day of the ceremony, you must independently make a delicious cake, which is decorated with love. It is important to watch your thoughts and avoid hatred.

Closer to midnight, they retire, fix the lights on the floor in the form of a vicious circle. In the middle you need to become yourself and put pastries next to it. Exactly at 12 o'clock, all the candles are lit from the match, and then the words of the spell are read 7 times.

“As you love your son more than life, so love me. Taste sweet pie, get rid of anger and hostility. From now on, you will be my lawful mother. Amen."

While the flame is burning, one must visualize the future a good relationship. Cinders are wrapped in a sheet on which the words of witchcraft are written, and buried in a deserted place. The delicacy is eaten with the mother-in-law, and then offered to the rest of the family. Remember that you can not tell anyone about the ceremony.

From a powerful mother

If a spouse is under the daily cap of his parent, then it is difficult to try to build normal relationships in such conditions. Strong woman she is used to commanding everyone, therefore she will not tolerate competitors and will stop any intrigues against herself. Magic will help remove control, and also allow the young to live with their own heads.

So that the mother-in-law does not climb into the family, it is necessary to carry out the following ritual on the waning moon. Three church candles are fixed on the table, which are set on fire from a torch. Pour a pinch of Thursday salt into a glass of water. The onion is cut into two halves, lowered into a container with liquid with the words of a conspiracy.

“The onion is connected with water, so the servants of God (the names of the spouses) will always be together. You (name of mother-in-law) do not have the strength to quarrel us, drive a stake between us and separate us. I forgot my fear of my mother, but I was in disputes for me. Let it be so!"

Without taking his eyes off the glass, the spell is repeated seven times in a row. The dishes with the components are left on the windowsill for a week, after which the contents are poured out in a deserted place. The first results will become noticeable after a couple of days, and after a month you can not worry about the family tyrant.

To improve relations

In order for the husband’s mother not to interfere with the young, one must try to find a common language. The only separating and unifying "link" is the husband and son, so it is worth pacifying the mother-in-law and earning her respect. There is in magic effective remedy for such purposes.

To improve relations, it is better to transfer the rite to the full moon. On this day it is necessary to prepare with my own hands some delicious food. Let it be a relative's favorite cake or the best salad. We recommend spending several hours emotionally charging the product.

Then you need to take any thing of the mother-in-law and tightly tie it with your wardrobe item. Both hands are placed on the fastened objects so as to touch all the materials. The words of the conspiracy are read seven times.

“Now you are my dear mother, love me like your son. Deliver from anger and hatred, bring good to the house. There is love and understanding between us. Let it be so!"

Clothes must be hidden as far as possible - this is an amulet that protects relationships from breaking. We recommend that you remove it away and not show it to anyone. Put cooked food on the table at which the husband's mother sits. It is important that a woman eats at least one bite.

From interference

What to do if a relative constantly interferes in your affairs? To drive away from home and not set your spouse against yourself is a real skill that is best entrusted to magic. In order for the parent to come less often and respect your opinion, you need to use a proven rite.

During the waning moon, you need to wake up before sunrise. Salt is taken with the right hand, which is held in the open palm. Lightly blow on the surface of the crystals, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

“Salt, salty, free-flowing, take God’s servant (name) away from my house. So that she lives her life, does not touch us, does not get into business, is not interested in us. Save me from anger and reproaches. Let the path forget our home. Amen."

The spell is repeated 9 times, after which the substance is poured into a linen bag. It is necessary to leave the item to “charge” on the windowsill for three days, and on the fourth day it is scattered under the threshold of a relative. The effect of the rite will become noticeable after a week, but to strengthen the result, we recommend performing magical actions twice more.

For love

If the relationship with the mother-in-law does not stick, then it is worth improving them with the help of witchcraft. The Slavic white ritual does not suppress the personality, but makes it more understanding and sensitive. A woman will gradually stop being jealous of her son and see the positive features of her daughter-in-law.

In order for witchcraft to be revealed in full force, you need to choose the right period for magic. Professionals recommend performing all actions during the full moon or in the first three days, otherwise, with each new day, the effectiveness decreases significantly.

Before the ceremony, you need to prepare a delicious dinner with your mother-in-law's favorite dishes. As salt, it is better to use a substance charged on Maundy Thursday. Over the finished food, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times.

“Just as the month in the sky is full of strength and the sky illuminates, so let the heart of the mother-in-law fill me with love. I will close the words with a moon lock, and hide the key under the threshold. Let it be so!"

After the ritual, you need to cover festive table with all the charmed dishes. The husband's mother is seated first, and the rest of the family later. As soon as the woman begins to eat, under the table they imperceptibly show her a fig. Ancient magic will soften even the most evil mother-in-law.

From nitpicking

What should be done to save your home from the intrigues of a harmful relative? If it is not possible to achieve that the parent fell in love with you, then we advise you to remove the degree of tension in the family. For witchcraft, you need a photograph of a squabbler, in which she is depicted without her father-in-law.

In the morning at any major Orthodox holiday you need to go to the temple for a service, and then immediately buy a new bible. For the health of a woman, they put an expensive candle, and they also light lights next to the nominal saint of a relative. Leaving the church, they distribute alms to all the poor.

Already at home, a candle is ignited, a photo and a consecrated book are placed next to it. Put on the image left hand trying to convey the warmth of your body. Slowly read the words of the mother-in-law conspiracy.

“In the name of our Lord and His Mother! I take all the anger at my daughter-in-law from you (name), I lock it in Holy Scripture. Between us there is no hatred and resentment. To be with us affectionate and caring. Amen."

The photograph is placed between the pages of the bible, which is securely hidden from prying eyes. The longer the picture is inside the book, the stronger the protection against its bad character. Remember that looking into the letters will destroy witchcraft and everything will return to normal.

Precautionary measures

To remove an evil relative from your life, you must use magic correctly. Remember that any sorcery is destroyed when revealed, so you can’t tell your friends about witchcraft. It is better to keep all actions a secret.

So that the husband’s mother does not become an ex, there is no need to provoke scandals. Even the strongest rituals will not work if the daughter-in-law behaves inappropriately. Real love will not become an obstacle for a man who is disappointed in his wife. A whole “combat” strategy has been built against the daughter-in-law, so you should not make it easier for her.

Conspiracies for a quarrelsome mother-in-law is an ancient magic that helps couples get rid of unnecessary guardianship that prevents young people from living. A calm environment will allow you to maintain love and understanding in the family, and also get to know your relative better. In our recommendations you will find the perfect option even for the most difficult case.

A detailed description from several sources: "a prayer conspiracy to respect the daughter-in-law" - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Conspiracy to love the daughter-in-law to the mother-in-law

Read for the new month.

Young moon, earthly intercessor,

Have you been to Adam's house?

Have you seen the deceased in the coffin?

As the dead do not swear with the living,

One does not pit against the other.

So would we with our son-in-law (name):

The whole century - for a century, all life - for life,

All hours and minutes.

A strong mother-in-law conspiracy to love a daughter-in-law

If you feel that you are strongly disliked by your daughter-in-law, do not rush to intrigue. Better read the special conspiracy of the mother-in-law.

This is especially true for those who do not have the opportunity to live separately.

There are different morals and different views.

As well as the desire of each to become a full-fledged mistress of the “kitchen territory”.

Scandals, quarrels and mutual dislike are prerequisites for the divorce of the young.

My dears, breaking is a simple matter.

Better try to strengthen your life.

Become a wise mother-in-law for a moment.

Go to the Orthodox Temple and buy 13 candles.

Without worshiping icons and without being baptized, go back.

Leaving the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these conspiracy words to yourself:

I leave all quarrels behind, I bless my daughter-in-law for love. Amen.

When you get home, wait until no one is home.

Lock yourself in a room. Light the candles.

Mentally imagine peace and friendship between you and your daughter-in-law. Build images in which you are the best mother-in-law on Earth.

Proceed to repeatedly whisper a magical conspiracy to love your daughter-in-law.

I slander my daughter-in-law, even though I can’t digest her. May all our anger perish and sorrow leave the family. As the mother-in-law tells the daughter-in-law, so let her not refuse. As the daughter-in-law says a word, anger will not fill me. Let the daughter-in-law love me, her marriage does not ruin her dirty tricks. He won’t break, he won’t scream, if he wants, he will droop at once. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Take cinders out of the house.

After 13 days, perform the occult ritual again.

After another “damn dozen” days, you fix the working off.

The love of the daughter-in-law will be expressed in magical restraint and mutual desire to find a compromise.

Be the best mother in law!

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Conspiracies so that the daughter-in-law respects the mother-in-law

So that the daughter-in-law respects her mother-in-law without exerting a bad influence on her, feel free to read magical conspiracies. Don't worry, they won't do any harm. Redemption is not required.

I myself know families in which there are constant disputes.

They seem to be adequate people, but not a single one dares to give in.

I am the mother-in-law, which means older and wiser.

And I am the wife of your Sashenka, and in general we will not ask you for any advice. We don't need them.

Let's start solving the problem right now.

You, the third party (a close relative of the mother-in-law), go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note on the health of both.

Buy any number of candles.

Put one of them to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Whisper these conspiracy lines to yourself.

So that the daughter-in-law respects the mother-in-law, as she does not offend her own mother. Amen!

When the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are not at home, light the remaining candles. Place the icon of St. Nicholas next to it.

(This is one of the few magic conspiracies created with an appeal to Orthodox saints).

Read them over and over again with confidence.

The miracle worker Nikolai, even if the daughter-in-law does not influence the mother-in-law, does not sort out her relationship. May your will be done. Amen.

Nikolay Ugodnik, Defender and Savior. Forbid us to sin, to do evil deeds. So that everyone lives in the world, they prayed for salvation. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, bring love and respect, joy and humble patience into our home. May your will be done. Amen.

I myself do not know why these conspiracies are marked in manuscripts as one of the most effective.

Do not make the sign of the cross on yourself.

Do not take candle stubs to the Orthodox Church.

Live in harmony!

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The ceremony that you propose should be performed by a close relative, but I don’t have them. What to do?

Right now, I'm reacquainted with a simple ritual.

Why don't you try it yourself?

All spells are worded in such a way that I'm a little surprised why the manuscripts mention a third party.

You will certainly succeed.

I see that you have already read similar topics. They are also aimed at resolving the relationship between mother and son.

Be healthy and infinitely happy!

Yes! Already found everything you need! Thank you!

I wish you prosperity in all spheres of life!

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For the daughter-in-law to love and pity her son

For the daughter-in-law to love and pity her son

The mother takes a photo of her son, puts it on her right knee and strokes the image of her son with her left hand, saying this:

This is how my hand strokes and strokes

My dear (name),

So I would caress him and stroke the servant of God (name).

Century after century, now and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

To friends from the son unhooked

So that friends can unhook from their son From a letter:

So that the daughter-in-law does not run away from home

So that the daughter-in-law does not run away from home From a letter:

For a wife to love

For a wife to love This conspiracy is read on a grave in which a woman is buried who had the same name as your wife and the same age as your wife. You should go to the cemetery alone, without friends, on any day except Saturday and Sunday. And of course, not in the church

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law From a letter: “Six months ago I got married. My husband is very good, kind and not greedy, but I was not lucky with my mother-in-law. From the very first day she began to teach me how to live. If I cook cabbage soup, she immediately starts telling how she cooks cabbage soup, in what

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law This conspiracy is read over food (preferably over gingerbread or sweets) or drink, which can then be treated to the mother-in-law. The conspiracy words are: As your son is dear to you, Dear from your blood, your flesh, So I will be your blood, flesh, Like, like

So that the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law Every time you enter your mother-in-law's house, cross the threshold with your left foot and say these words: I enter the house, I don’t look at the icons. Tsyts, mother-in-law, I'm a son-in-law, I can take all the power. You keep quiet, and I scream. Here I am sir.

So that no one will beat your son

So that no one beats your son What kind of mother does not worry about her child, especially in our turbulent times? Therefore, I think that many of my readers and students will be interested in this wonderful charm conspiracy. His words are as follows: Holy Passion-bearer of Christ, George

For a wife to love

So that the wife loves When you begin to bathe in the bath, then wipe the sweat from your face with a handkerchief. Three days later, wipe your wife’s face with the same handkerchief, reading to yourself such a conspiracy: As with me, the servant of God (name), Sweat boils and burns, the heart beats For the servant of God (name), So would the servant of God (name),

So that a mother does not get her son or daughter drunk

So that a mother does not drink her son or daughter Judging by the letters, there are many cases when a mother-in-law or mother-in-law offers a daughter-in-law or son-in-law to drink. Those are gradually drawn in and become an inveterate drunkard. Here is just one of these letters: “... I have a very good husband He is kind to me and to the children. Everything is able to do.

For a wife to love

So that your wife loves Aunt you, evil devils, your beds are resinous, your teeth are rotten. Whine to me, sing along, help me in my business. There is a closed hut in the field, in that grave the deceased is buried. I go back to her, knocking salary. Get up and wake up, bow to me, the servant of God (name). How are you

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law To slander on sweets, gingerbread, tea, on everything that you can treat your mother-in-law: As a son is dear to you, dear to your blood, your flesh, so I will be your blood, flesh, to your soul, to your heart. Love me like your child and more than your heart. Amen.

So that the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law

If your daughter-in-law walks away from your son

If your daughter-in-law walks away from your son From a letter: “It’s hard for me to write about this, but I see no other way out. I apologize in advance for your wasted time. I will try to write briefly and most importantly. I raised my son alone, since when I was pregnant, my

To marry a stupid son (fabulous)

To marry a stupid son (Oborochka) This is a strong oborka, which has already helped many people. The surrounding people themselves will not understand why they love your son so much, the girls will not be able to take their eyes off him, and you only need this so that the young man does not remain a bean.

For the daughter-in-law to help with the housework

For the daughter-in-law to help with the housework Cook the soup and treat the daughter-in-law first. Eat this soup yourself last. Then wash your dishes first and your daughter-in-law's plate last. When you wash the dishes, say: As I wash it off, So I will cover you with work. Amen. Rite is not performed

Nauz to marry son

Nauz to marry a son This nauz is suitable if the mother wants to marry her son. For this nauz you will need a candle, a handkerchief (preferably new), a new cord, and a cord or strap that belonged to your son. Light the candle. Take the string that belonged to the son and

Prayer for the daughter-in-law to respect the mother-in-law.

Any mother who, after her son's marriage, becomes a mother-in-law, wants to acquire another daughter in the person of her daughter-in-law. The young daughter-in-law does not always respect the wise mother-in-law, but rather seeks to bring discord and quarrels. Here, the mother-in-law needs to show all her ingenuity in order not to be led by the arrogant daughter-in-law, but to force herself to be respected.

There is one prayer. She tries on disagreements with her daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, brings harmony into their relationship. Regular reading it brings exactly the result that you need. your daughter-in-law will respect and honor you.

So, a prayer that the daughter-in-law respects the mother-in-law.

"Rivers, fast waters, thundering streams,

From three rivers, oceans, three swamps,

From three buckets, from three streams, from three pipes,

From three glasses, from three spoons and on my threshold.

Wash away, water, remove all anger,

Scandal, quarrel, unnecessary talk

Between the servants of God (his own and the name of the daughter-in-law).

Forbid to quarrel, make noise, shout.

Soften the heart of the servant of God (name of daughter-in-law),

As the sun illuminates the earth, it scatters warmth and light to everyone,

So the servant of God (name of daughter-in-law) love and affection

Servant of God (name of mother-in-law) gave,

A kind word was waiting

Respected and respected.

I lock it with a sun lock

I throw the key into the water.

Whispers are small, but effective conspiracies. They are pronounced in a whisper or mentally in.

Water is the strongest magical conductor. Love spells speak on water.

  • Islam and Orthodoxy are two different religions. Therefore, remove the Muslim love spell.

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  • Your husband also has a mother who feels the same way. Previously, she was the only beloved mother, and now her son fell in love with another, brought him into the house, and even began to devote little time to his mother. She wants everything back under her control. This is a bad choice. She can plot against you, slander her son, tell you that you are a bad housewife, wife, mother. All this ruins the marriage. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the old conspiracies.

    In this article:

    If your mother-in-law has always been against you, did not approve of the choice of her son, but you will have a hard time. Her attacks, sharp remarks and the behavior of the mistress of the house can ruin everything. It's hard if you all live together. But it’s even worse if the son has his own apartment, because the mother will try to put things in order there as well.

    For a daughter-in-law, marriage can be a nightmare if the mother-in-law constantly interferes.

    You will be helped different methods, including a conspiracy to love mother-in-law. And if it was not possible to find mutual understanding, then you will need to forever drive her away from your home and family. Let him live his life, but don't stick his nose into yours. Choose your own recipe for family happiness, but it should be only your choice.

    Mother, son and son's wife

    You also have a mother. She loves, cares, tries to constantly give advice, instruct in life. It's nice, but boring. Her care is natural for you, although sometimes it is intrusive. Your husband also has a mother who feels the same way. Previously, she was the only beloved mother, and now her son fell in love with another, brought him into the house, and even began to devote little time to his mother. She wants everything back under her control. This is a bad choice. She can plot against you, slander her son, tell you that you are a bad housewife, wife, mother. All this ruins the marriage. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the old conspiracies. They will drive the mother-in-law away from your house, and she will calm down. Sometimes they say that the mother-in-law loves you, if you want it.

    Only a very wise woman can understand: she is a mother, but that's all. Now she no longer has the right with her law to come to your house.

    The son is now married to his beloved, building his own family. Mom can offer advice, help, ask for help for herself. But she certainly cannot dictate to you how to live, what to buy, where to go. Your home should only be yours. Otherwise, in such a household with two mistresses there will never be order. Order will bring the right conspiracy.

    Don't Let Your Mother-in-Law Ruin Your Marriage

    Someone can give up - daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, this is an eternal confrontation for the love of a man. All these are dangerous games. If she immediately disliked you, then she will slowly but surely break up your marriage drop by drop. Without knowing it, most of the time. Talk about what your husband loves, force him to learn how to cook it. So you will hate any, even the most delicious dish. He can show you how to properly fold linen in the closet, when walking with a child, how to treat guests.

    To avoid this, secure yourself once and for all.

    All these conspiracies are very persistent. You won’t harm your mother-in-law, just put a simple thought in her head: you don’t need her advice, obsessive help, sudden coming for tea.

    Conspiracies will help keep the mother-in-law "in check"

    If you want peace and love in the family - there is nothing easier. This conspiracy will help the mother-in-law see you with better side, love and forgive. Such a family will be strong. Joint trips to the country, mushroom picking, holidays all together. If you dream of such a family, then this method is for you.
    You need to take any thing from the mother-in-law. One thing that the mother-in-law gave you. Tie or fasten them together. Say in the knot:

    “Now I have my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth, the envious enemy will not penetrate there! Let us get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I cooked a delicious cake, when you taste a sweet piece, So you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a lawful mother to me! Candles will help me in the semi-darkness, a conspiracy to love, sending you! Amen!"

    Now keep this knot in a secluded place, do not show it to anyone, do not tell it. With this knot, you tied peace in the family and the love of your mother-in-law. As long as he stays with you, all is well. Do not lose, do not throw away, otherwise your conspiracy will pass.

    So that the mother-in-law does not go to you

    If the husband’s mother is too annoying with visits, she comes to visit without a call, then this method will drive her away from your doorstep.
    Take a harvest of coarse salt. On the waning moon at night, speak 9 times:

    “Salt salt, white salt, loose salt! Help the servant of God (name) to drive away from my house, so that she lives her life, does her own business, And she was not interested in mine and her husbands and did not climb. Help get rid of her advice and complaints, Save her from anger and hostility. Make her forget the way to our house, Yes, she stopped going to us! Amen!"

    Bring salt to the threshold of the mother-in-law, pour as much as possible there. If there is a rug, then pour it under the rug. Repeat the ritual after a month to consolidate the effect. The salt won't let her in. It will only be if you call to come.

    If the husband is very dependent on the mother

    Where there is an imperious mother, there will be no rest for the daughter-in-law. If your husband is very dependent on his mother, then you need to break this connection. It is done on the waning moon on Thursday.
    You will need:

    • Small onion;
    • glass of water;
    • church candle;
    • new knife.

    You should be alone at night, if the husband is at home, make sure he sleeps.
    Light a candle, let it be the only source of light. Cut the onion in half with a new knife, say to it 12 times:

    “As an onion unites with water, so do we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), And no one and nothing can quarrel us and not separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, To always support me, to be a mountain for me! To be on my side in disputes with my mother, Yes, he was not a sissy, but he could get rid of everything mother-in-law! Amen!"

    Do not forget that you need to leave gifts in the cemetery

    Dip in a glass of water. Extinguish the candle on the water between the two halves. Place the glass with the bulb on the window, and hide the candle.
    It should be like this for 7 days. On the eighth day, put a candle, a glass and an onion in a paper bag, go to the cemetery. There you will need to dig it all deeper. Leave the cemetery, don't look back. Will work within a month. After such a conspiracy, the mother-in-law will not say more evil words against you, she will rarely come. So that she does not plot against you, this is an excellent ritual. What is buried in the cemetery land will not harm anyone, it will not come out. There will be a strong conspiracy.

    In order to save your marriage and not spoil your relationship with your husband's mother, use simple rules. To do this, you do not need to be a magician, healer, practitioner of the dark or light tradition. Ordinary worldly wisdom, which will strengthen the effect of any conspiracies on the mother-in-law.

    Current page: 29 (total book has 74 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 49 pages]


    100% +

    If your husband's relatives eat you

    Invite them over for a meal. Bake pancakes and give them jelly to drink. When serving pancakes and jelly, say to yourself three times:

    I commemorate your anger with pancakes, wash it down with jelly. Amen.

    So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

    Speak on sweets, gingerbread, tea, on everything you can treat your mother-in-law:

    As your son is dear to you, dear to your blood, your flesh, so I will be your blood, flesh, according to your soul, according to your heart. Love me like your child and more than your heart. Amen.

    So that the mother-in-law does not offend

    It is read by the bride on her wedding day in the house where her mother-in-law lives, in the corner where there is no icon:

    Sheep, I am your wolf, be afraid of me. Mother-in-law, I am your Sun and Moon, my words are strong. Mother-in-law-devil, take off your tongue, stand up like a pillar, I'm over you head. Amen.

    So that the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law

    I enter the house, I don’t look at the icons, poof, mother-in-law, I’m a son-in-law, I can take all the power. You keep quiet, and I scream. Here I am sir. Amen.

    If the mother-in-law interferes with the son-in-law

    Sophia from Severodvinsk writes: “My husband hates my mother. My mother is good and kind. I was raised alone, I was afraid that my stepfather might offend. While she was healthy, she helped in any way she could. All pickles, jams - from her hands. I cooked pies and donuts every day. She fell ill, I began to persuade my husband to take her to me, she can no longer manage alone, the time has come to repay her debts. I see it melting before my eyes, gradually leaving me.

    And the husband was furious: "Either I, or this stinker." Mother does not leave the room so as not to catch his eye. The toilet and then stealthily goes.

    Today he made a scandal and left. He said that while his mother was in the house, his legs would not be here. My mother says that I should give her to a nursing home and not break my life because of her. She says that she doesn’t care to die, but I, they say, need to live. She says that she will do something with herself to free me from herself, but she is only afraid that I will be scared when I see her in a noose.

    It's a shame that my mother never said a bad word to him.

    What to do, Natalya Ivanovna?

    Read the plot on his thing, the one that will be worn, or on food or drink. They read at the first ray of the Sun, at an early dawn:

    I pray early, I am baptized to you, God. Like any person, now and forever, his nose, his mouth do not irritate, he is not superfluous, they do not interfere with his face, but help him to live. How can he do without them, not from the first time until the hour of death. So my mother would not interfere with the servant of God (name), did not infuriate and irritate. It would not seem to him like a snake and a terrible Satan, but would be his own mother. He would begin to miss her, as if he were his mother, to miss her, to grieve with grief. I wouldn’t lie down without eating, I wouldn’t leave without drinking. I would pity her as my own hand, I would take my son's torment for her. How a son would miss my mother, grieved, yearned, would not eat a piece, but would give it to her. Gyrfalcon in the sky, fish in the water. And the dawn, dawn, take away the goryushko. Help me, God's servant (name). Amen.

    Give your son-in-law a pancake fried in fish oil, say that it is very healthy.

    When frying a pancake, say a slander:

    I commemorate with a pancake that fish that is silent, that son-in-law that speaks against. Amen.

    To the peacefulness of the son-in-law and mother-in-law

    They put a willow wand on the threshold, slander it nine times, and then beat it on the threshold with this wand twelve times.

    My business is tricky. My willow rod, do not break, do not rot, submit to my cause. So submit and make peace, servants of God (names). I drive with a willow twig from this threshold all malice, all resentment. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Friendship of brother and sister

    They light a candle from both sides, slander it and let it burn out completely.

    Lord, my God, how this candle has two ends, so that until the end of time, brother and sister, servants of God (names), do not quarrel among themselves. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    From a greedy mother-in-law

    The woman-mother writes: “I raised my son alone, it was hard for me to get it. brought up without male hand, brought up in a feminine way soft and compliant. The son got married, lives with his mother-in-law, works two jobs, does not drink, and his mother-in-law is still not enough, the skin and bones of the guy are left. I don’t want to breed them, I feel sorry for my grandson, and my daughter-in-law. People say that there is a slander from a greedy mother-in-law. Teach, help mother's grief. I have one, I feel sorry for him.

    They take a used bath broom, tie a rope around the handle, carry it to a birch okolok and hang it on a birch there, but in such a way that no one can see. They go around this birch three times and read a slander near it, and then they leave without looking back at the birch, and are silent all the way to the house. If you hear barking somewhere along the way, then you need to redo everything.

    Mother birch, as your branches burn, so let the greed of the servant of God (name) burn. Amen.

    So that the son-in-law is not offended

    “Natalya Ivanovna, whatever I do, my son-in-law doesn’t like it. We live together, he puffs up and is silent, it’s very hard.”

    Take the spoken food, let him taste it.

    I remember your anger. You, servant of God (name), be baptized more often, pray to Jesus Christ, do not be angry with me, God's servant (name). Eat, eat, drink, drink, but don't hurt me. Amen.

    If the son-in-law does not want to work

    Go to the ant pile, put a glass of water on it and read forty times.

    Take away the water, pour the son-in-law into a drink, reading "Our Father".

    Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

    The plot is read over the ant heap:

    Oh my God. Water from the sea, shadow from the sun, star from the moon. Lord, God, help. As ants work, as bees drag honey, they don’t know peace and laziness, so the servant of God (name), worked, didn’t know peace, helped his family in everything. My word is stucco, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    How to make your son the head of the family

    When you go to the future daughter-in-law to woo her for her son, let the son come in first. He does not take off his hat in front of the matchmakers until they are seated at the table. If one of the wooers manages to take away a spoon from the bride's house, then the son will be the master in the house and the wife will never leave him. Three months after their wedding, the spoon should be thrown into the house of the bride.

    A wedding dress, a ring, a veil should not be allowed to be measured by either girlfriends or sisters. Otherwise, there will be quarrels in the family.

    If at the wedding one of the young people first steps to the altar, he will be the head of the family.

    You can not invite an even number of guests to the wedding, this is bad.

    You can’t let guests from the wedding into the bedroom of the young, and even more so show their bed.

    If the wife’s ring falls during the wedding, she will die first, if the husband’s ring falls, he is a short-lived tenant.

    If someone throws salt into the bride's shoes, first into the right, then into the left, the young woman will cry with her husband all the time. According to custom, shoes are stolen at a wedding, be careful.

    If anyone wants to separate the young and turn Wedding Dress on left side and so he will leave him hanging for the night, tying the hem with a knot, the young ones will disperse very soon. Therefore, you need to take care of the bride's dress until the year of their life.

    The matchmaker does not take salt - the children will not live, they will disperse.

    How to remove the hatred of the mother-in-law

    This theme is present in almost every letter. You read and marvel at how people manage to spoil their relationships, make enemies within the family! There is a lack of tolerance and indulgence among both the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. And the result is inevitably the same - divorce.

    Here is one of the many letters.

    “... I married for love. Young people tend to retire, but there are mothers-in-law who are simply infuriated by the fact that her son gives his wife attention and care. It seems to them that their sons forget them. All sorts of nit-picking begins: you clean the wrong way, you wash the wrong way, you don’t know how or don’t want to cook. Although my husband and I are happy to eat sandwiches and apples, just to be together. It's such happiness!

    The mother-in-law specifically and very loudly says:

    “If she loved you like I do, she would feed you and take care of you the way you should. And she only loves herself. Out of respect for your mother, she could mop the floor one more time...

    No, just think, as if this could prove respect! After such conversations, my soul naturally turns away from her. Why embarrass me in front of my husband? Why so openly show your dislike for me? What did I do to her?

    My husband, of course, took my side. He did not scold her, but simply said:

    Mom, I'm not hungry. If need be, we will cook, you need not worry. We're fine.

    And with those words, he pissed her off even more. How?! He is for this snotty girl, and not for me?! I raised him, fed him, gave him my whole life, and so on.

    If I do laundry, she comes in and says:

    - To spend so much powder for one wash? It's just unthinkable! Did you grow up in a family of millionaires? Or do I have to buy powders every day now?

    Or, I washed my panties and bra (sorry) and, embarrassed by my father-in-law, did not hang them in the bathroom, but hung them in my room with my husband. Then she jumped in and began to speak in an irritated, angry and sarcastic voice:

    - Just think, son, how your wife does not respect you! Hangs clothes under your nose, and you sniff!

    We don’t spend money like that, we don’t buy it, and in general we do everything wrong ... As a result, my husband began to tell me the same thing.

    I started to hate her. When my daughter was born, I left, I just didn’t have the strength anymore. I will never forgive her for ruining my happiness. My child is now growing up without a father.

    You may ask why we did not leave her for an apartment? We tried, but she immediately "fell ill". My husband is kind, and we returned.

    Now he is married again. Their neighbor told me that everything is still there, the same topic. I feel sorry for that girl, because I know very well that his mother will not let anyone take even a particle of her son's heart. This heart belongs only to her.

    From another letter:

    “Hello, Natalya Ivanovna!

    Before marriage, everything was fine in my life, despite the fact that we lived poorly after the war. I graduated from the Blagoveshchensk Institute and moved to Sakhalin to work. She got married a year later. All good things ended there very quickly.

    In August we moved in with his parents. This is where it all started. For some reason, his mother didn't like me. She said about me:

    - Imported from China. It's like they're not here!

    Although, I think, there was nothing bad in me: I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke, I was inferior in everything and tried to please my husband.

    The husband was 29 years old. When he came home from work, he first of all asked: “Where is Olya?” His mother told him that I had just come in drunk and climbed in through the window. After that, he lashed out at me.

    I asked her:

    Why are you saying this?

    And then there were births and such difficult ones that if they told me: choose, one more birth or death, then I would choose death.

    I heard with my own ears how the mother-in-law said: “What, this snake has not died yet?”

    And when the doctor said that I would not live more than five years, she laughed. I think it was she who made me spoil to death. Olga Petrovna M.

    Another letter:

    “... They played the wedding, and I moved into the house of my mother-in-law. Before the wedding, while my husband and I were just dating, I had a normal relationship with his mother. And when they began to live together, quarrels began. I blame my mother-in-law for everything.

    I left twice, but since I love my husband very much, I returned again. My husband was torn between me and his mother. He felt sorry for both me and the mother who raised him alone.

    Once there was a scandal. My husband took my side, because I told him that if I leave again, I will never return. He did not hit his mother, but shouted that she was ruining his life. Who would have thought that she would go to her room and commit suicide there ...

    Before her death, she wrote something to us, but broke it off. We will never know who she blamed: him or me. Or just decided that no one else needs it.

    We have lived for 26 years, we have adult children. A daughter-in-law has already appeared in my house, and only now I realized how great my guilt is, what a sin is on my soul. I fought for power - with whom? With the woman who gave birth and raised me a good husband?

    We never talk about what happened, we avoid this topic. We take care of the grave, we plant flowers. But I know that I am responsible for the death of this woman. Guilty before her husband, guilty before God. I was just a stupid, young girl and didn't understand anything.

    I want young women to read my letter. Let them know that some mistakes cannot be corrected.”

    Unfortunately, there are many such letters. People and circumstances are different. I, of course, will give conspiracies to pacify fierce mothers-in-law, I, of course, will give amulets to families and help with everything I can.

    But I'll tell you what, my dears. Sometimes you need to be wise. And wisdom is inherent not only to mature people.

    Do not neglect my advice, I give them to you from the bottom of my heart, I give it so that peace, harmony and love reign in your house.

    Think for yourself, you love your husband for certain qualities. But it is unlikely that you thought about the fact that your loved one became just like that because his mother created and raised him that way. And with your marriage, she cannot lose her influence over her son. After all, you also listen to the words and advice of your mother, trusting her infinitely, knowing how much she loves you. Therefore, do not try to inspire or tell your husband bad things about his mother, this will be your first mistake.

    Perhaps for some time your husband will take your side in a chivalrous way, but sooner or later the son's feelings will speak in him, and then, through pity for your mother, your relationship will be doomed ...

    If you disagree with your mother-in-law in something, you should not negotiate through your husband. It will be tantamount to setting the son against the mother. And also unwillingness to communicate personally with the mother-in-law.

    Get ready for the fact that many things will not suit her for a very simple reason: "Everything is not done for her."

    Agree, she lived for many decades in her own way. All things are in the designated places. She alone was the hostess in the kitchen, and in all the rooms too.

    And here you are. For her, everything changed immediately. You hang other curtains, lay other paths (to your liking). “Alien” dishes appear in the kitchen and, perhaps, her favorite stove has become not entirely clean.

    She's been buying all her life washing powder"Lotus", and you snatched off the expensive "Ariel", and yet, as it seems to her, her son pays for it. Friends began to come to you, the TV is on for a long time, music and noise often come from your room, and she thinks: “No one cares that I have pressure and my head hurts, that I can’t sleep for a long time ...”

    The first three years of life in the husband's family are spent on laying the foundation of family relations, including with the mother-in-law. If during this time you manage to win the favor of your mother-in-law with wisdom and patience, consider that your marriage will last for many years.

    Believe me, if your husband fools around, his mother will bruise her forehead so that your marriage does not fall apart. She will cry and persuade her son not to disperse, to come to his senses, since the daughter-in-law is good, and what will be next is still unknown.

    So, according to diligence and mind it is given.

    Here are a few rules for winning the heart of the mother-in-law:

    Call her "mom" whenever possible.

    In no case do not raise your voice to the mother-in-law.

    In the event of a quarrel between a husband and mother, take only her side, even if you think your husband is right.

    If possible, make mother-in-law even inexpensive gifts.

    You should know when your mother-in-law has a birthday, all other important dates in her life: March 8, Mother's Day, New Year, Easter, etc. Try to congratulate her first, it will be noticed, I assure you.

    Inquire about the health of your mother-in-law, if necessary, buy medicine for her personally so that she feels that her health is not indifferent to you.

    If you live separately, try to find time to clean her apartment.

    Go visit your mother-in-law more often. Call just to chat.

    Never speak ill of her son, you will not be forgiven for that.

    Tell her somehow, preferably at a table with guests, that you are infinitely grateful to her for her son. And that it is her merit that he is a good husband and person. She will remember this for the rest of her life.

    Knit or sew something for your mother-in-law. It will come back to you, and more than once, in other things.

    Never talk badly about your mother-in-law or your husband to your neighbors and relatives. They can convey and distort the essence.

    Never ask your mother-in-law for money, and if you take it, be sure to return it on time.

    Tell your mother-in-law that she is still pretty and that your son is all into her.

    Your children are her grandchildren. If not for her, then your husband would not exist. And if, for example, you had a different husband, then your children would be completely different. So, its share is in your children. Remember this and do not forbid the grandmother to communicate with her grandchildren.

    Be merciful and patient with your mother-in-law's character. And to illness. And God will be merciful to you in your old age. And no one escaped from old age, except for the dead.

    I want to especially say about her "trash". Every thing, every broken vase is a stage of her life. Turn a blind eye to this generously and never throw anything away without permission. Do not talk disrespectfully about the things of the mother-in-law, perhaps outwardly she will agree, but resentment will lie in her heart.

    Conspiracy on a fierce mother-in-law

    The coltsfoot plant breaks from the root on Friday at noon.

    Stand facing east and read the plot, and on the word "amen" break the plant in half. Bury the top in the same place where it grew, and throw the root at the mother-in-law's house.

    Mother-and-stepmother, I plucked you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Immaculate Holy Virgin, the chastity of St. John the Baptist, the chastity of St. John the Evangelist. May you serve me now and forever and forever and ever. Order your stepmother to become a mother, to me, a servant of God (name), not to rage, not to scream, not to growl angrily, not to push me around, not to curse with words, not to frighten my husband.

    As you, grass, came out of the earth through stones and sand, through red clay, so send me, grass, beautiful mother-in-law. She didn’t destroy, but she loved the servant of God (name). My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, grass. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    On the mother-in-law's evil tongue

    Give the grumpy mother-in-law a drink of jelly, and when you cook jelly, say this:

    Rejoice in me, servant of God (name), as a mother rejoices in a child, a mare in a foal, a sheep in a lamb, a holy father - Happy Easter. Look for me, Lord, mother-in-law caresses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    If the mother-in-law does not allow to live

    In front of me is Olya, a thin woman who looks like a teenager, but has two twin boys. The look and voice of a doomed man. What she says agrees with her thoughts: she is not cunning.

    Her story is this. She married the man she loved. She gave birth to twins. Anyone who has even spent a day with two babies will understand how hard it is. One falls asleep, the other wakes up. But the husband was good father helped with everything.

    The mother-in-law, who lived at that time with her husband's brother, sold her apartment and gave him money for turnover in trade, and went to live with Olya and Sasha.

    On the very first day, she made a scandal, which came out because of what. Exhausted by insomnia, Olya washed diapers and prayed for the children to sleep longer, they still had to have time to prepare dinner for adults, wash and iron.

    The mother-in-law, who liked to chat with her friends, just at that moment began to call them. Olya asked her to speak a little quieter, very politely, without any tricks. What started here!

    She shouted: “I am the same as you, hostess, and don’t x ... tell me! I pissed off the children to milk my son, he will be their slave all his life!” And the children woke up, crying. Olya took them both in her arms and began to walk around the room. In the evening, the mother-in-law began to slander her husband, crying that her life would end in a nursing home. Husband, soft a kind person, at the sight of his mother's tears, he began to get nervous and reprimand his wife that, they say, it was possible to give in to the old man and not bring the matter to tears and abuse. He asked me not to forget that this was his mother, etc. When he went to work, and Olya stayed with her mother-in-law and with the children, she very subtly played her thoughtful game. She spoke nasty things, insulted. Looking into the pot, she announced: "Soup called vomit," or like this: "My shit looks better than what you cook." She told him something completely different in her room, and loudly so that he could be heard. She understood that Olya would be angry with her lies. She said: “I don’t know, Sasha, I don’t know how to please her. I wash my dishes and wash diapers, I call her “daughter”, and she answers me: “What kind of daughter am I to you?”

    “Natalya Ivanovna,” says Olya, “I swear to you, she never called me a daughter. Only "lousy skeleton" or "asshole". But how can I be complete if I'm like a squirrel in a wheel spinning all day with two children? Before pregnancy, I was fuller. The question is not even in my offense, what I am in appearance, this is what I am, but in the fact that I can be left alone with two one-year-old children because of her. My husband has changed a lot for me, he began to drink. It is not clear where he spends the night, and his mother-in-law begins to feel sorry for him when he comes: “My unfortunate boy, they brought you, you are running away from home.”

    One day, the husband again did not come to spend the night. Having suffered with the children, upset by the absence of Sasha, I went to my mother-in-law. She lay with a cigarette and read a love story.

    "Please, let's talk," I said. In response, smoke in my direction and silence.

    - Nina Pavlovna, don't you really feel sorry for, if not grandchildren, then your son Sasha. He didn't drink at all before. So what can we share with you? Let's make up, I beg you. I love Sasha, I have no one but my family. I don't remember my mother, please replace her for me. You are getting old, anything is possible, I will never refuse to help you. Only you help me now. I'm on the verge, I can't understand anything, how I'm flying into the abyss.

    This is where she told me:

    “I’ll stand up to my neck in blood, and even if you give birth to five more children, I won’t let Sasha live with you.”

    Matishche, the dog is evil, the mother-in-law is not native. The star will not converge with the star, the evil of the mother-in-law will not spill on me. As you, mother, gnaw a bone, so you, the servant of God (name), will not plague me.

    To a grumbling mother-in-law

    It's no secret that a grouchy mother-in-law with her absurd character, eternal discontent and nit-picking can destroy even the strongest family. In order to correct this misfortune, you need to know three slander: the first, which is read for the young month (for the strength of the daughter-in-law in front of the mother-in-law), the second - for the waning month, so that quarrels subside, the third - for the full moon, so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law. Each of these slanders is read at one time according to the growth or the end of the month, but certainly on Friday.

    First conspiracy (for a young month)

    As a young month is born and will go through the heavens of the Lord in its own way and its own path, its own master, so would the servant of God (name), the young mistress, have strength and power over her mother-in-law. And she would know the roads of all her household and would hold them in her right hand, in her right fist. Tsyts, mother-in-law, I'm your head. Amen.

    Bake pancakes, talk about them and feed your mother-in-law.

    Second conspiracy (for a waning month)

    As the month is waning, it is coming to an end, so the quarrels in our house would come to an end, melt away. My mother-in-law would be silent, as the dead do not scream, as the fish in the ocean-sea are silent. Amen.

    Third conspiracy (to the full moon)

    As the full moon shines in the sky, it illuminates the entire Lord's sky, so would my mother-in-law's heart be full to me. So she would lavish affection on me, like the full moon illuminated the sky. I lock my whole tale with a moon lock, a moon key, a moon light. Amen.

    Prepare a good dinner, speak over it three times and make sure that the mother-in-law is the first to sit down at the table, and when she starts eating, show her a fig under the table. As people begin to wonder and ask why you have such peace in the house, do not tell anyone how you achieved this.

    If the mother-in-law washed the floor for you

    “Finally, the mother-in-law waited for what she wanted, divorced me from my husband. When I was packing my things, she was already covering my tracks in front of me and saying that my foot should not appear here anymore. And even the furniture moved differently. Now I live without men, no one pays attention to me. And at our wedding, she took away all the gifts and money that they gave us. She gave me her ring for registration, and then took it away. It's not me, but she got married. I hate her".

    I have already written about rings in previous textbooks. You can not take someone else's ring for registration and wedding. If necessary, you can remove the bad from yourself in this way.

    Weave a braid of sedge (be careful not to cut your hands). The size of the braid should be from the little finger to the elbow. Then this braid is thrown into the river downstream. They wash with a slander. But first, it’s good to read the prayer: “O those who hate and offend us.”

    Praying for those who have crucified Thee, O Lord, loving-kindness, and Thy servant praying for enemies, forgive those who hate and offend us, and from all evil and deceit to a brotherly-loving and virtuous dwelling, we humbly offer you a prayer; yes, in unanimous unanimity, we glorify Thee, the One Lover of mankind.

    Mother river, steep banks. You do not stand in one place, you run day and night: at the Sun and at dawn, at the stars and at the Moon. You wash and rinse: forest grasses and golden sands. Grant me peace. Most Holy Mother of God, cover with your robe. Wash away trouble from me, servants of God (name). Wash away, rinse all spells and curses: far-fetched and made, old and new, day and night, with candles and coals, with icons, lamps, with grave earth, with blood and saliva. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    From the word in anger

    Prayers consist of a string of words. The word materializes, carries what they wish. Especially if, during a quarrel, the blood lover wishes bad things.

    We have long since reconciled, the memory has erased the quarrel, but evil is growing.

    Inna M. says: “My mother loves us, but as far as I can remember, she curses us during quarrels, says:

    - God forbid you wrap snot around your fist, push around, but more, maybe you will appreciate your mother.

    And I really suffer all my life, no share, no happiness. Everything as my mother wished: I shake my snot on my fist. Recently, a grandmother told me that I was cursed by my mother, that her seal was in my eyes. She said that both children and grandchildren will suffer through this.

    Natalya Ivanovna, is there any protection against this and how to remove it? Read the amulet at dawn:

    How not to take milk from a duck, not to collect apples from rye, not to twist a rope out of water, not to knock butter out of shit, so not to spoil with a curse: neither bloody nor stranger, neither old nor young, neither in gray hair, nor in bald spots, with or without teeth. Neither mother, nor sisters, nor brothers will be according to this curse. The cross protects the church, and the Lord is His servant (name). Amen.

    How to remove a bad message on a person

    In a cup of water, move the knife counterclockwise and read forty times. Then wash the one who needs it.

    Christ comes, leads 12 disciples, speaks, explains, shows, Punishes his commandments. It is impossible to curse souls, it is necessary to save souls from evil. Save, Lord, save, remove the curse from the servant of God (name). I believe in the One God Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    So that the daughter-in-law does not run away from home

    From a letter: “We are in trouble. My daughter-in-law leaves her children and hangs out with her friends for three days. I try to talk to her, and she answers me: “They also have a father. Let him sit with them. Thank God, we now have equality.”

    And how will he sit, because he needs to work. Besides him, no one works, and I have been retired for a long time.”

    Run your little finger across the soot from bottom to top in the furnace and vice versa. Then smear the threshold of the house with this soot with the words:

    As this soot of the furnace forehead holds, so the servant of God (name) would hold on to his house, would not hang out in other people's huts. Amen to my words, amen to my words.

    * * *

    Tear dry grass from the graveyard. Set fire to it and do not leave until it decays. While the smoke is coming, say:

    As this smoke goes up and not down, so my daughter-in-law (name), keep your house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    For the daughter-in-law to help in the house (for lazy)

    Boil the soup, pour her first, and yourself last. Wash your own dishes first, and then your daughter-in-law's dishes and say while washing:

    As I wash it off, so I will cover you with work. Amen.

    They don’t do it on the third day of the week, on the birthday of the daughter-in-law or grandchildren, so that there is no backlash.

    So that the stepfather does not beat the children

    “My husband has some kind of abnormal power over me. By nature, I am neither fish nor meat, and even more so I cannot argue with him. By nature, he is very cruel and domineering. When we got together, he beat me very badly several times. He kicked me in the stomach, I'm afraid of him. When he comes drunk, everything inside me goes cold. His children are not native to him, before he did not touch them, but now he began to beat them. Who needs me with children. He is the master of my apartment. I will not dare to share an apartment, it will kill me. Nobody cares about people like me, I was made redundant at the factory, I wash floors for a penny, God forbid I lose this job. It is impossible to get a job, they do not take it anywhere. Trade - you need money for turnover. We eat bread and potatoes. But still, this is not the worst thing: I can’t look children in the eyes for not being able to protect them. What to do?"

    Cut off your husband's hair when he sleeps, throw it and three knives with wooden handles into boiling water. Read three times. Then drain the jar and put it in the front corner for three days, then take the water to the cemetery, pour it on the ground.

    In a dark hut, not with the Sun, not with the Moon, not with a bright star, there are not beds, but wooden beds. People sleep there, do not wake up, do not break their fast on Easter, their hands and feet do not rise, their mouths do not open in speeches. So the servant of God (name) would not raise his hands, his lips would not open in swearing, he would not wave his legs, he would not shout. He would all miss me (name) and children (names). Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    So that the stepfather does not rape your daughter (amulet)

    Sometimes it happens. This slander will help you avoid this trouble. If you decide to get married a second time and you have a daughter, in order to take the evil one away, talk about water, tea, etc., and on the third day of your life together get your husband drunk.

    As Christ was born, died and rose again, and as it is true, so it will be true that the evil one will not bribe my husband with temptation and my husband will not destroy my daughter. Just as it is true that Jesus Christ is resurrected, so is it true and true, God preserves it. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    So that there is no fornication in the relationship

    Incest is an unforgivable sin, besides this, there are situations when a widower and a widow converge, and their adult children, so that no sin comes out, read on one of the Saturdays in any corner where there are no icons.
