Anna Bykova - Developing activities for a “lazy mother. Anna BykovaDeveloping activities of a "lazy mother" Activities of a lazy mother

Anna Bykova

Developing activities of the "lazy mom"

© Bykova A.A., text, 2016

© Alexandra Dikaia, illustration, 2016

© katyazzzmama, illustrations, 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

* * *

From this book you will learn:

Where do smart kids come from?

How to help your baby speak

Why isn't it too late after 3?

Why teach a child to draw

Do I need to raise a polyglot

How to dine with geography

Can a story about a dandelion lay the foundation for systems thinking?


Today's moms and dads are very concerned about the development of their children. And that's great. They plan to send them first to an advanced kindergarten, then to a super school, to a circle, a development center, and then in a circle.

But development does not always require special manuals, special methods, specially equipped classes and specially trained teachers. The presence of an adult interested in the development of the baby is enough: it can be mom, dad, grandmother or nanny. And then any walk will turn into an educational one, and an ordinary plastic bucket and a scoop will become super-educational in the hands of an adult, who, with their help, will demonstrate the most unusual experiences to the child.

So how do you develop a child?

"Dig, bunny, dig!"


#where to find time for development

#animalson a green background and a dog

Once on the playground, walking with my child, I accidentally witnessed a conversation between two mothers. Moms stood a couple of steps away from me, and their children were picking the sand, which had not yet completely thawed after the winter, with plastic scoops next to my son. One mother complained to another about the catastrophic lack of time to deal with the child, and the second nodded in agreement.

“Washing and cooking – so the day has passed,” the first mother exhaled sadly, and then turned to her child to indicate her presence: “Dig, bunny, dig!” - And returned to the conversation with a friend. - Summer is ahead, and in the summer there is no time for classes again ...

- What kind of summer activities? It is better to walk outside more. At least some health benefits,” the second mother nodded.

- In the fall, she will go to my kindergarten, and they will develop it there. In kindergarten, teachers work with children according to the program.

We won't go to kindergarten. I will look for a development school for my school.

- Come on, it would be in the head, but you can develop it later. Dig, bunny, dig.

"Bunny" stared at the dog lying on an island of dry asphalt. The dog was overtaken by the spring sun, she lay with her head on her paws, and with a lazy look followed the impudent sparrows, dragging bread crumbs from under her nose. And the mothers continued to talk.

- I bought cards here according to some system, I forgot the name. There are various animals and birds on the cards. The background color is different, so it is immediately clear who is from which group. Animals are on a green background, and birds are on a blue one. But again, it all boils down to lack of time. Well, you need to find time to sit down, lay out the cards and explain everything to her. And the whole day is such a whirlwind, you know. Dig, bunny, dig!

"Bunny", having heard her mother's parting words, was distracted from watching the dog and the sparrows, who, regardless of the logic of the cards, led their lives on the gray asphalt that had melted from under the snow, and continued to dig. A bright plastic scoop plunged into the hole, scooping up the sand. There was little sand. Having dug down to the asphalt, the girl began to dig a new hole without leaving the spot. There were already four holes around it.

I wonder if the “bunny” knows that there are exactly four holes around it? Which of these pits is deeper, which is wider, larger? What color is her scoop? What color is the bucket? What color is the bucket of the boy playing next to him? Which one has the bigger bucket? What is the name of this boy? And what about that one digging nearby? How old are they? Which one is older? Whose dog is this? Why do birds steal bread from her? Does she know that these quick, chirping birds are called sparrows, and the bigger ones are pigeons? How much mother could tell her. But the mother, during a walk, tells another aunt that she has no time to deal with the child, and at the same time meets with complete understanding. “Dig, bunny, dig! ..” Mom hopes for a kindergarten - “there are teachers”, and aunt advises mom which school early development it is better to drive a child from the first days of autumn. And there's still a whole summer ahead.

Summer, however, is not a reason to postpone the development of the child until autumn. Moreover, development does not require special aids, special techniques, specially equipped classes and teachers specially trained in the development of the baby: it can be mom, dad, grandmother or nanny. And then each walk will turn into a developing one. The presence of an interested adult is sufficient.

The most common developmental walk



#fine motor skills to the development of logic on the shore puddles

One two three four five,
We are going for a walk!

It is “one”, and not “one”, as is customary in counting rhymes. Because that's right - one. Because the figure is called "one", not "difference".

* * *

My son and I count the steps in chorus as we go up or down the stairs. And since we live on the fourth floor, for one descent (as well as for one ascent) we count up to nine six times. Each time we are cheerfully surprised when we reach the end of the next flight: “Wow, nine steps again! Always nine! There are nine everywhere! And we conclude that on each staircase the steps are equally divided, the same number.

Count to nine at age two? Easily! If it's fun, then it's not difficult at all, but on the contrary, it's exciting. So that the count in the child’s head is not connected only with the steps, you can count everything that you meet on a walk: cones, pebbles, sticks, and at least buckets in the sandbox. And you can count not only up to nine. And you can also lay out the treasures discovered on a walk, in size: from the largest cone to the smallest, from the longest stick to the shortest. To form the concept of size in a child, teaching aids are not needed. Why are they, when there are so many things around that can be touched, moved, attached to each other, that is, compared empirically.

Cognition through sensory experience is the most correct approach to the development of a child in early age. To do this, it is enough for a mother (grandmother, nanny) to be emotionally involved in what is happening and follow the interest of the child.

Is your child showing no interest in learning activities? A restless kid categorically does not want to sit at the table and look at the book that his mother shows him? This is fine. The kid was carried away by a puddle? This is also normal. On the contrary, it would be abnormal if your child showed complete indifference to puddles.

If I see that the energy of my son's interest is directed to a puddle, then we will explore the puddle together. Measure its depth with a stick. Measure its width in steps. Throw stones into a puddle and laugh at the sight of splashes flying in different directions. We will also launch various found objects into the water, testing them for buoyancy. Bottle cap - will it float or sink? And how will a chip behave in water?

From an ATM receipt accidentally found in my pocket, I roll up a small boat. This is at least another twenty minutes spent near the puddle. A whole twenty minutes? What can be done with paper boat such a gap in time? And here's what. Let go on a long voyage. Reading poems about boats aloud, dedicating them to brave travelers, is the development of speech. Oh, yes, our boat is sailing without a team on board! Not a problem, we will turn the fallen pine needles into a detachment of sailors - this is the development of fantasy. My son immerses each needle on the boat carefully, in turn, holding it with two fingers - this is development fine motor skills. Now let's count the members of the brave crew of sailors - the development of the counting skill. Let's blow on the boat, depicting a heavy wind - articulatory gymnastics, the development of the speech apparatus. A couple of times we will read a poem about a boat - the development of memory. What else would we make a boat out of? We find a wrapper from a chocolate bar under the bench - the development of observation, and at the same time the development of logic through the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships: a wrapper is also paper, like a check, which means that you can roll just an excellent boat out of it.

We will also launch various found objects into the water, testing them for buoyancy. Bottle cap - will it float or sink? And how will a chip behave in water?

And now on our sea, that is, on the surface of the puddle, from which the son cannot be torn off now, a large pirate ship appears. Naturally, a naval battle begins. Our task is to protect the ship with traveler needles from pirates, and we start throwing small pebbles into a puddle, aiming at a pirate ship - the development of accuracy. Then, with the help of a stick, we remove both boats from the puddle and send them to dry under the bright spring sun on a bench. Come back in a while and see what has changed. This is the study of the properties of water.

“The Developmental Activities of the “Lazy Mom” is a book about contemporary problem development of children. Nowadays, mothers are building a career and they have very little time left for their children. It is easier for women to pay a lot of money and send their child to a developing school or kindergarten, while not devoting their personal time to them at all. Anna Bykova tells how you can rationally use your time to raise a child and not spend a penny.

In the book “Developing Activities of the “Lazy Mom”, everything is so simple. When you go outside with your child, you can teach him along the way: to count when you go down the stairs; distinguish figures by size by digging, for example, several different holes in the sand or picking up sticks different lengths; distinguish colors by studying them in street toys. Tell how birds differ from each other and teach a lot more, which is enough for imagination. Children at their young age learn everything through touch and eye contact. So why not let them enjoy it? Why fill your child's head with unnecessary things?

The book “Developing Activities of the “Lazy Mom” should become your encyclopedia. Believe me, Anna Bykova will not give bad advice to your children. Her teaching experience and education as a psychologist will help you and your loved ones get on the right path of raising a child from birth to independent adulthood. We especially recommend reading this book to very young mothers who have no experience in dealing with children.

The author drew conclusions from her own experience and shared them in her collection. Using her advice, you will not only find time for your children, but also spend it with pleasure together with benefit, while not forcing the child to memorize unnecessary things, but to study everything in game form. Even if a child devotes a day to studying a puddle, he will remember this feeling for the rest of his life and nothing can compare with it. After all, if you don’t let a child explore a puddle at two years old, then he will do it at ten.

“The developmental activities of the “lazy mom” - this title corresponds to the content of the book, because mothers develop with their children. Are you ready to argue on this topic? Most likely, you will agree when you read this work. Do not be lazy, and the world of childhood will open to you from a different side, which you did not know before.

On our literary site, you can download the book by Anna Bykova “Developing Activities of the “Lazy Mom”” (Fragment) in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

Anna Bykova

Developing activities of the "lazy mom"

© Bykova A.A., text, 2016

© Alexandra Dikaia, illustration, 2016

© katyazzzmama, illustrations, 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

* * *

From this book you will learn:

Where do smart kids come from?

How to help your baby speak

Why isn't it too late after 3?

Why teach a child to draw

Do I need to raise a polyglot

How to dine with geography

Can a story about a dandelion lay the foundation for systems thinking?


Today's moms and dads are very concerned about the development of their children. And that's great. They plan to send them first to an advanced kindergarten, then to a super school, to a circle, a development center, and then in a circle.

But development does not always require special manuals, special methods, specially equipped classes and specially trained teachers. The presence of an adult interested in the development of the baby is enough: it can be mom, dad, grandmother or nanny. And then any walk will turn into an educational one, and an ordinary plastic bucket and a scoop will become super-educational in the hands of an adult, who, with their help, will demonstrate the most unusual experiences to the child.

So how do you develop a child?

"Dig, bunny, dig!"


#where to find time for development

#animalson a green background and a dog

Once on the playground, walking with my child, I accidentally witnessed a conversation between two mothers. Moms stood a couple of steps away from me, and their children were picking the sand, which had not yet completely thawed after the winter, with plastic scoops next to my son. One mother complained to another about the catastrophic lack of time to deal with the child, and the second nodded in agreement.

“Washing and cooking – so the day has passed,” the first mother exhaled sadly, and then turned to her child to indicate her presence: “Dig, bunny, dig!” - And returned to the conversation with a friend. - Summer is ahead, and in the summer there is no time for classes again ...

- What kind of summer activities? It is better to walk outside more. At least some health benefits,” the second mother nodded.

- In the fall, she will go to my kindergarten, and they will develop it there. In kindergarten, teachers work with children according to the program.

We won't go to kindergarten. I will look for a development school for my school.

- Come on, it would be in the head, but you can develop it later. Dig, bunny, dig.

"Bunny" stared at the dog lying on an island of dry asphalt. The dog was overtaken by the spring sun, she lay with her head on her paws, and with a lazy look followed the impudent sparrows, dragging bread crumbs from under her nose. And the mothers continued to talk.

- I bought cards here according to some system, I forgot the name. There are various animals and birds on the cards. The background color is different, so it is immediately clear who is from which group. Animals are on a green background, and birds are on a blue one. But again, it all boils down to lack of time. Well, you need to find time to sit down, lay out the cards and explain everything to her. And the whole day is such a whirlwind, you know. Dig, bunny, dig!

"Bunny", having heard her mother's parting words, was distracted from watching the dog and the sparrows, who, regardless of the logic of the cards, led their lives on the gray asphalt that had melted from under the snow, and continued to dig. A bright plastic scoop plunged into the hole, scooping up the sand. There was little sand. Having dug down to the asphalt, the girl began to dig a new hole without leaving the spot. There were already four holes around it.

I wonder if the “bunny” knows that there are exactly four holes around it? Which of these pits is deeper, which is wider, larger? What color is her scoop? What color is the bucket? What color is the bucket of the boy playing next to him? Which one has the bigger bucket? What is the name of this boy? And what about that one digging nearby? How old are they? Which one is older? Whose dog is this? Why do birds steal bread from her? Does she know that these quick, chirping birds are called sparrows, and the bigger ones are pigeons? How much mother could tell her. But the mother, during a walk, tells another aunt that she has no time to deal with the child, and at the same time meets with complete understanding. “Dig, bunny, dig! ..” Mom hopes for a kindergarten - “there are teachers there”, and aunt advises mom which school for early development is better to take a child from the first days of autumn. And there's still a whole summer ahead.

Anna Bykova

Developing activities of the "lazy mom"

© Bykova A.A., text, 2016

© Alexandra Dikaia, illustration, 2016

© katyazzzmama, illustrations, 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

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Today's moms and dads are very concerned about the development of their children. And that's great. They plan to send them first to an advanced kindergarten, then to a super school, to a circle, a development center, and then in a circle.

But development does not always require special manuals, special methods, specially equipped classes and specially trained teachers. The presence of an adult interested in the development of the baby is enough: it can be mom, dad, grandmother or nanny. And then any walk will turn into an educational one, and an ordinary plastic bucket and a scoop will become super-educational in the hands of an adult, who, with their help, will demonstrate the most unusual experiences to the child.

So how do you develop a child?

"Dig, bunny, dig!"


#where to find time for development

#animalson a green background and a dog

Once on the playground, walking with my child, I accidentally witnessed a conversation between two mothers. Moms stood a couple of steps away from me, and their children were picking the sand, which had not yet completely thawed after the winter, with plastic scoops next to my son. One mother complained to another about the catastrophic lack of time to deal with the child, and the second nodded in agreement.

“Washing and cooking – so the day has passed,” the first mother exhaled sadly, and then turned to her child to indicate her presence: “Dig, bunny, dig!” - And returned to the conversation with a friend. - Summer is ahead, and in the summer there is no time for classes again ...

- What kind of summer activities? It is better to walk outside more. At least some health benefits,” the second mother nodded.

- In the fall, she will go to my kindergarten, and they will develop it there. In kindergarten, teachers work with children according to the program.

We won't go to kindergarten. I will look for a development school for my school.

- Come on, it would be in the head, but you can develop it later. Dig, bunny, dig.

"Bunny" stared at the dog lying on an island of dry asphalt. The dog was overtaken by the spring sun, she lay with her head on her paws, and with a lazy look followed the impudent sparrows, dragging bread crumbs from under her nose. And the mothers continued to talk.

- I bought cards here according to some system, I forgot the name. There are various animals and birds on the cards. The background color is different, so it is immediately clear who is from which group. Animals are on a green background, and birds are on a blue one. But again, it all boils down to lack of time. Well, you need to find time to sit down, lay out the cards and explain everything to her. And the whole day is such a whirlwind, you know. Dig, bunny, dig!

"Bunny", having heard her mother's parting words, was distracted from watching the dog and the sparrows, who, regardless of the logic of the cards, led their lives on the gray asphalt that had melted from under the snow, and continued to dig. A bright plastic scoop plunged into the hole, scooping up the sand. There was little sand. Having dug down to the asphalt, the girl began to dig a new hole without leaving the spot. There were already four holes around it.

I wonder if the “bunny” knows that there are exactly four holes around it? Which of these pits is deeper, which is wider, larger? What color is her scoop? What color is the bucket? What color is the bucket of the boy playing next to him? Which one has the bigger bucket? What is the name of this boy? And what about that one digging nearby? How old are they? Which one is older? Whose dog is this? Why do birds steal bread from her? Does she know that these quick, chirping birds are called sparrows, and the bigger ones are pigeons? How much mother could tell her. But the mother, during a walk, tells another aunt that she has no time to deal with the child, and at the same time meets with complete understanding. “Dig, bunny, dig! ..” Mom hopes for a kindergarten - “there are teachers there”, and aunt advises mom which school for early development is better to take a child from the first days of autumn. And there's still a whole summer ahead.

Summer, however, is not a reason to postpone the development of the child until autumn. Moreover, development does not require special aids, special techniques, specially equipped classes and teachers specially trained in the development of the baby: it can be mom, dad, grandmother or nanny. And then each walk will turn into a developing one. The presence of an interested adult is sufficient.

The most common developmental walk



#fine motor skills to the development of logic on the shore puddles

One two three four five,

We are going for a walk!

It is “one”, and not “one”, as is customary in counting rhymes. Because that's right - one. Because the figure is called "one", not "difference".

My son and I count the steps in chorus as we go up or down the stairs. And since we live on the fourth floor, for one descent (as well as for one ascent) we count up to nine six times. Each time we are cheerfully surprised when we reach the end of the next flight: “Wow, nine steps again! Always nine! There are nine everywhere! And we conclude that on each staircase the steps are equally divided, the same number.

Current page: 1 (total book has 12 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]

Anna Bykova
Developing activities of the "lazy mom"

© Bykova A.A., text, 2016

© Alexandra Dikaia, illustration, 2016

© katyazzzmama, illustrations, 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

* * *

From this book you will learn:

Where do smart kids come from?

How to help your baby speak

Why isn't it too late after 3?

Why teach a child to draw

Do I need to raise a polyglot

How to dine with geography

Can a story about a dandelion lay the foundation for systems thinking?


Today's moms and dads are very concerned about the development of their children. And that's great. They plan to send them first to an advanced kindergarten, then to a super school, to a circle, a development center, and then in a circle.

But development does not always require special manuals, special methods, specially equipped classes and specially trained teachers. The presence of an adult interested in the development of the baby is enough: it can be mom, dad, grandmother or nanny. And then any walk will turn into an educational one, and an ordinary plastic bucket and a scoop will become super-educational in the hands of an adult, who, with their help, will demonstrate the most unusual experiences to the child.

Part 1
So how do you develop a child?

"Dig, bunny, dig!"


#where to find time for development

#animalson a green background and a dog

Once on the playground, walking with my child, I accidentally witnessed a conversation between two mothers. Moms stood a couple of steps away from me, and their children were picking the sand, which had not yet completely thawed after the winter, with plastic scoops next to my son. One mother complained to another about the catastrophic lack of time to deal with the child, and the second nodded in agreement.

“Washing and cooking – so the day has passed,” the first mother exhaled sadly, and then turned to her child to indicate her presence: “Dig, bunny, dig!” - And returned to the conversation with a friend. - Summer is ahead, and in the summer there is no time for classes again ...

- What kind of summer activities? It is better to walk outside more. At least some health benefits,” the second mother nodded.

- In the fall, she will go to my kindergarten, and they will develop it there. In kindergarten, teachers work with children according to the program.

We won't go to kindergarten. I will look for a development school for my school.

- Come on, it would be in the head, but you can develop it later. Dig, bunny, dig.

"Bunny" stared at the dog lying on an island of dry asphalt. The dog was overtaken by the spring sun, she lay with her head on her paws, and with a lazy look followed the impudent sparrows, dragging bread crumbs from under her nose. And the mothers continued to talk.

- I bought cards here according to some system, I forgot the name. There are various animals and birds on the cards. The background color is different, so it is immediately clear who is from which group. Animals are on a green background, and birds are on a blue one. But again, it all boils down to lack of time. Well, you need to find time to sit down, lay out the cards and explain everything to her. And the whole day is such a whirlwind, you know. Dig, bunny, dig!

"Bunny", having heard her mother's parting words, was distracted from watching the dog and the sparrows, who, regardless of the logic of the cards, led their lives on the gray asphalt that had melted from under the snow, and continued to dig. A bright plastic scoop plunged into the hole, scooping up the sand. There was little sand. Having dug down to the asphalt, the girl began to dig a new hole without leaving the spot. There were already four holes around it.

I wonder if the “bunny” knows that there are exactly four holes around it? Which of these pits is deeper, which is wider, larger? What color is her scoop? What color is the bucket? What color is the bucket of the boy playing next to him? Which one has the bigger bucket? What is the name of this boy? And what about that one digging nearby? How old are they? Which one is older? Whose dog is this? Why do birds steal bread from her? Does she know that these quick, chirping birds are called sparrows, and the bigger ones are pigeons? How much mother could tell her. But the mother, during a walk, tells another aunt that she has no time to deal with the child, and at the same time meets with complete understanding. “Dig, bunny, dig! ..” Mom hopes for a kindergarten - “there are teachers there”, and aunt advises mom which school for early development is better to take a child from the first days of autumn. And there's still a whole summer ahead.

Summer, however, is not a reason to postpone the development of the child until autumn. Moreover, development does not require special aids, special techniques, specially equipped classes and teachers specially trained in the development of the baby: it can be mom, dad, grandmother or nanny. And then each walk will turn into a developing one. The presence of an interested adult is sufficient.

The most common developmental walk



#fine motor skills to the development of logic on the shore puddles

One two three four five,
We are going for a walk!

It is “one”, and not “one”, as is customary in counting rhymes. Because that's right - one. Because the figure is called "one", not "difference".

* * *

My son and I count the steps in chorus as we go up or down the stairs. And since we live on the fourth floor, for one descent (as well as for one ascent) we count up to nine six times. Each time we are cheerfully surprised when we reach the end of the next flight: “Wow, nine steps again! Always nine! There are nine everywhere! And we conclude that on each staircase the steps are equally divided, the same number.

Count to nine at age two? Easily! If it's fun, then it's not difficult at all, but on the contrary, it's exciting. So that the count in the child’s head is not connected only with the steps, you can count everything that you meet on a walk: cones, pebbles, sticks, and at least buckets in the sandbox. And you can count not only up to nine. And you can also lay out the treasures discovered on a walk, in size: from the largest cone to the smallest, from the longest stick to the shortest. To form the concept of size in a child, teaching aids are not needed. Why are they, when there are so many things around that can be touched, moved, attached to each other, that is, compared empirically.

Cognition through sensory experience is the most correct approach to the development of a child at an early age. To do this, it is enough for a mother (grandmother, nanny) to be emotionally involved in what is happening and follow the interest of the child.

Is your child showing no interest in learning activities? A restless kid categorically does not want to sit at the table and look at the book that his mother shows him? This is fine. The kid was carried away by a puddle? This is also normal. On the contrary, it would be abnormal if your child showed complete indifference to puddles.

If I see that the energy of my son's interest is directed to a puddle, then we will explore the puddle together. Measure its depth with a stick. Measure its width in steps. Throw stones into a puddle and laugh at the sight of splashes flying in different directions. We will also launch various found objects into the water, testing them for buoyancy. Bottle cap - will it float or sink? And how will a chip behave in water?

From an ATM receipt accidentally found in my pocket, I roll up a small boat. This is at least another twenty minutes spent near the puddle. A whole twenty minutes? What can you do with a paper boat for such an abyss of time? And here's what. Let go on a long voyage. Reading poems about boats aloud, dedicating them to brave travelers, is the development of speech. Oh, yes, our boat is sailing without a team on board! Not a problem, we will turn the fallen pine needles into a detachment of sailors - this is the development of fantasy. My son carefully immerses each needle on the boat, in turn, holding it with two fingers - this is the development of fine motor skills. Now let's count the members of the brave crew of sailors - the development of the counting skill. Let's blow on the boat, depicting a heavy wind - articulatory gymnastics, the development of the speech apparatus. A couple of times we will read a poem about a boat - the development of memory. What else would we make a boat out of? We find a wrapper from a chocolate bar under the bench - the development of observation, and at the same time the development of logic through the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships: a wrapper is also paper, like a check, which means that you can roll just an excellent boat out of it.

We will also launch various found objects into the water, testing them for buoyancy. Bottle cap - will it float or sink? And how will a chip behave in water?

And now on our sea, that is, on the surface of the puddle, from which the son cannot be torn off now, a large pirate ship appears. Naturally, a naval battle begins. Our task is to protect the ship with traveler needles from pirates, and we start throwing small pebbles into a puddle, aiming at a pirate ship - the development of accuracy. Then, with the help of a stick, we remove both boats from the puddle and send them to dry under the bright spring sun on a bench. Come back in a while and see what has changed. This is the study of the properties of water.

Here is such a developing puddle. Here is such a developmental walk. Specially allotted time for developmental activities is zero. There are no specially allocated funds from the family budget for the purchase of developmental benefits. As you can see, we managed with improvised and pasture means. The resources involved are the adult's fantasy and his willingness to follow the child's interest.

And it could have been different: “Oh, don’t! Don't jump into the puddle!" (I have a hypothesis that if you don’t play enough with puddles at two years old, the child will still make up for the lost experience later, say, at ten years old. That is, at ten years old he will not have time for textbooks if important experience he will miss interactions with puddles.)

The very first encyclopedia


#educational toys

The fashion for early development stimulates the market to offer new products to meet the needs of parents. That's right: the needs of parents, but not children. Parents have a need to reduce their anxiety: “Are we investing enough in the development of our child? Is it timely? Were we late in buying the encyclopedia?

Toddlers do not need an encyclopedia. All necessary information they would prefer to receive from living communication, from sensory experience.

* * *

I often go to bookstores and every time I go to the department of educational aids for toddlers. Just out of curiosity. What else did they come up with "developing" to spur consumer interest? Not everything that is offered to parents is related to development. For example, I saw a strange encyclopedia for the little ones. She opened it at random and was amazed. I don't remember what thought first came into my poor head. Whether: “How easy it is for people to make money on this,” or: “Is it really someone who buys?” The A4 page showed a human ear. In the literal sense: one ear, separate from everything else, in the whole sheet. And signed: "Whoa." And on the next page - a similar image of a human nose in profile. And the signature is “NOS”, so that no one confuses. Recommended age of readers of the encyclopedia: 1 year.

I am very skeptical about all kinds of "educational" toys. Because I understand: not all of them are really developing.

Who came up with this and why? one year old baby should not learn the world from pictures and read (with the help of parents) names. He must get acquainted with the parts of the body, touching himself and loved ones: picking his nose, grabbing dad by the nose or even biting his nose, pulling his ears.

Through sensory experience, relying on sight and touch, he must find similarities and differences. “Mom has a nose too. But he's bigger than me. Dad's nose is bigger than mom's. Also, my dad has ears. If you pull dad hard by the ears, dad will scream that he is in pain. And if you close your ears with your hands, something will happen to your mother’s voice” – this is the knowledge of the world, this is related to development, this is an invaluable experience, and, moreover, free.

* * *

I am skeptical about all kinds of "educational toys" with a great deal of skepticism. Because I understand: not all of them are really developing. More precisely, not so. If you formulate the message to parents correctly, then you need to say not “developing toy”, but “a toy with developing potential”. After all, it is not a toy that develops, but communication with an adult. There are very few toys that can develop something in a child on their own, without interaction with an adult. And this is good. It is good when children and adults communicate. It is good that it is impossible to do without this communication for the full development of the child.

Even better if adults understand this. An ordinary plastic bucket and a scoop can become super-developing in the hands of an adult, who, with their help, will demonstrate to the child various experiments using water, sand, earth or snow. What will happen to sand if it is poured into a bucket of water? What happens to snow if you put it in a bucket of water? It turns out that snow does not change the color of the water. And rocks don't change the color of the water. But the earth is changing. Why?

* * *

The developing potential of a toy directly depends on the developing potential of an adult in whose hands this toy falls. And what does the developmental potential of an adult depend on? From the presence of creative thinking, the ability to find the necessary information, from basic knowledge in general and basic knowledge of developmental psychology in particular. All. It's enough. I see the value of various early development schools only in helping adults develop this potential in themselves. The message of the right school should probably be: “Look, it's easy to develop a child. You will succeed too. Try it yourself. You can come up with something similar and make it at home.”

How to choose a development school



The Internet is full of articles with the same title and similar recommendations. My view on this problem is somewhat different from the common one, so I decided to express my own, alternative point of view.

Everything you read below is primarily addressed to those whose children have not yet reached the age of three. After three years, the criteria for choosing a developing school will be different. The fundamental difference lies in the fact that until the age of three, mothers are usually present in the classroom and have the opportunity to personally assess the activities of the teacher: whether he develops the child or not.

According to the analysis of sites for parents, where the question of "developmental schools" appears, as mothers call such schools, the leaders are the following "useful" recommendations.

1. "Ask the administrator to show you documents for conducting educational activities."

And why, exactly? Developing and leisure activities for toddlers are not necessarily educational activities and do not always require licensing. For clarification, I advise you to refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Regulations on Licensing Educational Activities." Here is an extract: “... Educational activities carried out by conducting various classes and not accompanied by final certification and issuance of documents on education, activities for the maintenance and education of students and pupils, carried out without the implementation of educational programs, as well as individual labor pedagogical activity not subject to licensing". That's it.

At one time I worked in a municipal kindergarten, which did not have a license to educational activities. (The kindergarten was new, just opened, and the license had not yet been received.) Our teachers were not allowed to teach according to the program approved by the Ministry of Education and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. But we could spend leisure activities with children - singing, sculpting, drawing, playing - and we did it for mutual pleasure: both ours and the children's. Neither kids nor parents suffered from the lack of a license.

When I was choosing a “development school” for my eldest son, the last thing I was interested in was whether the institution that was suitable for us had a license for educational activities. To a much greater extent, I was interested in the personality of the teacher. But even here my preferences ran counter to the “classics”. What does the Internet recommend to us next?

2. “Take an interest in what kind of teachers work in the school of development. Ask them to show their diplomas. It is very good if they also have advanced training diplomas.”

To be honest, I have never seen diplomas of teachers who have worked and are working with my children. Not because they don't have diplomas, but because I didn't ask to see them.

According to my observations, one can ask about a diploma only when someone’s unprofessionalism literally hits the eye, giving rise to cognitive dissonance: “How, does this person really have a diploma?” And by the way, if you categorically did not like the lesson conducted by the teacher, then you are unlikely to be reassured by the fact that you have ten diplomas of education and advanced training.

Working in kindergarten, I frankly admitted to my parents that according to the first diploma I was a teacher of mathematics and computer science, and according to the second - a psychologist, and you know, they were not at all embarrassed that I did not have a "crust" of a specialist in preschool education. Diploma - a good thing, but still to some extent a formality, a piece of paper. They say that with a great desire, you can buy it. But you can't buy a brain and you can't hide intelligence. Therefore, it is better to choose a teacher according to recommendations, and even better - according to personal impression after meeting with him.

3. "It's very good if the developing center has its own website on the Internet, where you can get the necessary information about the program, methods and cost of classes."

In my opinion, this point can be ignored altogether. Personally, I do not see a direct connection between the content of the site and the involvement of the child in the developmental process. The main task of the site is to hook customers. If the classes in the center are so good, if the teachers are at the level, then the clients, as a rule, come by word of mouth, and in this case the site may not be available at all as unnecessary. In addition, the administrator is usually responsible for the content and promotion of the site, and not the people who lead the classes. It happens: the site is made at a high level of professionalism, and the classes themselves are very, very mediocre. And vice versa also happens: a simple site, but good teachers.

4. “Pay attention to material base institutions."
