Outdoor running in autumn: tips from experienced athletes. How to dress for running in autumn and winter? What to run in autumn

Progress in jogging primarily depends on the perseverance of the athlete and the regularity of training. And for the training to be truly constant, you need to choose the right sports equipment for running in any weather and any time of the year. It is clear that the criteria for choosing clothes differ from each other depending on the weather conditions. In this article, we will take a closer look at the features and standards for choosing running equipment for each of them.

Warm weather running clothes

Beginners most often start their training in the warm season, when the temperature is most favorable for street runs, and the risk of catching a cold and getting sick is minimal. The same goes for the wardrobe. sportswear for running, the number of elements of which is much less in summer.

  1. Running clothes first, should not restrict movement;
  2. and secondly, should be made of materials that remove moisture from the body and provide its natural ventilation. Almost all manufacturers of sportswear pay attention to this factor today, so even when running in the heat, the risk of getting a heat stroke is much lower than some 10 years ago.

It is important to choose clothes according to size, because the equipment is too big size during training, it will constantly twist, and too small - too tight to the body, restricting movement and irritating the skin.

Girls it is recommended to purchase a special sports top to support the chest.

  • During summer runs need to wear a hat to avoid sun exposure on the head, which can lead to sunstroke. It can be either caps or baseball caps, or all kinds of headbands and bandanas. Preference should be given to light colors.
  • It would also not be superfluous purchase of sunglasses that will make your eyes feel comfortable when the sun shines on your face.
  • Not the most obvious, but rather important factor when choosing running clothes should be the presence of reflective elements. They are especially important for those who are going to run not in the park, but along the city streets. Reflectors make you more visible to drivers at night. Today, some manufacturers apply reflective elements to their products, but if they are not available, you can purchase them separately and stick them on your own T-shirt. It is recommended to apply reflectors both in front and behind.
  • Another important element of clothing for running can be called forehead bandages, which absorb sweat and do not allow it to get on the face, thereby interfering with the workout. Such bandages are especially relevant for guys with long hair and girls.

So, summing up, we list basic requirements for summer running clothes:

  • Ease;
  • Thermoregulation and moisture-wicking properties;
  • Quality material;
  • Correctly selected size;
  • The presence of a hat and sunglasses;
  • Reflective elements.

Clothing for running in autumn and rainy weather

Fall is the wettest time of the year, and while rain can even cool you down during a workout in the summer, wet clothes in the fall can make you sick and stop your running for a couple of weeks. To prevent this from happening, it is important to choose the right equipment for jogging in rainy weather.

Autumn sportswear for outdoor running, like summer clothes, should allow freedom of movement and be made of quality materials.

When running in autumn, dress in 2 layers:

  1. Upper layer– Light raincoat or waterproof sports windbreaker. When choosing a raincoat, it is especially important to make sure that it has the ability to expel internal moisture, otherwise sweat will linger on the bottom layer of clothing, creating a greenhouse effect.
  2. bottom layer, depending on the temperature outside, it can be either a regular sports T-shirt or a jacket or thermal underwear. In any case, the bottom layer should wick moisture away from the body while retaining warmth.

It is obvious that running in shorts is uncomfortable in the fall, so they are replaced by sweatpants with a narrowed bottom or tights.

Socks should also remove moisture from the foot, so you should give preference not to cotton, but to special sports socks.

As in the hot sun, in rainy weather an important role is played by headwear and glasses.

  • A hat (depending on the temperature - a cap or a light hat) will not only keep your head warm, but also protect it from getting wet.
  • And special running glasses will make training easier if it’s not just drizzling outside, but a real downpour.

Winter running clothes

Choosing clothes for winter running training is more correct to start with the legs, since it is especially important that they are warm. This is especially true for the feet, so it is important to choose warm, comfortable socks. The optimal solution there will be sports thermal socks sold in almost any specialized store.

  1. bottom layer- thermal underwear, which, thanks to a special material, removes moisture from the body, while retaining heat. Cotton or knitwear ruled out as it gets wet quickly.
  2. Upper layer consists of a fleece sweatshirt or a thin down jacket, and with severe frost from their combination.
  • Legs when running in the cold season, it should also be insulated in layers: thermal underwear, over which fleece pants are worn.
  • A thick hat acts as a headdress under which a balaclava is put on in case of strong wind.
  • If the sun shines too brightly and, reflecting off the snow, interferes with visibility, it is recommended to use sunglasses.
  • Also, do not forget when running in winter and about gloves that will protect your palms from frostbite.

Common mistakes when choosing running clothes

Despite the fact that running is one of the easiest and most accessible sports, many people make certain mistakes when choosing running equipment. The most common mistakes:

  • Buying clothes made of materials that do not wick moisture away from the body;
  • Neglect of special sportswear in favor of ordinary, cotton;
  • Buying clothes that are not in size: both too tight, and vice versa - too loose;
  • Choosing clothes that are not suitable for the current weather conditions.


So, in order to achieve results in running, you need not only regular training and a good attitude of the athlete, but also sports equipment that is properly selected for different weather conditions.

How to choose clothes for running in video format

Summer is over, another beach season is left behind. Someone spent it on the beach, showing off their athletic and toned body. Someone got a tan only in places not covered by clothes hiding figure flaws. It's the perfect time to prepare your body for a new outing.

To prepare for the next season, autumn is the best time. Let's talk about the nuances of doing the most famous and generally accessible type of physical culture - running. In order to start running in the fall, you don’t need much, and the main attributes are the desire and equipment appropriate for the season.

An important criterion for comfortable running is right choice clothes. The difference in daily temperatures in autumn varies considerably. And in order to strengthen, and not harm health, it is necessary to approach the choice of equipment with full seriousness.

In modern sports shops you will find great amount sportswear for every taste and budget. If there is an opportunity to purchase profile clothes famous brands, then the comfort of jogging will increase markedly. However, the result of training does not depend much on the cost of equipment.

The advantage of purchasing in branded stores is the specification in which temperature range it is convenient to work out, for example, in tights of a specific model. If you are not afraid to sweat excessively, then spending hard-earned money on branded clothes is not necessary.

Criteria for choosing clothes for autumn runs

Clothing must "breathe". Otherwise, the pleasure of running will be smeared, and streams of sweat will be felt all over the body. However, there is a category of athletes for whom the sensation of sweat gives additional pleasure.

Breathable clothing will not allow the body to overheat, you will feel comfortable. Also, for autumn runs, such quality of clothing as water resistance is necessary. Because the autumn climate is often humid and the amount of precipitation in the form of rain is higher than in summer or spring.

Despite the need for breathable clothing, a runner's outfit must keep warm, as mid-to-late autumn is characterized by wet and cold weather conditions. Equipment should be light and not restrict movement. Taking into account the modern rhythm of life, it will not be unimportant to have special waterproof pockets for a phone or a player with your favorite music. As it is rare to be able to run in designated areas, reflective clothing is recommended. Especially if you have to cross the road in a poorly lit place.

Running shoes in autumn

An important attribute of the equipment is running shoes. The general requirements for shoes for autumn running are quite simple:

  • Ease. The average weight of sneakers is 300-500 grams. Using heavier running shoes will lead to rapid fatigue, in particular the calf muscles.
  • Comfort. The shoes must be right size, do not push and do not fly. Otherwise, the run will turn into a “catch the sneakers” contest. You should also pay attention to the pronation of the foot. If you have flat feet, you can purchase special shoes for hypopronation or hyperpronation.
  • Reliability of the material from which the sneakers are made. Mostly sneakers are made of ethyl vinyl acitate - a cheap material, but lightweight and flexible. Wears out over time and the sole becomes hard . A more comfortable and durable material is filite, but the cost of shoes made from this material is usually higher.
  • Waterproof . Since we are going to run in the autumn, water permeability becomes a priority property.

Running shoes cost the same as any other piece of equipment. Breathable, lightweight, with a split running sole and of course waterproof, these shoes will cost a lot of money for sports fans, but if they are used only for running, they will serve you for a long time.

Choice of time and place for running

The timing of your run is your personal preference. If someone said that it is more useful to run in the morning than in the evening, it is not true. Of course, running in the morning and in the evening has differences, but these are reflected only in the direction of training. It is more important to go for a run than to spend a week thinking about what hour to run more efficiently.

Among the places for running are:

  • Park areas
  • Sidewalks along the road
  • Stadiums

The difference lies in the level of noise and dustiness of the jogging place. For example, parks are often located next to the roadway. The same goes for sidewalks. Running at the stadium is a priority option, but there are only a few stadiums open around the clock and free of charge. The noise level usually does not interfere with running, as many people prefer headphones. You can also put up with dustiness, because during a run, the lungs actively remove harmful substances that they inhaled during the day.

Autumn is a good time to improve physical fitness and strengthen immunity. Pay attention to preparing for the run and enjoy every meter of the distance that you, unlike many, managed to overcome.

AUTUMN RUNNING: all the subtleties and nuances of running in the fall Regular autumn jogging is The best way get in shape. The heat subsided, and you will not experience any additional stress on your heart. But the bitter cold has not yet come into its own. For running in early autumn, even special equipment is not required. That's just a lot of beginners get scared, leave the parks for electric treadmills. And completely in vain, because it is in autumn that it is easiest to increase speed and improve running technique in the fresh air. IS IT POSSIBLE TO RUN IN AUTUMN? In fact, you can run at any time - even in winter in the snow. The main thing is to want. And the right feelings will help you to want. Choose a day when the sun is still shining, but the air is already cool, and take a light run in the nearest park. Just enjoy nature and keep up your pace. You will definitely want to do it again. And now about the contraindications of autumn running: In the rain, of course, they do not train with temperature, inflammatory diseases. It is highly desirable to heal teeth in advance, even the slightest inflammatory process+ light breeze = cold; People with joint diseases and arthrosis should not practice running in the deep autumn. However, experienced runners neglect this by simply “wrapping” the joints with an additional layer of clothing; Beginners should shorten their autumn runs and monitor their heart rate. Special autumn equipment can make your movements somewhat more difficult and, as a result, increase your heart rate more. HOW TO RUN IN THE AUTUMN They say it's easy to start running in the fall. Psychologically, we perceive this time of the year as a new start, an occasion for vigorous activity. We just got used to this approach with school years, and in running he is only on hand. The training plan for a novice runner for the fall can consist of two stages: “Running in”. September-October sunny days quite a lot more, and you can work out the technique on dry lanes. Complete Newbies should adhere to a scheme with 3-4 workouts per week. This will allow you to learn how to run correctly in the fall and get in shape without overtraining. Let two runs be shorter, but tempo, and two more longer, but very slow. It is allowed to replace the “long” ones with very fast walking in the pulse zone of 50-60 from the MHR. But even "tempo" workouts should not last less than 40 minutes if you run for weight loss. This is easy to achieve - warm up for 10-20 minutes by walking, go for a run, run, for example, your 3 km fast enough, and finish your workout with walking too. "Running". In November, until the snow falls and the time comes to change equipment again, you can gradually switch to 5-6 one-time workouts. Choose 2 days when you can run during the day in a comfortable environment, such as weekends. These days, run an extended distance - 5 or 10 km, depending on your form. The rest of the time, alternate between short runs and interval runs. With this approach, it is not at all necessary to artificially lengthen the sessions - 20 minutes for intervals and half an hour for a short distance is enough. Dirt and humidity are a reason to slow down. Of course, you should not choose daily running on the ground, because in the cities it is quite possible to find clean park paths, and in the countryside you can adapt to running on an asphalt road. Until the temperature drops below 5-8 degrees Celsius, you can leave warm-ups and cool-downs in the air. As soon as it becomes very cold, you will have to move the warm-up and hitch home. Just do the standard squat and push-up warm-up at home, then put on your uniform and run from threshold to distance and over it. Come back running, do not stand anywhere, so as not to catch a cold. Stretch at home on a rug, and immediately under a hot shower. AUTUMN RUNNING GEAR: what to run in autumn It all depends on where you live. In some latitudes, the question of choosing clothes for running in the fall is completely meaningless. If the temperature has not dropped below 10 degrees Celsius, run in summer gear and running shoes. Anything colder requires mastering the art of layering: Tights for running. Do not be shy about tights - this is the only type of trousers that not only “dresses”, but also supports and warms muscles; Hide for him: http://craft-russia.ru/1902508/ Tights for her: http://craft-russia.ru/1903178/ Sports long sleeves. The difference between these things is that they quickly remove sweat and do not allow it to accumulate under the windbreaker. Therefore, you will not catch a cold. Longsleeve for him: http://craft-russia.ru/1903197/ Longsleeve for her: http://craft-russia.ru/1903190/ Running jacket for him: http://craft-russia.ru/1903196/ Running jacket for her: http://craft-russia.ru/1903189/ Thermal underwear is worn at sub-zero (or close to it) temperatures on ordinary underwear, tights and longsleeve - from above. Fleece jackets under a windbreaker - for sub-zero temperatures or a long run, more than 1.5 hours; Thermal underwear top for him: http://craft-russia.ru/190983/ Thermal underwear bottom for him: http://craft-russia.ru/190985/ Thermal underwear top for her: http://craft-russia.ru/190987/ Thermal underwear bottom for her: http://craft-russia.ru/190989/ Sweatshirt for him: http://craft-russia.ru/1902256/ Sweatshirt for her: http://craft-russia.ru/1902250/ Cap, buff, gloves are required. The neck should be closed in autumn, even if it seems to you that the weather is warm. On average, it is necessary to wear it already at a temperature of 12-15 ° C, so as not to catch a cold in the ears and throat; Buff: http://craft-russia.ru/194611/ Sneakers are purchased specialized for autumn running, off-road running, or trekking, especially if you run through the forest or mud often comes across your paths. By the way, dirt from running tights and jackets is washed off much better than from regular sweatpants. It is enough to dry, clean with the back of the knife, and wash in the usual mode "for knitwear". Well, if you do not take into account the need to run washing machine more often than not, an autumn run is one of the most joyful experiences in independent training. Be sure to try running in the fall to experience these feelings yourself! We thank the portal for the information:

Jogging- This great way maintaining physical fitness, well-being and mood. Many beginners, starting to run regularly, stop when it gets cold outside, citing changing weather conditions. This is just an excuse or ignorance that winter runs are more useful than running on hot and warm days.

Most people stop running in the winter for fear of catching a cold. The body quickly acclimatizes, which reduces the risk of getting sick by inhaling cold air to a minimum.

By continuing to run in winter, a person gets the opportunity to:

  • keep yourself in good shape all year round, and not just in "favorable" weather;
  • harden the body, which is manifested in less susceptibility to colds.

Winter jogging is certainly useful, but it requires certain safety measures.

Ten rules for winter running

Choose the right shoes

The likelihood of getting injured in winter increases dramatically. The stability of the body becomes lower than in warm weather. It is recommended to wear exceptionally high-quality sneakers for a run, the sole of which will not “harden” and will not crack from frost. It is important to pay attention to the depreciation of the purchased pair of shoes.

Sneakers should not sit tight on the leg, but be one and a half or even two sizes larger. This guarantees the presence of a layer of air that fills the free space. It will keep you warm and keep your feet warm. If the shoes are bought exactly in size, the feet may freeze.

Focus only on running

Jogging for many becomes an occasion to plunge into thought. And if in summer, spring or autumn such detachment does not affect safety in any way, then in winter the lack of attention to the process of movement becomes dangerous.

Overthinking, a runner can slip and fall, get sprained or injured. On the rises, turns, descents, you need to be extremely careful. These are particularly dangerous areas, overcoming which you can lose balance.

Warm up before a run

You need to start running only after a good warm-up for all muscle groups, but before going outside, that is, while still at home or in another warm room. If this is not done, the risk of injury or sprain increases. The warm-up before running is as simple as possible. You can just do a normal stretch. This is quite enough. No sweat, just warming up the muscles.

Pick the right clothes

If in the warm season there are no problems with what to wear for a run, in winter everything is much more difficult. In order not to freeze, you need to warm up. Here comes the problem. Run around wearing a large number of things, not only uncomfortable, but also hot. This can be avoided by the principle of multilayering.

The first layer is put on thermal underwear, and the second - reliably protecting from the cold. warm clothes. For the top, a tight, but not too insulated jacket is suitable, which does not allow moisture (snow) to pass through and protects from the wind. Such equipment must be supplemented with a hat and gloves.

Forget about records

Winter is not best time setting goals to increase endurance or speed. These tasks should be left until warm weather. Jogging in the cold season is aimed at improving the body, maintaining overall tone and shape. There is no need to pay increased attention to speed and pace. Better to focus on the process itself. Slippery surfaces and plenty of clothing will not help to improve the results anyway.

The usual frequency of training is replaced by a more moderate one. There are good reasons for this. Winter running loads the body much more, requires increased energy costs. Fatigue and fatigue come on faster than it does in warm weather. Don't run long marathons. Prolonged exposure to frost adversely affects health and can be dangerous.

Breathe through your nose

It's quite difficult, but necessary. It is impossible to constantly breathe only through the nose, therefore it is allowed to periodically take in air through the mouth. However, this should be done as little as possible. The ideal "breathing system" is one where the runner inhales through the nose and exhales through the mouth. Otherwise, you can just chill the bronchi or lungs. To prevent this from happening, air should rarely enter through the mouth.

Choose the right headphones

Vacuum headphones are great for jogging in the warm season, but not in the cold. Rubber products tan in sub-zero temperatures, which negatively affects the ears and can cause problems in the future. There are, of course, headphones that do not put pressure on the auricles, they become additional protection from the cold. Such products should be preferred.

Be sure to warm up after every run.

Proper route planning allows you to comply with this condition. It should end near the house or cafe. The main thing is that after a run, you can warm up in a warm and cozy room by drinking a cup of hot tea or coffee.

Don't run if you have health problems

The slightest suspicion of the flu or a cold should be a reason to refuse another run. Winter running is contraindicated for people with certain chronic diseases. Therefore, only those who do not have health problems can play sports in the cold.

Do not go for a run in severe frost

The optimal temperature recommended for jogging is at least minus twenty degrees. It is not recommended to go running during a blizzard and snowfall. When there is a real frost outside the window or a snow storm breaks out, it is better to sit at home.

If you follow these rules, winter jogging will only benefit.

Video review

Informative article on how to dress for a run in the fall. We speak briefly and to the point, give clear instructions and advice.

Running clothes in autumn

Friends, let's figure out what to run outdoors in the fall, so as not to catch a cold, feel great and train productively in the fresh air. You can buy light and comfortable clothes in a sports store or order online, but give preference to reputable brands.

With the onset of autumn, it's time to think about how you need to dress so as not to freeze while jogging. Or, on the contrary, do not make a mistake in choosing warm clothes, do not wear superfluous, bulky and uncomfortable.

In order for running to bring pleasure and only pleasant impressions, not to harm health, but to strengthen it, you need to know how to choose the right equipment for an autumn run.

What problems can arise if the runner is dressed incorrectly?
If the athlete is dressed too warmly, then he can overheat while running, and the training process itself will be unpleasant. But worse than that, he can get cold on the way home.

Clothes wet with sweat will quickly cool down and the body along with it. This can lead to a cold and training will have to be stopped.

Those runners who have recently started their training, and for the first time they get to the autumn period, make one mistake, they warm up too much before going out. Do not forget that when running it will still get hot, and this must be taken into account.

It is important to note that after the run is completed, it is worth returning to a warm room as quickly as possible in order to prevent clothes and body from cooling down on the street. It is advisable to immediately take a warm shower and drink tea with honey.
fall running outfits

street running
running clothes

How to dress for running in the fall

So, what is the best thing to wear for a fall run?


If it’s cold enough outside and your head is freezing, then you should wear a hat. It can be a sports hat, a bandana, or a bandage that covers the ears. It is worth noting here that a wool hat that is too warm is not suitable.


The best option for the body is a sweat-wicking T-shirt, preferably with long sleeves. A cotton T-shirt in this case is not a suitable option, since it absorbs sweat well, and this is unpleasant when running, and is fraught with hypothermia for the body.



And from above the best option there will be a windbreaker that is not blown by the wind and not wet from the rain.


If the temperature outside is about zero, then you should think about your hands. So that they do not freeze and do not weather, you need to wear gloves. It can be thin, it all depends on what the thermometer shows on this moment.

Tights for running

You can’t wear shorts on your legs in the fall, so you should opt for tights (leggings). They are both thin and with insulation, you can also warm yourself by wearing thermal underwear under them. This piece of clothing is simply necessary for an experienced athlete, this is the basic thing in a runner's outfit.


Just like a T-shirt, it is better to choose non-cotton socks. They get wet quickly, and the most valuable quality of a runner's clothing is its moisture-wicking effect. It is also important that the socks do not cause any inconvenience when running, do not rub. The presence of thick seams can cause blisters and cause great discomfort to the runner.

Running shoes

Shoes can remain the same pair of sneakers until ice and snow appear on the road. It is also worth paying attention to models with a waterproof surface, which is very important during autumn rains.
